Crop Cardboard Freestanding Unit (FSU) in Coles - Case Study by Gush CreativeAndrew Fox
Gush Creative has been working closely with Devcos International, having helped design and produce a number of POS displays for their Savvy and Models Prefer brands in Priceline. In September this year, Devcos International launched Crop, a specific range of naturally derived skincare and cosmetic products. Gush was given the opportunity to bring to life the Crop temporary shelf display and freestanding unit (FSU) which was displayed in Coles Australia wide from September to October 2015.
We have put together this case study exploring the process involved with getting the FSU into Coles. We take a collaborative approach!
Crop Cardboard Freestanding Unit (FSU) in Coles - Case Study by Gush CreativeAndrew Fox
Gush Creative has been working closely with Devcos International, having helped design and produce a number of POS displays for their Savvy and Models Prefer brands in Priceline. In September this year, Devcos International launched Crop, a specific range of naturally derived skincare and cosmetic products. Gush was given the opportunity to bring to life the Crop temporary shelf display and freestanding unit (FSU) which was displayed in Coles Australia wide from September to October 2015.
We have put together this case study exploring the process involved with getting the FSU into Coles. We take a collaborative approach!
Las licencias Creative Commons permiten a los creadores mantener los derechos de autor sobre sus obras mientras permiten a otros copiar y distribuir el material siempre que se reconozca la autor¨ªa y solo bajo las condiciones especificadas por el creador. Existen seis tipos de licencias Creative Commons que var¨ªan en t¨¦rminos de si se permite el uso comercial, la modificaci¨®n de las obras y el uso de obras derivadas. Las licencias Creative Commons ofrecen una alternativa al dominio p¨²blico al permitir alg¨²n grado de uso con atribuci¨®n bajo ciertas
Beautiful design activates the pleasure receptors in our brain. Smart user experience shapes human behavior. Elegant strategy creates a perfect marriage between the two.
As technology and data analytics evolve, we gain richer and deeper insight into how we do what we do. The first iteration of this involves understanding basic human action: did the design and the placement of the button encourage people to click? Did they click more often if it was moved it from left to right? Then came a deeper understanding of not only what was done, but who did it. Integration through Facebook and other social profiles created rich demographic-driven insight into who was doing what in response to interface in design. Now we find ourselves on the edge of a third wave, driven by geo location, wearable technology and advances in human biology, among other things.
We are now at a new frontier where the conversation is shifting from how we change behavior to how we can actually change the way that people process the world around them. The question then becomes how do artists, designers and engineers use this shift to create products that change the way people see and respond to the world around them.
Sarah Hall, founder and CEO of Harley & Co, will discuss how we can use things like GRIT, the Halo Effect, pattern recognition, the Availability Heuristic and more to drive the way we create. If you¡¯ve ever wanted to leverage human biology and cognition to your advantage in design and creativity, join us.
This document discusses transparency issues with current metrics used to measure scientific impact, such as PageRank and Journal Impact Factor. It argues that these metrics lack transparency in their algorithms and are susceptible to gaming. As an alternative, it proposes altmetrics, which provide transparent, verifiable impact indicators linked to open data sources. Altmetrics track references and reuse of scholarly works both within and outside of academia. They aim to give a more comprehensive view of impact by measuring extra-academic usage and reuse of open scholarly content. The document calls for more transparent APIs and measures of reuse to better capture scientific impact.
Este documento describe varios contaminantes atmosf¨¦ricos comunes, incluidos di¨®xido de carbono, ¨®xidos de nitr¨®geno, cloruro de hidr¨®geno, di¨®xido de azufre, part¨ªculas s¨®lidas y metales pesados. Explica sus efectos da?inos en el medio ambiente y la salud humana, como el calentamiento global, la lluvia ¨¢cida y los da?os pulmonares y neurol¨®gicos. Tambi¨¦n enumera algunos contaminantes org¨¢nicos como cloruro de vinilo, tricloroetil
The document advertises summer 2016 course offerings through University of California Santa Barbara Extension. A wide variety of business, accounting, human resources, project management, marketing, and paralegal courses are listed, along with their dates, locations, and brief descriptions. New professional preparation programs for accounting to earn credits toward CPA requirements are highlighted. The quarter begins June 20th and individuals are encouraged to enroll now.
Market Research Diagram for PowerPoint by
Market Research Diagram template for PowerPoint and Keynote presentations.
A photographer traveled to western Yemen to document the lives of villagers living on Dhalamlam Mountain. For nearly two years, Yemen has been embroiled in a violent war but for many rural Yemenis, life has been difficult and the war has had little impact. The photographs show villagers going about their daily activities of working, studying, shopping, and praying high in the Yemeni mountains.
Este documento describe diferentes tipos de redes sociales y sus usos potenciales en educaci¨®n. Describe redes sociales estrictas que se centran en las relaciones entre personas, redes de microblogging como Twitter que se basan en mensajes cortos, y redes sociales completas como Facebook que permiten establecer lazos de amistad y compartir diferentes contenidos. Tambi¨¦n explica que las redes sociales completas pueden utilizarse para crear redes de asignaturas y centros educativos, grupos para consultar dudas y actividades acad¨¦micas, tablones
The document discusses challenge based learning, an approach to education that uses real-world problems as the context for student learning. It focuses on sustainability as a big idea and asks students how choices can reflect caring for the land. The process involves brainstorming questions, researching to find answers, analyzing data, implementing a solution, and reflecting on results. Assessment looks at the learning process rather than just outcomes.
The document discusses online branding and how to become an expert. It provides 5 steps to create an online brand: conduct keyword research; choose a consistent username across platforms; create a Gmail account; build a campaign and be its voice; and open accounts using the same username. It also lists 5 steps to become an expert: write about your topic; create and upload video tutorials; blog and comment on related topics; optimize content for search engines; and engage people on social media. The document was presented by Ruben B. Licera Jr.
- The number of immigrants in the US has grown substantially since 1950, doubling repeatedly from 10 million in 1950 to over 40 million in 2010.
- Immigrants are increasingly concentrated in southern and western metro areas rather than traditional destinations in the Midwest and Northeast. Nine metro areas saw their foreign-born populations double in the past decade.
- Immigrants dominate the US working age population and are more likely to have higher skills than native born Americans, though skills vary significantly between metro areas.
Onboarding Designed to Engage and Delight Customers by Dan Fisher and Gerry G...Engage
This document discusses strategies for effective onboarding and training of new sales hires. It outlines common reasons why training fails, such as providing too much information without focus on internalization. Critical success factors for onboarding include mapping the sales process and recruiter/sales rep journey. Effective training uses regimented, milestone-based approaches and tracks metrics on engagement and adoption. Sustaining change requires ongoing coaching, playbooks, workshops and challenges to reinforce the training.
Building the Enterprise infrastructure with PostgreSQL as the basis for stori...PavelKonotopov
In my talk, I will tell how we built a geographically distributed system of personal data storage based on Open Source software and PostgreSQL. The concept of the inCountry business is to provide customers with a ready-to-use infrastructure for personal data storage. Our business customers are ensured that their customer¡¯s personal data is securely stored within their country¡¯s borders. We wrote an API and SDK and built a variety of services. Our system complies with generally accepted security standards (SOC Type 1, Type 2, PCI DSS, etc.). We built our infrastructure with Consul, Nomad, and Vault, used PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch as a storage system, Nginx, Jenkins, Artifactory, other tools to automate management and deployment. We have assembled our development and management teams - DevOps, Security, Monitoring, and DBA. We use both cloud providers and bare-metal servers located in different regions of the world. Development of the system architecture and ensuring the stability of the infrastructure, consistent and secure operation of all its components is the main task facing our teams.