Performance of Tomato As Affected By Organic Mulching .pdfShynneGabinete
The document summarizes a study on the performance of tomato plants using different organic mulches. Specifically, it examines the effects of dried papaya leaves and dried banana leaves on tomato plant height and caudex diameter. Key findings include:
- Tomato plants mulched with dried papaya leaves grew taller on average than those mulched with dried banana leaves or the control group without mulch.
- While there were no statistically significant differences, tomato plants mulched with dried papaya leaves also had the widest average final caudex diameter.
- The study suggests dried papaya leaves may be a more effective organic mulch for tomato plants compared to dried banana leaves or no mulch.
Alternate substrates for Ornamental crop productiongirija kumari
The document discusses research on alternative substrates for ornamental crop production. It summarizes various studies that evaluated different substrate mixtures and materials for growing ornamental plants. These include mixtures of coconut peat, rice hulls, perlite, vermiculite, biochar, and other organic and inorganic materials. The studies assessed the effects on plant growth, flowering, nutrient uptake, and physical properties of the substrates. Most found that various mixtures supported plant growth similarly to traditional substrates like peat moss, with some mixtures performing even better in some cases. The document concludes that the optimal substrate depends on the specific plant but that developing intelligent, self-sustaining growing media will be important.
This document summarizes a study that evaluated the effects of different nitrogen levels on the growth, yield, and quality of BARI Tomato-9. The study tested four nitrogen levels: a control with no nitrogen, 100 kg/ha, 150 kg/ha, and 200 kg/ha. It found that 150 kg/ha of nitrogen resulted in the tallest plants, most leaves and branches per plant, highest number of clusters, flowers and fruits per cluster, largest fruit diameter, highest individual fruit weight, plot yield, yield per hectare, and total soluble solids content. The 150 kg/ha treatment performed best for growth and yield of BARI Tomato-9 compared to the other nitrogen levels tested.
Effect of mulch on organic tomato cultivationSubhayan Das
This study examined the populations of six bacterial groups (total aerobic bacteria, fluorescent pseudomonads, actinomycetes, Gram-negative bacteria, Gram-positive bacteria, and heat-tolerant bacteria) in the rhizosphere of creeping bentgrass and hybrid bermudagrass putting greens over four years at four locations in the southeastern United States. Significant effects of sampling date, turfgrass species, and location were observed for most bacterial groups. Bentgrass roots generally had higher numbers of fluorescent pseudomonads while bermudagrass roots had higher numbers of Gram-positive bacteria, actinomycetes and heat-tolerant bacteria. Rhizosphere bacterial numbers were usually highest at the North Carolina
Vermicomposting effectiveness in domestic organicMadhusankass
Vermicomposting is proposed as an effective way to reduce domestic organic waste through decomposition using earthworms. The document discusses how vermicomposting produces high-quality fertilizer while reducing issues like odor from organic waste accumulation. A study is proposed to measure the effectiveness of vermicomposting for domestic organic waste reduction by setting up worm bins using two methods - a drum composter and pit method - and applying the resulting vermicompost to home gardens.
This report summarizes a study of 10 bioretention sites installed as part of a stormwater management program. Soil samples from the sites were analyzed and found to generally meet specifications, though phosphorus levels were lower than specified. Vegetation assessments found varying levels of vigor and survivorship among plant species and sites. Proper coordination from design to construction to maintenance is important for bioretention system success, but lack of communication can lead to issues. The study aimed to understand how inconsistencies impact vegetation success.
This study evaluated the effects of foliar feeding micronutrient mixtures on the growth and yield of okra. Three treatments were tested: a control of fresh water spray (M1), one foliar application at 20 days after sowing (M2), and two foliar applications at 20 and 35 days after sowing (M3). The two foliar application treatment (M3) resulted in the tallest plants, most leaves, largest leaf area, highest fresh and dry weights, earliest flowering, most pods, longest pods, and highest yield compared to the other treatments. The results indicate that foliar feeding of micronutrient mixtures, particularly with two applications, can increase the growth and yield of okra by
Effect of Particle Size Distribution of Perlite and its Mixture with Organic ...MaqsoodKhalid3
Effect of Particle Size Distribution of Perlite and its Mixture with Organic Substrates on Cucumber in Hydroponics System. A zeolite mineral is a crystalline substance with a structure characterized by a framework of linked tetrahedra, each consisting of four O atoms surrounding a cation. This framework contains open cavities in the form of channels and cages. These are usually occupied by油H2O油molecules and extra-framework cations that are commonly exchangeable. The channels are large enough to allow the passage of guest species. In the hydrated phases, dehydration occurs at temperatures mostly below about油400 属C油and is largely reversible. The framework may be interrupted by (OH, F) groups; these occupy a tetrahedron apex that is not shared with adjacent tetrahedra.
Trap selectively gas molecules of the right size
Trap selectively gas molecules of the right shape
Trap selectively gas molecules of the right polarity
Highly polar materials, ion conductors and ion exchangers
Al+3 acidic site: catalyze a number of chemical reactions
Room temperature operation
High specific surface
Effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi on the growth, nutrient uptake, root in...Innspub Net
This study examined the effects of arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) fungi inoculation on the growth, nutrient uptake, and root infectivity of rough lemon (Citrus jambhiri) seedlings. The study found that inoculation with AM fungi increased plant height, leaf number, biomass, and nutrient uptake of phosphorus and potassium in the seedlings. AM fungi inoculation also increased root colonization and the absorptive surface area of the roots. The increases occurred under different phosphorus levels in sterile sand and in sterile and unsterile sand/soil mixes. Inoculation with AM fungi thus improves the growth and nutrient acquisition of rough lemon seedlings.
Effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi on the growth, nutrient uptake, root in...Open Access Research Paper
The effect of Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) fungi on growth, nutrient uptake and root infectivity was determined in Rough Lemon (Citrus jambhiri) seedlings raised under four phosphorus regimes in sand culture and also in sand/nitrosol sterile and unsterile conditions. Inoculation with AM fungi increased the plant height, leaf number and stem girth in relation to un-inoculated seedlings grown under equivalent P concentrations. An increase in plant height, leaf number and stem girth also occurred in both inoculated sterile and un-sterile sand/nitrosol media in relation to un-inoculated sterile and unsterile media. Arbuscular mycorrhiza also increased the leaf area and the root, leaf and stem fresh and dry weights and also caused an increase in the uptake of phosphorus and potassium in the leaf tissues. It also favoured mycorrhizal infectivity of roots and increased the root absorptive surface area. This study indicates that AM fungi improves the capacity of tropical fruit to absorb and utilize plant nutrients possibly by increasing the effective root surface area from which available form of nutrients are absorbed and also by increasing access of roots by bridging the depletion zones. Inoculating seedlings with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi helps to alleviate the adverse effects of global warming and climate change. As a low cost technology, arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation is recommended as part of the regular practise for incorporating into nursery media used for tropical fruit seedling propagation.
Growth, Yield and Quality of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) Cultivars throu...AI Publications
Two weeks old rooted cuttings of three commercial hybrid varieties; Triple plus, Temptation and Campairo were grown on cocopit substrate media with five replications on randomized complete block desigh (RCBD) in greenhouse condition at Mendel School Research Farm,Hwacheon. Transplanting was done on June 9, 2013 with spacing of 30 cm between plant and 45 cm between rows. Plants were trained as single stem and harvesting of the fruits were done upto 2.5 meter height. The major objective of this experiment was to evaluate their performance on stem cuttings. On the basis of overall characteristics, Triple plus showed superior performance; early flowering, higher plant uniformity, vigorous plant, higher leaf density, less powdery mildew infection, distinct stem pubescence, earlier fruit set, bigger size of fruits with thicker flesh, higher yield of fruits in tons per hectare and per plant, as compared to other cultivars has been selected and recommended for commercial cultivation through stem cuttings. It was followed by Temptation. Beside this, stem cuttings is an alternative planting materials in all the tested cultivars where apical branches during pruning could be used as alternative planting materials for tomato cultivation.
This document discusses the development of green belts for moderating toxic emissions. It describes green belts as areas of undeveloped land surrounding urban areas that are protected from development. The purposes of green belts are listed as protecting natural environments, improving air quality, and providing recreational access for urban residents. The document then discusses the interaction of pollutants with plants and outlines important aspects of designing green belts, including plant-pollutant interactions, models for development, plant selection criteria, and using plants to stabilize fly ash. Calculation methods like APTI (Air Pollution Tolerance Index) are presented to evaluate suitable plant species. Advantages and disadvantages of green belts are also summarized.
air pollution and its causes and mitigationranaroy33
This document outlines the use of nanofiber technologies for air filtration. It begins with an introduction describing air pollution and how nanofibers offer a sustainable solution. It then discusses nanofiber production methods like electrospinning and their advantages for high efficiency air filtration. These include reduced pressure drop, longer service life and low air resistance. The document concludes that nanofibers have potential to revolutionize air filtration in an eco-friendly way for a healthier environment.
Potential of ornamental plants for phytoremediation of heavy metalsswayam prakas nanda
The document discusses the potential use of ornamental plants for phytoremediation of heavy metals. Phytoremediation uses plants and their associated microorganisms to remove contaminants from the environment. It is a natural, low-cost process to remediate sites contaminated with heavy metals. Ornamental plants could accumulate heavy metals through their roots and leaves, converting contaminated land into landscapes while preventing metal entry into the food chain. Factors like plant species selection and soil properties influence metal uptake. Phytoremediation provides economic and environmental benefits but also has limitations from contaminant leaching and plant disposal.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus mosseae) selection by date palm root sys...AI Publications
In Jerid region pedoclimatic conditions and agricultural practices are of major importance in shaping the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the rhizophere of date palm tree. Glomus mosseae (dominant species) isolated from soil was multiplied and used as inoculum for date palm seedling. For this study, a pot experiment was conducted under greenhouse condition to assess the effect of inoculation with arbuscular mycorhizal fungus (Glomus mosseae) and mycorrhizal soil (substrate containing the propagules) compared to control seedlings. The result of analysis carried out in this work revealed that the addition of mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus mosseae) and mycorrhizal soil allowed us to conclude that the increase in phosphorus and nitrogen availability in soil solutions leads to a decrease in mycorhization rate and vice versa. Furthermore there is a good correlation between these two parameters. The levels of exchangeable calcium and magnesium tend to increase slightly over time estimated that their absorption mechanism is the same as for phosphorus. The absorption of these elements often difficult to assimilate by the plant is improved by the mycorrhizal association. That is to say, the increase in their removal is mainly due to better exploration of the soil by extra-rooted hyphae. In addition, endomycorrhizae are much less influenced by certain interactions between soil elements. Greenhouse experiments clearly show that artificial inoculation with mycorrhizal soil and spores (Glomus mosseae) has led to an improvement in the fertility of soils used as a substrate for culture, with a superiority of infection caused by mycorrhizal soil.
Labisia pumila or commonly known as kacip fatimah is one of the popular medicinal plant in Malaysia. The constituents of this plant have been reported to possess anti cancer, antioxidant, anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory properties. The growth and production of L. pumila is greatly influenced by the environmental condition such as shade, humidity and growing media. In this study, the survivality of L. pumila var. alata (KFeFRIM01) plantlets derived from tissue culture technique using temporary immersion system were analyzed during pre and post acclimatization process. The plantlets were pre acclimatize in different potting media namely 100% sand and 100% jiffy and grown in plastic growth chamber with different percentage of shade (0%, 50% and 70%). After a month, the plants were transferred to the nursery for post acclimatization. Three experiments were conducted to evaluate the survivality of plants placed under different percentage of shade (70% and 50%), suitable growing media and watering requirement per day. The growth of the plants such as plant height, number of leaves, leaf length and leaf width were recorded during the acclimatization process. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to evaluate the survivality and growth of this plant during the acclimatization process. KFeFRIM01 was found to grow better in 0% shade compared to 50% shade and 70% shade. However, there were no significant difference recorded in the usage of two potting medium (100% sand and 100% jiffy) on the growth of KFeFRIM01 during pre acclimatization process. While in post acclimatization, KFeFRIM01 placed under 50% shade produce better growth in term of leaves number (8.44a 賊 0.20), leaf length (6.13a 賊 0.14) and leaf width (3.17a 賊 0.06) compared to 70% shade. KFeFRIM01 plants planted in treatment 1-top soil: leaf compost: sand (2:3:1) gave the highest growth performance in all parameter measured. Whereas, KFeFRIM01 plants that watered twice per day (9AM & 4PM) have greater plant height (8.83a 賊 0.34) and leaves number (7.53a 賊 0.39) compared to plants watered once per day. The findings from this study are essential for mass production of L. pumila using tissue culture technology in future as a successful protocol for acclimatization of this plants obtained.
Effect of Organic Fertilizer on the Growth Performane of Brassica rapa Under...ShynneGabinete
This study evaluated the effects of organic fertilizers on the growth of Brassica rapa (pechay) in La Union, Philippines. Three fertilizer treatments were tested: vermicompost, non-vermicompost compost, and inorganic urea fertilizer. Results showed that plants treated with vermicompost had the highest growth measures, such as plant height and leaf area, though differences between treatments were not statistically significant. Overall, the study found that organic fertilizers produced comparable results to inorganic urea fertilizer for pechay growth and yield. The use of organic fertilizers is recommended for sustainable pechay production.
1. A Comprehensive Review of Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment in Delta State, Southern Part of Nigeria
2. Cascade Tank Water Quality Management: A Case Study in Thirappane Tank Cascade System, Sri Lanka
3. Flower Farms Environmental Performance Evaluation in Ethiopia
4. Quantum Biophysics of the Atmosphere: Factor Analysis of the Annual Dynamics of Maximum, Minimum and Average Temperatures from 1879 to 2017 to Hadley English Temperature Center (Hadcet)
5. Remineralization of a Dystric Ferralsol Using Basalt and Tephra Dusts, Effective Microorganisms Manure and NPK 20-10-10 for Radish (Raphanus sativus) Production in Bamougoum (Cameroon Western Highlands)
6. Wolf is ComingDynamic Classification Prediction Model of Vespa Mandarinia
Introduction - phyto- plantsremedium -restoring balance.What is phytoremediation?
Purpose of the study-find effective and sustainable ways.Strategies involved in process of
phytoremediation.Evaluating the economic feasibility and social acceptability.Goal of phytoremediation.
Overview of phytoremediation
Phytoextraction -Removal and Storage of contaminants in plants.E.g. Sunflower for uranium removal. Mustard for lead removal.
Phytostabilization -Transformation of highly toxic species to less toxic species or reduction in mobility.
Phytodegradation- Uptake and degradation of organic compound by plants. Plants contain nitroreductase, dehalogenases, lacasses.
Rhizofiltration-Use of roots to uptake also store contaminants from an aqueous growth matrix.
Phytovolatilization- Volatilization of toxic compound into atmosphere. Plants have ability to convert toxic metal ions into volatile species. E.g., Poplar plant- Trichloroethane Eucalyptus- Methyl-t-butylether
Properties of phytoremediation-High tolerance to the pollutants. High biomass production, fast growth.Large, deep root system.Good accumulator/degrader of pollutant. Able to compete with other species. Economic value.
Inorganics-Metals - Pb, Cd, Zn, Cr, Hg .Metalloids- Se, As.Nutrients- K, P, N, S.Radionuclides- Cs, U.
Organics: PAHs.Pesticides.Petroleum.Hydrocarbons.
Examples Of Plants Used In Phytoremediation-Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus ),Willow (Salix species),油Poplar tree (Populus deltoides),Indian mustard (Brassica juncea ),Indian grass油(Sorghastrum nutans Nash).
Transgenic approaches to Phytoremediation.
Adavantages -Suited to remediation of large areas of soil.Cost effective compared to conventional methods.Easy to implement and maintain and also accepted by public.Fewer spread of contaminants via air and water.Environmental friendly and aesthetically pleasing to public.
Limitations-Can be Slower. Limited root depth.
Plant tolerant to pollutants/contaminants.
Potential phase transfer of contaminant.
Possibility of contaminated plants entering the food chain.Possible spread of contaminant through falling leaves.
Conclusion-Phytoremediation is an emerging technology that employs the use of higher plants for the cleanup of contaminated environments. The main advantage of phytoextraction is environmental friendliness. Traditional methods which are used for cleaning up heavy metal contaminated soil disrupt soil structure and reduce soil productivity, whereas phytoextraction can clean up the soil without causing any kind of harm to soil quality.Another benefit of phytoextraction is that it is less expensive than any other clean up process and the possibility of the recovery and re-use of valuable metals.The possibility of using biotechnology to improve the efficiency of pytoremediation processes makes even better than any other existing methods.
Thank you
This document provides an overview of turf culture and the role of grasses in horticulture. It discusses how turf establishes an essential role through benefits like soil and land stability as well as being a primary producer. It then describes the turf industry and defines turf culture as the management of grass growth atop soil for continuous maintenance. Various grass types and their characteristics are examined. The document also details the benefits of turf, common diseases that can affect turf, and best practices for turf maintenance.
Evaluation of Different Growing Substrates on Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) under ...Innspub Net
Rockwool and coco coir performed the best as growing substrates for lettuce in a hydroponic system. Plants grown in coco coir had the tallest height and longest roots, while rockwool produced the most leaves and heaviest fresh biomass. All substrates maintained a similar alkaline pH in the water. While rockwool performed best, coco coir is a suitable alternative growing substrate that does not significantly differ from rockwool for hydroponically grown lettuce.
IRJET- Fabrication & Prototype of Portable Compost MachineIRJET Journal
This document describes the design and fabrication of a portable compost machine. Composting is a process by which microorganisms break down organic waste into humus. The authors designed a machine to facilitate household composting and reduce waste accumulation. They discuss factors that affect composting such as aeration, nutrients, moisture, surface area, temperature, and time. Food waste is a growing global problem, and composting provides a sustainable solution by recycling organic materials into fertilizer. The portable compost machine was created to make composting more accessible and reduce waste sent to landfills.
The Green Fuse: Using Plants to Provide Ecosystem Services
For more information, Please see websites below:
Organic Edible Schoolyards & Gardening with Children
Double Food Production from your School Garden with Organic Tech
Free School Gardening Art Posters`
Increase Food Production with Companion Planting in your School Garden
Healthy Foods Dramatically Improves Student Academic Success
City Chickens for your Organic School Garden
Simple Square Foot Gardening for Schools - Teacher Guide
Influence of soil texture and bed preparation on growth performance in Plectr...IOSR Journals
This document summarizes a study on the influence of soil texture and bed preparation on the growth of Plectranthus vettiveroides. The study found that sandy soil produced the highest growth and yield, with maximum plant height, leaves, biomass, and essential oil content. Sandy soil had better aeration and drainage than other soil types tested. Raised beds of 60 cm height produced the highest root biomass. Beds with coconut husks around the edges and a height of 75 cm resulted in maximum above-ground growth parameters like plant height and shoot biomass. Overall, sandy soil and raised beds of 60-75 cm provide optimal growing conditions for Plectranthus vettiveroides.
A pot experiment was conducted to study the effects of potting media on sprouting and seedling growth of grape cuttings. Three grape varieties viz. Red globe, Thomson seedless and Crimson seedless were planted in four different growth media: CS-Canal silt, CSFYM-Canal silt (75%) + FYM (25%), CSB-Canal silt (25%) + Bagasse (75%) and CSBCP-Canal silt (25%) + Bagasse (50%) + Coco peat (25%). The experiment was conducted in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) along with three replications. The results revealed that almost all observed parameters were significantly influenced by the potting media. However, grape varieties and their interaction with the potting media exhibited non-significant effect for sprouting percentage and most of the seedling related attributes of growth. Minimum days to sprouting (6.78),highest sprouting percentage (84.44), maximum rooting percentage (84.44) and maximum chlorophyll content of leaves (56.23) were observed from the cuttings planted in CSBCP. However, maximum number of sprouts (5.55), number of leaves (13.77), fresh weight of leaves (2.27g), fresh weight of the roots (2.16 g), were observed from CSB. No grape seedling mortality was also observed CSB and CSBCP growth media. On the basis of varietal comparison, Thompson seedless exhibited the best results for number of leaves per cutting (11.50), fresh weight of the roots (1.64 g) and number of roots per cutting (29.17 g) as compared to rest of the grape varieties. The research establishes the potential for locals to use available materials in potting media preparation for healthier and stronger grape seedlings for subsequent improved grape plantation.
The Harvard Yard Soils Restoration Project aimed to improve soil health without chemicals. A test plot was established and treated with compost, compost tea, and organic fertilizers. Root growth increased significantly compared to the control plot. Soil nitrogen levels and water needs improved. FMO staff were trained to sustain the program. Research opportunities were identified. Next steps include strengthening partnerships, leveraging research, expanding composting, and growing the organic program.
Effect of Particle Size Distribution of Perlite and its Mixture with Organic ...MaqsoodKhalid3
Effect of Particle Size Distribution of Perlite and its Mixture with Organic Substrates on Cucumber in Hydroponics System. A zeolite mineral is a crystalline substance with a structure characterized by a framework of linked tetrahedra, each consisting of four O atoms surrounding a cation. This framework contains open cavities in the form of channels and cages. These are usually occupied by油H2O油molecules and extra-framework cations that are commonly exchangeable. The channels are large enough to allow the passage of guest species. In the hydrated phases, dehydration occurs at temperatures mostly below about油400 属C油and is largely reversible. The framework may be interrupted by (OH, F) groups; these occupy a tetrahedron apex that is not shared with adjacent tetrahedra.
Trap selectively gas molecules of the right size
Trap selectively gas molecules of the right shape
Trap selectively gas molecules of the right polarity
Highly polar materials, ion conductors and ion exchangers
Al+3 acidic site: catalyze a number of chemical reactions
Room temperature operation
High specific surface
Effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi on the growth, nutrient uptake, root in...Innspub Net
This study examined the effects of arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) fungi inoculation on the growth, nutrient uptake, and root infectivity of rough lemon (Citrus jambhiri) seedlings. The study found that inoculation with AM fungi increased plant height, leaf number, biomass, and nutrient uptake of phosphorus and potassium in the seedlings. AM fungi inoculation also increased root colonization and the absorptive surface area of the roots. The increases occurred under different phosphorus levels in sterile sand and in sterile and unsterile sand/soil mixes. Inoculation with AM fungi thus improves the growth and nutrient acquisition of rough lemon seedlings.
Effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi on the growth, nutrient uptake, root in...Open Access Research Paper
The effect of Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) fungi on growth, nutrient uptake and root infectivity was determined in Rough Lemon (Citrus jambhiri) seedlings raised under four phosphorus regimes in sand culture and also in sand/nitrosol sterile and unsterile conditions. Inoculation with AM fungi increased the plant height, leaf number and stem girth in relation to un-inoculated seedlings grown under equivalent P concentrations. An increase in plant height, leaf number and stem girth also occurred in both inoculated sterile and un-sterile sand/nitrosol media in relation to un-inoculated sterile and unsterile media. Arbuscular mycorrhiza also increased the leaf area and the root, leaf and stem fresh and dry weights and also caused an increase in the uptake of phosphorus and potassium in the leaf tissues. It also favoured mycorrhizal infectivity of roots and increased the root absorptive surface area. This study indicates that AM fungi improves the capacity of tropical fruit to absorb and utilize plant nutrients possibly by increasing the effective root surface area from which available form of nutrients are absorbed and also by increasing access of roots by bridging the depletion zones. Inoculating seedlings with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi helps to alleviate the adverse effects of global warming and climate change. As a low cost technology, arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation is recommended as part of the regular practise for incorporating into nursery media used for tropical fruit seedling propagation.
Growth, Yield and Quality of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) Cultivars throu...AI Publications
Two weeks old rooted cuttings of three commercial hybrid varieties; Triple plus, Temptation and Campairo were grown on cocopit substrate media with five replications on randomized complete block desigh (RCBD) in greenhouse condition at Mendel School Research Farm,Hwacheon. Transplanting was done on June 9, 2013 with spacing of 30 cm between plant and 45 cm between rows. Plants were trained as single stem and harvesting of the fruits were done upto 2.5 meter height. The major objective of this experiment was to evaluate their performance on stem cuttings. On the basis of overall characteristics, Triple plus showed superior performance; early flowering, higher plant uniformity, vigorous plant, higher leaf density, less powdery mildew infection, distinct stem pubescence, earlier fruit set, bigger size of fruits with thicker flesh, higher yield of fruits in tons per hectare and per plant, as compared to other cultivars has been selected and recommended for commercial cultivation through stem cuttings. It was followed by Temptation. Beside this, stem cuttings is an alternative planting materials in all the tested cultivars where apical branches during pruning could be used as alternative planting materials for tomato cultivation.
This document discusses the development of green belts for moderating toxic emissions. It describes green belts as areas of undeveloped land surrounding urban areas that are protected from development. The purposes of green belts are listed as protecting natural environments, improving air quality, and providing recreational access for urban residents. The document then discusses the interaction of pollutants with plants and outlines important aspects of designing green belts, including plant-pollutant interactions, models for development, plant selection criteria, and using plants to stabilize fly ash. Calculation methods like APTI (Air Pollution Tolerance Index) are presented to evaluate suitable plant species. Advantages and disadvantages of green belts are also summarized.
air pollution and its causes and mitigationranaroy33
This document outlines the use of nanofiber technologies for air filtration. It begins with an introduction describing air pollution and how nanofibers offer a sustainable solution. It then discusses nanofiber production methods like electrospinning and their advantages for high efficiency air filtration. These include reduced pressure drop, longer service life and low air resistance. The document concludes that nanofibers have potential to revolutionize air filtration in an eco-friendly way for a healthier environment.
Potential of ornamental plants for phytoremediation of heavy metalsswayam prakas nanda
The document discusses the potential use of ornamental plants for phytoremediation of heavy metals. Phytoremediation uses plants and their associated microorganisms to remove contaminants from the environment. It is a natural, low-cost process to remediate sites contaminated with heavy metals. Ornamental plants could accumulate heavy metals through their roots and leaves, converting contaminated land into landscapes while preventing metal entry into the food chain. Factors like plant species selection and soil properties influence metal uptake. Phytoremediation provides economic and environmental benefits but also has limitations from contaminant leaching and plant disposal.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus mosseae) selection by date palm root sys...AI Publications
In Jerid region pedoclimatic conditions and agricultural practices are of major importance in shaping the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the rhizophere of date palm tree. Glomus mosseae (dominant species) isolated from soil was multiplied and used as inoculum for date palm seedling. For this study, a pot experiment was conducted under greenhouse condition to assess the effect of inoculation with arbuscular mycorhizal fungus (Glomus mosseae) and mycorrhizal soil (substrate containing the propagules) compared to control seedlings. The result of analysis carried out in this work revealed that the addition of mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus mosseae) and mycorrhizal soil allowed us to conclude that the increase in phosphorus and nitrogen availability in soil solutions leads to a decrease in mycorhization rate and vice versa. Furthermore there is a good correlation between these two parameters. The levels of exchangeable calcium and magnesium tend to increase slightly over time estimated that their absorption mechanism is the same as for phosphorus. The absorption of these elements often difficult to assimilate by the plant is improved by the mycorrhizal association. That is to say, the increase in their removal is mainly due to better exploration of the soil by extra-rooted hyphae. In addition, endomycorrhizae are much less influenced by certain interactions between soil elements. Greenhouse experiments clearly show that artificial inoculation with mycorrhizal soil and spores (Glomus mosseae) has led to an improvement in the fertility of soils used as a substrate for culture, with a superiority of infection caused by mycorrhizal soil.
Labisia pumila or commonly known as kacip fatimah is one of the popular medicinal plant in Malaysia. The constituents of this plant have been reported to possess anti cancer, antioxidant, anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory properties. The growth and production of L. pumila is greatly influenced by the environmental condition such as shade, humidity and growing media. In this study, the survivality of L. pumila var. alata (KFeFRIM01) plantlets derived from tissue culture technique using temporary immersion system were analyzed during pre and post acclimatization process. The plantlets were pre acclimatize in different potting media namely 100% sand and 100% jiffy and grown in plastic growth chamber with different percentage of shade (0%, 50% and 70%). After a month, the plants were transferred to the nursery for post acclimatization. Three experiments were conducted to evaluate the survivality of plants placed under different percentage of shade (70% and 50%), suitable growing media and watering requirement per day. The growth of the plants such as plant height, number of leaves, leaf length and leaf width were recorded during the acclimatization process. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to evaluate the survivality and growth of this plant during the acclimatization process. KFeFRIM01 was found to grow better in 0% shade compared to 50% shade and 70% shade. However, there were no significant difference recorded in the usage of two potting medium (100% sand and 100% jiffy) on the growth of KFeFRIM01 during pre acclimatization process. While in post acclimatization, KFeFRIM01 placed under 50% shade produce better growth in term of leaves number (8.44a 賊 0.20), leaf length (6.13a 賊 0.14) and leaf width (3.17a 賊 0.06) compared to 70% shade. KFeFRIM01 plants planted in treatment 1-top soil: leaf compost: sand (2:3:1) gave the highest growth performance in all parameter measured. Whereas, KFeFRIM01 plants that watered twice per day (9AM & 4PM) have greater plant height (8.83a 賊 0.34) and leaves number (7.53a 賊 0.39) compared to plants watered once per day. The findings from this study are essential for mass production of L. pumila using tissue culture technology in future as a successful protocol for acclimatization of this plants obtained.
Effect of Organic Fertilizer on the Growth Performane of Brassica rapa Under...ShynneGabinete
This study evaluated the effects of organic fertilizers on the growth of Brassica rapa (pechay) in La Union, Philippines. Three fertilizer treatments were tested: vermicompost, non-vermicompost compost, and inorganic urea fertilizer. Results showed that plants treated with vermicompost had the highest growth measures, such as plant height and leaf area, though differences between treatments were not statistically significant. Overall, the study found that organic fertilizers produced comparable results to inorganic urea fertilizer for pechay growth and yield. The use of organic fertilizers is recommended for sustainable pechay production.
1. A Comprehensive Review of Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment in Delta State, Southern Part of Nigeria
2. Cascade Tank Water Quality Management: A Case Study in Thirappane Tank Cascade System, Sri Lanka
3. Flower Farms Environmental Performance Evaluation in Ethiopia
4. Quantum Biophysics of the Atmosphere: Factor Analysis of the Annual Dynamics of Maximum, Minimum and Average Temperatures from 1879 to 2017 to Hadley English Temperature Center (Hadcet)
5. Remineralization of a Dystric Ferralsol Using Basalt and Tephra Dusts, Effective Microorganisms Manure and NPK 20-10-10 for Radish (Raphanus sativus) Production in Bamougoum (Cameroon Western Highlands)
6. Wolf is ComingDynamic Classification Prediction Model of Vespa Mandarinia
Introduction - phyto- plantsremedium -restoring balance.What is phytoremediation?
Purpose of the study-find effective and sustainable ways.Strategies involved in process of
phytoremediation.Evaluating the economic feasibility and social acceptability.Goal of phytoremediation.
Overview of phytoremediation
Phytoextraction -Removal and Storage of contaminants in plants.E.g. Sunflower for uranium removal. Mustard for lead removal.
Phytostabilization -Transformation of highly toxic species to less toxic species or reduction in mobility.
Phytodegradation- Uptake and degradation of organic compound by plants. Plants contain nitroreductase, dehalogenases, lacasses.
Rhizofiltration-Use of roots to uptake also store contaminants from an aqueous growth matrix.
Phytovolatilization- Volatilization of toxic compound into atmosphere. Plants have ability to convert toxic metal ions into volatile species. E.g., Poplar plant- Trichloroethane Eucalyptus- Methyl-t-butylether
Properties of phytoremediation-High tolerance to the pollutants. High biomass production, fast growth.Large, deep root system.Good accumulator/degrader of pollutant. Able to compete with other species. Economic value.
Inorganics-Metals - Pb, Cd, Zn, Cr, Hg .Metalloids- Se, As.Nutrients- K, P, N, S.Radionuclides- Cs, U.
Organics: PAHs.Pesticides.Petroleum.Hydrocarbons.
Examples Of Plants Used In Phytoremediation-Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus ),Willow (Salix species),油Poplar tree (Populus deltoides),Indian mustard (Brassica juncea ),Indian grass油(Sorghastrum nutans Nash).
Transgenic approaches to Phytoremediation.
Adavantages -Suited to remediation of large areas of soil.Cost effective compared to conventional methods.Easy to implement and maintain and also accepted by public.Fewer spread of contaminants via air and water.Environmental friendly and aesthetically pleasing to public.
Limitations-Can be Slower. Limited root depth.
Plant tolerant to pollutants/contaminants.
Potential phase transfer of contaminant.
Possibility of contaminated plants entering the food chain.Possible spread of contaminant through falling leaves.
Conclusion-Phytoremediation is an emerging technology that employs the use of higher plants for the cleanup of contaminated environments. The main advantage of phytoextraction is environmental friendliness. Traditional methods which are used for cleaning up heavy metal contaminated soil disrupt soil structure and reduce soil productivity, whereas phytoextraction can clean up the soil without causing any kind of harm to soil quality.Another benefit of phytoextraction is that it is less expensive than any other clean up process and the possibility of the recovery and re-use of valuable metals.The possibility of using biotechnology to improve the efficiency of pytoremediation processes makes even better than any other existing methods.
Thank you
This document provides an overview of turf culture and the role of grasses in horticulture. It discusses how turf establishes an essential role through benefits like soil and land stability as well as being a primary producer. It then describes the turf industry and defines turf culture as the management of grass growth atop soil for continuous maintenance. Various grass types and their characteristics are examined. The document also details the benefits of turf, common diseases that can affect turf, and best practices for turf maintenance.
Evaluation of Different Growing Substrates on Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) under ...Innspub Net
Rockwool and coco coir performed the best as growing substrates for lettuce in a hydroponic system. Plants grown in coco coir had the tallest height and longest roots, while rockwool produced the most leaves and heaviest fresh biomass. All substrates maintained a similar alkaline pH in the water. While rockwool performed best, coco coir is a suitable alternative growing substrate that does not significantly differ from rockwool for hydroponically grown lettuce.
IRJET- Fabrication & Prototype of Portable Compost MachineIRJET Journal
This document describes the design and fabrication of a portable compost machine. Composting is a process by which microorganisms break down organic waste into humus. The authors designed a machine to facilitate household composting and reduce waste accumulation. They discuss factors that affect composting such as aeration, nutrients, moisture, surface area, temperature, and time. Food waste is a growing global problem, and composting provides a sustainable solution by recycling organic materials into fertilizer. The portable compost machine was created to make composting more accessible and reduce waste sent to landfills.
The Green Fuse: Using Plants to Provide Ecosystem Services
For more information, Please see websites below:
Organic Edible Schoolyards & Gardening with Children
Double Food Production from your School Garden with Organic Tech
Free School Gardening Art Posters`
Increase Food Production with Companion Planting in your School Garden
Healthy Foods Dramatically Improves Student Academic Success
City Chickens for your Organic School Garden
Simple Square Foot Gardening for Schools - Teacher Guide
Influence of soil texture and bed preparation on growth performance in Plectr...IOSR Journals
This document summarizes a study on the influence of soil texture and bed preparation on the growth of Plectranthus vettiveroides. The study found that sandy soil produced the highest growth and yield, with maximum plant height, leaves, biomass, and essential oil content. Sandy soil had better aeration and drainage than other soil types tested. Raised beds of 60 cm height produced the highest root biomass. Beds with coconut husks around the edges and a height of 75 cm resulted in maximum above-ground growth parameters like plant height and shoot biomass. Overall, sandy soil and raised beds of 60-75 cm provide optimal growing conditions for Plectranthus vettiveroides.
A pot experiment was conducted to study the effects of potting media on sprouting and seedling growth of grape cuttings. Three grape varieties viz. Red globe, Thomson seedless and Crimson seedless were planted in four different growth media: CS-Canal silt, CSFYM-Canal silt (75%) + FYM (25%), CSB-Canal silt (25%) + Bagasse (75%) and CSBCP-Canal silt (25%) + Bagasse (50%) + Coco peat (25%). The experiment was conducted in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) along with three replications. The results revealed that almost all observed parameters were significantly influenced by the potting media. However, grape varieties and their interaction with the potting media exhibited non-significant effect for sprouting percentage and most of the seedling related attributes of growth. Minimum days to sprouting (6.78),highest sprouting percentage (84.44), maximum rooting percentage (84.44) and maximum chlorophyll content of leaves (56.23) were observed from the cuttings planted in CSBCP. However, maximum number of sprouts (5.55), number of leaves (13.77), fresh weight of leaves (2.27g), fresh weight of the roots (2.16 g), were observed from CSB. No grape seedling mortality was also observed CSB and CSBCP growth media. On the basis of varietal comparison, Thompson seedless exhibited the best results for number of leaves per cutting (11.50), fresh weight of the roots (1.64 g) and number of roots per cutting (29.17 g) as compared to rest of the grape varieties. The research establishes the potential for locals to use available materials in potting media preparation for healthier and stronger grape seedlings for subsequent improved grape plantation.
The Harvard Yard Soils Restoration Project aimed to improve soil health without chemicals. A test plot was established and treated with compost, compost tea, and organic fertilizers. Root growth increased significantly compared to the control plot. Soil nitrogen levels and water needs improved. FMO staff were trained to sustain the program. Research opportunities were identified. Next steps include strengthening partnerships, leveraging research, expanding composting, and growing the organic program.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nations legal framework.
Computer Application in Business (commerce)Sudar Sudar
The main objectives
1. To introduce the concept of computer and its various parts. 2. To explain the concept of data base management system and Management information system.
3. To provide insight about networking and basics of internet
Recall various terms of computer and its part
Understand the meaning of software, operating system, programming language and its features
Comparing Data Vs Information and its management system Understanding about various concepts of management information system
Explain about networking and elements based on internet
1. Recall the various concepts relating to computer and its various parts
2 Understand the meaning of softwares, operating system etc
3 Understanding the meaning and utility of database management system
4 Evaluate the various aspects of management information system
5 Generating more ideas regarding the use of internet for business purpose
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
Blind Spots in AI and Formulation Science Knowledge Pyramid (Updated Perspect...Ajaz Hussain
This presentation delves into the systemic blind spots within pharmaceutical science and regulatory systems, emphasizing the significance of "inactive ingredients" and their influence on therapeutic equivalence. These blind spots, indicative of normalized systemic failures, go beyond mere chance occurrences and are ingrained deeply enough to compromise decision-making processes and erode trust.
Historical instances like the 1938 FD&C Act and the Generic Drug Scandals underscore how crisis-triggered reforms often fail to address the fundamental issues, perpetuating inefficiencies and hazards.
The narrative advocates a shift from reactive crisis management to proactive, adaptable systems prioritizing continuous enhancement. Key hurdles involve challenging outdated assumptions regarding bioavailability, inadequately funded research ventures, and the impact of vague language in regulatory frameworks.
The rise of large language models (LLMs) presents promising solutions, albeit with accompanying risks necessitating thorough validation and seamless integration.
Tackling these blind spots demands a holistic approach, embracing adaptive learning and a steadfast commitment to self-improvement. By nurturing curiosity, refining regulatory terminology, and judiciously harnessing new technologies, the pharmaceutical sector can progress towards better public health service delivery and ensure the safety, efficacy, and real-world impact of drug products.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
Prelims of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Root Performance of Air-Layered Lemon Tree
1. Root Performance of Air-Layered Lemon
(Citrus limon L.) Using Various Rooting Media
Minajoy B. Wigan
This study aimed to assess the impact of different organic amendments on the root development of
air-layered lemon plants. A Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four treatments was
employed. The treatments included: T1 - Garden Soil, T2 - Coconut Coir, T3 - Vermicompost, and T4 -
Biocompost. Results indicated significant differences (p < 0.05) among treatments in terms of the
number, length, and diameter of primary roots. Vermicompost (T3) consistently outperformed the other
treatments, demonstrating the highest values for all root parameters. Garden soil (T1) exhibited the
lowest performance. The superior performance of vermicompost can be attributed to its beneficial
physical, chemical, and biological properties, such as high nutrient content, favorable microbial
activity, and the presence of plant growth-promoting substances. These findings suggest that
vermicompost can be an effective rooting medium for air-layered lemon plants, leading to improved
root development and potentially enhanced plant growth and productivity.
Keywords: air layering, lemon, organic amendments, root development, vermicompost
Citrus is a group of fruit trees that produce juicy fruits with a slightly sour taste (Camut et al, 2022). Common species that belong to
this group include lemons, mandarins, pummelos, oranges, limes, and many more. Citrus limon or lemon is one of the widely
cultivated citrus species in warm countries like the Philippines. These trees can either be propagated through seeds (sexual) or
vegetative (asexual) means. Vegetative or asexual propagation is done either to preserve the desirable characteristics of a
particular plant; to propagate plants that do not produce viable seeds; to propagate plants that produce seeds that are difficult to
germinate, and to shorten the juvenile stage of plants.
The major methods of asexual propagation are cuttings, layering, division, budding, and grafting. But for lemon, air-layering is one
of the most popular means of asexual propagation. Air-layering, also known as marcotting, is a method that involves propagating a
new plant from a branch still attached to the parent plant, by getting roots to form on the branch. Air layering is usually done by
wrapping an exposed branch with rooting media until it forms roots (Leakey 2017).
According to Khoon (2021), different organic rooting materials can be used as a rooting medium. Some popular choices include
garden soil, potting mix, peat moss, and sphagnum moss. The result of study of Mishra (2014) shows that using just plain garden
soil isn't the best option because it doesn't help the plant survive well as it dries out quickly.
To encourage root growth, it's important to keep the environment around the layer moist, well-aerated, and at a comfortable
temperature (Verma and Sahu, 2022). Using a loose rooting media with good water-holding capacity can help create these ideal
conditions (Bareja 2022).
The success of air layering in lemon can be achieved by using appropriate media that will enhance rooting. Thus, this study aims
to evaluate the effect of organic amendments as rooting media for lemon. Further, it will observe the root performance of lemon (C.
limon) in terms of number of primary roots, average length of primary roots (cm), and diameter of primary roots (mm).
This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of organic amendments (vermicompost, biocompost,
and cocopeat) as rooting media in air-layering.
Specifically, to assess the root performance of lemon (Citrus limon) in terms of number, length (cm),
and diameter (mm) of primary roots.
Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study
Experimental Design
This study was conducted at the Quirino State University lemon orchard
in Diffun, Quirino Province. A randomized complete block design with
three replications was used to evaluate the effects of four different
treatments on lemon air layering. Twelve lemon trees were selected for
the experiment.
Collection of Rooting Media
The different rooting media were collected from various university
projects. Coconut coir and biocompost were obtained from the Diverse
Ecological Waste Solutions (DEWS) Enterprise, while vermicompost was
sourced from the Vermitechnology Research and Development Center.
Air-Layering Procedure
Mature branches with a uniform girth of 2-3 cm and a length of 12-15
inches were selected from lemon trees. A ring of bark was removed
from the branch, exposing the cambium layer. The exposed area was
wrapped in a plastic bag filled with a specific rooting medium (garden
soil, coconut coir, vermicompost, or rice hulls). After 47 days, the air
layers were harvested, and the roots were evaluated for number,
length, and diameter. Statistical analysis was performed to determine
the most effective rooting medium.
Table 1. Chemical Properties of the Different Rooting Media
Particulars pH % OM/Avail N Avail P, ppm Avail K, ppm
T1 - Garden Soil 7.25 1.57 31.76 262.17
T2 - Cocopeat 6.99 3.03 37.62 528.68
T3 - Vermicompost 6.76 5.93 229.86 1512.98
T4 - Biocompost 6.69 3.32 151.54 1264.91
All treatments exhibited near-neutral pH, which is generally optimal for
plant growth. Vermicompost demonstrated the highest levels of
available nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, suggesting its potential
to promote root development and plant vigor. In contrast, garden soil
had the lowest nutrient content, which may limit root growth.
10. Table 2. Average Number of Primary Roots
Treatments Mean
T1 Garden Soil 10.00b
T2 Cocopeat 15.67ab
T3 Vermicompost 22.33a
T4 Biocompost 20.00a
ANOVA Result *
CV (%) 14.63
The greatest number of primary roots is due to the elevated amount of
NPK in Vermicompost (Karmegam et al. 2009), especially the
Phosphorus content. In addition, Phosphorus is needed to promote
early root formation and growth (Mullins 2009).
11. Table 3. Average Length of Primary Roots (cm)
Treatments Mean
T1 Garden Soil 2.39c
T2 Cocopeat 3.54b
T3 -Vermicompost 4.79a
T4 - Biocompost 3.62b
ANOVA Result **
CV (%) 14.89
The enhanced growth of primary roots in air-layered lemon can be
attributed to vermicompost's potential as a plant growth promoter
(Coria-Cayupaan et al., 2009). Its readily available nitrogen,
phosphorus, potassium, and micronutrients, facilitated by microbial
activity (Goutam et al., 2011; Yatoo et al., 2020), contribute significantly
to root development.
12. Table 4. Average Diameter of Primary Roots (mm)
Treatments Mean
T1 Garden Soil 1.10c
T2 Cocopeat 1.28bc
T3 -Vermicompost 1.63a
T4 - Biocompost 1.40ab
ANOVA Result *
CV (%) 9.19
Vermicompost consistently outperformed other treatments, producing
the thickest primary roots. This superior performance can be attributed
to the higher phosphorus content in vermicompost, which is crucial for
root development (Karmegam et al. 2009; Mullins 2009). This indicates
that the choice of rooting medium has a significant impact on root
thickness in air-layered lemon plants.
The results of the study revealed that vermicompost (T3) significantly
outperformed other treatments in terms of root development
parameters. Air-layered lemon plants using vermicompost exhibited
significantly greater primary root length, number, and diameter
compared to the control group (T1 - Garden Soil). These results are
attributed to vermicompost's physical, chemical, and biological
properties. Its high nutrient content, particularly phosphorus, and the
presence of a diverse microbial population, including nitrogen-fixing
and phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria, create a conducive environment
for root growth and development in air-layers.
Conduct a long-term study to assess the growth, yield, and fruit
quality of lemon plants propagated using different rooting media
which can provide valuable insights into the sustainability of the
propagation method.
Continuation of this research endeavor will lead to the
development of more efficient and sustainable propagation
techniques for lemon, resulting in the increased availability of high-
quality planting materials.