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Sameh Nessim Hanna
Address: Group 114, Building 74, Madinaty, Egypt
Telephone: +2-02-24263877
Mobile: +2-012-27904320
E-mail: sameh_nessim@yahoo.com
E-mail 2: nessim.sameh@gmail.com
Current Position:
Sep 2014  Present Sales Manager  Cairo, Canal Zone & Sinai
El Amir for Trading & Agencies (Procter & Gamble Distributor)
Job Description:
 Handling P&G business in Cairo, Canal & Sinai. Reporting to General Manager.
 Managing 7 Unit Managers, 1 Trade Marketing Manager & 1 Distribution Extension Manager.
 Responsible for achieving Annual, Quarterly & Monthly sales targets in both Volume and Value.
 Scope of coverage 28,000 stores in all trade channels including (Retail, Wholesale, Sub-Distributors).
 Planning and agreeing on annual Joint Business Plan with P&G covering the following:
o Annual Sales Growth by (Category  Area  Trade Channel)
o Sales Fundamentals KPIs (Coverage  Distribution  Pricing  Shelving - Merchandising)
o Sales Force Structure
 Responsible for Monthly Shipment Forecast (From P&G to El Amir).
 Managing Sales Profitability (Stock on Ground  Cash Flow  Strategic Revenue Management).
 Designing & Execution for Corporate Initiative Master Plan.
Major Achievements:
 Exceeding Volume Growth targets for Year 14-15 (107% Vs. LY  102% Vs. Target)
 Exceeding Value Growth targets for Year 14-15 (111% Vs. LY  102% Vs. Target)
 Achieving Sales targets across (Categories  Trade Channels)
 Expanding Coverage by 22% (5,000 Stores)
 Increasing Core Range SKUs Compliance from 40% to 60%
 Deployment of 2 Golden Districts in Cairo (100% Coverage  80% Golden Stores)
 Decreasing Pay Score from 0.3 Days to 0.1 Days
 Best In-Class Execution Award for Pampers
 Achieve 9.5 out of 10 in P&G Global Distributor Assessment
Past Job Experience:
October 2012  Sep 2014 Marketing Strategies & Planning Manager
El Amir for trading & Agencies (Procter & Gamble Distributor)
Job Description:
 Responsible for El Amir business. Managing a portfolio of 18 brands.
 Responsible and accountable for monthly / annually target for the category.
 Design and follow up on the execution of plans / trade strategies to deliver both sales targets and
organization fundamentals.
 Owner of all Below the Line budgets for the category. Responsible for planning, spending and tracking
of these budgets across brands and across different trade channels.
 Responsible for all POSM for the category in terms of deployment in the trade.
Major Achievements:
 Successfully achieved growth 2012-2013 114% Volume and 116% Value & 2013-2014 sales 107
Volume& 112% Value for total portfolio.
 Execute with excellence for the major launches Ariel Pods , Pampers Super free Plus
 Launch & deploy 3 top projects: Retails Shelf out of stocks, 1 PS for more GS 1 Product supplier for
more golden stores in addition to deploying an internal retail audit.
Sep 2011  Oct 2012 Key Accounts and Large groceries Customer Business Development Unit
El Amir for trading & Agencies (Procter & Gamble Distributor)
Job Description:
 Responsible for Key account Self Service stores+ Large groceries business in Cairo east.
 Leading a team of 4 Supervisors, 22 Section managers & 18 Merchandizers
 Setting the action plans and following up to achieve company sales fundamentals objectives
(Distribution, Pricing, Shelving and Merchandising) across the 2channels.
 Responsible for setting monthly sales-out forecast for the unit. As well as daily tracking of sales-out vs.
time gone (Per Channel  Per Brand).
 Leading a special project to turn 1 city into golden city, i.e.: 100% Coverage  100% Core Range
Distribution / Visibility.
Major Achievements:
 Grow the self-service stores +10 points ahead of El Amir in terms of sales out
 Execute with excellence Loyalty program for detergent shops which affected the growth 2% for total the
 Create a multi-functional team for the top key accounts
 Sign Join Business plan with the customers are representing 80% out of business
March. 2009  Jun. 2011 Customer Business Development Section Manager
Procter & Gamble Egypt
Job Description:
 Responsible for 2 Modern Trade customers, including HyperMarkets, Supermarket and Discounters.
 Understand customers systems, objectives, strategies and incentives.
 Develop and implement plans to sell and grow P&G brands and win vs. competition in assigned stores.
 Carry out distribution, shelving, display and pricing objectives in customers stores.
 Participate in re-models and resets of customers stores.
 Report and monitor customers results; and develop strong healthy relationships with customers.
 Responsible for a special project addressing work-life balance for Section Managers.
Major Achievements:
 Turnaround Hair Care business at assigned customers, gaining an increase of 9% in-store value share.
 Execution with excellence of Trade Terms at all customers to reach a hit rate of 100% for both shelf
execution and Key Business Development visibility.
 Minimizing OOS from 15% to 7% in a leading Hypermarket chain through changing the delivery and
replenishment process.
 Minimizing rejections rate from 18% to 4% through carrying out monthly database synchronization.
Sep. 2008  Mar 2009 Key accounts + Large Groceries Supervisor (Beauty & Grooming
El Amir for trading & Agencies (Procter & Gamble Distributor)
Job Description:
 Managing 7 Section Managers and 5 Merchandizers
 Setting the action plans and following up to achieve company sales fundamentals objectives
(Distribution, Pricing, Shelving and Merchandising) across the 2channels.
 Responsible for setting monthly sales-out forecast for the group. As well as daily tracking of sales-out
vs. time gone (Per Channel  Per Brand).
Major Achievements:
 Achieving the highest growth on Beauty & grooming categories on a national level
June 2004  Sep. 2008 Retail Supervisor for Sub distributor project in Qaliobia
El Amir for trading & Agencies (Procter & Gamble Distributor)
Job Description:
 Responsible for 9 Sub distributor covering 2,700 customers in Qaliobia
 Select Sub Distributor according to a specific criteria to cover 6 to 7 villages
 Design the coverage plan then coach the section managers on sales fundamentals
 Manage the sub distributor shipment from El Amir , his claims & dues
 Plan, organize & control the activities of Sub Distributors.
 Achieve monthly sales & merchandising objectives as agreed with the SubD
Major Achievements:
 Activated 9 Sub Distributors in 1 year
 Reach to 1 Million EGP. Incremental sales out per month
Sep 2003  June 2004 Retail Van Operation Sales Supervisor
El Amir for trading & Agencies (Procter & Gamble Distributor)
Job Description:
 Responsible for 10 Section Managers covering 3,000 small and medium traditional
 Coach the section managers on sales techniques in the field.
 Check & follow up on the team performance
 Managing the team to achieve volume, distribution and golden stores targets ensuring winning
wherever people shop.
Jan 2003  Sep 2002 Customer Business Development HR Manager
El Amir for trading & Agencies (Procter & Gamble Distributor)
Job Description:
 Attract the high calibers to be hired in El Amir
 Provide a Positive Working Environment
 Recognize, Reward and Reinforce the Right Behavior
 Involve And Engage
 Develop Skills and Potential
 Evaluate and Measure
Major Achievements:
 Minimize CBD turn over from 25% to 8%
 Create a new tool to attract section managers & Drivers
Jan 2002  Jan 2003 Customer Business Development Key Accounts Section Manager
El Amir for trading & Agencies (Procter & Gamble Distributor)
Job Description:
 Handling 10 Self Service stores in addition to 80 grocery A in Cairo & Qalubia
Major Achievements:
 Move 90 customers from direct to pre-selling
 Grow 135% VS. YA
Nov 2000  Jan 2002 Customer Business Development Retail Van Operation Section Manager
El Amir for trading & Agencies (Procter & Gamble Distributor)
Job Description:
 Handling 360 customers in Shoubra
Major Achievements:
 Achieve more than 70% Golden Stores
 Activate 100% out of coverage consistently
 Achieve the monthly sales out target
Pre- Graduation:
 Communication Skills. AVANTI Jan 2008
 Presentation Skills. AVANTI May 2008
 Strategic Planning Knowledge April 2008
 Time Management Knowledge February 2009
 Building successful team Knowledge. April 2009
 Problem Solving & Decision Making AVANTI .May 2009
 Strategic Planning. American Chamber Dec 2011
 Business Writing Skills & Netiquette. Top Business March 2012
 V-TIC Selling Technique. MBA Sep 2012
 Developing a high Performance Sales Training Course. Top Business Nov. 2012
 Financial Analysis Training Course. Top Business Nov. 2012
 Recruitment Techniques. MBA Jan 2013
 Business English. Bright Minds Jan 2013
 Sales Planning & Forecasting Training Course. Top Business Jan 2013
 Marketing Knowledge Sep. 2015
 Excellent computer skills:
- Windows / Office Programs
- Windows supported programs (installation & trouble shooting)
 Perfect command of Arabic / English
 Strong negotiation skills
 Excellent communication and follow up skills
 Good presentation skills
Personal Data:
Date of Birth: Sep 17th 1979
Nationality: Egyptian
University: Bachelor Degree from the Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University
Physics Dep. 2000
Marital status: Married

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  • 1. Sameh Nessim Hanna Address: Group 114, Building 74, Madinaty, Egypt Telephone: +2-02-24263877 Mobile: +2-012-27904320 E-mail: sameh_nessim@yahoo.com E-mail 2: nessim.sameh@gmail.com Current Position: Sep 2014 Present Sales Manager Cairo, Canal Zone & Sinai El Amir for Trading & Agencies (Procter & Gamble Distributor) Job Description: Handling P&G business in Cairo, Canal & Sinai. Reporting to General Manager. Managing 7 Unit Managers, 1 Trade Marketing Manager & 1 Distribution Extension Manager. Responsible for achieving Annual, Quarterly & Monthly sales targets in both Volume and Value. Scope of coverage 28,000 stores in all trade channels including (Retail, Wholesale, Sub-Distributors). Planning and agreeing on annual Joint Business Plan with P&G covering the following: o Annual Sales Growth by (Category Area Trade Channel) o Sales Fundamentals KPIs (Coverage Distribution Pricing Shelving - Merchandising) o Sales Force Structure Responsible for Monthly Shipment Forecast (From P&G to El Amir). Managing Sales Profitability (Stock on Ground Cash Flow Strategic Revenue Management). Designing & Execution for Corporate Initiative Master Plan. Major Achievements: Exceeding Volume Growth targets for Year 14-15 (107% Vs. LY 102% Vs. Target) Exceeding Value Growth targets for Year 14-15 (111% Vs. LY 102% Vs. Target) Achieving Sales targets across (Categories Trade Channels) Expanding Coverage by 22% (5,000 Stores) Increasing Core Range SKUs Compliance from 40% to 60% Deployment of 2 Golden Districts in Cairo (100% Coverage 80% Golden Stores) Decreasing Pay Score from 0.3 Days to 0.1 Days Best In-Class Execution Award for Pampers Achieve 9.5 out of 10 in P&G Global Distributor Assessment Past Job Experience: October 2012 Sep 2014 Marketing Strategies & Planning Manager El Amir for trading & Agencies (Procter & Gamble Distributor) Job Description: Responsible for El Amir business. Managing a portfolio of 18 brands. Responsible and accountable for monthly / annually target for the category. Design and follow up on the execution of plans / trade strategies to deliver both sales targets and organization fundamentals. Owner of all Below the Line budgets for the category. Responsible for planning, spending and tracking of these budgets across brands and across different trade channels. Responsible for all POSM for the category in terms of deployment in the trade. Major Achievements: Successfully achieved growth 2012-2013 114% Volume and 116% Value & 2013-2014 sales 107 Volume& 112% Value for total portfolio. Execute with excellence for the major launches Ariel Pods , Pampers Super free Plus Launch & deploy 3 top projects: Retails Shelf out of stocks, 1 PS for more GS 1 Product supplier for more golden stores in addition to deploying an internal retail audit. Sep 2011 Oct 2012 Key Accounts and Large groceries Customer Business Development Unit Manager El Amir for trading & Agencies (Procter & Gamble Distributor) Job Description: Responsible for Key account Self Service stores+ Large groceries business in Cairo east. Leading a team of 4 Supervisors, 22 Section managers & 18 Merchandizers
  • 2. Setting the action plans and following up to achieve company sales fundamentals objectives (Distribution, Pricing, Shelving and Merchandising) across the 2channels. Responsible for setting monthly sales-out forecast for the unit. As well as daily tracking of sales-out vs. time gone (Per Channel Per Brand). Leading a special project to turn 1 city into golden city, i.e.: 100% Coverage 100% Core Range Distribution / Visibility. Major Achievements: Grow the self-service stores +10 points ahead of El Amir in terms of sales out Execute with excellence Loyalty program for detergent shops which affected the growth 2% for total the year. Create a multi-functional team for the top key accounts Sign Join Business plan with the customers are representing 80% out of business March. 2009 Jun. 2011 Customer Business Development Section Manager Procter & Gamble Egypt Job Description: Responsible for 2 Modern Trade customers, including HyperMarkets, Supermarket and Discounters. Understand customers systems, objectives, strategies and incentives. Develop and implement plans to sell and grow P&G brands and win vs. competition in assigned stores. Carry out distribution, shelving, display and pricing objectives in customers stores. Participate in re-models and resets of customers stores. Report and monitor customers results; and develop strong healthy relationships with customers. Responsible for a special project addressing work-life balance for Section Managers. Major Achievements: Turnaround Hair Care business at assigned customers, gaining an increase of 9% in-store value share. Execution with excellence of Trade Terms at all customers to reach a hit rate of 100% for both shelf execution and Key Business Development visibility. Minimizing OOS from 15% to 7% in a leading Hypermarket chain through changing the delivery and replenishment process. Minimizing rejections rate from 18% to 4% through carrying out monthly database synchronization. Sep. 2008 Mar 2009 Key accounts + Large Groceries Supervisor (Beauty & Grooming categories) El Amir for trading & Agencies (Procter & Gamble Distributor) Job Description: Managing 7 Section Managers and 5 Merchandizers Setting the action plans and following up to achieve company sales fundamentals objectives (Distribution, Pricing, Shelving and Merchandising) across the 2channels. Responsible for setting monthly sales-out forecast for the group. As well as daily tracking of sales-out vs. time gone (Per Channel Per Brand). Major Achievements: Achieving the highest growth on Beauty & grooming categories on a national level June 2004 Sep. 2008 Retail Supervisor for Sub distributor project in Qaliobia El Amir for trading & Agencies (Procter & Gamble Distributor) Job Description: Responsible for 9 Sub distributor covering 2,700 customers in Qaliobia Select Sub Distributor according to a specific criteria to cover 6 to 7 villages Design the coverage plan then coach the section managers on sales fundamentals Manage the sub distributor shipment from El Amir , his claims & dues Plan, organize & control the activities of Sub Distributors. Achieve monthly sales & merchandising objectives as agreed with the SubD Major Achievements: Activated 9 Sub Distributors in 1 year Reach to 1 Million EGP. Incremental sales out per month
  • 3. Sep 2003 June 2004 Retail Van Operation Sales Supervisor El Amir for trading & Agencies (Procter & Gamble Distributor) Job Description: Responsible for 10 Section Managers covering 3,000 small and medium traditional Coach the section managers on sales techniques in the field. Check & follow up on the team performance Managing the team to achieve volume, distribution and golden stores targets ensuring winning wherever people shop. Jan 2003 Sep 2002 Customer Business Development HR Manager El Amir for trading & Agencies (Procter & Gamble Distributor) Job Description: Attract the high calibers to be hired in El Amir Provide a Positive Working Environment Recognize, Reward and Reinforce the Right Behavior Involve And Engage Develop Skills and Potential Evaluate and Measure Major Achievements: Minimize CBD turn over from 25% to 8% Create a new tool to attract section managers & Drivers Jan 2002 Jan 2003 Customer Business Development Key Accounts Section Manager El Amir for trading & Agencies (Procter & Gamble Distributor) Job Description: Handling 10 Self Service stores in addition to 80 grocery A in Cairo & Qalubia Major Achievements: Move 90 customers from direct to pre-selling Grow 135% VS. YA Nov 2000 Jan 2002 Customer Business Development Retail Van Operation Section Manager El Amir for trading & Agencies (Procter & Gamble Distributor) Job Description: Handling 360 customers in Shoubra Major Achievements: Achieve more than 70% Golden Stores Activate 100% out of coverage consistently Achieve the monthly sales out target Pre- Graduation: Communication Skills. AVANTI Jan 2008 Presentation Skills. AVANTI May 2008 Strategic Planning Knowledge April 2008 Time Management Knowledge February 2009 Building successful team Knowledge. April 2009 Problem Solving & Decision Making AVANTI .May 2009 Strategic Planning. American Chamber Dec 2011 Business Writing Skills & Netiquette. Top Business March 2012 V-TIC Selling Technique. MBA Sep 2012 Developing a high Performance Sales Training Course. Top Business Nov. 2012 Financial Analysis Training Course. Top Business Nov. 2012 Recruitment Techniques. MBA Jan 2013 Business English. Bright Minds Jan 2013 Sales Planning & Forecasting Training Course. Top Business Jan 2013 Marketing Knowledge Sep. 2015
  • 4. Skills: Excellent computer skills: - Windows / Office Programs - Windows supported programs (installation & trouble shooting) Perfect command of Arabic / English Strong negotiation skills Excellent communication and follow up skills Good presentation skills Personal Data: Date of Birth: Sep 17th 1979 Nationality: Egyptian University: Bachelor Degree from the Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University Physics Dep. 2000 Marital status: Married