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2x3D: Real time shader for
simultaneous 2D/3D hybrid theater

           Wataru FUJIMURA, Yukua KOIDE,
    Robert SONGER (Kanazawa Technical College),
Takahiro HAYAKAWA, Akihiko SHIRAI, Kazuhisa YANAKA

       KAIT(Kanagawa Institute of Technology)
Summary of this talk

? “2x3D” (tú: bái θrí: dí:) is a new 2D/3D hybrid display

? Everyone can see a same screen at same time!
Technical Issue

Current 3D stereoscopic imagery can not be seen without
the 3D glasses, and it is due to the doubled image shown.
Social/Market Issue:
We can not see a same screen in same time!

? ScritterH, the 2nd generation of multiplex imaging

? Image hiding algorithm

? GPU based real time shader

? Experiments
Related works:
  – multiplex / hidden imagery
? Direction based separation
   – “Bois-Clair” (Gaspar Antoine, 1692)
   – “Vari-Vue” (Victor Anderson, 1962)
   – “Lumisight Table”(2005), ”UlteriorScape” (2008) by Kakehi
? Time/Shutter based technologies
   – “Snared illumination” (fakespace lab, 2004)
   – “ThirdEye” (Pranav Mistry, 2009)
   – “SimulView” (SONY, 2010-)
? Polarization based technologies
   – “FaryFinder” (Hachiya, 2005)
   – “Mysterious Pond”, “A visibility control system for collaborative
     digital table” (Kitamura, Sakurai. 2009)
? Hidden but not shown for naked eyes
   – Patent: JPA2005-092227 (Semiconductor Energy Lab, 2005)
                                                      (All images are taken from each references)
“Scritter H” Hidden imagery
? ScritterH is 2nd generation of Scritter series, a hidden imagery
  method that invented by Utsugi, Shirai and Yanaka in 2010.
? It has compatibility with current S3D polarized projection.
   – Common hardware setup with similar stacking S3D.
   – No electronic devices needed for the viewer’s side.
ScritterH, image hiding algorithm

 Source Images                 NegativeB’+A’
   Image A         Image A’      Image C

   Image B        Image B’

ScritterH, image hiding algorithm

Image C

                     Naked eyes / filtered view
Gamma correction

Normalized positive + negative          With gamma correction:
         projection              The center band looks for a same color.
ScritterH algorithm

? See more details on ACM Portal
    – “ScritterHDR: multiplex-hidden imaging on high dynamic range projection”
    – “A new "multiplex content" displaying system compatible with current 3D
      projection technology”
GPU based real time shader
? Pixelshader on XNA GameStudio 4.0

                       Dynamic ScritterH

Inversed Gamma correction
2x3D configuration
? For better quality of imagery for various viewers
? Cognitive experiments
  – Tested on a still image to cancel “the Pulfrich Illusion”

                                          Depth are …
                                             ● :4
                                             ■ :3

                                     ? 75% of viewers could
                                       answered the correct depth.

? Closed captioning or commentary overlay
? Education
? Medical

[Latest works]
? UbiCode
   – Interactivity for non interactive display
? 3rd generation of Scritter
Example: PARAOKE
? “Parallel Augmented Reality for Audience-
  Oriented Karaoke Entertainment”
? Lyrics + Dance game + Calorie consumption display
   – Published in Laval Virtual ReVolution, NICOGRAPH 2012

  C      B
    ? “2x3D” is a new 2D/3D hybrid display

    ? Everyone can see a same screen at same time!

International Patent is Pending, contact: 2x3d@shirai.la http://www.shirai.la/project/scritter
Thanks for your interest
Please visit this URL to give your feedback:

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Sa2012 2x3d-for web

  • 1. [Web version] Please visit this URL to give your feedback: http://www.shirai.la/project/scritter
  • 2. 2x3D: Real time shader for simultaneous 2D/3D hybrid theater Wataru FUJIMURA, Yukua KOIDE, Robert SONGER (Kanazawa Technical College), Takahiro HAYAKAWA, Akihiko SHIRAI, Kazuhisa YANAKA KAIT(Kanagawa Institute of Technology) 2x3d@shirai.la
  • 3. Summary of this talk ? “2x3D” (tú: bái θrí: dí:) is a new 2D/3D hybrid display ? Everyone can see a same screen at same time!
  • 4. Issues Technical Issue Current 3D stereoscopic imagery can not be seen without the 3D glasses, and it is due to the doubled image shown.
  • 5. Issues Social/Market Issue: We can not see a same screen in same time!
  • 7. Technique ? ScritterH, the 2nd generation of multiplex imaging ? Image hiding algorithm ? GPU based real time shader ? Experiments
  • 8. Related works: – multiplex / hidden imagery ? Direction based separation – “Bois-Clair” (Gaspar Antoine, 1692) – “Vari-Vue” (Victor Anderson, 1962) – “Lumisight Table”(2005), ”UlteriorScape” (2008) by Kakehi ? Time/Shutter based technologies – “Snared illumination” (fakespace lab, 2004) – “ThirdEye” (Pranav Mistry, 2009) – “SimulView” (SONY, 2010-) ? Polarization based technologies – “FaryFinder” (Hachiya, 2005) – “Mysterious Pond”, “A visibility control system for collaborative digital table” (Kitamura, Sakurai. 2009) ? Hidden but not shown for naked eyes – Patent: JPA2005-092227 (Semiconductor Energy Lab, 2005) (All images are taken from each references)
  • 9. “Scritter H” Hidden imagery ? ScritterH is 2nd generation of Scritter series, a hidden imagery method that invented by Utsugi, Shirai and Yanaka in 2010. ? It has compatibility with current S3D polarized projection. – Common hardware setup with similar stacking S3D. – No electronic devices needed for the viewer’s side.
  • 10. ScritterH, image hiding algorithm Contrast Source Images NegativeB’+A’ compression Image A Image A’ Image C Polarization Image B Image B’ Projector 1 Projector 2
  • 11. ScritterH, image hiding algorithm Image C Naked eyes / filtered view
  • 12. Gamma correction Normalized positive + negative With gamma correction: projection The center band looks for a same color.
  • 13. ScritterH algorithm ? See more details on ACM Portal – “ScritterHDR: multiplex-hidden imaging on high dynamic range projection” – “A new "multiplex content" displaying system compatible with current 3D projection technology”
  • 14. GPU based real time shader ? Pixelshader on XNA GameStudio 4.0 Dynamic ScritterH algorithm Inversed Gamma correction
  • 16. Experiments ? For better quality of imagery for various viewers ? Cognitive experiments – Tested on a still image to cancel “the Pulfrich Illusion” Depth are … ● :4 ■ :3 ?:1 ▲:2 ? 75% of viewers could answered the correct depth.
  • 17. Applications ? Closed captioning or commentary overlay ? Education ? Medical [Latest works] ? KARAOKE ? UbiCode – Interactivity for non interactive display ? 3rd generation of Scritter
  • 18. Example: PARAOKE ? “Parallel Augmented Reality for Audience- Oriented Karaoke Entertainment” ? Lyrics + Dance game + Calorie consumption display – Published in Laval Virtual ReVolution, NICOGRAPH 2012 A C B
  • 19. Conclusion ? “2x3D” is a new 2D/3D hybrid display ? Everyone can see a same screen at same time! International Patent is Pending, contact: 2x3d@shirai.la http://www.shirai.la/project/scritter
  • 20. Thanks for your interest Please visit this URL to give your feedback: http://www.shirai.la/project/scritter