Example of bank verification letter for passport helps to write the verification letter in a formal way. One can customize the data as per the needs of the bank.
1. Common problems with interim certificates include the act of issuance, under-valuation, under-certification, non-payment, and errors.
2. For an interim certificate to have legal effect, it must be signed, officially delivered to the contractor, and payment made within required timeframes. Failure to do so can result in a breach of duty or legal claims.
3. Disputes may arise over the certified sum, with contractors claiming under-valuation or under-certification. While employers cannot make deductions without cause, adjudication/arbitration are available to resolve valuation disputes.
Dokumen tersebut berisi draf-draf surat dan berita acara yang berkaitan dengan hubungan kerja karyawan perusahaan, seperti perjanjian kerja, surat peringatan, cuti, dan pemutusan hubungan kerja.
This letter offers Shubham Tyagi the position of Management Trainee - Operations with Grofers India Private Limited. The offer is subject to signing an appointment letter by July 1, 2016 and submitting documents including education documents, photographs, PAN card, and cancelled cheque by September 7, 2015. The letter also provides details of the compensation package including a basic salary of Rs. 50,000 per month, allowances, and benefits totaling a target CTC of Rs. 1,00,000 per month or Rs. 12,00,000 per year.
A Case Study based on FIDIC and PAM Form 2006Melvin Lim
The document discusses the essential requirements for formation of a contract based on a question regarding whether Jolly and Can-do concluded a binding contract. It provides details on tenders as offers, qualifications in tenders, acceptance of tenders, letters of intent, essential terms, and letters of award. It also discusses a relevant case law supporting the position that a contract can be formed when a contractor begins work even if no formal contract is signed.
This document discusses the key steps and legal considerations in forming a building contract through the traditional procurement system in Malaysia. It explains the process from invitations to tender, tender submissions, letters of intent and acceptance, estimation and quotation, and incorporation of contract documents. Case studies are presented to illustrate legal principles regarding mistakes in tenders, acceptance of quotations forming a binding contract, and letters of intent not creating a binding contract until formalization. Alternative procurement methods like design-build are also mentioned.
This document provides a checklist of documents required for an overdraft application. It lists documents needed to verify the identity and address of individual applicants, partnership firms, and private or public limited companies. It also requires documents to verify income like tax returns, financial statements, and bank statements. Documents related to existing loans, property being used as security, and business profile are also part of the checklist. All document copies must be A4 size and self-attested with blue ink.
This document is a sale and purchase agreement between a vendor and purchaser for a property. Key details:
- The vendor agrees to sell and the purchaser agrees to buy a property for RM152,660, subject to terms in the agreement.
- The purchaser pays a deposit and will pay the balance of RM137,394 within 3 months of the unconditional date.
- The vendor will execute documents to transfer the property to the purchaser, including a memorandum of transfer, which will be deposited with solicitors for adjudication upon completion of payment.
- Upon full payment and registration of transfer documents, legal possession of the property will be delivered to the purchaser.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pelaksanaan kegiatan rehabilitasi das oleh pemegang izin pinjam pakai kawasan hutan (IPPKH) di Kalimantan. Beberapa poin penting yang diangkat antara lain: (1) kewajiban pemegang IPPKH untuk melakukan rehabilitasi das sesuai luas izin dengan pola penanaman intensif, (2) tahapan pelaksanaan rehabilitasi das meliputi pengajuan lokasi, penetapan lokasi, penyusunan r
Construction industry disputes are frequently arbitrated rather than litigated.This presents general information and common considerations when considering the use and application of arbitration to resolve construction and design deficiency claims. From a Hawaii business focus.
This document outlines the clauses and sections of a construction contract, including:
1. Definitions and interpretations of terms used in the contract.
2. Obligations of the engineer to administer the contract and monitor work.
3. General obligations of the contractor to perform the work with due diligence and in accordance with the contract terms.
It provides an alphabetical index and overview of 72 standard clauses covering topics such as drawings, programs, inspections, variations, payments, delays, disputes, and termination of the contract. The purpose is to help parties understand and properly apply the conditions of this construction contract.
This authority letter authorizes Mr. Safdar Hussain to collect original degree certificates on behalf of Nida Rafique Khan. The letter provides the certificate numbers and years for Nida's SSC certificate from 1993 and HSSC Pre-Medical certificate from 1995. The institution is requested to hand over the original degrees to Mr. Hussain.
Perjanjian Land Clearing, Pembuatan Jalan clean dan Parit (Beli Perjanjian, H...GLC
Surat perjanjian kerja antara PT. A dan PT. B untuk melaksanakan pekerjaan produksi kayu, land clearing, pembuatan jalan dan parit di area perkebunan kelapa sawit seluas ±... ha. Dokumen ini mengatur ruang lingkup pekerjaan, hak dan kewajiban para pihak, syarat pelaksanaan pekerjaan, jangka waktu perjanjian dan cara pembayaran.
This document summarizes the key clauses in the ICTAD/SBD/02 form of contract related to claims and determinations by the engineer. It discusses Sub Clause 3.4 which allows the engineer to agree or determine matters in dispute between the employer and contractor. It also discusses related clauses including Sub Clause 2.4 on employer's claims, and Sub Clause 19.1 on contractor's claims. The engineer is empowered to make determinations on issues and claims raised under these clauses as well as other clauses in the conditions of contract related to unforeseen site conditions, rejection of work, liquidated damages, and more. The document provides details on the process, relevant circumstances, and potential outcomes under these various clauses.
This document provides information and questions for a coursework assignment on preparing a final account as a quantity surveyor. It outlines details of the construction contract such as the contract sum and bills. It also lists extensions of time and cost adjustments that must be evaluated in the final account, including variations, nominated subcontractors' accounts, and claims submitted by the contractor for additional costs incurred. The quantity surveyor must advise on addressing errors found in the contractor's tender rates, and prepare the final account evaluating the listed cost adjustments and contractor claims according to the contract terms.
Mr Sameh Zaki Gaballa Hanna's ICT skills have been assessed by the Australian Computer Society. His qualifications and work experience have been evaluated for migration under the ANZSCO Code 261313 (Software Engineer). His Bachelor's degree from 1994 was deemed comparable to an Australian Associate Degree in computing. His 13 years and 6 months of experience as an IT Manager at Kiriazi Electric Company in Egypt was calculated and found to meet the requirements. The letter notes that while the ACS assessment is valid for 24 months, the final decision on awarding points remains with the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship.
Este manual presenta directrices para la construcción, evaluación y rehabilitación sismo resistente de viviendas de mampostería de uno y dos pisos. El Capítulo I describe los principios básicos de la sismo resistencia y proporciona recomendaciones sobre la localización, configuración estructural, materiales, cimentación, muros, aberturas y otros elementos para la construcción segura de viviendas. El Capítulo II presenta una metodología para evaluar el grado de vulnerabilidad sísmica de viviendas existentes. El Capítulo III cubre la
The Supreme Court of Canada heard an appeal from two individuals convicted of indecent assault. A doctor had asked a patient if a medical intern could observe her exam. The "intern" was actually a layman. During the exam, the patient's intimate parts were exposed to both men, but she was not touched inappropriately. The Court allowed the appeal and entered acquittals, finding that consent was given to the doctor's actions and the appellants did not obtain consent through fraudulent claims about the nature of the act.
1. This document provides a checklist of compliance requirements for listed companies on a quarterly basis, including deadlines for submitting various reports to the stock exchange, ROC, and SEBI.
2. It outlines numerous reporting deadlines, such as submitting quarterly financial results within 30 days of the quarter end, publishing results within 48 hours of the board meeting, and filing annual reports within 30 days of the AGM.
3. The checklist covers compliance requirements for four quarters as well as annual and general requirements, with deadlines specified for each item. It aims to help listed companies adhere to all necessary regulatory filings on time.
The document discusses the constitutional provisions, acts, and guidelines related to reservation in government services in India. It outlines the key articles from the Constitution of India that govern reservation, including articles allowing reservation for backward classes. The document also covers principles for preparing reservation rosters, dealing with clashes, applicable percentages for different recruitment methods, and carrying forward vacancies.
This document summarizes the final account for the construction of a residence in Kuala Lumpur. It lists the original contract sum of RM81,200,000 and deductions of RM9,600,000 for a total of RM71,600,000. Additional amounts were added for variation works, NSC's final account, profit/attendance, and additional expenses, bringing the final contract value to RM79,550,500. The document provides breakdowns of original contract sums, NSC's final account, variation works, and loss/expenses. It also summarizes extensions to the project timeline due to delays.
This document summarizes key procedures and considerations regarding the sale of land charged under a land office title in Malaysia. It outlines the process the chargee must take to apply for an order of sale from the Land Administrator, including an inquiry where only the chargor and chargee can attend. It also discusses differences compared to foreclosure on a registry title, the Land Administrator's limited powers, and rights of the chargor and chargee throughout the process.
This petition seeks to (1) void a shareholder agreement governing the family's ranch business that violates the terms of the trust, (2) prevent further encumbrances on trust assets, (3) remove the trustee due to breaches of fiduciary duty and mental incapacity, and (4) appoint a successor trustee. The trustee, who is now 88 years old, has taken actions against the beneficiaries' interests by shutting them out of management and succession planning for the ranch, which makes up most of the trust's assets, in an apparent attempt to require its perpetual operation despite financial losses.
The document provides an analysis of using the FIDIC Red Book form of contract for a RM150 million construction project by Taylor's University. Key points discussed include:
1. Proposing the FIDIC Red Book as it allows the employer (Taylor's) full control over design while adopting the traditional procurement system of employer-designed works.
2. Highlighting payment conditions such as interim payments, retention amounts, and delayed payment interest according to the Red Book clauses.
3. Comparing contractual programming requirements between the Red Book and Malaysian PAM form, noting the Red Book's more detailed programming obligations for the contractor.
4. Identifying dispute resolution methods like the Dispute Adjudication
Bagi Anda yang ingin dibantu dalam masalah Pengelolaan SDM Perusahaan nya, maka dapat menghubungi Kami : HARD-Hi SMART CONSULTING ( Hotline: 0878-7063-5053 )
Permohonan izin prinsip pengolahan dan pemurnian batubara diajukan kepada Menteri ESDM. Permohonan tersebut berisi profil perusahaan, daftar tenaga ahli, peralatan, keuangan, dan rencana kerja tahunan untuk memperoleh izin pengolahan dan pemurnian batubara.
No Objection Certificate (NOC) Letter Format for Employee SampleMarisa Ritzman
Sample of No Objection Certificate Format — NOC letter for employee. Example NOC Letter formats for employee by the employer to join in new job. https://www.lettersfree.com/noc-letter-format-for-employee/
Company Introduction Letter to New Clients, Business Letter Format, ExampleMarisa Ritzman
Business introduction Letter Format (How to Write). Sample Company Introduction Letter to New Clients format & example. Tips for writing a company introduction letter. https://www.lettersfree.com/company-introduction-letter-to-new-clients/
Construction industry disputes are frequently arbitrated rather than litigated.This presents general information and common considerations when considering the use and application of arbitration to resolve construction and design deficiency claims. From a Hawaii business focus.
This document outlines the clauses and sections of a construction contract, including:
1. Definitions and interpretations of terms used in the contract.
2. Obligations of the engineer to administer the contract and monitor work.
3. General obligations of the contractor to perform the work with due diligence and in accordance with the contract terms.
It provides an alphabetical index and overview of 72 standard clauses covering topics such as drawings, programs, inspections, variations, payments, delays, disputes, and termination of the contract. The purpose is to help parties understand and properly apply the conditions of this construction contract.
This authority letter authorizes Mr. Safdar Hussain to collect original degree certificates on behalf of Nida Rafique Khan. The letter provides the certificate numbers and years for Nida's SSC certificate from 1993 and HSSC Pre-Medical certificate from 1995. The institution is requested to hand over the original degrees to Mr. Hussain.
Perjanjian Land Clearing, Pembuatan Jalan clean dan Parit (Beli Perjanjian, H...GLC
Surat perjanjian kerja antara PT. A dan PT. B untuk melaksanakan pekerjaan produksi kayu, land clearing, pembuatan jalan dan parit di area perkebunan kelapa sawit seluas ±... ha. Dokumen ini mengatur ruang lingkup pekerjaan, hak dan kewajiban para pihak, syarat pelaksanaan pekerjaan, jangka waktu perjanjian dan cara pembayaran.
This document summarizes the key clauses in the ICTAD/SBD/02 form of contract related to claims and determinations by the engineer. It discusses Sub Clause 3.4 which allows the engineer to agree or determine matters in dispute between the employer and contractor. It also discusses related clauses including Sub Clause 2.4 on employer's claims, and Sub Clause 19.1 on contractor's claims. The engineer is empowered to make determinations on issues and claims raised under these clauses as well as other clauses in the conditions of contract related to unforeseen site conditions, rejection of work, liquidated damages, and more. The document provides details on the process, relevant circumstances, and potential outcomes under these various clauses.
This document provides information and questions for a coursework assignment on preparing a final account as a quantity surveyor. It outlines details of the construction contract such as the contract sum and bills. It also lists extensions of time and cost adjustments that must be evaluated in the final account, including variations, nominated subcontractors' accounts, and claims submitted by the contractor for additional costs incurred. The quantity surveyor must advise on addressing errors found in the contractor's tender rates, and prepare the final account evaluating the listed cost adjustments and contractor claims according to the contract terms.
Mr Sameh Zaki Gaballa Hanna's ICT skills have been assessed by the Australian Computer Society. His qualifications and work experience have been evaluated for migration under the ANZSCO Code 261313 (Software Engineer). His Bachelor's degree from 1994 was deemed comparable to an Australian Associate Degree in computing. His 13 years and 6 months of experience as an IT Manager at Kiriazi Electric Company in Egypt was calculated and found to meet the requirements. The letter notes that while the ACS assessment is valid for 24 months, the final decision on awarding points remains with the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship.
Este manual presenta directrices para la construcción, evaluación y rehabilitación sismo resistente de viviendas de mampostería de uno y dos pisos. El Capítulo I describe los principios básicos de la sismo resistencia y proporciona recomendaciones sobre la localización, configuración estructural, materiales, cimentación, muros, aberturas y otros elementos para la construcción segura de viviendas. El Capítulo II presenta una metodología para evaluar el grado de vulnerabilidad sísmica de viviendas existentes. El Capítulo III cubre la
The Supreme Court of Canada heard an appeal from two individuals convicted of indecent assault. A doctor had asked a patient if a medical intern could observe her exam. The "intern" was actually a layman. During the exam, the patient's intimate parts were exposed to both men, but she was not touched inappropriately. The Court allowed the appeal and entered acquittals, finding that consent was given to the doctor's actions and the appellants did not obtain consent through fraudulent claims about the nature of the act.
1. This document provides a checklist of compliance requirements for listed companies on a quarterly basis, including deadlines for submitting various reports to the stock exchange, ROC, and SEBI.
2. It outlines numerous reporting deadlines, such as submitting quarterly financial results within 30 days of the quarter end, publishing results within 48 hours of the board meeting, and filing annual reports within 30 days of the AGM.
3. The checklist covers compliance requirements for four quarters as well as annual and general requirements, with deadlines specified for each item. It aims to help listed companies adhere to all necessary regulatory filings on time.
The document discusses the constitutional provisions, acts, and guidelines related to reservation in government services in India. It outlines the key articles from the Constitution of India that govern reservation, including articles allowing reservation for backward classes. The document also covers principles for preparing reservation rosters, dealing with clashes, applicable percentages for different recruitment methods, and carrying forward vacancies.
This document summarizes the final account for the construction of a residence in Kuala Lumpur. It lists the original contract sum of RM81,200,000 and deductions of RM9,600,000 for a total of RM71,600,000. Additional amounts were added for variation works, NSC's final account, profit/attendance, and additional expenses, bringing the final contract value to RM79,550,500. The document provides breakdowns of original contract sums, NSC's final account, variation works, and loss/expenses. It also summarizes extensions to the project timeline due to delays.
This document summarizes key procedures and considerations regarding the sale of land charged under a land office title in Malaysia. It outlines the process the chargee must take to apply for an order of sale from the Land Administrator, including an inquiry where only the chargor and chargee can attend. It also discusses differences compared to foreclosure on a registry title, the Land Administrator's limited powers, and rights of the chargor and chargee throughout the process.
This petition seeks to (1) void a shareholder agreement governing the family's ranch business that violates the terms of the trust, (2) prevent further encumbrances on trust assets, (3) remove the trustee due to breaches of fiduciary duty and mental incapacity, and (4) appoint a successor trustee. The trustee, who is now 88 years old, has taken actions against the beneficiaries' interests by shutting them out of management and succession planning for the ranch, which makes up most of the trust's assets, in an apparent attempt to require its perpetual operation despite financial losses.
The document provides an analysis of using the FIDIC Red Book form of contract for a RM150 million construction project by Taylor's University. Key points discussed include:
1. Proposing the FIDIC Red Book as it allows the employer (Taylor's) full control over design while adopting the traditional procurement system of employer-designed works.
2. Highlighting payment conditions such as interim payments, retention amounts, and delayed payment interest according to the Red Book clauses.
3. Comparing contractual programming requirements between the Red Book and Malaysian PAM form, noting the Red Book's more detailed programming obligations for the contractor.
4. Identifying dispute resolution methods like the Dispute Adjudication
Bagi Anda yang ingin dibantu dalam masalah Pengelolaan SDM Perusahaan nya, maka dapat menghubungi Kami : HARD-Hi SMART CONSULTING ( Hotline: 0878-7063-5053 )
Permohonan izin prinsip pengolahan dan pemurnian batubara diajukan kepada Menteri ESDM. Permohonan tersebut berisi profil perusahaan, daftar tenaga ahli, peralatan, keuangan, dan rencana kerja tahunan untuk memperoleh izin pengolahan dan pemurnian batubara.
No Objection Certificate (NOC) Letter Format for Employee SampleMarisa Ritzman
Sample of No Objection Certificate Format — NOC letter for employee. Example NOC Letter formats for employee by the employer to join in new job. https://www.lettersfree.com/noc-letter-format-for-employee/
Company Introduction Letter to New Clients, Business Letter Format, ExampleMarisa Ritzman
Business introduction Letter Format (How to Write). Sample Company Introduction Letter to New Clients format & example. Tips for writing a company introduction letter. https://www.lettersfree.com/company-introduction-letter-to-new-clients/
How to Write A Goodbye Email on Last Working DayMarisa Ritzman
Simple Goodbye Email on Last Working Day. Tips to write a perfect last working day farewell email. Follow the goodbye email sample to create your own mail. https://www.lettersfree.com/goodbye-email-on-last-working-day/
Complaint Letter to Police Station for Loss of DocumentsMarisa Ritzman
Rakesh Gupta wrote a letter to the Superintendent of Police in Gandhi Nagar to report that his bag was stolen outside the Gandhi Nagar metro station on February 18, 2019 by two men on a motorbike who pushed him and fled before he could note their bike number or chase them. The stolen bag contained important official documents and some cash. He requested the police take quick action to find his lost documents as they were very important, and that he had also filed a complaint about the theft.
Letter for correction of date of birth in lic policyMarisa Ritzman
Use the Letter for correction of date of birth in LIC policy format. Sample application for correction of date of birth in LIC policy paper or documents. You can write a sample request letter for correction of date of birth in LIC policy.
Sample Acknowledgement Letter for Cheque ReceivedMarisa Ritzman
Sample letter of acknowledgement of cheque received. This letter format can be used for any kind of payment received from clients, suppliers, customers, business partners etc.
Application Letter Sample for Fresh GraduateMarisa Ritzman
Example of sample application letter for fresh graduate for any position. You can use this letter format and create own application which will help you create a strong impression.
Business Partnership Agreement Letter TemplateMarisa Ritzman
sample agreement letter is commonly used as an initial proposal to form a business partnership with another party that precedes a written contract of agreement
Example of retirement appreciation letter sample is addressed to a person who is retiring from job simply to thank for what he has done during the service period.
Sample confirmation letter for a job interview. This letter is written to confirm the scheduled for an interview of the candidate with the organization.
Sample internship letter of interest is an essential document required at the time of an internship application. Here's an example of a pitch that hits all the right notes.
A Catholic Confirmation Letter is written for a catholic religious ceremony in which a person goes through a series of rituals to accept Christianity. This letter serves as invitation to family and friends of the confirmed candidate.
Writing a letter requesting for the requesting an appointment for a business meeting and also briefly inform the person about your suspicions or concerns.
Effective tips for writing a good cover letter to make your request look more impressive and professional. Use these guidelines for framing perfect draft.
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Find Great advice on how to write good request letters with easy tips and quick samples. Effective guidelines with example on editing request letters for better response.
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Start Here--- https://bit.ly/4dOjocy ---Get complete detail on 67200T exam guide to crack Avaya IP Office Platform R11 Administrator (ASAC-0013). You can collect all information on 67200T tutorial, practice test, books, study material, exam questions, and syllabus. Firm your knowledge on Avaya IP Office Platform R11 Administrator (ASAC-0013) and get ready to crack 67200T certification. Explore all information on 67200T exam with number of questions, passing percentage and time duration to complete test.
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A brain tumor is a growth of cells in the brain or near it. Brain tumors can happen in the brain tissue. Brain tumors also can happen near the brain tissue. Nearby locations include nerves, the pituitary gland, the pineal gland, and the membranes that cover the surface of the brain.
Brain tumors can begin in the brain. These are called primary brain tumors. Sometimes, cancer spreads to the brain from other parts of the body. These tumors are secondary brain tumors, also called metastatic brain tumors.
Many different types of primary brain tumors exist. Some brain tumors aren't cancerous. These are called noncancerous brain tumors or benign brain tumors. Noncancerous brain tumors may grow over time and press on the brain tissue. Other brain tumors are brain cancers, also called malignant brain tumors. Brain cancers may grow quickly. The cancer cells can invade and destroy the brain tissue.
Brain tumors range in size from very small to very large. Some brain tumors are found when they are very small because they cause symptoms that you notice right away. Other brain tumors grow very large before they're found. Some parts of the brain are less active than others. If a brain tumor starts in a part of the brain that's less active, it might not cause symptoms right away. The brain tumor size could become quite large before the tumor is detected.
Brain tumor treatment options depend on the type of brain tumor you have, as well as its size and location. Common treatments include surgery and radiation therapy.
There are many types of brain tumors. The type of brain tumor is based on the kind of cells that make up the tumor. Special lab tests on the tumor cells can give information about the cells. Your health care team uses this information to figure out the type of brain tumor.
Some types of brain tumors usually aren't cancerous. These are called noncancerous brain tumors or benign brain tumors. Some types of brain tumors usually are cancerous. These types are called brain cancers or malignant brain tumors. Some brain tumor types can be benign or malignant.
Benign brain tumors tend to be slow-growing brain tumors. Malignant brain tumors tend to be fast-growing brain tumors.
Glioblastoma brain tumor
Enlarge image
Child with a medulloblastoma brain tumor
Enlarge image
Acoustic neuroma, a benign tumor on the nerves leading from the inner ear to the brain
Acoustic neuroma (vestibular schwannoma)
Enlarge image
Types of brain tumors include:
Gliomas and related brain tumors. Gliomas are growths of cells that look like glial cells. The glial cells surround and support nerve cells in the brain tissue. Types of gliomas and related brain tumors include astrocytoma, glioblastoma, oligodendroglioma and ependymoma. Gliomas can be benign, but most are malignant. Glioblastoma is the most common type of malignant brain tumor.
Choroid plexus tumors. Choroid plexus tumors start in cells that make the fluid that surrounds the bra
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This page contains my portfolio data and career journey, which consists of: introduction, educational background, internship experience and organizational experience.
Engage is FSU College of Social Sciences and Public Policy’s annual magazine for alumni and friends.
Each edition contains highlights from the college’s many student, faculty, staff, and alumni achievements during that academic year.
I served as Editor-in-Chief and Creative Director for this project, which included all graphic design services.
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Sample Bank Verification Letter for Passport
1. Sample Bank Verification Letter for Passport
RE: verificationletterforpassportof [accountholdername]
To whomit mayconcern:
Thisletteristo certifythat[accountholdername] ismaintaininga[bankaccounttype name] withour
bankand he/she isthe authorizedsignatoryof thataccount.The account numberof the said accountis
[accountnumber],whichwasopenedon[accountopeningdate].Asperourdatabase,the current
balance of the mentionedaccountis[currentaccountbalance] andthe average balance of the account
is[average balance fora certaintime period].
It isherebycertifiedthatthe above informationistrue tothe bestof my knowledge.We trustthis
[Signature of the issuingofficerwiththe official seal]