2x3D: Real time shader for simultaneous 2D/3D hybrid theater
It is no longer necessary to screen 2D and 3D movies separately. This project has developed a simultaneous 2D/3D hybrid theater and its real time shader for image hiding. If theaters were able to show 2D and 3D film simultaneously while giving the audience the ability to choose, this would not only benefit cinemas, but audiences who prefer 2D and 3D film as well. In this project, 2x3D concealment processing is performed using a pixel shader to support the hiding of dynamic motion pictures in real time. In this way, multiplex-hidden images are possible with multiple videos in real-time and stereoscopic 3D can be achieved. A stereoscopic 3D left-eye image is shown as the 2D image for viewing with the naked eye while the right-eye image can be seen through a polarized filter. In this way, the 2x3D method does not require any electronic devices such as active shutter glasses, and reduces the number of required screens and the cost of glasses overall. Not only is this 2D/3D hybrid theater cost-effective for cinemas, it can provide a universal design that accounts for the hazards posed by stereoscopic 3D glasses for children, the stereo blind, and people whose eyes fatigue easily. In stereoscopic 3D, contrast is equally distributed between the left and right images (at 50% each), however, it is also possible to constrict the contrast of the hidden image by passing a mixture ratio to the GPU as a parameter. Using this technique, it is also possible to implement closed captioning or commentary overlay. In the future, greater image quality can be achieved using the wide range color spaces of HDR projectors and optical configuration. 2x3D is a unique solution for improving the current 3D cinema industry for various users of the next generation.
2. 2x3D: Real time shader for
simultaneous 2D/3D hybrid theater
Robert SONGER (Kanazawa Technical College),
Takahiro HAYAKAWA, Akihiko SHIRAI, Kazuhisa YANAKA
KAIT(Kanagawa Institute of Technology)
3. Summary of this talk
? “2x3D” (tú: bái θrí: dí:) is a new 2D/3D hybrid display
? Everyone can see a same screen at same time!
4. Issues
Technical Issue
Current 3D stereoscopic imagery can not be seen without
the 3D glasses, and it is due to the doubled image shown.
7. Technique
? ScritterH, the 2nd generation of multiplex imaging
? Image hiding algorithm
? GPU based real time shader
? Experiments
8. Related works:
– multiplex / hidden imagery
? Direction based separation
– “Bois-Clair” (Gaspar Antoine, 1692)
– “Vari-Vue” (Victor Anderson, 1962)
– “Lumisight Table”(2005), ”UlteriorScape” (2008) by Kakehi
? Time/Shutter based technologies
– “Snared illumination” (fakespace lab, 2004)
– “ThirdEye” (Pranav Mistry, 2009)
– “SimulView” (SONY, 2010-)
? Polarization based technologies
– “FaryFinder” (Hachiya, 2005)
– “Mysterious Pond”, “A visibility control system for collaborative
digital table” (Kitamura, Sakurai. 2009)
? Hidden but not shown for naked eyes
– Patent: JPA2005-092227 (Semiconductor Energy Lab, 2005)
(All images are taken from each references)
9. “Scritter H” Hidden imagery
? ScritterH is 2nd generation of Scritter series, a hidden imagery
method that invented by Utsugi, Shirai and Yanaka in 2010.
? It has compatibility with current S3D polarized projection.
– Common hardware setup with similar stacking S3D.
– No electronic devices needed for the viewer’s side.
10. ScritterH, image hiding algorithm
Source Images NegativeB’+A’
Image A Image A’ Image C
Image B Image B’
13. ScritterH algorithm
? See more details on ACM Portal
– “ScritterHDR: multiplex-hidden imaging on high dynamic range projection”
– “A new "multiplex content" displaying system compatible with current 3D
projection technology”
14. GPU based real time shader
? Pixelshader on XNA GameStudio 4.0
Dynamic ScritterH
Inversed Gamma correction
16. Experiments
? For better quality of imagery for various viewers
? Cognitive experiments
– Tested on a still image to cancel “the Pulfrich Illusion”
Depth are …
● :4
■ :3
? 75% of viewers could
answered the correct depth.
17. Applications
? Closed captioning or commentary overlay
? Education
? Medical
[Latest works]
? UbiCode
– Interactivity for non interactive display
? 3rd generation of Scritter
18. Example: PARAOKE
? “Parallel Augmented Reality for Audience-
Oriented Karaoke Entertainment”
? Lyrics + Dance game + Calorie consumption display
– Published in Laval Virtual ReVolution, NICOGRAPH 2012
19. Conclusion
? “2x3D” is a new 2D/3D hybrid display
? Everyone can see a same screen at same time!
International Patent is Pending, contact: 2x3d@shirai.la http://www.shirai.la/project/scritter
20. Thanks for your interest
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