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Do You Know Who You Are?

Cas a society. There is ofsection for the Noble will give you somethe fiction lover,tosection we
    ombing the shelves any Barnes &
                        a                 history buff, another for
                                                                    keen insight as where
                                                                                    a         for
hobbies and do-it-yourselfers - and if you keep walking you'll run right into the 'self help'
section. It's huge. There are so many books on relationships, depression, addiction, and anxiety
that they warrant their own segment of the bookstore. What does that tell you? Well, it tells
                                          me that there are thousands, if not millions of hurt
                                          and confused people who are walking in a constant
                                          state of inner turmoil.

                                           Amazingly, no one has to live like this, and the
                                           answer is so much easier than you think. If you are
                                           sitting in confusion or involved in a painful and
                                           depressing situation right now, it can be difficult to
                                           see the way out. So, what's the answer? A change in

                                         The main problem is the way you 'perceive' a
                                         problem or difficulty in your life. If you judge
                                         everything according to the existence of problems or
                                         trials, you will be left with a hopeless defeated
outlook whenever the going gets tough. A defeated perception will cause you to act on the
deception and walk deeper and deeper into defeat. After a while you'll get to the point where
the acceptance hurt and confusion has become a way of life.

It doesn't have to be that way. Do you want to know what will impact you emotionally,
physically and spiritually, causing you to walk in a level of peace and success that you've never
known? --Walking in the knowledge of 'who you are' in Christ.

If you have accepted salvation, you have received a new identity. Old things have been left
behind and all things have become new. Salvation isn't merely a fire escape that will assure
your entrance into heaven. The actual word salvation, is 'soteria' in the Greek. The definition of
soteria is; "deliverance, safety, preservation, healing and redemption from all earthly ills.'

Many times we think of salvation in the future tense, as something to experience someday in
heaven or eternity. Salvation is NOW. Once you recognize and accept your identity in Christ,
you'll be able to walk in the freedom and success that God has provided for you. He has given
you redemption from earthly ills. Earthly ills include depression, anxiety, a looming divorce, a
lack of finances, or any other problem you are facing.

God tells us in Isaiah 53:4 that "Jesus has surely borne our sicknesses, weaknesses, and
distresses and carried our sorrows and pains." He already did it. God has given us everything we
need to be a whole, happy, healthy, and prosperous individual here on this earth.

You may be saying, "Sure, but you are not going through what I am going through. You have no
idea what I'm experiencing." -- and you may be right. Your situation could seem impossible
right now. Your relationship may be on the brink of failure, your job on the line, lack of finances
closing in around you, or your health may be failing.

But that doesn't change the truth of God's salvation and what He has provided for you. So, I
suppose we have somewhat of a dilemma going on...

If God has provided and paid for your deliverance from sickness, poverty, emotional bondage,
depression and failure, but you are still experiencing it--then something needs to change

How do your circumstances change? By believing in the Truth. The Word assures us that We
will know the Truth, and the Truth will make us free. Believing the truth of God's Word will
literally cause changes to the physical realm and turn your current situation from what it is
now, to what God's Word says it is.

Want to know more? Read on to the next section entitled "Why the Lie" where you will learn
how to step out from under the lies of the enemy and walk in wholeness, freedom and
Why the Lie?

N ow thatayou've of God. That includes peace, success, healthy relationships, clearmaximize
your life as child
                   read Do You Know Who You Are, you've taken the first step to
 and a healthy body.

 So, why the lie? When all of the goodness of God already belongs to us, how do we get caught
 in the trap of deception? Easy....we are trained to believe in what we see and what we feel
 emotionally instead of what the Truth is. The enemy certainly doesn't want us to realize who
                                       we really are. If we start walking in the promises of God,
                                       we could actually start doing things that make a
                                       difference and becoming a threat to the kingdom of
                                       darkness. If we stay beat down and defeated by our
                                       circumstances, we'll never accomplish anything.

                                          If you've ever seen The Matrix, the movie gives a perfect
                                          illustration of what really happens in the kingdom of

                                           Just like the movie, there are two types of reality you
                                           can choose to experience. One is called a 'fact' and the
 other is called the 'Truth.' ...What's the difference?

 I'll explain. It may be a 'fact' that you are experiencing sickness, a 'fact' that you feel depressed,
 or a 'fact' that it looks like your world is falling apart around you.

 But the 'truth' is that you've been delivered from all of that. You've been made whole and
 complete through the power of salvation. The 'Truth' is whatever God's Word says, regardless
 of what you may be currently experiencing.

 So, if we have two conflicting situations here--guess what? One of them is subject to change.
 One of them has to bow. When a fact is confronted with Truth, the Truth wins every time. But
 it's going to take action on your part to actually experience the 'change.'

 It is your job as a believer to find out who you are in Christ and what you are entitled to. Once
 you do, then start stepping into it. It's just like putting on your shoes in the morning. You can
choose to walk in what God has provided just as easily as you choose to put on your favorite
running shoes.

Want to know the best part? Once you dig into the Word to find out who you are and what you
are entitled to, that's it. Your part is finished. All you have to do is believe that according to
Isaiah 53:5, you are healed. You don't have to know how it's going to happen, just believe that
it is yours and that it will happen.

Below is a short list of promises that tell you some of the things that belong to you as part of
your covenant of salvation. Start applying these Truths to the facts in your life and the facts will
have to change:

      Confused? You have the mind of Christ 1Corinthians 2:16
      Worried that you are Inadequate? You have been blessed with all spiritual blessings in
       heavenly places in Christ. Ephesians 1:3 This means you are fully equipped for all things.
      Financial trouble? He will make your way prosperous, and you will have good success.
       Joshua 1:8
      Sickness? He was wounded for our transgressions...and by His stripes we are healed.
       Isaiah 53:5
      Anxiety and Worry? He will be kept in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You:
       because he trusts in You. Isaiah 26:2-4

I think you can clearly see that for any and every situation, the Truth of God's Word can be
applied. When Truth is applied to a situation or 'fact,' the situation must change. The fact has to
line up with what God's Word promises.

You have a covenant with God, sealed in His own blood. Hold your head up. You are a child of
the most high God. Start walking in what your Father has given you. Maximize your life today!
A Toxic Cleansing for Your Brain

O verand naturaldecade, an increased awareness of holistic health and aMore individuals than
      the past
                 ingredients has spawned an entire health movement.
                                                                       return to wholesome

ever rely on fasting and colon cleansing regimes to rid their bodies of toxins and deadly poisons
that can make them ill, or even begin the process of cancer cell reproduction.

                                               Keeping your body toxin free and working
                                               properly is certainly important. But let's not stop
                                               there. Many times our minds become stuck in
                                               cycles of defeat. This can stem from a lack of
                                               peace due to damaged emotions, deep seated
                                               bitterness and unforgiveness. Bottom line, our
                                               polluted minds are affecting every part of our

                                            The Word tell us how important it is to keep our
minds toxin free. But how accomplish this? How do we perform a cleanse on our brain and
experience long lasting freedom from mind pollution? As with every other dilemma, the Word
has the answer.

Step I - Renew Your Mind:

Did you know that your mind can be renewed? All the negativity, fear, and bitterness can be
replaced with positive thoughts. All you have to do is put them in there. Renewing your mind is
a continuous, present tense action of walking in the Word of God.

      And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your
       mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable and perfect will of God.
       Romans 12:2

      With regard to your former way of life, put off your old self, which is being corrupted by
       its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds Ephesians 4:22-23.

Watchman Nee realized the dilemma of our stinking thinking when he said, "How many of
God's children, although saved and possessing a new life still carry around their old head.
Nothing of their former theories, thought processes, or prejudices have been altered; only a
Christian casing has been added."
If you hold on to the same thought patterns, nothing will ever change in your life. Make the
choice to renew your mind. Fill yourself with the Word of God on a daily basis. The Word will
cleanse you, strengthen you, and change you from the inside out.

Step II - Take Every Thought Captive

Renewing your mind by constantly filling yourself with the Word of God is the first step. Step
two is to take every thought captive.

Living the Christian life involves a war that wages in your thought life. An individual doesn't
become truly changed or conformed into the image of Christ by adjusting their behavior. The
thoughts are what must be changed. "As a man thinks, so is he."

So, how do you change your thinking? I'm glad you asked. The Word admonishes:

Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God,
and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. (II Corinthians 10:5)

I like to explain it this way. (Once you get a hold of this, you will be released from any ounce of
condemnation from some to the strange thoughts that enter your mind.)

Ready for the good news? Every thought is NOT your thought. That's right. If you are a born
again believer sitting at your desk at work and suddenly a lustful thought enters your mind for
no apparent reason, it's not your thought. The thought was presented to you and if you accept
it and say to yourself, "Hey, yea I'll think about that for a while," then it becomes your thought.
You took ownership of it when you decided to go ahead with the lust filled movie in your mind.
That's why the Word tells us to bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

Your mind should never be allowed to run rampant like an out of control toddler on a sugar
rush. As believers it is our responsibility to watch over our thoughts and immediately kick the
thoughts out that are ungodly. That can be done by simply saying to ourselves, "No, I choose
not to think about lust and sin. You said in Your Word that I have the mind of Christ. Thank you
Jesus for protecting my mind from impure thoughts."

At first it will seem difficult and tedious to regulate your mind, especially if you've always let
your mind run wild. After a while it will become easier until you really don't have to try

Your mind is the pathway the enemy uses to get access to your life. Put a filter on your thought
life. Start with this verse from Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true,
whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure,
whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if
there be any praise, think on these things.
Love Them til They Ask You Why

Evangelism Isnt Something to FearIts Something to Live
                                           Many Christians have shied away from evangelism
                                           because they have mistakenly believed that it was all
                                           about introducing the idea of Jesus Christ as our
                                           personal savior. This is true, in partbut if you think
                                           about evangelism, it brings with it a certain amount
                                           of anxiety and awkwardness to most individuals. So,
                                           to avoid actual contact with others, many have
                                           resorted to leaving tracts in public restrooms and
                                           wearing Christian t-shirts. Now, before you feel that
                                           Im condemning your t-shirt collection or your
                                           evangelistic effortshear me out.

What if there was an altogether different way to share your faith, that had nothing to do with
religion or anxiety. What if I were to introduce the idea that God isnt nearly as concerned with
us telling people what a friend they have in Jesus as He is concerned with us showing others
what a friend they have in us.

Reading the book of Thessalonians, you can clearly see that Paul believed in lifestyle

For our preaching of the glad tidings (the Gospel) came to you not only in word, but also in its
own inherent power and in the Holy Spirit and with great conviction and absolute certainty [on
our part]. You know what kind of men we proved [ourselves] to be among you for your good.
And you [set yourselves to] become imitators of us and of the Lord Himself. ~1 Thessalonians

Reading through 1 Thessalonians, we are reading a love story. Gods love for Paul overwhelmed
him and it soon spilled over onto the Thessalonians, and then to the Macedonians. Paul showed
his love by developing real and lasting relationships. He was contagious. He loved them til they
asked him why.

Jesus also told us to love our neighbors, not evangelize them. How do we develop this type of
fire and enthusiasm that causes unconditional love for others? By developing our own
relationship with God.
By spending time with Him and allowing His love to overtake us, true evangelism will become a
way of life. Instead of awkward, anxious moments we will begin to cultivate relationships, pray
for others, listen to their concerns and become someone to rely on in times of need.
Evangelism then becomes simple. Its just who we are and what we do.

I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me: and the life which I
now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for
me. ~ Galatians 2:20 KJV

People dont really care how much you know, until they know how much you care. Generally,
individuals are resistant to being told how to live or what they are doing wrong. When you try
to evangelize with methods or arguments over the word, it just doesnt work. It only puts
people on the defensive.

Paul tells us, But now I show you a more excellent way and then goes on to say,

If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong
or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all
knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I
give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is
not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in
evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always

Love never fails. (1 Corinthians 13)

People see the Light when they feel the love. It is Gods loving kindness and tender mercies that
bring us to repentance.

The one thing that every person is vulnerable to is love. Love never fails. Love will water the
parched soil of peoples lives. Again, we were never commanded to evangelize our neighbors;
only to love them. Love them til they ask us why. God will do the rest, and Hes very, very good
at it.
Finding Strength in Times of Weakness

A Dose of Reality

This article is a mixture of lessons. It is just as much a call to gratitude as it is a lesson in
strength. It is the story of a hero and it is a call to repentance. Repentance for complaining
more than we recognize our blessings. Repentance for our inability to STAND through the rough
times because it just seems too hard. The lesson comes from the life of a 24 year old girlnot
much more than a teenager. Her strength in the face of difficulty should be a challenge to us

                                                 Life often doesnt go as planned. That is the
                                                 understatement of the century for Cory and
                                                 Dorothy Simons. High School sweethearts with
                                                 a beautiful son, another on the way and their
                                                 entire lives before them; then August 14, 2009
                                                 happened. Here is their story in Dorothys own

                                                 Cory was on his way home from work on
                                                 Rossville Blvd in Chattanooga, Tennessee. I had
                                                 just gotten off the phone with him. It was
                                                 August the 14th then. When I woke up an hour
later (on August the 15, our 5 year anniversary) and realized he wasnt home, I freaked out. He
wasnt answering his phone so I finally called 911 to ask if my car had been in a wreck. They said
they would run a scan and call me back, but when I hadnt heard from them after 30 min I
decided to go look for myself. I figured if anything major had happened he would be at the
hospital, so that was the first place I went.

Before entering the hospital I told some officers about my call to 911 and before I even finished
my sentence they knew my name and who I was there for. Apparently my phone number had
gotten mixed up in all the translation. For about an hour they couldnt tell me what was going
on or what had happened. All I knew was that my husband was in the ER and they were running
tests on him. The doctors didnt expect him to last through the morning. They even gave me his
wedding ring because he was so swollenBut he did last.

Then they didnt expect him to last the next couple daysbut he did. What we believe happened
was that Corys heart disease (Transposition of the Greater Arteries) caused him to have a fib of
the heart (in which the heart stops beating and starts shaking). This caused his lungs to fill up,
which caused a lack of oxygen to his brain, which led to him to passing out while behind the
wheel. Cory ran off the road, hitting a telephone poll head on. He went roughly 30 min. before
they were able to bring his heart back to a beat. Even after that they had to resuscitate him 3
more times. He has been in a coma since and is currently on a ventilator and a feeding tube.
Originally, he was in the Trauma ICU for about 4 weeks, then he was moved to the Intermediate
ICU for about a week and a half. He was then released to a rehab center. He spent less than 24
hours at the rehab center and was transported back to the ER and admitted into the Medical
ICU where he currently is. He was running a temperature of 106, a heart rate around 150, and a
breathing rate around 80. Now his temp fluctuates around 101-104, his heart rate around 90,
and his breathing rate around 40-60.

Due to the accident he now has 14 more scars, aside from the 3 or so he already had from open
heart surgery when he was 2, from all the incisions they have had to make on him. They believe
he now has an infection somewhere in his body and have been running all sorts of test to figure
out where. Monday morning before he went to the rehab center he was tracking me with his
eyes and answering my questions with blinks, he even tried moving his hand but only his pinkie
on his left hand was able to move. I believe he is still trying to track us when we are in the room
with him.

On August 25, Dorothy gave birth to her and Corys second son while Cory lay in the same
hospital, still fighting to come out of the coma. Dorothy has publicly placed her entire story and
updates on Corys recovery on a Facebook Page called, Praying for Cory. I learned of the story
from my local radio station. As I poured over the entries on the Facebook Page, I realized that it
is not a story I will soon forget.

                                      Not once in all of the day-to-day struggles of her
                                      husbands trauma, caring for a four year old alone, and
                                      giving birth to her new son does Dorothy question Gods
                                      grace. Ive seen individuals shake their fist at God for far
                                      less difficult trials. When questioned in a direct email,
                                      Dorothy only saysI cant go all freaky. I cant break. I
                                      have to be there for my boys.

                                      And that she is. As the season of gratitude and
                                      thanksgiving quickly approaches and as we join together
                                      in prayer for Corys complete recovery, I am amazed at the
                                      peace and assurance that God can bring in the midst of the
                                      storms of life.

                                   Ive heard people say, If Christianity is realthen where
                                   are the examples? Where are the people who make it
when the rug is pulled out from under them? They may not be on television and they may not
preach from a platformbut they are found in people like Dorothy. If Jesus were standing in
front of her, He would undoubtedly say to Dorothy as he said to the centurion, Truly I say to
you, I have not found so great a faith, not in Israel. Matthew 8:10

Let God speak to you through this story today. Let it be an example of faith, a light in a dark
world, and an anchor in the storm. And please pray for Cory and Dorothy. God is going to do
something amazing.

October 13: As an update. Cory is still in what they call a vigil coma or persistent vegetative
state, but he is more alert and responsive every day. They are working on him now to get him
off the ventilator. He breathed on his own for 2 hours the other day and they are going to try it
for 4 hours today. They also told me to bring him some sweat clothes because fully awake or
not they are going to start making him walk!

Dorothy ended her note to me by saying that she never expected to be anyones hero and she
doesnt view herself that way. And then with the same simple display of strength and faith that
cuts through all of the forces of hell, her final sentence said, All I can do is the best I can do and
I have to trust God will take care of the rest.

What kind of world would this be if we all simply believed.

Thank you for sharing your story Dorothy. Thank you God, for letting us find warriors in
unexpected places.

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  • 1. Do You Know Who You Are? Cas a society. There is ofsection for the Noble will give you somethe fiction lover,tosection we are ombing the shelves any Barnes & a history buff, another for keen insight as where a for hobbies and do-it-yourselfers - and if you keep walking you'll run right into the 'self help' section. It's huge. There are so many books on relationships, depression, addiction, and anxiety that they warrant their own segment of the bookstore. What does that tell you? Well, it tells me that there are thousands, if not millions of hurt and confused people who are walking in a constant state of inner turmoil. Amazingly, no one has to live like this, and the answer is so much easier than you think. If you are sitting in confusion or involved in a painful and depressing situation right now, it can be difficult to see the way out. So, what's the answer? A change in perception. The main problem is the way you 'perceive' a problem or difficulty in your life. If you judge everything according to the existence of problems or trials, you will be left with a hopeless defeated outlook whenever the going gets tough. A defeated perception will cause you to act on the deception and walk deeper and deeper into defeat. After a while you'll get to the point where the acceptance hurt and confusion has become a way of life. It doesn't have to be that way. Do you want to know what will impact you emotionally, physically and spiritually, causing you to walk in a level of peace and success that you've never known? --Walking in the knowledge of 'who you are' in Christ. If you have accepted salvation, you have received a new identity. Old things have been left behind and all things have become new. Salvation isn't merely a fire escape that will assure your entrance into heaven. The actual word salvation, is 'soteria' in the Greek. The definition of soteria is; "deliverance, safety, preservation, healing and redemption from all earthly ills.' Many times we think of salvation in the future tense, as something to experience someday in heaven or eternity. Salvation is NOW. Once you recognize and accept your identity in Christ, you'll be able to walk in the freedom and success that God has provided for you. He has given
  • 2. you redemption from earthly ills. Earthly ills include depression, anxiety, a looming divorce, a lack of finances, or any other problem you are facing. God tells us in Isaiah 53:4 that "Jesus has surely borne our sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses and carried our sorrows and pains." He already did it. God has given us everything we need to be a whole, happy, healthy, and prosperous individual here on this earth. You may be saying, "Sure, but you are not going through what I am going through. You have no idea what I'm experiencing." -- and you may be right. Your situation could seem impossible right now. Your relationship may be on the brink of failure, your job on the line, lack of finances closing in around you, or your health may be failing. But that doesn't change the truth of God's salvation and what He has provided for you. So, I suppose we have somewhat of a dilemma going on... If God has provided and paid for your deliverance from sickness, poverty, emotional bondage, depression and failure, but you are still experiencing it--then something needs to change How do your circumstances change? By believing in the Truth. The Word assures us that We will know the Truth, and the Truth will make us free. Believing the truth of God's Word will literally cause changes to the physical realm and turn your current situation from what it is now, to what God's Word says it is. Want to know more? Read on to the next section entitled "Why the Lie" where you will learn how to step out from under the lies of the enemy and walk in wholeness, freedom and provision.
  • 3. Why the Lie? N ow thatayou've of God. That includes peace, success, healthy relationships, clearmaximize your life as child read Do You Know Who You Are, you've taken the first step to thinking and a healthy body. So, why the lie? When all of the goodness of God already belongs to us, how do we get caught in the trap of deception? Easy....we are trained to believe in what we see and what we feel emotionally instead of what the Truth is. The enemy certainly doesn't want us to realize who we really are. If we start walking in the promises of God, we could actually start doing things that make a difference and becoming a threat to the kingdom of darkness. If we stay beat down and defeated by our circumstances, we'll never accomplish anything. If you've ever seen The Matrix, the movie gives a perfect illustration of what really happens in the kingdom of God. Just like the movie, there are two types of reality you can choose to experience. One is called a 'fact' and the other is called the 'Truth.' ...What's the difference? I'll explain. It may be a 'fact' that you are experiencing sickness, a 'fact' that you feel depressed, or a 'fact' that it looks like your world is falling apart around you. But the 'truth' is that you've been delivered from all of that. You've been made whole and complete through the power of salvation. The 'Truth' is whatever God's Word says, regardless of what you may be currently experiencing. So, if we have two conflicting situations here--guess what? One of them is subject to change. One of them has to bow. When a fact is confronted with Truth, the Truth wins every time. But it's going to take action on your part to actually experience the 'change.' It is your job as a believer to find out who you are in Christ and what you are entitled to. Once you do, then start stepping into it. It's just like putting on your shoes in the morning. You can
  • 4. choose to walk in what God has provided just as easily as you choose to put on your favorite running shoes. Want to know the best part? Once you dig into the Word to find out who you are and what you are entitled to, that's it. Your part is finished. All you have to do is believe that according to Isaiah 53:5, you are healed. You don't have to know how it's going to happen, just believe that it is yours and that it will happen. Below is a short list of promises that tell you some of the things that belong to you as part of your covenant of salvation. Start applying these Truths to the facts in your life and the facts will have to change: Confused? You have the mind of Christ 1Corinthians 2:16 Worried that you are Inadequate? You have been blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. Ephesians 1:3 This means you are fully equipped for all things. Financial trouble? He will make your way prosperous, and you will have good success. Joshua 1:8 Sickness? He was wounded for our transgressions...and by His stripes we are healed. Isaiah 53:5 Anxiety and Worry? He will be kept in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You: because he trusts in You. Isaiah 26:2-4 I think you can clearly see that for any and every situation, the Truth of God's Word can be applied. When Truth is applied to a situation or 'fact,' the situation must change. The fact has to line up with what God's Word promises. You have a covenant with God, sealed in His own blood. Hold your head up. You are a child of the most high God. Start walking in what your Father has given you. Maximize your life today!
  • 5. A Toxic Cleansing for Your Brain O verand naturaldecade, an increased awareness of holistic health and aMore individuals than foods the past ingredients has spawned an entire health movement. return to wholesome ever rely on fasting and colon cleansing regimes to rid their bodies of toxins and deadly poisons that can make them ill, or even begin the process of cancer cell reproduction. Keeping your body toxin free and working properly is certainly important. But let's not stop there. Many times our minds become stuck in cycles of defeat. This can stem from a lack of peace due to damaged emotions, deep seated bitterness and unforgiveness. Bottom line, our polluted minds are affecting every part of our lives. The Word tell us how important it is to keep our minds toxin free. But how accomplish this? How do we perform a cleanse on our brain and experience long lasting freedom from mind pollution? As with every other dilemma, the Word has the answer. Step I - Renew Your Mind: Did you know that your mind can be renewed? All the negativity, fear, and bitterness can be replaced with positive thoughts. All you have to do is put them in there. Renewing your mind is a continuous, present tense action of walking in the Word of God. And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2 With regard to your former way of life, put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds Ephesians 4:22-23. Watchman Nee realized the dilemma of our stinking thinking when he said, "How many of God's children, although saved and possessing a new life still carry around their old head. Nothing of their former theories, thought processes, or prejudices have been altered; only a Christian casing has been added."
  • 6. If you hold on to the same thought patterns, nothing will ever change in your life. Make the choice to renew your mind. Fill yourself with the Word of God on a daily basis. The Word will cleanse you, strengthen you, and change you from the inside out. Step II - Take Every Thought Captive Renewing your mind by constantly filling yourself with the Word of God is the first step. Step two is to take every thought captive. Living the Christian life involves a war that wages in your thought life. An individual doesn't become truly changed or conformed into the image of Christ by adjusting their behavior. The thoughts are what must be changed. "As a man thinks, so is he." So, how do you change your thinking? I'm glad you asked. The Word admonishes: Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. (II Corinthians 10:5) I like to explain it this way. (Once you get a hold of this, you will be released from any ounce of condemnation from some to the strange thoughts that enter your mind.) Ready for the good news? Every thought is NOT your thought. That's right. If you are a born again believer sitting at your desk at work and suddenly a lustful thought enters your mind for no apparent reason, it's not your thought. The thought was presented to you and if you accept it and say to yourself, "Hey, yea I'll think about that for a while," then it becomes your thought. You took ownership of it when you decided to go ahead with the lust filled movie in your mind. That's why the Word tells us to bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. Your mind should never be allowed to run rampant like an out of control toddler on a sugar rush. As believers it is our responsibility to watch over our thoughts and immediately kick the thoughts out that are ungodly. That can be done by simply saying to ourselves, "No, I choose not to think about lust and sin. You said in Your Word that I have the mind of Christ. Thank you Jesus for protecting my mind from impure thoughts." At first it will seem difficult and tedious to regulate your mind, especially if you've always let your mind run wild. After a while it will become easier until you really don't have to try anymore. Your mind is the pathway the enemy uses to get access to your life. Put a filter on your thought life. Start with this verse from Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
  • 7. Love Them til They Ask You Why Evangelism Isnt Something to FearIts Something to Live Many Christians have shied away from evangelism because they have mistakenly believed that it was all about introducing the idea of Jesus Christ as our personal savior. This is true, in partbut if you think about evangelism, it brings with it a certain amount of anxiety and awkwardness to most individuals. So, to avoid actual contact with others, many have resorted to leaving tracts in public restrooms and wearing Christian t-shirts. Now, before you feel that Im condemning your t-shirt collection or your evangelistic effortshear me out. What if there was an altogether different way to share your faith, that had nothing to do with religion or anxiety. What if I were to introduce the idea that God isnt nearly as concerned with us telling people what a friend they have in Jesus as He is concerned with us showing others what a friend they have in us. Reading the book of Thessalonians, you can clearly see that Paul believed in lifestyle evangelism. For our preaching of the glad tidings (the Gospel) came to you not only in word, but also in its own inherent power and in the Holy Spirit and with great conviction and absolute certainty [on our part]. You know what kind of men we proved [ourselves] to be among you for your good. And you [set yourselves to] become imitators of us and of the Lord Himself. ~1 Thessalonians 1:5-6 THE MESSAGE Reading through 1 Thessalonians, we are reading a love story. Gods love for Paul overwhelmed him and it soon spilled over onto the Thessalonians, and then to the Macedonians. Paul showed his love by developing real and lasting relationships. He was contagious. He loved them til they asked him why. Jesus also told us to love our neighbors, not evangelize them. How do we develop this type of fire and enthusiasm that causes unconditional love for others? By developing our own relationship with God.
  • 8. By spending time with Him and allowing His love to overtake us, true evangelism will become a way of life. Instead of awkward, anxious moments we will begin to cultivate relationships, pray for others, listen to their concerns and become someone to rely on in times of need. Evangelism then becomes simple. Its just who we are and what we do. I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. ~ Galatians 2:20 KJV People dont really care how much you know, until they know how much you care. Generally, individuals are resistant to being told how to live or what they are doing wrong. When you try to evangelize with methods or arguments over the word, it just doesnt work. It only puts people on the defensive. Paul tells us, But now I show you a more excellent way and then goes on to say, If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. (1 Corinthians 13) People see the Light when they feel the love. It is Gods loving kindness and tender mercies that bring us to repentance. The one thing that every person is vulnerable to is love. Love never fails. Love will water the parched soil of peoples lives. Again, we were never commanded to evangelize our neighbors; only to love them. Love them til they ask us why. God will do the rest, and Hes very, very good at it.
  • 9. Finding Strength in Times of Weakness A Dose of Reality This article is a mixture of lessons. It is just as much a call to gratitude as it is a lesson in strength. It is the story of a hero and it is a call to repentance. Repentance for complaining more than we recognize our blessings. Repentance for our inability to STAND through the rough times because it just seems too hard. The lesson comes from the life of a 24 year old girlnot much more than a teenager. Her strength in the face of difficulty should be a challenge to us all. Life often doesnt go as planned. That is the understatement of the century for Cory and Dorothy Simons. High School sweethearts with a beautiful son, another on the way and their entire lives before them; then August 14, 2009 happened. Here is their story in Dorothys own words: Cory was on his way home from work on Rossville Blvd in Chattanooga, Tennessee. I had just gotten off the phone with him. It was August the 14th then. When I woke up an hour later (on August the 15, our 5 year anniversary) and realized he wasnt home, I freaked out. He wasnt answering his phone so I finally called 911 to ask if my car had been in a wreck. They said they would run a scan and call me back, but when I hadnt heard from them after 30 min I decided to go look for myself. I figured if anything major had happened he would be at the hospital, so that was the first place I went. Before entering the hospital I told some officers about my call to 911 and before I even finished my sentence they knew my name and who I was there for. Apparently my phone number had gotten mixed up in all the translation. For about an hour they couldnt tell me what was going on or what had happened. All I knew was that my husband was in the ER and they were running tests on him. The doctors didnt expect him to last through the morning. They even gave me his wedding ring because he was so swollenBut he did last. Then they didnt expect him to last the next couple daysbut he did. What we believe happened was that Corys heart disease (Transposition of the Greater Arteries) caused him to have a fib of the heart (in which the heart stops beating and starts shaking). This caused his lungs to fill up,
  • 10. which caused a lack of oxygen to his brain, which led to him to passing out while behind the wheel. Cory ran off the road, hitting a telephone poll head on. He went roughly 30 min. before they were able to bring his heart back to a beat. Even after that they had to resuscitate him 3 more times. He has been in a coma since and is currently on a ventilator and a feeding tube. Originally, he was in the Trauma ICU for about 4 weeks, then he was moved to the Intermediate ICU for about a week and a half. He was then released to a rehab center. He spent less than 24 hours at the rehab center and was transported back to the ER and admitted into the Medical ICU where he currently is. He was running a temperature of 106, a heart rate around 150, and a breathing rate around 80. Now his temp fluctuates around 101-104, his heart rate around 90, and his breathing rate around 40-60. Due to the accident he now has 14 more scars, aside from the 3 or so he already had from open heart surgery when he was 2, from all the incisions they have had to make on him. They believe he now has an infection somewhere in his body and have been running all sorts of test to figure out where. Monday morning before he went to the rehab center he was tracking me with his eyes and answering my questions with blinks, he even tried moving his hand but only his pinkie on his left hand was able to move. I believe he is still trying to track us when we are in the room with him. On August 25, Dorothy gave birth to her and Corys second son while Cory lay in the same hospital, still fighting to come out of the coma. Dorothy has publicly placed her entire story and updates on Corys recovery on a Facebook Page called, Praying for Cory. I learned of the story from my local radio station. As I poured over the entries on the Facebook Page, I realized that it is not a story I will soon forget. Not once in all of the day-to-day struggles of her husbands trauma, caring for a four year old alone, and giving birth to her new son does Dorothy question Gods grace. Ive seen individuals shake their fist at God for far less difficult trials. When questioned in a direct email, Dorothy only saysI cant go all freaky. I cant break. I have to be there for my boys. And that she is. As the season of gratitude and thanksgiving quickly approaches and as we join together in prayer for Corys complete recovery, I am amazed at the peace and assurance that God can bring in the midst of the storms of life. Ive heard people say, If Christianity is realthen where are the examples? Where are the people who make it when the rug is pulled out from under them? They may not be on television and they may not
  • 11. preach from a platformbut they are found in people like Dorothy. If Jesus were standing in front of her, He would undoubtedly say to Dorothy as he said to the centurion, Truly I say to you, I have not found so great a faith, not in Israel. Matthew 8:10 Let God speak to you through this story today. Let it be an example of faith, a light in a dark world, and an anchor in the storm. And please pray for Cory and Dorothy. God is going to do something amazing. October 13: As an update. Cory is still in what they call a vigil coma or persistent vegetative state, but he is more alert and responsive every day. They are working on him now to get him off the ventilator. He breathed on his own for 2 hours the other day and they are going to try it for 4 hours today. They also told me to bring him some sweat clothes because fully awake or not they are going to start making him walk! Dorothy ended her note to me by saying that she never expected to be anyones hero and she doesnt view herself that way. And then with the same simple display of strength and faith that cuts through all of the forces of hell, her final sentence said, All I can do is the best I can do and I have to trust God will take care of the rest. What kind of world would this be if we all simply believed. Thank you for sharing your story Dorothy. Thank you God, for letting us find warriors in unexpected places.