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Smt. P.SAHITHI, M.Tech
Assistant Professor,
University College of Technology, Osmania University, Hyderabad
Mobile No. : +91-8179613895 office: 040-27098901 ext: 243
Email: sahithi.c@gmail.com
H.No. 10-1-592,
SMC 4 & 5,
Opposite To Balaram Buildings,
West Maredpally,
E. Mail ID: sahithi.c@gmail.com
Alternate E-Mail ID: sahithi98@yahoo.com
Phone: 040-27700849cell: 8179613895 .
OsmaniaUniversity Biotechnology Department Phone:04027098901 extension:243
Career Objective:
Obtaining the post of a college professor in an organization that will give me the chance
to utilize my teaching and research skills for the progress and development of an
organization and to achieve breakthroughs in research.
Total Work Experience:
 Total 8 years of Industry research and teaching experience.
 Currently working as Assistant Professor in The Division Of Biotechnology,
Osmania University, Tarnaka, Hydearbad, India.
Current Role:
 Presently working as Assistant Professor(c) in University College of Technology
for M.Tech Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering course. Simultaneously
pursuing Ph.D in Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology.
Indusrty Experience:
 Worked for 1Year as project assistant in Sudershan Biotech Ltd(2008-
 Worked as curator in GVK Bio for 6 months in Biomarker team.(2009
Setpember to February).
Teaching Experience:
 6 Years 3 months as Assistant Professor in University College of
Technology, Osmania Univeristy (since October 2009) UG and PG-
Courses Handled:
 M.Tech Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology
 M.Tech Chemical Technology/Chemical Engineering
 M.Tech Environmental Engineering
 B.Tech Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology
Academic Profile:
Course School/college Board/university Year of
& Biochemical
OUCT, Osmania
Osmania University,
C.M.R.College of
Engineering and
JNTU 2002-
Sri Chaithanya
Juniour College,
Board of Intermediate
SSC St.Anns High
Board of Secondary
2000 80%
Countries visited:
Visited the Imperial College London, U.K to present a research paper at the 6th
International Conference for Life Sciences and Research in September 2015.
Final Year M.Tech Project:
Carried out at SUDERSHAN BIOTECH LTD.L.B.Nagar, Hyderabad for a period of 1
year on the  Production of semi-synthetic antibiotics using E.Coli.
Final Year B.Tech Project:
The DNA Polymerase activity and its relationship with Donepezil Hydrochloride
Pursued at Hyderabad Central University (HCU) Gachibowli,Hyderabad.
Relevant Courses:
Bio chemistry, Tissue culture & Genetic Transformation, Basics of Biology, Cell &
Molecular biology, Genetic Engineering, Immunology, Protein Engineering, Bio Process
Engineering and design, Enzyme Engineering, Bio-informatics, Instrumentation
Analysis, Analytical Techniques in Biotechnology, Industrial Microbiology, Intellectual
Property Rights, Downstream Processing, Food Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical
Lab Experience:
Dry Lab Experience:
1) Diploma in computer applications, C Language, C++
2) In silico structure based and analogue based studies using Dipeptidyl peptidase 4
(DPP4) inhibitors against Diabetes type-2 at GVK BIOSCIENCES PRIVATE
Wet Lab Experience:
 Culture of Micro organisms in different culture techniques, tissue culture, Antibiotic
Sensitivity testing, Biochemical tests (IMVIC, Catalase, Oldase, Coagulase test,
Gelatinase test, Oxidase.
 Isolation of Plasmid & Genomic DNA & its visualization by Agarose gel
Electrophoresis, RFLP, RAPD, & Ligation, PAGE to estimate Proteins, Blotting
Techniques to preserve DNA (Southern), RNA (Northern), Protein (Western),
Restriction Enzyme Digestion, Cloning of DNA into Plasmid Vector.
 Culture of microbes in lab scale fermentor, Blood Typing, Total Count RBC,
Differential Count, ELISA, RPR test, Urine Analysis.
 Conversion analysis of various industrially important products by varying the
substrates and different parameters.
Theory Subjects:
Molecular Biology and Genetic engineering, Cell Cultures and techniques in
biotechnology (1 st semester).
Protein engineering and enzyme technology, Computational techniques in Biotechnology,
(2 nd semester).
Practicals Handled:
 Molecular Biology and Genetic engineering lab(1 st semester),Down Stream
Processing Lab(2 nd semester)
 Introduced a new Lab in the course with latest softwares in the Bioinformatics
virtual practicals.
Additional Responsibilities:
 Project supervisor for the second year dissertation work students of
 Arranging the resource persons from various industries and reputed Universities
to deliver lectures on the relevant topics.
 Arranging field visits and coordinator for the industrial tour programme to help
the students interact with various industries.
 Conducting exclusive training sessions for campus recruitments and various job
 Conducting slip tests every month to assess the students performance and
understanding on the subjects.
 Introducing new experiments and designing the protocols useful to the students to
enhance their practical knowledge.
 Acted as examination incharge for both main exams as well as class tests as a
temporary arrangement to the actual examination in charge.
 External examiner for lab practicals at CBIT,Gandipet.
 External examiner for lab practicals at Wesley College, Secunderabad.
 Externals and Internal paper setting responsibilities for JNTU.
 Delivered guest lectures at various institutions like Layola degree college, CBIT,
Sree Nidhi Institute of Technology, etc.
 Collaborative research with IICT in the division of Biochemical engineering.
Instruments Handled:
U.V Visible Spectrophotometer, Spectroflorometer, PCR,GC,HPLC, SDS-PAGE,
Agarose gel Electrophoresis, Fermentor, Ultra Sonicator, Lyophilizer, Centrifuge,
Autoclave, Micro-filter, Trans Illuminator, Distillation Unit, pH meter, Conductivity
meter, Incubator, Micropipettes, Western Blot, Column Chromatography, TLC,
Homogenizer, Gel Doc, Fraction Collector Unit.
International Conference and Workshop Attended:
 Presented a paper on Biosorption of Crystal Violet dye from Aqueous Solutions
using Natural biosorbents at the 6th International Conference on Healthcare and
Life Science Research (ICHLSR), at Imperial College 18-19, September 2015,
London, U.K.
 Attended workshop on Structural Biology and Advances held at Imperial College
, September 2015, London, U.K.
Guest Lecture/Invited Talks:
 Delivered a talk- Invited Lecture at National Seminar in "EMERGING TRENDS
IN CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY" at Loyola Academy, Alwal, on 11th
2015 on the importance of Strategies for The Removal Of Heavy Metals & toxic
chemicals from Industrial Effluents Using Various Biosorbents.
 Delivered a talk- Invited Lecture at 3rd International Conference on Science,
Technology and Management (ICSTM-16) 17th
January 2016 organized by India
International Center, New Delhi on ANTIMICROBIAL AND ANTIOXIDANT
Seminars and Papers Presented:
 Paper presentation on"Pre-clinical trials of donepezil hydrochloride" in AICTE
sponsored National level symposium in Royal College of Pharmacy and Health
Sciences, Berhampur (Orissa).
 "Relationship between Dna Polymerase Activity and Dementia in rat brain and
tissues" Hyderabad Central University. (Hyderabad, AP).
 "Bio-process design and analysis of bio-reactors"3 day work shop in JNTU
(Hyderabad, AP).
 Two-day workshop on Inventing into future" in university college of technology,
Osmania University. (Hyderabad, AP).
 Three day symposium on Advances in structural biology and protein structure
prediction" at CCMB (Hyderabad, AP).
 Review paper on "Lactoferrin the great anti-microbial milk protein" in National
conference on food technology by university college of technology, Osmania
University (Hyderabad, AP).
 One day work shop in IPR and Regulatory affairs conducted at CFRD, Osmania
University, Tarnaka.
 Two day workshop on Innovations In Waste Water And Energy Technologies for
Rural Development 13th
and 14th
July 2015 held at BITS-Pilani Hyderabad Campus.
Refresher Courses and International Conferences Attended:
1.Department of Botany, P.G. College of Science, Osmania University, Saifabad,
Hyderabad conducting a Short Term Training Course in Cytogenetics, Plant
Molecular Genetics, Plant Molecular Genetics & Plant Tissue Culture, Sponsored
by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, from 02-13 January
2. Attended the Staff Development Programme on Managing Biotechnologies and
Emerging Issues in Research and Development 7th to 14t February 2012, IPE HYd,
3.Attended 3 rd World Congress on Bioavailability and Bioequivalence March 26-28 th
2013 OMICS group,Marriot Hotel Convention Centre ,India.
4.Attended National-level 3- day workshop on Spectrometry Based Proteomics held on
27th to 29th May 2015 at the Institute of Bioinfomatics, Bangalore, India.
5. Attended TEQIP 2-day Workshop on Teacher Effectiveness Nurturing Well Being
from May 1-2, 2015 at IIT Hyderabad, Yeddumailaram, ODF, India.
6. Attended National Conference on Bioinformatics Drug Discovery and Microbial
Technology and National Workshop in Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery December
2014 at PGRR Centre For Distance Education Osmania University.
Research Publications:
1. "In silico structure based , QSAR and analogue based studies using Dipeptidyl
peptidase 4 (DPP4) inhibitors against Diabetes type-2" Published in Journal of
Advances in Biomedical Engineering, Cancer Biology, Bioinformatics and
Applied Biotechnology(ABECBAB).
2. Studies On Antimicrobial Activity Of Lactoferrin Having Potential For Hepatitis
C Virus Inhibition Published in International Conference on Recent Trends in
Engineering and Technology (ICRTET).
3. Baobab: A Review about The tree of life published in Journal of Advanced
Herbal Science and Technology (IJAHST).
4. Pharmacophore Mapping and Molecular Docking Studies on Coffin-Lowry
Syndrome Using Insilco Techniques Published in International Journal of
Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research ( IJPSRR).
5. Insilico Analysis, Modelling, Docking and Pharmacophore Studies Of Proteins
Involved In Auto Immune Maladies (Rheumatoid Arthritis) Published in
International Journal Of Pharmacy(IJP).
6. Ligand based docking and pharmacophore modelling of RNA cap-
methyltransferase ,a promising target for treatment of dengue fever awaiting
response for acceptance in International Journal of Soft Computing and
Bioinformatics (IJSCB).
7. Hemidesmus indicus plant derived compounds as Aldose reductase inhibitors 
A molecular docking study published in International Journal of Pharmaceutical
Sciences Review and Research (IJPSRR).
8. Under Review: Homology modeling of human Asparaginase like protein and its
molecular interaction studies with Natural flavonoids International Journal of
Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (IJPSR).
Journal of Health and Life Sciences (LIFE).
MEDICINAL PLANTS published in International Journal of Advanced
Technology in Engineering and Science.
Extracurricular Events:
1.Participated and won IInd Prize for Badminton,doubles in the sports day event at
Osmania University,College of Technology,Hyderabad.
2.Won II st prize in classical singing competition held at Sahithi Kala Shravanthi
Music and Dance College,Patny centre.
3. Won prizes for games during Womens day event at Osmania University,College of
Academic Achievements:
 Secured highest marks in M.Tech Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering
course and stood as batch topper.
 Awarded the second best paper at London Imperial College, U.K at the 6th
International Conference on Healthcare and Life Science Research (ICHLSR)
September 2015.
Personal Traits
1) Capacity to work in team as well as individually.
2) Zeal towards achieving given task and highly self motivated.
3) Creative bent of mind to accept varied challenges.
4)Imparting creative visualization techniques and videographic presentations as a part a
part of interactive teaching methodology.
5)Excellent research orientation and practical based approach in teaching.
6)Active participation in many workshops and various training sessions and imparting the
new and innovative ideas in everyday processes.
Personal Profile:
Name: Sahithi P.B.
Father Name: C.Badri Prasad.
Husbands Name: Aadithya P.B.S.
Date of Birth: 11/12/1984.
Sex: Female.
Marital status: Married.
Children: One (Daughter) Age: 4 years
Languages Known: English, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.
Nationality: Indian.
I hereby agree that all the above stated facts are true and fair to the best of my
knowledge. Any clarification on the same may be supported by documental evidence on
Place: Hyderabad

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sahithi Updated CV for jobs

  • 1. Smt. P.SAHITHI, M.Tech Assistant Professor, University College of Technology, Osmania University, Hyderabad Mobile No. : +91-8179613895 office: 040-27098901 ext: 243 Email: sahithi.c@gmail.com P.Sahithi H.No. 10-1-592, SMC 4 & 5, Opposite To Balaram Buildings, West Maredpally, Secunderabad-500026. Telangana. India. E. Mail ID: sahithi.c@gmail.com Alternate E-Mail ID: sahithi98@yahoo.com Phone: 040-27700849cell: 8179613895 . OsmaniaUniversity Biotechnology Department Phone:04027098901 extension:243
  • 2. Career Objective: Obtaining the post of a college professor in an organization that will give me the chance to utilize my teaching and research skills for the progress and development of an organization and to achieve breakthroughs in research. Total Work Experience: Total 8 years of Industry research and teaching experience. Currently working as Assistant Professor in The Division Of Biotechnology, Osmania University, Tarnaka, Hydearbad, India. Current Role: Presently working as Assistant Professor(c) in University College of Technology for M.Tech Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering course. Simultaneously pursuing Ph.D in Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology. Indusrty Experience: Worked for 1Year as project assistant in Sudershan Biotech Ltd(2008- 09). Worked as curator in GVK Bio for 6 months in Biomarker team.(2009 Setpember to February). Teaching Experience: 6 Years 3 months as Assistant Professor in University College of Technology, Osmania Univeristy (since October 2009) UG and PG- TEACHING Courses Handled: M.Tech Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology M.Tech Chemical Technology/Chemical Engineering M.Tech Environmental Engineering B.Tech Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology
  • 3. Academic Profile: Course School/college Board/university Year of study Aggregate M.Tech (Biotechnology & Biochemical Engineering) OUCT, Osmania University, Tarnaka Hyderabad. Osmania University, Hyderabad. 2006- 2008 85% B.Tech (Biotechnology) C.M.R.College of Engineering and Technology, Kandlakoya, Medchal Hyderabad. JNTU 2002- 2006 70% Intermediate (M.P.C) Sri Chaithanya Juniour College, Narayanguda, Hyderabad Board of Intermediate Education. 2000- 2002 85% SSC St.Anns High School,S.D.Road, Secunderabad. Board of Secondary Education. 2000 80% Countries visited: Visited the Imperial College London, U.K to present a research paper at the 6th International Conference for Life Sciences and Research in September 2015. Final Year M.Tech Project: Carried out at SUDERSHAN BIOTECH LTD.L.B.Nagar, Hyderabad for a period of 1 year on the Production of semi-synthetic antibiotics using E.Coli.
  • 4. Final Year B.Tech Project: The DNA Polymerase activity and its relationship with Donepezil Hydrochloride Pursued at Hyderabad Central University (HCU) Gachibowli,Hyderabad. Relevant Courses: Bio chemistry, Tissue culture & Genetic Transformation, Basics of Biology, Cell & Molecular biology, Genetic Engineering, Immunology, Protein Engineering, Bio Process Engineering and design, Enzyme Engineering, Bio-informatics, Instrumentation Analysis, Analytical Techniques in Biotechnology, Industrial Microbiology, Intellectual Property Rights, Downstream Processing, Food Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. Lab Experience: Dry Lab Experience: 1) Diploma in computer applications, C Language, C++ 2) In silico structure based and analogue based studies using Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4) inhibitors against Diabetes type-2 at GVK BIOSCIENCES PRIVATE LIMITED. Wet Lab Experience: Culture of Micro organisms in different culture techniques, tissue culture, Antibiotic Sensitivity testing, Biochemical tests (IMVIC, Catalase, Oldase, Coagulase test, Gelatinase test, Oxidase. Isolation of Plasmid & Genomic DNA & its visualization by Agarose gel Electrophoresis, RFLP, RAPD, & Ligation, PAGE to estimate Proteins, Blotting Techniques to preserve DNA (Southern), RNA (Northern), Protein (Western), Restriction Enzyme Digestion, Cloning of DNA into Plasmid Vector.
  • 5. Culture of microbes in lab scale fermentor, Blood Typing, Total Count RBC, Differential Count, ELISA, RPR test, Urine Analysis. Conversion analysis of various industrially important products by varying the substrates and different parameters. Theory Subjects: Molecular Biology and Genetic engineering, Cell Cultures and techniques in biotechnology (1 st semester). Protein engineering and enzyme technology, Computational techniques in Biotechnology, (2 nd semester). Practicals Handled: Molecular Biology and Genetic engineering lab(1 st semester),Down Stream Processing Lab(2 nd semester) Introduced a new Lab in the course with latest softwares in the Bioinformatics virtual practicals. Additional Responsibilities: Project supervisor for the second year dissertation work students of Biotechnology. Arranging the resource persons from various industries and reputed Universities to deliver lectures on the relevant topics. Arranging field visits and coordinator for the industrial tour programme to help the students interact with various industries. Conducting exclusive training sessions for campus recruitments and various job placements. Conducting slip tests every month to assess the students performance and understanding on the subjects. Introducing new experiments and designing the protocols useful to the students to enhance their practical knowledge. Acted as examination incharge for both main exams as well as class tests as a
  • 6. temporary arrangement to the actual examination in charge. External examiner for lab practicals at CBIT,Gandipet. External examiner for lab practicals at Wesley College, Secunderabad. Externals and Internal paper setting responsibilities for JNTU. Delivered guest lectures at various institutions like Layola degree college, CBIT, Sree Nidhi Institute of Technology, etc. Collaborative research with IICT in the division of Biochemical engineering. Instruments Handled: U.V Visible Spectrophotometer, Spectroflorometer, PCR,GC,HPLC, SDS-PAGE, Agarose gel Electrophoresis, Fermentor, Ultra Sonicator, Lyophilizer, Centrifuge, Autoclave, Micro-filter, Trans Illuminator, Distillation Unit, pH meter, Conductivity meter, Incubator, Micropipettes, Western Blot, Column Chromatography, TLC, Homogenizer, Gel Doc, Fraction Collector Unit. International Conference and Workshop Attended: Presented a paper on Biosorption of Crystal Violet dye from Aqueous Solutions using Natural biosorbents at the 6th International Conference on Healthcare and Life Science Research (ICHLSR), at Imperial College 18-19, September 2015, London, U.K. Attended workshop on Structural Biology and Advances held at Imperial College 20-25th , September 2015, London, U.K. Guest Lecture/Invited Talks: Delivered a talk- Invited Lecture at National Seminar in "EMERGING TRENDS IN CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY" at Loyola Academy, Alwal, on 11th December 2015 on the importance of Strategies for The Removal Of Heavy Metals & toxic chemicals from Industrial Effluents Using Various Biosorbents. Delivered a talk- Invited Lecture at 3rd International Conference on Science, Technology and Management (ICSTM-16) 17th January 2016 organized by India International Center, New Delhi on ANTIMICROBIAL AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF SOME MEDICINAL PLANTS.
  • 7. Seminars and Papers Presented: Paper presentation on"Pre-clinical trials of donepezil hydrochloride" in AICTE sponsored National level symposium in Royal College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Berhampur (Orissa). "Relationship between Dna Polymerase Activity and Dementia in rat brain and tissues" Hyderabad Central University. (Hyderabad, AP). "Bio-process design and analysis of bio-reactors"3 day work shop in JNTU (Hyderabad, AP). Two-day workshop on Inventing into future" in university college of technology, Osmania University. (Hyderabad, AP). Three day symposium on Advances in structural biology and protein structure prediction" at CCMB (Hyderabad, AP). Review paper on "Lactoferrin the great anti-microbial milk protein" in National conference on food technology by university college of technology, Osmania University (Hyderabad, AP). One day work shop in IPR and Regulatory affairs conducted at CFRD, Osmania University, Tarnaka. Two day workshop on Innovations In Waste Water And Energy Technologies for Rural Development 13th and 14th July 2015 held at BITS-Pilani Hyderabad Campus. Refresher Courses and International Conferences Attended: 1.Department of Botany, P.G. College of Science, Osmania University, Saifabad, Hyderabad conducting a Short Term Training Course in Cytogenetics, Plant Molecular Genetics, Plant Molecular Genetics & Plant Tissue Culture, Sponsored by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, from 02-13 January 2012. 2. Attended the Staff Development Programme on Managing Biotechnologies and Emerging Issues in Research and Development 7th to 14t February 2012, IPE HYd, 3.Attended 3 rd World Congress on Bioavailability and Bioequivalence March 26-28 th 2013 OMICS group,Marriot Hotel Convention Centre ,India. 4.Attended National-level 3- day workshop on Spectrometry Based Proteomics held on 27th to 29th May 2015 at the Institute of Bioinfomatics, Bangalore, India. 5. Attended TEQIP 2-day Workshop on Teacher Effectiveness Nurturing Well Being from May 1-2, 2015 at IIT Hyderabad, Yeddumailaram, ODF, India.
  • 8. 6. Attended National Conference on Bioinformatics Drug Discovery and Microbial Technology and National Workshop in Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery December 22nd -31st 2014 at PGRR Centre For Distance Education Osmania University. Research Publications: 1. "In silico structure based , QSAR and analogue based studies using Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4) inhibitors against Diabetes type-2" Published in Journal of Advances in Biomedical Engineering, Cancer Biology, Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology(ABECBAB). 2. Studies On Antimicrobial Activity Of Lactoferrin Having Potential For Hepatitis C Virus Inhibition Published in International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICRTET). 3. Baobab: A Review about The tree of life published in Journal of Advanced Herbal Science and Technology (IJAHST). 4. Pharmacophore Mapping and Molecular Docking Studies on Coffin-Lowry Syndrome Using Insilco Techniques Published in International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research ( IJPSRR). 5. Insilico Analysis, Modelling, Docking and Pharmacophore Studies Of Proteins Involved In Auto Immune Maladies (Rheumatoid Arthritis) Published in International Journal Of Pharmacy(IJP). 6. Ligand based docking and pharmacophore modelling of RNA cap- methyltransferase ,a promising target for treatment of dengue fever awaiting response for acceptance in International Journal of Soft Computing and Bioinformatics (IJSCB). 7. Hemidesmus indicus plant derived compounds as Aldose reductase inhibitors A molecular docking study published in International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research (IJPSRR). 8. Under Review: Homology modeling of human Asparaginase like protein and its molecular interaction studies with Natural flavonoids International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (IJPSR). 9. BIOSORPTION OF CRYSTAL VIOLET DYE FROM AQUESOUS SOLUTIONS USING NATURAL BIOSORBENTS published in International Journal of Health and Life Sciences (LIFE). 10. ANTIMICROBIAL AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF SOME MEDICINAL PLANTS published in International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science. Extracurricular Events: 1.Participated and won IInd Prize for Badminton,doubles in the sports day event at Osmania University,College of Technology,Hyderabad.
  • 9. 2.Won II st prize in classical singing competition held at Sahithi Kala Shravanthi Music and Dance College,Patny centre. 3. Won prizes for games during Womens day event at Osmania University,College of Technology,Hyderabad. Academic Achievements: Secured highest marks in M.Tech Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering course and stood as batch topper. Awarded the second best paper at London Imperial College, U.K at the 6th International Conference on Healthcare and Life Science Research (ICHLSR) September 2015. Personal Traits 1) Capacity to work in team as well as individually. 2) Zeal towards achieving given task and highly self motivated. 3) Creative bent of mind to accept varied challenges. 4)Imparting creative visualization techniques and videographic presentations as a part a part of interactive teaching methodology. 5)Excellent research orientation and practical based approach in teaching. 6)Active participation in many workshops and various training sessions and imparting the new and innovative ideas in everyday processes. Personal Profile: Name: Sahithi P.B. Father Name: C.Badri Prasad. Husbands Name: Aadithya P.B.S. Date of Birth: 11/12/1984. Sex: Female.
  • 10. Marital status: Married. Children: One (Daughter) Age: 4 years Languages Known: English, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. Nationality: Indian. Declaration: I hereby agree that all the above stated facts are true and fair to the best of my knowledge. Any clarification on the same may be supported by documental evidence on request. P.SAHITHI Date:27-01-2016 Place: Hyderabad