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Rfc ppt  ponderosa
Modern Day Slavery 
150 years ago 
Proclamation was 
6 decades ago the 
United Nations 
outlawed the 
global slave trade 
The Reality Today 
What are Human Rights? 
 Rights that belong to all people at birth by 
virtue of our common humanity
Sex Labor
Trafficking Story 
Anyones son or daughter- Video clip
Rfc ppt  ponderosa
Raising Awareness at 
High Schools
California is a hotspot in the United 
States for trafficking cases.
Human Trafficking Terminology 
 Pimp- Male or Female 
 Daddy or Mama 
 Dates and Tricks 
 The Life 
 The Stroll
What is the problem? 
 Trafficking of minor girls and boys is the fastest 
growing crime in the U.S. 
 Human Trafficking in the world is a $32 Billion 
industry and in the United States alone
Numbers in the US 
 100,000  300,000 victims 
 Average age of a victim is 12 years 
 Forced quota of 15-20 buyers per night 
 CA Convictions 9-12 years after Prop 35 
 Federal Convictions net 12-15 years
Greed and Power 
 Girls and boys are seen and treated as a commodity 
 Branded, Tattooed 
 Pimps research how to build their business just like 
an entrepreneur 
 Power over someone 
 Brutal violence
1 out of 3 girls and 1 out of 5 
boys will be sexually abused 
by the age of 18.
Who Are These Victims? 
 Anyones Son or Daughter 
 Boys (48.5%) and girls (51.2%) become victims at 
nearly the same rate 
 Those exploited at a young age 
 Lack of family support 
 Foster Youth
And Boys Too 
 Average age first exploited: 11-13 
 Recruited by family and friends 
 Survival sex 
 Up to 50% of commercial sexual exploitation 
of children (CSEC) cases are boys 
 Silence and cultural perceptions
Sacramento News Clip
How Does this Happen? 
 Gain victim trust 
 Cage the Mind 
 Intake process
Why Dont Victims Speak Up? 
True or False? 
There is a consistent victim profile type? 
How many are exploited for sex in the US? 
100,000  300,000
The average age of a trafficked victim in the US? 
12 years old
Average Life Expectancy of a sex trafficked victim? 
7 years
Can you guess how many websites are used to sell teens 
for sex in the US? 
14 different websites 
selling teens
Media Influences 
 Role Models 
 Unrealistic Beauty 
 Over-Sexualization of Girls 
 Violence Against Women
Top Signs 
 Presence of an overly controlling boyfriend 
 Inability to maintain eye contact when 
 Physical Abuse 
 Signs of malnourishment 
 Signs of drugs 
 Fear, anxiety, depression, submissive, 
tense or nervous 
 Few or no personal possessions
Your Safety 
 Have someone you can go to or talk to 
 Self Defense 
 Summer reports!
Value and Worth 
 Each of you have intrinsic value and worth
Real Men 
 Value women 
 Understand appropriate 
 Appreciate the role of women 
 Respect for boundaries 
 How do I treat a woman? 
 Honor womens choices 
 Acknowledge impact of pornography
Pornography and Sex Trafficking 
 Profits sex traffickers 
 Activates drug-cue-reactivity and craving centers of the brain 
 Requires increased levels of input to achieve the same result, 
leading to: 
-Decreased intimacy with a partner 
-Increased tendency of violence 
Research from Witherspoon Institute & Cambridge University
Run For Courage, Inc. 
What Can you Do? 
 National Hotline 
1-888-3737-888 or TEXT: BeFree (233733) 
 Be Aware 
 Like us on Facebook 
 Stand up Against Trafficking at Events 
 Virtual Runner anytime! 
Finish Line-Lake Merritt
Rfc ppt  ponderosa
Top Fundraisers
Wall of Daughters
UCLA Virtual Run-Packet Pick-Up
Our Faithful Volunteers
Thank you from all of us!
Feedback Survey: 

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Rfc ppt ponderosa

  • 2. Modern Day Slavery Picture 150 years ago Emancipation Proclamation was signed 6 decades ago the United Nations outlawed the global slave trade The Reality Today 29.8 MILLION SLAVES WORLDWIDE
  • 3. What are Human Rights? Rights that belong to all people at birth by virtue of our common humanity
  • 5. Trafficking Story Anyones son or daughter- Video clip
  • 7. Raising Awareness at High Schools
  • 8. California is a hotspot in the United States for trafficking cases.
  • 9. Human Trafficking Terminology Perpetrator Prostitution Pimp- Male or Female Daddy or Mama Johns Dates and Tricks The Life The Stroll
  • 10. What is the problem? Trafficking of minor girls and boys is the fastest growing crime in the U.S. Human Trafficking in the world is a $32 Billion industry and in the United States alone
  • 11. Numbers in the US 100,000 300,000 victims Average age of a victim is 12 years Forced quota of 15-20 buyers per night CA Convictions 9-12 years after Prop 35 Federal Convictions net 12-15 years
  • 12. Greed and Power Girls and boys are seen and treated as a commodity Branded, Tattooed Pimps research how to build their business just like an entrepreneur Power over someone Force Intimidation Brutal violence
  • 13. 1 out of 3 girls and 1 out of 5 boys will be sexually abused by the age of 18.
  • 14. Who Are These Victims? Anyones Son or Daughter Boys (48.5%) and girls (51.2%) become victims at nearly the same rate Vulnerable Those exploited at a young age Homeless Bullied Lack of family support Foster Youth
  • 15. And Boys Too Average age first exploited: 11-13 Recruited by family and friends Survival sex Up to 50% of commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) cases are boys Silence and cultural perceptions
  • 17. How Does this Happen? Gain victim trust Manipulation Coercion Cage the Mind Force Intake process
  • 18. Why Dont Victims Speak Up? Fear Shame Loyalty Hopelessness
  • 19. True or False? There is a consistent victim profile type? FALSE
  • 20. Quiz How many are exploited for sex in the US? 100,000 300,000
  • 21. Quiz The average age of a trafficked victim in the US? 12 years old
  • 22. Quiz Average Life Expectancy of a sex trafficked victim? 7 years
  • 23. Quiz Can you guess how many websites are used to sell teens for sex in the US? 14 different websites selling teens
  • 24. Media Influences Role Models Advertising Unrealistic Beauty Objectification/Self-Objectification Over-Sexualization of Girls Violence Against Women
  • 25. Top Signs Presence of an overly controlling boyfriend Inability to maintain eye contact when communicating Physical Abuse Signs of malnourishment Signs of drugs Fear, anxiety, depression, submissive, tense or nervous Few or no personal possessions
  • 26. Internet Dating Friends Your Safety Have someone you can go to or talk to Self Defense Discernment Accountability Summer reports!
  • 27. Value and Worth Each of you have intrinsic value and worth
  • 28. Real Men Value women Understand appropriate relationships Appreciate the role of women Respect for boundaries How do I treat a woman? Honor womens choices Acknowledge impact of pornography
  • 29. Pornography and Sex Trafficking Profits sex traffickers Activates drug-cue-reactivity and craving centers of the brain Requires increased levels of input to achieve the same result, leading to: -Decreased intimacy with a partner -Increased tendency of violence Research from Witherspoon Institute & Cambridge University
  • 30. Run For Courage, Inc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ovckc_LKr-w
  • 31. What Can you Do? National Hotline 1-888-3737-888 or TEXT: BeFree (233733) Be Aware Like us on Facebook Stand up Against Trafficking at Events Virtual Runner anytime! Volunteer www.runforcourage.org
  • 38. Thank you from all of us!

Editor's Notes

  • #14: The Advocacy Center. "The Facts About Youth Sexual Abuse." Accessed February 21, 2014, http://www.theadvocacycenter.org/adv_abuse.html.
  • #16: Point1: Study by ECPAT-USA Point 3: John Jay College and Centre for Court Innovation Study (2008):