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Curriculum Vitae
Riyadh Hamood Al-Hadhrami
Personal information:
Address: Oman, Muscat. Al Qurum.
Date of birth: 03.01.1987
Civil Number: 11985163.
Manpower No: 269558
Sex: Male
Nationality: Omani
Material Status: Single
Mobile: 96411445-96594666
Email: hotriadh@hotmail.com
Position in an organization, wheremy attitudetobe hard working and education
will add valueto operations.
Education Qualifications:
Training Courses:
Degree Institute Period
Bachelor in Business
Gulf College 2009-2012
Diploma in Business
Gulf College 2007-2011
Secondary School Jaber Bin Zaid School 2003-2004
Sr.no Name Where
1 English languageprogram ELS LanguageCentre
Operating systemMicrosoft word
Power point
Typing in Arabic and English
Other secretarialskills
Polyglot Centre
Cashier at Oman and UAE exchange.
Client servicing at Shamllan Car Rent
Shamllan a company that enjoys the portfolio of very esteemed clients.
Job Description:
The role demanded a high level interaction with client on personal as well as on telephone for
a quality and continuous business.
The role demands active interaction with the client to ensure invoices are delivered on time
and also credited to TATIs account.
 Training coordinator(HSE & DEFINSIVE DRIVING)
 Credit collections representative in TATI-A group company under OTE group:
TATI has distinction of being the only official defensive driving training provider (DDTP)
FOR PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT OMAN (PDO) and its contractors for 4-6 years since April
Coordinate courses.
Language Skills:
 Arabic mother tongue, excellent writing /speaking.
 Fluent speaker in English, good writing /speaking.
 Reception and registration directory skills.
 Credit collector.
Personal Skills:
 Experienceto data has made me confident, organized,flexibleand
 Aware of my own limitations and will seek appropriateand timely help
from senior.
 Effectivecommunicator with client.
 Ability to work effectively and with confidenceas part of a team.
 Have a compassionateapproach, tolerance, patienceand ability towork in
relaxed manner.
悋愕悋悵悋惠 惘悸悸
悋忰惷惘 忰惆 惡 忰惆 惡 惘悋惷
:悋愆悽惶悸 悋惡悋悋惠
р悋悋愕:悋忰惷惘 忰惆 惡 忰惆 惡 惘悋惷
р悋惺悋:愕愀悋惡愕 悋愕愀悋 惆
:悋惺悸 悋悗悋惠
:悋惠惆惘惡悸 悋惆惘悋惠
悋慍悸悋惠惘悸 悋悴悸 悋惺悋悗
9002-9902 悋悽悴悸 惡悋惘愕悖惆悋惘悸悋悖惺悋
9002-2290 悋悽悴悸  惆惡悖惆悋惘悋悖惺悋
9002-9002 慍悋惆 惡悴悋惡惘惆惘愕悸 悋惓悋悸悋惺悋悸
悋悵悸悋悴 悋惆惘悸悋愕
(WORD, POWER POINT, EXCEL) 悋惠悋惠愀惡 惡惘悋悴悋惠惡悸
( 悋惺悋愆惘惺悋 愆惘悸 (惆 )悋悒悋惘悋惠.悋惶惘悋悸 悴悋  )惶惘悋悸
惠惠愀 悋惠 悋愆惘悸 惆 悋惺 愀惡惺悸  悋慍惡悋悧 悽惆悸 悴悋  悋愕悋惘悋惠 惠悖悴惘 愆悋 惆 悋惺悋惠惺悋 惡
惡悋愆惘 惡愆 悋慍惡悋悧 惺悖.悋惡惠惘 悴悋慍 惺惡惘 悋惺悋悋惠 惠悽惶  悋悋惠 悽悋 
錫悋惠 悋 悋惠惆惘惡 惺惆 惆 悋惆 惠忰惶 悴悋  悋惺悋悒惆悋惘惆悸5忰惓 愕悋惠悒
悋惠 悋惠惆惘惡 悋惺惆悋悒惆悋惘悋惺惆 悋悖愀 愆惘悸 惴 悋惆悋惺悸 悋悋惆悸 惠惺.惺悋
錫悋惠 悋惠惆惘惡 惺惆  惺悋 惺悋悋惠 惆惡悋悒惆悋惘.
悗愕愕  惺悋 惺悋悋惠 惆惡悖忰惆惠悴悋惘悸.
.悋 悋愕 愕愕惠悋愕 悋悋悴惘悋 愕惘 愆惘悸  悋惠惆惘惡 惆惘
.悋惴 悴惺 悋惠惆惘惡悸 悋惆惘悋惠 忰悴慍悋惠 愕
惡惘悋悴 悋愕惠悽惆悋惘愕惠悖愕WORD, POWER POINT, EXCEL).)
悋愀惡悋惺悸惡悋愃悸悋悋悴慍悸  悋惺惘惡悸悋悒惺悋.悋惠惡悸
:悋愃悸 悋悋惘悋惠
錫悋愃悸)惠悋惡悸 悋惺惘惡悸(惠忰惆惓悋
錫悋愃悸)悴惆悋 惡愕惠 惠悋惡悸  (惠忰惆惓悋悋悋悴慍悸
o.悴惆惆悸 悋惘悋惠 悋惠愕悋惡  悋惠惺 惺 悋惆惘悸  惺 忰惡 悴惠惆
o悒惆惘悋悋惶忰悸 愀惡 惆悋 悋愕惺 惷惺 悋愀悋悖愆悽悋惶悋悖惓惘惠悋 悽惡惘悸
o惺悋惠悋惶 悋惘悋惠 悋惠悋悛悽惘.悋悴悋惺 悋惺 惺 悋惆惘悸 
o悋悒悋惆悋悖惺 惠惴 悋悧惆  悋惡惆 悴悋惺 惠忰 惷悋  悋悖惆悋悋.

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  • 1. Curriculum Vitae Riyadh Hamood Al-Hadhrami Personal information: Address: Oman, Muscat. Al Qurum. Date of birth: 03.01.1987 Civil Number: 11985163. Manpower No: 269558 Sex: Male Nationality: Omani Material Status: Single Mobile: 96411445-96594666 Email: hotriadh@hotmail.com Objective: Position in an organization, wheremy attitudetobe hard working and education will add valueto operations.
  • 2. Education Qualifications: Training Courses: Degree Institute Period Bachelor in Business Management Gulf College 2009-2012 Diploma in Business Management Gulf College 2007-2011 Secondary School Jaber Bin Zaid School 2003-2004 Sr.no Name Where 1 English languageprogram ELS LanguageCentre 2 Operating systemMicrosoft word Power point Excel Typing in Arabic and English Other secretarialskills Polyglot Centre
  • 3. Experience: 2005-2006 Cashier at Oman and UAE exchange. 2006-2007 Client servicing at Shamllan Car Rent Shamllan a company that enjoys the portfolio of very esteemed clients. Job Description: The role demanded a high level interaction with client on personal as well as on telephone for a quality and continuous business. The role demands active interaction with the client to ensure invoices are delivered on time and also credited to TATIs account. Training coordinator(HSE & DEFINSIVE DRIVING) PRO 2007-2014 Credit collections representative in TATI-A group company under OTE group: TATI has distinction of being the only official defensive driving training provider (DDTP) FOR PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT OMAN (PDO) and its contractors for 4-6 years since April 2009.
  • 4. 2014 PRO (AAL HAMOOD TRADING EST). 2015-2016 Training Manger in SENER INGENIERIA Y SISTEMAS S.A. Coordinate courses. Skills: Language Skills: Arabic mother tongue, excellent writing /speaking. Fluent speaker in English, good writing /speaking. Reception and registration directory skills. Credit collector. Personal Skills: Experienceto data has made me confident, organized,flexibleand dedicated. Aware of my own limitations and will seek appropriateand timely help from senior. Effectivecommunicator with client. Ability to work effectively and with confidenceas part of a team. Have a compassionateapproach, tolerance, patienceand ability towork in relaxed manner.
  • 5. 悋愕悋悵悋惠 惘悸悸 悋忰惷惘 忰惆 惡 忰惆 惡 惘悋惷 :悋愆悽惶悸 悋惡悋悋惠 р悋悋愕:悋忰惷惘 忰惆 惡 忰惆 惡 惘悋惷 р悋悴愕:惺悋. :悋悋惆18.10.0.30 р悋惺悋:愕愀悋惡愕 悋愕愀悋 惆 р惘悋悋惺悋悸:85.663 р惘悋惡愀悋悸悋愆悽惶悸:00.36058 р悋惡惘惆悋悋惠惘:hotriadh@hotmail.com р悋悋惠悋悋:.5600666-.56.6555
  • 6. :悋惺悸 悋悗悋惠 :悋惠惆惘惡悸 悋惆惘悋惠 悋慍悸悋惠惘悸 悋悴悸 悋惺悋悗 9002-9902 悋悽悴悸 惡悋惘愕悖惆悋惘悸悋悖惺悋 9002-2290 悋悽悴悸 惆惡悖惆悋惘悋悖惺悋 9002-9002 慍悋惆 惡悴悋惡惘惆惘愕悸 悋惓悋悸悋惺悋悸 悋悵悸悋悴 悋惆惘悸悋愕 ELS LANGUAGE CENTRE 悋悋悴慍悸悋愃悸惡惘悋悴 (WORD, POWER POINT, EXCEL) 悋惠悋惠愀惡 惡惘悋悴悋惠惡悸
  • 7. :悋悽惡惘悋惠 6002-6002: ( 悋惺悋愆惘惺悋 愆惘悸 (惆 )悋悒悋惘悋惠.悋惶惘悋悸 悴悋 )惶惘悋悸 6002-6002: 惠惠愀 悋惠 悋愆惘悸 惆 悋惺 愀惡惺悸 悋慍惡悋悧 悽惆悸 悴悋 悋愕悋惘悋惠 惠悖悴惘 愆悋 惆 悋惺悋惠惺悋 惡 惡悋愆惘 惡愆 悋慍惡悋悧 惺悖.悋惡惠惘 悴悋慍 惺惡惘 悋惺悋悋惠 惠悽惶 悋悋惠 悽悋 6002-2014: 錫悋惠 悋 悋惠惆惘惡 惺惆 惆 悋惆 惠忰惶 悴悋 悋惺悋悒惆悋惘惆悸5忰惓 愕悋惠悒 悋惠 悋惠惆惘惡 悋惺惆悋悒惆悋惘悋惺惆 悋悖愀 愆惘悸 惴 悋惆悋惺悸 悋悋惆悸 惠惺.惺悋 錫悋惆惘悋 愕( 惠HSE & DEFINSIFEDRIVING) 錫悋惠 悋惠惆惘惡 惺惆 惺悋 惺悋悋惠 惆惡悋悒惆悋惘. 6002-6002: 悗愕愕 惺悋 惺悋悋惠 惆惡悖忰惆惠悴悋惘悸. 6002-6002: .悋 悋愕 愕愕惠悋愕 悋悋悴惘悋 愕惘 愆惘悸 悋惠惆惘惡 惆惘 .悋惴 悴惺 悋惠惆惘惡悸 悋惆惘悋惠 忰悴慍悋惠 愕
  • 8. :悋悋惘悋惠 金悋惘悋惠悋忰悋愕惡悋悛: 惡惘悋悴 悋愕惠悽惆悋惘愕惠悖愕WORD, POWER POINT, EXCEL).) 悋愀惡悋惺悸惡悋愃悸悋悋悴慍悸 悋惺惘惡悸悋悒惺悋.悋惠惡悸 :悋愃悸 悋悋惘悋惠 錫悋愃悸)惠悋惡悸 悋惺惘惡悸(惠忰惆惓悋 錫悋愃悸)悴惆悋 惡愕惠 惠悋惡悸 (惠忰惆惓悋悋悋悴慍悸 金悋惆惘悋惠:悋愆悽惶悸 o.悴惆惆悸 悋惘悋惠 悋惠愕悋惡 悋惠惺 惺 悋惆惘悸 惺 忰惡 悴惠惆 o悒惆惘悋悋惶忰悸 愀惡 惆悋 悋愕惺 惷惺 悋愀悋悖愆悽悋惶悋悖惓惘惠悋 悽惡惘悸 悋悖悽愀悋悄. o惺悋惠悋惶 悋惘悋惠 悋惠悋悛悽惘.悋悴悋惺 悋惺 惺 悋惆惘悸 o悋悒悋惆悋悖惺 惠惴 悋悧惆 悋惡惆 悴悋惺 惠忰 惷悋 悋悖惆悋悋.