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Rotary Information
History of Rotary Rotary Guiding Principles Rotary Commitments & Privileges Rotary Programs Rotary International Programs The Rotary Foundation and its Programs Rotary Organisation Overview of Presentation
Rotary started in Chicago in 1905 By 1920, Rotary had  45,000 members   and clubs in  12 countries. History of Rotary
By 1970s, Rotary spread throughout  Western Europe, Africa, South America,  and  Australia History of Rotary
Today, membership tops 1.2 million with clubs in 166 countries, including the newest Rotary countries of  the United Arab Emirates  and  Afghanistan. History of Rotary
History of Rotary Rotary Guiding Principles Rotary Commitments & Privileges Rotary Programs Rotary International Programs The Rotary Foundation and its Programs Rotary Organisation Overview of Presentation
Four basic principles guide Rotarians in achieving the ideal of service and high ethical standards: Object of Rotary Avenues of Service Classification Principle The 4-Way Test Rotarys Guiding Principles SERVICE Above Self
Object of Rotary : FIRST. The  development of acquaintance  as an opportunity for service; SECOND.  High ethical standards  in business and professions; the recognition of  the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarians occupation as an opportunity to serve society; THIRD. The application of  the ideal of service  in each Rotarians personal, business and community life; FOURTH. The advancement of  international understanding , goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service. Rotarys Guiding Principles
Avenues of Service Club Service Those things that a Rotarian does to help make the running of his/her Rotary Club successful. Vocational Service The promoting of the Ideal of Service throughout the business and professional world. Community Service Urges every Rotarian to participate in all activities which make his/her community a better place in which to live. International Service Encourage and foster the advancement of understanding and good will among peoples of the world Rotary Guiding Principles
Classification Principle Rotary allows only a specific number of individual members in any vocation to belong to an individual club, thereby promoting a broad base of ideas and respect for each vocation.  The current membership approves each individual who might wish to join a Rotary club.   The Four Way Test Of the things we think, say, or do  Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? Rotary Guiding Principles
History of Rotary Rotary Guiding Principles Rotary Commitments & Privileges Rotary Programs Rotary International Programs The Rotary Foundation and its Programs Rotary Organisation Overview of Presentation
Commitments Attendance & Yearly Dues Active Participation To be a Rotarian you must give of your time, treasures and talents in community In social functions In Club & District and International Rotary activities Privileges Friendship & Fellowship Personal Growth and Development Developing International Good Will and Understanding. Building Higher Ethical Standards within your vocation Opportunity to Serve  HE PROFITS MOST WHO SERVES THE BEST Rotary Commitments & Privileges
History of Rotary Rotary Guiding Principles Rotary Commitments & Privileges Rotary Programs Rotary International Programs The Rotary Foundation and its Programs Rotary Organisation Overview of Presentation
Rotarys Programs will expand its  humanitarian service  and build  bridges of understanding.   Rotary Programs
Rotary Programs Rotary International Interact Rotaract Rotary Community Corps Rotary Fellowships Rotary Friendship Exchange Rotary Volunteers Rotary Youth Leadership Awards World Community Service Youth Exchange The Rotary Foundation Humanitarian Programs Matching Grants  Individual Grants  District Simplified Grants  3H Program  Educational Programs Group Study Exchange  Ambassadorial Scholarships  Rotary Centers for International Studies Rotary Grants for University Teachers PolioPlus
History of Rotary Rotary Guiding Principles Rotary Commitments & Privileges Rotary Programs Rotary International Programs The Rotary Foundation and its Programs Rotary Organisation Overview of Presentation
Interact  - Rotary clubs organize and sponsor this service organization for youth ages 14-18. Rotaract  - Rotary clubs organize and sponsor this leadership, professional development, and service organization for young adults ages 18-30. Rotary Youth Exchange  - Clubs and districts send and host students ages 15-19 who travel abroad for cultural exchanges of one week to a full year; about 8,000 a year. Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)  - Clubs and districts sponsor seminars to encourage and recognize leadership abilities of youth and young adults ages 14-30. Rotarys Commitments to Youth Rotary International Programs
History of Rotary Rotary Guiding Principles Rotary Commitments & Privileges Rotary Programs Rotary International Programs The Rotary Foundation and its Programs Rotary Organisation Overview of Presentation
The Rotary Foundation of RI is a not-for profit corporation whose mission is to enable the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty. The Rotary Foundation
The Rotary Foundation $570.7 million in assets The Rotary Foundation supports  humanitarian  and  educational  programs implemented by clubs and districts thereby  promoting world understanding  and  peace.
Achieving the US$100 per Rotarian annual giving goal will enable the Foundation to meet the need for  humanitarian  and  educational programs  identified by Rotary clubs and districts worldwide. The Rotary Foundation
Matching Grants projects  have brought hope for a better life to people since 1965, with nearly 20,000 grants awarded, totaling more than US$198 million.  TRF Programs  Humanitarian Programs
The  Health, Hunger and Humanity (3-H) Grants program,  created in 1978, has made possible a wide range of sustainable development projects, such as the nationwide literacy effort in Bangladesh.  TRF Programs  Humanitarian Programs
In 1965, the  Group Study Exchange   program  was also established, enabling over 30,000 business and professional men and women to participate in vocational activities in countries other than their own. TRF Programs  Educational Programs
In 1999, seven  Rotary Centers for International Studies  in peace and conflict resolution  were established. TRF Programs  Educational Programs
Since its launch in 1985, more than two billion children have received oral polio vaccine as part of this program. Rotarys commitment to youth  has never been more far-reaching than with its  PolioPlus  program. TRF Programs  PolioPlus The  PolioPlus program  was launched in 1985.
TRF Programs  PolioPlus The Global Polio Eradication Initiative has reduced the incidence of polio by more than 99 percent. Today, endemic wild poliovirus has been eliminated from all but  four countries  (Afghanistan, India, Nigeria and Pakistan) in the world, and just 945 cases were reported worldwide in August 2008.  Millions more were protected by vaccination.
Currently, the global funding gap for 2008-09 stands at US$ 490 million.  More than 10 million children will be paralysed in the next 40 years if the world fails to capitalize on its US$5 billion global investment in polio eradication.  TRF Programs  PolioPlus
Progress in Polio Eradication
Progress in Polio Eradication
History of Rotary Rotary Guiding Principles Rotary Commitments & Privileges Rotary Programs Rotary International Programs The Rotary Foundation and its Programs Rotary Organisation Overview of Presentation
Rotary International is governed by a president and a board of directors elected from all over the world.  RI Board has a president, 19 Members and a General Secretary The Council on Legislation, Rotary's parliament meets every three years to deliberate and act upon all proposed enactments and resolutions submitted by: Individual Rotary Clubs,  District Conferences,  the General Council and Conference of RIBI,  the RI Board,  the Council itself also makes proposals.  A representative for each Rotary District is invited to the Council on Legislation Rotary Organisation [International level]
Welcome to Rotary Remember, no organization is greater than its individual members. You are Rotary Participate for Friendship Participate for Service Participate for Fellowship Participate for Knowledge Participate for International Understanding

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Rotary Information

  • 2. History of Rotary Rotary Guiding Principles Rotary Commitments & Privileges Rotary Programs Rotary International Programs The Rotary Foundation and its Programs Rotary Organisation Overview of Presentation
  • 3. Rotary started in Chicago in 1905 By 1920, Rotary had 45,000 members and clubs in 12 countries. History of Rotary
  • 4. By 1970s, Rotary spread throughout Western Europe, Africa, South America, and Australia History of Rotary
  • 5. Today, membership tops 1.2 million with clubs in 166 countries, including the newest Rotary countries of the United Arab Emirates and Afghanistan. History of Rotary
  • 6. History of Rotary Rotary Guiding Principles Rotary Commitments & Privileges Rotary Programs Rotary International Programs The Rotary Foundation and its Programs Rotary Organisation Overview of Presentation
  • 7. Four basic principles guide Rotarians in achieving the ideal of service and high ethical standards: Object of Rotary Avenues of Service Classification Principle The 4-Way Test Rotarys Guiding Principles SERVICE Above Self
  • 8. Object of Rotary : FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarians occupation as an opportunity to serve society; THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarians personal, business and community life; FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding , goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service. Rotarys Guiding Principles
  • 9. Avenues of Service Club Service Those things that a Rotarian does to help make the running of his/her Rotary Club successful. Vocational Service The promoting of the Ideal of Service throughout the business and professional world. Community Service Urges every Rotarian to participate in all activities which make his/her community a better place in which to live. International Service Encourage and foster the advancement of understanding and good will among peoples of the world Rotary Guiding Principles
  • 10. Classification Principle Rotary allows only a specific number of individual members in any vocation to belong to an individual club, thereby promoting a broad base of ideas and respect for each vocation. The current membership approves each individual who might wish to join a Rotary club. The Four Way Test Of the things we think, say, or do Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? Rotary Guiding Principles
  • 11. History of Rotary Rotary Guiding Principles Rotary Commitments & Privileges Rotary Programs Rotary International Programs The Rotary Foundation and its Programs Rotary Organisation Overview of Presentation
  • 12. Commitments Attendance & Yearly Dues Active Participation To be a Rotarian you must give of your time, treasures and talents in community In social functions In Club & District and International Rotary activities Privileges Friendship & Fellowship Personal Growth and Development Developing International Good Will and Understanding. Building Higher Ethical Standards within your vocation Opportunity to Serve HE PROFITS MOST WHO SERVES THE BEST Rotary Commitments & Privileges
  • 13. History of Rotary Rotary Guiding Principles Rotary Commitments & Privileges Rotary Programs Rotary International Programs The Rotary Foundation and its Programs Rotary Organisation Overview of Presentation
  • 14. Rotarys Programs will expand its humanitarian service and build bridges of understanding. Rotary Programs
  • 15. Rotary Programs Rotary International Interact Rotaract Rotary Community Corps Rotary Fellowships Rotary Friendship Exchange Rotary Volunteers Rotary Youth Leadership Awards World Community Service Youth Exchange The Rotary Foundation Humanitarian Programs Matching Grants Individual Grants District Simplified Grants 3H Program Educational Programs Group Study Exchange Ambassadorial Scholarships Rotary Centers for International Studies Rotary Grants for University Teachers PolioPlus
  • 16. History of Rotary Rotary Guiding Principles Rotary Commitments & Privileges Rotary Programs Rotary International Programs The Rotary Foundation and its Programs Rotary Organisation Overview of Presentation
  • 17. Interact - Rotary clubs organize and sponsor this service organization for youth ages 14-18. Rotaract - Rotary clubs organize and sponsor this leadership, professional development, and service organization for young adults ages 18-30. Rotary Youth Exchange - Clubs and districts send and host students ages 15-19 who travel abroad for cultural exchanges of one week to a full year; about 8,000 a year. Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) - Clubs and districts sponsor seminars to encourage and recognize leadership abilities of youth and young adults ages 14-30. Rotarys Commitments to Youth Rotary International Programs
  • 18. History of Rotary Rotary Guiding Principles Rotary Commitments & Privileges Rotary Programs Rotary International Programs The Rotary Foundation and its Programs Rotary Organisation Overview of Presentation
  • 19. The Rotary Foundation of RI is a not-for profit corporation whose mission is to enable the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty. The Rotary Foundation
  • 20. The Rotary Foundation $570.7 million in assets The Rotary Foundation supports humanitarian and educational programs implemented by clubs and districts thereby promoting world understanding and peace.
  • 21. Achieving the US$100 per Rotarian annual giving goal will enable the Foundation to meet the need for humanitarian and educational programs identified by Rotary clubs and districts worldwide. The Rotary Foundation
  • 22. Matching Grants projects have brought hope for a better life to people since 1965, with nearly 20,000 grants awarded, totaling more than US$198 million. TRF Programs Humanitarian Programs
  • 23. The Health, Hunger and Humanity (3-H) Grants program, created in 1978, has made possible a wide range of sustainable development projects, such as the nationwide literacy effort in Bangladesh. TRF Programs Humanitarian Programs
  • 24. In 1965, the Group Study Exchange program was also established, enabling over 30,000 business and professional men and women to participate in vocational activities in countries other than their own. TRF Programs Educational Programs
  • 25. In 1999, seven Rotary Centers for International Studies in peace and conflict resolution were established. TRF Programs Educational Programs
  • 26. Since its launch in 1985, more than two billion children have received oral polio vaccine as part of this program. Rotarys commitment to youth has never been more far-reaching than with its PolioPlus program. TRF Programs PolioPlus The PolioPlus program was launched in 1985.
  • 27. TRF Programs PolioPlus The Global Polio Eradication Initiative has reduced the incidence of polio by more than 99 percent. Today, endemic wild poliovirus has been eliminated from all but four countries (Afghanistan, India, Nigeria and Pakistan) in the world, and just 945 cases were reported worldwide in August 2008. Millions more were protected by vaccination.
  • 28. Currently, the global funding gap for 2008-09 stands at US$ 490 million. More than 10 million children will be paralysed in the next 40 years if the world fails to capitalize on its US$5 billion global investment in polio eradication. TRF Programs PolioPlus
  • 29. Progress in Polio Eradication
  • 30. Progress in Polio Eradication
  • 31. History of Rotary Rotary Guiding Principles Rotary Commitments & Privileges Rotary Programs Rotary International Programs The Rotary Foundation and its Programs Rotary Organisation Overview of Presentation
  • 32. Rotary International is governed by a president and a board of directors elected from all over the world. RI Board has a president, 19 Members and a General Secretary The Council on Legislation, Rotary's parliament meets every three years to deliberate and act upon all proposed enactments and resolutions submitted by: Individual Rotary Clubs, District Conferences, the General Council and Conference of RIBI, the RI Board, the Council itself also makes proposals. A representative for each Rotary District is invited to the Council on Legislation Rotary Organisation [International level]
  • 33. Welcome to Rotary Remember, no organization is greater than its individual members. You are Rotary Participate for Friendship Participate for Service Participate for Fellowship Participate for Knowledge Participate for International Understanding