The document outlines the hierarchical classification system developed by Carolus Linnaeus. It shows the different levels of the classification including kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. Organisms are grouped together based on shared characteristics and each group comes from the one before it, with organisms in the same genus and species being the most closely related.
CLASS 7: Weather, climate and adaptations of animals to climate NidhiKaushik26
The main elements that determine the climate of a place are:
- Distance from the sea
- Altitude or height above sea level
- Humidity
2. What are th e th re e ty p e s of a d a p ta tio n s th a t a n im a ls d e v e lo p to su rv iv e in d iffe re n t c lim a te s?
The document outlines the hierarchical classification system developed by Carolus Linnaeus. It shows the different levels of the classification including kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. Organisms are grouped together based on shared characteristics and each group comes from the one before it, with organisms in the same genus and species being the most closely related.
CLASS 7: Weather, climate and adaptations of animals to climate NidhiKaushik26
The main elements that determine the climate of a place are:
- Distance from the sea
- Altitude or height above sea level
- Humidity
2. What are th e th re e ty p e s of a d a p ta tio n s th a t a n im a ls d e v e lo p to su rv iv e in d iffe re n t c lim a te s?
Rivers and streams begin as small tributaries that merge to form larger rivers as they flow downhill towards areas of lower elevation. They perform erosion by processes such as attrition, corrasion, hydraulic action, and chemical solution, and transport sediment through dissolution, suspension, and along the stream bed. A stream's competence and capacity determine the size of materials it can carry. Channel morphology depends on factors like gradient and sediment load, resulting in narrow channels in steep upper reaches and wider braided or meandering patterns downstream. Within channels, features like bars, point bars, and floodplains form through sediment deposition during times of changing flow.
Este documento presenta los principales r鱈os y lagos de Catalu単a, incluyendo el Ebro, Segre y Llobregat. Tambi辿n menciona algunos lagos notables como el Estany de Banyoles y el Estany de Montcortes. Luego analiza los costes y ventajas financieras para los clientes, adem叩s de comparar el precio y calidad con la competencia. Finalmente, resume las caracter鱈sticas y ventajas de las novedades presentadas y explica los pr坦ximos pasos necesarios.
Nom de lespai protegit - On est situat - Quina 辿s la seua extensi坦 comparada amb la del delta de lEbre - Paisatges caracter鱈stics - Flora i fauna caracter鱈stica - Activitats que shi poden fer Normes Qui el gestiona
La Tordera 辿s un riu de
Catalunya. Neix al
Montseny entre les
Agudes i el Matagalls i
desemboca al mar
Mediterrani formant el
delta de la Tordera entre
Blanes i Malgrat de Mar.
4. Tipus
El riu Tordera 辿s un ecosistema
aqutic daigua dol巽a.
Quasi tots els animals s坦n aqutics
i les plantes que habiten necessiten
molta aigua.
s un ecosistema no forestal.
5. De vegades el riu porta De vegades el riu no porta
molta aigua. gens daigua.