R.Nithya provides her contact information and career objective of educating students to prepare for IT industry requirements. She lists her educational qualifications including a BSc in Computer Science, MSc in Computer Science, and MBA in Human Resource Management. Her areas of interest are web designing, data mining, semantic web analysis, and sentiment analysis. She has 6 years of work experience handling various computer science courses and serving as an international student advisor. She has published papers in national and international conferences and journals on topics related to sentiment analysis, data mining, and clustering techniques. R.Nithya is a member of several professional organizations and has attended various faculty development programs.
This document contains the resume of R.Nithya. It summarizes her educational qualifications including a B.Sc in Computer Science, M.Sc in Computer Science, and M.B.A in Human Resource Management. It also lists her work experience of over 7 years as a teaching faculty and international student advisor. Her areas of research interest are semantic web, sentiment analysis, and data mining. She has published papers in national and international conferences and journals. Nithya has also attended several faculty development programs and workshops to enhance her teaching skills.
This document provides the resume of R.Nithya which includes her contact information, educational qualifications, area of interests, research interests, work experience, publications, conferences attended, online courses completed, and memberships in professional bodies. It details her PhD qualification, MSc and MBA degrees, research publications in both national and international journals and conferences, teaching experience, and participation in faculty development programs.
This curriculum vitae summarizes the professional experience and qualifications of Dr. Pradeep Kumar Bhatia. It lists his current position as Professor at Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology. It provides details of his educational background, research interests, publications, projects undertaken, and administrative experience. The CV highlights over 20 years of teaching experience, 82 research papers published, supervision of PhD students, and involvement in various academic committees.
This document is a resume for Dr. Parkavi.A that provides information over 3 sentences:
Dr. Parkavi.A is seeking a challenging career that utilizes her engineering knowledge and delivers expected commitments to society, with teaching experience at various institutions and expertise in areas like data analytics, programming languages, databases, and operating systems. She holds a Ph.D in computer science and engineering and has published papers in various international conferences and book chapters on topics related to education technology and data mining. She has also led academic projects focused on areas such as compiler design, networking applications, and maps of cities.
Dr. Sanjeev Kr. Sharma is a professor of computer science with over 22 years of experience in teaching, research, and administration. He has a Ph.D. in computer science and has published over 7 patents, 23 books, and numerous papers. His research interests include artificial intelligence, algorithms, and integrating Vedic wisdom with computer science. He has received several awards for his contributions to education and currently works as the head of the computer science department at Chitkara University in Punjab, India.
This document provides a summary of an experienced educator seeking a challenging position utilizing over 32 years of experience in education administration and management. The educator holds a bachelor's degree in electronics and telecommunication engineering and has worked in various roles including principal, vice principal, and head of departments. Areas of expertise include leadership, management, teaching, and coordinating accreditation. The educator has international journal publications, guided PhD scholars, and is currently supervising research scholars. The objective is to find a dynamic position to apply skills and experience.
This document provides a biographical summary of Dr. Brojo Kishore Mishra. It includes his contact information, educational background, teaching experience, publications, professional memberships, conferences organized, and other contributions to the IT field. He has a Ph.D in Computer Science and currently works as an Associate Professor. He has over 25 publications and has organized or participated in numerous national and international conferences.
Dr. B. Rosiline Jeetha is the Head of the Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Computer Science at Dr NGP Arts and Science College in Coimbatore, India. She has over 11 years of collegiate teaching experience and 8 years of research experience. Her areas of expertise include data mining techniques, algorithms, and artificial intelligence applications. She has published several journal and conference papers and guided over 15 M.Phil and Ph.D students. Dr. Jeetha has received numerous awards and honors for her research and teaching excellence.
This curriculum vitae outlines the educational and professional experience of Salim Istyaq. He holds a B.Sc. in Engineering (Computer), M.Tech. in Communication & Information Systems, and is enrolled in a Ph.D. program. He has over 13 years of teaching experience and has taught in India and Libya. He has published several papers in international journals and conferences and participated in various workshops and training programs.
Data science for digital culture improvement in higher education using K-mean...IJECEIAES
This study aims to investigate the meaningful pattern that can be used to improve digital culture in higher education based on parameters of the technology acceptance model (TAM). The methodology used is the data mining technique with K-means algorithm and text analytics. The experiment using questionnaire data with 2887 respondents in Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. The data analysis and clustering result show that the perceived usefulness and behavioral intention to use information systems are above the normal value, while the perceived ease of use and actual system use is quite low. Strengthened with text analytics, this research found that the EDA and K-means result in harmony with the hope or desire of academic society the information system implementation. This research also found how important the socialization and guidance of information systems, especially the new one information system, in order to improve digital culture in higher education.
This document is a report on an internship project to develop a dynamic shopping cart at IBM Gurukool. It includes sections on requirements specification, use cases, ER diagrams, test cases, and conclusions. The project was completed by 5 students under the guidance of their professor to fulfill their B.Tech degree requirements. The report provides technical details on the functionality and design of the shopping cart system, including interfaces, user classes, requirements, and performance standards. It aims to demonstrate the skills and knowledge gained by the students during their summer internship.
This curriculum vitae summarizes the educational and professional qualifications of R.Vinoth M.E, Ph.D, MBA. He has over 5 years of experience working as an assistant professor and has pursued and obtained multiple degrees including a PhD in VLSI Image Processing, MBA in Human Resource Management, and M.E in VLSI Design. He has published several papers in international and national journals and conferences and serves on the editorial board for multiple publications.
My career has been focused on high impact research, practice and education in Network Security (Password system) starting with my doctoral thesis. Effective Network Security (Password system) requires science, engineering, business, policy and people skills. My goal is to instill this culture in the discipline and provide leadership in all elements.
Prof. Edara Sreenivasa Reddy is a professor of computer science and engineering with over 29 years of teaching experience. He received his Ph.D. in computer science and engineering from Acharya Nagarjuna University in 2008. Throughout his career, he has held several administrative and academic positions including principal, dean, head of department, and vice principal. He has supervised over 17 Ph.D. students and published over 150 journal papers in computer science. Prof. Reddy is recognized as the most versatile Telugu writer for publishing over 230 articles on various topics in Telugu and English from 2017-2019.
This document provides a bio-data or resume for Dr. Sudhansu Sekhar Singh. Some key details include:
- He is currently a Professor and Program Head at KIIT University in Bhubaneswar, India.
- He has over 20 years of experience working in various roles as a faculty member and professor at several engineering colleges and universities in India.
- His areas of research include MIMO, OFDM, and CDMA technologies applied to mobile communications. He has over 50 publications in international journals and conferences.
- He holds a Ph.D. in Engineering from Jadavpur University and has guided over 24 M.Tech theses and 3 Ph.D. students.
International Conference on Latest Trends in Engineering Science and ManagementConference Info
The International Conference on INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING TRENDS OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE MNAGEMENT AND ITS APPLICATIONS(ICETESMA-16)" aims at bringing together the researchers, scientists, engineers, and scholar students in all areas of Engineering and Technology, Science, Management and Humanities and provides an international forum for the dissemination of original research results, new ideas and practical development experiences which concentrate on both theory and practices.
Md Belal Bin Heyat's resume summarizes his qualifications and experiences. He is pursuing a Ph.D. from UESTC in China, and has previously earned an M.Tech from Integral University in Lucknow, India with a 72.84% score. He has published over 20 papers as author or co-author on topics related to biomedical engineering and sleep disorders. Belal has experience as the Country Representative of India at UESTC and serving on the editorial board of the Seventh Sense Research Group. His objective is to gradually learn and reach the zenith of his career.
This paper highlights the effect of Digital literacy on digital information seeking
behaviour and use among managers of telecommunication companies in Saudi Arabia.
The study adopts a quantitative research approach. The researcher uses information
from the survey to generalise findings from a sample to a population. A sample size of
500 was anticipated from the total population of approximately 850 managers from the
four telecommunication companies. For the primary data collection in this study, a
survey questionnaire was employed. The findings indicate a positive effect of digital
literacy. The emergence of digital information disseminations in a digital knowledgebased system yielded improved skills and capabilities for both individuals and
organisations in information use. The use of a single-informant method, a crosssectional research design and a focus on four telecommunication companies in Saudi
Arabia are the constraints of this study
The document proposes a new model called the Simple Connected Pattern Array Grammar (SCPAG) that is capable of generating and recognizing complex connected patterns in an image neighborhood. SCPAG aims to address the difficulty of representing all possible connected patterns on even a small 3x3 neighborhood using existing methods. The paper introduces SCPAG as a way to efficiently generate and recognize patterns by properly describing the pattern set with a uniquely parsable array grammar.
This document lists the most cited articles from the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications between 2010-2012. It provides the article titles, authors, year published, page numbers and DOI numbers for several papers on topics relating to artificial intelligence, machine learning, neural networks and other intelligent systems applications.
The document is the program and abstract book for the 2nd International Conference on Industrial Electrical and Electronics (ICIEE) being held virtually from October 20-21, 2020. It provides details on the organization of the conference, including the organizing committee, program schedule, and list of presentations to be given in parallel sessions. The opening ceremony will include remarks from representatives of the organizing university and technical sponsors. Three keynote speakers are scheduled to present on topics related to data science and information technology. Parallel presentation sessions will be held after the keynotes.
Dr. N. Natarajan has over 10 years of experience in teaching and research. He holds a Ph.D from Anna University and has published papers in national and international journals and conferences. He currently works as a Professor and Head of the Mechanical Engineering department at Muthayammal College of Engineering.
Texture Classification Based on Binary Cross Diagonal Shape Descriptor Texture Matrix (BCDSDTM)
1P.Kiran Kumar Reddy, 2Vakulabharanam Vijaya Kumar, 3B.Eswar Reddy
1RGMCET, Nandyal, AP, India, 2Anurag Group of Institutions, Hyderabad, AP, India
3JNTUA College of Engineering, India.
Here are a few thoughts in response to the questions posed:
1. If we took seriously the opportunities for learning in the digital era, our research and technology design would focus more on interactive, collaborative, and experiential modes of learning. We would leverage the connectivity of digital networks to foster open-ended exploration and knowledge-building across traditional boundaries. Assessment would emphasize real-world problem-solving and creation over rote memorization.
2. Moving beyond traditional academic structures could encourage more cross-disciplinary, project-based learning. Students would have more flexibility to follow their interests and passions, pursuing learning experiences both inside and outside the classroom. Communities may form around shared challenges rather than departments. Evaluation would focus on competencies developed
The document provides details about the Computer Science and Engineering department at GS MVN IET. It discusses the key subjects taught, lab facilities, faculty members and their research areas, industry collaborations, professional associations, and extracurricular activities offered by the department. The department aims to provide state-of-the-art learning facilities and promote research. It also focuses on personality development of students and organizing conferences, seminars, and workshops.
This document provides information about the Computer Science and Engineering department at GS MVN IET. It outlines the key subjects taught each year, lab facilities which include 350 computers across various programming and software labs. It introduces the faculty members and their areas of expertise and lists industry collaborations and professional associations. It also mentions extracurricular activities conducted by the department.
The document provides information about the Department of M.C.A & M.Sc(CS) at an unnamed institution. It was established in 2001 and started an MCA program in 2007. The department's vision is to become a center of excellence for professional education. It aims to offer high-quality computing education and impart strong fundamental knowledge. The department has dedicated faculty and infrastructure like a computer lab. It organizes guest lectures, workshops, and technical events. Faculty have presented papers at conferences and conducted community awareness programs.
This curriculum vitae summarizes the educational and professional qualifications of R.Vinoth M.E, Ph.D, MBA. He has over 5 years of experience working as an assistant professor. He received his B.E in electronics and communication engineering, M.E in VLSI design, MBA in human resource management, and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. He has published papers in several national and international journals and conferences and has guided undergraduate projects.
This curriculum vitae summarizes the educational and professional qualifications of R.Vinoth M.E, Ph.D, MBA. He has over 5 years of experience working as an assistant professor. He received his B.E in electronics and communication engineering, M.E in VLSI design, MBA in human resource management, and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. He has published papers in several national and international journals and conferences and has guided undergraduate projects.
Dr. Nitin Mahadeo Shivsharan is applying for the position of Associate Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering / Computer Engineering / Information Technology. He received his PhD in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from Savitribai Phule Pune University in 2021. He has 19 years of teaching experience as a faculty member in the Department of Computer Engineering. His research focuses on diabetic retinopathy detection and has been published in 14 publications. He has also worked as a reviewer for journals and conferences.
This curriculum vitae outlines the educational and professional experience of Salim Istyaq. He holds a B.Sc. in Engineering (Computer), M.Tech. in Communication & Information Systems, and is enrolled in a Ph.D. program. He has over 13 years of teaching experience and has taught in India and Libya. He has published several papers in international journals and conferences and participated in various workshops and training programs.
Data science for digital culture improvement in higher education using K-mean...IJECEIAES
This study aims to investigate the meaningful pattern that can be used to improve digital culture in higher education based on parameters of the technology acceptance model (TAM). The methodology used is the data mining technique with K-means algorithm and text analytics. The experiment using questionnaire data with 2887 respondents in Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. The data analysis and clustering result show that the perceived usefulness and behavioral intention to use information systems are above the normal value, while the perceived ease of use and actual system use is quite low. Strengthened with text analytics, this research found that the EDA and K-means result in harmony with the hope or desire of academic society the information system implementation. This research also found how important the socialization and guidance of information systems, especially the new one information system, in order to improve digital culture in higher education.
This document is a report on an internship project to develop a dynamic shopping cart at IBM Gurukool. It includes sections on requirements specification, use cases, ER diagrams, test cases, and conclusions. The project was completed by 5 students under the guidance of their professor to fulfill their B.Tech degree requirements. The report provides technical details on the functionality and design of the shopping cart system, including interfaces, user classes, requirements, and performance standards. It aims to demonstrate the skills and knowledge gained by the students during their summer internship.
This curriculum vitae summarizes the educational and professional qualifications of R.Vinoth M.E, Ph.D, MBA. He has over 5 years of experience working as an assistant professor and has pursued and obtained multiple degrees including a PhD in VLSI Image Processing, MBA in Human Resource Management, and M.E in VLSI Design. He has published several papers in international and national journals and conferences and serves on the editorial board for multiple publications.
My career has been focused on high impact research, practice and education in Network Security (Password system) starting with my doctoral thesis. Effective Network Security (Password system) requires science, engineering, business, policy and people skills. My goal is to instill this culture in the discipline and provide leadership in all elements.
Prof. Edara Sreenivasa Reddy is a professor of computer science and engineering with over 29 years of teaching experience. He received his Ph.D. in computer science and engineering from Acharya Nagarjuna University in 2008. Throughout his career, he has held several administrative and academic positions including principal, dean, head of department, and vice principal. He has supervised over 17 Ph.D. students and published over 150 journal papers in computer science. Prof. Reddy is recognized as the most versatile Telugu writer for publishing over 230 articles on various topics in Telugu and English from 2017-2019.
This document provides a bio-data or resume for Dr. Sudhansu Sekhar Singh. Some key details include:
- He is currently a Professor and Program Head at KIIT University in Bhubaneswar, India.
- He has over 20 years of experience working in various roles as a faculty member and professor at several engineering colleges and universities in India.
- His areas of research include MIMO, OFDM, and CDMA technologies applied to mobile communications. He has over 50 publications in international journals and conferences.
- He holds a Ph.D. in Engineering from Jadavpur University and has guided over 24 M.Tech theses and 3 Ph.D. students.
International Conference on Latest Trends in Engineering Science and ManagementConference Info
The International Conference on INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING TRENDS OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE MNAGEMENT AND ITS APPLICATIONS(ICETESMA-16)" aims at bringing together the researchers, scientists, engineers, and scholar students in all areas of Engineering and Technology, Science, Management and Humanities and provides an international forum for the dissemination of original research results, new ideas and practical development experiences which concentrate on both theory and practices.
Md Belal Bin Heyat's resume summarizes his qualifications and experiences. He is pursuing a Ph.D. from UESTC in China, and has previously earned an M.Tech from Integral University in Lucknow, India with a 72.84% score. He has published over 20 papers as author or co-author on topics related to biomedical engineering and sleep disorders. Belal has experience as the Country Representative of India at UESTC and serving on the editorial board of the Seventh Sense Research Group. His objective is to gradually learn and reach the zenith of his career.
This paper highlights the effect of Digital literacy on digital information seeking
behaviour and use among managers of telecommunication companies in Saudi Arabia.
The study adopts a quantitative research approach. The researcher uses information
from the survey to generalise findings from a sample to a population. A sample size of
500 was anticipated from the total population of approximately 850 managers from the
four telecommunication companies. For the primary data collection in this study, a
survey questionnaire was employed. The findings indicate a positive effect of digital
literacy. The emergence of digital information disseminations in a digital knowledgebased system yielded improved skills and capabilities for both individuals and
organisations in information use. The use of a single-informant method, a crosssectional research design and a focus on four telecommunication companies in Saudi
Arabia are the constraints of this study
The document proposes a new model called the Simple Connected Pattern Array Grammar (SCPAG) that is capable of generating and recognizing complex connected patterns in an image neighborhood. SCPAG aims to address the difficulty of representing all possible connected patterns on even a small 3x3 neighborhood using existing methods. The paper introduces SCPAG as a way to efficiently generate and recognize patterns by properly describing the pattern set with a uniquely parsable array grammar.
This document lists the most cited articles from the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications between 2010-2012. It provides the article titles, authors, year published, page numbers and DOI numbers for several papers on topics relating to artificial intelligence, machine learning, neural networks and other intelligent systems applications.
The document is the program and abstract book for the 2nd International Conference on Industrial Electrical and Electronics (ICIEE) being held virtually from October 20-21, 2020. It provides details on the organization of the conference, including the organizing committee, program schedule, and list of presentations to be given in parallel sessions. The opening ceremony will include remarks from representatives of the organizing university and technical sponsors. Three keynote speakers are scheduled to present on topics related to data science and information technology. Parallel presentation sessions will be held after the keynotes.
Dr. N. Natarajan has over 10 years of experience in teaching and research. He holds a Ph.D from Anna University and has published papers in national and international journals and conferences. He currently works as a Professor and Head of the Mechanical Engineering department at Muthayammal College of Engineering.
Texture Classification Based on Binary Cross Diagonal Shape Descriptor Texture Matrix (BCDSDTM)
1P.Kiran Kumar Reddy, 2Vakulabharanam Vijaya Kumar, 3B.Eswar Reddy
1RGMCET, Nandyal, AP, India, 2Anurag Group of Institutions, Hyderabad, AP, India
3JNTUA College of Engineering, India.
Here are a few thoughts in response to the questions posed:
1. If we took seriously the opportunities for learning in the digital era, our research and technology design would focus more on interactive, collaborative, and experiential modes of learning. We would leverage the connectivity of digital networks to foster open-ended exploration and knowledge-building across traditional boundaries. Assessment would emphasize real-world problem-solving and creation over rote memorization.
2. Moving beyond traditional academic structures could encourage more cross-disciplinary, project-based learning. Students would have more flexibility to follow their interests and passions, pursuing learning experiences both inside and outside the classroom. Communities may form around shared challenges rather than departments. Evaluation would focus on competencies developed
The document provides details about the Computer Science and Engineering department at GS MVN IET. It discusses the key subjects taught, lab facilities, faculty members and their research areas, industry collaborations, professional associations, and extracurricular activities offered by the department. The department aims to provide state-of-the-art learning facilities and promote research. It also focuses on personality development of students and organizing conferences, seminars, and workshops.
This document provides information about the Computer Science and Engineering department at GS MVN IET. It outlines the key subjects taught each year, lab facilities which include 350 computers across various programming and software labs. It introduces the faculty members and their areas of expertise and lists industry collaborations and professional associations. It also mentions extracurricular activities conducted by the department.
The document provides information about the Department of M.C.A & M.Sc(CS) at an unnamed institution. It was established in 2001 and started an MCA program in 2007. The department's vision is to become a center of excellence for professional education. It aims to offer high-quality computing education and impart strong fundamental knowledge. The department has dedicated faculty and infrastructure like a computer lab. It organizes guest lectures, workshops, and technical events. Faculty have presented papers at conferences and conducted community awareness programs.
This curriculum vitae summarizes the educational and professional qualifications of R.Vinoth M.E, Ph.D, MBA. He has over 5 years of experience working as an assistant professor. He received his B.E in electronics and communication engineering, M.E in VLSI design, MBA in human resource management, and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. He has published papers in several national and international journals and conferences and has guided undergraduate projects.
This curriculum vitae summarizes the educational and professional qualifications of R.Vinoth M.E, Ph.D, MBA. He has over 5 years of experience working as an assistant professor. He received his B.E in electronics and communication engineering, M.E in VLSI design, MBA in human resource management, and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. He has published papers in several national and international journals and conferences and has guided undergraduate projects.
Dr. Nitin Mahadeo Shivsharan is applying for the position of Associate Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering / Computer Engineering / Information Technology. He received his PhD in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from Savitribai Phule Pune University in 2021. He has 19 years of teaching experience as a faculty member in the Department of Computer Engineering. His research focuses on diabetic retinopathy detection and has been published in 14 publications. He has also worked as a reviewer for journals and conferences.
K. Venkataramana has over 8 years of experience working as an assistant and associate professor teaching computer science. He has a M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering with over 10 publications in international journals. He is seeking an academic position where he can conduct research and teach students.
This resume summarizes the qualifications and experience of Dr. D. Raju seeking a position as a Professor of Mathematics. He has over 16 years of experience teaching mathematics and several publications. His education includes a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Osmania University and he is currently an Associate Professor at Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology.
Sathishkumar J is seeking a job to enhance his professional skills. He has 7 years of experience as an Assistant Professor and has taught subjects like operating systems, computer architecture, and data structures. He has a M.Tech in Information Technology and B.E in Computer Science. He has presented papers at several international and national conferences and published a paper in an international journal. He has achieved 100% results in various subjects and has held coordinator roles for conferences, committees, and quality assurance.
Manoj Oswalt is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering with 6 years of teaching experience. He has a Master's degree in Computer Science and most recently worked at Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology in India. He has experience teaching various computer science courses and guiding student projects. He has published papers in several international journals and conferences and is a member of multiple professional organizations. He is looking for an academic position focused on areas like big data analytics and cloud computing.
Yash Pratap Singh graduated from IIT Gandhinagar with a B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering and minors in Humanities and Social Sciences. He currently works as a Management Trainee at HDFC Bank in Mumbai, where he works on projects using technologies like AI, blockchain, and VR. Previously he did internships at Microsoft developing a Kinect data collection platform and at UL Inc. researching water purification technologies. He received several awards for his academic performance and extracurricular involvement at IIT Gandhinagar, where he held leadership roles in student clubs and councils.
This curriculum vitae summarizes the qualifications and experience of SK Alamgir Hossain. It outlines his education, including a M.Sc. from the University of Ottawa and a B.Sc. from Khulna University. It also lists his professional certifications, awards, research interests, work experience as an assistant professor and researcher, publications, projects, and additional qualifications.
Vrushali Kharad's curriculum vitae summarizes her objective, education, skills, projects, publications, achievements, and personal details in 5 pages. She aims to learn effectively and benefit organizations. Her education includes a Bachelor's in Computer Technology and a Master's in Information Technology. Her skills include programming languages like C/C++, frameworks like ASP.Net, and databases like MySQL. She has completed projects in utility bill payment, optimization algorithms, and website filtering. She has two publications and certifications in cyber security and software development.
Vrushali Kharad's curriculum vitae summarizes her objective, education, skills, projects, publications, achievements, and personal details in 5 pages. She aims to learn effectively and benefit organizations. Her education includes a Bachelor's in Computer Technology from 2013 and pursuing a Master's in Information Technology. Her skills include programming languages like C/C++, frameworks like ASP.Net, and databases like MySQL. She has completed 3 academic projects and published 2 papers. Her achievements include training certifications and presenting a paper. Personal details note her birthdate, address, and languages spoken.
K. Balaji is seeking a position as an Assistant Professor where he can utilize his 6 years of experience as a lecturer. He has extensive teaching experience and is proficient in developing new learning methods and activities. He has participated in many academic committees and extracurricular activities. Balaji has excellent subject knowledge and practical skills. He is currently pursuing his M.E. in Computer Science and Engineering and has additional qualifications including an MBA in HR and a diploma in labor law.
This document contains the resume of Ronakkumar Kantilal Panchal. It summarizes his contact information, objective, education history, work experience, skills, academic and professional projects, publications, presentations, training and examinations. The resume shows that Ronakkumar has a M.Sc. in Information and Communication Technology, is pursuing a PhD, and has over 8 years of experience in software development and teaching.
Kunam Subba Reddy is an Associate Professor at Rajeev Gandhi Memorial College Of Engineering and Technology in Nandyal, India. He has over 17 years of experience in teaching and has taught many subjects at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He is pursuing his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from JNTUA. He has published papers in several international and national conferences and journals and organized various workshops on topics such as wireless sensor networks, cloud computing, and Android application development.
R. Vinoth has over 5 years of experience as an Assistant Professor. He holds a PhD (pursuing) in VLSI Image Processing, an MBA in Human Resource Management, and an ME and BE in VLSI Design and Electronics and Communication Engineering respectively. He has published over 15 papers in international and national journals and conferences and has guided 7 UG projects. His areas of expertise include digital signal processing, digital image processing, and VLSI design.
This document provides biographical and professional details about Dr. V. Yegnanarayanan, including his educational background, areas of research expertise, publications, teaching experience, awards and honors. Some key details:
- Dr. Yegnanarayanan has over 28 years of experience in teaching and research. He holds a Ph.D. in graph theory from Annamalai University.
- His research interests include applications of graph theory to computer vision, power networks, anomaly detection, and social networks. He has over 156 publications and has supervised 4 Ph.D. students.
- He has taught mathematics and computer science courses at various universities. He has held administrative roles like Dean and Head
This document provides a curriculum vitae for Dr. Prakash Bethapudi with the following key details:
- Educational qualifications including a Ph.D in Computer Science Engineering from Acharya Nagarjuna University.
- Over 11 years of teaching experience including currently at GITAM University.
- Membership in professional bodies including IEEE, CSI, and ISTE.
- Areas of expertise including Software Engineering, Programming, Image Processing, and Databases.
- Research contributions and publications in journals.
- Guiding MTech and BTech student projects.
- Attendance at various seminars, conferences, and workshops.
- Online course completions in areas like R Programming, Python,
Dr. Sanjay Maheshwari has over 24 years of experience in teaching and research. He holds a PhD from Pacific University and master's degrees in several subjects. He currently works as an assistant professor and has held various administrative and teaching roles. His areas of expertise include information technology, economics, computer applications, and business subjects. He has published papers and books on technical topics and participated in many workshops and conferences.
Dr. Sanjay Maheshwari has over 24 years of experience in teaching and research. He holds a PhD from Pacific University and master's degrees in several subjects. He currently works as an assistant professor teaching subjects like IT, economics, and computer applications. He has administrative experience and has held positions like admissions counselor and computer lab head. He has published papers and books on topics like IT sector growth, cybersecurity, and social media usage.
This document summarizes a research paper that proposes a method for performing sentiment analysis on product reviews to identify promising product features. It involves scraping short reviews from websites, preprocessing the text through cleaning, tokenization and part-of-speech tagging. Next, it uses pattern mining and a custom lexicon dictionary to determine the overall sentiment score and sentiment scores for specific product features. The goal is to analyze which features consumers view most positively to help businesses understand customer preferences.
This document discusses sentiment analysis on unstructured product reviews. It begins with an introduction to sentiment analysis and opinion mining. The author then reviews related work on aspect-based sentiment analysis and feature extraction. The proposed work involves extracting features from unstructured reviews, determining sentiment polarity using SentiStrength, and classifying features using Naive Bayes. The experiment uses 575 reviews to identify prominent product aspects and determine sentiment scores. Naive Bayes classification is performed in Tanagra to obtain prior distributions of sentiment for each feature. Figures and tables are included to illustrate the process.
This document proposes a model to estimate overall sentiment score by applying rules of inference from discrete mathematics. It discusses sentiment analysis and related work using techniques like supervised/unsupervised learning. The problem is identifying sentiment components and restricting patterns for feature identification. Most approaches focus on nouns/adjectives but not verbs/adverbs. The model preprocesses product review datasets using NLTK for stemming, parsing and tokenizing. It builds a lexicon dictionary of positive and negative words. The Lexical Pattern Sentiment Analysis algorithm uses both lexicon and pattern mining - it selects sentence patterns, checks for positive/negative words in the lexicon, and calculates an overall sentiment score.
This document provides a summary of approaches for performing sentiment analysis. It discusses document-level, sentence-level, and aspect-level sentiment analysis. At the document level, the entire document is classified as positive or negative. At the sentence level, each sentence's sentiment is determined. At the aspect level, the sentiments expressed towards specific aspects are identified. The document also outlines applications of sentiment analysis such as in e-commerce, brand/customer feedback analysis, and government use. Finally, it discusses sentiment classification approaches and levels.
This document summarizes a research paper on sentiment analysis of customer review datasets. It discusses how sentiment analysis uses natural language processing to identify subjective information in text sources. Different levels of sentiment analysis are described, including document, sentence, and aspect levels. Methods for sentiment classification like using subjective dictionaries and machine learning are outlined. Challenges in sentiment analysis like interpreting words that can have both positive and negative meanings are also discussed.
Published a paper entitled Visualization of Crisp and Rough Clustering using MATLAB in CIIT International Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering on 12th December 2012, Vol.4 , ISSN 0974 9683.
This document summarizes a study that compares systematic and automated methods for sentiment analysis. The study extracted product features from online reviews of Samsung tablet PCs and used Naive Bayes classification to determine the positive, negative, and neutral sentiment distributions for each feature. Features like battery life had the highest positive sentiment, while cost had low positive sentiment. Weight had equal positive and negative sentiment. The study concludes the systematic approach provides more useful insight for product improvement than automated tools, which fail to identify specific sentiment-causing features.
This document summarizes some useful tips for performing sentiment analysis. It discusses several factors to consider, including:
1) Using both lexicon-based and learning-based techniques, with lexicon-based providing higher precision but lower recall.
2) Considering statistical and syntactic techniques, with statistical techniques being more adaptable to other languages.
3) Training classifiers to detect neutral sentiments in addition to positive and negative, to avoid overfitting.
4) Selecting optimal tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, stemming/lemmatization, and feature selection algorithms for the given topic, language and domain. Feature selection methods like information gain can improve classification accuracy.
The document discusses analyzing sentiment towards employee stock ownership plans (ESOP) on social media using sentiment analysis and clustering algorithms. It collects feedback on ESOP from four social monitoring tools - Social Mention, Trackur, Twendz, and Twitratr. It then uses K-means clustering, Expectation Maximization clustering, and VAR K-Means algorithms in the Tanagra1.4 data mining tool to cluster the results. The analysis finds that cluster 2 consistently indicates more negative sentiment than clusters 1 and 3, regardless of the clustering algorithm used.
Published a paper entitled Sentiment analysis on Unstructured Review in The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,IEEE xplorer 978-1-4799-3966-4/14 $31.00 息 2014 IEEE DOI 10.1109/ICICA.2014.81
1. R.NITHYA M.Sc.,M.B.A., Ph.D (Pursuing).,
4/3-1 Krishna Colony,
Coimbatore 641 402.
Mobile 98422 64572
Email id nithya.r@rvsgroup.com
Website: http://www.rvscas.ac.in/computer/faculty-cs.php
Career Objective
Educate to elevate the students and make them prepare for the industrial requirements of IT Industry and all their
future endeavors. And also interested both in academic and research sectorfor self development.
Educational Qualification
Completed SSLC in Shri G.N Sam Matriculation with 76.63% in the year 2000 .
Completed HSC % in the year 2002.
Completed B.Sc (Computer Science) in Dr.NGP Arts & Science College with 78.15% in the year 2005.
Completed M.Sc (Computer Science) in PSG College of Arts & Science with 82.1% in the year 2007.
Completed M.B.A (Human Resource Management) in Alagappa University with 70% in the year 2009.
Additional Qualification
Type writing in English: Both Lower and Higher with I and II class.
Typewriting in Tamil: Lower first class with Distinction.
Psychology of adjustments & Visual Arts (Extra Departmental Classes).
Academic Achievement
Secured I place in Discrete Mathematics & Accountancy.
Secured II place in Operation Research Paper.
II Rank Holder in M.Sc. computer Science.
Area of Interest Web Designing and Data Mining
Research Interest Semantic web Aanalysis , Sentiment Analysis or Opinion Mining
Current Subject Handling HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Mobile JQuery, PHP, Software Project Management,
MySQL, Python
Paper(s )Handled
Name of the paper Course(s)
1. Computer Networks BCA
2. COBOL Programming BCA
3. Digital Computer Fundamentals BSc (IT),BCA
4. C & C++ Programming BSc(IT)
5. Software Engineering BSc(IT), BCA
7. Visual Basic Programming BCA, BSc(IT),
8. Client Server Computing BCA,BSc(IT)
9. Digital Fundamental Organisation BSc (IT) ,BCA
10.System software and Operating Systems,
B.Sc ( IT)
11. Software Project Management B.Sc (CS)
12. Dot net technologies BSc (IT)
13. JAVA programming B.Sc (CS) ,BCA
2. Research Titles & Progress
1. Received BEST PAPER AWARD for the paper Sentiment Analysis on Unstructured Review in the
International Conference on Intelligent Computing Applications at Bharathiar University on March 6-7, 2014.
2. An Active reviewer in International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in
Work Experience
6 Years
Playing the role of International Student Advisor fromthe academic year of 2014-15.
Currently handling some core subjects, as a teaching faculty, for One year B.Sc Computer Science Chinese
students fromthe Academic year of 2014-15 in R.V.S College of Arts and Science.
Currently involved in promoting Degree and Diploma programmes as a Chinese Admission Co-ordinator
in R.V.S College of Arts and Science.
1. Received Faculty Excellence Award from RVS College of Arts and Science for the academic year 2013-14 on
October 17th 2014.
Papers Presented in National Conferences
1. R.Nithya [1], Clustering Technique used in Market research in Advanced Computing and IT Applications at
KGiSL IIM, Saravanampatti, Coimbatore on March 20th 2009.
2. R.Nithya [1], Exploring Sensible Branding in Crisis Management at Adithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore
on September 23rd 2010.
3. R.Nithya [1], Data mining-Crisp & Rough Clustering in Business Strategies for sustainable Growth at
Karpagam college of Engineering, Coimbatore on October 29th 2010.
4. R.Nithya [1], Role of SHG in Rural Marketing in Impact of Microfinance in Enhancing competitiveness of Rural
Market in India (NABARD) at PSGR Krishnammal College of Women, Coimbatore on December 23rd 2010.
5. R.Nithya [1], Marketing Innovations & Strategies in National Conference on Innovative Management Strategies
at RVS IMSR, Coimbatore on January 28th 2011.
6. R.Nithya [1], Visualization of Clustering using MATLAB in National Conference on Computer Applications in
Service Sector: Models and Methods at Dr.N.G.P Arts and Science College,Coimbatore on September 7th 2012.
[Published with ISBN]
7. R.Nithya [1], Women and Health in National Conference on Women Development in the new Millennium:Issues
and Challenges & Pudhu Vaazhvu Project, Coimbatore District on October 4th 2012.
8. R.Nithya [1], Monitoring Opinion on ESOP through Social Media and Clustering its Polarity in National
Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics at RVS College of Arts and Science, Sulur, Coimbatore
on February 15th 2013.
9. R.Nithya [1], Analysis of opinion on ESOP through Social Media in Advanced Computing and IT Applications
at KGiSL IIM, Saravanampatti, Coimbatore on March 20th 2009. [Published with ISBN]
10. R.Nithya [1], A study on factors influencing as a best practice for Sentiment Analysis in National Conference on
Computer Communication and Informatics at RVS College of Arts and Science, Sulur, Coimbatore on February
27th 2014. [Published with ISBN]
Online Study
December 2015.
December 2015.
Online Study Website follow
Udacity - Udemy - Coursera - Codecademy - Alison
National Workshop Attended
1. Two-weeks Workshop on Database Management Systems conducted by Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)
Bombay from 21st to 31st May 2013 under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD).
3. National Seminar Attended
1. Participated in the 4th National Research Seminar on Challenges and Strategies in Research held at SNS
College of Engineering, Department of Computer Applications, Recognized Research Centre, Coimbatore on 30th
January 2016.
Paper(s) Presented in International Conference(s)
1. R.Nithya,"Determining Polarity Distribution of Unstructured Review," International Conference on Knowledge
Collaboration in Engineering at Kathir College of Engineering, Coimbatore during 24th and 25th January 2014.
2. R.Nithya, Dr. D. Maheswari, Sentiment Analysis on Unstructured Review, International Conference on
Intelligent Computing Applications, at Bharathiar University, Coimbatore during 6th and 7th March 2014.
3. R.Nithya, Dr. D. Maheswari, Correlation Of Feature Score To Overall Sentiment Score For Identifying The
Promising Features, 2016 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI -2016),
, Coimbatore, during Jan. 07 09, 2016.
International Journal(s) Published
1. Published a paper entitled Visualization of Crisp and Rough Clustering using MATLAB in CIIT International
Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering on 12th December 2012, Vol.4 , ISSN 0974 9683.
2. Published a paper entitled Sentiment analysis on Unstructured Review in The Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers,IEEE xplorer 978-1-4799-3966-4/14 $31.00 息 2014 IEEE DOI 10.1109/ICICA.2014.81
3. Published a paper entitled A Contrast Between Systematic and Automated Sentiment Analysis in
International Journal of Education and Management Engineering, 2015, 2, 20-29 on June 2015, DOI:
Faculty Development Programme
1. Attended a Faculty Development Programme on Oracle9i conducted at KGiSL IIM, Coimbatore on January 9th
2. Attended a Faculty Development Programme on Innovative Teaching Techniques conducted at KG college of
Arts & Science, Coimbatore on June 8th and 9th 2009.
3. Attended a Faculty Development Programme on Globally Practiced Teaching Methodologies conducted at RVS
College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore on October 13th 2010.
4. Attended a Faculty Development Programme on Case Writing conducted at RVS Institute of Management
Studies & Research, Coimbatore on November 12th 2010.
5. Attended a State Level Faculty Development Programme on Effective Teaching Methodologies conducted at
Kongu Nadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore on August 11th 2012.
6. Attended a Faculty Development Programme on Research Techniques in Computer Science conducted at
Parkss College, Chinnakarai, Tirupur on September 8th 2012.
7. Attended a Faculty Development Programme on Current Teaching Trends conducted at Kongu Nadu Arts and
Science College, Coimbatore on August 17th 2013.
8. Attended a Faculty Development Programme on Application of Statistical in Research using MS-Excel
conducted at RVS College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore on February 28th 2014.
9. Attended a Faculty Development Programme on Writing Effective Research papers in Humanities conducted at
RVS College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore on October 10th 2014.
Membership in Professional Bodies
1. Member of International Association of Engineers [MIAENG]. Membership Number: 149702.
o Member of IAENG Society of Artificial Intelligence.
o Member of IAENG Society of Computer Science.
o Member of IAENG Society of Data Mining
2. Member of International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology [IACSIT].
Membership Number: 80350013.
3. Associate Member (UACCE) of the Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors[IRED].
4. Membership Number: AM1010002703
Personal Details
Name - R.Nithya
Date of Birth - 22nd January 1985
Age - 30
Gender - Female
Nationality - Indian
Languages Known - Telugu, Tamil and English
I hereby promise that all the above mentioned information is true to the best of my knowledge.
Date: 29/ 12 / 2015.
Place: Coimbatore. R.NITHYA