Krishna Kumar is seeking a challenging position utilizing his 8+ years of experience in heat treatment metallurgy, quality control, and production management. He currently works as a senior engineer at VE Commercial Vehicles, where he controls heat treatment processes, performs inspections and testing, handles documentation, and improves production. Previously, he worked at JMT Auto and Soni Auto Allied Industries in similar quality and metallurgy roles. Krishna holds a diploma in tool room operations, bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering, and is pursuing a bachelor's in metallurgical engineering.
The document discusses the Jominy end quench test for determining the hardenability of steels. It describes how a standardized test sample is austenitized and then quenched at one end with water. Hardness measurements along the length provide a hardenability curve, with greater hardness penetration indicating higher hardenability. The cooling rate decreases with distance from the quenched end, allowing simulation of a range of cooling rates. Comparison of curves for different steels establishes their relative hardenability.
The document discusses heat treatment and metal fabrication processes. It begins by defining heat treatment as a method to alter the physical and chemical properties of a material through heating and cooling. It then describes various metal fabrication techniques like forging, rolling, extrusion, and casting. The remainder of the document discusses heat treatment processes for steel like annealing, normalizing, and stress relief annealing. It explains how these processes are used to achieve desired microstructures and properties without changing the shape of the material.
- Heat treatment is a method used to alter the physical and chemical properties of materials by heating or cooling them to extreme temperatures.
- Common heat treatments for steels include annealing, normalizing, and spheroidizing to produce specific microstructures like pearlite that improve properties like strength and machinability.
- Quenching involves rapidly cooling steel to form hard martensite, while tempering at lower temperatures increases toughness but decreases hardness.
- TTT and CCT diagrams are used to determine the microstructures that form during continuous cooling of steel based on factors like cooling rate. They indicate temperatures for phase transformations like austenite to pearlite or martensite.
(1) The document analyzes a steel bar that cracked during a bending test. (2) Microstructural examination revealed a martensitic surface zone with higher hardness than the ductile ferrite-pearlite core. (3) Chemical analysis found the steel to meet specifications. (4) The steel bar was likely overquenched during manufacturing, leading to a martensite area exceeding 30% and reduced ductility, causing cracks during bending.
Tensile testing subjects a material sample to controlled tension until failure to determine properties like ultimate tensile strength and elongation. The test uses a universal testing machine to apply tension to a standardized tensile specimen, measuring properties like modulus of elasticity, yield stress, and fracture stress. The test procedure involves securing the specimen in the machine and applying tension until failure while recording the stress-strain curve.
Dissimilar Metal Welding - Issues, Solution & TechniquesVarun K M
The document discusses various challenges and considerations for welding dissimilar metals. It notes that dissimilar metals often have different physical, chemical, and metallurgical properties, requiring compromise when welding. Key factors discussed include weld metal composition and properties, dilution rates, differences in melting temperatures, thermal expansion, and heat treatments between base metals. The document provides examples of dissimilar metal welds that failed, including a superheater tube weld that cracked due to carbon migration and increased hardness. It emphasizes the importance of selecting suitable welding processes, filler metals, joint designs, preheat/post-weld heat treatments to successfully join dissimilar metals.
The document discusses various heat treatment processes. It defines heat treatment as operations involving heating and cooling of metals/alloys in their solid state to obtain desirable properties. It describes the stages of heat treatment as heating, soaking, and cooling. It then discusses various heat treatment processes like annealing, normalizing, hardening, and tempering in detail including their purposes, methods, and effects on material properties.
This chapter provides an introduction to mechanical metallurgy, including the behavior of metals under stress and strain. It discusses key concepts such as elastic and plastic deformation, ductile versus brittle behavior, and the types of failures that can occur in metals. The objectives are to describe the stress-strain response of metals and the defect mechanisms that lead to flow and fracture. Factors influencing failure like temperature, loading conditions, and material properties are also addressed.
There are several mechanisms that can strengthen materials by hindering the movement of dislocations:
1) Grain size reduction - Smaller grain sizes provide more barriers to dislocation movement at grain boundaries. According to the Hall-Petch relationship, smaller grain diameters yield higher yield strengths.
2) Solid solution strengthening - Impurity atoms distort the crystal lattice and generate stress fields that impede dislocation motion. The effectiveness depends on size difference and concentration of solute atoms.
3) Strain hardening - Plastic deformation increases dislocation density within a material, making further dislocation movement more difficult through interactions between dislocations. This causes strain hardened metals to strengthen with increasing plastic deformation.
This document discusses fracture mechanics and provides background information on the topic. It introduces key concepts in fracture mechanics including stress intensity factor, linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM), ductile to brittle transition, and fracture toughness. Applications of fracture mechanics are described such as its use in analyzing cracking in pavement systems. The document also covers probabilistic fracture of brittle materials and how their strength is affected by the presence of flaws.
This document summarizes Griffith and Irwin fracture mechanics theories. [1] Griffith's theory explains brittle fracture and proposes that crack growth occurs when the potential energy released by fracturing exceeds the new surface energy. [2] Irwin modified Griffith's theory for ductile materials by including a term for the energy dissipated by plastic deformation near the crack tip. Irwin's theory partitions the energy into stored elastic energy driving fracture and dissipated energy resisting it. Crack growth occurs when the stored energy exceeds the dissipated energy.
Mumbai University.
Mechanical Engineering
Material Technology
MOdule 3
TTT diagram, CCT diagram Hardenability concepts and tests, Graphitization of Iron- Grey iron, white iron, Nodular and malleable irons, their microstructures, properties and applications
(1) Thermo-mechanical controlled processing (TMCP) is a technique that uses controlled rolling and cooling to achieve a fine, uniform microstructure with fine grains.
(2) TMCP produces steels with higher strength and better toughness than conventional steels through grain refinement down to the sub-micron level. The aim of TMCP is to replace the ferrite-pearlite banded structure with a finer microstructure.
(3) Ultrafine grain steels produced through additional heavy deformation and strain-induced phenomena have the potential for further increasing strength, toughness, and other properties but present challenges like reduced ductility that require further research.
Welding causes distortion due to differential heating and cooling rates during the process. When heat is applied to part of a structure, it expands locally. If the structure is restrained from expanding uniformly, compressive and tensile stresses develop which can result in distortion. Three factors influence distortion: 1) temperature gradients between regions of the structure, 2) restraint from thermal expansion, and 3) yield strength and modulus of the material at welding temperatures. Distortion can be controlled by techniques such as pre-setting parts, clamping during welding, and post-weld heat treatment.
This document provides an overview of fatigue in metals. It discusses stress cycles and the S-N curve used to represent fatigue data. The effects of mean stress, stress range, and stress concentration on fatigue properties are examined. Low cycle fatigue involving high strains is also covered. The document introduces approaches for assessing fatigue properties, including the cyclic stress-strain curve and fatigue crack growth resistance. Factors that influence fatigue such as temperature are also discussed.
The document discusses various heat treatment processes used to alter the properties of metals and alloys. It describes processes like normalizing, annealing, hardening, and tempering. Normalizing involves heating above the critical temperature and air cooling to refine grains. Annealing fully softens metals by heating above the critical temperature and slow cooling. Hardening involves heating above the critical temperature and quenching in water or oil to form martensite. Tempering reduces the brittleness of hardened steel by reheating below the critical temperature.
This document discusses metallurgy and material science, specifically focusing on the iron-carbon phase diagram and the microstructures and transformations associated with steels. It describes the five individual phases in the Fe-C diagram, including ferrite, austenite, cementite, and liquid. It also discusses the three invariant reactions of peritectic, eutectic, and eutectoid. The document classifies different types of steels and cast irons based on their carbon content and describes the microstructures of hypoeutectoid, eutectoid, and hypereutectoid steels. It also discusses phase transformations in steels including pearlite, bainite, and martensite
Case hardening or surface hardening involves hardening just the surface of a metal part to create a thin hardened outer "case" while leaving the inner core soft. There are several methods for case hardening, including direct hardening using austenitizing and quenching, as well as diffusion hardening techniques like carburizing (adding carbon via heating in a carbon-rich environment), nitriding (diffusing nitrogen into the surface at high heat), and cyaniding (dipping in a heated cyanide bath). Carburizing, the most common diffusion method, involves packing parts in charcoal and heating to diffuse carbon atoms into the surface before quenching.
Heat treatment is used to alter the physical and mechanical properties of metals through controlled heating and cooling without changing the shape. It involves phase transformations during heating and cooling to modify the microstructure. Common heat treatments include annealing, which involves slowly cooling a heated metal to reduce hardness and increase ductility after cold working, and normalizing, which heats metal to above the critical temperature to dissolve carbides before air cooling. Recrystallization is an important annealing process where new strain-free grains nucleate and grow to replace the deformed microstructure.
The shape of the weld pool and surrounding HAZ depends on welding parameters like welding speed and heat input. At low speeds, the shape is roughly circular in plan view and hemispherical in 3D. As speed increases, the shape becomes elongated and elliptical. At some critical speed, a tear drop shape forms with a tail. Further speed increases elongate the teardrop and can cause the tail to detach, separating the molten region into isolated parts. The shape transition is influenced by the material's thermal properties as well.
Induction hardening is an efficient surface hardening process that uses electromagnetic induction to generate eddy currents and rapidly heat metal components. It produces a martensitic microstructure upon quenching that increases hardness, strength, and wear resistance while minimizing distortion compared to traditional furnace treatments. Induction hardening takes less than a minute, whereas nitriding and carburizing can take hours, and it induces higher compressive residual stresses in the surface.
The document discusses the Jominy end quench test, which is used to measure the hardenability of steels. In the test, a cylindrical steel sample is uniformly heated, then quenched at one end with water to rapidly cool it. Hardness measurements are then taken at intervals along the sample's length from the quenched end. The results show decreasing hardness further from the quenched end, indicating how deep within the material the heat treatment can harden it. Alloying elements like chromium, molybdenum, and manganese can shift the hardness "nose" deeper, improving hardenability by slowing the transformation of austenite. The test provides critical information for selecting ste
Introduction to Physical Metallurgy Lecture
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This document provides an overview of basic metallurgy. It discusses the classification of materials, including metals and alloys, ceramics, polymers, and composites. The key metallurgy processes of casting, forming, welding, and powder metallurgy are described. Advanced materials like electronic materials, biomaterials, and nanomaterials are also introduced. The document is authored by K. Sevugarajan of Metz Lab Pvt. Ltd and provides their contact information.
Metallurgical Engineering Scope! by MES-NEDUETdsfasdas
The document discusses career opportunities for metallurgical engineering graduates. It states that metallurgical engineers work in a broad range of industries involving metals, including aerospace, manufacturing, mining, and others. It particularly recommends focusing job searches on research and development roles within the aerospace industry, as materials performance is critically important and these roles offer challenging work. A solid understanding of mechanical metallurgy would aid success in securing such positions. The document also lists specific application areas within different engineering fields that utilize metal materials.
This chapter provides an introduction to mechanical metallurgy, including the behavior of metals under stress and strain. It discusses key concepts such as elastic and plastic deformation, ductile versus brittle behavior, and the types of failures that can occur in metals. The objectives are to describe the stress-strain response of metals and the defect mechanisms that lead to flow and fracture. Factors influencing failure like temperature, loading conditions, and material properties are also addressed.
There are several mechanisms that can strengthen materials by hindering the movement of dislocations:
1) Grain size reduction - Smaller grain sizes provide more barriers to dislocation movement at grain boundaries. According to the Hall-Petch relationship, smaller grain diameters yield higher yield strengths.
2) Solid solution strengthening - Impurity atoms distort the crystal lattice and generate stress fields that impede dislocation motion. The effectiveness depends on size difference and concentration of solute atoms.
3) Strain hardening - Plastic deformation increases dislocation density within a material, making further dislocation movement more difficult through interactions between dislocations. This causes strain hardened metals to strengthen with increasing plastic deformation.
This document discusses fracture mechanics and provides background information on the topic. It introduces key concepts in fracture mechanics including stress intensity factor, linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM), ductile to brittle transition, and fracture toughness. Applications of fracture mechanics are described such as its use in analyzing cracking in pavement systems. The document also covers probabilistic fracture of brittle materials and how their strength is affected by the presence of flaws.
This document summarizes Griffith and Irwin fracture mechanics theories. [1] Griffith's theory explains brittle fracture and proposes that crack growth occurs when the potential energy released by fracturing exceeds the new surface energy. [2] Irwin modified Griffith's theory for ductile materials by including a term for the energy dissipated by plastic deformation near the crack tip. Irwin's theory partitions the energy into stored elastic energy driving fracture and dissipated energy resisting it. Crack growth occurs when the stored energy exceeds the dissipated energy.
Mumbai University.
Mechanical Engineering
Material Technology
MOdule 3
TTT diagram, CCT diagram Hardenability concepts and tests, Graphitization of Iron- Grey iron, white iron, Nodular and malleable irons, their microstructures, properties and applications
(1) Thermo-mechanical controlled processing (TMCP) is a technique that uses controlled rolling and cooling to achieve a fine, uniform microstructure with fine grains.
(2) TMCP produces steels with higher strength and better toughness than conventional steels through grain refinement down to the sub-micron level. The aim of TMCP is to replace the ferrite-pearlite banded structure with a finer microstructure.
(3) Ultrafine grain steels produced through additional heavy deformation and strain-induced phenomena have the potential for further increasing strength, toughness, and other properties but present challenges like reduced ductility that require further research.
Welding causes distortion due to differential heating and cooling rates during the process. When heat is applied to part of a structure, it expands locally. If the structure is restrained from expanding uniformly, compressive and tensile stresses develop which can result in distortion. Three factors influence distortion: 1) temperature gradients between regions of the structure, 2) restraint from thermal expansion, and 3) yield strength and modulus of the material at welding temperatures. Distortion can be controlled by techniques such as pre-setting parts, clamping during welding, and post-weld heat treatment.
This document provides an overview of fatigue in metals. It discusses stress cycles and the S-N curve used to represent fatigue data. The effects of mean stress, stress range, and stress concentration on fatigue properties are examined. Low cycle fatigue involving high strains is also covered. The document introduces approaches for assessing fatigue properties, including the cyclic stress-strain curve and fatigue crack growth resistance. Factors that influence fatigue such as temperature are also discussed.
The document discusses various heat treatment processes used to alter the properties of metals and alloys. It describes processes like normalizing, annealing, hardening, and tempering. Normalizing involves heating above the critical temperature and air cooling to refine grains. Annealing fully softens metals by heating above the critical temperature and slow cooling. Hardening involves heating above the critical temperature and quenching in water or oil to form martensite. Tempering reduces the brittleness of hardened steel by reheating below the critical temperature.
This document discusses metallurgy and material science, specifically focusing on the iron-carbon phase diagram and the microstructures and transformations associated with steels. It describes the five individual phases in the Fe-C diagram, including ferrite, austenite, cementite, and liquid. It also discusses the three invariant reactions of peritectic, eutectic, and eutectoid. The document classifies different types of steels and cast irons based on their carbon content and describes the microstructures of hypoeutectoid, eutectoid, and hypereutectoid steels. It also discusses phase transformations in steels including pearlite, bainite, and martensite
Case hardening or surface hardening involves hardening just the surface of a metal part to create a thin hardened outer "case" while leaving the inner core soft. There are several methods for case hardening, including direct hardening using austenitizing and quenching, as well as diffusion hardening techniques like carburizing (adding carbon via heating in a carbon-rich environment), nitriding (diffusing nitrogen into the surface at high heat), and cyaniding (dipping in a heated cyanide bath). Carburizing, the most common diffusion method, involves packing parts in charcoal and heating to diffuse carbon atoms into the surface before quenching.
Heat treatment is used to alter the physical and mechanical properties of metals through controlled heating and cooling without changing the shape. It involves phase transformations during heating and cooling to modify the microstructure. Common heat treatments include annealing, which involves slowly cooling a heated metal to reduce hardness and increase ductility after cold working, and normalizing, which heats metal to above the critical temperature to dissolve carbides before air cooling. Recrystallization is an important annealing process where new strain-free grains nucleate and grow to replace the deformed microstructure.
The shape of the weld pool and surrounding HAZ depends on welding parameters like welding speed and heat input. At low speeds, the shape is roughly circular in plan view and hemispherical in 3D. As speed increases, the shape becomes elongated and elliptical. At some critical speed, a tear drop shape forms with a tail. Further speed increases elongate the teardrop and can cause the tail to detach, separating the molten region into isolated parts. The shape transition is influenced by the material's thermal properties as well.
Induction hardening is an efficient surface hardening process that uses electromagnetic induction to generate eddy currents and rapidly heat metal components. It produces a martensitic microstructure upon quenching that increases hardness, strength, and wear resistance while minimizing distortion compared to traditional furnace treatments. Induction hardening takes less than a minute, whereas nitriding and carburizing can take hours, and it induces higher compressive residual stresses in the surface.
The document discusses the Jominy end quench test, which is used to measure the hardenability of steels. In the test, a cylindrical steel sample is uniformly heated, then quenched at one end with water to rapidly cool it. Hardness measurements are then taken at intervals along the sample's length from the quenched end. The results show decreasing hardness further from the quenched end, indicating how deep within the material the heat treatment can harden it. Alloying elements like chromium, molybdenum, and manganese can shift the hardness "nose" deeper, improving hardenability by slowing the transformation of austenite. The test provides critical information for selecting ste
Introduction to Physical Metallurgy Lecture
油 is an innovative platform that brings students together to share notes, exam papers, study guides, project reports and presentation for upcoming exams.
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This document provides an overview of basic metallurgy. It discusses the classification of materials, including metals and alloys, ceramics, polymers, and composites. The key metallurgy processes of casting, forming, welding, and powder metallurgy are described. Advanced materials like electronic materials, biomaterials, and nanomaterials are also introduced. The document is authored by K. Sevugarajan of Metz Lab Pvt. Ltd and provides their contact information.
Metallurgical Engineering Scope! by MES-NEDUETdsfasdas
The document discusses career opportunities for metallurgical engineering graduates. It states that metallurgical engineers work in a broad range of industries involving metals, including aerospace, manufacturing, mining, and others. It particularly recommends focusing job searches on research and development roles within the aerospace industry, as materials performance is critically important and these roles offer challenging work. A solid understanding of mechanical metallurgy would aid success in securing such positions. The document also lists specific application areas within different engineering fields that utilize metal materials.
NFL Nangal was the first key industry set up by the Government of India utilizing surplus power from the Bhakhra Dam project. It established a fertilizer plant in Nangal in 1961 which initially produced ammonium nitrate and heavy water. The plant later added urea production in 1978 and replaced its electrolysis plant with a new front-end plant in 1990. In-situ metallographic testing is carried out to examine the microstructure of components and determine degradation or abnormalities from operational conditions, using a portable kit.
This document discusses types of metallurgy, including ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. It focuses on describing the history and processes of ferrous metallurgy, which involves iron. Key points include that the earliest iron artifacts date back to 4000 BC in Egypt and were made from meteoritic iron-nickel. Iron smelting, which is more difficult than other metals, emerged in the Middle East around the 3rd millennium BC. The Iron Age began at different times in different places as the technology spread, starting around 500 BC in Central Europe and India/China between 1200-500 BC. Non-ferrous metals like copper are also recycled due to their extensive use.
Metallurgy is a domain of materials science and engineering that studies the physical and chemical behavior of metallic elements, their intermetallic compounds, and their mixtures, which are called alloys. Metallurgy is also the technology of metals: the way in which science is applied to the production of metals, and the engineering of metal components for use in products for consumers and manufacturers. The production of metals involves the processing of ores to extract the metal they contain, and the mixture of metals, sometimes with other elements, to produce alloys. Metallurgy is distinguished from the craft of metalworking, although metalworking relies on metallurgy, as medicine relies on medical science, for technical advancement.
Metallurgy is subdivided into ferrous metallurgy (sometimes also known as black metallurgy) and non-ferrous metallurgy or colored metallurgy. Ferrous metallurgy involves processes and alloys based on iron while non-ferrous metallurgy involves processes and alloys based on other metals. The production of ferrous metals accounts for 95 percent of world metal production.
Metallurgy is the process of extracting metals from ores and purifying them. It involves various physical and chemical steps. Key physical steps include crushing ores, concentrating them using processes like magnetic separation or flotation, and mechanically separating gangue from ores. Chemical steps include roasting or calcination to remove impurities, reduction of metal oxides using coke or other reducing agents, and electrolytic refining to obtain pure metals. The overall metallurgy process allows extraction of metals from ores on a commercial scale.
The document discusses various materials used in industrial design and manufacturing including composites, metals, ceramics, polymers, and their properties. Composites combine materials for desired properties like strength and weight. Aluminum and fiber-reinforced polymers are increasingly used in place of steel for car bodies due to their lighter weight. Ceramics can withstand high temperatures and acids but are brittle. Metals, ceramics, and polymers each have distinct strengths and weaknesses for different applications. Fatigue and creep are material failure modes that must be considered.
Metallurgy is the study of physical and chemical behavior of metals and their alloys. The earliest evidence of metallurgy dates back 5000 years to ancient civilizations like ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Throughout history, metallurgy advanced with innovations like extracting copper and tin to make bronze around 3500 BC, and iron around 1200 BC. Metals are extracted from ores through processes like mining, crushing, concentration, and smelting, and shaped using techniques like casting, forging, rolling, and machining. The properties of metals can be modified through heat treatments and alloying with other elements.
The document provides information about Metallurgical Consulting Group - India (MCG), an organization established in 1998 that provides metallurgical consulting services. MCG has experience in various industries including automotive, engineering, glass, and chemical. Their services include technical audits, quality control guidance, cost cutting solutions, material testing labs setup, and problem solving. They have experience in glass mould metallurgy and developing alloys for the glass industry to reduce costs and improve quality.
This document contains the resume of Rajiv N. He has over 10 years of experience in metallurgy and heat treatment processes. He has worked in quality control and R&D roles for various automotive and aerospace companies. His skills include experience with furnaces, hardness testing, failure analysis, and developing and auditing heat treatment processes.
Nambiraj K is a Metallurgical Engineer seeking a job in Materials Engineering where he can use his analytical and technical skills. He has experience in seamless tube production, heat treatment processes, metallurgical lab activities, new product development, supplier quality assurance, quality assurance audits, and failure analysis. He is familiar with steel microstructures and has experience in welding, NDT techniques, international standards, and customer complaint handling. His professional experience includes roles in quality assurance at Rane Engine Valve Ltd. and ISMT Limited. He has a B.E. in Metallurgical Engineering and was on the Anna University HOCKEY team.
Hicasting is a leading aluminum gravity and sand casting company in South Korea that is ISO 9001/14001 certified. They provide customized casting solutions for applications in automotive, industrial machinery, and other sectors. Their core technologies include hybrid casting, complex casting, angle tilt casting, and pressure dynamic casting to produce parts with intricate internal geometries and that can withstand high pressures. Hicasting works with major global companies and pursues R&D to further optimize their casting processes.
This document contains the resume of Sudhansu Bhusan Mohapatra, seeking a position in refinery asset integrity studies, corrosion studies, and material failure analysis. It summarizes his 25+ years of experience in inspection engineering, corrosion monitoring, failure analysis, and condition monitoring of static equipment in refineries. It also lists his educational background and professional certifications.
S. Manivannan is a metallurgical engineer seeking a managerial role. He has 7 years of experience in foundry, welding, and forging processes. He has expertise in production planning, quality control, and maintaining health and safety standards. Manivannan has an M.Tech and submitted his PhD thesis. He has worked on alloy development projects for automotive and aerospace applications involving casting and heat treatment.
Jafarul Hasan has over 12 years of experience in painting, coating inspection, and quality control. He is currently working as an Assistant Manager of Painting & Insulation at Tecnimont ICB in Dahej, India, where he plans painting activities and monitors subcontractors. Previously, he worked for over 3 years at Larsen & Toubro as a Quality Control Engineer for painting inspection. He has experience working with various paints and coatings and ensuring quality control standards are met on projects.
This CV summarizes the qualifications and experience of P. Arunkumar. He has over 15 years of experience in quality assurance and process control roles in the steel casting industry. He holds a BSc in Chemistry and additional certifications in radiography testing. Arunkumar is currently the Deputy Manager of QA at Ultimate Alloys Pvt Ltd, with previous experience as Manager and Engineer at other steel casting companies. He has expertise in chemical analysis, mechanical testing, NDT methods and quality management systems.
Rahul Srivastava has over 4.6 years of experience in quality control, metallurgical operations, and research and development. He is currently an Assistant Manager at POSCO India Pvt. Ltd., where he oversees quality control and provides technical support. Previously, he held roles at Mittal Corp Ltd. and VBC Ferro Alloys Ind. Ltd. Rahul has expertise in steelmaking processes, quality standards, and metallurgical testing. He aims to take on challenging assignments to further enhance his knowledge and support organizational growth.
This document is a curriculum vitae for Jay Kumar, a 52-year-old Indian national with over 26 years of experience in steel foundry quality assurance and production roles. His objective is to work as a quality assurance analyst in a steel foundry. He has held various roles such as lab chemist, production in charge, and general manager in foundries in India and the UAE. His skills include process management, plant operations, quality control, and defect analysis and solutions.
B. Jeyakumar is a laboratory professional currently working at Sohar Aluminium in Oman as a Lab Analyst. He has 12 years of experience in chemical analysis, including 5 years at Sohar Aluminium and 2 years at Madras Aluminium Company. His responsibilities include analytical testing, instrument calibration and maintenance, technical report writing, and ensuring quality standards. He has a bachelor's degree in chemistry and an MBA, and is proficient in using laboratory equipment and computer software.
This document summarizes the qualifications and experience of G.SOMASUNDARAM, a mechanical engineer seeking a position in production planning or mechanical engineering. He has 15 years of experience in production engineering, planning, quality control and metallurgy. He is proficient in forging, heat treatment, surface treatments and has experience managing production operations and teams.
This document provides information on Philip G George, a Mechanical Engineer seeking a position in manufacturing or production. It includes his contact information, education qualifications from Sathyabama University in India, and objective of working in a manufacturing industry to utilize his skills. The summary highlights his qualifications including a B.E. in Mechanical Engineering, knowledge of various engineering topics, and experience working on projects for organizations like Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research and completing internships at companies like Ashok Leyland and Jeppiar Steels. It also lists his computer and language proficiencies as well as interests.
Naganathan Iyer is seeking a position as a QA/QC Manager with over 15 years of experience in QA/QC roles in the oil and gas industry. He has extensive experience implementing quality standards like ISO, API, and TS 29001. Some of his past roles include serving as QA/QC Manager for Astec Valves and Fittings and as a senior inspection engineer for several major projects in Oman. He is proficient in several quality and project management skills like documentation, auditing, training, and more.
Tariq Mohd is a senior engineer with over 5 years of experience in quality assurance and quality control. He has worked on numerous industrial projects for companies like ONGC, Reliance, and Saudi Aramco. Some of his responsibilities include inspection of welding and coatings, reviewing technical documents, and overseeing testing and compliance with standards. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and seeks to further develop his skills in a growth-oriented role.
Leo P Karingattil is a mechanical engineer with nearly 2 years of experience seeking a new position. He has a B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering from Mar Athanasius College of Engineering. He is qualified in non-destructive testing and has worked as a junior engineer at Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited where he inspected equipment and pipelines, performed radiography, ultrasonic, and penetrant testing, and installed fire suppression systems. He completed a main project in design and process improvements to reduce casting rejections.
PAL Engineering Corporation is an Indian company established in 1974 that specializes in prefabricating high pressure and high temperature piping systems and related components. The document provides information on PAL's location in Haryana, India, contact details, facilities, capabilities, and projects. It details PAL's experience in fabricating piping for power plants, various certifications, and plans for expanding facilities and capabilities at a new plant under construction.
1) The project aimed to improve the direct pass ratio of castings produced by SUPPLIER for CUSTOMER from 0% to acceptable standards over 2 years.
2) Initial analyses found major casting defects and non-conformances due to issues like casting defects, poor mechanical properties, dimensions, and quality control processes.
3) Actions taken included establishing quality systems, control plans, process FMEAs, improving raw material combinations, training, and establishing testing standards.
4) Results showed significant improvement over 8 quarters from 17.65% to 93.36% direct pass ratio, with over 15,000 metric tons of acceptable castings produced after the project.
Monirud Zaman is a chemical engineer currently working as an Assistant Manager of Quality Control at 20 Microns Ltd. in Kolkata, India. He has over 5 years of experience in quality control and assurance. Prior to his current role, he worked as a QC Chemist for United Mud-Chem Pvt. Ltd. in Mumbai. He is responsible for quality planning, monitoring, evaluation and ensuring products meet customer and industry standards. He has expertise in various analytical testing techniques and quality control instruments. He is looking to contribute his skills and experience to help companies manage quality effectively.
TCR Engineering Services - Material Testing Laboratoryrohitbafna
Founded in 1973, TCR Engineering Services, is an ISO 17025 accredited independent Material Testing Laboratory, Third Party Inspection and Quality Assurance Company located in India. Currently a market leader in India, based in Navi Mumbai, TCR is slowly strengthening its Middle Eastern presence with recent openings of new offices in Kuwait and Al-Jubail, Saudi Arabia. The company also has representative offices in Malaysia and Washington DC, USA.
The services TCR provides include Mechanical Testing, Chemical Analysis, Positive Material Identification (PMI including onsite carbon detection), Non Destructive Testing (UT, DP, MP, PT, Automated UT using ToFD, Helium Leak Detection, Ferrite Measurement, Portable Hardness), Metallography, Welder Qualification (as per ASTM, ASME and API), RoHS Compliance Testing, in-situ Metallography (with SEM and EDAX), Corrosion Testing (including HIC/SSC), Risk Based Inspection as per API 581, Failure Analysis, Fitness for Service as per API 579, Vendor Evaluation, Factory Audits, Third Party Inspection, Metallurgical Product Evaluation, Post Weld Heat Treatment, Manpower Deployment, Training, Engineering Research and Consultancy using NDT Level III and AWS/CSWIP inspectors.
TCR Engineering Services - Material Testing Laboratoryrohitbafna
Krishna kumar, Namda Basti, Jita Singh Bagan, Golmuri
Jamshedpur, Jharkhand -831003
Contact No: 09300058825, 09993150669,
Seeking challenging position to use & apply my multi technical skills for the benefit of Organization
in the area of Heat Treatment Metallurgy - Quality and Production field preferably at Automobile
Manufacturing // Steel Sector.
Entrepreneurial executive with more than 8 years experience managing Heat treatment
Process // Metallurgy/ Metrology/ Supplier Q.C / Project at Automobile and steel sector.
Attend the customer complain and joint inspection on customer product give the corrective
action plan on line in 8D format.
Motivational management style with record of building and retaining highly motivated
quality team, production team and customer network.
Respectable acquaintance in steel destructive and non- destructive testing.
Control of various heat treatment processes of low carbon & high carbon steel for automobile
industries (Normalizing, iso annealing, Case carburizing, Gas & Liquid Nitriding, Induction
Hardening & Hardening, Tempering etc.)
Set heat treatment process for different steel grades according to chemical and Mechanical
Perform the internal audit on frequency basis as per audit plan.
Review root cause analysis and make corrective action plan to prevent Recurrence of non
Co- ordinate with customer & suppliers and settling issues in new product Development.
Vendors develop for Machining, Forging & Heat treatment.
Exercised Metallurgy problem-solving skills in a high-pressure environment.
Constantly improve production level with production team by introduce different type of
kaizen and reduce process cycle time.
Major part of my responsibilities is involved in Heat treatment, Metallographic, Process
Control and testing the parts used in automotive sector, Gear, bearings etc.
Trouble Shooting, Poke-Yoke, Safety coordinator Lead & Cycle time reduction, Kaizen, 5S is
the part of responsibilities held.
I got experience in the field of metallurgy under guidance of well experienced Metallurgist.
An Volvo Group
and Eicher
Motors Joint
(Indore) M.P
QA & Production
DEC 2013
VECV is an automobile manufacturing
company making heavy and light
commercial vehicle manufacturer. With
a bull run both in domestic and export
markets. Vecv boasts of a state- of- the
art heat treatment shop which is
recognized by MNCs like Caterpillar
(USA) as equivalent to the best in world.
Spectrometer - Checking steel yard insure freedom form mixed up low alloy,
Mn-Cr, Cr-Mo, Cr-Ni-Mo steel are mostly involved chemical analysis..
Hardenability: Jominy End- Quench Test.
Mechanical properties: Tensile strength, Yield stress, Elongation% Reduction
area, in UTM machine 400 kn use extensometer for 0.2 proof stresses.
Impact Test: Charpy and Izod Test in impact machine 300 Joule use Liquid or
Gases media skill set fracture specimen within 4 second.
Metallographic: Inclusion Rating, Grain Size, Grain flow, Crack test.
Microstructure: Analysis Annealed/ normalized materials for Bandings, Pearlite
& Ferrite Distribution, micro cracks, forging defects.
Hardness Testing: Rockwell, Brinell, Vickers, Knoop, Portable tester M/C )
Giving final approval for purchasing different steel grades according to their
Chemical and Mechanical properties.
Conducting Audit steel mill & Forger planned way.
Manage the work & Quality test in various customer that is-Drop of hardness
Effective case depth measurement all heat treatment component.
Hardness checking all heat treatment component in Digital Rockwell Hardness
Tester m/c made by Wilson ,USA in scale 15N, 30N, 45N & HRA, HRB, HRC
MS TEST: Martensite stat test exercised estimate the depth of carbon
concentration to the level of 0.5% and 0.8% on above in carburizing case.
Nitriding: NH3 desolation & salt bath chemical analysis (CNO %) cyan
ate, (CO3%) carbonate and (CN %) cyanide for reliable result.
Viscometer & refactrometer: is used for 100% checking polymer & Washing
solution concentration.
Particle count & Millipore Analysis: Cleanliness Analysis through using Weight
& Size Method and take corrective action.
Grind Burn & grind crack: Grind Injury by Double Etch Method test.
Salt spray test: Corrosion rust test and phasphoting titration and take
corrective action.
Microstructure: analysis ranging (50x-1000x) for defects like RA %,
Carbide networks rating, Surface & Sub surface Bainite, Intergranular
oxides, GBO, Core ferrites of case carburized materials & Hardened
&Tempered material.
Shot Peening & Blasting: Monitoring shot blasting & shot peening process
for reliable result.
Responsible for taking decision all heat treatment component & giving the final
clearance of the material by the using Sap system.
Familiar with TS-16949/ISO Requirements
Preparing reports, format documents Spc, Run Chart, Fmea, R&R, Control Plan
Work Instruction, Capa 8D formats, 7 qc tools and other required document.
Achievements Reduced the nitro carburizing cycle 45~70 mints. By developed the external
blower in nitriding furnace and reduce the cooling time which is save the cost.
Metal treat Ltd)
An Amtek
FEB 2010
DEC 2013
JMT is a fast growing automobile component
manufacturer. Gears, Shaft, Pins, Bushes,
Housing, Gear box assy., Oil Pump, Pipe
assy., fly Wheel, Casting, Hydorlic Gears &
Flanges, & Different Auto Components
processing from raw material to finish stage.
JMT has a big art heat treatment shop 25 Sqf
furnace, 3 nitriding furnaces & 5 baths &
induction furnace. This is recognized by
MNCs Client Halliburton (USA).
DET & Supervisor
(Heat treatment)
NOV 2007
FEB 2010
Manufacturing of all types of leaf spring,
(Laminated &Parabolic)
Responsibilities Manage the work & Quality test of all customers & Joint inspection with
customers product M/S Caterpillar, Halliburton, Eaton, Cnh, Hutch, Dana.
Metallographic activities starting from raw material to finished stage and in
between process.
a) Chemical analysis
b) Inclusions Rating.
c) Jominy harden ability test.
d) Grain Size.
e) Grain Flow.
f) Mechanical Testing (Hardness, Tensile, Compressive, Bend.)
g) Micro structure revealing segregation, banding, Distribution of Pearlite &
Ferrite structure.
Review root cause analysis and make corrective action plan to prevent Recurrence
of non conformity.
Monitoring and planning all heat treatment process Normalizing, iso annealing,
Case carburizing, Gas & liquid Nitriding, & Hardening, Tempering etc.
Documentation Maintain for TS 16949 Audits.
Supervising the quality inspectors and junior officers.
SQF/ Cgcf/ Pit / Boffco / Nitriding furnace and Liquid Nitriding Bath.
Micro hardness Tester Vicker / knops hardness m/c. for effective case depth measure
Image analyser with software for microphotography for Microstructure analysis // Nmtp / Gbo Measure.
Particle count analyzer with software. For Cleanness check & particle size measure
Superficial / Digital Rockwell hardness tester for Hardness measure in different scale A/ B/C & N.
Low magnification bionacular Steriozoom microscope for case depth / Pit furnace carburizing depth.
Brinell & Rockwell Egno-tip (portable) hardness tester.
Universal Testing Machine 400 Kn for Tensile / yield / bend test measure.
Imact Testing Machine 300 joule for Charpy/ Izod strength measure.
2 Years, Diploma
Tool Room operation
M.S.M.E ,
Jamshedpur Indo Danish Tool Room, Jamshedpur
Diploma Mechanical
Mumbai, University Institution of Mechanical Engineers
B.E in Metallurgical
Delhi, University N.I.M.T, Delhi
Trainings Undertaken: Attended training at Volvo Pvt Ltd. exercised to estimate the Heat treatment process ,
Techniques & applications and Volvo quality system sponsored by VECV Ltd.
J.S.E.B Ranchi
G.N.H.S, Jamshedpur
10+2 J.I.E.C Ranchi K.C.C , Jamshedpur
Father Name Shoe Kumar
D.O.B 25.01.1985
Gender Male
Marital status Unmarried
Religion Hindu
Languages Known Hindi , English and Punjabi (Read, Write, Speak)
Strength Sincere, Ability to work hard, Responsibility, Honesty, Positive attitude.
Responsibilities Raw material inspection Hardness, strength, microstructure.
Inspection 100% component and sorting out problem during inspection.
Line audit conducting and controlling non conformability part at first approval.
Hardness testing in Rockwell, BHN & engo tip protable Hardness tester.
Checking metallurgical inspection & keeping complete information or Record.
Documentation Maintain for TS 16949 Audits.
Contact No. 09300058825 , 09993150669
All the particulars furnished above are true to the best of my knowledge. Testimonials in support
Will be presented as and when required.
Thank you for pursuing my personal information.
Place: Indore (M.P)
Date: Krishna Kumar
Contact No. 09300058825 , 09993150669
All the particulars furnished above are true to the best of my knowledge. Testimonials in support
Will be presented as and when required.
Thank you for pursuing my personal information.
Place: Indore (M.P)
Date: Krishna Kumar