El documento trata sobre el saber pedag坦gico. Explica que este saber se construye a partir de la experiencia educativa y la reflexi坦n de los docentes sobre su pr叩ctica. Se compone de un saber te坦rico, pr叩ctico y reflexivo. Tambi辿n analiza c坦mo la pedagog鱈a se ha constituido hist坦ricamente como una ciencia y c坦mo la investigaci坦n hist坦rica es fundamental para entender su estatus cient鱈fico actual.
The document summarizes 2013/14 student mobility figures from UK higher education institutions. It finds that 28,640 total students studied abroad, with 22,100 (1.2%) from the UK. The most popular destinations were France, Spain, the US, Germany, and Australia. Most mobility was for study purposes and took place in Europe. Students from higher socioeconomic backgrounds and white students had higher rates of studying abroad.
Flavio del Valle Aldasoro is a cultural promoter and educator from Mexico City with experience managing science education projects. He has a bachelor's degree in cultural anthropology and a master's degree in computers applied to education. His professional experience includes managing science seminars and developing educational software and science camps for children. He is fluent in Spanish, English, Italian and has intermediate skills in German.
O documento resume informa巽探es sobre a cidade de Porto Velho no estado de Rond担nia, Brasil. Ele descreve que a cidade foi fundada em 1914 e 辿 banhada pelo Rio Madeira, um dos maiores rios do mundo. Tamb辿m menciona alguns pontos tur鱈sticos como cachoeiras e igarap辿s, al辿m de detalhar a educa巽達o local oferecida por escolas municipais e estaduais e a Universidade Federal de Rond担nia.
O documento apresenta o curr鱈culo de B叩rbara Gallindo, redatora publicit叩ria e de conte炭do que trabalhou em projetos de administra巽達o e gera巽達o de conte炭do para redes sociais de uma doceria, redesign de marca e identidade visual para a mesma doceria, artes e textos para um restaurante e pol鱈tico, loja online de ch叩 e site promocional, al辿m de cria巽探es para m鱈dia exterior. Ela tamb辿m atuou como editora chefe em reda巽達o de mat辿rias.
Este documento presenta el horario semanal de cursos de capacitaci坦n judicial que se llevar叩n a cabo del 24 al 29 de septiembre de 2012 en diferentes sedes del Consejo Nacional de la Judicatura. Se ofrecer叩n cursos como "Diplomado en Gerencia P炭blica, Justicia y Seguridad", "Innovaciones y retos de la Ley Integral para una Vida Libre de Violencia para las Mujeres", y "Curso B叩sico de Derecho Laboral III", entre otros. Los cursos tendr叩n lugar en las ma単anas y tardes en aulas de
An autocracy is a form of government where one person has all power. There are two main types of autocracy: a monarchy where power is hereditary and passed down through a royal family, and a dictatorship where one leader has absolute control over citizens. A representative democracy gives citizens the power to elect representatives to make laws and govern on their behalf, while allowing citizens to vote them out if unhappy. An anarchy has no one in control or everyone depending on perspective, with no nation or government to answer to.
This guided reading document provides questions and prompts to help students summarize key information about forms of government. It includes sections on the importance of government, types of government like democratic and authoritarian, and systems of government such as federal, confederal, and unitary. Students are asked to complete charts, diagrams, and short responses to demonstrate their understanding of how governments provide order and security, make policy, and share or distribute decision-making powers.
Guilds played an important role in the economies and governments of Italian city-states during the Renaissance. Powerful guilds in cities like Florence elected government leaders and controlled industries like food, cloth, and other goods by establishing monopolies over certain markets. Guilds also trained young apprentices, having them live and work for masters to learn trades and crafts. This document discusses how guilds functioned in Renaissance city-states like Florence.
The Catholic Church held a council in Trent, Italy to discuss reforms in response to the Protestant Reformation. They established seminaries to better educate priests and the Jesuits order to promote the Counter-Reformation across Europe. However, Catholic rulers like Spain did not accept all religions and prevented the creation of some artworks. The leaders wanted to reform the Catholic Church in response to issues raised by Protestants to try to stem converts to Protestantism.
Martin Luther disagreed with Johann Tetzel's preaching that selling indulgences would forgive sins. Because Luther disagreed with these beliefs, he wrote to the Archbishop of Mainz asking him to stop Tetzel from selling indulgences. Luther knew the Pope wanted to sell indulgences to raise money for the Catholic Church to build a new basilica. However, since the Pope was already very rich, Luther argued that he could pay for the church himself without having to sell indulgences to poor people.
This document contains questions about various topics related to ancient Egypt, including mummification, pyramid building, King Tut's curse, and the role of cats. It includes questions about the mummification process and what was placed in canopic jars. It asks about the construction of pyramids, who built them, and which pharaoh built the largest. It also asks about why Tutankhamen's tomb may have been protected by a curse and how many associated with its opening died within 10 years. Finally, it inquires about when cats were domesticated in Egypt and why the Egyptians mummified them.
This document provides a summary of the history and modern issues of Southwest Asia. It describes how the first civilizations like Mesopotamia emerged around 10,000 years ago. It notes that the major world religions of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism all originated in Southwest Asia. In modern times, the region has faced conflicts between Israel and Palestine over territory since 1948 as well as civil wars in Syria, Yemen, and Libya. Countries like Iran and Turkey have also dealt with independence movements within their borders.
The timeline begins on September 11, 2001 with the terrorist attacks in the United States. It ends on May 1, 2011 when Osama bin Laden was killed by U.S. forces in a raid on his compound in Pakistan. Throughout the timeline, key events include the start of the war in Afghanistan in October 2001, battles searching for bin Laden including the Battle of Tora Bora in December 2001, audiotapes and videos released by bin Laden, and attacks attributed to al-Qaeda such as the July 7, 2005 bombings in London.
President Nixon spoke with astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin over the phone on July 20, 1969. Nixon congratulated the astronauts on their immense feat of being the first men to walk on the moon, saying it was the proudest day for Americans and people worldwide. Armstrong thanked Nixon and said representing peaceful nations with a vision for the future was an honor. They looked forward to meeting in person when the astronauts returned to Earth on the aircraft carrier USS Hornet.
The document summarizes key events of World War 2 from 1939 to 1945. It describes how Germany, led by Hitler, invaded countries in Europe like Poland and France. In June 1944, the Allies launched D-Day and invaded German-controlled northern France. The war ended on September 2, 1945 with the Allies victorious over the Axis powers of Germany and Japan. After the war, Germany was divided between the Western allies and Soviet Union.
The document provides instructions for a web quest on various topics relating to life in the Middle Ages, directing the reader to multiple websites to research and answer questions. Specifically, it asks questions about medieval beliefs on disease transmission, medical treatments, clothing styles for different social classes, the roles and treatment of women, the lives and duties of knights, the development of armor, codes of chivalry, siege weapons used to attack castles, and definitions of architectural features found in medieval castles. The reader is to complete the web quest by researching the provided sites and thoroughly answering all parts of the multiple choice and descriptive questions in a Google Doc.
President Roosevelt addresses Congress after the attack on Pearl Harbor by Japan on December 7, 1941. He reports that the U.S. was attacked at Pearl Harbor and other locations in the Pacific without warning. Roosevelt asserts that this was a deliberately planned attack by Japan and asks Congress to declare that a state of war exists between the U.S. and Japan.
This document is a poster from the U.S. Food Administration during World War I that asks Americans to conserve wheat. It depicts the Statue of Liberty holding sheaves of wheat and asks citizens to help win the war by saving food. Herbert Hoover led the voluntary food conservation effort and did not accept a salary so that he could ask Americans to also make sacrifices.
The document provides an overview of medieval Europe, including its geography, kingdoms, feudal system, and religious influences. It discusses the rise of towns and cities, key monarchs in England and France, crusades, cultural developments, religious groups, conflicts, and plagues of the period. The feudal system established lords and vassals, with knights serving nobles and peasants working the land under serfdom. The Catholic Church gained power and sent missionaries across Europe.
The Yalu River forms part of the northern border between North Korea and China. It has served as a political boundary since the 1300s, dividing Korean and Chinese cultures. The upper Yalu River has strong currents and waterfalls while the middle section is shallow, making it easiest to cross there. In modern times, the river is important for transportation, fishing, and generating hydroelectric power through dams.
How to Configure Proforma Invoice in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
An autocracy is a form of government where one person has all power. There are two main types of autocracy: a monarchy where power is hereditary and passed down through a royal family, and a dictatorship where one leader has absolute control over citizens. A representative democracy gives citizens the power to elect representatives to make laws and govern on their behalf, while allowing citizens to vote them out if unhappy. An anarchy has no one in control or everyone depending on perspective, with no nation or government to answer to.
This guided reading document provides questions and prompts to help students summarize key information about forms of government. It includes sections on the importance of government, types of government like democratic and authoritarian, and systems of government such as federal, confederal, and unitary. Students are asked to complete charts, diagrams, and short responses to demonstrate their understanding of how governments provide order and security, make policy, and share or distribute decision-making powers.
Guilds played an important role in the economies and governments of Italian city-states during the Renaissance. Powerful guilds in cities like Florence elected government leaders and controlled industries like food, cloth, and other goods by establishing monopolies over certain markets. Guilds also trained young apprentices, having them live and work for masters to learn trades and crafts. This document discusses how guilds functioned in Renaissance city-states like Florence.
The Catholic Church held a council in Trent, Italy to discuss reforms in response to the Protestant Reformation. They established seminaries to better educate priests and the Jesuits order to promote the Counter-Reformation across Europe. However, Catholic rulers like Spain did not accept all religions and prevented the creation of some artworks. The leaders wanted to reform the Catholic Church in response to issues raised by Protestants to try to stem converts to Protestantism.
Martin Luther disagreed with Johann Tetzel's preaching that selling indulgences would forgive sins. Because Luther disagreed with these beliefs, he wrote to the Archbishop of Mainz asking him to stop Tetzel from selling indulgences. Luther knew the Pope wanted to sell indulgences to raise money for the Catholic Church to build a new basilica. However, since the Pope was already very rich, Luther argued that he could pay for the church himself without having to sell indulgences to poor people.
This document contains questions about various topics related to ancient Egypt, including mummification, pyramid building, King Tut's curse, and the role of cats. It includes questions about the mummification process and what was placed in canopic jars. It asks about the construction of pyramids, who built them, and which pharaoh built the largest. It also asks about why Tutankhamen's tomb may have been protected by a curse and how many associated with its opening died within 10 years. Finally, it inquires about when cats were domesticated in Egypt and why the Egyptians mummified them.
This document provides a summary of the history and modern issues of Southwest Asia. It describes how the first civilizations like Mesopotamia emerged around 10,000 years ago. It notes that the major world religions of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism all originated in Southwest Asia. In modern times, the region has faced conflicts between Israel and Palestine over territory since 1948 as well as civil wars in Syria, Yemen, and Libya. Countries like Iran and Turkey have also dealt with independence movements within their borders.
The timeline begins on September 11, 2001 with the terrorist attacks in the United States. It ends on May 1, 2011 when Osama bin Laden was killed by U.S. forces in a raid on his compound in Pakistan. Throughout the timeline, key events include the start of the war in Afghanistan in October 2001, battles searching for bin Laden including the Battle of Tora Bora in December 2001, audiotapes and videos released by bin Laden, and attacks attributed to al-Qaeda such as the July 7, 2005 bombings in London.
President Nixon spoke with astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin over the phone on July 20, 1969. Nixon congratulated the astronauts on their immense feat of being the first men to walk on the moon, saying it was the proudest day for Americans and people worldwide. Armstrong thanked Nixon and said representing peaceful nations with a vision for the future was an honor. They looked forward to meeting in person when the astronauts returned to Earth on the aircraft carrier USS Hornet.
The document summarizes key events of World War 2 from 1939 to 1945. It describes how Germany, led by Hitler, invaded countries in Europe like Poland and France. In June 1944, the Allies launched D-Day and invaded German-controlled northern France. The war ended on September 2, 1945 with the Allies victorious over the Axis powers of Germany and Japan. After the war, Germany was divided between the Western allies and Soviet Union.
The document provides instructions for a web quest on various topics relating to life in the Middle Ages, directing the reader to multiple websites to research and answer questions. Specifically, it asks questions about medieval beliefs on disease transmission, medical treatments, clothing styles for different social classes, the roles and treatment of women, the lives and duties of knights, the development of armor, codes of chivalry, siege weapons used to attack castles, and definitions of architectural features found in medieval castles. The reader is to complete the web quest by researching the provided sites and thoroughly answering all parts of the multiple choice and descriptive questions in a Google Doc.
President Roosevelt addresses Congress after the attack on Pearl Harbor by Japan on December 7, 1941. He reports that the U.S. was attacked at Pearl Harbor and other locations in the Pacific without warning. Roosevelt asserts that this was a deliberately planned attack by Japan and asks Congress to declare that a state of war exists between the U.S. and Japan.
This document is a poster from the U.S. Food Administration during World War I that asks Americans to conserve wheat. It depicts the Statue of Liberty holding sheaves of wheat and asks citizens to help win the war by saving food. Herbert Hoover led the voluntary food conservation effort and did not accept a salary so that he could ask Americans to also make sacrifices.
The document provides an overview of medieval Europe, including its geography, kingdoms, feudal system, and religious influences. It discusses the rise of towns and cities, key monarchs in England and France, crusades, cultural developments, religious groups, conflicts, and plagues of the period. The feudal system established lords and vassals, with knights serving nobles and peasants working the land under serfdom. The Catholic Church gained power and sent missionaries across Europe.
The Yalu River forms part of the northern border between North Korea and China. It has served as a political boundary since the 1300s, dividing Korean and Chinese cultures. The upper Yalu River has strong currents and waterfalls while the middle section is shallow, making it easiest to cross there. In modern times, the river is important for transportation, fishing, and generating hydroelectric power through dams.
How to Configure Proforma Invoice in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
AI and Academic Writing, Short Term Course in Academic Writing and Publication, UGC-MMTTC, MANUU, 25/02/2025, Prof. (Dr.) Vinod Kumar Kanvaria, University of Delhi, vinodpr111@gmail.com
Odoo 18 Accounting Access Rights - Odoo 18 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on accounting access rights in odoo 18. To ensure data security and maintain confidentiality, Odoo provides a robust access rights system that allows administrators to control who can access and modify accounting data.
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz Hussain
The intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spotssystemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AIthat could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
Unit 1 Computer Hardware for Educational Computing.pptxRomaSmart1
Computers have revolutionized various sectors, including education, by enhancing learning experiences and making information more accessible. This presentation, "Computer Hardware for Educational Computing," introduces the fundamental aspects of computers, including their definition, characteristics, classification, and significance in the educational domain. Understanding these concepts helps educators and students leverage technology for more effective learning.
How to create security group category in Odoo 17Celine George
This slide will represent the creation of security group category in odoo 17. Security groups are essential for managing user access and permissions across different modules. Creating a security group category helps to organize related user groups and streamline permission settings within a specific module or functionality.