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Amphibians of Sahyadri

           Gururaja KV
      Centre for Ecological Sciences
           IISc, Bangalore 12
Flow of talk
 Key Research areas in the Western Ghats
 Overview of Amphibian diversity
 What do we do?
   Impact of land-use change
   Natural history, call pattern analysis, niche
    partitioning and Ecology
   Spatial distribution modeling
 What we can do?
   Plenty to explore
Discoveries and more
From Sahyadriin last nine years
                                                                                                                  Genus            # species
                  50 species new to science                                                                      Fejervarya       4

                  Rhacophoridae 26                                                                               Gegeneophis      7
                                                                                                                  Ghatixalus       1
                  Gymnophiona 12                                                                                 Ichthyophis      2
                                                                                                                  Microhyla        1
                                                                                                                  Minervarya       1
            25                                                               160
                 Western Ghats
                                                                             140                                  Nasikabatrachus 1

                                                                                   Cumulative number of species
                                                                                                                  Nyctibatrachus   5
# Species

                                                                             80                                   Philautus        23
            10                                                               60
                                                                             40                                   Polypedates      1
             0                                                               0
                                                                                                                  Rhacophorus      1
             1799    1824   1849   1874   1899   1924   1949   1974   1999
                                                                                                                  Uraeotyphlus     3
Amphibian diversity in Sahyadri
 155 species (287 from
 141 described from
 135 are endemic
Other issues
 Viviparity in caecilians

                   Geneophis seshachari

                                Gower et al., 2008. J Evol Biol. 21(5):1220-6
Other issues
 Frog skipping tadpole stage

                  Gururaja and Ramachandra, 2006. Curr. Sci. 90(3):450-454
Other issues

       Biju and Bossyut, 2003. Nature. 425: 711714
Indias smallest frog

         Biju et al., 2007. Current Science 93(6): 854-858.
Skin extracts and pesticidal impacts

            1. Giri et al., 2006. doi:10.1016/j.toxicon.2006.06.011
            2. Sai et al., 2001. doi:10.1074/jbc.M006615200
            3. Gurushankara et al., 2007. doi:10.1007/s00244-006-0015-5
Conservation and Management

Das, A., Krishnaswamy, J., Bawa, K. S., Kiran, M. C., Srinivas, V., Kumar, N. S., et al. 2006.
Prioritization of conservation areas in the Western Ghats, India. Biological Conservation,
133, 1631.

Gururaja KV, Sameer Ali and Ramachandra TV. 2008. Influence of land-use changes
in river basins on diversity and distribution of amphibians. In: Environment
Education for Ecosystem Conservation
Sharavathi River basin
 Sharavathi River in central Western Ghats, Karnataka
 west-flowing river, about 132 km an average altitude of
  500 m)
 Linganamakki reservoir is about 326 sq. km
 In 1932, a small dam was built at Hirebhaskara
 In 1964, a major dam at Linganamakki, which
  submerged the Hirebhaskara dam and the lands
  belonging to 32 villages.
 Later, in the 1990s, another dam was built at
  Gerusoppa, affecting 705 ha of primary forests.
Study area
   Systematic stratified random sampling
   night survey with torch lights (17:30-20:30 hr), from 2003  2006,
    seasonal, search for all (including calls, tadpoles), in all micro habitats
   Identify and record species, numbers etc.
   Opportunistic observations also included for overall diversity in the
   Shannons index (H = - 裡 pi ln pi),
   Simpsons index (D = 1/ 裡 pi2)
Classified image of Land-use Analysis in
          Sharavathi river basin
Sub-basin wise fragmentation analysis in
         Sharavathi river basin
 Sub-basins    Interior Perforated   Edge Transitional   Patch Undetermined
Nandihol辿          9.58      19.37    7.15       10.85    52.95         0.11
Haridravathi       5.02      13.15    5.36       10.76     65.6          0.1
Mavinahol辿         9.96      21.26    7.83       13.38    47.42         0.15
Sharavathi         8.09      18.96    6.27       15.06    51.54         0.08
Hilkunji          21.02      32.98    8.52       12.37    24.86         0.24
Hurlihol辿         16.47      30.05    9.74       14.43    29.14         0.17
Nagodihol辿        24.91      28.98   10.38       14.83    20.62         0.29
Yennehol辿         14.69       25.2   10.12       16.84    32.92         0.22
Fragmentation analysis

                Nandi               Haridravathi


                        Mavinhole         Sharavathi
Result .
           42 species, 7 families
           27 endemic to Western Ghats (64%)
           12 vulnerable
           17 near threatened
           Nandihol辿 least richness, abundance
           Yennehol辿 highest

Su b-ba sin           Ri ch n ess A bu n d. En dem ic En .A bu Non -en d. Non .A bu Sim pson Sh a n n on
Na n di                  10        36         4         12         6         24       5 .4 5 6    1 .9 6 3
Ha r idr a v a th i      14        49         6         28         8         21       8 .7 4 7    2 .3 5 6
Mav in h ole             14        48         8         28         6         20       7 .6 2 9    2 .2 9 8
Sh a r a v a th i        14        33         9         27         5          6       7 .3 1 6    2 .2 9 8
Hilku n ji               20        48         11        31         9         17      1 0.1 2 8    2 .6 5 3
Na g odi                 18        59         11        45         7         14       7 .5 4 8    2 .4 3 6
Hu r li                  15        38         9         26         6         12      1 1 .1 00    2 .5 4 4
Yen n e                  22        66         13        35         9         31      1 3 .2 9 9   2 .8 07
Component loadings
Variable loadings              PC 1     PC2
Tree endemism (%)              0.233    0.194
Tree evergreenness (%)         0.282    0.231
Stream flow (%)                0.257    -0.087
Canopy (%)                     0.086    0.101
Rainfall (mm)                  0.191    -0.049
Evergreen-Semi-evergreen (%)   0.509    -0.015
Moist-deciduous (%)            -0.101   -0.038
Agriculture (%)                -0.373   0.657
Open land (%)                  -0.133   0.124
Interior forest (%)            0.178    -0.304
Perforated forest (%)          0.101    -0.122
Patch forest (%)               -0.143   0.218
Shape index                    0.214    0.2
Contiguous forest (m2)         -0.157   -0.169
Shannons index                0.254    0.232
Total edge (m)                 0.364    0.404
Principal Component Analysis...
                           Agriculture field

                                                                                                                    Total edge forest

                                                                                4                     Evergreenness
                                               Patch forest
                                                                                                 Shannons patch index
                                                     Open field                             Tree endemism
                                                                      0.3             Landscape shape index
  Axis 2

                                   1                                                                  7         8
           -1.6             -1.0                              -0.3                  0.3                             1.0                        1.6
                                                                                     Rain fall                           Evergreen-Semi-evergreen
                               3                                                                 Stream flow
                                                                      -0.3                                           6
                                                  Contiguous forest

                                                                                          Interior forest


  Vector scaling: 2.50                                                 Axis 1

     1. Nandihole, 2. Haridravathi, 3. Mavinhole, 4. Sharavathi, 5. Hilkunji, 6. Hurli, 7. Nagodi and 8. Yennehole.
Conservation Priority Regions in
   Uttara Kannada District
Sampling localities
              Castle rock


     Hasehalla                         Chitageri


 Chandavara       Ulluru       Baillalli

 32 species, 8 families
 17 endemics,
 4 terrestrial, 16 aquatic, 3 semiaquatic and 9
Conservation priority must be given
              Castle rock


             Hasehalla                        Chitageri


         Chandavara       Ulluru       Baillalli

Niche partitioning
 Four species of Philautus
 P. cf. ponmudi, P.cf.neelanethrus, P.cf.amboli and
 Snout vent lenght, Weight, perching height during
  advertisement call, call frequency
              Speci es               SV L (m m )          Weigh t (g)            Pf (k Hz)         Heigh t (m )
              P. cf. po nm udi      3 3 .2 2 賊0 .7 2 4   2 .7 8 賊0 .3 1 1     2 .0 0 賊0 .0 2 4     7 .9 0 賊0 .8 2 1
                                     (3 2 - 3 4 .1 )     (2 .2 2 - 3 .2 1 )   (1 .9 6 - 2 .0 5 )       (7  9 )
              N                             9                    9                   16                   9
              P. tuberohum erus     2 0 .0 6 賊1 .8 6 7   0 .6 1 賊0 .1 4 4     3 .4 6 賊0 .1 5 3     1 .0 5 賊 0 .5 7 6
                                     (1 6 - 2 2 .6 )     (0 .2 6 - 0 .8 4 )   (3 .1 1 - 3 .6 8 )    (0 .3 - 2 .5 )
              N                            12                   12                   37                  12
              P. cf. neelanethrus 2 8 .8 1 賊1 .4 5 2     1 .3 7 賊0 .2 6 6     2 .3 9 賊0 .0 3 1     2 .7 8 - 1 .1 7 2
                                    (2 6 .5 - 3 1 .4 )   (1 .0 9 - 2 .0 6 )   (2 .3 5 - 2 .4 8 )      (0 .5 5 )
              N                            17                   17                   16                  17
              P. cf.am bo li        2 7 .3 6 賊1 .8 2 6   1 .5 2 賊0 .2 5 6     2 .5 6 賊0 .0 5 4     1 .5 7 賊0 .4 9 6
                                    (2 2 .2 - 3 1 .9 )   (0 .9 3 - 2 .2 )     (2 .4 4 - 2 .6 3 )   (0 .7 5 - 2 .3 )
              N                            86                   86                   23                  21
Peak Frequency (kHz)

                       Snout vent length (mm)
Breeding behavior
 Foot flagging in Micrixalus saxicola
Breeding behavior
 Satellite males in Nyctibatrachus petraeus
Call patterns and natural history
 Pedostibes tuberculosus
Species distribution modeling
 Paa minica
       Raster Format: Range: 0-254,
        Nodata: 255
       Area Under Curve (AUC) : 0.88
       Accuracy : 67.57%
       Omission error : 61.11%
       Commission error : 5.26%
       Cells predicted present : 0.64%
       Total number of cells : 7683100

                                          Sampling points
Paa minica at Moolbari
Some common anurans

Common Indian toad, Duttaphrynus melanostictus                       Fergusons toad, Bufo scaber
up to 16cm, noctornal, terrestrial, human habitation, water bodies   up to 5cm, noctornal, terrestrial, human habitation, water bodies

Malabar tree toad, Pedostibes tuberculosus, Endemic                  Indian burrowing frog, Sphearotheca breviceps
up to 6cm, noctornal, arboreal, forest streams                       up to 6cm, noctornal, fussorial, human habitation, water bodies
Ornate narrow mouthed frog, Microhyla ornata                         Red narrow mouthed frog, Microhyla rubra
up to 3cm, noctornal, semi-aquatic, human habitation, water bodies   up to 3cm, noctornal, semi-aquatic, human habitation, water bodies

Karnataka night frog, Nyctibatrachus karnatakaensis Endemic          Castlerock night frog, Nyctibatrachus petraeus Endemic
up to 9cm, noctornal, aquatic, forest streams                        up to 5cm, noctornal, aquatic and arboreal, forest streams
Aloysius skittering frog, Euphlyctis aloysii                       Common skittering frog, Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis
up to 5cm, noctornal, aquatic, human habitation, water bodies      up to 6cm, noctornal, aquatic, human habitation, water bodies

Golden frog, Hylarana aurantiaca Endemic                           Bronzed frog, Hylarana temporalis Endemic
up to 5cm, noctornal, semi-aquatic, streams, paddy fields, ponds   up to 6cm, noctornal, semi-aquatic, river, streams
Wrinkled cricket frog, Fejervarya caperata                         Kudremukh cricket frog, Fejervarya kudremukhensis
up to 4cm, noctornal, semi-aquatic, paddy fields, pools            up to 5cm, noctornal, semi-aquatic, ponds, pools, water bodies

Reddish cricket frog, Fejervarya rufescens Endemic                 Indian bull frog, Hoplobatrachus tigerinus
up to 5cm, noctornal, semi-aquatic, laterite rocks, ponds, pools   up to 25cm, noctornal, semi-aquatic, ponds, streams, paddy fields
Small torrent frog, Micrixalus saxicola Endemic              Amboli bush frog, Philautus amboli Endemic
up to 4cm, diurnal, semi-aquatic, stream/river falls         up to 3.5cm, noctornal, arboreal, shrubs, bushes, tree bark

Common tree frog, Polypedates maculatus                      Malabar gliding frog, Rhacophorus malabaricus Endemic
up to 6cm, noctornal, arboreal, tree trunks, bushes, walls   up to 7cm, noctornal, tree trunks, shrubs, bushes
Bicolored frog, Clinotarsus curtipes                             Fungoid frog, Hylarana malabarica Endemic
up to 6cm, nocturnal, semi-aquatic, reservoirs, streams, river   up to 7cm, noctornal, semi-aquatic, ponds, pools, water bodies

Sahyadri minervarya frog, Minervarya sahyadris Endemic           Small leaping frog, Indirana semipalmata Endemic
up to 3cm, noctornal, semi-aquatic, paddy fields, ponds, pools   up to 4cm, diurnal, semi-aquatic, stream beds, leaf litter, crevices
What we can do?
 Know your neighbours who are there in the
 Report on calls, breeding and other issues
 Research on Anti Microbial Peptides
 ThinkThinkSet objectivesRefine and be
  independent researchers
This work was not possible otherwise, if the people mentioned below had not
accompanied me in field and made me feel secure, while they took the pain of
travelling during night hours, amidst dense forest, heavy rains, tough terrain,
creeping creatures and frightening animals. Special thanks to you all - Sameer
Ali, Vishnu D Mukri, Karthick B, Sreekantha, Srikanth Naik, Lakshminarayana,
Nayak CR, Dinesh KP, Amit Yadav, Seshadri KS, Dhanpal G Naidu, Alkananda,
Supriya, Uttam Kumar, Hemant Ogle, Palot MJ, Divakar K Mesta, Rao GR, Sudhira
HS, Vijaya Cavale, Harish Bhat, Sumanth, Thulasiraman, Vishnupriya S, Mittal
Gala, Ramanath Chandrashekar, Dayani Chakravarthy, Vipul Ramanuj, Srinidhi
Kashyap, Subramanian KA, Gowri Shanker, Pradeep Gangadkar AS, Archna
Singh, Boominathan M, Subash Chandran MD, Ramachandra TV, Nisarg R
Prakash, Ganesh HS, Aravind NA, Vijay Mohan Raj, Manoj Kumar, Lingaraja,
Manikantan, Avinash KG, Suresh GB, Manjunatha MJ, Sushanto Sen, Preeti and
forest guards, watchers and many on lookers.
Thank you

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Sahyadri Amphibians Ku 8sep09(1)

  • 1. Amphibians of Sahyadri Gururaja KV Centre for Ecological Sciences IISc, Bangalore 12 gururaj@ces.iisc.ernet.in gururajakv@gmail.com
  • 2. Flow of talk Key Research areas in the Western Ghats Overview of Amphibian diversity What do we do? Impact of land-use change Natural history, call pattern analysis, niche partitioning and Ecology Spatial distribution modeling What we can do? Plenty to explore
  • 4. From Sahyadriin last nine years Genus # species 50 species new to science Fejervarya 4 Rhacophoridae 26 Gegeneophis 7 Ghatixalus 1 Gymnophiona 12 Ichthyophis 2 Microhyla 1 Minervarya 1 25 160 Western Ghats 140 Nasikabatrachus 1 Cumulative number of species 20 120 100 Nyctibatrachus 5 15 # Species 80 Philautus 23 10 60 40 Polypedates 1 5 20 0 0 Rhacophorus 1 1799 1824 1849 1874 1899 1924 1949 1974 1999 Uraeotyphlus 3
  • 5. Amphibian diversity in Sahyadri 155 species (287 from India) 141 described from Sahyadri 135 are endemic
  • 6. Other issues Viviparity in caecilians Geneophis seshachari Gower et al., 2008. J Evol Biol. 21(5):1220-6
  • 7. Other issues Frog skipping tadpole stage Gururaja and Ramachandra, 2006. Curr. Sci. 90(3):450-454
  • 8. Other issues Biju and Bossyut, 2003. Nature. 425: 711714
  • 9. Indias smallest frog Biju et al., 2007. Current Science 93(6): 854-858.
  • 10. Skin extracts and pesticidal impacts 1. Giri et al., 2006. doi:10.1016/j.toxicon.2006.06.011 2. Sai et al., 2001. doi:10.1074/jbc.M006615200 3. Gurushankara et al., 2007. doi:10.1007/s00244-006-0015-5
  • 11. Conservation and Management Das, A., Krishnaswamy, J., Bawa, K. S., Kiran, M. C., Srinivas, V., Kumar, N. S., et al. 2006. Prioritization of conservation areas in the Western Ghats, India. Biological Conservation, 133, 1631. Gururaja KV, Sameer Ali and Ramachandra TV. 2008. Influence of land-use changes in river basins on diversity and distribution of amphibians. In: Environment Education for Ecosystem Conservation
  • 12. Sharavathi River basin Sharavathi River in central Western Ghats, Karnataka west-flowing river, about 132 km an average altitude of 500 m) Linganamakki reservoir is about 326 sq. km In 1932, a small dam was built at Hirebhaskara In 1964, a major dam at Linganamakki, which submerged the Hirebhaskara dam and the lands belonging to 32 villages. Later, in the 1990s, another dam was built at Gerusoppa, affecting 705 ha of primary forests.
  • 14. Methods Systematic stratified random sampling night survey with torch lights (17:30-20:30 hr), from 2003 2006, seasonal, search for all (including calls, tadpoles), in all micro habitats Identify and record species, numbers etc. Opportunistic observations also included for overall diversity in the region Shannons index (H = - 裡 pi ln pi), (H Simpsons index (D = 1/ 裡 pi2) (D
  • 15. Classified image of Land-use Analysis in Land- Sharavathi river basin
  • 16. Sub- Sub-basin wise fragmentation analysis in Sharavathi river basin Sub-basins Interior Perforated Edge Transitional Patch Undetermined Nandihol辿 9.58 19.37 7.15 10.85 52.95 0.11 Haridravathi 5.02 13.15 5.36 10.76 65.6 0.1 Mavinahol辿 9.96 21.26 7.83 13.38 47.42 0.15 Sharavathi 8.09 18.96 6.27 15.06 51.54 0.08 Hilkunji 21.02 32.98 8.52 12.37 24.86 0.24 Hurlihol辿 16.47 30.05 9.74 14.43 29.14 0.17 Nagodihol辿 24.91 28.98 10.38 14.83 20.62 0.29 Yennehol辿 14.69 25.2 10.12 16.84 32.92 0.22
  • 17. Fragmentation analysis Nandi Haridravathi Background colour Mavinhole Sharavathi
  • 18. Result . 42 species, 7 families 27 endemic to Western Ghats (64%) 12 vulnerable 17 near threatened Nandihol辿 least richness, abundance Nandihol辿 Yennehol辿 highest Yennehol辿 Su b-ba sin Ri ch n ess A bu n d. En dem ic En .A bu Non -en d. Non .A bu Sim pson Sh a n n on Na n di 10 36 4 12 6 24 5 .4 5 6 1 .9 6 3 Ha r idr a v a th i 14 49 6 28 8 21 8 .7 4 7 2 .3 5 6 Mav in h ole 14 48 8 28 6 20 7 .6 2 9 2 .2 9 8 Sh a r a v a th i 14 33 9 27 5 6 7 .3 1 6 2 .2 9 8 Hilku n ji 20 48 11 31 9 17 1 0.1 2 8 2 .6 5 3 Na g odi 18 59 11 45 7 14 7 .5 4 8 2 .4 3 6 Hu r li 15 38 9 26 6 12 1 1 .1 00 2 .5 4 4 Yen n e 22 66 13 35 9 31 1 3 .2 9 9 2 .8 07
  • 19. Component loadings Variable loadings PC 1 PC2 Tree endemism (%) 0.233 0.194 Tree evergreenness (%) 0.282 0.231 Stream flow (%) 0.257 -0.087 Canopy (%) 0.086 0.101 Rainfall (mm) 0.191 -0.049 Evergreen-Semi-evergreen (%) 0.509 -0.015 Moist-deciduous (%) -0.101 -0.038 Agriculture (%) -0.373 0.657 Open land (%) -0.133 0.124 Interior forest (%) 0.178 -0.304 Perforated forest (%) 0.101 -0.122 Patch forest (%) -0.143 0.218 Shape index 0.214 0.2 Contiguous forest (m2) -0.157 -0.169 Shannons index 0.254 0.232 Total edge (m) 0.364 0.404
  • 20. Principal Component Analysis... Agriculture field 1.6 Total edge forest 1.0 4 Evergreenness Patch forest Shannons patch index Open field Tree endemism 0.3 Landscape shape index 5 Axis 2 2 1 7 8 -1.6 -1.0 -0.3 0.3 1.0 1.6 Rain fall Evergreen-Semi-evergreen 3 Stream flow -0.3 6 Contiguous forest Interior forest -1.0 -1.6 Vector scaling: 2.50 Axis 1 1. Nandihole, 2. Haridravathi, 3. Mavinhole, 4. Sharavathi, 5. Hilkunji, 6. Hurli, 7. Nagodi and 8. Yennehole.
  • 22. Conservation Priority Regions in Uttara Kannada District
  • 23. Sampling localities Castle rock Gowliwada Gunjavathi Kaneri Anashi Dabguli Hasehalla Chitageri Sapurthi Kathagala Chandavara Ulluru Baillalli Kathalekan Magod Hosagadde
  • 24. Results 32 species, 8 families 17 endemics, 4 terrestrial, 16 aquatic, 3 semiaquatic and 9 arboreal
  • 26. Conservation priority must be given to Castle rock Gowliwada Gunjavathi Kaneri Anashi Dabguli Hasehalla Chitageri Sapurthi Kathagala Chandavara Ulluru Baillalli Kathalekan Magod Hosagadde
  • 27. Niche partitioning Four species of Philautus P. cf. ponmudi, P.cf.neelanethrus, P.cf.amboli and P.tuberohumerus Snout vent lenght, Weight, perching height during advertisement call, call frequency Speci es SV L (m m ) Weigh t (g) Pf (k Hz) Heigh t (m ) P. cf. po nm udi 3 3 .2 2 賊0 .7 2 4 2 .7 8 賊0 .3 1 1 2 .0 0 賊0 .0 2 4 7 .9 0 賊0 .8 2 1 (3 2 - 3 4 .1 ) (2 .2 2 - 3 .2 1 ) (1 .9 6 - 2 .0 5 ) (7 9 ) N 9 9 16 9 P. tuberohum erus 2 0 .0 6 賊1 .8 6 7 0 .6 1 賊0 .1 4 4 3 .4 6 賊0 .1 5 3 1 .0 5 賊 0 .5 7 6 (1 6 - 2 2 .6 ) (0 .2 6 - 0 .8 4 ) (3 .1 1 - 3 .6 8 ) (0 .3 - 2 .5 ) N 12 12 37 12 P. cf. neelanethrus 2 8 .8 1 賊1 .4 5 2 1 .3 7 賊0 .2 6 6 2 .3 9 賊0 .0 3 1 2 .7 8 - 1 .1 7 2 (2 6 .5 - 3 1 .4 ) (1 .0 9 - 2 .0 6 ) (2 .3 5 - 2 .4 8 ) (0 .5 5 ) N 17 17 16 17 P. cf.am bo li 2 7 .3 6 賊1 .8 2 6 1 .5 2 賊0 .2 5 6 2 .5 6 賊0 .0 5 4 1 .5 7 賊0 .4 9 6 (2 2 .2 - 3 1 .9 ) (0 .9 3 - 2 .2 ) (2 .4 4 - 2 .6 3 ) (0 .7 5 - 2 .3 ) N 86 86 23 21
  • 28. Peak Frequency (kHz) Snout vent length (mm)
  • 29. Breeding behavior Foot flagging in Micrixalus saxicola
  • 30. Breeding behavior Satellite males in Nyctibatrachus petraeus
  • 31. Call patterns and natural history Pedostibes tuberculosus
  • 32. Species distribution modeling Paa minica GARP Raster Format: Range: 0-254, Nodata: 255 Area Under Curve (AUC) : 0.88 Accuracy : 67.57% Omission error : 61.11% Commission error : 5.26% Cells predicted present : 0.64% Total number of cells : 7683100 Sampling points
  • 33. Paa minica at Moolbari
  • 34. Some common anurans Common Indian toad, Duttaphrynus melanostictus Fergusons toad, Bufo scaber up to 16cm, noctornal, terrestrial, human habitation, water bodies up to 5cm, noctornal, terrestrial, human habitation, water bodies Malabar tree toad, Pedostibes tuberculosus, Endemic Indian burrowing frog, Sphearotheca breviceps up to 6cm, noctornal, arboreal, forest streams up to 6cm, noctornal, fussorial, human habitation, water bodies
  • 35. Ornate narrow mouthed frog, Microhyla ornata Red narrow mouthed frog, Microhyla rubra up to 3cm, noctornal, semi-aquatic, human habitation, water bodies up to 3cm, noctornal, semi-aquatic, human habitation, water bodies Karnataka night frog, Nyctibatrachus karnatakaensis Endemic Castlerock night frog, Nyctibatrachus petraeus Endemic up to 9cm, noctornal, aquatic, forest streams up to 5cm, noctornal, aquatic and arboreal, forest streams
  • 36. Aloysius skittering frog, Euphlyctis aloysii Common skittering frog, Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis up to 5cm, noctornal, aquatic, human habitation, water bodies up to 6cm, noctornal, aquatic, human habitation, water bodies Golden frog, Hylarana aurantiaca Endemic Bronzed frog, Hylarana temporalis Endemic up to 5cm, noctornal, semi-aquatic, streams, paddy fields, ponds up to 6cm, noctornal, semi-aquatic, river, streams
  • 37. Wrinkled cricket frog, Fejervarya caperata Kudremukh cricket frog, Fejervarya kudremukhensis up to 4cm, noctornal, semi-aquatic, paddy fields, pools up to 5cm, noctornal, semi-aquatic, ponds, pools, water bodies Reddish cricket frog, Fejervarya rufescens Endemic Indian bull frog, Hoplobatrachus tigerinus up to 5cm, noctornal, semi-aquatic, laterite rocks, ponds, pools up to 25cm, noctornal, semi-aquatic, ponds, streams, paddy fields
  • 38. Small torrent frog, Micrixalus saxicola Endemic Amboli bush frog, Philautus amboli Endemic up to 4cm, diurnal, semi-aquatic, stream/river falls up to 3.5cm, noctornal, arboreal, shrubs, bushes, tree bark Common tree frog, Polypedates maculatus Malabar gliding frog, Rhacophorus malabaricus Endemic up to 6cm, noctornal, arboreal, tree trunks, bushes, walls up to 7cm, noctornal, tree trunks, shrubs, bushes
  • 39. Bicolored frog, Clinotarsus curtipes Fungoid frog, Hylarana malabarica Endemic up to 6cm, nocturnal, semi-aquatic, reservoirs, streams, river up to 7cm, noctornal, semi-aquatic, ponds, pools, water bodies Sahyadri minervarya frog, Minervarya sahyadris Endemic Small leaping frog, Indirana semipalmata Endemic up to 3cm, noctornal, semi-aquatic, paddy fields, ponds, pools up to 4cm, diurnal, semi-aquatic, stream beds, leaf litter, crevices
  • 40. What we can do? Know your neighbours who are there in the campus! Report on calls, breeding and other issues Research on Anti Microbial Peptides ThinkThinkSet objectivesRefine and be independent researchers
  • 41. Acknowledgements This work was not possible otherwise, if the people mentioned below had not accompanied me in field and made me feel secure, while they took the pain of travelling during night hours, amidst dense forest, heavy rains, tough terrain, creeping creatures and frightening animals. Special thanks to you all - Sameer Ali, Vishnu D Mukri, Karthick B, Sreekantha, Srikanth Naik, Lakshminarayana, Nayak CR, Dinesh KP, Amit Yadav, Seshadri KS, Dhanpal G Naidu, Alkananda, Supriya, Uttam Kumar, Hemant Ogle, Palot MJ, Divakar K Mesta, Rao GR, Sudhira HS, Vijaya Cavale, Harish Bhat, Sumanth, Thulasiraman, Vishnupriya S, Mittal Gala, Ramanath Chandrashekar, Dayani Chakravarthy, Vipul Ramanuj, Srinidhi Kashyap, Subramanian KA, Gowri Shanker, Pradeep Gangadkar AS, Archna Singh, Boominathan M, Subash Chandran MD, Ramachandra TV, Nisarg R Prakash, Ganesh HS, Aravind NA, Vijay Mohan Raj, Manoj Kumar, Lingaraja, Manikantan, Avinash KG, Suresh GB, Manjunatha MJ, Sushanto Sen, Preeti and forest guards, watchers and many on lookers.