Responsive Web Design 帶來了網頁技術的革新,僅僅透過 Media Queries 偵測螢幕尺寸,便能提供適合不同尺寸裝置的內容與樣式。
從技術角度來看,可歸納『資源一致性』、『相容彈性』、『環境適應』、『品質最佳化』等四個要素。本題將就此四項要素介紹應用實例,說明如何提高 Responsive Web 的彈性,並增加行動網頁瀏覽效率。
Node.js is a framework for building scalable server-side applications and network programs using asynchronous JavaScript. It has a non-blocking I/O model that uses a single-threaded event loop which improves speed and reduces memory usage. Key benefits include its fast performance, non-blocking I/O, small memory footprint, use of the V8 JavaScript engine, and ability to be used for both frontend and backend development through its reactive programming approach.
React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces that was created by Facebook. It renders user interfaces and responds to user interactions by reducing complexity and improving performance behind the scenes. React uses a virtual DOM diff implementation to render on the server or client with high performance, and optional JSX syntax sugar makes the code easier for engineers and designers to work with. Major companies like Facebook, Netflix, and Airbnb use React for its portability, performance, maintainability, comprehensibility, and testability.
Java Serverless Application Development using Microsoft Azure - DevJam 2021shaunthomas999
The document discusses developing Java serverless applications using Microsoft Azure. It introduces serverless and microservices concepts and provides an overview of developing Azure Functions using Java. It includes links to documentation, tools, and a demo application repository for building serverless functions with Java on Azure. The presentation aims to help understand serverless development options and provide resources for creating Java serverless applications on Azure.
React is an open source library for building user interfaces and mobile apps. React Native allows developers to use React to write and deploy native mobile apps for iOS and Android from the same code base. It uses a virtual DOM for rendering to provide high performance while allowing cross-platform development with shared code for both platforms.
The document discusses running Node.js applications on Windows Azure. It begins with an introduction to Node.js and demos of building a simple Node.js app. It then discusses how LinkedIn uses Node.js extensively for their mobile backend. Finally, it covers deploying Node.js apps to Windows Azure Websites, including support for Node.js, tools like NPM, and databases like MongoDB on Azure.
George is a JavaScript engineer with over 10 years of experience building scalable and maintainable web applications using technologies like Node.js, Express, MongoDB, AngularJS, ReactJS, and Ember. He enjoys taking on challenges and pushing technical boundaries. Some of his past roles include working as a senior full stack developer at PaySafe implementing Ember applications, and as a full stack JavaScript developer at Global Radio helping establish a new AngularJS, NodeJS, and Docker stack.
This document discusses developing, deploying, and maintaining a ReactJS UI for the mobile web from a large news portal. Some key points include starting with the views, using stateless components, and that it's okay to use jQuery. Lessons learned are that applications have UIs, websites have pages, and modules can be used instead of frameworks. The future of UI development is seen as platform-independent components, and mobile web is still relevant.
Plog2014 - Saucelabs - a perspective on tiles to empower your plone editorssimahawk
Overview on migration to Plone CMS.
The official public website is in the process o migrating to Plone. We empowered their editors using Plone and a custom interface for building composite pages with predefined tiles.
Responsive Webdesign is much more than squishing containers and setting breakpoints. Performance is often a big problem. How to achieve performance with progressive enhancement, conditional loading and RESS. Original 狠狠撸show:
Stocktwits & Responsive Web Design, social network meets flexible frameworkJohn Strott
The slides from our presentation on responsive web design using the StockTwits site as a case study. No audio, but feel free to contact us for more information regarding this deck.
The Evolution of CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile) Viewing. The objective of the workshop is to provide you with all the information required to implement our evolutionary technology.
The Evolution of CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile) Viewing. The objective of the workshop is to provide you with all the information required to implement our evolutionary technology.
Responsive Web Designed for your communication and marketing needsSEGIC
This presentation will give you an overview of the application of Responsive Web Designed. Obviously a live presentation would show you the application in Action
Join the largest JavaScript Conference in Israel Things have changed. Today JS is the language of the web. On the client, on the server, on the mobile, everywhere. But let's face it: JS still has challenges.
The document discusses principles of responsive and adaptive web design. It covers topics like flexible layouts, images and media, media queries, breakpoints, grids, and frameworks like Bootstrap. Flexible layouts using percentages allow content to scale and reorganize across devices. Images and media should resize proportionally. Media queries apply different CSS styles based on screen width conditions. The grid helps layout content consistently. Frameworks like Bootstrap provide tools to build responsive sites more easily. The goal is to design sites that adapt to various contexts like device type or width.
This document discusses browser engines and summarizes key points:
1. It describes how browsers work at a high level, including parsing HTML and CSS to build DOM and render trees, performing layout and painting, and using JavaScript engines.
2. It covers advanced rendering technologies like hardware acceleration, compositing, and threaded rendering to improve performance.
3. It provides tips for engine developers to optimize layout, painting, and rendering, such as using layers and translation instead of positioning to reduce reflows.
These are the slides for the Austin Adobe User Group presentation on Responsive Web Design and Retina Displays on 9/14/12. The code example files are at:
Angularjs practical project experiences with javascript development in a bankDavid Amend
This document summarizes a presentation about DAB Bank's experience switching to Angular.js for web development. It discusses how Angular.js helped solve problems with AJAX, customization, and legacy code. It provides an overview of how DAB Bank used Angular.js to build a personal finance manager application. Additional slides cover topics like SEO, security, Angular 2.0, TypeScript, and modern tech stacks.
A Responsive Design Case Study - What We Did Wrong Building ResponsiveDesign....Aidan Foster
This presentation was originally presented at Drupal Camp Toronto, 2012.
To view the video cast of this presentation visit
-----DESCRIPTION----- was launched in February of 2012, and it was well received. It was our first mobile-first responsive site. We built it quickly and knew it wasn’t perfect, but the game plan was to launch early and incrementally improve the site over time.
It’s not even a year later we use whole new workflows, creative design methods, modules, and development tools in our responsive websites. This talk will highlight how we created the original project and what we’ve since learned regarding workflow and development including:
Responsive Images Modules
Creative Concept Development
Device vs. Natural Breakpoints
SASS / Compass + Mixins we use
Dealing with IE
----- Originally Presented at Drupal Camp Toronto 2012 -----
Microservices in der Cloud - Software Architecture Summit Berlin 2016Christian Deger
Keine Lust mehr auf Stau im Rechenzentrum? Wieso nicht einen Gang zulegen und auf die ?berholspur wechseln? Lernen Sie, wie AutoScout24 die Autobahn in der Cloud baut. Wir erfinden uns grundlegend neu und wechseln vom Monolithen zu Microservices, von .NET auf Windows zu Scala auf Linux, vom Rechenzentrum zu AWS und von getrennter Entwicklung und Betriebsabteilung zu einer Kultur der Zusammenarbeit. An diesem Beispiel aus der Praxis werden sie erfahren, wieso diese Transformation wichtig ist, wie man ?Cloud-native“ wird, wie eine Architektur sich entwickelt, wie autonome Teams Software entwickeln und betreiben und wie Prinzipien Orientierung geben.
Responsive Web Design: Clever Tips and TechniquesVitaly Friedman
Responsive Web design challenges Web designers to adapt a new mindset to their design and coding processes. This talk provides an overview of various practical techniques, tips and tricks that you might want to be aware of when working on a new responsive design project.
In today's digital landscape, a fast and responsive website is essential for success. The pursuit of improving website performance and speed has transformed the development landscape. Meet Next.js - the solution to building faster, more responsive, and highly visible websites, including the Next.js blog.
Da tela retina ao Google Glass, design responsivo n?o é feature é obriga??o.Pedro Marques
This document discusses responsive design and designing for different screen sizes and devices. It covers topics like retina/high resolution screens, device pixel ratios for mobile devices, and considerations for new platforms like Google Glass. It emphasizes that responsive design is not just for mobile, but creating flexible experiences across all devices. Key quotes encourage delivering content to users however they want to consume it and that it is the designer's responsibility to provide a good experience across formats.
Advancio, Inc. Academy: Responsive Web DesignAdvancio
Responsive web design allows a website to adapt to different screen sizes using fluid grids, scalable images, and media queries. It involves developing sites using relative units like percentages instead of pixels so elements resize proportionately. Media queries allow different CSS stylesheets to be loaded depending on screen width, orientiation, resolution and other factors. This allows a single website to be accessed seamlessly on any device from phones to desktops to tablets without needing separate mobile sites.
Responsive Web design is the approach that suggests
that design and development should respond to the
user’s behavior and environment based on screen size,
platform and orientation. The practice consists of a mix
of flexible grids and layouts, images and an intelligent
use of CSS media queries. As the user switches from
their laptop to iPad, the website should automatically
switch to accommodate for resolution, image size and
scripting abilities. In other words, the website should
have the technology to automatically respond to the
user’s preferences. This would eliminate the need for a
different design and development phase for each new
gadget on the market.
Alexa IT Solution Responsive Web designingRavi Panchal
Alexa IT Solution company specialising in Business and E-commerce website, mobile and web application and services. We are located in ahmedabad, india.
The document discusses responsive web design (RWD). RWD allows a website to automatically adapt its layout to different screen sizes and devices like mobile phones, tablets, laptops and desktops. It explains that RWD was created to provide a good user experience across all devices with one unified website, rather than separate mobile sites. The document covers how to make a website responsive using fluid grids, flexible images and CSS media queries to detect screen sizes and apply different styling. It provides tips for mobile-first design and techniques like Adaptive Images to optimize images for different screens.
Neev Technologies is a software development company established in 2005 with development centers in Bangalore and Pune, India. It has offices globally including the US, Sweden, India, and Singapore. Neev specializes in responsive UI design using CSS media queries to detect screen sizes and reposition or remove content blocks to optimize the layout based on the viewing device. CSS media queries allow defining CSS rules that apply when certain media query conditions are met, such as screen width, to implement responsive design.
How to be an effective designer to work with the developer.
This is shared at the UX meetup with NCKU ID Alumni and the topic is inspired by Effective Engineer.
Building E-Commerce Content Marketing Site for Fashion Industry - Drupal Camp...Chris Wu
Our experiences in building a e-commerce site for fashion Industry.
In this presentation, we share our experience building a fashion content marketing site with Drupal and integrating Shopify as the e-commerce platform.
More Related Content
Similar to 從技術角度看 RWD - Technical Approaches to RWD (20)
Responsive Webdesign is much more than squishing containers and setting breakpoints. Performance is often a big problem. How to achieve performance with progressive enhancement, conditional loading and RESS. Original 狠狠撸show:
Stocktwits & Responsive Web Design, social network meets flexible frameworkJohn Strott
The slides from our presentation on responsive web design using the StockTwits site as a case study. No audio, but feel free to contact us for more information regarding this deck.
The Evolution of CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile) Viewing. The objective of the workshop is to provide you with all the information required to implement our evolutionary technology.
The Evolution of CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile) Viewing. The objective of the workshop is to provide you with all the information required to implement our evolutionary technology.
Responsive Web Designed for your communication and marketing needsSEGIC
This presentation will give you an overview of the application of Responsive Web Designed. Obviously a live presentation would show you the application in Action
Join the largest JavaScript Conference in Israel Things have changed. Today JS is the language of the web. On the client, on the server, on the mobile, everywhere. But let's face it: JS still has challenges.
The document discusses principles of responsive and adaptive web design. It covers topics like flexible layouts, images and media, media queries, breakpoints, grids, and frameworks like Bootstrap. Flexible layouts using percentages allow content to scale and reorganize across devices. Images and media should resize proportionally. Media queries apply different CSS styles based on screen width conditions. The grid helps layout content consistently. Frameworks like Bootstrap provide tools to build responsive sites more easily. The goal is to design sites that adapt to various contexts like device type or width.
This document discusses browser engines and summarizes key points:
1. It describes how browsers work at a high level, including parsing HTML and CSS to build DOM and render trees, performing layout and painting, and using JavaScript engines.
2. It covers advanced rendering technologies like hardware acceleration, compositing, and threaded rendering to improve performance.
3. It provides tips for engine developers to optimize layout, painting, and rendering, such as using layers and translation instead of positioning to reduce reflows.
These are the slides for the Austin Adobe User Group presentation on Responsive Web Design and Retina Displays on 9/14/12. The code example files are at:
Angularjs practical project experiences with javascript development in a bankDavid Amend
This document summarizes a presentation about DAB Bank's experience switching to Angular.js for web development. It discusses how Angular.js helped solve problems with AJAX, customization, and legacy code. It provides an overview of how DAB Bank used Angular.js to build a personal finance manager application. Additional slides cover topics like SEO, security, Angular 2.0, TypeScript, and modern tech stacks.
A Responsive Design Case Study - What We Did Wrong Building ResponsiveDesign....Aidan Foster
This presentation was originally presented at Drupal Camp Toronto, 2012.
To view the video cast of this presentation visit
-----DESCRIPTION----- was launched in February of 2012, and it was well received. It was our first mobile-first responsive site. We built it quickly and knew it wasn’t perfect, but the game plan was to launch early and incrementally improve the site over time.
It’s not even a year later we use whole new workflows, creative design methods, modules, and development tools in our responsive websites. This talk will highlight how we created the original project and what we’ve since learned regarding workflow and development including:
Responsive Images Modules
Creative Concept Development
Device vs. Natural Breakpoints
SASS / Compass + Mixins we use
Dealing with IE
----- Originally Presented at Drupal Camp Toronto 2012 -----
Microservices in der Cloud - Software Architecture Summit Berlin 2016Christian Deger
Keine Lust mehr auf Stau im Rechenzentrum? Wieso nicht einen Gang zulegen und auf die ?berholspur wechseln? Lernen Sie, wie AutoScout24 die Autobahn in der Cloud baut. Wir erfinden uns grundlegend neu und wechseln vom Monolithen zu Microservices, von .NET auf Windows zu Scala auf Linux, vom Rechenzentrum zu AWS und von getrennter Entwicklung und Betriebsabteilung zu einer Kultur der Zusammenarbeit. An diesem Beispiel aus der Praxis werden sie erfahren, wieso diese Transformation wichtig ist, wie man ?Cloud-native“ wird, wie eine Architektur sich entwickelt, wie autonome Teams Software entwickeln und betreiben und wie Prinzipien Orientierung geben.
Responsive Web Design: Clever Tips and TechniquesVitaly Friedman
Responsive Web design challenges Web designers to adapt a new mindset to their design and coding processes. This talk provides an overview of various practical techniques, tips and tricks that you might want to be aware of when working on a new responsive design project.
In today's digital landscape, a fast and responsive website is essential for success. The pursuit of improving website performance and speed has transformed the development landscape. Meet Next.js - the solution to building faster, more responsive, and highly visible websites, including the Next.js blog.
Da tela retina ao Google Glass, design responsivo n?o é feature é obriga??o.Pedro Marques
This document discusses responsive design and designing for different screen sizes and devices. It covers topics like retina/high resolution screens, device pixel ratios for mobile devices, and considerations for new platforms like Google Glass. It emphasizes that responsive design is not just for mobile, but creating flexible experiences across all devices. Key quotes encourage delivering content to users however they want to consume it and that it is the designer's responsibility to provide a good experience across formats.
Advancio, Inc. Academy: Responsive Web DesignAdvancio
Responsive web design allows a website to adapt to different screen sizes using fluid grids, scalable images, and media queries. It involves developing sites using relative units like percentages instead of pixels so elements resize proportionately. Media queries allow different CSS stylesheets to be loaded depending on screen width, orientiation, resolution and other factors. This allows a single website to be accessed seamlessly on any device from phones to desktops to tablets without needing separate mobile sites.
Responsive Web design is the approach that suggests
that design and development should respond to the
user’s behavior and environment based on screen size,
platform and orientation. The practice consists of a mix
of flexible grids and layouts, images and an intelligent
use of CSS media queries. As the user switches from
their laptop to iPad, the website should automatically
switch to accommodate for resolution, image size and
scripting abilities. In other words, the website should
have the technology to automatically respond to the
user’s preferences. This would eliminate the need for a
different design and development phase for each new
gadget on the market.
Alexa IT Solution Responsive Web designingRavi Panchal
Alexa IT Solution company specialising in Business and E-commerce website, mobile and web application and services. We are located in ahmedabad, india.
The document discusses responsive web design (RWD). RWD allows a website to automatically adapt its layout to different screen sizes and devices like mobile phones, tablets, laptops and desktops. It explains that RWD was created to provide a good user experience across all devices with one unified website, rather than separate mobile sites. The document covers how to make a website responsive using fluid grids, flexible images and CSS media queries to detect screen sizes and apply different styling. It provides tips for mobile-first design and techniques like Adaptive Images to optimize images for different screens.
Neev Technologies is a software development company established in 2005 with development centers in Bangalore and Pune, India. It has offices globally including the US, Sweden, India, and Singapore. Neev specializes in responsive UI design using CSS media queries to detect screen sizes and reposition or remove content blocks to optimize the layout based on the viewing device. CSS media queries allow defining CSS rules that apply when certain media query conditions are met, such as screen width, to implement responsive design.
How to be an effective designer to work with the developer.
This is shared at the UX meetup with NCKU ID Alumni and the topic is inspired by Effective Engineer.
Building E-Commerce Content Marketing Site for Fashion Industry - Drupal Camp...Chris Wu
Our experiences in building a e-commerce site for fashion Industry.
In this presentation, we share our experience building a fashion content marketing site with Drupal and integrating Shopify as the e-commerce platform.
This document discusses changes to Drupal 8 theme development including:
1. Adopting SMACSS and BEM coding standards for CSS organization and naming.
2. Switching from PHP templates to the Twig templating language for improved security and easier development.
3. Changes to the theme structure including new files like .info.yml and .libraries.yml and moving templates to .html.twig files.
This document contains information about using Drupal presented by Chris Wu. It discusses using Drupal as a designer, programmer, and web administrator. It provides tips on using themes, modules, Views, hooks, databases, performance optimization, and command line tools like Drush.
How Discord Indexes Trillions of Messages: Scaling Search Infrastructure by V...ScyllaDB
This talk shares how Discord scaled their message search infrastructure using Rust, Kubernetes, and a multi-cluster Elasticsearch architecture to achieve better performance, operability, and reliability, while also enabling new search features for Discord users.
Fl studio crack version 12.9 Free Downloadkherorpacca127
Note: >>?? Please copy the link and paste it into Google New Tab now Download link
The ultimate guide to FL Studio 12.9 Crack, the revolutionary digital audio workstation that empowers musicians and producers of all levels. This software has become a cornerstone in the music industry, offering unparalleled creative capabilities, cutting-edge features, and an intuitive workflow.
With FL Studio 12.9 Crack, you gain access to a vast arsenal of instruments, effects, and plugins, seamlessly integrated into a user-friendly interface. Its signature Piano Roll Editor provides an exceptional level of musical expression, while the advanced automation features empower you to create complex and dynamic compositions.
[Webinar] Scaling Made Simple: Getting Started with No-Code Web AppsSafe Software
Ready to simplify workflow sharing across your organization without diving into complex coding? With FME Flow Apps, you can build no-code web apps that make your data work harder for you — fast.
In this webinar, we’ll show you how to:
Build and deploy Workspace Apps to create an intuitive user interface for self-serve data processing and validation.
Automate processes using Automation Apps. Learn to create a no-code web app to kick off workflows tailored to your needs, trigger multiple workspaces and external actions, and use conditional filtering within automations to control your workflows.
Create a centralized portal with Gallery Apps to share a collection of no-code web apps across your organization.
Through real-world examples and practical demos, you’ll learn how to transform your workflows into intuitive, self-serve solutions that empower your team and save you time. We can’t wait to show you what’s possible!
Backstage Software Templates for Java DevelopersMarkus Eisele
As a Java developer you might have a hard time accepting the limitations that you feel being introduced into your development cycles. Let's look at the positives and learn everything important to know to turn Backstag's software templates into a helpful tool you can use to elevate the platform experience for all developers.
Technology use over time and its impact on consumers and businesses.pptxkaylagaze
In this presentation, I explore how technology has changed consumer behaviour and its impact on consumers and businesses. I will focus on internet access, digital devices, how customers search for information and what they buy online, video consumption, and lastly consumer trends.
Future-Proof Your Career with AI OptionsDianaGray10
Learn about the difference between automation, AI and agentic and ways you can harness these to further your career. In this session you will learn:
Introduction to automation, AI, agentic
Trends in the marketplace
Take advantage of UiPath training and certification
In demand skills needed to strategically position yourself to stay ahead
? If you have any questions or feedback, please refer to the "Women in Automation 2025" dedicated Forum thread. You can find there extra details and updates.
What Makes "Deep Research"? A Dive into AI AgentsZilliz
About this webinar:
Unless you live under a rock, you will have heard about OpenAI’s release of Deep Research on Feb 2, 2025. This new product promises to revolutionize how we answer questions requiring the synthesis of large amounts of diverse information. But how does this technology work, and why is Deep Research a noticeable improvement over previous attempts? In this webinar, we will examine the concepts underpinning modern agents using our basic clone, Deep Searcher, as an example.
Topics covered:
Tool use
Structured output
Reasoning models
Types of agentic memory
Note: >> Please copy the link and paste it into Google New Tab now Download link
Free Download Wondershare Filmora Full Version - All-in-one home video editor to make a great video.Free Download Wondershare Filmora for Windows PC is an all-in-one home video editor with powerful functionality and a fully stacked feature set. Filmora has a simple drag-and-drop top interface, allowing you to be artistic with the story you want to create.Video Editing Simplified - Ignite Your Story. A powerful and intuitive video editing experience. Filmora 10 hash two new ways to edit: Action Cam Tool (Correct lens distortion, Clean up your audio, New speed controls) and Instant Cutter (Trim or merge clips quickly, Instant export).Filmora allows you to create projects in 4:3 or 16:9, so you can crop the videos or resize them to fit the size you want. This way, quickly converting a widescreen material to SD format is possible.
Replacing RocksDB with ScyllaDB in Kafka Streams by Almog GavraScyllaDB
Learn how Responsive replaced embedded RocksDB with ScyllaDB in Kafka Streams, simplifying the architecture and unlocking massive availability and scale. The talk covers unbundling stream processors, key ScyllaDB features tested, and lessons learned from the transition.
UiPath Automation Developer Associate Training Series 2025 - Session 2DianaGray10
In session 2, we will introduce you to Data manipulation in UiPath Studio.
Topics covered:
Data Manipulation
What is Data Manipulation
RegEx Builder
Date and Time
Required Self-Paced Learning for this session:
Data Manipulation with Strings in UiPath Studio (v2022.10) 2 modules - 1h 30m -
Data Manipulation with Lists and Dictionaries in UiPath Studio (v2022.10) 2 modules - 1h - https:/
Data Manipulation with Data Tables in UiPath Studio (v2022.10) 2 modules - 1h 30m - https:/
?? For any questions you may have, please use the dedicated Forum thread. You can tag the hosts and mentors directly and they will reply as soon as possible.
Computational Photography: How Technology is Changing Way We Capture the WorldHusseinMalikMammadli
? Computational Photography (Computer Vision/Image): How Technology is Changing the Way We Capture the World
He? dü?ünmüsünüzmü, müasir smartfonlar v? kameralar nec? bu q?d?r g?z?l g?rüntül?r yarad?r? Bunun sirri Computational Fotoqrafiyas?nda(Computer Vision/Imaging) gizlidir—??kill?ri ??km? v? emal etm? üsulumuzu t?kmill??dir?n, kompüter elmi il? fotoqrafiyan?n inqilabi birl??m?si.
UiPath Automation Developer Associate Training Series 2025 - Session 1DianaGray10
Welcome to UiPath Automation Developer Associate Training Series 2025 - Session 1.
In this session, we will cover the following topics:
Introduction to RPA & UiPath Studio
Overview of RPA and its applications
Introduction to UiPath Studio
Variables & Data Types
Control Flows
You are requested to finish the following self-paced training for this session:
Variables, Constants and Arguments in Studio 2 modules - 1h 30m -
Control Flow in Studio 2 modules - 2h 15m - https:/
?? For any questions you may have, please use the dedicated Forum thread. You can tag the hosts and mentors directly and they will reply as soon as possible.
8. Technical Approach to Responsive Web Design 8
Mobile Friendly
APR. 21
Google expanding the use of mobile-friendliness as a
ranking signal.
FEB. 26
Google announced two
important changes about
mobile-friendly content.
10. Technical Approach to Responsive Web Design 10
我是 iPad mini 上的 Safari
Adaptive Web Design
11. Technical Approach to Responsive Web Design 11
嗨!來看看 網站!
我的畫?面寬度是 768 px
Responsive Web Design
Desktop Mobile
12. Technical Approach to Responsive Web Design 12
Responsive Web Design
13. Technical Approach to Responsive Web Design 13
我是 iPad mini 上的 Safari
Responsive Web Design with Server Side Components
我的畫?面寬度是 768 px
OK,這些是你需要的檔案 Mobile
25. Technical Approach to Responsive Web Design 25
End of
End of
End of
End of
HTTP Archive Report
26. Technical Approach to Responsive Web Design 26
End of 2014
HTML CSS Flash JS Images Other
Images: 63.65%
JavaScript: 15.10%
27. Technical Approach to Responsive Web Design 27
80/20 法則
處理好圖?片與 JS 的問題,便能夠解決?大部份的下載效能
58. Technical Approach to Responsive Web Design 58
what is <picture> element
HTML5 Living Standard
59. Technical Approach to Responsive Web Design 59
what is <img> element
HTML5 Living Standard
??目前寬度等於 30em 則顯?示圖?片寬度為 100vw
使?用 small.jpg 1x (320w / 320px) 或 medium.jpg 2x (640w / 320px)
60. Technical Approach to Responsive Web Design 60
only screen and (min-width:769px)
only screen and (min-width:415px)
61. Technical Approach to Responsive Web Design 61
think about the case
62. Technical Approach to Responsive Web Design 62
think about the case
only screen
only screen
only screen
63. Technical Approach to Responsive Web Design 63
think about the case
64. Technical Approach to Responsive Web Design 64
think about the case
65. Technical Approach to Responsive Web Design 65
responsive media
適合插圖、Infographic 類型資
料使?用,可透過 CSS 達成動態
Icon Font
透過 CSS 修改 ICON ?色彩。單
CSS3 Graphic
純 CSS 繪圖,難度較?高,可搭
配 CSS3 Animation 與 media
queries 產?生?高互動的圖案。
75. Technical Approach to Responsive Web Design 75
? Vibration API
? Battery Status API
? Media Capture & Streams
HTML 5 + Device API
76. Technical Approach to Responsive Web Design 76
Loading Widgets
trigger by device width or user-agent
81. Technical Approach to Responsive Web Design 81
var iFrameLazy = function (viewMode) {
var iframes = viewMode.find('iframe');
jQuery.each(iframes, function (index, item) {
item.src = /slideshow/rwd-technical-approaches-to-rwd/48223533/item.dataset.src;
Loading iframe
trigger by device width or user-agent