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Breaking the Rules
                           Professional picture
       1. This ladys looking straight out of the frame, which puts you on edge-and thats the idea.
           2. The mans gaze creates a really strong imaginary line connection the two figures.
3. The ladys off-center position works really well, and shes balanced well by the man at the back of the
My Breaking the Rules

I was taking this picture of my daughter, Abigale, but when I viewed the picture on my computer I
noticed the other two kids who look like they are dancing, but they are really jumping to pose for
                                   another picture being taken.
Professional Backgrounds
 Use a long focal length and
  wide lens aperture to throw
  busy, distracting backdrops
  out of focus.
 Fill the frame-the less space
  thats taken up by an
  unwanted background the
 Choose your camera
  position carefully, as this
  will affect whats in the
My Background Photo

I took this picture from a restaurant on the coast using a long lens   .
Avoid the Middle
                  Professional shot

 Dont be a slave to the
  Rule of Thirds just get
  your subject off center
 Look out for any balancing
  elements in the scene, such
  as this bright cave entrance
 In this image you can see
  how the space on the right
  (for the climber to look into)
  has simplified the picture.
Avoiding the middle-
I chose not to center this picture so I could get a view of the boat the
                          water and the kids.
Aspect Ratio
Professional shot
          You can crop the shot
           later if a subject is too tall
           to shoot.
          Turn the camera and try
           an upright shot to get
           different and sometimes
           improved results.
          Remember that your
           cameras aspect ratio
           might not be the same as
           the paper you print on.
My Aspect Ratio photo-
For this picture I turned the camera vertically and used the sport setting.

 Even though photographs
  themselves are static, they
  can still convey a strong
  sense of movement. When
  we look at pictures, we see
  whats happening and tend
  to look ahead  this creates
  a feeling of imbalance or
  unease if your subject has
  nowhere to move except
  out of the frame.
My Action Photo
  In this shot my son is riding on a skim board very quickly. In order to
take this shot I had to focus on what is about to happen by focusing on
                              the skim board.

   Because photography is a two-
    dimensional medium, we have to
    choose our composition carefully to
    conveys the sense of depth that
    was present in the actual scene.
    You can create depth in a photo by
    including objects in the
    foreground, middle ground and
    background. Another useful
    composition technique is
    overlapping, where you
    deliberately partially obscure one
    object with another. The human
    eye naturally recognises these
    layers and mentally separates them
    out, creating an image with more
My example of depth
In this picture you can see the human subjects, but the clouds show the depth of the

 Before photographing your
  subject, take time to think about
  where you will shoot it from. Our
  viewpoint has a massive impact
  on the composition of our
  photo, and as a result it can
  greatly affect the message that
  the shot conveys. Rather than just
  shooting from eye level, consider
  photographing from high
  above, down at ground
  level, from the side, from the
  back, from a long way away, from
  very close up, and so on.
View Point-
My photo using view point was taken from the second floor of a beach house looking down at the
The Rule of Thirds

 The Rule of Thirds means that the
  frame can be divided into three
  horizontal sections and three
  vertical sections and
  therefore, where the horizontal
  and vertical lines intersect makes
  an ideal location for the more
  important parts of your picture.
  By locating your main subject at
  one of the four intersections you
  give the subject more emphasis
  than if it was right smack in the
  middle of the picture.
My example of Rule of Thirds
If you cut this picture into thirds you would find my daughter and he friend in the in
                          the vertical and horizontal intersects.

    The problem with following the
    rule of thirds rule is that it can
    leave you with a strong focus point
    on one side of your shot and a big
    empty space on the other so, to
    improve this, see how you can add
    a secondary point of interest that's
    less important to balance your
    shot. This could mean moving an
    object (if you can), cropping in by
    zooming in with your lens or with
    the crop tool in your editing
    software or by moving your feet to
    find a different angle.
My Balance photo
In this picture the subjects (my son and daughter) are in balance
                         with the scenery

   Colors are what add heart and
    emotion to your pictures. Certain
    color configurations can inspire
    awe and amazement in onlookers.
    Colors can be used to add all sorts
    of accents and effects, but you
    must be careful to not draw
    attention away from the main

   It might not be a bad idea to keep
    these key terms with you when you
    practice taking pictures. The best
    way to learn and improve your
    composition is just lots of practice
    and experimenting.
My example of Colors
This pictures shows the deep rich colors of rocks and stones at a playground
      by my house. The playground in covered in these types of rocks.

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Rules of photgraphy powerpoint

  • 1. Breaking the Rules Professional picture 1. This ladys looking straight out of the frame, which puts you on edge-and thats the idea. 2. The mans gaze creates a really strong imaginary line connection the two figures. 3. The ladys off-center position works really well, and shes balanced well by the man at the back of the shot.
  • 2. My Breaking the Rules I was taking this picture of my daughter, Abigale, but when I viewed the picture on my computer I noticed the other two kids who look like they are dancing, but they are really jumping to pose for another picture being taken.
  • 3. Professional Backgrounds Use a long focal length and wide lens aperture to throw busy, distracting backdrops out of focus. Fill the frame-the less space thats taken up by an unwanted background the better. Choose your camera position carefully, as this will affect whats in the background.
  • 4. My Background Photo I took this picture from a restaurant on the coast using a long lens .
  • 5. Avoid the Middle Professional shot Dont be a slave to the Rule of Thirds just get your subject off center Look out for any balancing elements in the scene, such as this bright cave entrance In this image you can see how the space on the right (for the climber to look into) has simplified the picture.
  • 6. Avoiding the middle- I chose not to center this picture so I could get a view of the boat the water and the kids.
  • 7. Aspect Ratio Professional shot You can crop the shot later if a subject is too tall to shoot. Turn the camera and try an upright shot to get different and sometimes improved results. Remember that your cameras aspect ratio might not be the same as the paper you print on.
  • 8. My Aspect Ratio photo- For this picture I turned the camera vertically and used the sport setting.
  • 9. Action Even though photographs themselves are static, they can still convey a strong sense of movement. When we look at pictures, we see whats happening and tend to look ahead this creates a feeling of imbalance or unease if your subject has nowhere to move except out of the frame.
  • 10. My Action Photo In this shot my son is riding on a skim board very quickly. In order to take this shot I had to focus on what is about to happen by focusing on the skim board.
  • 11. Depth Because photography is a two- dimensional medium, we have to choose our composition carefully to conveys the sense of depth that was present in the actual scene. You can create depth in a photo by including objects in the foreground, middle ground and background. Another useful composition technique is overlapping, where you deliberately partially obscure one object with another. The human eye naturally recognises these layers and mentally separates them out, creating an image with more depth.
  • 12. My example of depth In this picture you can see the human subjects, but the clouds show the depth of the picture
  • 13. Viewpoint Before photographing your subject, take time to think about where you will shoot it from. Our viewpoint has a massive impact on the composition of our photo, and as a result it can greatly affect the message that the shot conveys. Rather than just shooting from eye level, consider photographing from high above, down at ground level, from the side, from the back, from a long way away, from very close up, and so on.
  • 14. View Point- My photo using view point was taken from the second floor of a beach house looking down at the girls.
  • 15. The Rule of Thirds The Rule of Thirds means that the frame can be divided into three horizontal sections and three vertical sections and therefore, where the horizontal and vertical lines intersect makes an ideal location for the more important parts of your picture. By locating your main subject at one of the four intersections you give the subject more emphasis than if it was right smack in the middle of the picture.
  • 16. My example of Rule of Thirds If you cut this picture into thirds you would find my daughter and he friend in the in the vertical and horizontal intersects.
  • 17. Balance The problem with following the rule of thirds rule is that it can leave you with a strong focus point on one side of your shot and a big empty space on the other so, to improve this, see how you can add a secondary point of interest that's less important to balance your shot. This could mean moving an object (if you can), cropping in by zooming in with your lens or with the crop tool in your editing software or by moving your feet to find a different angle.
  • 18. My Balance photo In this picture the subjects (my son and daughter) are in balance with the scenery
  • 19. Colors Colors are what add heart and emotion to your pictures. Certain color configurations can inspire awe and amazement in onlookers. Colors can be used to add all sorts of accents and effects, but you must be careful to not draw attention away from the main subject. It might not be a bad idea to keep these key terms with you when you practice taking pictures. The best way to learn and improve your composition is just lots of practice and experimenting.
  • 20. My example of Colors This pictures shows the deep rich colors of rocks and stones at a playground by my house. The playground in covered in these types of rocks.