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 My name is Robert Serunjogi.
 I am from Uganda.
 I go to school at Colorado State University.
 I would like to show you how you helped my
orphanage in Uganda.
 And how you are helping the children to have a
better life.
 The orphanage still has many needs.
 I would like to share with you some pictures of
my latest trip and discuss them with you.
Roberts Orphanage
Luwero, Uganda
The Mission:
 To promote social economic welfare
 Development of the HIV/AIDS
infected, orphaned and vulnerable
children in the Luwero Community.
The purpose of this project is:
 Ongoing construction of Roberts
orphanage primary school.
 To furnish and equip the buildings.
 To provide the education and basic needs
of pupils.
 This project intends to provide the orphans
with essential primary healthcare and
support that they need to enhance their
chances in life.
 And to ensure that they grow up as
productive citizens.
Where is Uganda?
Robert's School and Orphanage
Robert's School and Orphanage
Robert's School and Orphanage
Village of Luwero, Uganda
Uganda of the Past
 Uganda has had many problems in its past.
 In recent years there have been civil wars.
 The governments have been unstable and
there is much corruption.
 Many people have lost their families.
 Many children were orphaned.
Uganda and the Orphans
 There are approximately 37 million people
living in Uganda.
 There are about 2.5 million orphans.
 1.2 million of those orphans are due to the
HIV/AIDS epidemic.
These facts are according to UNICEF (United
Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund).
This is one of the old school house
buildings that was never completed.
The construction of this building was
abandoned during the civil war in the
This is the old school house that
survived the Civil Wars. It has
deteriorated over time.
A Thank-You Letter from Bweyeeyo
Primary School of Luwero
Robert's School and Orphanage
Thank-you for the books that you
The school children are very happy
with the books donated by the Fort
Collins community.
The School and the students of
Luwero, Uganda now.
Many different faiths live together in
The School and the Kids with shirts
from Fort Collins community.
Teacher, students and adoptive
parents of Luwero.
We are students of Bweyeeyo primary
school Luwero, Uganda
This is the schools outdoor classroom.
There are not enough desks for the
Teacher pay?
 Do you know how much a teacher gets paid at
this school in Luwero?
 Teachers get paid about fifty cents a day.
This is a class being held in the old
deteriorated school house building.
I am encouraging the kids to
remember that God can help them.
Many are orphaned and some are HIV
Schools students practicing music.
Classrooms are crowded.
Everyone squeezes together on
benches for class.
This is a wall of Papyrus that was built
to divide classrooms in the old school
School can only occur when the
weather is good.
Robert is teaching an English lesson.
This is the Boys and Girls restrooms.
It is in need of much repair.
This is a soccer ball gift from Ft. Collins
community to the students.
Girls playing Volleyball (net ball)
Boys play Soccer
(called football in Uganda)
School kids having an assembly to
Lunch kitchen at the school.
Line-up for Lunch!
I am with some of the kindergarteners
that received Papayas to eat during
One of the needs at this school was to
build a new school house for all the
 I had to meet with the village to get their
approval for this project.
 I had to collect donations from people in the
United States, so that we could afford to build
this building.
The Meeting Before Construction of
the new school building.
 I decided to have a meeting with the Village of
Luwero before the construction of a new school
building for their orphaned children.
 Everyone got involved with the project.
 With the help of many donations they can now
afford to build a new school with walls, roof and
 The village council approved the construction.
Construction meeting in progress.
I am encouraging construction of the
new school building.
The head of the community thanked
me for all contributions.
Construction of the new school
building begins.
(some of the bricks to be used for
Fill dirt is being stockpiled.
These men are hand digging the
Rock fill for foundations is hammered
by hand to make it smaller.
Assembly line for bricks for walls.
Construction crew needs to take a
Bricks are being laid for the
The bricks in the wall are being
These men are filling the base with
This man is putting water into water
This volunteer for construction is hand
carrying water to the building site.
More water jugs are carried to site.
Finally the water is stored in drums for
concrete and other uses. The rocks will
be broken into pieces.
This truck is dumping fill material for
the floors.
Sand fill and rock fill for floor
These men are leveling fill sand and
soil by hand. This was a very expensive
part of the project.
There is no concrete mixer to mix the
It is all done by hand.
Stones are being mixed with sand by
hand in preparation to make concrete.
This lady is fixing lunch for the
construction workers
Close-up of wall work.
Mortar for brick walls is hand carried
where it is needed.
Concrete has been poured for the
floors and the walls are getting taller.
Hand built scaffolding is needed to
make the walls higher.
The walls are almost complete.
I am helping to mix mortar for the
The roof is completed.
This is inside of the new school after
the roof is finished. The frames of the
windows have been installed.
After 5 weeks of construction, the new
school building is finished.
Glass is needed to finish the windows.
The Village Meeting during
The books that Johnson Elementary
School donated to Luwero Village
School were presented to the people
of the village.
The village gets to tour the school
construction. This is the second
building with two classrooms. It needs
a roof in the next phase.
Clothes Donations from the Fort
Collins community
Clothes donations by Colorado State
Life in Uganda
The children are sitting on traditional
This is my niece cooking breakfast.
She is cooking with firewood outside.
I was given a live chicken as a welcome
home present.
Neighborhood Children.
Church in Uganda.
I am giving Bibles to the church. These
bibles were donated by St. Peters
Anglican Church of Fort Collins.
These are the crosses that were also
donated by St. Peters.
I am giving a talk in church. Drums are
used to make the music in the Church.
Everyone is in Sunday School (
Childrens classes).
Party at the Sunday School for
childrens class.
The Celebration of the New School
What is still needed:
 We need to finish the building of the school:
 The building needs better doors, glass for the
windows, finished floors, ceilings and external
 The walls need to be plastered.
 The block of 3 classrooms and the block of 2
classrooms need to be painted.
 The school needs more work desks in the
By the way.
The chicken was delicious!
Thank-you very much for your
Roberts Orphanage School in Luwero,
 If you would like to make more donations for
the Luwero School, you may contact Robert
Serunjogi through GoFundMe.

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Editor's Notes

  • #2: Windows version No auto timing for slides. Manual version Rev 1
  • #91: MP4 video version for Windows