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426 NW 25th ST Corvallis, OR 97330  (503) 828-5174  RyanJ.Milligan1@gmail.com
Oregon State University (OSU), Corvallis, OR Expected: Spring 2016
 Bachelor of Science College of Business, Merchandising Management
 Minor: Business Entrepreneurship
Footwise, Business Intern Corvallis, OR Jan 2016  March 2016
 Objective: Improve an existing system of internal business operations within Footwise
 Collected internal research about how departments interact as a whole and identified communication
and social media platforms as systems with opportunity for improvement
 Researched applications to improve internal communication and establish a social media presence
and met the research deadline
 Presented a proposal to Footwise executives that outlined the implementation of new
communications software and a Pinterest for Business account to drive consumer engagement
Footwise, Sales Associate Corvallis, OR Oct. 2015  Present
 Acquired product expertise through workshops and became educated on the technical and health
aspects of footwear design in order to consistently meet customers pedial health needs
 Exposed to e-commerce through interactions with Birkenstock Express online distribution
 Conducted inventory, beginning with a full scan and ending with 100% merchandise reconciliation
Saks Fifth Avenue OFF 5th, Sales Associate Tigard, OR June 2015  Sept 2015
 Took part in setting up visual merchandising displays for menswear and footwear departments
 Learned and utilized selling strategies to further drive merchandise turnover
 Collaborated with a team of associates to execute the annual full inventory of all store merchandise
 Gained experience in outlet supply chain inventory processes
Corvallis Customs Screen Printing & Vinyl, Printer Corvallis, OR Oct. 2013  June 2014
 Screen printed thousands of designs onto apparel for businesses and organizations including OSU,
meeting project deadlines 100% of the time
 Elected Judicial Board Judge and PR Chairman of the Sigma Chi Fraternity at OSU 2013, 2014
 Deans List: Spring 2014
 Proficient in using Adobe Illustrator and Microsoft Office software, including Excel
 Excelled in writing intensive courses and assignments regarding apparel and textile market analysis
 Intrigued by brands who are continuously finding new ways of converging art and science into their
business, such as style and sports
 Passions include: action sports, fashion, fitness, footwear, innovative design, live music, outdoor
activities, social media, and traveling

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  • 1. RYAN JAMES MILLIGAN 426 NW 25th ST Corvallis, OR 97330 (503) 828-5174 RyanJ.Milligan1@gmail.com E D U C A T IO N Oregon State University (OSU), Corvallis, OR Expected: Spring 2016 Bachelor of Science College of Business, Merchandising Management Minor: Business Entrepreneurship W O R K E X P E R IE N CE Footwise, Business Intern Corvallis, OR Jan 2016 March 2016 Objective: Improve an existing system of internal business operations within Footwise Collected internal research about how departments interact as a whole and identified communication and social media platforms as systems with opportunity for improvement Researched applications to improve internal communication and establish a social media presence and met the research deadline Presented a proposal to Footwise executives that outlined the implementation of new communications software and a Pinterest for Business account to drive consumer engagement Footwise, Sales Associate Corvallis, OR Oct. 2015 Present Acquired product expertise through workshops and became educated on the technical and health aspects of footwear design in order to consistently meet customers pedial health needs Exposed to e-commerce through interactions with Birkenstock Express online distribution Conducted inventory, beginning with a full scan and ending with 100% merchandise reconciliation Saks Fifth Avenue OFF 5th, Sales Associate Tigard, OR June 2015 Sept 2015 Took part in setting up visual merchandising displays for menswear and footwear departments Learned and utilized selling strategies to further drive merchandise turnover Collaborated with a team of associates to execute the annual full inventory of all store merchandise Gained experience in outlet supply chain inventory processes Corvallis Customs Screen Printing & Vinyl, Printer Corvallis, OR Oct. 2013 June 2014 Screen printed thousands of designs onto apparel for businesses and organizations including OSU, meeting project deadlines 100% of the time A C H IE V E M EN T S & S K IL L S Elected Judicial Board Judge and PR Chairman of the Sigma Chi Fraternity at OSU 2013, 2014 Deans List: Spring 2014 Proficient in using Adobe Illustrator and Microsoft Office software, including Excel Excelled in writing intensive courses and assignments regarding apparel and textile market analysis S P E C IA L IN T E R ES T S Intrigued by brands who are continuously finding new ways of converging art and science into their business, such as style and sports Passions include: action sports, fashion, fitness, footwear, innovative design, live music, outdoor activities, social media, and traveling