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Prasanna L. Naik
9 Redshaw Blvd, Old Bridge, NJ 08857
Home (732) 441-7711
Mobile (908) 601-1100
EXPERIENCE: Berlitz International, Princeton, NJ
Manager Accounts Payable March 2015- Present
Oversee functions of the Accounts Payable Department for multi-state Education Company
Reviews large volume (Approx.1800/Month) of invoice postings and ensures their accuracy
(i.e., obtains proper supporting documentation, approvals and general ledger coding for all
Review data entry/scanning performed by A/P Associates on a daily basis and reviews
selected payment items.
Ensures timely payment for expense reports, leases and rents.
Interacts with departments of company to ensure proper flow of paperwork for invoices.
Interacts with vendors as needed to resolve any problems.
Manage Fixed Assets System for the entire company.
Preparation of bank reconciliations.
Preparation of bank reconciliations
General ledger maintenance.
Senior Staff Accountant Apr 2007- March 2015
Preparation of bank reconciliations
General ledger maintenance
Periodic closing procedures
General account balance reconciliations
Basic sales & Use tax return preparation.
Manage Fixed Assets System for the entire company
Bloomberg, Skillman, NJ
Financial Analyst Feb 2007- March 2007
Perform quality control of earnings estimate data collected by vendors from research reports and
analyze research reports to identify the financial measures and their attributes, as well as certain
descriptive data, and compared findings with the collected data from vendor.
Pralinkar Enterprises Inc., Matawan, NJ
Owner/ Manager May 2004- December 2006
Owned and operated a Mall based franchise C-Store. Responsible for Employee scheduling,
Payroll, Merchandising, Vendor Relations and General Bookkeeping.
JP Morgan Chase & Co., Edison, NJ
Staff Accountant Feb 2001- April 2004
Responsible for Wire transfer, preparation of the monthly payroll journal entries and the
reconciliation of payroll accounts to the General Ledger, resolving outstanding transactions,
Monthly, semi-annual and year end closing including preparation and adjustment of journal entries,
preparing and booking of accruals. Preparing reports for Government reporting agency and checking
validity of all payroll related charges.
Tosco Oil Corporations, Linden, NJ
Accounting Clerk Oct 2000-Jan 2001
Responsible for preparing Exchange reconciliations and customer service inquiries of unprocessed
transactions for large oil exchange accounts.
Diagnostic Imaging PC, Brooklyn, NY
Accounting Clerk Sept 1994-May 1996
Responsible for medical billing, Accounts receivable, Cash posting, collections, Accounts Payable,
General ledger and office supply inventory.
HONORS: Graduate Deans Scholarship
Deans List
SKILLS: Microsoft Access, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, Visible Analyst, Oracle, SQL,
Quark Express, People soft, Visual Basic, Basic
EDUCATION: Pace University, New York, NY
MS in Computer Information System -September 2000 GPA: 3.5
Kingsborough Comm. College / Long Island University GPA: 4.0
Completed 73 Credits toward Accounting / Business
Gujarat Ayurved University, India.
BS in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (Herbal Medicine) -June 1989
REFERENCES: Mike Farrell
Assistant Controller
(609) 759- 5941
Dave Ivanicki
Manager, sales accounting
(609) 759- 5944

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  • 1. Prasanna L. Naik 9 Redshaw Blvd, Old Bridge, NJ 08857 Home (732) 441-7711 Mobile (908) 601-1100 Pnaik521@verizone.net __________________________________________________________________________________ EXPERIENCE: Berlitz International, Princeton, NJ Manager Accounts Payable March 2015- Present Oversee functions of the Accounts Payable Department for multi-state Education Company Reviews large volume (Approx.1800/Month) of invoice postings and ensures their accuracy (i.e., obtains proper supporting documentation, approvals and general ledger coding for all companies) Review data entry/scanning performed by A/P Associates on a daily basis and reviews selected payment items. Ensures timely payment for expense reports, leases and rents. Interacts with departments of company to ensure proper flow of paperwork for invoices. Interacts with vendors as needed to resolve any problems. Manage Fixed Assets System for the entire company. Preparation of bank reconciliations. Preparation of bank reconciliations General ledger maintenance. Senior Staff Accountant Apr 2007- March 2015 Preparation of bank reconciliations General ledger maintenance Periodic closing procedures General account balance reconciliations Basic sales & Use tax return preparation. Manage Fixed Assets System for the entire company Bloomberg, Skillman, NJ Financial Analyst Feb 2007- March 2007 Perform quality control of earnings estimate data collected by vendors from research reports and analyze research reports to identify the financial measures and their attributes, as well as certain descriptive data, and compared findings with the collected data from vendor. Pralinkar Enterprises Inc., Matawan, NJ Owner/ Manager May 2004- December 2006 Owned and operated a Mall based franchise C-Store. Responsible for Employee scheduling, Payroll, Merchandising, Vendor Relations and General Bookkeeping. JP Morgan Chase & Co., Edison, NJ Staff Accountant Feb 2001- April 2004 Responsible for Wire transfer, preparation of the monthly payroll journal entries and the reconciliation of payroll accounts to the General Ledger, resolving outstanding transactions, Monthly, semi-annual and year end closing including preparation and adjustment of journal entries, preparing and booking of accruals. Preparing reports for Government reporting agency and checking validity of all payroll related charges. Tosco Oil Corporations, Linden, NJ Accounting Clerk Oct 2000-Jan 2001 Responsible for preparing Exchange reconciliations and customer service inquiries of unprocessed transactions for large oil exchange accounts.
  • 2. Diagnostic Imaging PC, Brooklyn, NY Accounting Clerk Sept 1994-May 1996 Responsible for medical billing, Accounts receivable, Cash posting, collections, Accounts Payable, General ledger and office supply inventory. HONORS: Graduate Deans Scholarship Deans List SKILLS: Microsoft Access, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, Visible Analyst, Oracle, SQL, Quark Express, People soft, Visual Basic, Basic EDUCATION: Pace University, New York, NY MS in Computer Information System -September 2000 GPA: 3.5 Kingsborough Comm. College / Long Island University GPA: 4.0 Completed 73 Credits toward Accounting / Business Gujarat Ayurved University, India. BS in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (Herbal Medicine) -June 1989 REFERENCES: Mike Farrell Assistant Controller (609) 759- 5941 Dave Ivanicki Manager, sales accounting (609) 759- 5944