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Presentation By
Miss Patil Jyoti Narayan
PRES Institute of Pharmacy Loni Kd
Sales promotion
sales promotion includes those marketing activities other than
personal selling advertisement and publicity, that stimulate consumer
purchasing and dealer effectiveness such as window display , shows
and expositions demonstrations etc.
? To introduce new product
? To maintain old customers
? To popularize the brand
? To induce customers to
purchase more items.
? To attract new customers
? To improve public image
of the firm
? To assist salesman and
Techniques of Sales promotion
1. Free samples
2. Trading stamps
3. Coupons
4. Premium or bonus offers
5. Prize content
6. Fair and exhibition
1. Free samples
many pharmaceutical firm send their medical representative to physician for
dealing and distribution of free samples of their manufactured goods.
? Useful for introducing new product.
? very expensive and used by big organization.
2. Trading stamps
In case of some specific products trading stamps are distributed
among the customers according to the value of their purchase. The
customers are required to collect these stamps of sufficient value within a
particular period in order to avail of some benefits. This tool induces
customers to buy that product more frequently to collect the stamps of
required value
3. Premium or bonus offer
They are effective in inducing consumers to buy a particular product.
This is also useful for encouraging and rewarding existing customers.
a) With pack premium
b) A reusable container
c) Free in the mail premium
4. Coupons
Sometimes, coupons are issued by manufacturers either in the packet
of a product or through an advertisement printed in the newspaper or
magazine or through mail. These coupons can be presented to the
retailer while buying the product. The holder of the coupon gets the
product at a discount.
5. Prize contest
the contest may be held for the customers salesman and dealer .
They are required to write a slogan or complete a sentence about the utility
of product. Attractive prizes are given for best entries.
6. Fairs and exhibitions
Fairs and exhibitions may be organized at local, regional, national or
international level to introduce new products, demonstrate the
products and to explain special features and usefulness of the
products. Goods are displayed and demonstrated and their sale is
also conducted at a reasonable discount.
Salesmanship is defined as the level of skill you have in convincing
people to buy or in persuading people to do something.
“The personal selling” and “salesmanship” are often used
interchangeably, but there is an important difference. Personal selling is
the broader concept. Salesmanship may or may not be an important
part of personal selling and it is never ‘all of it.
? It helps in locating prospective buyers
? It helps in creation of demand for new product
? It provides feedback about need , attitude and behavior of consumers
? It helps to remove objections and doubt of consumers
? It help in demonstration product in very effective way
? It can develop durable relationship with consumers
? The salesman act as consultant to the consumers
? Salesmanship gets immediate buying action
The 7-step sales process
1. Pre sale preparation
2. Prospecting.
3. Approach.
4. Presentation.
5. Dealing with objection
6. Closing.
7. Follow-up.
1.Pre sale preparation
The selection training and motivation of sales is the first step in personal
selling. Sales man have through knowledge about product.
In this stage, you find potential customers and determine whether they
have a need for your product or service.
3. Approaching
In the approach stage, you make first contact with your client. Sometimes this
is a face-to-face meeting, sometimes it’s over the phone. There are three
common approach methods.
Premium approach: Presenting your potential client with a gift at the
beginning of your interaction
Question approach: Asking a question to get the prospect interested
Product approach: Giving the prospect a sample or a free trial to review and
evaluate your service
4. Presentation
In the presentation phase, you actively demonstrate how your product or
service meets the needs of your potential customer.
5. Dealing with objection
Perhaps the most underrated of the seven steps of a sales process is handling
objections. This is where you listen to your prospect’s concerns and address
them. It’s also where many unsuccessful salespeople drop out of the.
Successfully handling objections and alleviating concerns separates good
salespeople from bad and great from good.
? Once the customer has made up his mind to buy the product the
salesman should close the sale in cordial manner . The customer
should be made feel that he has made the right choice.
? It is difficult to close sale if the customers has not yet come to a
decision. However under no circumstances, the customer should be
pressurized to get in for a particular items.
7.Follow up
Once you have closed the sale, your job is not done. The follow-up
stage keeps you in contact with customers you have closed. But it is not
practical in retail pharmacy if customer not visit pharmacy frequently.
A person who is engaged in selling goods to the customers is known as
Qualities of salesman-
1. Personal qualities
2. Mental qualities
3. Social qualities
4. Vocational qualities
1. Personal qualities
1. Have attractive personality
2. Have clear voice
3. He must possess good health
4. He should also be well dressed
2.Mental Qualities
1. A good salesman should possess sound memory, presence of mind,
imagination, sound judgment.
2. He should be intelligent enough to understand the nature and
requirement of potential buyers
3. He must have the imagination to look at things from the view point
of the customers
3. Social qualities
1. A good salesman must have liking for people and ability to mix with
2. He must not be shy and reserved nature
3. He should be sincere , cooperative and honest
4. A salesman has to deal with different customers therefore he
should have patience to listen to his customers and remove their
4. Vocational skill
1. A good salesman have specialized knowledge of sealing technique
2. Salesmanship is highly skilled vocation. It requires certain training
and aptitude to have detail knowledge of product, customers and
competitive product in market.
3. All skilled vocational knowledge help to handle objections of
customers and convincing them to buy product.
1. To create demand for new product
2. To increase its sale by attracting new customers
3. To maintain the existing demand by fighting competition
4. To assist salesman in their selling efforts
5. To warn the public against imitation of the [product of firm
6. To enhance god will of product
1. To introduce new product in market
2. It promote sale of goods and services
3. It help firm to face compitition
4. It helps in creating demand of product
5. To improve reputation of product and firm
6. It helps in maintain uniformity and stability in prices
7. It helps manufacturer to expands his market
1. It multiplies need of people by inducing them to buy things which are
not really needed
2. It dose not generally increase demand of of product it only shift
demand from one seller to another
3. It involves huge wasteful expenditure because majority of
advertisement are skipped by people
4. It increases cost of production
5. Many times the fact are mis pretended in the advertisement
Media for advertisement
1. Press advertisement-newspaper, magzin
2. Literature advertisement-leaflet and catalogue
3. External advertisement- poster on wall , electric display
4. Miscellaneous- T. V., radio, window display cinema slides
Parts of advertisement
1. Heading-Use to attract people.it may be word ,phrase or even question
about product.it should not be very long.
2. Theme-give basic idea about product and highlights its advantage
3. Picture- photo of product.
4. Argument-to convince customers about utility of the product.
5. Closing part –it is very often repeats in brief the content of product
Advertising of pharmaceuticals
1. The advertisement of pharmaceuticals should be truthful
2. There should not be any wrong statement regarding its content and
their percentage.
3. It should provides full detail regarding the action and use , proprietary
name as well as generic name , dosage form mode of administration,
side effect, treatment of toxic effect, contraindication etc.
Advertising of pharmaceuticals
4. But advertisement of many product are restricted Because, a customer
cannot use medicine without prescription.
5. Major pharmaceutical product are ethical and their direct
advertisement is prohibited according to Drug and magic remedies act.
6. However general home remedies product such as pain balm, inhalers,
iodex, antiseptic crème which do not require prescription for their
Methods used for Advertising of pharmaceuticals
1. Direct mailing
2. Newspaper, professional magazines and journals
3. Television, radio other audio visual media
4. Personal contact or detailing
5. Outdoor advertisement
a. Sky writing
b. posters or hoardings
c. sandwichman
d. transits advertisement
e. electric signs and neon sign
6. Miscellaneous method
Diffrence between Advertising and sales promotion
Advertising Sales Promotion
1 In modern days advertisement is
The use of various means of sales
promotion is not so much
2 There is no direct contact with
Direct contact with customers
3 Its scope is very wide Its scope is limited
4 Main aim to make personal sale
Main aim to fill gap between
advertisement and personal sale
5 Expensive Not very expensive
Window display
This is one of the medium of advertising.
In this goods are exhibited in artistically laid out windows in front of shop or
at busy centers like railway stations, bus stops.
Principals of window display
1. It reflects character of
2. It should display season items
3. It should well light during
4. It should show price of
Principals of window display
5. Items in display should
changed frequently to give
6. It should include certain
moving objects if it is
compatible with display
Colour plays important role in window display.
Following table show colour combination to make window display attractive.
Contrast with Harmonize qwith
1 Red Green, olive, grey,
Pink, purple, orange, rose
2 Green Red purple orange Blue yellow
3 Yellow Purple blue olive Golden red green
4 Blue Orange cream yellow Light blue purple grey red
5 Orange Purple blue grey Yellow
6 Purple Lemon golden red Blue red
Window display
Advantages of window display
1. It is good methods of advertisement
2. It makes a drug store more decorative and attractive
3. It attracts customers
4. It act as salesman for promoting sales
5. It creates good impression on the customers when he enters the drug store
Market research
?Marketing means flow of goods from producer to consumers.
?To forecast future of market in regard to product or services are collectively
called market research
?Market research is different from marketing research marketing research
deals with all points concerning various functions of the market.
Sources Market research
Internal sources
? It includes statistics
of sales turn over
transport cost etc.
can be analyzed to
get the desired
information of
market trends.
External sources
Primary sources
? Salesman
? Dealers
? Consumers
Secondary sources
? Trade press
? Trade association
? Published survey
? Government and
Note-Explain all
sources if brief
answer question is
Aspects covered during Market research
1. Determination of size and
characteristics of the market
2. Sales forecasting
3. A study of business trend
4. Studies of competitive
5. Short range forecasting
6. Long range forecasting
7. Market share analysis
8. New product development
9. Pricing studies
10. Measure of market potential
Survey method Market research
1. Personal interview method
2. Telephone interview method
3. Postal survey method
4. Panel method
Advantages of Market research
1. It supplies information regarding the consumers responses to a particular
product introduced by organization in the market
2. It helps to introduce new product in the market after a proper survey of
the market
3. It helps the manufacturer to find out other similar product available in the
4. It gives idea about future trends regarding the particular product
5. It helps in finalizing various plans to boost sale
6. It gives indication about latest government policies
7. It helps in earning higher profit
8. It indicates weather the product is having constant demand through out
the year or not
9. It reveals defects and thus makes corrective action possible on the part of
10. It helps in discover resistance on the part of customers
Advantages of Market research
SALES PROMOTION.-Presented by Miss Patil J. N.

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SALES PROMOTION.-Presented by Miss Patil J. N.

  • 1. Presentation By Miss Patil Jyoti Narayan PRES Institute of Pharmacy Loni Kd
  • 2. Sales promotion sales promotion includes those marketing activities other than personal selling advertisement and publicity, that stimulate consumer purchasing and dealer effectiveness such as window display , shows and expositions demonstrations etc. Objectives ? To introduce new product ? To maintain old customers ? To popularize the brand name ? To induce customers to purchase more items. Objectives ? To attract new customers ? To improve public image of the firm ? To assist salesman and dealer
  • 3. Techniques of Sales promotion 1. Free samples 2. Trading stamps 3. Coupons 4. Premium or bonus offers 5. Prize content 6. Fair and exhibition
  • 4. 1. Free samples many pharmaceutical firm send their medical representative to physician for dealing and distribution of free samples of their manufactured goods. ? Useful for introducing new product. ? very expensive and used by big organization.
  • 5. 2. Trading stamps In case of some specific products trading stamps are distributed among the customers according to the value of their purchase. The customers are required to collect these stamps of sufficient value within a particular period in order to avail of some benefits. This tool induces customers to buy that product more frequently to collect the stamps of required value
  • 6. 3. Premium or bonus offer They are effective in inducing consumers to buy a particular product. This is also useful for encouraging and rewarding existing customers. a) With pack premium b) A reusable container c) Free in the mail premium
  • 7. 4. Coupons Sometimes, coupons are issued by manufacturers either in the packet of a product or through an advertisement printed in the newspaper or magazine or through mail. These coupons can be presented to the retailer while buying the product. The holder of the coupon gets the product at a discount. 5. Prize contest the contest may be held for the customers salesman and dealer . They are required to write a slogan or complete a sentence about the utility of product. Attractive prizes are given for best entries.
  • 8. 6. Fairs and exhibitions Fairs and exhibitions may be organized at local, regional, national or international level to introduce new products, demonstrate the products and to explain special features and usefulness of the products. Goods are displayed and demonstrated and their sale is also conducted at a reasonable discount.
  • 9. Salesmanship Salesmanship is defined as the level of skill you have in convincing people to buy or in persuading people to do something. “The personal selling” and “salesmanship” are often used interchangeably, but there is an important difference. Personal selling is the broader concept. Salesmanship may or may not be an important part of personal selling and it is never ‘all of it.
  • 10. Advantages ? It helps in locating prospective buyers ? It helps in creation of demand for new product ? It provides feedback about need , attitude and behavior of consumers ? It helps to remove objections and doubt of consumers ? It help in demonstration product in very effective way ? It can develop durable relationship with consumers ? The salesman act as consultant to the consumers ? Salesmanship gets immediate buying action
  • 11. The 7-step sales process 1. Pre sale preparation 2. Prospecting. 3. Approach. 4. Presentation. 5. Dealing with objection 6. Closing. 7. Follow-up.
  • 12. 1.Pre sale preparation The selection training and motivation of sales is the first step in personal selling. Sales man have through knowledge about product. 2.Prospecting In this stage, you find potential customers and determine whether they have a need for your product or service.
  • 13. 3. Approaching In the approach stage, you make first contact with your client. Sometimes this is a face-to-face meeting, sometimes it’s over the phone. There are three common approach methods. Premium approach: Presenting your potential client with a gift at the beginning of your interaction Question approach: Asking a question to get the prospect interested Product approach: Giving the prospect a sample or a free trial to review and evaluate your service
  • 14. 4. Presentation In the presentation phase, you actively demonstrate how your product or service meets the needs of your potential customer. 5. Dealing with objection Perhaps the most underrated of the seven steps of a sales process is handling objections. This is where you listen to your prospect’s concerns and address them. It’s also where many unsuccessful salespeople drop out of the. Successfully handling objections and alleviating concerns separates good salespeople from bad and great from good.
  • 15. 6.Closing ? Once the customer has made up his mind to buy the product the salesman should close the sale in cordial manner . The customer should be made feel that he has made the right choice. ? It is difficult to close sale if the customers has not yet come to a decision. However under no circumstances, the customer should be pressurized to get in for a particular items. 7.Follow up Once you have closed the sale, your job is not done. The follow-up stage keeps you in contact with customers you have closed. But it is not practical in retail pharmacy if customer not visit pharmacy frequently.
  • 16. Salesman A person who is engaged in selling goods to the customers is known as salesman. Qualities of salesman- 1. Personal qualities 2. Mental qualities 3. Social qualities 4. Vocational qualities
  • 17. 1. Personal qualities 1. Have attractive personality 2. Have clear voice 3. He must possess good health 4. He should also be well dressed
  • 18. 2.Mental Qualities 1. A good salesman should possess sound memory, presence of mind, imagination, sound judgment. 2. He should be intelligent enough to understand the nature and requirement of potential buyers 3. He must have the imagination to look at things from the view point of the customers
  • 19. 3. Social qualities 1. A good salesman must have liking for people and ability to mix with them 2. He must not be shy and reserved nature 3. He should be sincere , cooperative and honest 4. A salesman has to deal with different customers therefore he should have patience to listen to his customers and remove their objection.
  • 20. 4. Vocational skill 1. A good salesman have specialized knowledge of sealing technique 2. Salesmanship is highly skilled vocation. It requires certain training and aptitude to have detail knowledge of product, customers and competitive product in market. 3. All skilled vocational knowledge help to handle objections of customers and convincing them to buy product.
  • 21. Advertising Objectives 1. To create demand for new product 2. To increase its sale by attracting new customers 3. To maintain the existing demand by fighting competition 4. To assist salesman in their selling efforts 5. To warn the public against imitation of the [product of firm 6. To enhance god will of product
  • 22. Advertising Advantages 1. To introduce new product in market 2. It promote sale of goods and services 3. It help firm to face compitition 4. It helps in creating demand of product 5. To improve reputation of product and firm 6. It helps in maintain uniformity and stability in prices 7. It helps manufacturer to expands his market
  • 23. Advertising Disadvantages 1. It multiplies need of people by inducing them to buy things which are not really needed 2. It dose not generally increase demand of of product it only shift demand from one seller to another 3. It involves huge wasteful expenditure because majority of advertisement are skipped by people 4. It increases cost of production 5. Many times the fact are mis pretended in the advertisement
  • 24. Advertising Media for advertisement 1. Press advertisement-newspaper, magzin 2. Literature advertisement-leaflet and catalogue 3. External advertisement- poster on wall , electric display 4. Miscellaneous- T. V., radio, window display cinema slides
  • 25. Advertising Parts of advertisement 1. Heading-Use to attract people.it may be word ,phrase or even question about product.it should not be very long. 2. Theme-give basic idea about product and highlights its advantage 3. Picture- photo of product. 4. Argument-to convince customers about utility of the product. 5. Closing part –it is very often repeats in brief the content of product
  • 26. Advertising of pharmaceuticals 1. The advertisement of pharmaceuticals should be truthful 2. There should not be any wrong statement regarding its content and their percentage. 3. It should provides full detail regarding the action and use , proprietary name as well as generic name , dosage form mode of administration, side effect, treatment of toxic effect, contraindication etc.
  • 27. Advertising of pharmaceuticals 4. But advertisement of many product are restricted Because, a customer cannot use medicine without prescription. 5. Major pharmaceutical product are ethical and their direct advertisement is prohibited according to Drug and magic remedies act. 6. However general home remedies product such as pain balm, inhalers, iodex, antiseptic crème which do not require prescription for their purchase
  • 28. Methods used for Advertising of pharmaceuticals 1. Direct mailing 2. Newspaper, professional magazines and journals 3. Television, radio other audio visual media 4. Personal contact or detailing 5. Outdoor advertisement a. Sky writing b. posters or hoardings c. sandwichman d. transits advertisement e. electric signs and neon sign 6. Miscellaneous method
  • 29. Diffrence between Advertising and sales promotion Sr no Advertising Sales Promotion 1 In modern days advertisement is must The use of various means of sales promotion is not so much necessary 2 There is no direct contact with customers Direct contact with customers 3 Its scope is very wide Its scope is limited 4 Main aim to make personal sale easy Main aim to fill gap between advertisement and personal sale 5 Expensive Not very expensive
  • 30. Window display This is one of the medium of advertising. In this goods are exhibited in artistically laid out windows in front of shop or at busy centers like railway stations, bus stops. Principals of window display 1. It reflects character of pharmacy 2. It should display season items 3. It should well light during night 4. It should show price of product Principals of window display 5. Items in display should changed frequently to give freshness 6. It should include certain moving objects if it is compatible with display
  • 31. Windowdisplay Colour plays important role in window display. Following table show colour combination to make window display attractive. Sr no Primary colour Contrast with Harmonize qwith 1 Red Green, olive, grey, chocolate Pink, purple, orange, rose 2 Green Red purple orange Blue yellow 3 Yellow Purple blue olive Golden red green 4 Blue Orange cream yellow Light blue purple grey red 5 Orange Purple blue grey Yellow 6 Purple Lemon golden red Blue red
  • 32. Window display Advantages of window display 1. It is good methods of advertisement 2. It makes a drug store more decorative and attractive 3. It attracts customers 4. It act as salesman for promoting sales 5. It creates good impression on the customers when he enters the drug store
  • 33. Market research ?Marketing means flow of goods from producer to consumers. ?To forecast future of market in regard to product or services are collectively called market research ?Market research is different from marketing research marketing research deals with all points concerning various functions of the market.
  • 34. Sources Market research Internal sources ? It includes statistics of sales turn over advertising expenditure transport cost etc. can be analyzed to get the desired information of market trends. External sources Primary sources ? Salesman ? Dealers ? Consumers Secondary sources ? Trade press ? Trade association ? Published survey ? Government and international publication Note-Explain all sources if brief answer question is asked
  • 35. Aspects covered during Market research 1. Determination of size and characteristics of the market 2. Sales forecasting 3. A study of business trend 4. Studies of competitive product 5. Short range forecasting 6. Long range forecasting 7. Market share analysis 8. New product development 9. Pricing studies 10. Measure of market potential
  • 36. Survey method Market research 1. Personal interview method 2. Telephone interview method 3. Postal survey method 4. Panel method
  • 37. Advantages of Market research 1. It supplies information regarding the consumers responses to a particular product introduced by organization in the market 2. It helps to introduce new product in the market after a proper survey of the market 3. It helps the manufacturer to find out other similar product available in the market 4. It gives idea about future trends regarding the particular product 5. It helps in finalizing various plans to boost sale
  • 38. 6. It gives indication about latest government policies 7. It helps in earning higher profit 8. It indicates weather the product is having constant demand through out the year or not 9. It reveals defects and thus makes corrective action possible on the part of manufacturing 10. It helps in discover resistance on the part of customers Advantages of Market research