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                         The adventure of persisting object-models

Wednesday, June 27, 12
A glimpse of Seaside

                   ? Stateful
                   ? Component model
                   ? Maybe aged, but still the best :)

Wednesday, June 27, 12
             I still prefer:

Wednesday, June 27, 12

Wednesday, June 27, 12
A glimpse of Pier

                   ? A CMS
                   ? Component based
                   ? You can embed almost anything
                   ? You can decorate almost anything

Wednesday, June 27, 12
A perfect world

Wednesday, June 27, 12
A perfect world

                   ? Objects collaborate inside your image,
                         creating a perfect choreography of
                         interacting elements...

Wednesday, June 27, 12
A perfect world

                   ? Objects collaborate inside your image,
                         creating a perfect choreography of
                         interacting elements...
                   ? INSIDE your image

Wednesday, June 27, 12
Why to persist?

                   ? Space
                   ? Reliability
                   ? Scalability

Wednesday, June 27, 12
Persisting Pier
                   ? A complex* object model
                   ? Looking for
                    ? Scalability
                    ? Update capabilities
                    ? Backup
            *And I mean really complex: take a look to all those commands,
            decorations and dictionaries :)

Wednesday, June 27, 12
Show time!

Wednesday, June 27, 12

                   ? A ¡°non-abstract¡± persistence layer
                   ? An ¡°implementation pattern¡± which
                         provides some services as well

Wednesday, June 27, 12
A simple layered approach

                         Memory       Mongo                ...


Wednesday, June 27, 12
Use cases
              Singleton mode:

              Regular mode:

Wednesday, June 27, 12
A simple API
                   ? #save:
                   ? #remove:
                   ? #removeAll:
                   ? #selectAll:
                   ? #selectMany:where:
                   ? #selectOne:where:
Wednesday, June 27, 12
A simple API
                   ? #save:
                                            clauses are what
                                          the back-end needs,

                   ? #remove:                 no something

                   ? #removeAll:
                   ? #selectAll:
                   ? #selectMany:where:
                   ? #selectOne:where:
Wednesday, June 27, 12
A simple API
                   ? #save:
                                            clauses are what
                                          the back-end needs,

                   ? #remove:                 no something

                   ? #removeAll:
                   ? #selectAll:                            Memory:
                                                    [ :each | each key = 42 ]

                   ? #selectMany:where:
                   ? #selectOne:where:
Wednesday, June 27, 12
A simple API
                   ? #save:
                                            clauses are what
                                          the back-end needs,

                   ? #remove:                 no something

                   ? #removeAll:
                   ? #selectAll:                            Memory:
                                                    [ :each | each key = 42 ]

                   ? #selectMany:where:
                   ? #selectOne:where:                       Mongo:
                                                    { #key->42 } asDictionary

Wednesday, June 27, 12
What Voyage provides
                   ? Common API
                   ? Centralized management
                    - Preserve identity (caching live objects)
                    - Error handling
                    - Reconnection
                    - Pluggable connection pool
Wednesday, June 27, 12
                   ? Is just a centralized dictionary of
                   ? Used for prototyping and early stages of
                         development (no need to choose a
                         persistent repository at ?rst instance)
                   ? Works for ¡°stateless¡± applications which
                         need readonly data (I made one once, yes)

Wednesday, June 27, 12

                   ? Uses MongoTalk
                   ? Adds
                    - Object cache
                    - Error handling/reconnection
                    - Transparent mapping (magritte guided)

Wednesday, June 27, 12
                   ?     ¡°Object-Document mapper¡±
                   ?     Magritte base implementation is intended to UI
                         and there is some difference with mongo needs.
                         -   Explicit (static) declaration vs. dynamic type
                             inference. (i.e. Pier persistence is nearly
                             impossible with an explicit declaration
                   ?     I changed it a lot since Norbert saw him (more
                         and more inference... and still needs more)

Wednesday, June 27, 12

Wednesday, June 27, 12

Wednesday, June 27, 12

Wednesday, June 27, 12

                   ? Uses become, so yes, it is slow
                    ? So far, no need more speed.
                   ? Other possible approaches: Two phases
                         (mark and persist)

Wednesday, June 27, 12

                   ?First version working (make it work)
                   ? Need cleanup (make it right)
                   ? Need some optimization (make it fast)

Wednesday, June 27, 12
                   ? Finish it (collaborators would be ?ne :)
                   ? Add/Update some backends (Just if/when
                         -   Fuel
                         -   Phriak
                         -   Glorp?

Wednesday, June 27, 12

                             Voyage and PierVoyage are available at:

                            Already a tester who is blogging about!

Wednesday, June 27, 12

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Voyage - PharoConf 2012

  • 1. Voyage The adventure of persisting object-models Wednesday, June 27, 12
  • 2. A glimpse of Seaside ? Stateful ? Component model ? Maybe aged, but still the best :) Wednesday, June 27, 12
  • 3. Continuations I still prefer: Wednesday, June 27, 12
  • 4. Continuations Over: Wednesday, June 27, 12
  • 5. A glimpse of Pier ? A CMS ? Component based ? You can embed almost anything ? You can decorate almost anything Wednesday, June 27, 12
  • 7. A perfect world ? Objects collaborate inside your image, creating a perfect choreography of interacting elements... Wednesday, June 27, 12
  • 8. A perfect world ? Objects collaborate inside your image, creating a perfect choreography of interacting elements... ? INSIDE your image Wednesday, June 27, 12
  • 9. Why to persist? ? Space ? Reliability ? Scalability Wednesday, June 27, 12
  • 10. Persisting Pier ? A complex* object model ? Looking for ? Scalability ? Update capabilities ? Backup *And I mean really complex: take a look to all those commands, decorations and dictionaries :) Wednesday, June 27, 12
  • 12. Voyage ? A ¡°non-abstract¡± persistence layer ? An ¡°implementation pattern¡± which provides some services as well Wednesday, June 27, 12
  • 13. A simple layered approach Voyage Memory Mongo ... Magritte- MongoTalk Mongo Wednesday, June 27, 12
  • 14. Use cases Singleton mode: Regular mode: Wednesday, June 27, 12
  • 15. A simple API ? #save: ? #remove: ? #removeAll: ? #selectAll: ? #selectMany:where: ? #selectOne:where: Wednesday, June 27, 12
  • 16. A simple API ? #save: Where clauses are what the back-end needs, ? #remove: no something intermediate ? #removeAll: ? #selectAll: ? #selectMany:where: ? #selectOne:where: Wednesday, June 27, 12
  • 17. A simple API ? #save: Where clauses are what the back-end needs, ? #remove: no something intermediate ? #removeAll: ? #selectAll: Memory: [ :each | each key = 42 ] ? #selectMany:where: ? #selectOne:where: Wednesday, June 27, 12
  • 18. A simple API ? #save: Where clauses are what the back-end needs, ? #remove: no something intermediate ? #removeAll: ? #selectAll: Memory: [ :each | each key = 42 ] ? #selectMany:where: ? #selectOne:where: Mongo: { #key->42 } asDictionary Wednesday, June 27, 12
  • 19. What Voyage provides ? Common API ? Centralized management - Preserve identity (caching live objects) - Error handling - Reconnection - Pluggable connection pool Wednesday, June 27, 12
  • 20. Voyage-Memory ? Is just a centralized dictionary of collections. ? Used for prototyping and early stages of development (no need to choose a persistent repository at ?rst instance) ? Works for ¡°stateless¡± applications which need readonly data (I made one once, yes) Wednesday, June 27, 12
  • 21. Voyage-Mongo ? Uses MongoTalk ? Adds - Object cache - Error handling/reconnection - Transparent mapping (magritte guided) Wednesday, June 27, 12
  • 22. Magritte-Mongo ? ¡°Object-Document mapper¡± ? Magritte base implementation is intended to UI and there is some difference with mongo needs. - Explicit (static) declaration vs. dynamic type inference. (i.e. Pier persistence is nearly impossible with an explicit declaration approach) ? I changed it a lot since Norbert saw him (more and more inference... and still needs more) Wednesday, June 27, 12
  • 26. Serializer ? Uses become, so yes, it is slow ? So far, no need more speed. ? Other possible approaches: Two phases (mark and persist) Wednesday, June 27, 12
  • 27. Status ?First version working (make it work) ? Need cleanup (make it right) ? Need some optimization (make it fast) Wednesday, June 27, 12
  • 28. Future ? Finish it (collaborators would be ?ne :) ? Add/Update some backends (Just if/when needed) - Fuel - Phriak - Glorp? Wednesday, June 27, 12
  • 29. Thanks! Voyage and PierVoyage are available at: http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~estebanlm/Voyage Already a tester who is blogging about! http://articles.tulipemoutarde.be/ Wednesday, June 27, 12