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      Rusu Cristina (1), Volosciuc M. (1), Braha E. (1),
 Butnariu L. (1), Panzaru M. (1), Popescu R. (1), Caba L
 (1), Ivanov Iuliu (2), Gorduza Vlad (2), Covic Mircea (1)

(1) Medical Genetics Centre, Sf. Maria Childrens Hospital, Iasi, Romania;
(2) Immunology and Genetics Lab, Sf. Spiridon Hospital, Iasi, Romania
   Mental retardation (MR) = QI < 70;
   Prevalence: 3%; Mild MR - 7-10 x more frequent than
    moderate/ severe MR;
   Evaluation supposes gathering information from specialists
    (educator, psychologist, physician) + parents;
     Mild      (IQ 50-70)  85%;
     Moderate (IQ 35-50)  10%;
     Severe (IQ 20-35);
     Profound (IQ <20);

                                                   13/07/09      2
   Variable according to MR severity;
   Mild MR:
    o Environment  75-90% (social factors !);
    o Genetic factors  10-25%;

   Severe MR:
    o Environment  50%;
    o Genetic factors  50% (monogenic/ multifactorial disorders/
      chromosomal abnormalities).

                                                     13/07/09       3
  Numerical: trisomy 21, 13, 18, Klinefelter  karyotype;
      Deletions/ duplications: 4p-, 5p-  karyotype;
      Microdeleions/ duplications: Sdr Williams, Prader Willi,
       Angelman  FISH;
      Subtelomeric rearrangements  MLPA;
  X-linked mental retardation: Fragile X syndrome  DNA test
   (PCR, Southern blot);
  Metabolic disorders: Lesch Nyhan, Menkes  biochemical test.
                   POLYGENIC CAUSES
                                                   13/07/09       4
   We have designed, optimized and applied an investigation protocol
    for mentally retarded individuals; the protocol:
     Covers most genetic causes of moderate/ severe MR;
     Adapted to our lab (equipments/ cost of the reagents);
   We have taken 200 mentally retarded patients examined in Iasi
    Medical Genetics Center and analyzed the efficiency of the protocol:
     If De Vries score (proposed for subtelomeric rearrangements
      identification) could be used broadly for chromosomal abnormalities
     If the results provided by screening methods (antiFMRP test and MLPA)
      are concordant with diagnostic tests (long range PCR and FISH);
     If the methods chosen are reliable;
   Use selection scores, so that the percent of positive tests
    will be good enough;
   Choose the cheapest, less dangerous method that provides
    good results;
   Use a sequence of reactions: first screening tests and then
    diagnostic tests, so that the abnormality will be identified
    precisely in the end;
   Reducing the cost by reducing the amount of reagents used;
   PERSONAL HISTORY (pre/intra/postnatal  exclude MR produced by
    the environment);
   Extended FAMILY HISTORY  pedigree;
   Detailed PHYSICAL EXAMINATION (+ photos);
   DE VRIES SCORE for case selection;
   TEST the child with MR  anomalies identified  test the parents;
   GENETIC COUNSELLING (before test, followed by written consent of
    the parents; new session when test results were available);
               Data recorded in a DATABASE specially designed;
DE VRIES SCORE (2001): 3/> points necessary
Criteria                                                                      Score
Mental retardation family history
 Compatible with monogenic inheritance                                       1
 Incompatible with monogenic inheritance (including discordant phenotypes)   2
Prenatal onset growth retardation                                             2

Abnormal postnatal growth (1 point each, maximum 2 points)
 Microcephaly                                                                1
 Short stature                                                               1
 Macrocephaly                                                                1
 Tall stature                                                                1
2/> facial anomalies (mostly hypertelorism, nasal and auricular defects)      2

Extrafacial anomalies (1 point each, maximum 2 points), especially:
 Hand anomalies                                                              1
 Heart defects                                                               1
 Hypospadias +/- criptorchydism                                              1
   KARYOTYPE ( numerical & structural chromosomal abnormalities);
   BARR TEST  for cases that associate abnormal sexual development;
   Fragile X screening and diagnosis  done for cases with speech delay/
    autism (early signs of Fragile X); positive & negative samples included;
     ANTI-FMRP TEST (immunohistochemical test done on hair root) 
     Long range PCR (identifies premutations and complete mutations) 
   MLPA (2 separate kits P036 and P070)  subtelomeric rearrangements (if
    the results in both kits are abnormal) and polymorphisms (if the result is
    abnormal in a single kit);
   FISH  microdeletions / confirm subtelomeric rearrangements;
                  DNA stored for subsequent tests (after parental consent);
   53% of patients (106) have been selected for genetic testing; the rest
    were due to social causes/ perinatal events/ fetopathies etc;
   4 patients had specific monogenic disorders and a DNA sample has
    been taken for further confirmation;
   15 patients had a Barr test  3 cases confirmed;
   99 patients had a karyotype  43 cases identified; many of them
    were Down syndrome;
   7 patients had a FISH test for microdeletion  1 case confirmed;
   55 patients had a MLPA test  4 cases identified; FISH
    confirmation is in due course;
   8 patients had FraX testing  all normal;
   Structural chromosomal abnormalities identified by karyotype
                 have been confirmed by MLPA.

50%                                       Abnormal
        Barr   Kar   FISH   MLPA   FraX
Rusu Cristina  Rm B Rare Cluj
Rusu Cristina  Rm B Rare Cluj

                                                                                          01-001.2 SCNN1D

          01-001.0 TNFRSF18
                                                                                         01-247.1 SH3BP5L

                                                                                            02-000.3 ACP1

             02-000.3 ACP1
                                                                                          02-241.2 CAPN10

                                                                                            03-000.3 CHL1

             03-000.3 CHL1
                                                                                            03-198.8 BDH1

                                                                                            04-000.5 GPI7

           04-000.3 ZNF141
                                                                                            04-191.1 FRG1

                                                                                           05-000.3 PDCD6

          05-000.3 LOC133957
                                                                                          05-180.6 GNB2L1

                                                                                            06-000.3 IRF4
             06-000.3 IRF4
                                                                                           06-170.7 PSMB1

                                                                                          07-000.9 CENTA1
           07-000.9 UNC84A
                                                                                           07-158.6 VIPR2

                                                                                          08-000.4 FBXO25
           08-000.4 FBXO25
                                                                                           08-144.6 ZC3H3

                                                                                           09-000.9 DMRT1
            09-000.4 DOCK8
                                                                                           09-139.8 EHMT1

                                                                                           10-000.5 DIP2C
          10-000.2 ZMYND11
                                                                                            10-135.0 PAOX

                                                                                           11-000.2 RIC8A
            11-000.2 BET1L

                                                                                         11-133.6 hCAP-D3

                                                                                         12-000.12 SLC6A12
           12-000.3 JARID1A

                                                                                           12-132.2 ZNF10

                                                                                          13-019.2 PSPC1

            13-019.2 PSPC1

                                                                                                13-112.8 F7

                                                                                        14-019.9 CCNB1IP1
            14-019.9 PARP2

                                                                                            14-105.0 MTA1

             15-021.5 NDN                                                                 15-021.4 MKRN3

                                                                                         15-099.3 ALDH1A3

            16-000.4 DECR2                                                               16-000.04 POLR3K

                                                                                            16-088.6 GAS8

           17-000.1 RPH3AL                                                                17-000.1 RPH3AL

                                                                                            17-078.4 TBCD

            18-000.2 THOC1                                                                 18-000.2 USP14

                                                                                          18-075.9 C18orf22

           19-000.2 PPAP2C                                                                 19-000.5 CDC34

                                                                                         19-063.8 CHMP2A

           20-000.2 ZCCHC3                                                                 20-000.3 SOX12

                                                                                           20-062.2 OPRL1

            21-014.7 STCH                                                                  21-014.5 RBM11

                                                                                         21-046.9 HRMT1L1
                                                                                                                                                                                           DUPLICATION 9p

             22-016.0 IL17R
                                                                                             22-016.6 BID

                                                                                          22-049.6 RABL2B

             X-000.5 SHOX
                                                                                 X/Y-000.5 SHOX (PAR region)

                                                                                 X/Y-154.8 SYBL1 (PAR region)
Rusu Cristina  Rm B Rare Cluj

01-001.0 TNFRSF18

  02-000.3 ACP1

  03-000.3 CHL1

 04-000.3 ZNF141

5-000.3 LOC133957

   06-000.3 IRF4

 07-000.9 UNC84A

 08-000.4 FBXO25

 09-000.4 DOCK8

10-000.2 ZMYND11

  11-000.2 BET1L

12-000.3 JARID1A

 13-019.2 PSPC1

 14-019.9 PARP2

  15-021.5   NDN

 16-000.4 DECR2

 17-000.1 RPH3AL

 18-000.2 THOC1

 19-000.2 PPAP2C

 20-000.2 ZCCHC3

  21-014.7 STCH

  22-016.0 IL17R

  X-000.5 SHOX
   De Vries score - useful for case selection (both chromosomal
    abnormalities and subtelomeric rearrangements);
   MLPA - reliable, fast and unexpensive method that can be used
    as a screening method for subtelomeric rearrangements;
   MLPA may be used as a complementary method to identify marker
    chromosomes/ complex chromosomal abnormalities;
   The protocol could be further optimized by extending MLPA for
    other applications;
   Cases with normal results/ polymorphisms - reevaluated in order to
    get a final diagnosis;
   Cases identified - followed in order to prevent complications;
               clinical description of subtelomeric rearrangements
                        is an ongoing process.
13/07/09   18

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Rusu Cristina Rm B Rare Cluj

  • 1. DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS WITH MENTAL RETARDATION AND MULTIPLE CONGENITAL ANOMALIES IASI MEDICAL GENETICS CENTERS EXPERIENCE Rusu Cristina (1), Volosciuc M. (1), Braha E. (1), Butnariu L. (1), Panzaru M. (1), Popescu R. (1), Caba L (1), Ivanov Iuliu (2), Gorduza Vlad (2), Covic Mircea (1) (1) Medical Genetics Centre, Sf. Maria Childrens Hospital, Iasi, Romania; (2) Immunology and Genetics Lab, Sf. Spiridon Hospital, Iasi, Romania
  • 2. MENTAL RETARDATION DEFINITIONS Mental retardation (MR) = QI < 70; Prevalence: 3%; Mild MR - 7-10 x more frequent than moderate/ severe MR; Evaluation supposes gathering information from specialists (educator, psychologist, physician) + parents; Classification: Mild (IQ 50-70) 85%; Moderate (IQ 35-50) 10%; Severe (IQ 20-35); Profound (IQ <20); 13/07/09 2
  • 3. MENTAL RETARDATION DETERMINISM Variable according to MR severity; Mild MR: o Environment 75-90% (social factors !); o Genetic factors 10-25%; Severe MR: o Environment 50%; o Genetic factors 50% (monogenic/ multifactorial disorders/ chromosomal abnormalities). 13/07/09 3
  • 4. MODERATE / SEVERE M.R. GENETIC CAUSES CHROMOSOMAL ABNORMALITIES: Numerical: trisomy 21, 13, 18, Klinefelter karyotype; Structural: Deletions/ duplications: 4p-, 5p- karyotype; Microdeleions/ duplications: Sdr Williams, Prader Willi, Angelman FISH; Subtelomeric rearrangements MLPA; MONOGENIC DISORDERS: X-linked mental retardation: Fragile X syndrome DNA test (PCR, Southern blot); Metabolic disorders: Lesch Nyhan, Menkes biochemical test. POLYGENIC CAUSES MITOCHONDRIAL DISORDERS 13/07/09 4
  • 5. MATERIAL AND METHOD We have designed, optimized and applied an investigation protocol for mentally retarded individuals; the protocol: Covers most genetic causes of moderate/ severe MR; Adapted to our lab (equipments/ cost of the reagents); We have taken 200 mentally retarded patients examined in Iasi Medical Genetics Center and analyzed the efficiency of the protocol: If De Vries score (proposed for subtelomeric rearrangements identification) could be used broadly for chromosomal abnormalities detection; If the results provided by screening methods (antiFMRP test and MLPA) are concordant with diagnostic tests (long range PCR and FISH); If the methods chosen are reliable;
  • 6. PROTOCOL OPTIMIZATION Use selection scores, so that the percent of positive tests will be good enough; Choose the cheapest, less dangerous method that provides good results; Use a sequence of reactions: first screening tests and then diagnostic tests, so that the abnormality will be identified precisely in the end; Reducing the cost by reducing the amount of reagents used;
  • 7. CLINICAL PROTOCOL PERSONAL HISTORY (pre/intra/postnatal exclude MR produced by the environment); Extended FAMILY HISTORY pedigree; ANTHROPOMETRIC MEASUREMENTS (Ht, Wt, HC, others); Detailed PHYSICAL EXAMINATION (+ photos); PSYCHOLOGIC EVALUATION; EVALUATION DE VRIES SCORE for case selection; TEST the child with MR anomalies identified test the parents; GENETIC COUNSELLING (before test, followed by written consent of the parents; new session when test results were available); Data recorded in a DATABASE specially designed;
  • 8. DE VRIES SCORE (2001): 3/> points necessary Criteria Score Mental retardation family history Compatible with monogenic inheritance 1 Incompatible with monogenic inheritance (including discordant phenotypes) 2 Prenatal onset growth retardation 2 Abnormal postnatal growth (1 point each, maximum 2 points) Microcephaly 1 Short stature 1 Macrocephaly 1 Tall stature 1 2/> facial anomalies (mostly hypertelorism, nasal and auricular defects) 2 Extrafacial anomalies (1 point each, maximum 2 points), especially: Hand anomalies 1 Heart defects 1 Hypospadias +/- criptorchydism 1
  • 9. INVESTIGATION PROTOCOL KARYOTYPE ( numerical & structural chromosomal abnormalities); BARR TEST for cases that associate abnormal sexual development; Fragile X screening and diagnosis done for cases with speech delay/ autism (early signs of Fragile X); positive & negative samples included; ANTI-FMRP TEST (immunohistochemical test done on hair root) screening; Long range PCR (identifies premutations and complete mutations) diagnostic; MLPA (2 separate kits P036 and P070) subtelomeric rearrangements (if the results in both kits are abnormal) and polymorphisms (if the result is abnormal in a single kit); FISH microdeletions / confirm subtelomeric rearrangements; DNA stored for subsequent tests (after parental consent);
  • 10. RESULTS 53% of patients (106) have been selected for genetic testing; the rest were due to social causes/ perinatal events/ fetopathies etc; 4 patients had specific monogenic disorders and a DNA sample has been taken for further confirmation; 15 patients had a Barr test 3 cases confirmed; 99 patients had a karyotype 43 cases identified; many of them were Down syndrome; 7 patients had a FISH test for microdeletion 1 case confirmed; 55 patients had a MLPA test 4 cases identified; FISH confirmation is in due course; 8 patients had FraX testing all normal; Structural chromosomal abnormalities identified by karyotype have been confirmed by MLPA.
  • 11. TEST EFFICIENCY 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% Abnormal Normal 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Barr Kar FISH MLPA FraX
  • 14. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 01-001.2 SCNN1D 01-001.0 TNFRSF18 01-247.1 SH3BP5L 02-000.3 ACP1 02-000.3 ACP1 02-241.2 CAPN10 03-000.3 CHL1 03-000.3 CHL1 03-198.8 BDH1 04-000.5 GPI7 04-000.3 ZNF141 04-191.1 FRG1 05-000.3 PDCD6 05-000.3 LOC133957 05-180.6 GNB2L1 06-000.3 IRF4 06-000.3 IRF4 06-170.7 PSMB1 07-000.9 CENTA1 07-000.9 UNC84A 07-158.6 VIPR2 08-000.4 FBXO25 08-000.4 FBXO25 08-144.6 ZC3H3 09-000.9 DMRT1 09-000.4 DOCK8 09-139.8 EHMT1 10-000.5 DIP2C 10-000.2 ZMYND11 10-135.0 PAOX 11-000.2 RIC8A 11-000.2 BET1L 11-133.6 hCAP-D3 12-000.12 SLC6A12 12-000.3 JARID1A 12-132.2 ZNF10 Mapview 13-019.2 PSPC1 Mapview 13-019.2 PSPC1 13-112.8 F7 14-019.9 CCNB1IP1 14-019.9 PARP2 po36-88.D04_08121819RL^CEQsCSV.csv 14-105.0 MTA1 15-021.5 NDN 15-021.4 MKRN3 15-099.3 ALDH1A3 P070.88.G01_09032408H9^CEQsCSV.csv 16-000.4 DECR2 16-000.04 POLR3K 16-088.6 GAS8 17-000.1 RPH3AL 17-000.1 RPH3AL 17-078.4 TBCD 18-000.2 THOC1 18-000.2 USP14 18-075.9 C18orf22 19-000.2 PPAP2C 19-000.5 CDC34 19-063.8 CHMP2A 20-000.2 ZCCHC3 20-000.3 SOX12 20-062.2 OPRL1 21-014.7 STCH 21-014.5 RBM11 21-046.9 HRMT1L1 DUPLICATION 9p 22-016.0 IL17R 22-016.6 BID 22-049.6 RABL2B X-000.5 SHOX X/Y-000.5 SHOX (PAR region) X/Y-154.8 SYBL1 (PAR region)
  • 16. Ratio 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 01-001.0 TNFRSF18 02-000.3 ACP1 03-000.3 CHL1 04-000.3 ZNF141 5-000.3 LOC133957 06-000.3 IRF4 07-000.9 UNC84A 08-000.4 FBXO25 09-000.4 DOCK8 10-000.2 ZMYND11 11-000.2 BET1L 12-000.3 JARID1A 13-019.2 PSPC1 14-019.9 PARP2 15-021.5 NDN P070.111.H01_09032408HA^CEQsCSV.csv 16-000.4 DECR2 17-000.1 RPH3AL 18-000.2 THOC1 19-000.2 PPAP2C 20-000.2 ZCCHC3 21-014.7 STCH 22-016.0 IL17R dup(21)(q22.3;q11.2) X-000.5 SHOX
  • 17. CONCLUSIONS De Vries score - useful for case selection (both chromosomal abnormalities and subtelomeric rearrangements); MLPA - reliable, fast and unexpensive method that can be used as a screening method for subtelomeric rearrangements; MLPA may be used as a complementary method to identify marker chromosomes/ complex chromosomal abnormalities; The protocol could be further optimized by extending MLPA for other applications; Cases with normal results/ polymorphisms - reevaluated in order to get a final diagnosis; Cases identified - followed in order to prevent complications; clinical description of subtelomeric rearrangements is an ongoing process.
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