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Virtual Meetup  January 2015
 Developer Spotlight  Nicolas Emiliani  RTB Dev Lead
 RTBkit Behind the Scenes
 More than a Bidder  The RTBkit Stack
 Open Q&A
Copyright 息 2015 Datacratic Inc. All rights reserved
Getting an RTBKit installation running.
More info here : http://datacratic.com/site/blog/tales-rtbkit-adventure
Nicolas Emiliani, RTB dev. team Tech Leader at Motrixi.
A little about our traffic :
 We are a mobile centered DSP
 We are connected to Nexage, Rubicon, Mopub and more recently to ADX
 We take up to 40k qps in peak hours from US and Canada
Life on the Amazon (not the rain forest)
 Create a VPC (or you will regret it, I promise)
 Create all your production nodes inside that VPC
 Be smart about security : do not expose your nodes
unnecessarily to the internet.
 Use a VPN software (ie: OpenVPN) to access the
nodes safely inside your VPC.
Isolating the RTBKit stack (BR loop)
 Chose an HTTP reverse proxy (we use NGINX)
 Set up the proxy as a gateway to your RTBKit installation, we use elastic
IP s on the NGINX nodes and allow incoming traffic only for the used
HTTP ports. Elastic IPS are cool and they will let you do all sort of handy
 You can use the proxy as a load balancer if you have more than one
 You can use the proxy to automatically reply with 204s to the exchanges
in case you need to work on your installation
 You can use the proxy to clone the traffic and send it to a staging or
development environment (we recently cracked how to do this with
Isolating the RTBKit stack (BR loop)
Isolating the RTBKit PAL
 As with the BR loop use a reverse proxy with an Elastic IP
Type of nodes
 Different responsibilities  Different nodes  Easier scaling
Kernel parameters
 fs.file-max=300000 : RTBKit likes to chew up your file descriptors.
 net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse=1 : allow reusing sockets in TIME_WAIT state for
new connections.
 net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout=15 Close connections in the TCP FIN timeout
state in 15 seconds ( default 60 )
Tweaking this parameters will prevent crashes due to exceptions related to
too many open file descriptors.
Use the APIs, Luke
 Banker API : comes in handy when implementing pacing strategies thus
keeping logic simple in agents.
 Agent Configuration Service API : is useful to implement agent
configuration related APIs as the Agent Gateway
Things that will help you out
 All our processes run under a watchdog, currently we are using monit
 Zabbix is your friend, particularly when things go wrong.
 Don't ever forget about Graphite. RTBKit is a huge black box otherwise.
Always keep an eye on your metrics. Yous should be doing it right now!,
no, really!
RTBkit Meetup - Developer Spotlight, Behind the Scenes of RTBkit and Intro to the Stack
Transition To 14.04
Whats taking so long?
 Ancient Node.js version in platform-deps
o Upgrading requires fixing the bindings
o Lots of work, very little pay-off
Copyright 息 2015 Datacratic Inc. All rights reserved
 Transition to HTTP interfaces
o Support for multiple languages
o Cleaner well defined OpenRTB protocol
o Start of RTBkit 2.0 implementation
Copyright 息 2015 Datacratic Inc. All rights reserved
How will it work?
 Abstracted agent communication
o HTTP Bidder Interface class
o Agent config specifies bidder URL
Copyright 息 2015 Datacratic Inc. All rights reserved
 Added two new HTTP bidder examples:
o Python bidder based on tornado
o Node.js bidder
 Detailed walkthrough on the wiki
Copyright 息 2015 Datacratic Inc. All rights reserved
Backwards compatibility?
 Node.js support will be dropped for 14.04
 ZMQ C++ interface will remain for now.
 Will require an upgrade.
 Should be fairly painless.
Copyright 息 2015 Datacratic Inc. All rights reserved
 Fork of platform-deps for RTBkit
o Upgrade dependencies to 14.04
o Cleanup of pointless dependencies
Copyright 息 2015 Datacratic Inc. All rights reserved
How long?
 Platform-deps fork is almost completed
o Should be released in a week or two
o Work done by Michael
 Currently re-writing our agents in golang
o Will iron-out kinks in the bidder interface
o Should be done in a month or two
More Than a Bidder
A Brief Introduction to an RTB Stack
When you first think about RTB ...
You think, "I need a bidder." Copyright 息 2015 Datacratic Inc. All rights reserved
But there is more to it than that ...
Reporting UI
ETL / Log
Optimization /
Bid Strategy
Logs / Log
Ad Server
Data Store
Offline Data
Monitoring Alerting 24/7 Ops
Collection /
Copyright 息 2015 Datacratic Inc. All rights reserved
You need an RTB Solution
Requirement Provided by RTBkit?
Reliable, high-performance core bidder system Yes
Online Impression / Click / Conversion matching Yes
Pacing No
Logging Customer has to set up and manage logs
Monitoring and Alerting Some support for Carbon and Graphite
24-7 operations and support No
Capacity planning and system evolution No
Campaign management UI integrated with the bidder No
Seats on exchanges / integration with exchanges No
ETL for campaign reporting and bidding agents No
Other Issues 
Keep it Simple
 There is an abundance of inventory. Your goal is to process enough bids to
achieve your goals. Over-engineering is expensive.
 Unreliability is probably OK
o Campaigns run for a long time and buy millions of impressions. Short outages
probably don't matter
o Most partners fine with noticeable error rates (~2%)
Copyright 息 2015 Datacratic Inc. All rights reserved
Other Issues 
Pacing and Strategy / Optimization
 Hard to do in real time, at high volume of transactions, in a distributed
 Hard to understand what data and how much data to use
o blown daily caps
o uneven or poor performance
Copyright 息 2015 Datacratic Inc. All rights reserved
Other Issues  Ad Ops
Existing Ad Ops
 Used to feature set of DSP UI
 Comfortable delivering campaigns with current tool set
 May be resistant to using a new system
 May be resistant to trusting a new system
 You may spend a lot of time on UI features and reports, not on your real-
time platform
Copyright 息 2015 Datacratic Inc. All rights reserved
Host an RTBkit Meetup!
Copyright 息 2015 Datacratic Inc. All rights reserved
Q & A
Copyright 息 2015 Datacratic Inc. All rights reserved

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RTBkit Meetup - Developer Spotlight, Behind the Scenes of RTBkit and Intro to the Stack

  • 1. Virtual Meetup January 2015
  • 2. Agenda Developer Spotlight Nicolas Emiliani RTB Dev Lead RTBkit Behind the Scenes More than a Bidder The RTBkit Stack Open Q&A Copyright 息 2015 Datacratic Inc. All rights reserved
  • 3. Getting an RTBKit installation running. More info here : http://datacratic.com/site/blog/tales-rtbkit-adventure Nicolas Emiliani, RTB dev. team Tech Leader at Motrixi.
  • 4. A little about our traffic : We are a mobile centered DSP We are connected to Nexage, Rubicon, Mopub and more recently to ADX We take up to 40k qps in peak hours from US and Canada
  • 5. Life on the Amazon (not the rain forest) Create a VPC (or you will regret it, I promise) Create all your production nodes inside that VPC Be smart about security : do not expose your nodes unnecessarily to the internet. Use a VPN software (ie: OpenVPN) to access the nodes safely inside your VPC.
  • 6. Isolating the RTBKit stack (BR loop) Chose an HTTP reverse proxy (we use NGINX) Set up the proxy as a gateway to your RTBKit installation, we use elastic IP s on the NGINX nodes and allow incoming traffic only for the used HTTP ports. Elastic IPS are cool and they will let you do all sort of handy things. You can use the proxy as a load balancer if you have more than one node You can use the proxy to automatically reply with 204s to the exchanges in case you need to work on your installation You can use the proxy to clone the traffic and send it to a staging or development environment (we recently cracked how to do this with NGINX)
  • 7. Isolating the RTBKit stack (BR loop)
  • 8. Isolating the RTBKit PAL As with the BR loop use a reverse proxy with an Elastic IP
  • 9. Type of nodes Different responsibilities Different nodes Easier scaling
  • 10. Kernel parameters fs.file-max=300000 : RTBKit likes to chew up your file descriptors. net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse=1 : allow reusing sockets in TIME_WAIT state for new connections. net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout=15 Close connections in the TCP FIN timeout state in 15 seconds ( default 60 ) Tweaking this parameters will prevent crashes due to exceptions related to too many open file descriptors.
  • 11. Use the APIs, Luke Banker API : comes in handy when implementing pacing strategies thus keeping logic simple in agents. Agent Configuration Service API : is useful to implement agent configuration related APIs as the Agent Gateway (https://github.com/nemiliani/agent_gateway).
  • 12. Things that will help you out All our processes run under a watchdog, currently we are using monit Zabbix is your friend, particularly when things go wrong. Don't ever forget about Graphite. RTBKit is a huge black box otherwise. Always keep an eye on your metrics. Yous should be doing it right now!, no, really!
  • 16. Whats taking so long? Ancient Node.js version in platform-deps o Upgrading requires fixing the bindings o Lots of work, very little pay-off Copyright 息 2015 Datacratic Inc. All rights reserved
  • 17. Alternative? Transition to HTTP interfaces o Support for multiple languages o Cleaner well defined OpenRTB protocol o Start of RTBkit 2.0 implementation Copyright 息 2015 Datacratic Inc. All rights reserved
  • 18. How will it work? Abstracted agent communication o HTTP Bidder Interface class o Agent config specifies bidder URL Copyright 息 2015 Datacratic Inc. All rights reserved
  • 19. Details Added two new HTTP bidder examples: o Python bidder based on tornado o Node.js bidder Detailed walkthrough on the wiki Copyright 息 2015 Datacratic Inc. All rights reserved
  • 20. Backwards compatibility? Node.js support will be dropped for 14.04 ZMQ C++ interface will remain for now. Will require an upgrade. Should be fairly painless. Copyright 息 2015 Datacratic Inc. All rights reserved
  • 21. Platform-deps Fork of platform-deps for RTBkit o Upgrade dependencies to 14.04 o Cleanup of pointless dependencies Copyright 息 2015 Datacratic Inc. All rights reserved
  • 22. How long? Platform-deps fork is almost completed o Should be released in a week or two o Work done by Michael Currently re-writing our agents in golang o Will iron-out kinks in the bidder interface o Should be done in a month or two
  • 23. More Than a Bidder A Brief Introduction to an RTB Stack
  • 24. When you first think about RTB ... You think, "I need a bidder." Copyright 息 2015 Datacratic Inc. All rights reserved
  • 25. But there is more to it than that ... Campaign Management UI Campaign Reporting UI ETL / Log Processing Offline Optimization / Bid Strategy Logs / Log Management Ad Server Online Audience Data Store Offline Data Prep Monitoring Alerting 24/7 Ops Conversion Collection Data Collection / DMP Copyright 息 2015 Datacratic Inc. All rights reserved
  • 26. You need an RTB Solution Requirement Provided by RTBkit? Reliable, high-performance core bidder system Yes Online Impression / Click / Conversion matching Yes Pacing No Logging Customer has to set up and manage logs Monitoring and Alerting Some support for Carbon and Graphite 24-7 operations and support No Capacity planning and system evolution No Campaign management UI integrated with the bidder No Seats on exchanges / integration with exchanges No ETL for campaign reporting and bidding agents No
  • 27. Other Issues Keep it Simple There is an abundance of inventory. Your goal is to process enough bids to achieve your goals. Over-engineering is expensive. Unreliability is probably OK o Campaigns run for a long time and buy millions of impressions. Short outages probably don't matter o Most partners fine with noticeable error rates (~2%) Copyright 息 2015 Datacratic Inc. All rights reserved
  • 28. Other Issues Pacing and Strategy / Optimization Hard to do in real time, at high volume of transactions, in a distributed system Hard to understand what data and how much data to use Risky o blown daily caps o uneven or poor performance Copyright 息 2015 Datacratic Inc. All rights reserved
  • 29. Other Issues Ad Ops Existing Ad Ops Used to feature set of DSP UI Comfortable delivering campaigns with current tool set May be resistant to using a new system May be resistant to trusting a new system You may spend a lot of time on UI features and reports, not on your real- time platform Copyright 息 2015 Datacratic Inc. All rights reserved
  • 30. Host an RTBkit Meetup! Copyright 息 2015 Datacratic Inc. All rights reserved
  • 31. Q & A Copyright 息 2015 Datacratic Inc. All rights reserved