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Dr. KOMALA AMMA. E (M.Sc, Ph.D.)
Address : P.O Box 29992, Sharjah,
Email : mkomalam@gmail.com
Mobile : 0544735299
Home  : 06 5519635
UAE Visit Visa Validity : Up To: 05.05.2017
Looking for a professor position in a university/ college or Senior position in educational institutions to share
32 years of experience in teaching, knowledge and passion with students and guide them for their better
Summary of
Thirtytwo yearsofexperience:Professor,AssociateProfessorandAssistantProfessor(Sr. Scale)levels
in the field of Teaching, Research and Extension.
 A track record in teaching Engineering Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry for B.Tech.programme,
Inorganic chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Enzymes and Enzymology, Metabolomics for
B.Sc.  M.Sc. Integrated Bio technology programme, Agricultural Biochemistry, Plant Bio Chemistry,
Analytical Chemistry for Agricultural programme, Co-ordination Chemistry, and organic Chemistry for
B.Sc. and M.Sc. chemistry programme.
 Strong, self-driven, and self-motivated professional.
 Good organization skills and exceptional leadership qualities.
 Comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the subject to create, execute, and analyze student
 Proficiency in a wide range of teaching methods and techniques.
 Outstanding ability to bring about and maintain high academic standards.
 Ability to work closely and collaboratively with the college/ university administration.
 In-depth knowledge and experience in developing unique lesson plans suited to any number of
 Superb organizational and time management skills.
 First rate interpersonal and communication skills to maintain great relationships with colleagues and
 Experience in curriculum design
Kerala Agricultural University (KAU), India(January 1986 To March 2016)
Professor of Chemistry relating to Bachelors and Masters in Science, covering the areas of Analytical
chemistry, Physical chemistry, Industrial chemistry, Biochemistry, Eng. & Agricultural Chemistry. Details of
Courses Taught Name of College/Institution Duration
B.Sc- M.Sc(Integrated Biotechnology)
Bich.2101 Biochemistry
Biot.4242 Drug metabolism
Bich.2102 Biochemistry II
Biot.3221.Enzymes & Enzymology
Biot.4127 Metabolomics
College of Agriculture, Vellayani
SOILS.516 Plant Biochemistry
SOILS 511 Analytical Chemistry
College of Agriculture, Vellayani
Ssac.1201 Plant Biochemistry
College of Agriculture, Vellayani 1999 -2016
M.Sc. and Ph.D Credit seminar College of Agriculture, Vellayani 2004 -2012
Chem. 601 Physical Chemistry College of Agriculture, Vellayani 2001-2002
B.Tech.(Agricultural Engineering)
SAC 104 Eng. Chemistry
SAC 103 Industrial Chemistry
Chem.1101 Chemistry
KCAET, Tavanur
KCAET, Tavanur
KCAET, Tavanur
2 of 32
Diploma DARE  chem. 011, Chem- 021,
KCAET, Tavanur
Chem .101 Physical Chemistry and
College of Agriculture, Vellayani
Chem 103 Agricultural Bio chemistry College of Agriculture, Vellayani 1999-2002
Calicut University (January 1984 to January 1986)
Chemistry (Pre-degree ) Sree Vyasa N.S.S. College,
Wadakanchery, Kerala
B.Sc. (Chemistry)
Sree Vyasa N.S.S. College,
M.Sc (Chemistry)-(Instrumental methods of
analysis, Co-Ordination Chemistry, Organic
Sree Vyasa N.S.S. College,
Wadakanchery, Kerala 1984-1986
Education Qualification University Year
Ph.D Bhavnagar University, Gujarat 1981 - 1984
Masters in Science (First Class) Bhavnagar University, Gujarat 1979 - 1981
Research Research Title of Work/Thesis University
M.Sc. A study of Co(II) & Co(III) complexes with N, N
Ethylene bis (2- OH 5-Me Acetophenone) Bhavnagar University, Gujarat
Ph.D Lodo and base adducts of transition metal
complexes. Bhavnagar University, Gujarat
(Member of
Research Guidance Year
M.Sc. Agriculture (Mr. Veneeth Varma) 2011-2013
M.Sc Home Science (Benitha Agustian) 2001-2003
M.Tech Agricultural Engineering.(Jolly Kutty Eapen) 1988-1990
Ni (IV) complexes of some Schiff bases. National symposium on Current Trends in co-
ordination Chemistry, Dept. of Chemistry, Cochin
University of Science and Technology.
Ni(IV).2 Iodo complexes of some Schiff bases and their
disinfectant activity.
International conference on Chemistry Biology
Interface: Synergistic New Frontiers- Dr. B.R.
Ambedkar Centre for Bio Medical Research, University
of Delhi, New Delhi.
Agricultural Education in
Kerala Status and Strategy
Sasthrapatham , Cochin University of Science and
Technology ,Cochin.
Workshop for Working out Modalities for Analytical
Quality Assurance and Training for Food Analysts.
CFTRI, Mysore.
Agilent New Technologies on Chemical analysis and
food safety.
Agilent Technologies
Seminar on coconut in Kerala Diet. Department of Bio-chemistry, Kerala University.
National Workshop on Climate and Development Kerala Agricultural University.
Contributions Details
Design of curriculum
Engineering Chemistry (1986), Industrial Chemistry (2002 )
Engineering Chemistry (2008)
Laboratory experiments Established well equipped Chemistry Laboratory in KCAET. Tavanur
Preparation of resource material
including books, reading materials,
laboratory manuals, etc
1.SAC 103 Industrial Chemistry -Laboratory manual
2. Manual of Methods of Analysis of Foods ( Milk and Milk Products)
3. Manual of Methods of Analysis of Foods (Fats and Oils )
4. Engineering Chemistry 2008
5. Agricultural Biochemistry  2008
6. Edited and compiled 19 practical manuals for B.Sc.(Hons.) Ag 2008
3 of 33
Academic officer 13 yrs. as an officer in charge of Academic -Involved in Students
Counseling, Admission, Registration, Examination Scheduling,
Conducting examinations and Valuation of Answer sheets, Result
Publication and Submitting the details for the Accreditation of the
College , Revision of the syllabi for UG,PG and Ph.D etc. for the
Faculty of Agriculture(2007 &2009)
Nodal officer NISAGENET & AISHE (2011-2016)
Any other
1.External Examiner (Question paper setting of semester examination
B.Sc & MSc.(Soil Physics and Chemistry) TNAU, Coimbatore, India
2.Assistant warden of the Ladies hostel 1986 to 1992, KCAET,
Publication Journal
Monoiodo derivates of Ni(III) and Co(III)
chelates with some Schiff bases.
Journal of Indian Chemical Society, 1984.Kolkata
Base adducts of Co(II) and Ni (II)
Chelates with some Schiff bases
Journal of Indian Chemical Society- 1984, Kolkata
Studies on polymeric base derivatives
of some Copper(II) Orthohydroxy
Journal of Macromolecular Science Chemistry-2000 ,New york
Ni (IV). 2Iodo complexes of some Schiff
bases and its disinfectant activity
Journal of Indian Chemical Society- 2008, Kolkata
Base adducts of Cu(II) Schiff bases -
an EPR study
Journal of Indian Chemical Society- 2009, Kolkata
Base adducts of Ni(II) chelates of some
Journal of Indian Chemical Society-2009, Kolkata
Course Details Institution
Refresher course in Chemistry. Academic Staff college,
Kerala University.
Training course on environmental impact assessment of
water resources projects.
CWRDM, Kozhikode, Kerala
Refresher course in Methods in Inorganic Chemistry. Dept. of Applied Chemistry, Cochin University of
Science and Technology, Cochin , Kerala
Summer school on Harvest and post-Harvest
Technology of Plantation crops.
CPCRI, Kasargod, Kerala
Training on Bioconversion of cellulosic waste Centre of advance studies and Agricultural
Microbiology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
Orientation course on An Integrated Approach to
Knowledge and Information for University and College
National Institute of Advanced studies, Indian Institute of
Science Campus, Bangalore
HPLC&GC operation, maintenance and
CFTRI, Mysore , Karnataka
Nanotechnology Concepts and Application in Basic and
Strategic Research for Livestock Improvement
NDRI, ICAR, Karnal, Haryana
 Nationality : Indian
 Date of Birth : 28th March, 1956
 Languages : English, Hindi & Malayalam
References Will be furnished on request

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CV-Dr. Komalam

  • 1. 1 of 31 Dr. KOMALA AMMA. E (M.Sc, Ph.D.) Address : P.O Box 29992, Sharjah, Email : mkomalam@gmail.com Mobile : 0544735299 Home : 06 5519635 UAE Visit Visa Validity : Up To: 05.05.2017 Career Objectives Looking for a professor position in a university/ college or Senior position in educational institutions to share 32 years of experience in teaching, knowledge and passion with students and guide them for their better lives. Summary of Skills/ Strengths Thirtytwo yearsofexperience:Professor,AssociateProfessorandAssistantProfessor(Sr. Scale)levels in the field of Teaching, Research and Extension. A track record in teaching Engineering Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry for B.Tech.programme, Inorganic chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Enzymes and Enzymology, Metabolomics for B.Sc. M.Sc. Integrated Bio technology programme, Agricultural Biochemistry, Plant Bio Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry for Agricultural programme, Co-ordination Chemistry, and organic Chemistry for B.Sc. and M.Sc. chemistry programme. Strong, self-driven, and self-motivated professional. Good organization skills and exceptional leadership qualities. Comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the subject to create, execute, and analyze student assessments. Proficiency in a wide range of teaching methods and techniques. Outstanding ability to bring about and maintain high academic standards. Ability to work closely and collaboratively with the college/ university administration. In-depth knowledge and experience in developing unique lesson plans suited to any number of students. Superb organizational and time management skills. First rate interpersonal and communication skills to maintain great relationships with colleagues and students. Experience in curriculum design Experience Kerala Agricultural University (KAU), India(January 1986 To March 2016) Professor of Chemistry relating to Bachelors and Masters in Science, covering the areas of Analytical chemistry, Physical chemistry, Industrial chemistry, Biochemistry, Eng. & Agricultural Chemistry. Details of experience: Courses Taught Name of College/Institution Duration B.Sc- M.Sc(Integrated Biotechnology) Bich.2101 Biochemistry Biot.4242 Drug metabolism Bich.2102 Biochemistry II Biot.3221.Enzymes & Enzymology Biot.4127 Metabolomics College of Agriculture, Vellayani 2009-2016 M.Sc.(Ag) SOILS.516 Plant Biochemistry SOILS 511 Analytical Chemistry College of Agriculture, Vellayani 2009-2016 2014-2016 B.Sc.(Hons.)Ag Ssac.1201 Plant Biochemistry College of Agriculture, Vellayani 1999 -2016 M.Sc. and Ph.D Credit seminar College of Agriculture, Vellayani 2004 -2012 Chem. 601 Physical Chemistry College of Agriculture, Vellayani 2001-2002 B.Tech.(Agricultural Engineering) SAC 104 Eng. Chemistry SAC 103 Industrial Chemistry Chem.1101 Chemistry KCAET, Tavanur KCAET, Tavanur KCAET, Tavanur 1986-2000 2001-2007 2008-2009
  • 2. 2 of 32 Diploma DARE chem. 011, Chem- 021, Phys-011 KCAET, Tavanur 1986-1992 B.Sc.(Agriculture) Chem .101 Physical Chemistry and Biophysics College of Agriculture, Vellayani 1999-2004 Chem 103 Agricultural Bio chemistry College of Agriculture, Vellayani 1999-2002 Calicut University (January 1984 to January 1986) Chemistry (Pre-degree ) Sree Vyasa N.S.S. College, Wadakanchery, Kerala 1984-1986 B.Sc. (Chemistry) Sree Vyasa N.S.S. College, Wadakanchery 1984-1986 M.Sc (Chemistry)-(Instrumental methods of analysis, Co-Ordination Chemistry, Organic Chemistry. Sree Vyasa N.S.S. College, Wadakanchery, Kerala 1984-1986 Education Qualification University Year Ph.D Bhavnagar University, Gujarat 1981 - 1984 Masters in Science (First Class) Bhavnagar University, Gujarat 1979 - 1981 Research Research Title of Work/Thesis University M.Sc. A study of Co(II) & Co(III) complexes with N, N Ethylene bis (2- OH 5-Me Acetophenone) Bhavnagar University, Gujarat Ph.D Lodo and base adducts of transition metal complexes. Bhavnagar University, Gujarat Research Guidance (Member of Advisory Committee) Research Guidance Year M.Sc. Agriculture (Mr. Veneeth Varma) 2011-2013 M.Sc Home Science (Benitha Agustian) 2001-2003 M.Tech Agricultural Engineering.(Jolly Kutty Eapen) 1988-1990 Research Seminars (Papers Presentation) Ni (IV) complexes of some Schiff bases. National symposium on Current Trends in co- ordination Chemistry, Dept. of Chemistry, Cochin University of Science and Technology. Ni(IV).2 Iodo complexes of some Schiff bases and their disinfectant activity. International conference on Chemistry Biology Interface: Synergistic New Frontiers- Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Centre for Bio Medical Research, University of Delhi, New Delhi. Agricultural Education in Kerala Status and Strategy Sasthrapatham , Cochin University of Science and Technology ,Cochin. Workshop for Working out Modalities for Analytical Quality Assurance and Training for Food Analysts. CFTRI, Mysore. Agilent New Technologies on Chemical analysis and food safety. Agilent Technologies Seminar on coconut in Kerala Diet. Department of Bio-chemistry, Kerala University. National Workshop on Climate and Development Kerala Agricultural University. Innovation/ Contributions Contributions Details Design of curriculum Engineering Chemistry (1986), Industrial Chemistry (2002 ) Engineering Chemistry (2008) Laboratory experiments Established well equipped Chemistry Laboratory in KCAET. Tavanur Preparation of resource material including books, reading materials, laboratory manuals, etc 1.SAC 103 Industrial Chemistry -Laboratory manual 2. Manual of Methods of Analysis of Foods ( Milk and Milk Products) 3. Manual of Methods of Analysis of Foods (Fats and Oils ) 4. Engineering Chemistry 2008 5. Agricultural Biochemistry 2008 6. Edited and compiled 19 practical manuals for B.Sc.(Hons.) Ag 2008
  • 3. 3 of 33 Academic officer 13 yrs. as an officer in charge of Academic -Involved in Students Counseling, Admission, Registration, Examination Scheduling, Conducting examinations and Valuation of Answer sheets, Result Publication and Submitting the details for the Accreditation of the College , Revision of the syllabi for UG,PG and Ph.D etc. for the Faculty of Agriculture(2007 &2009) Nodal officer NISAGENET & AISHE (2011-2016) Any other 1.External Examiner (Question paper setting of semester examination B.Sc & MSc.(Soil Physics and Chemistry) TNAU, Coimbatore, India 2.Assistant warden of the Ladies hostel 1986 to 1992, KCAET, Tavanur Publications Publication Journal Monoiodo derivates of Ni(III) and Co(III) chelates with some Schiff bases. Journal of Indian Chemical Society, 1984.Kolkata Base adducts of Co(II) and Ni (II) Chelates with some Schiff bases Journal of Indian Chemical Society- 1984, Kolkata Studies on polymeric base derivatives of some Copper(II) Orthohydroxy Thiosemicarbazones Journal of Macromolecular Science Chemistry-2000 ,New york Ni (IV). 2Iodo complexes of some Schiff bases and its disinfectant activity Journal of Indian Chemical Society- 2008, Kolkata Base adducts of Cu(II) Schiff bases - an EPR study Journal of Indian Chemical Society- 2009, Kolkata Base adducts of Ni(II) chelates of some Thiosemicarbazones Journal of Indian Chemical Society-2009, Kolkata Professional Training Course Details Institution Refresher course in Chemistry. Academic Staff college, Kerala University. Training course on environmental impact assessment of water resources projects. CWRDM, Kozhikode, Kerala Refresher course in Methods in Inorganic Chemistry. Dept. of Applied Chemistry, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin , Kerala Summer school on Harvest and post-Harvest Technology of Plantation crops. CPCRI, Kasargod, Kerala Training on Bioconversion of cellulosic waste Centre of advance studies and Agricultural Microbiology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu Orientation course on An Integrated Approach to Knowledge and Information for University and College Teachers. National Institute of Advanced studies, Indian Institute of Science Campus, Bangalore HPLC&GC operation, maintenance and troubleshooting. CFTRI, Mysore , Karnataka Nanotechnology Concepts and Application in Basic and Strategic Research for Livestock Improvement NDRI, ICAR, Karnal, Haryana Personal Information Nationality : Indian Date of Birth : 28th March, 1956 Languages : English, Hindi & Malayalam References Will be furnished on request