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Rough plan for shots<br />Home scenery <br />1. Close up shot of high heels walking along wooden floor to the sound of the beats in the music. Four sets of shoes walk by, when last pair walks by on the main beat the last leg is kicked up in the air. The shoes will be all different colors and styles. The camera will stay still as the shoes walk by. <br />2. Cuts to bedroom area  Here we have a close up shot of a pot on blusher on a dressing table. The brush is used to pat the blusher two times in time to the beat. <br />3.An over shoulder shot from behind the model, through the mirror, showing her putting on the bronzer on both cheeks in time to the beat. <br />4.Close up of the models face looking straight at the camera  winks or maybe blows a kiss. <br />5.Close up of one arm putting down the blusher, an arm picking up a lipstick. <br />6.A pan shot following the arm of the model reach up to apply the lipstick. <br />7.Close up shot from the side of the model applying lipstick. <br />Studio setting <br />Screen split into three, all character dressed in different outfits! <br />8.Shy girl speaks lyrics then looks to her right<br />9. Hot girl speak lyrics looks to her left <br />10.Girl appears between the two to speak last line! <br />Each split screen to have different colored backgrounds. <br />11I never cared about the cool clothes  A shot of a girl opening wardrobe, chucking clothes onto the floor. <br />12About the right shoes  shots of all different shoes, heels, flats .. boots  changing quickly, walking backwards and forward  clip made faster on final cut<br />13Making the right moves   Shot of the shoes making more dance-like movements <br />14Whos that hot boy? Whos that boy?  A girl staring at something winking- a thought bubble appears with what she is looking at?<br />15When he looks at me im beautiful Quick cut from shot of girl looking nice to stunning!<br />16 Whos that hot boy? Whos that boy? Shot of girls gossiping looking at something, asking each other questions, giggling like girls do! <br />17 I should be the face of every fashion magazine Get vogue cover imported into final cut and place an actresses face on the front moving, blowing a kiss and winking?! <br />18Oh!, Oooh,ooh Close up of lips speaking words. <br />19Im gonna feel that feeling gonna lose control! Girls dancing together  in routine with each other.<br />20Oooh, ooh  Close up of lips speaking the girls  changing to different coloured lips<br />21Theres a fire going on in my heart soul Long shot of girl speaking the lyrics  Inset some clip of fire burning around her heart/chest? Background orange and red to fit in with the fire? <br />22Never before I met you baby  Shot of girl speaking lyrics from side (left side)<br />23Never before tonight  Shot from other side of face <br />24But your making me believe its right Camera going round the model in a circle whilst speaking the lyric <br />25ooooh, oooh <br />26 Im gonna feel that feeling gonna lose control tonight Dancers dancing swishing hair about all over to represent lose control <br />27. 7 beats  items being picked up off the top  clutch, keys, phone, purse<br />28close up of closing purse <br />29 8 beats  four wine glasses wine being poured into each being grabbed by each girl  close up shot just focusing on the pouring of the wine and the hands grabbing them <br />Garden outside scene <br />30 Im not uste to being the first pick Girls stood in a line all run off one girl left standing speaking the lyrics  In garden ? soccer field or something could look like?<br />31 Not the cool chick    Close up of her speaking lyrics turns to her right<br />32From the in clique  Shot of group of girls having fun <br />
Rough plan
Rough plan
Rough plan

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Rough plan

  • 1. Rough plan for shots<br />Home scenery <br />1. Close up shot of high heels walking along wooden floor to the sound of the beats in the music. Four sets of shoes walk by, when last pair walks by on the main beat the last leg is kicked up in the air. The shoes will be all different colors and styles. The camera will stay still as the shoes walk by. <br />2. Cuts to bedroom area Here we have a close up shot of a pot on blusher on a dressing table. The brush is used to pat the blusher two times in time to the beat. <br />3.An over shoulder shot from behind the model, through the mirror, showing her putting on the bronzer on both cheeks in time to the beat. <br />4.Close up of the models face looking straight at the camera winks or maybe blows a kiss. <br />5.Close up of one arm putting down the blusher, an arm picking up a lipstick. <br />6.A pan shot following the arm of the model reach up to apply the lipstick. <br />7.Close up shot from the side of the model applying lipstick. <br />Studio setting <br />Screen split into three, all character dressed in different outfits! <br />8.Shy girl speaks lyrics then looks to her right<br />9. Hot girl speak lyrics looks to her left <br />10.Girl appears between the two to speak last line! <br />Each split screen to have different colored backgrounds. <br />11I never cared about the cool clothes A shot of a girl opening wardrobe, chucking clothes onto the floor. <br />12About the right shoes shots of all different shoes, heels, flats .. boots changing quickly, walking backwards and forward clip made faster on final cut<br />13Making the right moves Shot of the shoes making more dance-like movements <br />14Whos that hot boy? Whos that boy? A girl staring at something winking- a thought bubble appears with what she is looking at?<br />15When he looks at me im beautiful Quick cut from shot of girl looking nice to stunning!<br />16 Whos that hot boy? Whos that boy? Shot of girls gossiping looking at something, asking each other questions, giggling like girls do! <br />17 I should be the face of every fashion magazine Get vogue cover imported into final cut and place an actresses face on the front moving, blowing a kiss and winking?! <br />18Oh!, Oooh,ooh Close up of lips speaking words. <br />19Im gonna feel that feeling gonna lose control! Girls dancing together in routine with each other.<br />20Oooh, ooh Close up of lips speaking the girls changing to different coloured lips<br />21Theres a fire going on in my heart soul Long shot of girl speaking the lyrics Inset some clip of fire burning around her heart/chest? Background orange and red to fit in with the fire? <br />22Never before I met you baby Shot of girl speaking lyrics from side (left side)<br />23Never before tonight Shot from other side of face <br />24But your making me believe its right Camera going round the model in a circle whilst speaking the lyric <br />25ooooh, oooh <br />26 Im gonna feel that feeling gonna lose control tonight Dancers dancing swishing hair about all over to represent lose control <br />27. 7 beats items being picked up off the top clutch, keys, phone, purse<br />28close up of closing purse <br />29 8 beats four wine glasses wine being poured into each being grabbed by each girl close up shot just focusing on the pouring of the wine and the hands grabbing them <br />Garden outside scene <br />30 Im not uste to being the first pick Girls stood in a line all run off one girl left standing speaking the lyrics In garden ? soccer field or something could look like?<br />31 Not the cool chick Close up of her speaking lyrics turns to her right<br />32From the in clique Shot of group of girls having fun <br />