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 It is virus of Bunyavirales family
 It causes Viral Zoonotic disease
 Affects primarily livestock (cattle,
sheep, goats, camels, etc.) are spread
mostly by mosquitoes.
 Can be transmitted to humans
 Infection can lead to high rates of
disease and death in animals and
 The Disease Classified as an OIE List A
disease (A080)
In September 2000, an outbreak
was confirmed in Saudi Arabia and
Yemen, marking the first reported
occurrence of the disease outside
the African continent and raising
concerns that it could extend to
other parts of Asia and Europe
The total case fatality rate has varied
widely between different epidemics
but, overall, has been less than 1% in
those documented.
Most fatalities occur in patients who
develop the Hemorrhagic jaundice
The virus was first identified in 1931 during an investigation into an
epidemic among sheep on a farm in the Rift Valley of Kenya. Since
then, outbreaks have been reported in sub-Saharan and North Africa.
Rift Valley fever Phlebovirus
Virus classification:
Realm: Riboviria

Phylum: Negarnaviricota

Class: Ellioviricetes

Order: Bunyavirales

Family: Phenuiviridae

Genus: Phlebovirus

Species: Rift Valley fever phlebovirus
Structure of the Virus
 RVFV belongs to the genus Phlebovirus, family Bunyaviridae.
 Bunyaviruses are enveloped and have a tri-segmented single-
stranded RNA genome of negative or ambisense polarity.
 The envelope is composed of a lipid bilayer containing the Gn
and Gc glycoproteins forming surface subunits.
 Transcription and replication take place in the cytoplasm
 The viral genome has three segments which are L,M and S.
 The L and M segments are of negative polarity while the S
segment utilizes an ambisense strategy to code for both N and
Causative agent: The
Rift Valley Fever Virus
A family of enveloped
negative strand RNA
RVF is an Arborvirus
which means it is
transmitted by
arthropod (insects,
arachnids, centipedes,
crustaceans) vectors
and vertebrates
Transmitted by
mosquito vectors to
There is only one
serotype of RVF virus.
Stable at 60 C to 23 C
*Lipid solvents
*Detergents *Low pH
Mode of
There is no direct person-to-person
Human can be infected in RVF by handling
of animal tissues during slaughtering &
By Vector: RVF virus is transmitted primarily
by infected mosquitoe bites, mainly the
Aedes species, which can acquire the virus
from feeding on infected animals.
The female mosquito is also able to
transmitted the virus directly to her
offspring via eggs leading to new generations
of infected mosquitoes hatching from eggs.
Transmission Via Mosquito to Animal &
Heavy Rainfall,
flooding leads to
high Mosquito
transmission cycle
transmission cycle at
the, Dambo
transmission cycle
at the, Dambo
Mode Of Action (Human)
 The virus infects humans through inoculation, for example
via a wound from an infected knife or through contact
with broken skin, or through inhalation of aerosols
produced during the slaughter of infected animals.
 Caused by a cytopathic virus that targets the liver and the
 It is suspected that the virus moves from the skin to
draining lymph nodes, where it replicates and spreads
throughout the body.
 It may also cross the blood-brain barrier and infect
neurons and glia, leading to meningoencephalitis and
retinitis two to three weeks after onset of infection
 Susceptibility appears to be general in both sexes
at all ages.
 Humans are highly susceptible to infection but
represent dead end hosts.
 Inapparent infections and mild disease are
common. Since infection leads to immunity,
susceptible in endemic areas are mainly young
Incubation Period
 Experimentally, incubation period of this virus in new-born
lambs, kids, calves, and puppies, is about 12 hours.
 The incubation period in adult sheep, cattle, goats, and
dogs may be as long as 3 days.
 In humans, the incubation period is 4 to 6 days.
 Weight loss
 Loss of Appetite
 Bloody Diarrhea
 Increased respiratory rate
 Blood tinged nasal discharge
 Majority have mild symptoms or no
symptoms at all.
 Flu like symptoms: fever, headache,
muscle pain, joint pain, etc.
 Other symptoms that may occur are
neck stiffness, sensitivity to light, loss
of appetite, and vomiting.
 Symptoms usually last 4 to 7 days
Pathogenesis of RVF in Animal
 Most of the mice infected with wild-type (wt) RVFV ZH548 or ZH501
strains die in 3 to 5 days.
 The symptom is often followed by death within one hour
 The Syrian hamster is one of the most susceptible rodents to RVFV.
 Death occurs in 2 to 3 days after intraperitoneal inoculation with
massive liver necrosis
 Sheep with more than one week old were relatively resistant to RVFV
infection, yet did exhibit fever (39 to 40 属C), viremia, diarrhea, nasal
discharge, and decreased activity.
Pathogenesis of RVF in Humans
 Patients suffer
from a self-
limiting, febrile
 Some patients
loss, hemorrhagic
fever or
Figure: The pathological forms of Rift Valley fever in humans.
of animal
models for Rift
Valley fever.
There are several different
 Serological tests such as
enzyme-linked immunoassay
(the "ELISA" or "EIA" methods)
may confirm the presence of
specific IgM & IgG antibodies
to the virus.
 Antigen detection tests and
 Virus isolation by cell
FIG: RIFT Valley Fever Virus Diagnosis
Differential Diagnosis
 Nairobi Sheep diseases:
No Hepatitis,not in new born lambs
Foot lesions, also no hepatitis
Serous fluid in body Cavities and Neurological Sign
 Ephemeral fever:
Rapid recovery
Treatment and Vaccines
 As most human cases of RVF are relatively
mild and of short duration.
 No specific treatment is required for
these patients.
 In severe cases, the predominant
treatment is general supportive therapy.
 Experimentally vaccine has been
developed for human use.
 However, this vaccine is not
licensed and is not commercially
Prevention and control
 Controlling RVF in animals
 Rift Valley Fever can be controlled by restricting or banning the
movement of livestock may be effective in slowing the expansion of
the virus from infected to uninfected areas.
 Animals can be prevented by a sustained programme of animal
 Public health education and risk reduction
 Practicing hand hygiene, wearing gloves and other appropriate
individual protective equipment when handling sick animals or their
tissues or when slaughtering animals.
 Infection control in health care settings
Prevention and control
 Vector control:
 Other ways in which to control the spread of RVF involve control of the
vector and protection against their bites.
 RVF forecasting and climatic models: Forecasting can predict climatic
conditions that are frequently associated with an increased risk of
outbreaks, and may improve disease control.
 Strategic larvicidal treatment of mosquito breeding habitats is
Thank You

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Rift valley-virus

  • 2. RIFT VALLEY VIRUS It is virus of Bunyavirales family It causes Viral Zoonotic disease Affects primarily livestock (cattle, sheep, goats, camels, etc.) are spread mostly by mosquitoes. Can be transmitted to humans Infection can lead to high rates of disease and death in animals and humans. The Disease Classified as an OIE List A disease (A080)
  • 3. Origin In September 2000, an outbreak was confirmed in Saudi Arabia and Yemen, marking the first reported occurrence of the disease outside the African continent and raising concerns that it could extend to other parts of Asia and Europe The total case fatality rate has varied widely between different epidemics but, overall, has been less than 1% in those documented. Most fatalities occur in patients who develop the Hemorrhagic jaundice form. The virus was first identified in 1931 during an investigation into an epidemic among sheep on a farm in the Rift Valley of Kenya. Since then, outbreaks have been reported in sub-Saharan and North Africa.
  • 4. Rift Valley fever Phlebovirus Virus classification: Realm: Riboviria Phylum: Negarnaviricota Class: Ellioviricetes Order: Bunyavirales Family: Phenuiviridae Genus: Phlebovirus Species: Rift Valley fever phlebovirus
  • 5. Structure of the Virus RVFV belongs to the genus Phlebovirus, family Bunyaviridae. Bunyaviruses are enveloped and have a tri-segmented single- stranded RNA genome of negative or ambisense polarity. The envelope is composed of a lipid bilayer containing the Gn and Gc glycoproteins forming surface subunits. Transcription and replication take place in the cytoplasm The viral genome has three segments which are L,M and S. The L and M segments are of negative polarity while the S segment utilizes an ambisense strategy to code for both N and NSs.
  • 6. ETIOLOGY Causative agent: The Rift Valley Fever Virus A family of enveloped negative strand RNA viruses RVF is an Arborvirus which means it is transmitted by arthropod (insects, arachnids, centipedes, crustaceans) vectors and vertebrates Transmitted by mosquito vectors to livestock There is only one serotype of RVF virus. Stable at 60 C to 23 C *Lipid solvents *Detergents *Low pH
  • 7. Mode of Action There is no direct person-to-person transmission. Human can be infected in RVF by handling of animal tissues during slaughtering & butchering. By Vector: RVF virus is transmitted primarily by infected mosquitoe bites, mainly the Aedes species, which can acquire the virus from feeding on infected animals. The female mosquito is also able to transmitted the virus directly to her offspring via eggs leading to new generations of infected mosquitoes hatching from eggs.
  • 8. Transmission Via Mosquito to Animal & Human Heavy Rainfall, flooding leads to high Mosquito abundance Endemic transmission cycle (rare) Epizootic transmission cycle at the, Dambo Endemic transmission cycle at the, Dambo
  • 9. Mode Of Action (Human) The virus infects humans through inoculation, for example via a wound from an infected knife or through contact with broken skin, or through inhalation of aerosols produced during the slaughter of infected animals. Caused by a cytopathic virus that targets the liver and the brain It is suspected that the virus moves from the skin to draining lymph nodes, where it replicates and spreads throughout the body. It may also cross the blood-brain barrier and infect neurons and glia, leading to meningoencephalitis and retinitis two to three weeks after onset of infection
  • 10. Susceptibility Susceptibility appears to be general in both sexes at all ages. Humans are highly susceptible to infection but represent dead end hosts. Inapparent infections and mild disease are common. Since infection leads to immunity, susceptible in endemic areas are mainly young children.
  • 11. Incubation Period Experimentally, incubation period of this virus in new-born lambs, kids, calves, and puppies, is about 12 hours. The incubation period in adult sheep, cattle, goats, and dogs may be as long as 3 days. In humans, the incubation period is 4 to 6 days.
  • 12. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMPS IN ANIMAL Fever Listlessness Weight loss Loss of Appetite Bloody Diarrhea Increased respiratory rate Blood tinged nasal discharge
  • 13. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMPS IN ANIMAL Majority have mild symptoms or no symptoms at all. Flu like symptoms: fever, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, etc. Other symptoms that may occur are neck stiffness, sensitivity to light, loss of appetite, and vomiting. Symptoms usually last 4 to 7 days
  • 14. Pathogenesis of RVF in Animal Most of the mice infected with wild-type (wt) RVFV ZH548 or ZH501 strains die in 3 to 5 days. The symptom is often followed by death within one hour Mouse: Hamster: The Syrian hamster is one of the most susceptible rodents to RVFV. Death occurs in 2 to 3 days after intraperitoneal inoculation with massive liver necrosis Sheep: Sheep with more than one week old were relatively resistant to RVFV infection, yet did exhibit fever (39 to 40 属C), viremia, diarrhea, nasal discharge, and decreased activity.
  • 15. Pathogenesis of RVF in Humans Patients suffer from a self- limiting, febrile illness. Some patients develop neurological disorders,vision loss, hemorrhagic fever or thrombosis. Figure: The pathological forms of Rift Valley fever in humans.
  • 17. Diagnosis There are several different methods: Serological tests such as enzyme-linked immunoassay (the "ELISA" or "EIA" methods) may confirm the presence of specific IgM & IgG antibodies to the virus. Antigen detection tests and RT-PCR. Virus isolation by cell culture. FIG: RIFT Valley Fever Virus Diagnosis
  • 18. Differential Diagnosis Nairobi Sheep diseases: No Hepatitis,not in new born lambs Bluetongue: Foot lesions, also no hepatitis Heartwater: Serous fluid in body Cavities and Neurological Sign Ephemeral fever: Rapid recovery
  • 19. Treatment and Vaccines As most human cases of RVF are relatively mild and of short duration. No specific treatment is required for these patients. In severe cases, the predominant treatment is general supportive therapy. Experimentally vaccine has been developed for human use. However, this vaccine is not licensed and is not commercially available.
  • 20. Prevention and control Controlling RVF in animals Rift Valley Fever can be controlled by restricting or banning the movement of livestock may be effective in slowing the expansion of the virus from infected to uninfected areas. Animals can be prevented by a sustained programme of animal vaccination. Public health education and risk reduction Practicing hand hygiene, wearing gloves and other appropriate individual protective equipment when handling sick animals or their tissues or when slaughtering animals. Infection control in health care settings
  • 21. Prevention and control Vector control: Other ways in which to control the spread of RVF involve control of the vector and protection against their bites. RVF forecasting and climatic models: Forecasting can predict climatic conditions that are frequently associated with an increased risk of outbreaks, and may improve disease control. Strategic larvicidal treatment of mosquito breeding habitats is recommended.