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SAMPLE QBR LOB 1 and LOB 2 Q1 2010 Quarterly Business Review April 09, 2010
Agenda LOB 1 Executive Summary LOB 2 Executive Summary Training Action Plans Recap LOB 1 Key Wins  Performance Dashboard 4 Blockers
Executive Summary for LOB 1 Improvement in Key Metrics Nesting close rate has gradually improved month after month. Wave 23 ended at 24.34% and Wave 24 at 24.86%. Nesting has consistently exceeded CLIENT XX’s METRIC X’s Requirement. Change in Process CLIENT XX implemented nesting scorecards as basis for endorsement to Operations towards end of February. CLIENT XX (Jane Doe) is now involved in the deliberation of who will be endorsed to Operations through client provided nesting scorecard. QA Re-roll out to be done during mid-nesting for reiteration and reinforcement. Nesters were skilled to 4 in order for them to take back to back phone calls and achieve the 100 call requirement. Nesters are now getting 3 documented side by side coaching sessions and 1 documented DRS coaching session. Nesters are now receiving 2 QA audits on day 3 of nesting. SMEs/SIS – to handle at least 3 nesting waves before we reshuffle. Changes in the Training Team Dedicated Training Manager – John Doe took on the role of XX Manager for Company X and Jane Doe2 took the role of Training Manager for both LOB 1 and LOB 2. New Members – Trainer XX joined February from Company X and Trainer XXX was promoted in March. They will be the dedicated process trainers for LOB 1. Dedicated Training Supervisor – Training Supervisor X will take on the role of Training Supervisor for CLIENT XXX beginning Q2. Training Supervisor XXX from BPO X will be joining us as the dedicated Training Supervisor for 2 LOBs. Key Wins
Performance Dashboard Summary LOB 1   Nesting   Performance to Goal (Q1 2010) 100% - 104% of goal 85% - 99% of goal <85% of goal 105% > of goal New Hire and Nesting Goals: Close Rate  – 24% Metrics 2  – 50% AHT  – 500 to 800 seconds Quality  – 80% Attrition  – 20% Client Value Employee Value Overall Close Rate Advanced Products AHT Quality Attrition   Q1 2010 Jan  Feb  Mar 40% 78.17% 1093.11 67.32% 23.29% 16.67% 87% 1011.41 81.82% 12.79% 28.57% 77.75% 1026.87 71.87% 23.77% 14.29% 68.08% 976.08 66.48% 24.59%
LOB 1 Q1 Nesting Performance Priorities to Improve How are we doing? Performance to Goal Trending Diagnosis/Root Cause Observations March Nesting close rates were consistently within goals. February Nesting close rate trended downwards. Strengths Waves 22 to 24 close rate trended upward. Weaknesses Wave 19 close rate was 53.33% away from the nesting goal. Process New SMEs/SIS’ kept on rotating every wave except for waves 23 and 24. Wave 19 trainer was only suppose to co-facilitate but had to take over the whole class because of lead trainer going on ML. Trainer wasn’t able to follow wave 19 nesting because of an overlapping class. Wave 20 NHT started on Wave 19’s first day of nesting. Wave 19 SMEs/SIS haven’t attended the SME boot camp yet. SME Boot Camp’s first session was on January 30. Mindset, Process, Content, Closing Feb Jan Mar 28% 2.25% % Improvement Reduce AHT/ More Calls Better CX experience Q2 Q2 500-800s 80% AHT QA When  Impact Goal Focus
Agenda LOB 1 Executive Summary LOB 2 Executive Summary Training Action Plans Recap LOB 2 Key Wins  Performance Dashboard 4 Blockers
Executive Summary for LOB 2 CLIENT XX outsourced another line of business to one of our sites in the Philippines Waves 1 and 2 process training started on January 18, 2010 and all 40 trainees we’re trained by Trainer XX with Supervisor X. LOB 2 in the Philippines received the very first call on February 1, 2010. Our hours of operations was from 6am to 3pm PST. A week after the launch date, we immediately stretched out our HOOPS from 6am to 4pm PST. From February 21, our HOOPS is from 6am to 6pm PST. CLIENT XX Supported our Launch and Q1 Operations CLIENT XX John Doe and Jane Doe were at the QC site to support the initial waves and launch date. CLIENT XX Jane Doe 2 and Jane Doe 3 supported us from March 16 to 25. New Training Team Members Trainer XX joined wave 1 as one of the dedicated trainers for LOB 2. Trainer XYZ joined LOB 2 as the Senior Trainer. Key Wins
Performance Dashboard Summary LOB 2   Nesting   Performance to Goal (Q1 2010) 100% - 104% of goal 85% - 99% of goal <85% of goal 105% > of goal New Hire and Nesting Goals: Cancel Rate  – Lower than 23% or at least plus/minus 2% from Operations MTD AHT  – 400 to 700 seconds Quality  – 80% Attrition  – 20% Client Value Employee Value Overall Cancel Rate AHT Quality Attrition Feb  Mar  Q1 Nesting 12% 63.98% 710.9 16.45% 32.84% 50.40% 769.40 17.90% 27.17% 57.19% 740.15 17.53%
LOB 2 Q1 Nesting Performance Priorities to Improve How are we doing? Performance to Goal Trending Diagnosis/Root Cause Observations The pioneer batch have higher cancel rate’s despite the number of support from both Vendor and Client. Wave 3 nesting ended with the lowest cancel rate. Strengths All waves achieved the client requirement of 23% (or less) for Operations. Nesting requirement is plus/minus 2% from Ops performance. Weaknesses Waves 1 and 2 have the highest cancel rate among all the 4 waves. Process There were some changes on the processes as CLIENT XX visits rotated. With Wave 3, they were given rebuttal sheets to still save: Reason 1, reason 2 and reason 3.. This option wasn’t available with waves 1 & 2 and was put to a stop effective wave 4. These types of calls are now considered as dead ends and should be cancelled. Content There was no Train-the-trainer prior to launching the program. Waves 1 & 2 trainer trained and learned as we move along with classroom training. Mindset, Process, Content, Closing Feb Mar 28.51% % Improvement Better CX Experience Q2 80% QA When  Impact Goal Focus
Agenda LOB 1 Executive Summary LOB 2 Executive Summary Training Action Plans Recap Opportunities Action Steps POC Expected Outcome
Action Plan Opportunity Action Steps POC Status Expected Outcome AHT Closely monitor trainees talk time during nesting. All trainers should have CMS access. Trainers to spend more time on role-plays and scenario based training for the trainees to grasp techniques on how to shorten their calls. Training Manager X/LOB 1 Trainers Ongoing Stay within the 500-800 second AHT goal or at least replicate waves 23 and 24’s nesting AHT. (976.08 combined) LOB 1 and LOB 2 QA Scores QAs to do at least 2 audits per trainee during nesting to be submitted on day 3 EOB and delivered by the SMEs/SISs to trainees before graduation. QAs to conduct QA re-roll out on day 3 of nesting for policy reinforcement. QA supervisors from both LOBs to email QA Re-roll out summary to the Training Manager for discussion to the trainers. To require all trainers to rotate in attending QA calibration sessions. Trainers to take 8 hours of calls per month. Training Manager / Quality Supervisors Ongoing To improve QA scores and meet client nesting requirement of 80% QA Average per nestee. Attrition Continue using the CLIENT X nesting scorecard as basis for deliberation among Operations, Training and CLIENT X. Training Manager/ Supervisor/Sr. Trainer Ongoing To mirror March’s low attrition rate. (*Scorecard took effect on March classes for both LOBs) LOB 2 Number of Calls After Wave 5 nesting, consider revising the nesting agenda to reflect less off the phone time. (Ex. Red Alert/QA Training to possibly move to classroom training vs. Nesting – mirror to LOB 1 agenda) Training Manager/ SS Trainers TBD – Early Q2 For the trainees to have enough practice while in nesting. To achieve the CLIENT X 130 call requirement per nestee or at least close to 130.
Action Plan Opportunity Action Steps POC Status Expected Outcome SME/SIS Ratio To maintain a support ratio in nesting of 1:4. To keep the same SMEs/SIS for at least 3 consecutive waves before reshuffling. Training Manager/ SME Lead Ongoing To maintain better quality of SMEs/SISs and maintain better support ratio. SME/SIS Boot Camp No SME/SIS will be allowed to assist in nesting without undergoing the SME boot camp Training Manager/ SME Lead TBD – Early Q2 To make sure all SMEs/SISs were trained on how to do proper coaching before assisting Nesting. Mini Team/Nesting Incentive/ SPIF To propose an incentive program to drive higher close rate/lower cancel rate during nesting. Training Manager/ LOB 1 And LOB 2 Trainers TBD – Q2 To motivate and drive performance through rewards and recognition.
Agenda LOB 1 Executive Summary LOB 2 Executive Summary Training Action Plans Recap Q2 2010 CLIENT X Departmental Goals
Executing our Goals Q2 LOB 1 and LOB 2 Training Department Trainers will consistently collaborate with QA regarding CLIENT X policies through call calibrations. Training Team will consistently collaborate with Operations and QA to identify the gaps in Operations performance and propose upskilling sessions. Continue our Weekly Training Meeting to share best practices and know what’s going on with both LOBs under the same program. Work with Core Skills department for an integrated Core Skills/CLIENT X Curriculum. Trainer/Sr. Trainer/Training Supervisor/Training Manager Scorecards Non-anecdotal basis for performance. Scoring system that is all performance and result based. Training supervisor/ Sr. Trainer to observe trainers in every new hire training class. Training Manager to Develop Leadership and T3’s to the training team at least on a quarterly basis. Trainers will eventually be cross-skilled (LOB 1 and 2) SMEs/SIS to attend SME Boot Camps before assisting nesting classes. Current CLIENT X Training HC: 3 LOB 1 Trainers 2 LOB 2 Trainers 1 Sr. Trainer 1 Training Supervisor 1 Training Manager To eventually move 1 trainer to fill the LOB 1 Sr. Trainer post. Grow the Business Enable our People to Excel  Create Real Value Collaboration

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Sample QBR ºÝºÝߣs

  • 1. SAMPLE QBR LOB 1 and LOB 2 Q1 2010 Quarterly Business Review April 09, 2010
  • 2. Agenda LOB 1 Executive Summary LOB 2 Executive Summary Training Action Plans Recap LOB 1 Key Wins Performance Dashboard 4 Blockers
  • 3. Executive Summary for LOB 1 Improvement in Key Metrics Nesting close rate has gradually improved month after month. Wave 23 ended at 24.34% and Wave 24 at 24.86%. Nesting has consistently exceeded CLIENT XX’s METRIC X’s Requirement. Change in Process CLIENT XX implemented nesting scorecards as basis for endorsement to Operations towards end of February. CLIENT XX (Jane Doe) is now involved in the deliberation of who will be endorsed to Operations through client provided nesting scorecard. QA Re-roll out to be done during mid-nesting for reiteration and reinforcement. Nesters were skilled to 4 in order for them to take back to back phone calls and achieve the 100 call requirement. Nesters are now getting 3 documented side by side coaching sessions and 1 documented DRS coaching session. Nesters are now receiving 2 QA audits on day 3 of nesting. SMEs/SIS – to handle at least 3 nesting waves before we reshuffle. Changes in the Training Team Dedicated Training Manager – John Doe took on the role of XX Manager for Company X and Jane Doe2 took the role of Training Manager for both LOB 1 and LOB 2. New Members – Trainer XX joined February from Company X and Trainer XXX was promoted in March. They will be the dedicated process trainers for LOB 1. Dedicated Training Supervisor – Training Supervisor X will take on the role of Training Supervisor for CLIENT XXX beginning Q2. Training Supervisor XXX from BPO X will be joining us as the dedicated Training Supervisor for 2 LOBs. Key Wins
  • 4. Performance Dashboard Summary LOB 1 Nesting Performance to Goal (Q1 2010) 100% - 104% of goal 85% - 99% of goal <85% of goal 105% > of goal New Hire and Nesting Goals: Close Rate – 24% Metrics 2 – 50% AHT – 500 to 800 seconds Quality – 80% Attrition – 20% Client Value Employee Value Overall Close Rate Advanced Products AHT Quality Attrition Q1 2010 Jan Feb Mar 40% 78.17% 1093.11 67.32% 23.29% 16.67% 87% 1011.41 81.82% 12.79% 28.57% 77.75% 1026.87 71.87% 23.77% 14.29% 68.08% 976.08 66.48% 24.59%
  • 5. LOB 1 Q1 Nesting Performance Priorities to Improve How are we doing? Performance to Goal Trending Diagnosis/Root Cause Observations March Nesting close rates were consistently within goals. February Nesting close rate trended downwards. Strengths Waves 22 to 24 close rate trended upward. Weaknesses Wave 19 close rate was 53.33% away from the nesting goal. Process New SMEs/SIS’ kept on rotating every wave except for waves 23 and 24. Wave 19 trainer was only suppose to co-facilitate but had to take over the whole class because of lead trainer going on ML. Trainer wasn’t able to follow wave 19 nesting because of an overlapping class. Wave 20 NHT started on Wave 19’s first day of nesting. Wave 19 SMEs/SIS haven’t attended the SME boot camp yet. SME Boot Camp’s first session was on January 30. Mindset, Process, Content, Closing Feb Jan Mar 28% 2.25% % Improvement Reduce AHT/ More Calls Better CX experience Q2 Q2 500-800s 80% AHT QA When Impact Goal Focus
  • 6. Agenda LOB 1 Executive Summary LOB 2 Executive Summary Training Action Plans Recap LOB 2 Key Wins Performance Dashboard 4 Blockers
  • 7. Executive Summary for LOB 2 CLIENT XX outsourced another line of business to one of our sites in the Philippines Waves 1 and 2 process training started on January 18, 2010 and all 40 trainees we’re trained by Trainer XX with Supervisor X. LOB 2 in the Philippines received the very first call on February 1, 2010. Our hours of operations was from 6am to 3pm PST. A week after the launch date, we immediately stretched out our HOOPS from 6am to 4pm PST. From February 21, our HOOPS is from 6am to 6pm PST. CLIENT XX Supported our Launch and Q1 Operations CLIENT XX John Doe and Jane Doe were at the QC site to support the initial waves and launch date. CLIENT XX Jane Doe 2 and Jane Doe 3 supported us from March 16 to 25. New Training Team Members Trainer XX joined wave 1 as one of the dedicated trainers for LOB 2. Trainer XYZ joined LOB 2 as the Senior Trainer. Key Wins
  • 8. Performance Dashboard Summary LOB 2 Nesting Performance to Goal (Q1 2010) 100% - 104% of goal 85% - 99% of goal <85% of goal 105% > of goal New Hire and Nesting Goals: Cancel Rate – Lower than 23% or at least plus/minus 2% from Operations MTD AHT – 400 to 700 seconds Quality – 80% Attrition – 20% Client Value Employee Value Overall Cancel Rate AHT Quality Attrition Feb Mar Q1 Nesting 12% 63.98% 710.9 16.45% 32.84% 50.40% 769.40 17.90% 27.17% 57.19% 740.15 17.53%
  • 9. LOB 2 Q1 Nesting Performance Priorities to Improve How are we doing? Performance to Goal Trending Diagnosis/Root Cause Observations The pioneer batch have higher cancel rate’s despite the number of support from both Vendor and Client. Wave 3 nesting ended with the lowest cancel rate. Strengths All waves achieved the client requirement of 23% (or less) for Operations. Nesting requirement is plus/minus 2% from Ops performance. Weaknesses Waves 1 and 2 have the highest cancel rate among all the 4 waves. Process There were some changes on the processes as CLIENT XX visits rotated. With Wave 3, they were given rebuttal sheets to still save: Reason 1, reason 2 and reason 3.. This option wasn’t available with waves 1 & 2 and was put to a stop effective wave 4. These types of calls are now considered as dead ends and should be cancelled. Content There was no Train-the-trainer prior to launching the program. Waves 1 & 2 trainer trained and learned as we move along with classroom training. Mindset, Process, Content, Closing Feb Mar 28.51% % Improvement Better CX Experience Q2 80% QA When Impact Goal Focus
  • 10. Agenda LOB 1 Executive Summary LOB 2 Executive Summary Training Action Plans Recap Opportunities Action Steps POC Expected Outcome
  • 11. Action Plan Opportunity Action Steps POC Status Expected Outcome AHT Closely monitor trainees talk time during nesting. All trainers should have CMS access. Trainers to spend more time on role-plays and scenario based training for the trainees to grasp techniques on how to shorten their calls. Training Manager X/LOB 1 Trainers Ongoing Stay within the 500-800 second AHT goal or at least replicate waves 23 and 24’s nesting AHT. (976.08 combined) LOB 1 and LOB 2 QA Scores QAs to do at least 2 audits per trainee during nesting to be submitted on day 3 EOB and delivered by the SMEs/SISs to trainees before graduation. QAs to conduct QA re-roll out on day 3 of nesting for policy reinforcement. QA supervisors from both LOBs to email QA Re-roll out summary to the Training Manager for discussion to the trainers. To require all trainers to rotate in attending QA calibration sessions. Trainers to take 8 hours of calls per month. Training Manager / Quality Supervisors Ongoing To improve QA scores and meet client nesting requirement of 80% QA Average per nestee. Attrition Continue using the CLIENT X nesting scorecard as basis for deliberation among Operations, Training and CLIENT X. Training Manager/ Supervisor/Sr. Trainer Ongoing To mirror March’s low attrition rate. (*Scorecard took effect on March classes for both LOBs) LOB 2 Number of Calls After Wave 5 nesting, consider revising the nesting agenda to reflect less off the phone time. (Ex. Red Alert/QA Training to possibly move to classroom training vs. Nesting – mirror to LOB 1 agenda) Training Manager/ SS Trainers TBD – Early Q2 For the trainees to have enough practice while in nesting. To achieve the CLIENT X 130 call requirement per nestee or at least close to 130.
  • 12. Action Plan Opportunity Action Steps POC Status Expected Outcome SME/SIS Ratio To maintain a support ratio in nesting of 1:4. To keep the same SMEs/SIS for at least 3 consecutive waves before reshuffling. Training Manager/ SME Lead Ongoing To maintain better quality of SMEs/SISs and maintain better support ratio. SME/SIS Boot Camp No SME/SIS will be allowed to assist in nesting without undergoing the SME boot camp Training Manager/ SME Lead TBD – Early Q2 To make sure all SMEs/SISs were trained on how to do proper coaching before assisting Nesting. Mini Team/Nesting Incentive/ SPIF To propose an incentive program to drive higher close rate/lower cancel rate during nesting. Training Manager/ LOB 1 And LOB 2 Trainers TBD – Q2 To motivate and drive performance through rewards and recognition.
  • 13. Agenda LOB 1 Executive Summary LOB 2 Executive Summary Training Action Plans Recap Q2 2010 CLIENT X Departmental Goals
  • 14. Executing our Goals Q2 LOB 1 and LOB 2 Training Department Trainers will consistently collaborate with QA regarding CLIENT X policies through call calibrations. Training Team will consistently collaborate with Operations and QA to identify the gaps in Operations performance and propose upskilling sessions. Continue our Weekly Training Meeting to share best practices and know what’s going on with both LOBs under the same program. Work with Core Skills department for an integrated Core Skills/CLIENT X Curriculum. Trainer/Sr. Trainer/Training Supervisor/Training Manager Scorecards Non-anecdotal basis for performance. Scoring system that is all performance and result based. Training supervisor/ Sr. Trainer to observe trainers in every new hire training class. Training Manager to Develop Leadership and T3’s to the training team at least on a quarterly basis. Trainers will eventually be cross-skilled (LOB 1 and 2) SMEs/SIS to attend SME Boot Camps before assisting nesting classes. Current CLIENT X Training HC: 3 LOB 1 Trainers 2 LOB 2 Trainers 1 Sr. Trainer 1 Training Supervisor 1 Training Manager To eventually move 1 trainer to fill the LOB 1 Sr. Trainer post. Grow the Business Enable our People to Excel Create Real Value Collaboration
  • 15. Ìý