The document discusses Voyage, a persistence layer for Pharo/Squeak that provides a common API and centralized management for saving and retrieving complex object models from various backends such as memory and MongoDB. It provides services like caching live objects, error handling, and reconnection. The API includes methods like #save, #remove, #selectAll. Voyage uses Magritte for object mapping and serialization. Initial versions work but need more optimization and cleanup. Future work includes supporting additional backends and collaborators.
The document discusses Voyage, a persistence layer for Pharo/Squeak that provides a common API and centralized management for saving and retrieving complex object models from various backends such as memory and MongoDB. It provides services like caching live objects, error handling, and reconnection. The API includes methods like #save, #remove, #selectAll. Voyage uses Magritte for object mapping and serialization. Initial versions work but need more optimization and cleanup. Future work includes supporting additional backends and collaborators.
This document provides tips and tricks for persisting object models using Voyage, an abstraction layer for mapping objects to databases. It discusses how Voyage ensures object identity and error handling while implementing a connection pool. The document emphasizes thinking in objects when modeling data and allows missing references between objects. It also provides examples of querying objects and adapting data schemes when the database schema differs from the object model. Finally, it outlines upcoming features for Voyage 2.0 including root detection, cyclic detection, and a Riak backend.
The document analyzes Facebook demographics in the Middle East. It finds that the region has the lowest percentage of female users on social media globally. Saudi Arabia has the largest number of Facebook users in the Middle East at nearly 4 million, though teenages are the most active age group across the region. Arabic is the most preferred language on Facebook in the Middle East, followed by English. Jordan has the highest Facebook penetration rate in the region at over 50%.
This document provides instructions for creating a linkroll to display a group of bookmarks on a website. It explains how to log into a account, find the linkroll customization options, copy the generated code, and paste it into a web page. An example linkroll is shown displaying bookmarks tagged under "government resources" on a library website.
This document describes how to load paper into the paper drawers of a printer. It provides instructions on which paper sizes can be loaded in each drawer and safety precautions to take. The steps are: 1) Pull out the paper drawer. 2) Remove a stack of paper from its package. 3) Turn the paper stack over and place it in the drawer against the right wall. 4) Push the drawer back into the printer until it clicks.
The document discusses how a government depository library incorporated various Web 2.0 tools and services into its website to enhance user experience and promote resources. These included Meebo chat, AddThis sharing buttons, Google custom search, Delicious social bookmarking, and RSS feed conversion. Using these tools decreased pages while increasing external links. Future initiatives may include using Facebook, Twitter, and Yahoo Pipes for additional promotion and content aggregation. Implementation of some tools like Pipes presents challenges around technical skills and source compatibility.
This document discusses using RSS feeds in Drupal. It describes using the Feeds and Aggregator modules to import RSS feeds to create nodes or display as sources. Views can be used to organize and style the imported content. Yahoo Pipes is also presented as an option for filtering and combining RSS feeds before importing them into Drupal.
A presentation developed by Preston Lewis to share with groups interested in learning more about how to build and sustain more relationships (networking), personal brands and leverage emerging technology.
This chapter describes how to perform routine maintenance tasks for the printer such as loading paper into the paper drawers, adding toner, and cleaning various parts of the printer. It provides instructions for loading paper into the paper drawers, adjusting the paper size settings, adding toner, and cleaning components like the platen glass, feeder, and rollers.
Avalia??o de m¨¦todos de Segmenta??o mediante algoritmos de Machine Learningtookumy
Avalia??o de m¨¦todos de segmenta??o de imagens de pl?ncton usando algoritmos de machine learning para avaliar a qualidade da ¨¢gua. O documento prop?e avaliar diferentes algoritmos de segmenta??o de imagens de pl?ncton para analisar o estado da ¨¢gua.
Esteban Lorenzano presents Reef, a Javascript/Ajax component framework for Seaside. Reef allows developers to build Ajax interactions into Seaside applications using a transparent component model. It uses a dispatcher architecture with jQuery and supports callbacks, context, decorations, and plugins to extend components. Developers are encouraged to try Reef and provide feedback.
The document discusses iBizLog, a platform for small businesses and independent professionals to create e-commerce websites. It provides features like customizable templates, shopping carts, and social networking integration. The platform is built using Pharo and Seaside, and runs on Gemstone using a custom storage mechanism called "Voyage". Over 1500 businesses have used iBizLog in the past year to set up their online stores.
This WebQuest assignment uses descriptive statistics to analyze the performance of NCAA men's basketball teams from the Big 10 conference. Students are divided into groups and assigned roles to research statistics on 2-4 teams, calculate descriptive statistics, conduct statistical tests, create visualizations, and present their findings. The goal is for students to apply their statistical knowledge to real-world sports data and communicate their analysis.
This document provides 4 YouTube video links about reading ideas from around the world as well as contact information for an individual named and their Facebook profile at The videos explore concepts and techniques for reading from different global perspectives. Contact details are included for further discussion.
Aquest ¨¦s el segon n¨²mero de la revista escolar "La Nova Campanada" en format digital. L'han realitzat els alumnes de l'escola de Tuixent. Volem agrair la col.laboraci¨® de les entitats i empreses del nostre entorn.
4. Equip docent del Cicle
M.Carme Simon
Merc¨¨ Caselles
Meritxell Cristi¨¤
Pep Vilalta
Gemma F¨ªgols
Anna Su?¨¦
Neus Puig
Llu?sa Casellas
Tutora de 3r
Al¨ªcia Villanueva
Tutora de 4t
6. SortidesSortides
(1r trimestre)(1r trimestre)
(2n trimestre)(2n trimestre)
Col¨°nies a ¡°Mas Bad¨®¡± Sant Quirze Safaja,Col¨°nies a ¡°Mas Bad¨®¡± Sant Quirze Safaja,
5-6-7 d¡¯abril5-6-7 d¡¯abril
Teatre Berga 21 o 22 de febrer iTeatre Berga 21 o 22 de febrer i
30 o 31 de maig.30 o 31 de maig.
Teatre angl¨¨s ¨²ltima setmana de mar?.Teatre angl¨¨s ¨²ltima setmana de mar?.
Trobades esportives 20 (4t) i 21 (3r) de mar?.Trobades esportives 20 (4t) i 21 (3r) de mar?.
Camp d¡¯aprenentatge (25-26 maig)Camp d¡¯aprenentatge (25-26 maig)
10. Com treballemCom treballem
Lleng¨¹es : Catal¨¤, castell¨¤ i angl¨¨s.Lleng¨¹es : Catal¨¤, castell¨¤ i angl¨¨s.
Coneixement del Medi Natural, Social iConeixement del Medi Natural, Social i
Educaci¨® art¨ªstica : M¨²sica i pl¨¤stica.Educaci¨® art¨ªstica : M¨²sica i pl¨¤stica.
Educaci¨® F¨ªsica.Educaci¨® F¨ªsica.
11. Tallers
Agrupacions de nens i nenes :
-1r, 2n, 3r
-4t, 5¨¨ i 6¨¨
Activitats fetes pels diferents mestres
del cicle.
Cada taller amb una durada de 5