Margaret L. Gomez has over 30 years of experience in administrative roles at the University of Arizona, including 15 years as Executive Assistant for the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. She provides executive level support, manages staff, plans events, and acts as the main point of contact for industrial partners. Gomez has a proven track record of strong communication, problem solving skills, and the ability to manage multiple complex projects simultaneously. Prior to her current role, she held several other administrative positions at the University of Arizona with increasing responsibility.
Nandi Ali has over 10 years of experience coordinating fellowship programs at Emory University School of Medicine, including managing budgets, accreditation requirements, and applicant processes. She has held roles with increasing responsibility overseeing faculty appointments and fellowship administration. The document provides details of her professional qualifications and accomplishments in higher education administration.
Debra Stark is an Assistant Professor and Chair of the Undergraduate Nursing Program at Methodist College of Nursing in Peoria, Illinois. She received her PhD in Education from Capella University in 2013. Her dissertation focused on ill-structured problems and scaffolding in problem-solving for novice nursing students. Stark has over 20 years of nursing experience and has held several leadership roles in nursing education and clinical practice. She currently oversees the nursing curriculum and faculty development at Methodist College.
Timothy Rooney has over 25 years of experience in higher education, including roles in academic advising, student success programs, and administration. He is currently the Associate Director of First Year Programs at Arizona State University, where he oversees advising, orientation, retention initiatives and teaching. Prior to his current role, he held advising and administrative positions at several universities and secondary schools, and has international experience teaching in Tanzania.
The Internet of Things (IoT) incorporates multiple long-range, short-range, and personal area wireless
networks and technologies into the designs of IoT applications. This enables numerous business
opportunities in fields as diverse as e-health, smart cities, smart homes, among many others. This research
analyses some of the major evolving and enabling wireless technologies in the IoT. Particularly, it focuses
on ZigBee, 6LoWPAN, Bluetooth Low Energy, LoRa, and the different versions of Wi-Fi including the
recent IEEE 802.11ah protocol. The studies evaluate the capabilities and behaviours of these technologies
regarding various metrics including the data range and rate, network size, RF Channels and Bandwidth,
and power consumption. It is concluded that there is a need to develop a multifaceted technology approach
to enable interoperable and secure communications in the IoT.
El documento resume las principales amenazas a la seguridad de la informaci┏n como spam, hoax, malware, ingenier┴a social, phishing, vishing y smishing. Explica cada amenaza y ofrece recomendaciones para prevenirlas, como mantener software actualizado, no proporcionar informaci┏n personal en l┴nea y verificar la identidad de quien solicita informaci┏n.
Este documento describe diferentes maneras de usar Twitter en el aula, incluyendo generar la capacidad de s┴ntesis en los estudiantes, gestionar el diario de clases, y promover el contacto directo entre profesores y estudiantes. Tambi└n recomienda usar Twitter como un tabl┏n de anuncios, para generar debates entre estudiantes, ampliar la informaci┏n, y crear un foro de dudas.
El documento presenta informaci┏n sobre los diferentes tipos de p│rrafos. Explica que un p│rrafo tiene una idea central y posiblemente una o m│s ideas secundarias. Adem│s, describe los modelos de p│rrafos de enumeraci┏n, planteamiento y soluci┏n de problemas, causa-efecto, entre otros.
Peter Commins has over 25 years of experience in C-level roles including CFO and acting CEO positions. He has worked in healthcare organizations such as the UK's medicines and devices regulator, an NHS foundation trust, and multiple health authorities. Throughout his career, he has led numerous financial and operational turnarounds. Most recently, as COO of the medicines regulator, he grew annual revenue threefold and oversaw a ?100M dividend payout after eliminating an ?8M deficit.
O documento discute a contribui??o dos ambientes virtuais para a forma??o continuada de educadores, abordando perspectivas como a constru??o colaborativa de conhecimento, a reflex?o intrassubjetiva e intersubjetiva por meio de ferramentas como f┏runs e di│rios de bordo, e os desafios de promover a metacogni??o dos professores em forma??o a dist?ncia.
Este documento presenta informaci┏n sobre un negocio de elaboraci┏n y comercializaci┏n de mermelada a base de babaco en Ja└n, Per┣. Incluye detalles sobre la ubicaci┏n del negocio, una breve descripci┏n del producto y sus beneficios nutricionales, y los objetivos y filosof┴a de la empresa. Tambi└n presenta los resultados de una encuesta de mercado realizada a 50 personas, la cual indica que los clientes prefieren productos nutritivos y sabrosos, y estar┴an dispuestos a pagar por una mermelada de babaco de alta
The document discusses the need for e-learning at the school level. It defines e-learning as an approach to facilitate learning through computer and communication technology. Some key benefits of e-learning are that it allows learning anywhere, is more effective through the use of multimedia, and is convenient and self-paced. However, e-learning also faces disadvantages such as poor internet connections and lack of previous computer experience. The document argues that e-learning needs to be adopted to prepare students for the technology-focused 21st century and that certain measures need to be taken to sustain e-learning programs, like ensuring the curriculum matches and maintaining learner motivation.
This document contains information about various holidays including New Year, Teacher's Day, Valentine's Day, Women's Day, Children's Day, and Christmas. It provides the dates for some of these holidays, such as New Year being on January 1st and Christmas being on December 25th. The second part of the document discusses traditions associated with Tet, the Vietnamese New Year, including making banh chung, decorating houses, watching fireworks, visiting grandparents, going to flower markets, and getting lucky money. It prompts matching activities and questions about which traditions are associated with Tet.
El documento habla sobre la responsabilidad social empresarial (RSE), definida como el compromiso de las empresas por comportarse └ticamente y contribuir al desarrollo econ┏mico mejorando la calidad de vida de los trabajadores, sus familias y la comunidad. Explica que la RSE implica asumir responsabilidades m│s all│ del cumplimiento legal a trav└s de iniciativas para la sociedad y el medio ambiente. Tambi└n destaca cinco aspectos cr┴ticos para su gesti┏n: las personas, la comunicaci┏n, el gobierno corporativo, los entornos y las
Effective class planning for business students and their typical complaintsAlex Amundaray
This document provides recommendations and best practices for effective class planning based on typical complaints from business English students. It begins by listing common complaints such as lack of organization, not addressing weaknesses, and connectivity issues. It then identifies which complaints are most typical, including disorganization, not balancing grammar with other skills, and wanting more speaking practice. The document recommends preparing classes in advance, varying activities, and using techniques like videos and games. It also suggests keeping an organized structure with warm-up, main activity and cool-down sections. Finally, it outlines the most effective teaching techniques and attitudes for teachers.
This document discusses attracting and retaining millennial employees. It presents results from a survey of 94 millennial members of the CASFM Young Members Group on their priorities and workplace preferences. The top priorities for millennial employees are work-life balance, opportunities for professional development and career progression, and flexible work schedules. The survey found that 60% of millennial respondents plan to leave their current job within 5 years if their needs for leadership development, involvement, alignment with company values, and flexible working are not met. The document provides recommendations for organizations to better engage millennials.
Este documento descreve as funcionalidades do sistema de Planejamento e Controle da Produ??o (PCP), incluindo a cria??o de fichas t└cnicas de produtos, emiss?o e acompanhamento de ordens de produ??o, e gera??o de relat┏rios para an│lise de desempenho.
Louie Y. Aliermo is applying for a job and provides his resume. He has over 15 years of experience working in receiving and logistics roles for Carrefour in Saudi Arabia. His most recent role was as a Store Receiving Manager at Carrefour Al Rawaf Plaza since 2012, where he was responsible for receiving products, quality control, waste management, and overseeing the receiving department. He provides detailed descriptions of his responsibilities and achievements in each of his previous roles with Carrefour.
Este documento resume a filosofia de Plat?o e sua teoria das ideias. De acordo com Plat?o, existem dois mundos: o mundo sens┴vel, que percebemos atrav└s dos sentidos, e o mundo intelig┴vel das ideias eternas. Plat?o acreditava que o conhecimento verdadeiro vem da raz?o ao se compreender as ideias perfeitas, e n?o das percep??es imperfeitas dos sentidos. A alegoria da caverna ilustra esta distin??o, mostrando como a raz?o pode libertar as pessoas das limita??es dos sentidos.
Cuadro comparativo del antiguo c┏digo y el actualdaiana suligoy
este archivo explica los puntos de la reforma de la legislaci┏n civil y comercial antigua compar│ndolos con la actual legislaci┏n
Tyeece E. Little has over 23 years of experience managing grants and contracts at the University of Missouri-Columbia. She currently serves as the Manager of the Grants Center for the College of Arts and Science, where she oversees the grant proposal and award process for 19 departments. Previously, she held various grants and contracts administration roles within the university, including positions in the Office of Sponsored Programs Administration and the Department of Biological Sciences. She has extensive experience in all stages of the pre-award and post-award grant process, from proposal development and budgeting to financial management and reporting.
Jon R. Goforth has extensive experience in healthcare administration, curriculum coordination, and performance improvement. He holds an MBA and BBA from Campbell University, where he graduated summa cum laude. Currently, he serves as Academic Curriculum Coordinator at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, overseeing medical education initiatives and ensuring consistency across the curriculum. Previously, he held positions as Performance Improvement Coordinator and Intern, where he implemented quality improvement processes and analyzed organizational performance. Goforth has received several honors and awards for his academic and professional accomplishments.
This document provides a detailed CV for Mohsin U. Patwary, who currently serves as the Dean and Professor of Biology at Medgar Evers College. The CV outlines his extensive educational background and degrees, awards and honors, teaching and administrative experience, grants received, publications, and other qualifications. As Dean, his accomplishments include hiring 34 new faculty, increasing enrollment and graduation rates, establishing new programs, and receiving over $1.7 million in grants. He has over 38 years of teaching experience and has published over 40 research papers.
This curriculum vitae summarizes Rachel Anderson's experience as an academic administrator and instructor. She has over 15 years of experience in academic administration, including serving as Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean roles at various community colleges. Her responsibilities in these roles included overseeing academic programming, budgets, faculty, accreditation, and more. She also has over 20 years of experience teaching anatomy, physiology, biology and other science courses at the community college and university level.
Jessica Lynn Lansing has over 15 years of experience in registrar and student records management positions. She is currently an Assistant Registrar at SUNY Empire State College, where she oversees the registrar's office and staff. She manages the student information system, develops academic calendars, and ensures compliance with FERPA and education standards. Previously, she held registrar roles at Mildred Elley and Wentworth Institute of Technology, where she maintained academic records and graduation processes.
Brad Downey has over 15 years of experience managing finances and assisting with grant writing for universities and research institutions. He has held roles managing financials for federal programs, reconciling financial aid funds, and assisting over 200 faculty with large, complex grant proposals and research administration at the Technical College of the Lowcountry, Michigan Institute for Clinical & Health Research, University of Connecticut, and Arizona State University. He also has experience teaching math and business courses at the middle school level.
Susan Bowers has over 15 years of experience in higher education administration. She holds a Master's degree in US History and Bachelor's degree in Humanities/History. Her experience includes roles as Director of Faculty Development, Registrar, and Admissions Manager. She has strong organizational, research, and training skills and experience developing programs to enhance instruction quality and student success.
Inclusive Search and Recruitment Toolkit for Faculty, Graduate Students, and ...Sherri Sanders
This document provides guidance for developing an inclusive search and recruitment process. It recommends establishing a diverse search committee and providing training on mitigating biases. It also suggests developing clear criteria for evaluating candidates, articulating commitment to diversity, and writing broad position announcements to attract a diverse pool of qualified applicants. The goal is to establish equitable practices that promote diversity and excellence.
Peter Commins has over 25 years of experience in C-level roles including CFO and acting CEO positions. He has worked in healthcare organizations such as the UK's medicines and devices regulator, an NHS foundation trust, and multiple health authorities. Throughout his career, he has led numerous financial and operational turnarounds. Most recently, as COO of the medicines regulator, he grew annual revenue threefold and oversaw a ?100M dividend payout after eliminating an ?8M deficit.
O documento discute a contribui??o dos ambientes virtuais para a forma??o continuada de educadores, abordando perspectivas como a constru??o colaborativa de conhecimento, a reflex?o intrassubjetiva e intersubjetiva por meio de ferramentas como f┏runs e di│rios de bordo, e os desafios de promover a metacogni??o dos professores em forma??o a dist?ncia.
Este documento presenta informaci┏n sobre un negocio de elaboraci┏n y comercializaci┏n de mermelada a base de babaco en Ja└n, Per┣. Incluye detalles sobre la ubicaci┏n del negocio, una breve descripci┏n del producto y sus beneficios nutricionales, y los objetivos y filosof┴a de la empresa. Tambi└n presenta los resultados de una encuesta de mercado realizada a 50 personas, la cual indica que los clientes prefieren productos nutritivos y sabrosos, y estar┴an dispuestos a pagar por una mermelada de babaco de alta
The document discusses the need for e-learning at the school level. It defines e-learning as an approach to facilitate learning through computer and communication technology. Some key benefits of e-learning are that it allows learning anywhere, is more effective through the use of multimedia, and is convenient and self-paced. However, e-learning also faces disadvantages such as poor internet connections and lack of previous computer experience. The document argues that e-learning needs to be adopted to prepare students for the technology-focused 21st century and that certain measures need to be taken to sustain e-learning programs, like ensuring the curriculum matches and maintaining learner motivation.
This document contains information about various holidays including New Year, Teacher's Day, Valentine's Day, Women's Day, Children's Day, and Christmas. It provides the dates for some of these holidays, such as New Year being on January 1st and Christmas being on December 25th. The second part of the document discusses traditions associated with Tet, the Vietnamese New Year, including making banh chung, decorating houses, watching fireworks, visiting grandparents, going to flower markets, and getting lucky money. It prompts matching activities and questions about which traditions are associated with Tet.
El documento habla sobre la responsabilidad social empresarial (RSE), definida como el compromiso de las empresas por comportarse └ticamente y contribuir al desarrollo econ┏mico mejorando la calidad de vida de los trabajadores, sus familias y la comunidad. Explica que la RSE implica asumir responsabilidades m│s all│ del cumplimiento legal a trav└s de iniciativas para la sociedad y el medio ambiente. Tambi└n destaca cinco aspectos cr┴ticos para su gesti┏n: las personas, la comunicaci┏n, el gobierno corporativo, los entornos y las
Effective class planning for business students and their typical complaintsAlex Amundaray
This document provides recommendations and best practices for effective class planning based on typical complaints from business English students. It begins by listing common complaints such as lack of organization, not addressing weaknesses, and connectivity issues. It then identifies which complaints are most typical, including disorganization, not balancing grammar with other skills, and wanting more speaking practice. The document recommends preparing classes in advance, varying activities, and using techniques like videos and games. It also suggests keeping an organized structure with warm-up, main activity and cool-down sections. Finally, it outlines the most effective teaching techniques and attitudes for teachers.
This document discusses attracting and retaining millennial employees. It presents results from a survey of 94 millennial members of the CASFM Young Members Group on their priorities and workplace preferences. The top priorities for millennial employees are work-life balance, opportunities for professional development and career progression, and flexible work schedules. The survey found that 60% of millennial respondents plan to leave their current job within 5 years if their needs for leadership development, involvement, alignment with company values, and flexible working are not met. The document provides recommendations for organizations to better engage millennials.
Este documento descreve as funcionalidades do sistema de Planejamento e Controle da Produ??o (PCP), incluindo a cria??o de fichas t└cnicas de produtos, emiss?o e acompanhamento de ordens de produ??o, e gera??o de relat┏rios para an│lise de desempenho.
Louie Y. Aliermo is applying for a job and provides his resume. He has over 15 years of experience working in receiving and logistics roles for Carrefour in Saudi Arabia. His most recent role was as a Store Receiving Manager at Carrefour Al Rawaf Plaza since 2012, where he was responsible for receiving products, quality control, waste management, and overseeing the receiving department. He provides detailed descriptions of his responsibilities and achievements in each of his previous roles with Carrefour.
Este documento resume a filosofia de Plat?o e sua teoria das ideias. De acordo com Plat?o, existem dois mundos: o mundo sens┴vel, que percebemos atrav└s dos sentidos, e o mundo intelig┴vel das ideias eternas. Plat?o acreditava que o conhecimento verdadeiro vem da raz?o ao se compreender as ideias perfeitas, e n?o das percep??es imperfeitas dos sentidos. A alegoria da caverna ilustra esta distin??o, mostrando como a raz?o pode libertar as pessoas das limita??es dos sentidos.
Cuadro comparativo del antiguo c┏digo y el actualdaiana suligoy
este archivo explica los puntos de la reforma de la legislaci┏n civil y comercial antigua compar│ndolos con la actual legislaci┏n
Tyeece E. Little has over 23 years of experience managing grants and contracts at the University of Missouri-Columbia. She currently serves as the Manager of the Grants Center for the College of Arts and Science, where she oversees the grant proposal and award process for 19 departments. Previously, she held various grants and contracts administration roles within the university, including positions in the Office of Sponsored Programs Administration and the Department of Biological Sciences. She has extensive experience in all stages of the pre-award and post-award grant process, from proposal development and budgeting to financial management and reporting.
Jon R. Goforth has extensive experience in healthcare administration, curriculum coordination, and performance improvement. He holds an MBA and BBA from Campbell University, where he graduated summa cum laude. Currently, he serves as Academic Curriculum Coordinator at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, overseeing medical education initiatives and ensuring consistency across the curriculum. Previously, he held positions as Performance Improvement Coordinator and Intern, where he implemented quality improvement processes and analyzed organizational performance. Goforth has received several honors and awards for his academic and professional accomplishments.
This document provides a detailed CV for Mohsin U. Patwary, who currently serves as the Dean and Professor of Biology at Medgar Evers College. The CV outlines his extensive educational background and degrees, awards and honors, teaching and administrative experience, grants received, publications, and other qualifications. As Dean, his accomplishments include hiring 34 new faculty, increasing enrollment and graduation rates, establishing new programs, and receiving over $1.7 million in grants. He has over 38 years of teaching experience and has published over 40 research papers.
This curriculum vitae summarizes Rachel Anderson's experience as an academic administrator and instructor. She has over 15 years of experience in academic administration, including serving as Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean roles at various community colleges. Her responsibilities in these roles included overseeing academic programming, budgets, faculty, accreditation, and more. She also has over 20 years of experience teaching anatomy, physiology, biology and other science courses at the community college and university level.
Jessica Lynn Lansing has over 15 years of experience in registrar and student records management positions. She is currently an Assistant Registrar at SUNY Empire State College, where she oversees the registrar's office and staff. She manages the student information system, develops academic calendars, and ensures compliance with FERPA and education standards. Previously, she held registrar roles at Mildred Elley and Wentworth Institute of Technology, where she maintained academic records and graduation processes.
Brad Downey has over 15 years of experience managing finances and assisting with grant writing for universities and research institutions. He has held roles managing financials for federal programs, reconciling financial aid funds, and assisting over 200 faculty with large, complex grant proposals and research administration at the Technical College of the Lowcountry, Michigan Institute for Clinical & Health Research, University of Connecticut, and Arizona State University. He also has experience teaching math and business courses at the middle school level.
Susan Bowers has over 15 years of experience in higher education administration. She holds a Master's degree in US History and Bachelor's degree in Humanities/History. Her experience includes roles as Director of Faculty Development, Registrar, and Admissions Manager. She has strong organizational, research, and training skills and experience developing programs to enhance instruction quality and student success.
Inclusive Search and Recruitment Toolkit for Faculty, Graduate Students, and ...Sherri Sanders
This document provides guidance for developing an inclusive search and recruitment process. It recommends establishing a diverse search committee and providing training on mitigating biases. It also suggests developing clear criteria for evaluating candidates, articulating commitment to diversity, and writing broad position announcements to attract a diverse pool of qualified applicants. The goal is to establish equitable practices that promote diversity and excellence.
Julie D. Hodges is a highly accomplished Director of Professional Development with over 30 years of experience in education. She has revived training centers, created numerous certificate programs, published articles, and presented at many conferences. Her expertise includes people management, instructional design, public speaking, and project management. Currently she is the Director and Associate Professor at Coastal Carolina University, where she guides faculty development and assessment processes.
Denise Haynes is seeking a new job that offers better pay and stability as the sole provider for her two children. She has over 30 years of experience in various administrative roles. Her most recent role is as an Administrative Assistant at Eastern Florida State College, where she has worked for over 5 years. She is proficient in Microsoft Office, record keeping, scheduling, and providing excellent customer service.
Lori A. LaBrie has 12 years of experience in higher education, currently serving as the Director of Academic Retention Services and Special Assistant to the Provost/Ombudsperson at an unnamed university. She previously held roles as Associate Ombudsman for Student Services and Executive Assistant to the President and Vice President. Her experience demonstrates strong leadership, problem solving, collaboration, and dispute resolution skills. She has a 90% success rate in resolving student issues and helping the university avoid legal issues and lawsuits.
This document contains Jennifer Abbott's resume. It summarizes her education and professional experience. She received an M.S. in Counselor Education from East Carolina University and a B.A. in Social Sciences from SUNY Buffalo. Her professional experience includes serving as a Senior Academic Advisor at Purdue University from 2013-2014 and an Academic Advisor at East Carolina University from 2007-2011. In these roles, she advised hundreds of students and implemented various advising programs and initiatives.
Jennifer Silverthorne has over 18 years of experience managing research grants and contracts. She has extensive experience managing staff and implementing new research administration systems. She is skilled in grant writing, policy development, and training faculty and staff. She currently works as an Application Manager at the University of Colorado Denver, where she oversees a $1.55 billion research portfolio and 22 employees.
Noluthando Beloved Nzimande is seeking a research or administrative position where she can utilize her research expertise and skills. She has a BSc in Biochemistry and Microbiology and experience in various roles including as a professional intern at the National Research Foundation, a research assistant at a health laboratory, an educator, and a data capturer. She has strong research, analytical, computer, and communication skills. Her current role involves updating documentation, managing projects, and ensuring regulatory compliance.
Dr. Morris Clarington is seeking an executive leadership position in higher education. He has over 10 years of experience in academic leadership roles, including serving as the Allied Health Sciences Chair at Central Georgia Technical College where he oversees 60 personnel across multiple campuses. Dr. Clarington has a strong background in curriculum development, budgeting, and developing partnerships within the education community. He aims to continually improve the quality of education through excellent leadership and partnership with institutional missions.
This curriculum vitae summarizes Gary Burkholder's professional experience and education. He has a PhD in Experimental Psychology from the University of Rhode Island and currently works as a Senior Research Scholar at Walden University. Burkholder has over 30 years of experience in higher education, including roles as Vice President, Dean, and Director at various universities. He has extensive experience developing online programs, conducting research, and overseeing accreditation processes.
Dawn Bailey has over 20 years of experience in administrative and counseling roles in higher education and healthcare. She holds a Master's degree in Counseling and Bachelor's degree in Social Sciences. Her experience includes roles providing counseling and administrative support to students, with specialized experience assisting veterans and students with disabilities. She has strong skills in communication, organization, and customer service.
This curriculum vitae summarizes Gary Burkholder's professional experience and education. He holds a PhD in Experimental Psychology from the University of Rhode Island and has over 30 years of experience in higher education, including roles as a faculty member, dean, vice president, and director at various universities. He is currently a Senior Research Scholar at Walden University, where he has worked since 2001 in roles related to research, assessment, and academic administration.
Rita Chambers has over 20 years of experience providing executive administrative support to senior leaders at Duke University and LabCorp. She currently serves as the Senior Program Administrative Coordinator for Duke's Center for Applied Genomics and Precision Medicine, where her responsibilities include event planning, budget management, communications, and project management. Previously she held administrative roles at Duke's medical school and LabCorp, where she supported executives and managed teams. She has a track record of organizing complex events and managing detailed schedules and projects.
1. Margaret L. Gomez
605 South Tudor Place
Tucson, AZ 85710
520.282.2923 * 520.621.5672 *
A professional with over 15 years experience. Strong collaborative skills working with other departments,
colleges and outside agencies to ensure all guidelines are met. Communicator and problem-solver with strong
people skills. Ability to develop and manage multiple projects.
2009 C Present University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
Executive Assistant for the Department Head
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
? Supervise, monitor and coordinate activities and functions of main office administrative staff
in operations in developing policies, procedures and scheduling.
? Monitor and maintain access and requests to departmental listservs; approve key request
forms and approve departmental conference room scheduling for various
? Report directly to the Department Head in all matters pertaining to the department. Maintain
calendar for Department Head and Associate Head for Research and Associate Head for
? Organize and plan a wide variety of events and meetings, such as Board of Advisors meeting
and dinner, faculty retreats, special events such as annual Department breakfast meeting and
annual department picnic for over 500 employees.
? Assist Faculty Search Committee with scheduling, seminar and chalk talk scheduling,
organize lunches, dinners and one-on-one meetings with College of Science and College of
Medicine faculty, deans and directors.
? Assist faculty committees such as development and faculty awards and staff award
committee member.
? Organize and coordinate information and contact information for companies who are
Industrial Associates Program members.
? Establish control of the confidential faculty personnel files.
? Create and cull responses for Survey Monkey, Doodle polls and faculty votes.
? Web-based ticketing system was created to
service administrative support needs for faculty, staff and students. Maintain, control and
monitor the ticket requests and assign to administrative staff accordingly.
? Point of contract for the department¨s Industrial Affiliates Program (IAP)
? Assist Careers in Chemical Science Program (CiCS)
2002 C 2009 University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
Administrative Associate for the Department Head
Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Department
? Handle all aspects of scheduling needs and maintain calendar of Department Head and building
conference rooms.
? Assist faculty in coordinating and scheduling meetings and appointments, using Meeting Maker,
Google calendar and Doodle Mailer.
? Supervise, coordinate and monitor the work activities of secretarial services for faculty, which
includes coordinating work with department finance office.
? Assist Department Head, faculty and staff to coordinate Human Resources and personnel issues.
2. ? Maintain information, interpret university and departmental policies that are unique to the
College of Science and College of Medicine.
? Maintain and update departmental website directory and listservs.
? Compile and organize P&T packets for department, college and university reviewers.
? Open and review all department head¨s correspondence. Answer inquiries and draft
correspondence for review.
? Organize and plan a wide variety of events and meetings, such as Board of Advisors, faculty
meetings, retreats and special events.
? Assist chair of faculty committees including academic promotions, APR¨s and facultysearches.
? Compile files and establish control for the confidential review of faculty personnel files
? Work with faculty on special projects such as recruitment and hiring for grant or state funded
staff, postdoctoral and appointed personnel. Proficient in dual hiring practices for College of
Science and College of Medicine.
? Prepare documents for reimbursements, such as travel and check requests for faculty.
? Proficient in PSOS, ISW, FRS, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Internet Explorer and Mozilla
? Backup for Payroll Representative. I am also a backup to approve payroll, when Business
Manager is unavailable.
? Continue many of my previous duties as Human Resource representative for appointed
personnel and staff.
? Promoted to Executive Assistant when the Departments of Chemistry and Biochemistry &
Molecular Biophysics merged in 2009.
Administrative Associate, Human Resources and Payroll Representative
? Process payroll biweekly for departmental approval
? Prepare PAF/PCF¨s with funding, title and any other changes as needed
? Prepare and submit recruitments for faculty, appointed personnel, and staff positions
? Prepare hiring paperwork for all personnel employed in department
? Process J1 and H1B1 visa applications for international appointed personnel and staff
? Prepare paperwork for termination reports, merit increases, promotion, career progression and
equity salary changes for faculty, staff and appointed personnel
? Received career progression as Assistant to Department Head
1996-2002 The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
Administrative Associate
Plant Sciences Department
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS)
? Responsible for all aspects of scheduling needs and maintain calendar of Department Head
? Open, review, answer inquiries, and draft correspondence both in general and technical
? Compile and organize P&T packets for department, college and university reviewers
? Supervise, coordinate and monitor work activities of secretarial services for faculty
? Assist chair of committees including academic promotions, APR¨s, and faculty searches
? Prepare J1 and H1B1 visa applications for international faculty, staff and appointed personnel
? Prepare paperwork for termination reports, merit increases, promotion, career progression and
equity salary changes for faculty, staff and appointed personnel
? Maintain space and property inventory and vehicle updates
? Organize faculty retreats, departmental receptions and conferences
? Prepare and forward Cooperative Extension publications for review and editing
? Transferred to Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics in 2002 to have the opportunity of
working for a department that is under two colleges
3. Administrative Assistant, Plant Sciences Department
? Assistant to the Department Head
? Same job duties as above
? Promoted to Administrative Associate
Secretary, Administrative, Plant Sciences Department
? Organize and arrange accommodations for Interdisciplinary and Plant Sciences Seminar
speakers. Prepare seminar notices and expense reimbursements
? Assist faculty with preparing papers for publication
? Receive all incoming telephone calls and direct accordingly
? Distribute incoming mail; forward outgoing mail via appropriate vendors
? Prepare appropriate forms, such as check requests, travel expense reports and various other
university forms
? Promoted as Assistant to the Department Head
Secretary, Plant Sciences Department
? Receive all incoming telephone calls and direct accordingly
? Distribute incoming mail; forward outgoing mail via appropriate vendors
? Prepare appropriate forms, such as check requests, travel expense reports and various other
university forms
? Promoted to Secretary, Administrative
1991- 1996 Diocese of Tucson, Tucson, Arizona
Parish Receptionist, Our Mother of Sorrows Parish
? Take all incoming telephone calls and direct accordingly
? Data entry using parish data systems
? Distribute incoming and outgoing mail
? Schedule use of parish facilities for groups that meet within the parish facilities
? Schedule lay ministers on a monthly basis for Sunday services
? Read, proof and edit Sunday bulletin
? Document preparation includes marriage, baptismal and various other certificates
1983 C 1987 Tucson Unified School District, Tucson, Arizona
Reading Tutor, Wheeler Elementary School
? Reading Tutor for K - 4th
grade students
? Instruct students one-on-one or in groups depending on the need of the students
? Schedule weekly lesson plans
Speech Therapy Assistant, Miller Elementary School
? Speech Therapist Assistant
? Instruct students with speech impediments one-on-one or in group sessions
1976 C 1978 Willcox Unified School District, Willcox, Arizona
Bilingual Teachers Aide, Willcox Elementary School
? Assist elementary school teachers with students who have language barriers
? Assist students who have difficulty with various lessons
1975 C 1976 Cochise Community College, Douglas, Arizona, Social Sciences
2013 College of Science Staff Advisory Council Star Award
2007 College of Science Staff Recognition Award of Excellence
4. 2007 College of Science Dean¨s Award of Excellence (Best of the Best)
2005 College of Science Staff Advisory Council Star Award
2016 University of Arizona Classified Staff Conference
2013 UAccess elevated Privilege User Training and Data Protection Agreement
2013 Purchase Card Exam
2008 I-9 Rules and Regulations Training
2008 Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) Web Course
2004 C 2008 College of Science Staff Development Day
2006 C 2007 Universal Management System (UMS) Training
2005 PSOS Student and Graduate Hiring Training
2004 C 2005 PSOS Classified Staff and Appointed Personnel Hiring Training
2004 PSOS Tutorial
2003 - 2004 Immigration & Naturalization Services Workshop
2003 Hiring and Firing: Within The Law Workshop
2003 Human Resources Workshop
2002 Web-Based Termination Training
2002 Payroll On-line Payment Request Training
1999 C 2002 College of Agriculture & Life Sciences Staff Development Day
1995 C 2007 Fiesta Committee, Our Mother of Sorrows Parish
1990 C 2003 Marriage Preparation Committee, Our Mother of Sorrows Parish
1999 C 2002 Staff Council Member, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
1998 C 1999 Plant Sciences Department Liaison, United Way Campaign
1998 Minority Achievement Program I, University of Arizona
1996 C 1998 Plant Sciences Annual Travel Reduction Liaison
1993 C 1996 Secretary, Our Mother of Sorrows Parish Ministries Council