This document provides an overview of ECMAScript 6 (ES6), also known as ECMAScript 2015. It discusses the history and standardization of JavaScript and ECMAScript. It then covers many of the new features introduced in ES6, including let and const block scoping, arrow functions, template literals, classes, generators, iterators, promises, and modules. It encourages using ES6 features today via tools like Traceur and Babel that compile ES6 to ES5 for browser compatibility. It also looks ahead to future features planned for ECMAScript 7 and beyond.
Phalcon / Zephir Introduction at PHPConfTW2013Rack Lin
This document provides an overview and summary of the Phalcon PHP framework. It discusses how Phalcon is implemented in C for high performance, and some of its key features including being a full-stack framework, dependency injection, an ORM, and the Volt templating engine. Benchmark results show it has much faster performance than other PHP frameworks, especially on lower-powered devices like the Raspberry Pi. The document also briefly covers related projects like the Phalcon Kernel API and Phalcon Development Tools.
How to be an effective designer to work with the developer.
This is shared at the UX meetup with NCKU ID Alumni and the topic is inspired by Effective Engineer.
Building E-Commerce Content Marketing Site for Fashion Industry - Drupal Camp...Chris Wu
Our experiences in building a e-commerce site for fashion Industry.
In this presentation, we share our experience building a fashion content marketing site with Drupal and integrating Shopify as the e-commerce platform.
This document discusses changes to Drupal 8 theme development including:
1. Adopting SMACSS and BEM coding standards for CSS organization and naming.
2. Switching from PHP templates to the Twig templating language for improved security and easier development.
3. Changes to the theme structure including new files like .info.yml and .libraries.yml and moving templates to .html.twig files.
Responsive Web Design 帶來了網頁技術的革新,僅僅透過 Media Queries 偵測螢幕尺寸,便能提供適合不同尺寸裝置的內容與樣式。
從技術角度來看,可歸納『資源一致性』、『相容彈性』、『環境適應』、『品質最佳化』等四個要素。本題將就此四項要素介紹應用實例,說明如何提高 Responsive Web 的彈性,並增加行動網頁瀏覽效率。
This document contains information about using Drupal presented by Chris Wu. It discusses using Drupal as a designer, programmer, and web administrator. It provides tips on using themes, modules, Views, hooks, databases, performance optimization, and command line tools like Drush.
How to be an effective designer to work with the developer.
This is shared at the UX meetup with NCKU ID Alumni and the topic is inspired by Effective Engineer.
Building E-Commerce Content Marketing Site for Fashion Industry - Drupal Camp...Chris Wu
Our experiences in building a e-commerce site for fashion Industry.
In this presentation, we share our experience building a fashion content marketing site with Drupal and integrating Shopify as the e-commerce platform.
This document discusses changes to Drupal 8 theme development including:
1. Adopting SMACSS and BEM coding standards for CSS organization and naming.
2. Switching from PHP templates to the Twig templating language for improved security and easier development.
3. Changes to the theme structure including new files like .info.yml and .libraries.yml and moving templates to .html.twig files.
Responsive Web Design 帶來了網頁技術的革新,僅僅透過 Media Queries 偵測螢幕尺寸,便能提供適合不同尺寸裝置的內容與樣式。
從技術角度來看,可歸納『資源一致性』、『相容彈性』、『環境適應』、『品質最佳化』等四個要素。本題將就此四項要素介紹應用實例,說明如何提高 Responsive Web 的彈性,並增加行動網頁瀏覽效率。
This document contains information about using Drupal presented by Chris Wu. It discusses using Drupal as a designer, programmer, and web administrator. It provides tips on using themes, modules, Views, hooks, databases, performance optimization, and command line tools like Drush.