簡化 JVM 上雲 - 透過 Azure Spring Cloud 提升開發、發佈及服務監控效率Shengyou Fan
Spring Boot 一直是 Java 開發生態系裡市佔率最高的框架,許多企業都採用其開發自身服務。隨著開發典範的轉移,即便 Spring 提供完整方案,開發者往往對架構修改及服務管理的工作怯步,是否移轉上雲也有所疑慮。在這場分享裡,將會介紹由 Azure 提供的 Spring Cloud 解決方案,並從最簡單的一個 Spring Boot 應用開始,逐步導入微服務架構、連接 Azure DB、藍綠部署到服務監控,讓開發者了解使用 Azure 運行 Spring 是一個簡單又有效率的體驗,加速將 JVM 應用上雲。
The document discusses building a virtual science reference library on the web and proposes using a wiki platform. It notes challenges in selecting resources from the large web and presenting them. As a way forward, it suggests selecting research-level databases, texts, and images and presenting them on a wiki for easy collaboration. An example research resource wiki is provided, along with features like custom search engines. Open questions are raised about selection, coverage, description and next steps like expanding subject areas or editorial support.
Dynamic Languages In The Enterprise (4developers march 2009)Ivo Jansch
Slightly more generic version of my 'Enterprise PHP' talk, adjusted for the 4developers conference's 'dedicated languages' track that features developers with different backgrounds.
Our church held its second annual Souper Bowl event to collect canned goods and raise funds for the local food bank. For the second year in a row, our Souper Bowl event won an award for having the most creative name of all the soup bowl fundraisers held. We are looking forward to making our Souper Bowl fundraising drive an ongoing tradition.
We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten years. Technologies like HTML, XML, and XAML/MXML are evolving. While a few social media platforms see limited global reach and engagement currently, their impact is growing through network effects as links and connections increase over time.
Theses are the slides from a presentation made by Justgiving's head of client services, Tom Mansel, at the Institute of Fundraising's National Convention on July 9th 2008
This document is a message from Miranda thanking friends from 2007 for making the year amazing and memorable as they transition from middle school to high school. Miranda expresses love and appreciation for everyone who contributed to a great year and how much they will be missed, though the memories will last.
Social media: a revolution in local government communications? simonwakeman
Examples of social media in use in local government communications, along with a discussion about how social media is changing local government communications
This was given at Internet World on April 28th 2010 - to show companies how they can learn from the charities who have embraced social media and put digital at the core of their organisation.
Modern brands need to be flexible and focus on experiences rather than mass media messaging according to speakers at the planning-ness 2011 conference. Strategic plans also need flexibility to adapt to new opportunities. Insights are a process of framing observations to identify behaviors that can fuel business solutions. Marketers need to understand how people are motivated unconsciously and make purchases that signal traits. Appeals should target social status, autonomy, and fun through conspicuous displays. Strategies must work within cognitive limits of memory, attention, and decision-making influences.
簡化 JVM 上雲 - 透過 Azure Spring Cloud 提升開發、發佈及服務監控效率Shengyou Fan
Spring Boot 一直是 Java 開發生態系裡市佔率最高的框架,許多企業都採用其開發自身服務。隨著開發典範的轉移,即便 Spring 提供完整方案,開發者往往對架構修改及服務管理的工作怯步,是否移轉上雲也有所疑慮。在這場分享裡,將會介紹由 Azure 提供的 Spring Cloud 解決方案,並從最簡單的一個 Spring Boot 應用開始,逐步導入微服務架構、連接 Azure DB、藍綠部署到服務監控,讓開發者了解使用 Azure 運行 Spring 是一個簡單又有效率的體驗,加速將 JVM 應用上雲。
The document discusses building a virtual science reference library on the web and proposes using a wiki platform. It notes challenges in selecting resources from the large web and presenting them. As a way forward, it suggests selecting research-level databases, texts, and images and presenting them on a wiki for easy collaboration. An example research resource wiki is provided, along with features like custom search engines. Open questions are raised about selection, coverage, description and next steps like expanding subject areas or editorial support.
Dynamic Languages In The Enterprise (4developers march 2009)Ivo Jansch
Slightly more generic version of my 'Enterprise PHP' talk, adjusted for the 4developers conference's 'dedicated languages' track that features developers with different backgrounds.
Our church held its second annual Souper Bowl event to collect canned goods and raise funds for the local food bank. For the second year in a row, our Souper Bowl event won an award for having the most creative name of all the soup bowl fundraisers held. We are looking forward to making our Souper Bowl fundraising drive an ongoing tradition.
We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten years. Technologies like HTML, XML, and XAML/MXML are evolving. While a few social media platforms see limited global reach and engagement currently, their impact is growing through network effects as links and connections increase over time.
Theses are the slides from a presentation made by Justgiving's head of client services, Tom Mansel, at the Institute of Fundraising's National Convention on July 9th 2008
This document is a message from Miranda thanking friends from 2007 for making the year amazing and memorable as they transition from middle school to high school. Miranda expresses love and appreciation for everyone who contributed to a great year and how much they will be missed, though the memories will last.
Social media: a revolution in local government communications? simonwakeman
Examples of social media in use in local government communications, along with a discussion about how social media is changing local government communications
This was given at Internet World on April 28th 2010 - to show companies how they can learn from the charities who have embraced social media and put digital at the core of their organisation.
Modern brands need to be flexible and focus on experiences rather than mass media messaging according to speakers at the planning-ness 2011 conference. Strategic plans also need flexibility to adapt to new opportunities. Insights are a process of framing observations to identify behaviors that can fuel business solutions. Marketers need to understand how people are motivated unconsciously and make purchases that signal traits. Appeals should target social status, autonomy, and fun through conspicuous displays. Strategies must work within cognitive limits of memory, attention, and decision-making influences.
This document summarizes how social media, particularly Facebook, can be used to make a real impact. Some key points made include that 23% of visits and 16% of donations to JustGiving come from Facebook, and that friends' stories shared on social media have more impact than other types of content. It encourages sharing personal stories on social platforms to increase donations and engagement.
This document discusses alerting the academic community by leveraging 21st century network communication technologies. It mentions using a blogging engine and RSS feeds to share form-free web data across networks in a more open and accessible way.
Tagging elephant seals is important for scientists to study the animals and learn about the ocean. Researchers at UC Santa Cruz have been tagging elephant seals for over 30 years, providing information about marine biology, oceanography, and the seal experience. Though much has been discovered, there is still more to learn about elephant seals and their eating habits.
探索 API 開發的挑戰與解決之道 | .NET Conf 2023 TaiwanAlan Tsai
相信大家對於為什麼要把服務 API 化的原因都清楚了,但是該怎麼開始呢?如果要走 API Design First 那怎麼可以產生出好持續維護的 OpenAPI (Swagger) 文件作為溝通的 Contract 呢?API 開發完上線之後怎麼能夠確保安全,以及出錯如何追蹤問題呢?如果只是單純的 DB 異動的 CRUD 需要建立後端 API 嗎?隨著 API 數量變多怎麼收攏所有有提供的 API 呢?
在這場,我們來看一下針對一些 API First 遇到的問題,微軟提供了那些解決方案給我們。
PhoneGap allows developers to build mobile apps using HTML, CSS and JavaScript instead of platform-specific languages. It uses a webview to contain the app and plugins to access native device functions like the camera. Developers can create their app logic and UI using web standards, package it with PhoneGap, and deploy it across various mobile platforms through an online compiler.
This document provides an introduction to autotools. It discusses the purpose of autotools in making code portable and easy to install. It then describes the relationships between various autotools tools like autoconf, automake, autoreconf. It provides examples of configure.in and Makefile.am files. Key sections are on generating configure scripts from configure.in, generating Makefiles from Makefile.am, and the directory structure and files involved in the build system. Usage of common autoconf macros are demonstrated.
This document discusses various aspects of Android application development including:
- The Android platform architecture which includes the Linux kernel, Android runtime, libraries, and application framework.
- The basic components that make up an Android application including activities, services, broadcast receivers, content providers, and intents.
- How to set up the development environment and build a simple "Hello World" Android app.
- Additional Android concepts like application lifecycles, permissions, and retrieving data from the internet.