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Lead Free
Cost Reduction
Direct Cost Drivers
High Temp Laminates
Final Finishes

Indirect Cost Drivers
Increased Scrap Rate

Storage / Handling
Section 1

Capable Laminate 4
IPC 4101/99 /124
  Isola Group/ Insulectro

Current State
                            Audience Poll

Common Callouts
    IS410 / 370HR
    RoHS Compliant
    180尊C Tg
    340尊C Td
    IPC 4101/126 or /129
Polling Question

Current State (cont.)
                                           Audience Poll
 Effect of Common Callouts
  1. Locked in to laminate by brand name
  2. Typically Phenolic materials
       Moisture absorption up to .45% on 0.028 core
       Less mechanical strength (interlaminate adhesion)
       More prone to de-lamination during assembly
       Prone to pad cratering on BGA applications

Current State (cont.)
3. Non-Pb Free capable material
   FR4 is not capable
   RoHS Compliant can include standard FR4
   180Tg does not guarantee adequate Td

Proposed Solution
 Mid-Grade Pb-free capable
   IPC 4101 / 99 (filled) or /124 (unfilled)
      150 Tg min.
      325 Td min.

 15-20% Cost Savings on Raw Materials
 Lower Moisture Absorption (0.10%-
 Higher interlaminate adhesion
   Peel strength
   T-288 >10 minutes
 Higher Copper to Laminate peel strength

(using Isola IS400 as example)

Test Group                      Results
Decomposition Temperature
Test 1 of 2
Method of Determination:        TGA
Decomposition Temperature:      331 C
Ramp Rate:                      10 C/ min
Test 2 of 2
Method of Determination:        TGA
Decomposition Temperature:      334 C
Ramp Rate:                      10 C/ min


Test Group                    Results
Delta TG
Test 1 of 1
Method of Determination:      DSC
TG Scan 1:                    150 C
TG Scan 2:                    154 C
Delta Tg:                     4C
Ramp Rate:                    20 C/min
Analysis Method:              Half Height

DSC  (A)

DSC  (B)

Test Group                             Results
Time to Decomposition at Temperature
Test 1 of 2
Method of Determination:               TMA
Time to Decomposition:                 35.9 minutes
Isothermal Temperature:                260 C
Test 2 of 2
Method of Determination:               TMA
Time to Decomposition:                 10.4 minutes
Isothermal Temperature:                288 C



Test Group                Results
Weight Loss % by TGA
Test 1 of 1
Percent Weight Loss:      0.2%
Start Temperature:        0尊 C
Stop Temperature:         0尊 C
Comments:                 Moisture Method
                          % Weight Loss = 0.1717%

Moisture Absorption (A)

Test Group                 Results
Peel Strength

Condition:                 Condition A

Peel Strength Side 1:      11.73 lbs/in
Peel Strength Side 2:      10.95 lbs/in

6-X Reflow
Pb-free Assembly Temperature
   One board, 3 array
   One 4.25 x 9.5L, Two 4.75 x 9.5L
   Thickness + 0.063
   TGA moisture = 0.2534%
   260属 Peak Temperature

Conditioning                         As Received
Board # 14753-1
Material                             IS400
Thickness (mil)                      0.063
Conveyor Speed (cm/min)              48
Peak Mean Temp (?C)                  259.8
TC Temp Range                        3.4
Rising time between 150C - 200C      66.67 (sec)
Time above 217                       101
Time above 255                       19.69
Passes to Fail                       6x-Pass
Coming Soon  FR406HR

Section 2
       Audience Poll
-this is a SnCu alloy stabilized with Ni,
 composed of:
     99.3% Tin
     <0.7% Copper
     0.05% Nickel
     60 ppm Germanium

 Predictions of HASLs Demise
 Solderability Issues
 Short Duration of Usage

1.   Lower Copper Erosion on PCB surface and vias
2.   Quick Process
3.   Long Shelf Life
4.   Cost
           (< 1/14 ENIG)
5.   Forgiving
           a.) Humidity
           b.) Handling
           c.) Temperature
6.   Solder Joint Strength

( using Florida CirTech HALT example )
            Highly Accelerated Life Test

Benefits  Solder Joint Strength
       HALT Test Results

Benefits HALT Test Results



HALT Test Results
Lead-Free HASL, with all different solderpastes pooled together, required the most energy
(G-force + thermo-cycling) to break the solder joints.
Since this test takes out the failure effect of the components, we can conclude that lead-free
HASL solderjoints outperform all other surface finishes, including SnPb HASL.

Our thanks go to Tim Murphy of Thomson Lab Services and Florida CirTech for the report
For a full report, please contact James Kelch @ jim@saturnelectronics.com

 Not Planar
     Not Ideal for extremely fine pitch applications

 Past Solderability Issues
     HASL and Flow: A Lead-Free Alternative
     addresses this in the February 08 issue of

                        Request a copy from James Kelch or visit the
                              Lead Free Resource Center on our website.
Drawbacks, cont.
 Thermal Cycle
  SN100CL requires a Thermal Cycle in addition to
   Thermal Cycles in Assembly

 No Set Industry Standards
  Neither the IPC nor Nihon Superior had developed a
   Thickness Acceptability Criteria when SN100CL was
   introduced                          Audience Poll
Polling Question

No Standard - Solutions
Trigger Event
 Solderability Issue at Customer

No Standard - Solutions
  Establish a Set Criteria

Thickness Criteria
 Generic Thickness Requirement
      Not proper to have only one
         Smaller Pads receive thicker solder deposition
      Minimum Alloy Thickness should be
      segregated by Ranges of Pad Size

Pad Size (mils) Min. Thickness
126 x 131         50 uin

29 x 83           80 uin

17 x 36           100 uin

 Alloy Control
    Lower copper content of alloy increases solderability
    Standard Drossing of solder pot is not enough to
     keep copper content below 0.90%
    Recommend a 1/4 - 1/3 solder pot dump once weekly
     measurement reaches 0.90%

 Specific Design Set-Up
  Each Design may require its own specific set-up
    Air Knife Pressure
    Retract Speed
    Dwell Time

 In effect, since the operating window is
  smaller than with SnPB,.


         Study Conclusion
 No Solderability Issues at any customer
   Fab Notes
     Fab notes can specify the use of these coupons
      or range of solder thickness standards
        Forcing your supplier to meet these specs will give

          損Control over the Process
 By implementing one or both of these
  proposed solutions, you can:
   Save up to 30% of your bare board cost
   Increase performance of your products
   Standardize your fab notes to remove risk of
    non-performing products
   Improve your supply base

 To view the archived version of this presentation,
  please email jim@saturnelectronics.com

 To sign up for our upcoming Lead Free Newsletter,
  please email jay@saturnelectronics.com
Thank You!
Saturn Electronics Corporation
 would like to thank our presenters:

      Dave Coppens / Isola
      Terry Staskowicz / Insulectro
      Glenn Sikorcin / Florida CirTech

                  *Dont forget to visit the Lead Free Resource Center

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RoHS Compliant Lead Free PCB Fabrication

  • 2. Direct Cost Drivers High Temp Laminates Final Finishes 2
  • 3. Indirect Cost Drivers Increased Scrap Rate De-lamination Solderability Pre-Baking Storage / Handling 3
  • 4. Section 1 Pb-free Assembly Capable Laminate 4
  • 5. IPC 4101/99 /124 from Isola Group/ Insulectro 5
  • 6. Current State Audience Poll Common Callouts IS410 / 370HR FR4 RoHS Compliant 180尊C Tg 340尊C Td IPC 4101/126 or /129 6
  • 8. Current State (cont.) Audience Poll Effect of Common Callouts 1. Locked in to laminate by brand name 2. Typically Phenolic materials Moisture absorption up to .45% on 0.028 core Less mechanical strength (interlaminate adhesion) More prone to de-lamination during assembly Prone to pad cratering on BGA applications 8
  • 9. Current State (cont.) 3. Non-Pb Free capable material FR4 is not capable RoHS Compliant can include standard FR4 180Tg does not guarantee adequate Td 9
  • 10. Proposed Solution Mid-Grade Pb-free capable laminates IPC 4101 / 99 (filled) or /124 (unfilled) 150 Tg min. 325 Td min. 10
  • 11. Benefits 15-20% Cost Savings on Raw Materials Lower Moisture Absorption (0.10%- 0.25%) Higher interlaminate adhesion Peel strength T-288 >10 minutes Higher Copper to Laminate peel strength 11
  • 12. Results (using Isola IS400 as example) 12
  • 13. Results Test Group Results Decomposition Temperature Test 1 of 2 Method of Determination: TGA Decomposition Temperature: 331 C Ramp Rate: 10 C/ min Test 2 of 2 Method of Determination: TGA Decomposition Temperature: 334 C Ramp Rate: 10 C/ min 13
  • 14. TGA 14
  • 15. Results Test Group Results Delta TG Test 1 of 1 Method of Determination: DSC TG Scan 1: 150 C TG Scan 2: 154 C Delta Tg: 4C Ramp Rate: 20 C/min Analysis Method: Half Height 15
  • 16. DSC (A) 16
  • 17. DSC (B) 17
  • 18. Results Test Group Results Time to Decomposition at Temperature Test 1 of 2 Method of Determination: TMA Time to Decomposition: 35.9 minutes Isothermal Temperature: 260 C Test 2 of 2 Method of Determination: TMA Time to Decomposition: 10.4 minutes Isothermal Temperature: 288 C 18
  • 19. T-260 19
  • 20. T-288 20
  • 21. Results Test Group Results Weight Loss % by TGA Test 1 of 1 Percent Weight Loss: 0.2% Start Temperature: 0尊 C Stop Temperature: 0尊 C Comments: Moisture Method % Weight Loss = 0.1717% 21
  • 23. Results Test Group Results Peel Strength Condition: Condition A Peel Strength Side 1: 11.73 lbs/in Peel Strength Side 2: 10.95 lbs/in 23
  • 24. 6-X Reflow Pb-free Assembly Temperature One board, 3 array One 4.25 x 9.5L, Two 4.75 x 9.5L Thickness + 0.063 TGA moisture = 0.2534% 260属 Peak Temperature 24
  • 25. 25
  • 26. Results Conditioning As Received Board # 14753-1 Material IS400 Thickness (mil) 0.063 Conveyor Speed (cm/min) 48 Peak Mean Temp (?C) 259.8 TC Temp Range 3.4 Rising time between 150C - 200C 66.67 (sec) Time above 217 101 Time above 255 19.69 Passes to Fail 6x-Pass 26
  • 27. Coming Soon FR406HR 27
  • 28. Section 2 Pb-Free HASL Audience Poll 28
  • 29. Definition SN100CL -this is a SnCu alloy stabilized with Ni, composed of: 99.3% Tin <0.7% Copper 0.05% Nickel 60 ppm Germanium 29
  • 30. Industry Misconceptions Predictions of HASLs Demise Solderability Issues Short Duration of Usage 30
  • 31. Benefits 1. Lower Copper Erosion on PCB surface and vias 2. Quick Process 3. Long Shelf Life 4. Cost (< 1/14 ENIG) 5. Forgiving a.) Humidity b.) Handling c.) Temperature 6. Solder Joint Strength 31
  • 32. Results ( using Florida CirTech HALT example ) Highly Accelerated Life Test 32
  • 33. Benefits Solder Joint Strength HALT Test Results 33
  • 34. Benefits HALT Test Results 34
  • 35. Benefits 35
  • 36. Benefits 36
  • 37. HALT Test Results Lead-Free HASL, with all different solderpastes pooled together, required the most energy (G-force + thermo-cycling) to break the solder joints. Since this test takes out the failure effect of the components, we can conclude that lead-free HASL solderjoints outperform all other surface finishes, including SnPb HASL. Our thanks go to Tim Murphy of Thomson Lab Services and Florida CirTech for the report abstract. For a full report, please contact James Kelch @ jim@saturnelectronics.com 37
  • 38. Drawbacks Not Planar Not Ideal for extremely fine pitch applications Past Solderability Issues HASL and Flow: A Lead-Free Alternative addresses this in the February 08 issue of Request a copy from James Kelch or visit the Lead Free Resource Center on our website. 38
  • 39. Drawbacks, cont. Thermal Cycle SN100CL requires a Thermal Cycle in addition to Thermal Cycles in Assembly No Set Industry Standards Neither the IPC nor Nihon Superior had developed a Thickness Acceptability Criteria when SN100CL was introduced Audience Poll 39
  • 41. No Standard - Solutions Trigger Event Solderability Issue at Customer 41
  • 42. No Standard - Solutions Goal Establish a Set Criteria 42
  • 43. Thickness Criteria Generic Thickness Requirement Not proper to have only one Smaller Pads receive thicker solder deposition Solution Minimum Alloy Thickness should be segregated by Ranges of Pad Size 43
  • 44. Pad Size (mils) Min. Thickness 126 x 131 50 uin 29 x 83 80 uin 17 x 36 100 uin 44
  • 45. Implementation Alloy Control Lower copper content of alloy increases solderability Standard Drossing of solder pot is not enough to keep copper content below 0.90% Recommend a 1/4 - 1/3 solder pot dump once weekly measurement reaches 0.90% 45
  • 46. Implementation Specific Design Set-Up Each Design may require its own specific set-up Adjustments Air Knife Pressure Retract Speed Dwell Time 46
  • 47. Implementation In effect, since the operating window is smaller than with SnPB,. CONTROL The PROCESS!!! 47
  • 48. SN100CL Study Conclusion No Solderability Issues at any customer Fab Notes Fab notes can specify the use of these coupons or range of solder thickness standards Forcing your supplier to meet these specs will give you: 損Control over the Process 48
  • 49. Conclusion By implementing one or both of these proposed solutions, you can: Save up to 30% of your bare board cost Increase performance of your products Standardize your fab notes to remove risk of non-performing products Improve your supply base 49
  • 50. To view the archived version of this presentation, please email jim@saturnelectronics.com To sign up for our upcoming Lead Free Newsletter, please email jay@saturnelectronics.com 50
  • 51. Thank You! Saturn Electronics Corporation would like to thank our presenters: Dave Coppens / Isola Terry Staskowicz / Insulectro Glenn Sikorcin / Florida CirTech *Dont forget to visit the Lead Free Resource Center 51