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Undergraduate Studies
    Ronee Simmons
    Psychology, 2011

Personal Statement
Though I am almost a graduate with my BA in Psychology, I am not quite sure yet of what direction I want to take in life. I am flexible
      and open to many different job fields and perspectives and am sure that my college education, as well as my work experience,
      contributes to me being a rewarding asset to any company. Therefore, I do plan on pursuing a career after graduation but am not
      certain of the specific industry that I want to work in. I am leaning towards the idea of possibly moving on to graduate school to
      further my education in another field of study, though I do not plan on doing this right away.
My college experience has not been typical of most students my age. It has been a learning experience which I am thankful for. I have
      not attended just one or two institutions of higher learning; I have attended five during the course of my educational career.
      However, even though this is the case, I have learned a great deal about myself in the process and transition. I have learned that
      no matter what experiences take place in my personal life, I can still overcome them and stick to my goals. I have learned what it
      is to have inner- strength and perseverance and with these traits, I was able to stay in school and finally reach the point that I am
      at now. I was able to gain different perspectives of college life and understand what it takes to be a student solely focused on
      education, and a student with a full-time job trying to manage adulthood and all that that encompasses (ie. bills, bills, and more
      bills). Therefore, I do think that even though my college experience was atypical, what I have gained from my experiences are life
      skills that I feel as though contribute to who I am as a person; hard- working, motivated, independent, responsible, and optimistic.
Parallel to my educational career, I have also had the opportunity to gain work experience in a few different fields. My educational
      experience comes from working one-on- one with students as a clinician at a learning center, as well as from working as an after-
      school counselor at a private school. Furthermore, I have gained customer service and administrative experience working as an
      administrative associate for FedEx for the last two years. Along with this experience, I have gained many professional skills that I
      know contribute to who I am as a career- oriented individual. These skills include being efficient and effective at my specific work
      duties, being organized when it comes to planning job tasks and requirements, being open- minded to learning new ideas and
      embracing change when it comes about, engaging in my job and applying myself so that I am proficient at what I do, and also,
      being perceptive and realizing when I need to be a leader and take initiative to accomplish company goals. These are just a few
      of the skills that I have achieved during my time working. I know that with my skills, I can be an asset to any company who
      chooses to hire me as a part of their team.
When it comes to career interests, there are many different directions that I can see myself possibly taking. I am interested in working in
      an educational setting, preferably school- aged. I also have an interest in criminal justice or working as an advocate for victims of
      human trafficking. Moving abroad and working internationally also appeals to me, though I am not quite sure yet of what specific
      industry I would work in. Whatever path I choose to pursue though, I do want to eventually go to graduate school so that I can
      become more focused on that specific area.
With the decision that I do make in regards to my career path, I ultimately want to be happy and successful at what I do. Even though I
      may not be directly sure of specifics, I do know that with the skills that I have gained through life and professional experiences, I
      can be effective in any position that I work in, as long as I have a chance to be afforded that opportunity.

Please feel free to review my resume on
          my LinkedIn profile at:

I started my college endeavors seven years ago when I was a junior in high school. I went to a collegiate prep public
      charter school and was involved in the Early College program. In this program, I was given the opportunity to
      take dual enrollment college classes while also finishing up my high school diploma. I went to a local university
      in Washington, DC and by the time I graduated from high school in 2006 as class valedictorian, I had earned 29
      college credits. Being able to achieve this educational milestone was just the start of my long college journey.
      As I left home and moved away to college in Virginia, I had a lot of difficulty dealing with the transition into
      college life. I became very depressed being away from home and being away from my mother. Due to my hard
      time adjusting during my first semester at Christopher Newport University, and due to my failing and almost
      failing grades, I made the decision to withdraw from the school and move back home to attend community
      college. I knew that my decision to continue on with my education was one that had to be done because I would
      be the first in my family to obtain my Bachelors degree.
When I got to Prince Georges Community College, I knew that I had made the right decision. I enjoyed every one of
      the classes that I had taken in my 3 semesters there. The professors were really passionate about what they
      taught and they made sure that the student understood the subject thoroughly. It was in one of my psychology
      classes here that I was able to strengthen my writing skills because weekly we had to summarize journal articles
      which allowed me to become almost a pro at my writing. When I finally had just enough credits to move on in
      my educational career, I enrolled at Howard University. Throughout my year at this school, I realized that it just
      was not a good fit for me and my learning style. The class sizes were bigger than what I had been exposed to at
      my community college and I was not able to get the specialized attention that I had been used to either. I
      realized that I needed to make one last choice and I needed to find my LAST school to finally attend where my
      needs would be met so that I could graduate within a reasonable time frame.
 Finally, in 2009, I enrolled at Argosy University. It was here that I was finally able to get the education that I had
      always envisioned for myself. I loved the small class sizes as well as the convenience of the blended classes. I
      was able to work full- time as well as gain my psychology education. Id have to say that the class that I enjoyed
      most was my Ethics class because I was really able to grasp the concepts of ethics as it relates to the
      psychological practice. I did encounter some personal difficulties along the way, however, I still kept strong and
      knew that giving up was not an option. As I am now at the end of my educational journey towards my bachelors
      degree, I look back and realize that all that I have been through in my past regarding my education has given
      me the strength to be where I am today; a college graduate with my BA in Psychology.
Table of Contents

Cognitive Abilities: Critical Thinking and
  Information Literacy
Research Skills
Communication Skills: Oral and Written
Ethics and Diversity Awareness
Foundations of Psychology
Applied Psychology
Interpersonal Effectiveness
Critical Thinking

Youth Violence
Rone辿 Simmons
Argosy DC

Community- Intervention Program Plan
Youth who may be and who are perpetrators of gang violence need an intervention when it comes to
    changing and eliminating their violent behavior. A plan needs to be put in place to help these youth
    cope and deal with their problems so that they no longer harm others or harm themselves. Some
    ideas which can be incorporated in a community- intervention program are mentoring, after-school
    programs, and media advertisement (Argosy, 2011). Through mentoring, adult role models can be
    a support system to these violent youth. They can talk to them and help them to understand the
    positive in life. They can guide them towards being better individuals by showing them what it is to
    be a good person. Through after-school programs, activities can be implemented such as anger
    and stress management classes and community service. Hopefully, if these youth help out around
    the community by doing such things as picking up trash to keep the neighborhoods clean or
    helping feed the homeless in a soup kitchen, then they will have a better appreciation for the
    community in which they live and will want to stop their violent acts. Through the media,
    advertisement campaigns can be run on TV or in newspapers and other print sources to try and
    bring awareness to youth violence. By seeing this advertisement, it will potentially lessen the rate
    of crime and violence even if its on a small scale.

Argosy University Online (2011), Children and Violence Module 7, retrieved from www.myeclassonline.com
Research Skills

Sample Research Proposal
Being apart: How Military Couples Maintain Relationships while
Separated Geographically
Rone辿 A. Simmons
Argosy DC

Few studies have been conducted which relate to relational maintenance of military couples during periods of geographic
     separation. Specifically, the little research that has been compiled focuses on the perspective of the military wife
     while her husband is deployed (Wood, Scarville, & Gravino, 1995). However, what happens in situations where
     military couples are together, dating or engaged, but not yet married? How do these couples deal with and maintain
     their relationships while they are apart from each other due to military obligations?
Purpose of the Study
The need for research to be conducted on military couples from the perspective of both the male and female in all
     relational dynamics needs to be addressed because geographic separation from loved ones is something that all
     members of the military are faced with at some point of time. By gaining an understanding of how military couples
     maintain their relationships during periods of geographic separation, a model of success could possibly be used
     which will help all couples in the same situation be able to cope. Access to educational materials and classes could
     be made available to help military couples cope through periods of separation from their significant other.
Research Question
The question that my research study seeks to answer and gain insight into is How can military couples maintain close
     relationships during periods of geographic separation? Holistic information about this phenomenon seeks to be
     achieved so that the knowledge gained from this research will allow for new information and theories to possibly

*To view the complete Research Proposal, please view my professional portfolio on my LinkedIn profile.
Communication Skills

Separation Anxiety Disorder
Rone辿 Simmons
Argosy DC

Separation Anxiety Disorder
    In the DSM-IV-TR, separation anxiety disorder falls under the category of childhood disorders. This disorder is
    emotional in nature and is specific to childhood. The DSM-IV-TR defines this disorder as children who show much
    more than the usual anxiety when separated from caregivers (Nolen- Hoeksema, 2007, p. 479). According to one
    health care professional, more commonly used terminology with this definition includes the notion that this disorder is
    characterized by excessive fear of separation from an attachment figure (Dr. Karin Mosk, Psy.D., personal
    communication, June 6, 2011). Symptoms can include ongoing complaints about physical ailments, refusal to go to
    school or anywhere else, distress when away from home or from caregivers, worrying about harm to caregivers, and
    fear of being alone (Nolen- Hoeksema, 2007). However, just because one shows these symptoms does not
    determine if in fact they have the disorder. Other factors must be taken into consideration in order to correctly identify
    this disorder.

Nolen- Hoeksema, S. (2007). Abnormal psychology, 4th edition.
Ethics and Diversity

Ethics & Diversity
Rone辿 Simmons
Argosy DC

When counseling, professionals should be able to adhere to the ACA Code of Ethics. Issues that pertain to culture and
    diversity may arise. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the counselor to know how to properly address, respect, and
    deal with a clients differing culture, viewpoints, and values. Not being competent in this area could potentially lead to
    the counselor harming the client or themselves. Education of different cultures should be sought after by the
    counselor if they begin working with a client and do not have an understanding of their clients viewpoints.

ACA Ethical Code Relating to Multicultural Competencies/ Respecting Diversity
Section B.1.a. in the ACA Code of Ethics (2005) spells out the guidelines for counselors to adhere to with respect to
     multicultural/ diversity considerations. Counselors should respect all clients and realize that many of their clients may
     have differing cultures and viewpoints then they do. Counselors should be sensitive towards these differences.
     Therefore, issues of privacy and confidentiality should be discussed often with clients. Doing so will ensure that
     clients are able to understand the process of disclosure and know when and if it will ever be necessary to share
     information. They will also know with whom their information would be shared.
As you can see, there is a clear ethical guideline to follow when it comes to multicultural competencies and respect of
     diversity. It is a counselors responsibility to understand this section and adhere to it. They should not throw their
     beliefs on a client and they should try to have an understanding and awareness of the cultural background of the
     client. Respect of the client is of upmost importance and showing the client that you respect them can go a long way
     for both the counselor and the client.

ACA. (2005). American Counseling Association Code of Ethics, As Approved by the ACA Governing Council
Foundations of Psychology

Challenges in Identifying Mental Disorders
Rone辿 Simmons
Argosy DC

Definition of Abnormal and Mental Disorders
What does it mean to be abnormal or have a disorder? Universally, there is no uniformed agreement of these two words because the
      definitions that comprise these words may be flawed in that they may not correctly represent individuals associated with these
      labels (Butcher, Mineka, & Hooley, 2010). Abnormal basically means not normal. With this definition, the challenge becomes
      what comprises normal? Social norms of behaviors in one society may differ than normal behaviors in other societies. Therefore,
      it may be a challenge to diagnose individuals as having mental disorders because there may not be a prevalence of the disorder
      shown in that individual.
Factors of Abnormality
When looking at means of determining if a behavior is abnormal and if a person has a mental disorder, certain factors are taken into
      consideration. How much does a person suffer psychologically? The extent to which a person suffers may signify an abnormality
      and indicate that there is a disorder present, such as depression. Maladaptive behavior, behaviors that interfere with our personal
      well- being and our social lives, can also be an indicator of an abnormality. However, just because a person likes to be alone
      does not necessarily mean that they have a mental disorder, they may just need to have some me time. Being deviant or out of
      the ordinary, such as being a savant in certain aspects like sports or music, can be abnormal but may not necessarily mean that
      an individual has a mental disorder. The individual may just be very talented. When an individual violates societys standards, the
      level to which the violation is exhibited could be considered abnormal. If the majority of people break a societal standard or law, it
      may not be seen as abnormal. But if few people commit such an act, then it could be considered abnormal and those individuals
      may be regarded as needing professional help. How uncomfortable individuals make other individuals feel in social settings could
      also be considered abnormal of one of the parties. Acting out of character of the norms of that society may be looked at as that
      individual being crazy, which could make others not want to be around that crazy individual. Lastly, irrationality and
      unpredictability can be seen as abnormal in certain contexts. If an individual behaves in a manner that is not acceptable then their
      behavior could be considered abnormal. If a teen defies their parents rules, than some societies see this as just a phase that the
      child is going through. Other societies may feel as though this child committed a crime and should be punished for it, maybe by
      being disowned (Butcher, Mineka, & Hooley, 2010). Due to the varying level of degrees of social norms, it can be difficult to
      correctly define and label abnormality and mental disorders.
Butcher, J.N, Mineka, S, & Hooley, J.M. (2010). Abnormal psychology, 14th edition.
Applied Psychology

Separation Anxiety Disorder in Practice
Rone辿 Simmons
Argosy DC

     When diagnosing separation anxiety disorder, many factors are considered in order to establish whether or not a
     child has this disorder. Symptoms that affect the child such as worrying about harm to caregivers, distress when
     away from home or from caregivers, fear of being alone, refusal to go to school or anywhere else, and ongoing
     complaints about physical ailments are looked at. If a child is determined to be impeded by these for 4 or more
     weeks, than an evaluation is needed by a health care professional to determine whether or not the child has
     separation anxiety disorder (Nolen- Hoeksema, 2007). The age of diagnosis is very commonly seen at six years old
     because this is the age when a child is expected to separate from their parent/ caregiver with no problems. When
     problems do arise that seem to be extreme, and when parents see that their children are not falling into the normal
     expectations of separation, then this is when an evaluation is done and when the diagnosis of separation anxiety
     disorder is made by a mental health professional(Dr. Karin Mosk, Psy.D., personal communication, June 6, 2011).
     The options for treatment of separation anxiety disorder seem to fall under two categories: either cognitive behavioral
     or medication. In practice, many mental health professionals seem to find that the cognitive- behavioral approach
     works better at treating this disorder as they are often the most used (Nolen- Hoeksema, 2007). According to Dr.
     Mosk, Usually, cognitive behavioral intervention is most effective. More specifically, parent and child cognitive
     behavioral therapy is the best; with a focus on the behavioral component rather than the play component (personal
     communication, June 6, 2011). Medication is used as a last resort. SSRIs, such as fluoxetine, which is an antianxiety
     medication, as well as other antidepressents and antianxiety drugs can be used in the treatment of separation anxiety
     disorder. However, this disorder does not generally warrant the use of medication unless a child shows a more
     serious generalized anxiety disorder. If this is the case, then possible use of medication would be tried (Dr. Karin
     Mosk, Psy.D., personal communication, June 6, 2011).
Nolen- Hoeksema, S. (2007). Abnormal psychology, 4th edition.
Interpersonal Effectiveness

Please view my PowerPoint titled Profile of a Serial Killer on my
                      LinkedIn profile.
My Future in Learning

To me, being a lifelong learner means
 being able to constantly yearn to gain
more knowledge in all aspects of life. It
means having a passion to be the best
   that one can possibly be. It means
 seeking out the unknown in life in an
attempt to understand the true meaning
              of life itself.
Contact Me

   Thank you for viewing my
 For further information, please
contact me at the e-mail address

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Ronee\' Simmons ePortfolio

  • 1. Undergraduate Studies ePortfolio Ronee Simmons Psychology, 2011 1
  • 2. Personal Statement Though I am almost a graduate with my BA in Psychology, I am not quite sure yet of what direction I want to take in life. I am flexible and open to many different job fields and perspectives and am sure that my college education, as well as my work experience, contributes to me being a rewarding asset to any company. Therefore, I do plan on pursuing a career after graduation but am not certain of the specific industry that I want to work in. I am leaning towards the idea of possibly moving on to graduate school to further my education in another field of study, though I do not plan on doing this right away. My college experience has not been typical of most students my age. It has been a learning experience which I am thankful for. I have not attended just one or two institutions of higher learning; I have attended five during the course of my educational career. However, even though this is the case, I have learned a great deal about myself in the process and transition. I have learned that no matter what experiences take place in my personal life, I can still overcome them and stick to my goals. I have learned what it is to have inner- strength and perseverance and with these traits, I was able to stay in school and finally reach the point that I am at now. I was able to gain different perspectives of college life and understand what it takes to be a student solely focused on education, and a student with a full-time job trying to manage adulthood and all that that encompasses (ie. bills, bills, and more bills). Therefore, I do think that even though my college experience was atypical, what I have gained from my experiences are life skills that I feel as though contribute to who I am as a person; hard- working, motivated, independent, responsible, and optimistic. Parallel to my educational career, I have also had the opportunity to gain work experience in a few different fields. My educational experience comes from working one-on- one with students as a clinician at a learning center, as well as from working as an after- school counselor at a private school. Furthermore, I have gained customer service and administrative experience working as an administrative associate for FedEx for the last two years. Along with this experience, I have gained many professional skills that I know contribute to who I am as a career- oriented individual. These skills include being efficient and effective at my specific work duties, being organized when it comes to planning job tasks and requirements, being open- minded to learning new ideas and embracing change when it comes about, engaging in my job and applying myself so that I am proficient at what I do, and also, being perceptive and realizing when I need to be a leader and take initiative to accomplish company goals. These are just a few of the skills that I have achieved during my time working. I know that with my skills, I can be an asset to any company who chooses to hire me as a part of their team. When it comes to career interests, there are many different directions that I can see myself possibly taking. I am interested in working in an educational setting, preferably school- aged. I also have an interest in criminal justice or working as an advocate for victims of human trafficking. Moving abroad and working internationally also appeals to me, though I am not quite sure yet of what specific industry I would work in. Whatever path I choose to pursue though, I do want to eventually go to graduate school so that I can become more focused on that specific area. With the decision that I do make in regards to my career path, I ultimately want to be happy and successful at what I do. Even though I may not be directly sure of specifics, I do know that with the skills that I have gained through life and professional experiences, I can be effective in any position that I work in, as long as I have a chance to be afforded that opportunity.
  • 3. Resume Please feel free to review my resume on my LinkedIn profile at: https://www.box.net/shared/cjku1bub28 zjbn0cl6ek
  • 4. Reflection I started my college endeavors seven years ago when I was a junior in high school. I went to a collegiate prep public charter school and was involved in the Early College program. In this program, I was given the opportunity to take dual enrollment college classes while also finishing up my high school diploma. I went to a local university in Washington, DC and by the time I graduated from high school in 2006 as class valedictorian, I had earned 29 college credits. Being able to achieve this educational milestone was just the start of my long college journey. As I left home and moved away to college in Virginia, I had a lot of difficulty dealing with the transition into college life. I became very depressed being away from home and being away from my mother. Due to my hard time adjusting during my first semester at Christopher Newport University, and due to my failing and almost failing grades, I made the decision to withdraw from the school and move back home to attend community college. I knew that my decision to continue on with my education was one that had to be done because I would be the first in my family to obtain my Bachelors degree. When I got to Prince Georges Community College, I knew that I had made the right decision. I enjoyed every one of the classes that I had taken in my 3 semesters there. The professors were really passionate about what they taught and they made sure that the student understood the subject thoroughly. It was in one of my psychology classes here that I was able to strengthen my writing skills because weekly we had to summarize journal articles which allowed me to become almost a pro at my writing. When I finally had just enough credits to move on in my educational career, I enrolled at Howard University. Throughout my year at this school, I realized that it just was not a good fit for me and my learning style. The class sizes were bigger than what I had been exposed to at my community college and I was not able to get the specialized attention that I had been used to either. I realized that I needed to make one last choice and I needed to find my LAST school to finally attend where my needs would be met so that I could graduate within a reasonable time frame. Finally, in 2009, I enrolled at Argosy University. It was here that I was finally able to get the education that I had always envisioned for myself. I loved the small class sizes as well as the convenience of the blended classes. I was able to work full- time as well as gain my psychology education. Id have to say that the class that I enjoyed most was my Ethics class because I was really able to grasp the concepts of ethics as it relates to the psychological practice. I did encounter some personal difficulties along the way, however, I still kept strong and knew that giving up was not an option. As I am now at the end of my educational journey towards my bachelors degree, I look back and realize that all that I have been through in my past regarding my education has given me the strength to be where I am today; a college graduate with my BA in Psychology.
  • 5. Table of Contents Cognitive Abilities: Critical Thinking and Information Literacy Research Skills Communication Skills: Oral and Written Ethics and Diversity Awareness Foundations of Psychology Applied Psychology Interpersonal Effectiveness
  • 6. Critical Thinking Youth Violence Rone辿 Simmons Argosy DC Community- Intervention Program Plan Youth who may be and who are perpetrators of gang violence need an intervention when it comes to changing and eliminating their violent behavior. A plan needs to be put in place to help these youth cope and deal with their problems so that they no longer harm others or harm themselves. Some ideas which can be incorporated in a community- intervention program are mentoring, after-school programs, and media advertisement (Argosy, 2011). Through mentoring, adult role models can be a support system to these violent youth. They can talk to them and help them to understand the positive in life. They can guide them towards being better individuals by showing them what it is to be a good person. Through after-school programs, activities can be implemented such as anger and stress management classes and community service. Hopefully, if these youth help out around the community by doing such things as picking up trash to keep the neighborhoods clean or helping feed the homeless in a soup kitchen, then they will have a better appreciation for the community in which they live and will want to stop their violent acts. Through the media, advertisement campaigns can be run on TV or in newspapers and other print sources to try and bring awareness to youth violence. By seeing this advertisement, it will potentially lessen the rate of crime and violence even if its on a small scale. References Argosy University Online (2011), Children and Violence Module 7, retrieved from www.myeclassonline.com
  • 7. Research Skills Sample Research Proposal Being apart: How Military Couples Maintain Relationships while Separated Geographically Rone辿 A. Simmons Argosy DC Few studies have been conducted which relate to relational maintenance of military couples during periods of geographic separation. Specifically, the little research that has been compiled focuses on the perspective of the military wife while her husband is deployed (Wood, Scarville, & Gravino, 1995). However, what happens in situations where military couples are together, dating or engaged, but not yet married? How do these couples deal with and maintain their relationships while they are apart from each other due to military obligations? Purpose of the Study The need for research to be conducted on military couples from the perspective of both the male and female in all relational dynamics needs to be addressed because geographic separation from loved ones is something that all members of the military are faced with at some point of time. By gaining an understanding of how military couples maintain their relationships during periods of geographic separation, a model of success could possibly be used which will help all couples in the same situation be able to cope. Access to educational materials and classes could be made available to help military couples cope through periods of separation from their significant other. Research Question The question that my research study seeks to answer and gain insight into is How can military couples maintain close relationships during periods of geographic separation? Holistic information about this phenomenon seeks to be achieved so that the knowledge gained from this research will allow for new information and theories to possibly emerge. *To view the complete Research Proposal, please view my professional portfolio on my LinkedIn profile.
  • 8. Communication Skills Separation Anxiety Disorder Rone辿 Simmons Argosy DC Separation Anxiety Disorder In the DSM-IV-TR, separation anxiety disorder falls under the category of childhood disorders. This disorder is emotional in nature and is specific to childhood. The DSM-IV-TR defines this disorder as children who show much more than the usual anxiety when separated from caregivers (Nolen- Hoeksema, 2007, p. 479). According to one health care professional, more commonly used terminology with this definition includes the notion that this disorder is characterized by excessive fear of separation from an attachment figure (Dr. Karin Mosk, Psy.D., personal communication, June 6, 2011). Symptoms can include ongoing complaints about physical ailments, refusal to go to school or anywhere else, distress when away from home or from caregivers, worrying about harm to caregivers, and fear of being alone (Nolen- Hoeksema, 2007). However, just because one shows these symptoms does not determine if in fact they have the disorder. Other factors must be taken into consideration in order to correctly identify this disorder. References Nolen- Hoeksema, S. (2007). Abnormal psychology, 4th edition.
  • 9. Ethics and Diversity Ethics & Diversity Rone辿 Simmons Argosy DC When counseling, professionals should be able to adhere to the ACA Code of Ethics. Issues that pertain to culture and diversity may arise. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the counselor to know how to properly address, respect, and deal with a clients differing culture, viewpoints, and values. Not being competent in this area could potentially lead to the counselor harming the client or themselves. Education of different cultures should be sought after by the counselor if they begin working with a client and do not have an understanding of their clients viewpoints. ACA Ethical Code Relating to Multicultural Competencies/ Respecting Diversity Section B.1.a. in the ACA Code of Ethics (2005) spells out the guidelines for counselors to adhere to with respect to multicultural/ diversity considerations. Counselors should respect all clients and realize that many of their clients may have differing cultures and viewpoints then they do. Counselors should be sensitive towards these differences. Therefore, issues of privacy and confidentiality should be discussed often with clients. Doing so will ensure that clients are able to understand the process of disclosure and know when and if it will ever be necessary to share information. They will also know with whom their information would be shared. As you can see, there is a clear ethical guideline to follow when it comes to multicultural competencies and respect of diversity. It is a counselors responsibility to understand this section and adhere to it. They should not throw their beliefs on a client and they should try to have an understanding and awareness of the cultural background of the client. Respect of the client is of upmost importance and showing the client that you respect them can go a long way for both the counselor and the client. References ACA. (2005). American Counseling Association Code of Ethics, As Approved by the ACA Governing Council
  • 10. Foundations of Psychology Challenges in Identifying Mental Disorders Rone辿 Simmons Argosy DC Definition of Abnormal and Mental Disorders What does it mean to be abnormal or have a disorder? Universally, there is no uniformed agreement of these two words because the definitions that comprise these words may be flawed in that they may not correctly represent individuals associated with these labels (Butcher, Mineka, & Hooley, 2010). Abnormal basically means not normal. With this definition, the challenge becomes what comprises normal? Social norms of behaviors in one society may differ than normal behaviors in other societies. Therefore, it may be a challenge to diagnose individuals as having mental disorders because there may not be a prevalence of the disorder shown in that individual. Factors of Abnormality When looking at means of determining if a behavior is abnormal and if a person has a mental disorder, certain factors are taken into consideration. How much does a person suffer psychologically? The extent to which a person suffers may signify an abnormality and indicate that there is a disorder present, such as depression. Maladaptive behavior, behaviors that interfere with our personal well- being and our social lives, can also be an indicator of an abnormality. However, just because a person likes to be alone does not necessarily mean that they have a mental disorder, they may just need to have some me time. Being deviant or out of the ordinary, such as being a savant in certain aspects like sports or music, can be abnormal but may not necessarily mean that an individual has a mental disorder. The individual may just be very talented. When an individual violates societys standards, the level to which the violation is exhibited could be considered abnormal. If the majority of people break a societal standard or law, it may not be seen as abnormal. But if few people commit such an act, then it could be considered abnormal and those individuals may be regarded as needing professional help. How uncomfortable individuals make other individuals feel in social settings could also be considered abnormal of one of the parties. Acting out of character of the norms of that society may be looked at as that individual being crazy, which could make others not want to be around that crazy individual. Lastly, irrationality and unpredictability can be seen as abnormal in certain contexts. If an individual behaves in a manner that is not acceptable then their behavior could be considered abnormal. If a teen defies their parents rules, than some societies see this as just a phase that the child is going through. Other societies may feel as though this child committed a crime and should be punished for it, maybe by being disowned (Butcher, Mineka, & Hooley, 2010). Due to the varying level of degrees of social norms, it can be difficult to correctly define and label abnormality and mental disorders. References Butcher, J.N, Mineka, S, & Hooley, J.M. (2010). Abnormal psychology, 14th edition.
  • 11. Applied Psychology Separation Anxiety Disorder in Practice Rone辿 Simmons Argosy DC Diagnosis When diagnosing separation anxiety disorder, many factors are considered in order to establish whether or not a child has this disorder. Symptoms that affect the child such as worrying about harm to caregivers, distress when away from home or from caregivers, fear of being alone, refusal to go to school or anywhere else, and ongoing complaints about physical ailments are looked at. If a child is determined to be impeded by these for 4 or more weeks, than an evaluation is needed by a health care professional to determine whether or not the child has separation anxiety disorder (Nolen- Hoeksema, 2007). The age of diagnosis is very commonly seen at six years old because this is the age when a child is expected to separate from their parent/ caregiver with no problems. When problems do arise that seem to be extreme, and when parents see that their children are not falling into the normal expectations of separation, then this is when an evaluation is done and when the diagnosis of separation anxiety disorder is made by a mental health professional(Dr. Karin Mosk, Psy.D., personal communication, June 6, 2011). Treatment The options for treatment of separation anxiety disorder seem to fall under two categories: either cognitive behavioral or medication. In practice, many mental health professionals seem to find that the cognitive- behavioral approach works better at treating this disorder as they are often the most used (Nolen- Hoeksema, 2007). According to Dr. Mosk, Usually, cognitive behavioral intervention is most effective. More specifically, parent and child cognitive behavioral therapy is the best; with a focus on the behavioral component rather than the play component (personal communication, June 6, 2011). Medication is used as a last resort. SSRIs, such as fluoxetine, which is an antianxiety medication, as well as other antidepressents and antianxiety drugs can be used in the treatment of separation anxiety disorder. However, this disorder does not generally warrant the use of medication unless a child shows a more serious generalized anxiety disorder. If this is the case, then possible use of medication would be tried (Dr. Karin Mosk, Psy.D., personal communication, June 6, 2011). References Nolen- Hoeksema, S. (2007). Abnormal psychology, 4th edition.
  • 12. Interpersonal Effectiveness Please view my PowerPoint titled Profile of a Serial Killer on my LinkedIn profile.
  • 13. My Future in Learning To me, being a lifelong learner means being able to constantly yearn to gain more knowledge in all aspects of life. It means having a passion to be the best that one can possibly be. It means seeking out the unknown in life in an attempt to understand the true meaning of life itself.
  • 14. Contact Me Thank you for viewing my ePortfolio. For further information, please contact me at the e-mail address below. ronee.simmons@gmail.com