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                   2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100 Washington DC 20037   * (202)   333-0008   * www.LP.org

               Campaign Plan
                      Preparing your "business plan))for your campaign

       he campaign plan is your road map to             Plan for dissemination to major contributors.
        success. It should be created in two
        forms. One for you and your closest                   Take the information above and create a
advisors, one for dissemination to potential            presentation "flip chart" version of same, using
contributors and PACs. Create your version first,       sheet protectors and a binder. You will use this
then modify for dissemination.                          to show to your major contributors during
                                                        meetings with them. Provide as much informa-
     1Goals for the    campaign. Win? Percent-          tion as you possibly can without giving away
age? Increased name ID for future runs? Define          your secrets.
the debate? Balance of power? Party building?
Increased clout for the LP?                                   Create a modified version of the same plan,
                                                        as described above. Leave out the details that
     2 Strategy:  Who will be your targeted             your opposition could use against you. This
voters and what reasons you will give them to           should be the "executive summary" version,
vote for you.                                           which can be left behind with contributors or
                                                        given to media. It will speak in generalities of
     3    Detail the research that you have done        who your targeted voters are, why they will vote
regarding your district, your opponents, etc.,          for you, how you plan to reach them and how
that provides the back-up documentation for             you will rally your resources to accomplish same.
your strategy.
                                                             Your campaign plan will show that you
     4 Tactics: How you will reach this group           are serious. No bank would loan you money
with the message.                                       without a business plan. This is the political
                                                        equivalent. It should also create a sense of
     5 Timeline for the   activities involved.          urgency. You have a lot to do in a very lim-
                                                        ited amount of time!
     6 Budget required.    Use the Minimum and
the Maximum.

     7 Fundraising    game plan. How you will
raise the money required to implement your
strategy and tactics.

     8 Resources     available besides money. Who
do you know? The additional resources that you
will draw on. Do you belong to a church, club,
etc. that will provide supporters?
-                   THE LIBERTARIAN             PARTY'S SUCCESS'99
                    2600 Virginia Avenue, NW,Suite 100   * Washington DC 20037 * (202) 333-0008 * www.LP.org

                District Research
Research for the Collins for City Council campaign (Berkley, MI)
Berkley City Council                       3 open seats. Anticipate 6 or 7 candidates,        2 incumbents.

Libertarian Supporters:                    6 party members; 45 interesteds      in database

Number of households:                      6,750

Number of Registered voters:               12,724

Anticipated   turnout:                     25%, (nobaUot proposal or-excitinqrace.)        Actual was 28.2%.

Votes Needed to win:                       Approximately      2,000

Demographics:                              97% caucasian .05% black 2.5% other
                                           90% homeowners 10% renters. (subset of senior renters in Oxford Towers)

Average home value:                        $60,000 to $150,000 (pocket of about 160 homes,
                                           valued at over 250,000 in the St John's Woods area) .

Median Income:                             $40,000

Age Groups:                                18 to   34 - 37%            vote 15% of total cast
                                           35 to   50 - 35%            vote 35%
                                           51 to   over -28.9%         vote 50.7%
                                           1,450   absentee voters,    assumed to be seniors

7 walk-in precincts, one entirely contained within Oxford Towers, 1 absentee. Total: 8

1995 City Council Winners:                 Total number of votes cast: 4,336 (34.4% higher than normal
                                           due to tax-increase ballot proposal. It failed with 77% voting no)

Race             Candidate        Number of votes             Spent
Mayor:           Fraser           2,395                       $2,000
Council:         Agby             2,857                       $1,300
                 Meyer            2,444                       $1,200
                 Mooney           2,198                       $ 900
Note: Our candidate was the Republican candidate for State Rep. in this district in 1988. He received a
majority in Berkley, 2,800 votes - 30% districtwide. (Primarily a Democratic district.)

       LP Vote History                     Total Votes Cast                    LP Top of Ticket
       1992                                8,996                               47 Manou (President)
       1994                                6,593                               638 Coon (U.S. Senate)
       1996                                7,811                               129 Browne (President)

. Fred Collins: Negative Analysis

 POTENTIAL PROBLEMS·                               SOLUTION
Controversial LP Platform planks                   Endorsements (credibility)
Tax lien against him                               Prepare a literature piece with explanation
"General" discharge from Marines                   Too deep for local race
Illegitimate son, 19 years ago                     Lives with family; will include
                                                   in family brochure

Campaign Manager:                                  Barbara Goushaw
Treasurer:                                         Dave
Data Processing:                                   Doug
Volunteer Coordinator:                             Pam
Fundraising:                                       Fred CoUins.& Barbara. Goushaw
Layout:                                            Mike & Mark

Literature drops              30 people per drop
Election day                  25 people
GOTVcalls                     15 minimum
Lawn sign distribution        2 people
-"                 THE LIBERTARIAN              PARTY'S SUCCESS '99
                   2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100 Washington DC 20037   * (202) 333-0008 * wwwl.Porg

     Strategy & Tactics       Fred Collins for Cty Council Strategy & Tactics
     • Strategy (Who plus why)

     Who (Targeted Segment)                               Why (Hot button issues)

     Homeowners                                           Property Taxes
                                                          Code Enforcement

     Seniors                                              Property Taxes

     Taxpayers                                            Dream Cruise (repeal of city takeover of
                                                          formerly volunteer event at higher cost)

     Oxford Towers                                        Special appeal from candidate's wife

     Registered Non-Voters                                Their vote matters/    where and when to vote

     • Tactics (How we will communicate the message to the targets)

     Candidate Door-to-Door                              All Households (collect endorsements)

     Lit Drops (aU households)                           Candidate focus piece
                                                         Issues piece with endorsements

     Lawn signs                                          Shows support base

     Postcard                                            Mail to registered non voters

     Mailings                                            Absentee voters (Refrigerator box letter)
                                                         Oxford Towers (Seniors Complex)

     Advertising                                          1/4 page ad in local paper listing endorsements
                                                          (planned as a response to possible negatives)
                    2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100 Washington DC 20037   * (202)   333-0008   * www.LP.org

                                            time line for the Fred Collins Campaign
     February 1, 1997                             District Research

     March 1                                      Freel begins Friends and Family fundraising calls

     April 1                                      Letter goes out to contributors
     June-August                                  Fred attends all summer city functions and volunteers
                                                  at-some .while.walkinq.thedistrict evenings.and

     August 15                                    Order lawn signs
     September     15                             Lawn sign distribution      begins
     October 10                                   Absentee mailing
     October 10                                   Oxford towers mailing
     October 24                                   First lit drop
     October 29                                   Begin GOTVcalls

     October 30                                   Mail non-voter cards
     November 1                                   Second lit drop
     November 4                                   Election Day
     November 5                                   Recover from hangover, pick up lawn signs
     November 10                                  Mail results letter and thank you to contributors

Note: the actual time line will 'have much more detail, including the dates .that lit draft goes to
layout, then goes to printer, etc. This will be a working document, with things added as they get
                    2600 Virginia Avenue, NW,Suite 100   * Washington DC 20037 * (202) 333-0008 * www.LP.org

                                 Fred Collins for City Council Fundraising Plan
Candidate raises the first $1,500 from friends and family                     $1,500
Fundraising letter to Jon Coon and Michigan LP contributors                   $4,000


Fred prepared to put in another $1,000 if necessary
and Barb prepared to put in another $500 if necessary.

Budget I Expenses
Contributor Mailing                        (Bulk Rate)                        $300.00
Lit piece #1                               (printing only)                    $1,000.00
Lit piece #2                               (printing only)                    $1,000.00
250 lawn signs                                                                $250.00
1400 Non-Voter Postcards                  printing &postage                   $566.00
1600 Absentee Letters                     printing & postage                  $612.00
150 Oxford Towers mailing                 printing & postage                  $192.00
Contributor thank you notes                                                   $95.00
Ad in newspaper                                                               $360.00
Election Night party                                                          $300.00
Post election supporter letter                                                $160.00
Misc.                                                                         $500.00


Actual raised and spent: $5,600.00

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Sample campaignplan

  • 1. -" THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY'S SUCCESS'99 * 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100 Washington DC 20037 * (202) 333-0008 * www.LP.org Campaign Plan Preparing your "business plan))for your campaign T he campaign plan is your road map to Plan for dissemination to major contributors. success. It should be created in two forms. One for you and your closest Take the information above and create a advisors, one for dissemination to potential presentation "flip chart" version of same, using contributors and PACs. Create your version first, sheet protectors and a binder. You will use this then modify for dissemination. to show to your major contributors during meetings with them. Provide as much informa- 1Goals for the campaign. Win? Percent- tion as you possibly can without giving away age? Increased name ID for future runs? Define your secrets. the debate? Balance of power? Party building? Increased clout for the LP? Create a modified version of the same plan, as described above. Leave out the details that 2 Strategy: Who will be your targeted your opposition could use against you. This voters and what reasons you will give them to should be the "executive summary" version, vote for you. which can be left behind with contributors or given to media. It will speak in generalities of 3 Detail the research that you have done who your targeted voters are, why they will vote regarding your district, your opponents, etc., for you, how you plan to reach them and how that provides the back-up documentation for you will rally your resources to accomplish same. your strategy. Your campaign plan will show that you 4 Tactics: How you will reach this group are serious. No bank would loan you money with the message. without a business plan. This is the political equivalent. It should also create a sense of 5 Timeline for the activities involved. urgency. You have a lot to do in a very lim- ited amount of time! 6 Budget required. Use the Minimum and the Maximum. 7 Fundraising game plan. How you will raise the money required to implement your strategy and tactics. 8 Resources available besides money. Who do you know? The additional resources that you will draw on. Do you belong to a church, club, etc. that will provide supporters?
  • 2. - THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY'S SUCCESS'99 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW,Suite 100 * Washington DC 20037 * (202) 333-0008 * www.LP.org District Research Research for the Collins for City Council campaign (Berkley, MI) Berkley City Council 3 open seats. Anticipate 6 or 7 candidates, 2 incumbents. Libertarian Supporters: 6 party members; 45 interesteds in database Number of households: 6,750 Number of Registered voters: 12,724 Anticipated turnout: 25%, (nobaUot proposal or-excitinqrace.) Actual was 28.2%. Votes Needed to win: Approximately 2,000 Demographics: 97% caucasian .05% black 2.5% other 90% homeowners 10% renters. (subset of senior renters in Oxford Towers) Average home value: $60,000 to $150,000 (pocket of about 160 homes, valued at over 250,000 in the St John's Woods area) . Median Income: $40,000 Age Groups: 18 to 34 - 37% vote 15% of total cast 35 to 50 - 35% vote 35% 51 to over -28.9% vote 50.7% 1,450 absentee voters, assumed to be seniors 7 walk-in precincts, one entirely contained within Oxford Towers, 1 absentee. Total: 8 1995 City Council Winners: Total number of votes cast: 4,336 (34.4% higher than normal due to tax-increase ballot proposal. It failed with 77% voting no) Race Candidate Number of votes Spent Mayor: Fraser 2,395 $2,000 Council: Agby 2,857 $1,300 Meyer 2,444 $1,200 Mooney 2,198 $ 900 Note: Our candidate was the Republican candidate for State Rep. in this district in 1988. He received a majority in Berkley, 2,800 votes - 30% districtwide. (Primarily a Democratic district.) LP Vote History Total Votes Cast LP Top of Ticket 1992 8,996 47 Manou (President) 1994 6,593 638 Coon (U.S. Senate) 1996 7,811 129 Browne (President)
  • 3. RESEARCH (PART II) . Fred Collins: Negative Analysis POTENTIAL PROBLEMS· SOLUTION Controversial LP Platform planks Endorsements (credibility) Tax lien against him Prepare a literature piece with explanation "General" discharge from Marines Too deep for local race Illegitimate son, 19 years ago Lives with family; will include in family brochure STAFF Campaign Manager: Barbara Goushaw Treasurer: Dave Data Processing: Doug Volunteer Coordinator: Pam Fundraising: Fred CoUins.& Barbara. Goushaw Layout: Mike & Mark VOLUNTEER REQUIREMENTS: Literature drops 30 people per drop Election day 25 people GOTVcalls 15 minimum Lawn sign distribution 2 people
  • 4. -" THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY'S SUCCESS '99 * 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100 Washington DC 20037 * (202) 333-0008 * wwwl.Porg Strategy & Tactics Fred Collins for Cty Council Strategy & Tactics • Strategy (Who plus why) Who (Targeted Segment) Why (Hot button issues) Homeowners Property Taxes Code Enforcement Seniors Property Taxes Taxpayers Dream Cruise (repeal of city takeover of formerly volunteer event at higher cost) Oxford Towers Special appeal from candidate's wife Registered Non-Voters Their vote matters/ where and when to vote • Tactics (How we will communicate the message to the targets) Candidate Door-to-Door All Households (collect endorsements) Lit Drops (aU households) Candidate focus piece Issues piece with endorsements Lawn signs Shows support base Postcard Mail to registered non voters Mailings Absentee voters (Refrigerator box letter) Oxford Towers (Seniors Complex) Advertising 1/4 page ad in local paper listing endorsements (planned as a response to possible negatives)
  • 5. THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY'S SUCCESS '99 * 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100 Washington DC 20037 * (202) 333-0008 * www.LP.org time line for the Fred Collins Campaign February 1, 1997 District Research March 1 Freel begins Friends and Family fundraising calls ., April 1 Letter goes out to contributors June-August Fred attends all summer city functions and volunteers at-some .while.walkinq.thedistrict evenings.and weekends August 15 Order lawn signs September 15 Lawn sign distribution begins October 10 Absentee mailing October 10 Oxford towers mailing October 24 First lit drop October 29 Begin GOTVcalls October 30 Mail non-voter cards November 1 Second lit drop November 4 Election Day November 5 Recover from hangover, pick up lawn signs November 10 Mail results letter and thank you to contributors Note: the actual time line will 'have much more detail, including the dates .that lit draft goes to layout, then goes to printer, etc. This will be a working document, with things added as they get scheduled.
  • 6. , THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY'S SUCCESS'99 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW,Suite 100 * Washington DC 20037 * (202) 333-0008 * www.LP.org ,-,,~....-...draising-Plan Fred Collins for City Council Fundraising Plan Revenue Candidate raises the first $1,500 from friends and family $1,500 Fundraising letter to Jon Coon and Michigan LP contributors $4,000 $5,500 Fred prepared to put in another $1,000 if necessary and Barb prepared to put in another $500 if necessary. Budget I Expenses Contributor Mailing (Bulk Rate) $300.00 Lit piece #1 (printing only) $1,000.00 Lit piece #2 (printing only) $1,000.00 250 lawn signs $250.00 1400 Non-Voter Postcards printing &postage $566.00 1600 Absentee Letters printing & postage $612.00 150 Oxford Towers mailing printing & postage $192.00 Contributor thank you notes $95.00 Ad in newspaper $360.00 Election Night party $300.00 Post election supporter letter $160.00 Misc. $500.00 $5,335 Actual raised and spent: $5,600.00