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AWS Black Belt Online Seminarの最新コンテンツ: https://aws.amazon.com/jp/aws-jp-introduction/#new
過去に開催されたオンラインセミナーのコンテンツ一覧: https://aws.amazon.com/jp/aws-jp-introduction/aws-jp-webinar-service-cut/
The document discusses developing Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS) apps with React.js. SLDS provides HTML and CSS but little JavaScript functionality, requiring developers to build dynamic behavior themselves. React.js helps by allowing markup and stateful components to be packaged for reuse. The case study app Mashmatrix Sheet demonstrates an architecture for SLDS apps in React using Redux to manage state from the server through Actions and Selectors.
Cloud-to-Intranet messaging by Force.com Streaming APIShinichi Tomita
The document discusses using the Force.com Streaming API to enable push notifications from a Force.com server to subscribed clients, allowing for cloud-to-intranet messaging without requiring open inbound ports on the firewall. It provides an overview of the message flow and sample code for making a callout from Apex and handling the asynchronous response using a response listener callback.
This document describes a screenshot server that uses PhantomJS, Node.js, Socket.IO, and AWS S3. The web server uses Socket.IO to receive page URLs from browsers, dispatch them to PhantomJS instances for rendering, and return the image URLs. PhantomJS instances render pages and upload images directly to S3. The system scales by increasing the number of PhantomJS renderer instances and stores screenshots in S3 for direct browser access.
This document discusses collecting photos from Twitter streams in real-time using Node.js on Heroku. It describes tracking hashtags and photo URLs to filter tweets containing images, and extracting the photo URLs. The architecture involves using the Twitter Streaming API and socket.io for real-time streaming to browsers, with fallbacks for Heroku which does not yet support WebSockets. The goal is to present the photo stream to users in real-time.