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NAME: Mark Lisowyk ADDRESS: Unit 10 / 1 Young St
Seaford 3198 Victoria
PHONE: +61427506672 E MAIL : marklisowyk@hotmail.com
OCCUPATION: Electrician
I am currently working on the pipe lay vessel Castorone as a Electrical supervisor in charge of
a crew of six electricians.
General: I have worked in the offshore field on construction barges and as a rig electrician
on drilling rigs.
I have worked on the barge DB30 for McDermotts, the Global 1201, Seamac 1 and
Castorone for Skilled offshore, the pipelay ship Lorelay for Allseas/Brunel, and the pipelay
barges Arwana and Aussie1 for Trident.
As a Rig Electrician I have spent time on the Maersk Giant and Kan Tan 1for Maersk
Drilling, the Monitor for Sant Fe, the Harvey H Ward for Reading and Bates and the Attwood
Falcon for Skilled offshore.
I have over ten years experience in the construction industry onshore, mainly in the oil and
gas field, for companies such as, Quality Maintenance services (QMS), Corke
Instrumentation and Production Services Network ( PSN).
My initial nine years were spent in heavy industry at the BHP sheet steel mill in Hastings as a
line maintenance electrician and electronics technician.
I also have ten years in manufacturing/packaging at Phillip Morris Ltd (cigarette
manufacturers) and at Corning Noble Park (fibre optic cable manufacturers).
In all these positions I have had opportunity to work as part of a team, both working closely
within a large group and working individually without supervision.
Process Control : I have worked with continuous process loops involving heat, steam,
moisture, weight, speed and volume. My work involved mainly breakdown repairs and
PLCs : I have worked with quite a few PLCs ,involving some programming, commissioning
work and fault analysis on breakdowns.
Motor Control : In all my positions I have worked with motors and motor drive control,
commissioning, installation and breakdowns. I have also done maintenance work with AC
and DC generators up to 1500KW.
Electronic Work : I have several years experience in electronic repair and design to PCB and
component level working in an electronic work shop.
Resume Mark Lisowyk Electrical Page 1
USI (Unique student identification number) AZGLTRLEDL
SECV "A"Grade Electrical Mechanics Licence
Certificate of Technology (electronics, Certificate 4 equivalent)
Certificate 4 Electrical/Instrumentation (RMIT)
Hazardous Area Wiring
Technicians Certificate (electrical)
Industrial Electronics (level 3)
PLC accreditation
Siemens S5, Izumi FA2, Sucos PS316, Modicon quantum
HUET and emergency response training
TBOSIET , OPITO. (current)
ESSO Helisea (to 25 Aug 2012)
Offshore Primary Safety Induction course. (ESSO
High Pressure Gas and Oil Fire Fighting (ESSO)
Three day basic Fire Fighting and Breathing
Apparatus course. (E.R.G.Training)
MSIC (current)
Senior First Aid (St Johns)
Confined space entry (Allens Training)
Working at Heights (Allens training)
Elevating Work Platforms (EWP Ass), Class: VL, SL, BL and TL
H2S Basic Course
SCR Systems (Maersk Training Centre)
Skilled Offshore From Jan 2014 to present
Resume Mark Lisowyk Electrical Page 2
Level 2 600 Murray St West Perth 6005 Tel +61863105990
I worked with Skilled offshore as a contract electrician on various offshore construction
projects onboard the vessels Global 1201, Semac1 and Castorone. On the Castorone I had the
position of Electrical Supervisor. I also spent some time on the drilling rig Atwood Falcon.
Weatherford Drilling June 2013 to Jan 2014
Unit 2, 209 Leitchs Rd Brendale 4500 Tel +61731713400
I was assigned to Rig 826 as Night electrician working in the Cooper Basin in South west
McDermott Industries Australia June 2007 to Dec 2012
220 St Georges Tr Perth 6000 Tel +61894881900
I worked as a Barge electrician on offshore pipe lay and construction barges as a shift leader
taking care of all electrical preventative maintenance, breakdown repair and installation
projects concerned with running the barge.
I worked on the barge DB30 in Bass Strait, offshore the North West W.A. coast and off Miri
in Indonesia.
Trident Australasia 2008 to 2009
125A Royal St East Perth Tel +61
I worked as a Barge electrician on offshore pipelay and contruction barges taking care of all
electrical preventative maintenance, breakdown repair and installation projects concerned
with running the barge. I worked on the barges Aussie1 and Arwana.
PSN/ Corke Instrumentation 2005 to 2007
ESSO gas plant Hastings Vic Tel +61
I worked as an E & I electrician on the ESSO gas plant control room relocation project in both
the construction and commissioning phase.
Brunel Technical services 2003 to 2005
101 St Georges Tr Perth WA Tel +61894295600
I worked as a Barge electrician on several offshore pipe lay and construction barges on
several different projects.
Taking care of all electrical preventative maintenance, breakdown repair and installation
projects concerned with running the vessel.
Corning Noble Park 2000 to 2001
25 Summit Drv Noble Park Vic Tel +61
Resume Mark Lisowyk Electrical Page 3
Corning was a manufacturer of fibre optic cable, at the factory I was engaged in the
maintenance and calibration of the instrumentation and the maintenance of the electrical
control gear.
Quality Maintenance Services 1999 to 2000
89 Raymond St Sale Vic Tel +61
At QMS I was employed as a maintenance projects electrician at the ESSO gas plant in
Hastings Victoria. I was mainly engaged in the installation of small projects and the
modification of existing systems.
Reading and Bates 1994 to 1996
166 Kings Park Rd Perth WA
I was employed on the offshore drilling rig Harvey H Ward as Rig electrician engaged in all
electrical maintenance, breakdown repair and electrical system installation involved in the day
to day running of the rig.
Philip Morris Ltd 1988 to 2003
252 Chesterville Rd Moorabbin Vic
Philip Morris is a cigarette manufacturing plant in Moorabbin Victoria. I worked at Philip
Morris on and off over the years 1988 to 2003 in a number of positions
As a process control technician, electronic technician and as a maintenance electrical shift
leader, in both the tobacco processing division and the making and packaging division.
BHP Steel Westernport 1979 to 1988
Bayview Rd Hastings Vic
At BHP I completed my apprenticeship and spent several years as a line maintenance
electrician and leading hand
My final year was spent in electronic repair shop doing repairs to component level.
Luke Winfield Graeme OMalley
Electrical Supervisor Systems specialist
McDermott Industries Aust BlueScope Steel
220 St Georges Tr Perth Hastings Vic
Resume Mark Lisowyk Electrical Page 4
+61406757504 0418529627
Darrell Faulkner Werner Kuffer
ICE Electrical Electrical Supervisor
Frankston McDermott Australia
0419382129 0408105778
Scott Oliver Ian Allot
Electrical Supervisor Welding Supervisor
Electrics for Industry McDermott Industries aus
0409013031 0351566313
John Cox
Chief Electrician
Brunel Technical Services
Resume Mark Lisowyk Electrical Page 5
+61406757504 0418529627
Darrell Faulkner Werner Kuffer
ICE Electrical Electrical Supervisor
Frankston McDermott Australia
0419382129 0408105778
Scott Oliver Ian Allot
Electrical Supervisor Welding Supervisor
Electrics for Industry McDermott Industries aus
0409013031 0351566313
John Cox
Chief Electrician
Brunel Technical Services
Resume Mark Lisowyk Electrical Page 5

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new john frost resume
John Frost


  • 1. RESUME OF MARK LISOWYK NAME: Mark Lisowyk ADDRESS: Unit 10 / 1 Young St Seaford 3198 Victoria PHONE: +61427506672 E MAIL : marklisowyk@hotmail.com OCCUPATION: Electrician I am currently working on the pipe lay vessel Castorone as a Electrical supervisor in charge of a crew of six electricians. General: I have worked in the offshore field on construction barges and as a rig electrician on drilling rigs. I have worked on the barge DB30 for McDermotts, the Global 1201, Seamac 1 and Castorone for Skilled offshore, the pipelay ship Lorelay for Allseas/Brunel, and the pipelay barges Arwana and Aussie1 for Trident. As a Rig Electrician I have spent time on the Maersk Giant and Kan Tan 1for Maersk Drilling, the Monitor for Sant Fe, the Harvey H Ward for Reading and Bates and the Attwood Falcon for Skilled offshore. I have over ten years experience in the construction industry onshore, mainly in the oil and gas field, for companies such as, Quality Maintenance services (QMS), Corke Instrumentation and Production Services Network ( PSN). My initial nine years were spent in heavy industry at the BHP sheet steel mill in Hastings as a line maintenance electrician and electronics technician. I also have ten years in manufacturing/packaging at Phillip Morris Ltd (cigarette manufacturers) and at Corning Noble Park (fibre optic cable manufacturers). In all these positions I have had opportunity to work as part of a team, both working closely within a large group and working individually without supervision. Process Control : I have worked with continuous process loops involving heat, steam, moisture, weight, speed and volume. My work involved mainly breakdown repairs and calibrations. PLCs : I have worked with quite a few PLCs ,involving some programming, commissioning work and fault analysis on breakdowns. Motor Control : In all my positions I have worked with motors and motor drive control, commissioning, installation and breakdowns. I have also done maintenance work with AC and DC generators up to 1500KW. Electronic Work : I have several years experience in electronic repair and design to PCB and component level working in an electronic work shop. QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATES Resume Mark Lisowyk Electrical Page 1
  • 2. USI (Unique student identification number) AZGLTRLEDL SECV "A"Grade Electrical Mechanics Licence Certificate of Technology (electronics, Certificate 4 equivalent) Certificate 4 Electrical/Instrumentation (RMIT) Hazardous Area Wiring Technicians Certificate (electrical) Industrial Electronics (level 3) PLC accreditation Siemens S5, Izumi FA2, Sucos PS316, Modicon quantum HUET and emergency response training TBOSIET , OPITO. (current) ESSO Helisea (to 25 Aug 2012) Offshore Primary Safety Induction course. (ESSO High Pressure Gas and Oil Fire Fighting (ESSO) Three day basic Fire Fighting and Breathing Apparatus course. (E.R.G.Training) MSIC (current) Senior First Aid (St Johns) Confined space entry (Allens Training) Working at Heights (Allens training) Elevating Work Platforms (EWP Ass), Class: VL, SL, BL and TL H2S Basic Course SCR Systems (Maersk Training Centre) WORK HISTORY Skilled Offshore From Jan 2014 to present Resume Mark Lisowyk Electrical Page 2
  • 3. Level 2 600 Murray St West Perth 6005 Tel +61863105990 I worked with Skilled offshore as a contract electrician on various offshore construction projects onboard the vessels Global 1201, Semac1 and Castorone. On the Castorone I had the position of Electrical Supervisor. I also spent some time on the drilling rig Atwood Falcon. Weatherford Drilling June 2013 to Jan 2014 Unit 2, 209 Leitchs Rd Brendale 4500 Tel +61731713400 I was assigned to Rig 826 as Night electrician working in the Cooper Basin in South west Queensland. McDermott Industries Australia June 2007 to Dec 2012 220 St Georges Tr Perth 6000 Tel +61894881900 I worked as a Barge electrician on offshore pipe lay and construction barges as a shift leader taking care of all electrical preventative maintenance, breakdown repair and installation projects concerned with running the barge. I worked on the barge DB30 in Bass Strait, offshore the North West W.A. coast and off Miri in Indonesia. Trident Australasia 2008 to 2009 125A Royal St East Perth Tel +61 I worked as a Barge electrician on offshore pipelay and contruction barges taking care of all electrical preventative maintenance, breakdown repair and installation projects concerned with running the barge. I worked on the barges Aussie1 and Arwana. PSN/ Corke Instrumentation 2005 to 2007 ESSO gas plant Hastings Vic Tel +61 I worked as an E & I electrician on the ESSO gas plant control room relocation project in both the construction and commissioning phase. Brunel Technical services 2003 to 2005 101 St Georges Tr Perth WA Tel +61894295600 I worked as a Barge electrician on several offshore pipe lay and construction barges on several different projects. Taking care of all electrical preventative maintenance, breakdown repair and installation projects concerned with running the vessel. Corning Noble Park 2000 to 2001 25 Summit Drv Noble Park Vic Tel +61 Resume Mark Lisowyk Electrical Page 3
  • 4. Corning was a manufacturer of fibre optic cable, at the factory I was engaged in the maintenance and calibration of the instrumentation and the maintenance of the electrical control gear. Quality Maintenance Services 1999 to 2000 89 Raymond St Sale Vic Tel +61 At QMS I was employed as a maintenance projects electrician at the ESSO gas plant in Hastings Victoria. I was mainly engaged in the installation of small projects and the modification of existing systems. Reading and Bates 1994 to 1996 166 Kings Park Rd Perth WA I was employed on the offshore drilling rig Harvey H Ward as Rig electrician engaged in all electrical maintenance, breakdown repair and electrical system installation involved in the day to day running of the rig. Philip Morris Ltd 1988 to 2003 252 Chesterville Rd Moorabbin Vic Philip Morris is a cigarette manufacturing plant in Moorabbin Victoria. I worked at Philip Morris on and off over the years 1988 to 2003 in a number of positions As a process control technician, electronic technician and as a maintenance electrical shift leader, in both the tobacco processing division and the making and packaging division. BHP Steel Westernport 1979 to 1988 Bayview Rd Hastings Vic At BHP I completed my apprenticeship and spent several years as a line maintenance electrician and leading hand My final year was spent in electronic repair shop doing repairs to component level. PERSONAL REFERENCES Luke Winfield Graeme OMalley Electrical Supervisor Systems specialist McDermott Industries Aust BlueScope Steel 220 St Georges Tr Perth Hastings Vic Resume Mark Lisowyk Electrical Page 4
  • 5. +61406757504 0418529627 deepafricasalvage@yahoo.com.au Darrell Faulkner Werner Kuffer ICE Electrical Electrical Supervisor Frankston McDermott Australia 0419382129 0408105778 wernerelectrcal@bigpond.com Scott Oliver Ian Allot Electrical Supervisor Welding Supervisor Electrics for Industry McDermott Industries aus 0409013031 0351566313 John Cox Chief Electrician Brunel Technical Services 0438727969 Resume Mark Lisowyk Electrical Page 5
  • 6. +61406757504 0418529627 deepafricasalvage@yahoo.com.au Darrell Faulkner Werner Kuffer ICE Electrical Electrical Supervisor Frankston McDermott Australia 0419382129 0408105778 wernerelectrcal@bigpond.com Scott Oliver Ian Allot Electrical Supervisor Welding Supervisor Electrics for Industry McDermott Industries aus 0409013031 0351566313 John Cox Chief Electrician Brunel Technical Services 0438727969 Resume Mark Lisowyk Electrical Page 5