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AS/ A2 Religious Studies
Teacher Courses
London and Manchester
October 2010 - March 2011



www.teachersfirst.org.uk       Theres always something
                                      new to learn
Welcome to Teachers First

                          Welcome to the Teachers First programme of Religious Studies courses for 2010/11. Our
                          aim is to offer a programme of one-day courses and conferences that support the teaching
                          and learning of Religious Studies using active learning methods through paper-based and
                          technological approaches.
                          The courses are specifically designed for all teachers, experienced as well as NQTs, who wish
                          to develop their subject knowledge through our specialist days and for those looking for new
                          strategies to stimulate and engage their students.
                          These workshops are also suitable for graduates who are completing their training in a school
                          environment under the school-centred initial teacher training (SCITT) scheme. PGCE and final
                          year students would also find our courses very heplful.

                          We look forward to meeting you on one of our courses.
AS/A2 Religious Studies

                          Kind regards,
                          Christine Neary

                          Chrisine Neary
                          Conference Director.

                          Course contents:

                          AS/A2 Religious Studies: Business Ethics
                          AS/A2 Religious Studies: Ethics of Sex and Human Relationships
                          Edexcel AS Religious Studies- Unit 2 Investigations
                          Edexcel A2 Religious Studies: Unit 4 Implications
                          OCR AS/A2 Religious Studies: The lessons from the June 2010 examinations
                          and moving ahead with the specification.
                          OCR AS/A2 Religious Studies: improving learning and teaching in the more
                          challenging topics
                          AS/A2 Religious Studies- a guide to the first years of teaching A-level
                          AS/A2 Religious Studies: AfL, Differentiation, improving grades and the A*
                          AS/A2 Religious Studies: promoting and developing excellence in students
                          essay writing.
AS/A2 Religious Studies: Business Ethics

Course Features
                                                          Guest speaker: Julian Baggini
Business Ethics is a new topic area that has been
included in the A-level specifications. This course has   Co-founder and editor of the Philosophers Magazine,
been specifically designed to provide delegates with      Julian is a regular contributor to both television and
an opportunity to reflect on this new area and how        radio discussion programmes including, Thinking
best to approach its delivery. Time will also be given    Allowed, BBC Radio 4 and The Sunday Edition, BBC 3. He
to the application of Ethical theories and guidance on    writes regularly for the Guardian and his publications
the development of examination skills to help improve     include Welcome to Everytown: A Journey into the
results.                                                  English Mind (Granta 2007). Julian is a Fellow of the
We are delighted to welcome Julian Baggini who will       Committee for the Scientific Examination of Religion and
give a keynote presentation on an aspect of Business      was a commissioner on the Joseph Rowntree Charitable
Ethics followed by questions from delegates.              Trusts inquiry into destitution among asylum seekers
                                                          which reported in 2007.

                                                          Tutor: Jon Mayled
Delegates will receive a file and/or CD
containing detailed notes of the course                   Jon has been involved in the development of the
                                                          new specifications and has been involved in public
                                                          examinations as a teacher and an examiner since
                                                          1984. He has been Chief Examiner for one of the major
Venue and date                                            awarding bodies at ELC, GCSE and A-level and is a
                                                          consultant for QCA. He now works for both Pre-U and
London, Friday 5 November 2010                            IB. Jon has extensive experience as an INSET leader and
                                                          has written over eighty religious studies titles including
Course fee 贈195 plus VAT                                  the highly successful Philosophy and Ethics titles
                                                          from Routledge. He is a contributor to REOnline and
                                                          also writer and editor of BBC GCSE Bitesize RS books,
                                                          videos and webpages. He is also a tutor for the Culham

 9.30am:      Registration and coffee
10.00am:      Issues in Business Ethics
              Business and consumers
              Employers and employees
              Business and the environment
              Business and globalisation
11.00am:      Morning coffee
11.15am:      Resources for Business Ethics
              Books, films and the internet
              Ethical theories and case studies in Business Ethics
12.00am:      Ethical theories and case studies in Business Ethics
              Training candidates in the application of Ethical theories to issues of Business Ethics
12.30pm:      Lunch
 1.30pm:      Keynote speaker Julian Baggini - Business Ethics followed by questions from delegates
 3.00pm:      Bringing it all together
              Including contemporary examples in the delivery of Business Ethics
 3.45pm:      Day ends
AS/A2 Religious Studies:
               Ethics of Sex and Human Relationships
                                                           Guest speaker: Julian Baggini
Course Features                                            Co-founder and editor of the Philosophers Magazine,
                                                           Julian is a regular contributor to both television and
                                                           radio discussion programmes including, Thinking
Sex and human relationships is an important topic area
                                                           Allowed, BBC Radio 4 and The Sunday Edition, BBC 3. He
that has been included in the A-level specifications.
                                                           writes regularly for the Guardian and his publications
This course has been specifically designed to provide
                                                           include Welcome to Everytown: A Journey into the
delegates with an opportunity to reflect on this new
                                                           English Mind (Granta 2007). Julian is a Fellow of the
area and how best to approach its delivery. Time will
                                                           Committee for the Scientific Examination of Religion and
also be given to the application of Ethical theories and
                                                           was a commissioner on the Joseph Rowntree Charitable
guidance on the development of examination skills to
                                                           Trusts inquiry into destitution among asylum seekers
help improve student outcomes.
                                                           which reported in 2007.
We are delighted to welcome Julian Baggini who will
give a keynote presentation on an aspect of the Ethics
of Sex and Human Relationships followed by questions
from delegates.
                                                           Tutor: Jon Mayled

                                                           Jon has been involved in the development of the
Delegates will receive a file and/or CD                    new specifications and has been involved in public
containing detailed notes of the course                    examinations as a teacher and an examiner since
                                                           1984. He has been Chief Examiner for one of the major
                                                           awarding bodies at ELC, GCSE and A-level and is a
Venue and date                                             consultant for QCA. He now works for both Pre-U and
                                                           IB. Jon has extensive experience as an INSET leader and
London, Thursday 11 November 2010
                                                           has written over eighty religious studies titles including
                                                           the highly successful Philosophy and Ethics titles
Course fee 贈195 plus VAT
                                                           from Routledge. He is a contributor to REOnline and
                                                           also writer and editor of BBC GCSE Bitesize RS books,
                                                           videos and webpages. He is also a tutor for the Culham

 9.30am:     Registration and coffee
10.00am:     Issues in the Ethics of sex and human relationships
             Issues surrounding sexual ethics-premarital & extra-marital sex, contraception and
             The application and different approaches of ethical theories listed above to sexual ethics
             Different faith views in relation to Sexual Ethics
11.00am:     Morning coffee
11.15am:     Resources for Sexual Ethics
             Books films and the internet
11.45am:     Ethical theories and case studies in sexual ethics
             Guiding candidates in the application of Ethical theories to issues of Sexual Ethics
12.30pm:     Lunch
 1.30pm:     Keynote speaker Julian Baggini - Sexual Ethics followed by questions from delegates
 3.00pm:     Bringing it all together
             Including contemporary examples in the delivery of Sexual Ethics
 3.45pm:     Day ends
Edexcel AS Religious Studies - Unit 2 Investigations

Course features
                                                             Tutors: Sarah Tyler & Gordon Reid
The day has been specifically designed for all those
teaching the new Edexcel unit 2 specification. It provides
an opportunity to examine the unit in detail and             The course will be led by Gordon Reid and Sarah Tyler
consider what material should be taught in addition          who are both highly experienced teachers, authors and
to the skill levels demanded. Feedback from the unit 2       senior examiners. Gordon, an experienced Principal
summer examination will also be given.                       Examiner for Religious Studies has also been Head of
                                                             Religious studies for over 16 years. Sarah is also Principal
                                                             examiner for a major examination board and has been a
                                                             very successful Head of Religious Studies for many years.
Delegates will receive a file and/or CD                      They are co-authors of Advanced Religious Studies, a
containing detailed notes of the course                      popular textbook for AS and A2 students.

Venue and date
London, Friday 1 October 2010

Course fee 贈195 plus VAT

       9.45am:     Registration and coffee

     10.00am:      Philosophy of Religion Options

     11.15am:      Morning coffee

     11.30am:      Ethics Options

     12.30pm:      Lunch

       1.30pm:     Feedback from summer exam

       2.45pm:     Afternoon tea

       3.00pm:     Other options: Study of Religion and New Testament

       3.45pm:     Day ends
Edexcel A2 Religious Studies: Unit 4 Implications

Course features
                                                          Tutors: Sarah Tyler & Gordon Reid
The day has been specifically designed for all those
teaching the new Edexcel Unit 4 specification. It
provides an opportunity to examine the unit in detail     The course will be led by Gordon Reid and Sarah Tyler
and consider what material should be taught in addition   who are both highly experienced teachers, authors and
to the skill levels demanded. Feedback from the unit 4    senior examiners. Gordon, an experienced Principal
summer examination will also be given.                    Examiner for Religious Studies has also been Head of
                                                          Religious studies for over 16 years. Sarah is also Principal
                                                          examiner for a major examination board and has been a
                                                          very successful Head of Religious Studies for many years.
Delegates will receive a file and/or CD                   They are co-authors of Advanced Religious Studies, a
containing detailed notes of the course                   popular textbook for AS and A2 students.

                                                          Venue and date
                                                          London, Friday 15 October 2010

                                                          Course fee 贈195 plus VAT

 9.45am:     Registration and coffee
10.00am:     Overview of Unit 4
10.15am:     Delegates must now choose either Philosophy or Ethics Options
             Philosophy: Ayer
             Ethics: Lafollette
11.15am:     Morning coffee
11.30pm:     Philosophy: Donovan
             Ethics: Jamieson
12.30pm:     Lunch
 1.30pm:     Philosophy: Westphal
             Ethics: Scheenwind
 2.45pm:     Feedback from the summer examination
 3.30pm:     Individual questions
 3.45pm:     Day ends
OCR AS/A2 Religious Studies: Lessons from the June 2010
    examinations and improving student outcomes

  Course features
                                                             Tutor: Jon Mayled
  This day is intended to give teachers the opportunity to
  reflect on the June 2010 examinations and to identify
  important issues which could help to enhance student       Jon has been involved in the development of the
  performance. In addition it provides an opportunity to     new specifications and has been involved in public
  review the demands of the new A2 units and how they        examinations as a teacher and an examiner since
  may be addressed.                                          1984. He has been Chief Examiner for one of the major
                                                             awarding bodies at ELC, GCSE and A-level and is a
                                                             consultant for QCA. He now works for both Pre-U and
                                                             IB. Jon has extensive experience as an INSET leader and
  Delegates will receive a file and/or CD                    has written over eighty religious studies titles including
  containing detailed notes of the course                    the highly successful Philosophy and Ethics titles
                                                             from Routledge. He is a contributor to REOnline and
                                                             also writer and editor of BBC GCSE Bitesize RS books,
                                                             videos and webpages. He is also a tutor for the Culham
  Venues and dates                                           Institute.

  London, Friday 22 October 2010
  Manchester, Thursday 14 October 2010

  Course fee 贈195 plus VAT

   9.45am:     Registration and coffee
  10.00am:     AS/A2  The First Aggregations
               Reviewing examiners comments from June 2010
               Identifying important issues for learning and teaching
  11.00am:     Morning coffee
  11.15am:     AS/A2: Planning Ahead
               Whats new and how much does an A-level student need to know?
               Identifying important issues for learning and teaching.
  12.30pm:     Lunch
   1.30pm:     Resourcing
               What is new?
               What is good?
   2.00pm:     New topics: Attributes of God, Religion and Science/Business Ethics
   2.30pm:     Active learning strategies for AS/A2
   3.30pm:     Day ends
OCR AS/A2 Religious Studies: Improving learning and
      teaching in the more challenging topics

Course features
                                                          Tutor: Jon Mayled
This course is designed to help all teachers be up-to-
date with new ideas in key areas of the Philosophy
and Ethics specifications. There will be an opportunity   Jon has been involved in the development of the
to review delivery of the more difficult concepts         new specifications and has been involved in public
within the options. Group discussion will focus on the    examinations as a teacher and an examiner since
misconceptions and misinterpretations which many          1984. He has been Chief Examiner for one of the major
AS and A2 students have in order to improve student       awarding bodies at ELC, GCSE and A-level and is a
outcomes.                                                 consultant for QCA. He now works for both Pre-U and
                                                          IB. Jon has extensive experience as an INSET leader and
                                                          has written over eighty religious studies titles including
                                                          the highly successful Philosophy and Ethics titles
Delegates will receive a file and/or CD                   from Routledge. He is a contributor to REOnline and
containing detailed notes of the course                   also writer and editor of BBC GCSE Bitesize RS books,
                                                          videos and webpages. He is also a tutor for the Culham

                                                          Venue and date
                                                          London, Friday 10 December 2010

                                                          Course fee 贈195 plus VAT

 9.45am:     Registration and coffee
10.00am:     The Specifications and the problem areas
             The Existence of God
11.00am:     Morning coffee
11.15pm:     Problem of Evil
             Attributes of God
             Religion and Science
             Active teaching strategies
12.30pm:     Lunch
 1.30pm:     Ethics
             Natural Law
             Virtue Ethics
             Business, Sex and Environment
             Active teaching strategies
 3.45pm:     Day ends
AS/A2 Religious Studies
         A guide to the first years of teaching A level

Course features
                                                               Tutor: Jon Mayled
The course aims to build up confidence and develop the
skills for teachers in their first terms of teaching AS and
A level. The day is suitable for all specifications and will   Jon has been involved in the development of the
give teachers guidance on what is required for success at      new specifications and has been involved in public
the new AS levels and how to equip themselves to step          examinations as a teacher and an examiner since
up to A2.                                                      1984. He has been Chief Examiner for one of the major
                                                               awarding bodies at ELC, GCSE and A-level and is a
                                                               consultant for QCA. He now works for both Pre-U and
                                                               IB. Jon has extensive experience as an INSET leader and
Delegates will receive a file and/or CD                        has written over eighty religious studies titles including
containing detailed notes of the course                        the highly successful Philosophy and Ethics titles
                                                               from Routledge. He is a contributor to REOnline and
                                                               also writer and editor of BBC GCSE Bitesize RS books,
                                                               videos and webpages. He is also a tutor for the Culham
Venues and dates                                               Institute.

London, Monday 11 October 2010
Manchester, Tuesday 19 October 2010

Course fee 贈195 plus VAT

 9.45am:      Registration and coffee
10.00am:      Introducing A level
              Overview of specifications
              Progression from GCSE to A level
              Schemes of work
11.00am:      Morning coffee
11.15am:      Philosophy and Ethics
              Skills and understanding
              Strategies for successful learning and teaching
              Achieving stretch and challenge
12.30pm:      Lunch
 1.30pm:      Philosophy- strategies and ideas
 2.15pm:      Ethics
 2.45pm:      Afternoon tea
 3.00pm:      Assessment
              Understanding what the examiners want
              Making assessment part of learning
              Past papers and mark schemes
 3.45pm:      Day ends
AS/A2 Religious Studies:
  AfL, Differentiation, Improving Grades and the A*

Course features
                                                         Tutor: Jon Mayled
This course is designed for teachers who are
looking to make a direct impact with effective
strategies in their classroom. There will be             Jon has been involved in the development of the
guidance on the demands of the examination and how       new specifications and has been involved in public
to encourage the development of higher level skills to   examinations as a teacher and an examiner since
improve outcomes and motivate students at all levels.    1984. He has been Chief Examiner for one of the major
Time will be given to debate and consider the            awarding bodies at ELC, GCSE and A-level and is a
issues surrounding the A* grade.                         consultant for QCA. He now works for both Pre-U and
                                                         IB. Jon has extensive experience as an INSET leader and
                                                         has written over eighty religious studies titles including
Delegates will receive a file and/or CD                  the highly successful Philosophy and Ethics titles
containing detailed notes of the course                  from Routledge. He is a contributor to REOnline and
                                                         also writer and editor of BBC GCSE Bitesize RS books,
                                                         videos and webpages. He is also a tutor for the Culham

                                                         Venue and date
                                                         London, Tuesday 9 November 2010

                                                         Course fee 贈195 plus VAT
 9.45am:     Registration and coffee
10.00am:     Differentiation  Why and How?
             Why do we need to Differentiate
             How can this be done
             Principles of Differentiation
10.30am:     Resources
             Resources: books, the internet and film for all levels of ability
11.00am:     Morning coffee
11.15pm:     Supporting Students
             Developing essential skills for learning- independence and thinking skills
             Assessment for Learning
12.00pm:     Active Learning Techniques
             Thinking outside of the textbook
12.30pm:     Lunch
 1.30pm:     Differentiation Methods and do they Work?
             Differentiated worksheets
             Differentiated resources
             Core and Extension
 2.45pm:     Planning a Scheme of Work to Cover all Abilities
             A workshop activity to plan lessons and schemes of work
 3.45pm:     Day ends
AS/A2 Religious Studies:
Promoting and developing excellence in students essay
 Course features
                                                            Tutor: Jon Mayled
 Advanced level Religious Studies is almost entirely
 assessed by essays. This course aims to support teachers
 in helping students to develop the necessary skills to     Jon has been involved in the development of the
 achieve success in this assessment.                        new specifications and has been involved in public
 Time will be spent considering the essential skills        examinations as a teacher and an examiner since
 required by tackling the more challenging areas of the     1984. He has been Chief Examiner for one of the major
 specification. There will be an opportunity to review      awarding bodies at ELC, GCSE and A-level and is a
 student exemplars combined with feedback from an           consultant for QCA. He now works for both Pre-U and
 examiner.                                                  IB. Jon has extensive experience as an INSET leader and
                                                            has written over eighty religious studies titles including
                                                            the highly successful Philosophy and Ethics titles
 Delegates will receive a file and/or CD                    from Routledge. He is a contributor to REOnline and
 containing detailed notes of the course                    also writer and editor of BBC GCSE Bitesize RS books,
                                                            videos and webpages. He is also a tutor for the Culham

                                                            Venues and dates
 Course fee 贈195 plus VAT
                                                            London, Thursday 3 March 2011

                                                            Manchester, Thursday 10 February 2011

  9.45am:     Registration and coffee
 10.00am:     AS Religious Studies
              Teaching students to take notes
              Teaching students to read to develop sufficient subject knowledge
              Getting started  teaching students to write good essays
 11.00am:     Morning coffee
 11.15am:     Writing essays on the challenging topics at AS
              Religion and Science
              Religious Ethics
              How to improve essays on these and all AS areas
              What the examiner wants to see
 12.30pm:     Lunch
  1.30pm:     Writing essays on the challenging topics at A2
              Business Ethics
              Environmental Ethics
              Virtue Ethics
              How to improve essays on these and all A2 areas
              What the examiner wants to see
  3.00pm:     Bringing it together
              How to turn classroom discussions into great essays. Making sure students
              present their best in the exams
              Supporting key skills in the classroom to prepare students to write great
              Tracking, reviewing and ensuring good progress
  3.45pm:     Day ends
Teacher Day Booking Form
  )0844 800 5292                                  20844 800 5295                8bookings@teachersfirst.org.uk

Or return the booking form to us at the address given below. We will then confirm your booking and issue an invoice.
Payment is required 2 weeks before the date of the workshop.
Course details will be sent out to you about 10 days before the course, after the receipt of payment.
Please telephone us if you have not received them by this time.
Further information on this and other events can be found on our website www.teachersfirst.org.uk

 Teacher Courses                                         Venue           Date         Course fee per    Number of
                                                                                      head (plus VAT)   places required

 AS/A2 Religious Studies: Business Ethics                 London           05/11/10        贈195

 AS/A2 Religious Studies: Ethics of Sex and Human
                                                          London           11/11/10        贈195

 Edexcel AS Religious Studies: Unit 2 investigations      London           01/10/10        贈195

 Edexcel A2 Religious Studies: Unit4 Implications         London           15/10/10        贈195

                                                          London           22/10/10
 OCR AS/A2 Religious Studies: Lessons from the June
 2010 examinations and improving student outcomes
                                                          Manchester       14/10/10

 OCR AS/A2 Religious Studies: Improving learning and
                                                          London           10/12/10        贈195
 teaching in the more challenging topics

                                                          London           11/10/10
 AS/A2 Religious Studies - Teaching for the first time
                                                          Manchester       19/10/10

 AS/A2 Religious Studies: AfL, Differentiation,
                                                          London           09/11/10
 Improving grades and the A*

                                                          London           03/03/11        贈195
 AS/A2 Religious Studies: promoting and developing
 excellence in students essay writing
                                                          Manchester       10/02/11        贈195

School / College
Address & Postcode
Telephone                                                              Mobile                              HE

Office e-mail address

Delegate e-mail address

Please return to:
                                                                                    Theres always something
Teachers First LLP, PO Box 659, Stockport, SK2 7WF.                                        new to learn
Teachers First reserves the right to amend the programme where circumstances dictate.

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Rs teacher

  • 1. AS/ A2 Religious Studies Teacher Courses London and Manchester October 2010 - March 2011 RS HE FI TEAC RST www.teachersfirst.org.uk Theres always something new to learn
  • 2. Welcome to Teachers First Welcome to the Teachers First programme of Religious Studies courses for 2010/11. Our aim is to offer a programme of one-day courses and conferences that support the teaching and learning of Religious Studies using active learning methods through paper-based and technological approaches. The courses are specifically designed for all teachers, experienced as well as NQTs, who wish to develop their subject knowledge through our specialist days and for those looking for new strategies to stimulate and engage their students. These workshops are also suitable for graduates who are completing their training in a school environment under the school-centred initial teacher training (SCITT) scheme. PGCE and final year students would also find our courses very heplful. We look forward to meeting you on one of our courses. AS/A2 Religious Studies Kind regards, Christine Neary Chrisine Neary t Conference Director. Course contents: AS/A2 Religious Studies: Business Ethics AS/A2 Religious Studies: Ethics of Sex and Human Relationships Edexcel AS Religious Studies- Unit 2 Investigations Edexcel A2 Religious Studies: Unit 4 Implications OCR AS/A2 Religious Studies: The lessons from the June 2010 examinations and moving ahead with the specification. OCR AS/A2 Religious Studies: improving learning and teaching in the more challenging topics AS/A2 Religious Studies- a guide to the first years of teaching A-level AS/A2 Religious Studies: AfL, Differentiation, improving grades and the A* AS/A2 Religious Studies: promoting and developing excellence in students essay writing.
  • 3. AS/A2 Religious Studies: Business Ethics Course Features Guest speaker: Julian Baggini Business Ethics is a new topic area that has been included in the A-level specifications. This course has Co-founder and editor of the Philosophers Magazine, been specifically designed to provide delegates with Julian is a regular contributor to both television and an opportunity to reflect on this new area and how radio discussion programmes including, Thinking best to approach its delivery. Time will also be given Allowed, BBC Radio 4 and The Sunday Edition, BBC 3. He to the application of Ethical theories and guidance on writes regularly for the Guardian and his publications the development of examination skills to help improve include Welcome to Everytown: A Journey into the results. English Mind (Granta 2007). Julian is a Fellow of the We are delighted to welcome Julian Baggini who will Committee for the Scientific Examination of Religion and give a keynote presentation on an aspect of Business was a commissioner on the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Ethics followed by questions from delegates. Trusts inquiry into destitution among asylum seekers which reported in 2007. Tutor: Jon Mayled Delegates will receive a file and/or CD containing detailed notes of the course Jon has been involved in the development of the new specifications and has been involved in public examinations as a teacher and an examiner since 1984. He has been Chief Examiner for one of the major Venue and date awarding bodies at ELC, GCSE and A-level and is a consultant for QCA. He now works for both Pre-U and London, Friday 5 November 2010 IB. Jon has extensive experience as an INSET leader and has written over eighty religious studies titles including Course fee 贈195 plus VAT the highly successful Philosophy and Ethics titles from Routledge. He is a contributor to REOnline and also writer and editor of BBC GCSE Bitesize RS books, videos and webpages. He is also a tutor for the Culham Institute. 9.30am: Registration and coffee 10.00am: Issues in Business Ethics Business and consumers Employers and employees Business and the environment Business and globalisation 11.00am: Morning coffee 11.15am: Resources for Business Ethics Books, films and the internet Ethical theories and case studies in Business Ethics 12.00am: Ethical theories and case studies in Business Ethics Training candidates in the application of Ethical theories to issues of Business Ethics 12.30pm: Lunch 1.30pm: Keynote speaker Julian Baggini - Business Ethics followed by questions from delegates 3.00pm: Bringing it all together Including contemporary examples in the delivery of Business Ethics 3.45pm: Day ends
  • 4. AS/A2 Religious Studies: Ethics of Sex and Human Relationships Guest speaker: Julian Baggini Course Features Co-founder and editor of the Philosophers Magazine, Julian is a regular contributor to both television and radio discussion programmes including, Thinking Sex and human relationships is an important topic area Allowed, BBC Radio 4 and The Sunday Edition, BBC 3. He that has been included in the A-level specifications. writes regularly for the Guardian and his publications This course has been specifically designed to provide include Welcome to Everytown: A Journey into the delegates with an opportunity to reflect on this new English Mind (Granta 2007). Julian is a Fellow of the area and how best to approach its delivery. Time will Committee for the Scientific Examination of Religion and also be given to the application of Ethical theories and was a commissioner on the Joseph Rowntree Charitable guidance on the development of examination skills to Trusts inquiry into destitution among asylum seekers help improve student outcomes. which reported in 2007. We are delighted to welcome Julian Baggini who will give a keynote presentation on an aspect of the Ethics of Sex and Human Relationships followed by questions from delegates. Tutor: Jon Mayled Jon has been involved in the development of the Delegates will receive a file and/or CD new specifications and has been involved in public containing detailed notes of the course examinations as a teacher and an examiner since 1984. He has been Chief Examiner for one of the major awarding bodies at ELC, GCSE and A-level and is a Venue and date consultant for QCA. He now works for both Pre-U and IB. Jon has extensive experience as an INSET leader and London, Thursday 11 November 2010 has written over eighty religious studies titles including the highly successful Philosophy and Ethics titles Course fee 贈195 plus VAT from Routledge. He is a contributor to REOnline and also writer and editor of BBC GCSE Bitesize RS books, videos and webpages. He is also a tutor for the Culham Institute. 9.30am: Registration and coffee 10.00am: Issues in the Ethics of sex and human relationships Issues surrounding sexual ethics-premarital & extra-marital sex, contraception and homosexuality The application and different approaches of ethical theories listed above to sexual ethics Different faith views in relation to Sexual Ethics 11.00am: Morning coffee 11.15am: Resources for Sexual Ethics Books films and the internet 11.45am: Ethical theories and case studies in sexual ethics Guiding candidates in the application of Ethical theories to issues of Sexual Ethics 12.30pm: Lunch 1.30pm: Keynote speaker Julian Baggini - Sexual Ethics followed by questions from delegates 3.00pm: Bringing it all together Including contemporary examples in the delivery of Sexual Ethics 3.45pm: Day ends
  • 5. Edexcel AS Religious Studies - Unit 2 Investigations Course features Tutors: Sarah Tyler & Gordon Reid The day has been specifically designed for all those teaching the new Edexcel unit 2 specification. It provides an opportunity to examine the unit in detail and The course will be led by Gordon Reid and Sarah Tyler consider what material should be taught in addition who are both highly experienced teachers, authors and to the skill levels demanded. Feedback from the unit 2 senior examiners. Gordon, an experienced Principal summer examination will also be given. Examiner for Religious Studies has also been Head of Religious studies for over 16 years. Sarah is also Principal examiner for a major examination board and has been a very successful Head of Religious Studies for many years. Delegates will receive a file and/or CD They are co-authors of Advanced Religious Studies, a containing detailed notes of the course popular textbook for AS and A2 students. Venue and date London, Friday 1 October 2010 Course fee 贈195 plus VAT 9.45am: Registration and coffee 10.00am: Philosophy of Religion Options 11.15am: Morning coffee 11.30am: Ethics Options 12.30pm: Lunch 1.30pm: Feedback from summer exam 2.45pm: Afternoon tea 3.00pm: Other options: Study of Religion and New Testament 3.45pm: Day ends
  • 6. Edexcel A2 Religious Studies: Unit 4 Implications Course features Tutors: Sarah Tyler & Gordon Reid The day has been specifically designed for all those teaching the new Edexcel Unit 4 specification. It provides an opportunity to examine the unit in detail The course will be led by Gordon Reid and Sarah Tyler and consider what material should be taught in addition who are both highly experienced teachers, authors and to the skill levels demanded. Feedback from the unit 4 senior examiners. Gordon, an experienced Principal summer examination will also be given. Examiner for Religious Studies has also been Head of Religious studies for over 16 years. Sarah is also Principal examiner for a major examination board and has been a very successful Head of Religious Studies for many years. Delegates will receive a file and/or CD They are co-authors of Advanced Religious Studies, a containing detailed notes of the course popular textbook for AS and A2 students. Venue and date London, Friday 15 October 2010 Course fee 贈195 plus VAT 9.45am: Registration and coffee 10.00am: Overview of Unit 4 10.15am: Delegates must now choose either Philosophy or Ethics Options Philosophy: Ayer or Ethics: Lafollette 11.15am: Morning coffee 11.30pm: Philosophy: Donovan or Ethics: Jamieson 12.30pm: Lunch 1.30pm: Philosophy: Westphal or Ethics: Scheenwind 2.45pm: Feedback from the summer examination 3.30pm: Individual questions 3.45pm: Day ends
  • 7. OCR AS/A2 Religious Studies: Lessons from the June 2010 examinations and improving student outcomes Course features Tutor: Jon Mayled This day is intended to give teachers the opportunity to reflect on the June 2010 examinations and to identify important issues which could help to enhance student Jon has been involved in the development of the performance. In addition it provides an opportunity to new specifications and has been involved in public review the demands of the new A2 units and how they examinations as a teacher and an examiner since may be addressed. 1984. He has been Chief Examiner for one of the major awarding bodies at ELC, GCSE and A-level and is a consultant for QCA. He now works for both Pre-U and IB. Jon has extensive experience as an INSET leader and Delegates will receive a file and/or CD has written over eighty religious studies titles including containing detailed notes of the course the highly successful Philosophy and Ethics titles from Routledge. He is a contributor to REOnline and also writer and editor of BBC GCSE Bitesize RS books, videos and webpages. He is also a tutor for the Culham Venues and dates Institute. London, Friday 22 October 2010 Manchester, Thursday 14 October 2010 Course fee 贈195 plus VAT 9.45am: Registration and coffee 10.00am: AS/A2 The First Aggregations Reviewing examiners comments from June 2010 Identifying important issues for learning and teaching 11.00am: Morning coffee 11.15am: AS/A2: Planning Ahead Whats new and how much does an A-level student need to know? Identifying important issues for learning and teaching. 12.30pm: Lunch 1.30pm: Resourcing What is new? What is good? 2.00pm: New topics: Attributes of God, Religion and Science/Business Ethics 2.30pm: Active learning strategies for AS/A2 3.30pm: Day ends
  • 8. OCR AS/A2 Religious Studies: Improving learning and teaching in the more challenging topics Course features Tutor: Jon Mayled This course is designed to help all teachers be up-to- date with new ideas in key areas of the Philosophy and Ethics specifications. There will be an opportunity Jon has been involved in the development of the to review delivery of the more difficult concepts new specifications and has been involved in public within the options. Group discussion will focus on the examinations as a teacher and an examiner since misconceptions and misinterpretations which many 1984. He has been Chief Examiner for one of the major AS and A2 students have in order to improve student awarding bodies at ELC, GCSE and A-level and is a outcomes. consultant for QCA. He now works for both Pre-U and IB. Jon has extensive experience as an INSET leader and has written over eighty religious studies titles including the highly successful Philosophy and Ethics titles Delegates will receive a file and/or CD from Routledge. He is a contributor to REOnline and containing detailed notes of the course also writer and editor of BBC GCSE Bitesize RS books, videos and webpages. He is also a tutor for the Culham Institute. Venue and date London, Friday 10 December 2010 Course fee 贈195 plus VAT 9.45am: Registration and coffee 10.00am: The Specifications and the problem areas The Existence of God 11.00am: Morning coffee 11.15pm: Problem of Evil Attributes of God Religion and Science Resourcing Active teaching strategies Assessment 12.30pm: Lunch 1.30pm: Ethics Natural Law Virtue Ethics Conscience Business, Sex and Environment Resourcing Active teaching strategies Assessment 3.45pm: Day ends
  • 9. AS/A2 Religious Studies A guide to the first years of teaching A level Course features Tutor: Jon Mayled The course aims to build up confidence and develop the skills for teachers in their first terms of teaching AS and A level. The day is suitable for all specifications and will Jon has been involved in the development of the give teachers guidance on what is required for success at new specifications and has been involved in public the new AS levels and how to equip themselves to step examinations as a teacher and an examiner since up to A2. 1984. He has been Chief Examiner for one of the major awarding bodies at ELC, GCSE and A-level and is a consultant for QCA. He now works for both Pre-U and IB. Jon has extensive experience as an INSET leader and Delegates will receive a file and/or CD has written over eighty religious studies titles including containing detailed notes of the course the highly successful Philosophy and Ethics titles from Routledge. He is a contributor to REOnline and also writer and editor of BBC GCSE Bitesize RS books, videos and webpages. He is also a tutor for the Culham Venues and dates Institute. London, Monday 11 October 2010 Manchester, Tuesday 19 October 2010 Course fee 贈195 plus VAT 9.45am: Registration and coffee 10.00am: Introducing A level Overview of specifications Progression from GCSE to A level Schemes of work 11.00am: Morning coffee 11.15am: Philosophy and Ethics Skills and understanding Strategies for successful learning and teaching Achieving stretch and challenge Resources 12.30pm: Lunch 1.30pm: Philosophy- strategies and ideas 2.15pm: Ethics Utilitarianism 2.45pm: Afternoon tea 3.00pm: Assessment Understanding what the examiners want Making assessment part of learning Past papers and mark schemes 3.45pm: Day ends
  • 10. AS/A2 Religious Studies: AfL, Differentiation, Improving Grades and the A* Course features Tutor: Jon Mayled This course is designed for teachers who are looking to make a direct impact with effective strategies in their classroom. There will be Jon has been involved in the development of the guidance on the demands of the examination and how new specifications and has been involved in public to encourage the development of higher level skills to examinations as a teacher and an examiner since improve outcomes and motivate students at all levels. 1984. He has been Chief Examiner for one of the major Time will be given to debate and consider the awarding bodies at ELC, GCSE and A-level and is a issues surrounding the A* grade. consultant for QCA. He now works for both Pre-U and IB. Jon has extensive experience as an INSET leader and has written over eighty religious studies titles including Delegates will receive a file and/or CD the highly successful Philosophy and Ethics titles containing detailed notes of the course from Routledge. He is a contributor to REOnline and also writer and editor of BBC GCSE Bitesize RS books, videos and webpages. He is also a tutor for the Culham Institute. Venue and date London, Tuesday 9 November 2010 Course fee 贈195 plus VAT 9.45am: Registration and coffee 10.00am: Differentiation Why and How? Why do we need to Differentiate How can this be done Principles of Differentiation 10.30am: Resources Resources: books, the internet and film for all levels of ability 11.00am: Morning coffee 11.15pm: Supporting Students Developing essential skills for learning- independence and thinking skills Assessment for Learning 12.00pm: Active Learning Techniques Thinking outside of the textbook 12.30pm: Lunch 1.30pm: Differentiation Methods and do they Work? Differentiated worksheets Differentiated resources Core and Extension 2.45pm: Planning a Scheme of Work to Cover all Abilities A workshop activity to plan lessons and schemes of work 3.45pm: Day ends
  • 11. AS/A2 Religious Studies: Promoting and developing excellence in students essay writing Course features Tutor: Jon Mayled Advanced level Religious Studies is almost entirely assessed by essays. This course aims to support teachers in helping students to develop the necessary skills to Jon has been involved in the development of the achieve success in this assessment. new specifications and has been involved in public Time will be spent considering the essential skills examinations as a teacher and an examiner since required by tackling the more challenging areas of the 1984. He has been Chief Examiner for one of the major specification. There will be an opportunity to review awarding bodies at ELC, GCSE and A-level and is a student exemplars combined with feedback from an consultant for QCA. He now works for both Pre-U and examiner. IB. Jon has extensive experience as an INSET leader and has written over eighty religious studies titles including the highly successful Philosophy and Ethics titles Delegates will receive a file and/or CD from Routledge. He is a contributor to REOnline and containing detailed notes of the course also writer and editor of BBC GCSE Bitesize RS books, videos and webpages. He is also a tutor for the Culham Institute. Venues and dates Course fee 贈195 plus VAT London, Thursday 3 March 2011 Manchester, Thursday 10 February 2011 9.45am: Registration and coffee 10.00am: AS Religious Studies Teaching students to take notes Teaching students to read to develop sufficient subject knowledge Getting started teaching students to write good essays 11.00am: Morning coffee 11.15am: Writing essays on the challenging topics at AS Religion and Science Religious Ethics How to improve essays on these and all AS areas What the examiner wants to see 12.30pm: Lunch 1.30pm: Writing essays on the challenging topics at A2 Business Ethics Environmental Ethics Virtue Ethics How to improve essays on these and all A2 areas What the examiner wants to see 3.00pm: Bringing it together How to turn classroom discussions into great essays. Making sure students present their best in the exams Supporting key skills in the classroom to prepare students to write great essays Tracking, reviewing and ensuring good progress 3.45pm: Day ends
  • 12. Teacher Day Booking Form )0844 800 5292 20844 800 5295 8bookings@teachersfirst.org.uk Or return the booking form to us at the address given below. We will then confirm your booking and issue an invoice. Payment is required 2 weeks before the date of the workshop. Course details will be sent out to you about 10 days before the course, after the receipt of payment. Please telephone us if you have not received them by this time. Further information on this and other events can be found on our website www.teachersfirst.org.uk Teacher Courses Venue Date Course fee per Number of head (plus VAT) places required AS/A2 Religious Studies: Business Ethics London 05/11/10 贈195 AS/A2 Religious Studies: Ethics of Sex and Human London 11/11/10 贈195 Relationships Edexcel AS Religious Studies: Unit 2 investigations London 01/10/10 贈195 Edexcel A2 Religious Studies: Unit4 Implications London 15/10/10 贈195 London 22/10/10 OCR AS/A2 Religious Studies: Lessons from the June 贈195 2010 examinations and improving student outcomes Manchester 14/10/10 OCR AS/A2 Religious Studies: Improving learning and London 10/12/10 贈195 teaching in the more challenging topics London 11/10/10 贈195 AS/A2 Religious Studies - Teaching for the first time Manchester 19/10/10 贈195 贈195 AS/A2 Religious Studies: AfL, Differentiation, London 09/11/10 Improving grades and the A* 贈195 London 03/03/11 贈195 AS/A2 Religious Studies: promoting and developing excellence in students essay writing Manchester 10/02/11 贈195 Delegate School / College Address & Postcode RS Telephone Mobile HE FI TEAC Office e-mail address RST Delegate e-mail address Please return to: Theres always something Teachers First LLP, PO Box 659, Stockport, SK2 7WF. new to learn Teachers First reserves the right to amend the programme where circumstances dictate.