Here is the PowerPoint presentation used by Incoming District Governor Mary Shackleton at the Rotary International District 7230 virtual installation on June 27, 2020.
This document provides guidance on building new Kiwanis clubs. It discusses that new clubs are built to serve more children in more places by filling community needs and providing fellowship and service opportunities. However, many new clubs from 2000-2001 failed within a few years. The key reasons for failure were being too small, lacking initial service projects and funds, and not properly training members. The document then provides a 7 step process to build successful new clubs with recruiting targets and timelines. The process involves forming a new club team, surveying the community needs, connecting with community leaders, recruiting at least 25 members, organizing the club, educating and training members, and providing ongoing support and mentoring.
Rotary is a global organization with over 1.2 million members across 34,282 clubs in more than 200 countries. The local club inducted nine new members at the start of the new Rotary year and hopes to double in size annually by each member introducing one new member. Members meet socially as well as for service projects within their community and internationally through partnerships with other clubs. Active membership is open to professionals of all backgrounds by invitation, with the goal of promoting service both locally and globally.
The document provides information about Rotary Africa magazine and Rotary International. It includes the magazine's mission statement, details about the current issue, and messages from Rotary's president and Foundation chair. The president's message encourages inviting qualified people to join Rotary clubs. The Foundation chair's message emphasizes that more Rotary members means a stronger Foundation and opportunities for members to get involved in Foundation projects. It concludes by celebrating the Foundation's centennial in 2017.
The document discusses District 13 of Toastmasters and their focus on P.R.I.D.E. (Personal Responsibility In Delivering Excellence). It introduces the District Director, Dr. Hollis Batista, and emphasizes that all members should strive for excellence. It then lists ways District 13 shows P.R.I.D.E., such as bringing learning experiences and growth opportunities to members. The document provides information on upcoming district events and recognizes the winners of the International speech contest from the recent spring conference.
Rotary District 5340 2014 District Assembly - Membership Attraction & RetentionRD5340Membership
This document provides information and strategies for attracting and retaining members in Rotary clubs. It discusses the importance of clubs knowing their mission and communicating their passion. Membership strategies include re-branding, re-tooling, and re-engaging current members. Ideas are presented for finding new members through various initiatives like open houses, connecting to community leaders, and youth service projects. Retaining members is also key, and tips discussed include mentoring new members, giving members responsibilities, and ensuring they understand Rotary's purpose through educational activities.
RD5340 District Assembly Membership 2015 March 21, 2015RD5340Membership
RD 5340 District Training Assembly
May 21, 2015
Joan Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice
University of San Diego (USD)Membership- Recruiting/Retention
10:10 AM 11:00 AM Session 2
Membership - Moving Beyond RINO's & Red Badgers
Rethinking Membership The New Focus
Over 38 Rotary District 5340 clubs attended with their club Membership and Public Relations Teams and had an insightful morning highlighting new tactics and techniques to improve their membership goals. This seminar and attendee discussion was be facilitated by experts from the Rotary Zone 25/26 Membership Team. Some of the topics covered included:
Club Attraction
Public Image & Relations
Community Engagement
Best Practices
Rotary District 5340 Membership Seminar
July 26, 2014 at 08:00 AM 12:30 PM / Crowne Plaza Resort Hotel
This document provides guidance on starting new Kiwanis clubs to better serve children. It explains that many new clubs fail within a few years due to being too small, lacking initial service projects or funds, and poor officer training. The recommended solution is a quick start guide in 7 steps: 1) Form a new club team for support. 2) Conduct a community needs survey. 3) Recruit community leaders. 4) Recruit new members through networking. 5) Hold organizational meetings. 6) Educate and train new club officers. 7) Provide ongoing support and mentoring from sponsoring clubs. Following this process aims to establish sustainable new clubs that improve children's lives.
This document outlines 3 easy steps for Rotary clubs to attract and retain younger members: 1) Create a club culture that is welcoming to younger members through strategies like reduced dues, relationships with Rotaract clubs, flexible meeting times, and family-friendly events. 2) Personally invite young professionals you know from outside Rotary to meetings. 3) Connect with and engage the interests of young professionals who express interest in Rotary by finding what attracts them and involving them in relevant committees and projects.
This document summarizes key points from a presentation given by Gary D. Dills, the District Governor for 2016-17. It discusses The Rotary Foundation and its accomplishments over 100 years. It encourages Rotarians to support the Foundation through donations and becoming sustaining members. The document provides information on upcoming events, including the international convention in June 2017 and the district conference in April 2017. It outlines goals and criteria for receiving the Presidential Citation and District Citation awards. Finally, it discusses opportunities for clubs to grow membership and ways that Rotarians can serve humanity.
This document provides information about Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation. It includes messages from the RI President and Foundation Trustee Chair, highlighting the important role of The Rotary Foundation in enabling Rotary service projects globally. Background information is also given on Rotary membership numbers, the Four-Way Test, and Rotary's recognition as the world's oldest and largest service organization.
Transform! How to Lead Clubs and Districts to Be IrresistibleRotary International
Ready to lead your Rotary team in new directions, but not sure how or where to start? Gain a deeper understanding of how to help your club or district transform itself for the future. Using practical tools, you will begin to develop strategies that inspire people to achieve Rotarys dynamic new priorities.
This document provides an overview of Rotary Africa magazine from May 2018. It includes the following:
- A message from the RI President emphasizing Rotary's global reach and impact while noting the diversity among clubs and members. He stresses the importance of strengthening Rotary's identity and public image.
- Statistics on the size of Rotary International and its programs including Rotaract, Interact, and The Rotary Foundation as of January 2018.
- The Rotary Foundation Trustee Chair asks how Rotary can better engage youth and invites readers to share their thoughts on the topic.
- A list of upcoming stories and sections in the magazine covering Rotary projects, youth programs, club and district news
This document summarizes a webinar about advancing women as leaders in Rotary International. It explores barriers to women's leadership in Rotary and discusses the benefits of diversity. Some key points made include that organizational health and results are stronger when there are 3 or more women in top leadership positions. It also notes that Rotary's current path to leadership is outdated according to many members. The webinar recommends actions like updating policies and procedures, educating members on diversity and inclusion, and elevating the visibility of underrepresented groups to advance women's leadership in Rotary.
Lions Clubs are community service organizations that operate in over 200 countries. Campus Lions Clubs allow students, faculty, and community members to form service clubs on college campuses. These clubs conduct various projects like fundraising, community service, and sponsoring drug awareness programs. Starting a Campus Lions Club requires a minimum of 20 members, a sponsoring club or district, and approval from the school and district governor. The organization provides support to new campus clubs through club sponsors, guiding lions, and other resources.
The University of Detroit Mercy thanks the recipient for their recent gift, which makes them part of the growing network of alumni, parents, and friends supporting the University. The University offers a comprehensive curriculum that develops students' leadership, service, and social responsibilities through opportunities like serving meals to the poor, providing counseling and health services, and assisting underserved communities. Academically, 69% of students maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher, and more than 66% of student-athletes make the Athletic Director's Honor Roll. The University invites the recipient to visit campus to meet students and experience campus life.
RYLA is a 4-day leadership development program for high school sophomores and juniors run by Rotary District 6760. The program aims to develop personal leadership skills, self-confidence, and an interest in community service. It will be held from June 17-20, 2010 at Austin Peay State University and will involve leadership exercises, team-building activities, and speakers. The $400 cost per student is paid by sponsoring Rotary clubs, while participants are selected based on character, leadership potential, and diversity.
Rotaract is a Rotary-sponsored service club for young adults ages 18 to 30 that promotes leadership development, international understanding, and community service. The first Rotaract club was founded in 1968 at the University of North Carolina and was sponsored by the Rotary Club of North Charlotte. Today there are over 7,088 Rotaract clubs in more than 150 countries worldwide. Rotaract clubs engage in community service projects, professional development activities, and international service projects to build goodwill and better friendships while upholding high ethical standards.
The document provides information for new members of the Dumas Noon Lions Club. It summarizes that the club has over 200 members and was chartered in 1930, holds meetings every Thursday at noon, and last year donated over $60,000 to help local organizations from funds raised through their annual Dogie Days celebration. It outlines the club's leadership structure and committee roles and describes expectations of members to attend meetings, participate in service activities, and support fundraising.
New Club Flexibility: How Can It Attact and Keep MembersElizabeth Toms
How can your club be more attractive to prospective
members, and what can you do to keep your members? How
can Rotary remain a priority when everyone has limited
time? This session will explore club successes and consider
what flexibility means. Youll learn how your club might
benefit from increased flexibility and get ideas for the
coming year. Youll also hear about changes you may need to
make to your bylaws to accommodate your innovations.
Leading Your Club to Greatness: 2017-18 Club PresidentsElizabeth Toms
Whats your path to success? Join your fellow presidents-elect and Rotary leaders as we exchange experiences and
ideas to help accelerate clubs toward a successful year. Scale
up to greatness as we share a common vision and motivation
for the coming year and beyond.
Former paralegal油Remi Landau油serves as a fashion designer and creative professional in New York City. Prior to her work in the fashion industry, Remi Landau graduated from Syracuse University, where she served as a spirit chair and member of the sorority油Sigma Delta Tau.
This document discusses Rotary International's state of membership as of October 2019. It notes that total membership has declined slightly over the past 5 years to just under 1.2 million members in 2019. Most members are aged 50-69, and women and younger members make up smaller percentages. The document considers why people leave Rotary clubs and how to increase satisfaction levels. It promotes diversifying clubs and focusing on community service, professional development, leadership opportunities, and flexibility to attract new members.
Rotary hopes to enhance long-term relationships with Rotary Peace Fellows by encouraging partnerships on peacebuilding and conflict prevention projects, including those funded by Rotary global grants. Peace fellows can gain a better sense of how to partner with Rotary clubs and districts by understanding how grant projects are initiated and funded. The purpose is for peace fellows to learn about this topic from Rotary staff and other peace fellows.
Rotarians are our best brand ambassadors, and the ideal
spokespeople for communicating the value we bring to the
communities we serve around the world. Come learn about
the new public image resources you can use to increase
others understanding of Rotary and inspire them to take
action, or even become members.
This document provides information about Rotary International and Rotary Africa initiatives. It includes messages from the RI President and Rotary Foundation Trustee Chair. It discusses the upcoming 2018 RI Convention and encourages clubs to sponsor Rotaract clubs. It also provides updates on Foundation grants and scholarships. Additional sections cover various Rotary club and district service projects around Africa.
This document outlines 3 easy steps for Rotary clubs to attract and retain younger members: 1) Create a club culture that is welcoming to younger members through strategies like reduced dues, relationships with Rotaract clubs, flexible meeting times, and family-friendly events. 2) Personally invite young professionals you know from outside Rotary to meetings. 3) Connect with and engage the interests of young professionals who express interest in Rotary by finding what attracts them and involving them in relevant committees and projects.
This document summarizes key points from a presentation given by Gary D. Dills, the District Governor for 2016-17. It discusses The Rotary Foundation and its accomplishments over 100 years. It encourages Rotarians to support the Foundation through donations and becoming sustaining members. The document provides information on upcoming events, including the international convention in June 2017 and the district conference in April 2017. It outlines goals and criteria for receiving the Presidential Citation and District Citation awards. Finally, it discusses opportunities for clubs to grow membership and ways that Rotarians can serve humanity.
This document provides information about Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation. It includes messages from the RI President and Foundation Trustee Chair, highlighting the important role of The Rotary Foundation in enabling Rotary service projects globally. Background information is also given on Rotary membership numbers, the Four-Way Test, and Rotary's recognition as the world's oldest and largest service organization.
Transform! How to Lead Clubs and Districts to Be IrresistibleRotary International
Ready to lead your Rotary team in new directions, but not sure how or where to start? Gain a deeper understanding of how to help your club or district transform itself for the future. Using practical tools, you will begin to develop strategies that inspire people to achieve Rotarys dynamic new priorities.
This document provides an overview of Rotary Africa magazine from May 2018. It includes the following:
- A message from the RI President emphasizing Rotary's global reach and impact while noting the diversity among clubs and members. He stresses the importance of strengthening Rotary's identity and public image.
- Statistics on the size of Rotary International and its programs including Rotaract, Interact, and The Rotary Foundation as of January 2018.
- The Rotary Foundation Trustee Chair asks how Rotary can better engage youth and invites readers to share their thoughts on the topic.
- A list of upcoming stories and sections in the magazine covering Rotary projects, youth programs, club and district news
This document summarizes a webinar about advancing women as leaders in Rotary International. It explores barriers to women's leadership in Rotary and discusses the benefits of diversity. Some key points made include that organizational health and results are stronger when there are 3 or more women in top leadership positions. It also notes that Rotary's current path to leadership is outdated according to many members. The webinar recommends actions like updating policies and procedures, educating members on diversity and inclusion, and elevating the visibility of underrepresented groups to advance women's leadership in Rotary.
Lions Clubs are community service organizations that operate in over 200 countries. Campus Lions Clubs allow students, faculty, and community members to form service clubs on college campuses. These clubs conduct various projects like fundraising, community service, and sponsoring drug awareness programs. Starting a Campus Lions Club requires a minimum of 20 members, a sponsoring club or district, and approval from the school and district governor. The organization provides support to new campus clubs through club sponsors, guiding lions, and other resources.
The University of Detroit Mercy thanks the recipient for their recent gift, which makes them part of the growing network of alumni, parents, and friends supporting the University. The University offers a comprehensive curriculum that develops students' leadership, service, and social responsibilities through opportunities like serving meals to the poor, providing counseling and health services, and assisting underserved communities. Academically, 69% of students maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher, and more than 66% of student-athletes make the Athletic Director's Honor Roll. The University invites the recipient to visit campus to meet students and experience campus life.
RYLA is a 4-day leadership development program for high school sophomores and juniors run by Rotary District 6760. The program aims to develop personal leadership skills, self-confidence, and an interest in community service. It will be held from June 17-20, 2010 at Austin Peay State University and will involve leadership exercises, team-building activities, and speakers. The $400 cost per student is paid by sponsoring Rotary clubs, while participants are selected based on character, leadership potential, and diversity.
Rotaract is a Rotary-sponsored service club for young adults ages 18 to 30 that promotes leadership development, international understanding, and community service. The first Rotaract club was founded in 1968 at the University of North Carolina and was sponsored by the Rotary Club of North Charlotte. Today there are over 7,088 Rotaract clubs in more than 150 countries worldwide. Rotaract clubs engage in community service projects, professional development activities, and international service projects to build goodwill and better friendships while upholding high ethical standards.
The document provides information for new members of the Dumas Noon Lions Club. It summarizes that the club has over 200 members and was chartered in 1930, holds meetings every Thursday at noon, and last year donated over $60,000 to help local organizations from funds raised through their annual Dogie Days celebration. It outlines the club's leadership structure and committee roles and describes expectations of members to attend meetings, participate in service activities, and support fundraising.
New Club Flexibility: How Can It Attact and Keep MembersElizabeth Toms
How can your club be more attractive to prospective
members, and what can you do to keep your members? How
can Rotary remain a priority when everyone has limited
time? This session will explore club successes and consider
what flexibility means. Youll learn how your club might
benefit from increased flexibility and get ideas for the
coming year. Youll also hear about changes you may need to
make to your bylaws to accommodate your innovations.
Leading Your Club to Greatness: 2017-18 Club PresidentsElizabeth Toms
Whats your path to success? Join your fellow presidents-elect and Rotary leaders as we exchange experiences and
ideas to help accelerate clubs toward a successful year. Scale
up to greatness as we share a common vision and motivation
for the coming year and beyond.
Former paralegal油Remi Landau油serves as a fashion designer and creative professional in New York City. Prior to her work in the fashion industry, Remi Landau graduated from Syracuse University, where she served as a spirit chair and member of the sorority油Sigma Delta Tau.
This document discusses Rotary International's state of membership as of October 2019. It notes that total membership has declined slightly over the past 5 years to just under 1.2 million members in 2019. Most members are aged 50-69, and women and younger members make up smaller percentages. The document considers why people leave Rotary clubs and how to increase satisfaction levels. It promotes diversifying clubs and focusing on community service, professional development, leadership opportunities, and flexibility to attract new members.
Rotary hopes to enhance long-term relationships with Rotary Peace Fellows by encouraging partnerships on peacebuilding and conflict prevention projects, including those funded by Rotary global grants. Peace fellows can gain a better sense of how to partner with Rotary clubs and districts by understanding how grant projects are initiated and funded. The purpose is for peace fellows to learn about this topic from Rotary staff and other peace fellows.
Rotarians are our best brand ambassadors, and the ideal
spokespeople for communicating the value we bring to the
communities we serve around the world. Come learn about
the new public image resources you can use to increase
others understanding of Rotary and inspire them to take
action, or even become members.
This document provides information about Rotary International and Rotary Africa initiatives. It includes messages from the RI President and Rotary Foundation Trustee Chair. It discusses the upcoming 2018 RI Convention and encourages clubs to sponsor Rotaract clubs. It also provides updates on Foundation grants and scholarships. Additional sections cover various Rotary club and district service projects around Africa.
This document discusses ways to improve Rotary club meetings and membership through increased flexibility and innovation. It notes that the top reasons people join and stay in Rotary are for community impact, friendship, and professional networking. However, personality conflicts, feeling unwanted, and inflexible meetings are top reasons people leave clubs. The document advocates diversifying membership types like associate, corporate, and family memberships. It also suggests meeting format changes like varying locations, activities, and leadership. Communicating value to members and bringing flexibility to meeting purposes, frequencies, and attendance policies can help engage members and resist decline.
This document discusses the importance of promoting Rotary and provides suggestions for how clubs and individual Rotarians can be brand ambassadors. Some of the key points made include:
1. Many people are unaware of what Rotary is and involves, so promotion is needed to build awareness and change misconceptions.
2. Promoting Rotary's reputation and establishing it as a preferred brand locally and globally requires a strategic promotion approach using various communication channels.
3. Every Rotarian should see themselves as a brand ambassador and champion of Rotary by wearing Rotary pins, sharing stories of service, and inviting others to learn about club activities.
Membership: Looking beneath the surface - Rotary District 9520Kero O'Shea
The document discusses Rotary membership trends globally and in various countries/districts. Globally, membership has been steady at 1.2 million for over 20 years, as 100,000 members are recruited and lost each year. While over 2,500 new clubs were chartered between 2003-2011, the net membership gain was only 226. Membership is shifting from Western to Eastern countries. Specific countries like the US, Canada, Australia and Japan have seen losses while others like India, Brazil, Germany and South Korea have seen gains. The document also discusses challenges around recruitment and retention of members and strategies to attract younger professionals and improve Rotary's public image.
This document is the June 2014 issue of the Rotary Africa magazine. It includes articles about various Rotary club projects helping communities with needs like education, healthcare, and child welfare. It also provides information about Rotary International initiatives and recognizes Rotary clubs celebrating anniversaries. The cover story is about a Rotary club event involving boats, bikes, and friends.
This document provides an overview of the Rotary Club of Seminole Lake - Sunrise to a new member. It discusses that Rotary is an international organization with over 1.3 million members worldwide. It outlines the four avenues of service in Rotary: club service, community service, vocational service, and international service. It also summarizes some of the club's current projects and how members can get involved in service through committee participation and leadership roles within the club.
This document provides an overview of Rotary membership trends from the 1920s to present day. It discusses how each generation has become less civically engaged over time according to the "Bowling Alone" study. The document also notes that newer generations still want to volunteer but prefer shorter commitments and more flexibility. It emphasizes that clubs must adapt to changing needs by offering mentoring, engagement opportunities, and mixed online/in-person meetings. Survey results show satisfaction is highest when members feel welcomed, encouraged to participate, and that service is effective.
Rotary Africa March 2016 - Plea for Water goes Viralrotaryeclubsa9400
The document discusses the origins and growth of The Rotary Foundation over the past century since it was first proposed in 1917. It highlights some of the Foundation's major programs and achievements, including international scholarships, polio eradication, peace centers, and humanitarian grants. Rotarians' generous donations have enabled the Foundation to become one of the top charities in the world, fulfilling Arch Klumph's vision of Rotary doing good in the world.
What's your path to success? Network with fellow presidents-elect and Rotary leaders as we exchange experiences to help accelerate your club through a successful year. Scale up to greatness as we share a common vision and strategies for innovation during your year and beyond.
Small Rotary clubs can still have a big impact through focused projects and partnerships. Examples highlighted successful small clubs in Districts 7030 and 7020 that completed large-scale water, sanitation, and wheelchair distribution projects through creative fundraising and grant funding. A Rotary club in Trinidad with only 16 members distributed over 3,500 wheelchairs to multiple countries. Another small club in Trinidad operates a homework center serving over 175 children through funding from corporate sponsors. These stories illustrate how small clubs can execute meaningful projects in their communities through innovative planning and efficient use of resources.
ReThinking Membership - Telling The Rotary StoryRBRotary
This document discusses strategies for improving Rotary club membership based on a survey. The survey found that members join for local community impact, friends, networking, and leadership opportunities. They stay for the same reasons with a greater emphasis on community impact and friends. The document provides tips for clubs to make themselves more attractive to potential members by focusing on local impact, personal connections, respecting members' vocations, and leadership roles. It recommends assessing club readiness and improving the website, member engagement, guest treatment, and onboarding of new members.
The document provides contact and publishing information for Rotary Africa magazine, including the editor, administrators, directors, publishers and designers. It lists the table of contents for the July 2018 issue, which includes articles on polio eradication efforts, profiles of inspirational Rotarians, club projects, and news from clubs and districts across Africa. The final pages provide details on welcoming new members and honoring distinguished Rotarians on the continent.
This document discusses how to effectively communicate about Rotary. It notes that only 40% of people are aware of Rotary and many do not understand its work. The document recommends focusing on Rotary's core message of joining leaders to exchange ideas and take action locally and globally. It suggests describing Rotary in everyday language, emphasizing why people join and stay for friendship, community impact, and making a difference in the world. The document also discusses Rotary's new visual identity and ways for clubs to live Rotary's values.
Rotarys members are our greatest assets. When our membership is strong, our clubs are more vibrant, Rotary has greater visibility, and our members have more resources to help communities flourish. During this session, we will look at the state of Rotarys membership: how we got here, who is joining, who is leaving, and the opportunities for us all to make membership a top priority.
The document discusses Rotary International President Ian Riseley and his wife Juliet, as well as providing updates on the Rotary Foundation, important Rotary dates, and club and district news from Southern and Eastern Africa. It highlights meeting the new RI President Ian Riseley and his focus on strengthening clubs through membership diversity and sustainable service projects, as well as continued progress toward polio eradication. The magazine issue also features youth programs and community projects undertaken by Rotary clubs in Africa.
The document summarizes key points from a Rotary District 6440 membership seminar. It outlines goals to increase membership by May 1, 2009 and strategies for clubs to excel by meeting community needs. Younger generations want projects, flexibility, and work-life balance. The document stresses recruiting alumni, family/friends, and those already engaged in community service. Clubs should ask prospective members to meetings and projects to boost retention.
This document contains a summary of the December 2014 issue of Rotary Africa magazine. It includes short summaries of articles about Rotary projects providing clean water in Malawi, combating drought, and restoring a lake. It also mentions stories about Matt Damon and Gary White's work with Rotary, a 100-year-old Rotarian from Kimberley, and youth activities from Rotary clubs. The "From the Editor" section reflects on the passing year and encourages clubs to recognize members who contributed to the magazine.
We are Rotary, a membership organization of innovators and problem solvers dedicated to applying sustainable solutions to some of the worlds greatest challenges. Our members raise millions of dollars every year to fight polio and other diseases, grow local economies, promote literacy, and work for peace. We maximize the impact of our resources through the volunteer efforts of our more than 1.2 million members worldwide.
Strategic Excellence: In the ever-evolving landscape of business, technology, and governance, traditional views of capital as a static resource no longer suffice. To maintain a competitive edge, organizations must not only accumulate resources but must activate, integrate, and orchestrate them in ways that align with long-term goals. Jarinzo Tanabatas Six Capital Forces offers a rigorous and pragmatic framework for achieving this level of strategic agility. By viewing capital not as a static accumulation but as an interconnected system of forces, Tanabata introduces a model that drives growth, innovation, and sustained competitive advantage.
In the same tradition as thinkers like Peter Drucker, who emphasized the importance of aligning strategy with organizational capabilities, and Michael Porter, who outlined the critical dynamics of competitive advantage, Tanabata offers a vision of capital that is fluid, responsive, and ever-adapting. His Six Capital Forces Intellectual, Social, Financial, Human, Structural, and Natural must be continuously activated, integrated, and orchestrated to yield real value. This approach aligns with the strategic and operational needs of organizations looking to excel in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world.
Traditionally, capital was seen primarily as a static resource to be accumulated: assets, cash reserves, intellectual property, and human resources. But Tanabata's framework challenges this perspective by viewing capital as a dynamic force, a series of interrelated modalities that must be activated and integrated to drive sustained value creation. The success of modern institutions, corporations, and political bodies does not lie simply in their capital reserves but in their capacity to activate and orchestrate these reserves to deliver tangible, long-term results.
Swipe through the carousel to explore them all.
P.S. Need help with SEO or PPC? send me a DM, and I'll be happy to assist you.
Follow Md Emran Hossain for more insightful content like this!
In this session, you will hear in the first person what he does and how he got there. Tips and tricks that can apply to you, whether you are just starting a career, unsure about the professional path to follow, planning to launch your own OutSystems business, or just aiming to be the best professional that you can be.
Analyse av trafikkulykker
hva kan vi l脱re?
De nordiske landene er blant de beste i verden n奪r det gjelder trafikksikkerhet. Men vi kan fortsatt l脱re og forbedre
oss. Alle de nordiske landene har ulykkesunders淡kelsesteam for dybdeanalyse av trafikkulykker. Denne 淡kten
presenterer noen av deres nyeste unders淡kelsesmetoder og funn.
Kalle Parkkari, Director at Finnish Crash Data Institute (OTI), Finland
Profisee - HIMSS workshop - Mar 2025 - final.pptxProfisee
Workshop presentation given at the HIMSS 2025 conference, featuring Martin Boyd from Profisee, Anna Taylor from Multicare, Brigitte Tebow from Azulity, and Camille Whicker from Microsoft
Australia's energy policy for heavy industries such as steel production are based on storing renewable energy as green hydrogen. However, steel production is energy intensive and green hydrogen is proving to be difficult to commercialise, let alone produce, store, and transport. The renewable energy link to Indonesia and Singapore, based on the plan for the Australian Renewable Energy Hub in the Pilbara, has been replaced by the idea that green hydrogen can be converted to green ammonia for transportation, and converted back to hydrogen on the other side. Again, the process is energy intensive. Add to the energy demands that will be created by data centres and artificial intelligence, the scaling up of energy production is unlikely to be met without nuclear. The green energy dream is unlikely to materialise and is proving unworkable.
Mastering ODC Architecture: Everything You Need to KnowShubhamSharma2528
This session is your ultimate guide to OutSystems Developer Cloud (ODC) architecture, providing insights into every critical aspect of the design process. Learn how to:
Disclose: Identify and analyze business requirements, processes, user stories, personas, and roles.
Organize: Group concepts into bounded contexts for modularity and clarity.
Assemble: Map bounded contexts into scalable and maintainable ODC applications.
Whether you're new to ODC or looking to deepen your understanding, this session offers everything and anything you need to build effective architectures. Get ready to design with confidence, ensuring your solutions are both robust and aligned with business objectives!
Rotary International District 7230 Installation (June 27, 2020)
1. Rotary Opens Opportunities in District 7230
Incoming Governors Remarks 2020-21
Mary Eileen Shackleton
June 27, 2020
2. What makes this time
of year so special?
We thank and celebrate the
achievements of those who
led us in 2019-20!
Those of us passed the baton
of office publicly
acknowledge our
responsibility as servant
3. Rotary Leaders
Should Remember:
Successful relay runners
continually practice passing
the baton!
There is no I in team!
Its OUR (not MY) year!
The Rotary Year goes by so
4. Can we have
a quick
virtual team
Because we really need
to talk
6. Will we seize this day?
Will our Rotary Family use
all that weve lost, all that
weve learned, and all that
has been laid bare as a
moment of self-reflection
and a catalyst for
Its up to US!
7. Lets take a fresh
look at questions
that still challenge
our organization
When beginning a new
Rotary assignment
In regular member surveys
At members-only club
As we form strategic plans
8. If your clubs member experience was a
product, would YOU buy it?
9. How well does your community know
what your club does?
10. How well do your members understand
what Rotary International does?
11. If you held a mirror up to your club, would
you see a reflection of your community?
12. Does your club set out the welcome mat
for EVERYONE in your community?
14. Opportunities
Upgrade and reboot our
membership experience.
Better leverage technology
in our next normal.
Demonstrate Rotarys
continued relevance by our
response to COVID-19 and
calls for racial and social
15. Rotary Resources for
when Opportunity
The Learning Centers
Online Courses
The Brand Centers Media
Campaigns (Adaptable to
YOUR Club)
Rotary Club Health Check
New Club Models
16. Club Service
Model 4-Way Test
Identify Future Leaders
Refer Prospective Members
Be Present
Be Supportive
Be Kind
18. Since we cant be
together in
Hope you dont mind
some family photos
19. My Family
My parents, Shack & Wilma
My paternal aunt, Suzann
Proud 4G Rotarian
20. My Metro Family
45+ Members
Proof that Rotaractors DO
become Rotarians and
Rotary Club presidents
We celebrate the ties that
connected us to Rotary
21. My District 6560
Im now a Jersey Girl who
loves New York and
aspires to be a Bermuda
My roots, Rotary and
otherwise, are deeply
planted in Hoosier topsoil.
A tree without roots is just
another piece of dead
I am humbled by this opportunity to serve you and and the
District 7230 family.
I wish we were meeting in person so I could personally
thank all those whose support and encouragement have
made this opportunity possible.
I pledge to use this opportunity to open doors for the
District 7230 Rotary Family.
Editor's Notes
#17: Most of us attending this event have served Rotary International as leaders at the club, district, zone, and even RI levels. Your Rotary R辿sum辿 makes you the ideal candidate to pay it forward for the opportunities given you.
Assist the current district leadership.
Support your local clubs, their events, and executives.
Help identify and mentor future leaders.
Be an agent of change.
Spread the word about all the good that Rotary is doing in the world.
Model the Four-Way-Test and what it means to be a Rotarian.