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Mobile: 09830442453
E-Mail: sban20012001@gmail.com / sban20012001@yahoo.com
Senior level assignments in Regional Management, Business Development, Relationship Management,
Consultative & Solution Sales with a growth oriented organisation.
Professional Synopsis
An astute leader and a result driven professional with 18+ years of experience in IT Hardware/
Networking/Software & Services Sales. Presently designated as Regional Head with Exult IT
Infrastructure & Services, Kolkata. Proven ability in efficiently managing key account relationships, large-scale
projects and sales & marketing of complete range of products to create proximity, visibility and availability of
products. Result focused & effectual leader with demonstrated skills in turnaround of underperforming businesses.
Expertise in tapping prospects, analyzing their requirements, rendering technical guidance to the client and
negotiating (commercially) for the orders. Adept in conceptualizing & executing strategies to dr ive business growth &
achieve desired target as well as monitor competitor activities to retain market share.
The Business Skills
Direct Sales / Business Development
 Explores opportunities aggressively in new and existing accounts.
 Expansion of Business in a way that ensures profitability for the Organization.
 Utilizing client referrals & personal network to develop marketing intelligence for generating leads.
 Effectuating pre-planned sales strategies for accomplishment of performance milestones.
 Implementing competent business strategies to market a wide range of products & achieve pre -set sales and
profit targets.
 Establishing Companys technical credibility with customers, educates account teams in area of specialization, and
provides an interface between the Organization and its customer base.
 Utilizing Companys Resources, Tools, Marketing Strategy to strengthen the position of the Organization.
 Identifying prospective business, establishing strategic partnership & alliances, generating business from the
existing accounts & achieving profitability & increased sales growth.
 Developing relationships with the customers in target markets for business development.
 Delivering presentations / seminars & product promotion schemes to the prospective end-users.
 Formulating MIS reports relating to sales, distribution management, stock control, etc. & transmitting them to
senior management for facilitating the sales operations.
Channel Sales Management
 Liaising with the dealer in order to achieve the set target, along with identifying and developing reliable dealers /
distributors for increasing market visibility.
 Monitoring end-to-end process flows in order to ensure operational efficiency through dealers.
 Appointing new dealers & sub dealers in the region and training the dealer team.
 Developing & expanding the dealer channel network to enhance product reach & business targets.
 Ensuring effective merchandising of desired product mix at point of sales.
Key Account Management
 Networking with prospective clients, generating business from the existing accounts and achieving profitability and
increased sales growth.
 Identifying prospective clients from various sectors, creating new business opportunities, generating business
from existing account, thereby achieving business targets.
 Interfacing with clients for understanding their requirements & suggesting the most viable solutions / products
and cultivating relations with them for customer retention & securing repeat business.
 Handling post order co-ordination internally within the organisation & externally with client.
 Consulting with technical team to provide solutions according to the clients needs / enhancements and
customization of the product.
Team Management
 Supervise, coach and develop work & professional development of the team members & co-ordinators. Generating
periodic reports for review, analysis and improvement of teams performance.
 Co-ordinate with knowledge management teams to lead roll-out of new capabilities, training & trouble shooting.
 Support development and co-ordination of various project schedules.
 Team related Operational Management viz. Budgeting, Resourcing, Cross-functional Management etc.
 Imparting continuous on job training to the workforce for enhancing their productivity & operational efficiencies
through knowledge enhancement / skill building.
 Managing a team of associates and monitoring their performance to ensure efficiency in process operations &
ensure meeting of individual / group targets.
Professional Experience
November 2014  till date Exult IT Infrastructure & Services
Regional Head
 Dealing with the Major Accounts / Channel Partners (ITS & IT Security Products) in Eastern part of the Country
with additional responsibility for Delhi  NCR, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh in Domains like Government (both
State & Central), PSU, Education and few Named Corporates to provide end-to-end IT Solutions
 Managing BSNL & Railtel Corporation of India for System Integration & Managed Network Services.
 Leading a team of Sales & Account Managers.
 Concerned Operational Management with respect to the assigned responsibility.
September11  8th
October 2014 Trimax IT Infrastructure & Services Limited
Deputy General Manager
 Dealing with the Major Accounts / Channel Partners (ITS, IT Security Products)in Eastern part of the Country
in Government (both State & Central), PSU, Education segments and few Named Corporate to provide
Enterprise IT Hardware Solutions like Data Centre Solutions, Physical Surveillance Systems, Stand Alone
Enterprise IT Hardware Systems, Infrastructure Management, Managed Services Business etc.
 Handling BSNL Accounts for MNS Services, Handling Tender Businesses with BSNL.
 Leading a team of Sales & Account Managers.
 Concerned Operational Management of East Office with respect to the assigned responsibility.
June 10  1st
September11 Allied Digital Services Limited
Regional Sales Manager  East
 Effectively dealt with the major accounts in Eastern part of the Country in Government (both State & Central),
PSU, Education segments and few Named Corporate to provide Enterprise IT Hardware Solutions like Data Centre
Solutions, Physical Surveillance Systems, Stand Alone Enterprise IT Hardware Systems, Infrastructure
Management, Managed Services Business etc.
 Leading a team of Sales & Account Managers.
 Concerned Operational Management with respect to the assigned responsibility.
Nov09  June10 Tulip Telecom Limited
Regional Sales Manager
 Effectively dealt with the major accounts & channel partners (Telecom Products) in Eastern part of the Country in
Government (both State & Central), PSU, Education, segments to provide Connectivity Solutions like MPLS  VPN,
Lease Line, Internet BW, Data Centre Solutions etc.
 Leading a team of Sales & Account Managers.
 Concerned Operational Management with respect to the assigned responsibility.
Apr06  Oct09 CMS Computers Limited
Growth Path:
Apr06- Mar07 Area Sales Manager, Kolkata
Apr07- Oct09 Senior Area Sales Manager, Kolkata
 Effectively dealt with the major accounts in Government, Corporate, Education, BFSI Domains to provide
hardware solutions, including Servers, Personal Computer Systems, Laptops, Storage Systems, Networking
Products & Peripherals.
 Attended after contract kick-off meeting to ensure smooth transfer of order to project management team.
March97- Apr06 Spice Net Limited, Kolkata
(Formerly known as Modi Olivetti Limited; a joint venture between Modicorp of India &
Olivetti Inc. of Italy)
Growth Path:
Mar97- Apr00 Associative Executive  Sales
Apr00- Mar02 Executive  Sales
Apr02- Jul03 Senior Executive  Sales
Aug03  April06 Business Manager - Sales
 Closely worked with the major accounts in Domains like BFSI, Government & Education to provide solutions in
Hardware, Printing & Retail and reported to the General Manager  East (Regional Head).
 Developed new market and solution for specific applications as far as Olivetti brand Passbook Printer and oth er
Olivetti specialized products.
 Managed Reseller Partnership and developed business especially for Olivetti brand Passbook Printers in the
eastern part of the country (Spice has an exclusive strategic alliance with Olivetti, Italy to manufacture, sale and
support their pass-book printers in SAARC Countries) through the Industry.
 Led SI Houses like CMC Limited, Wipro, HCL Infosystems, Zenith, PCS, CMS Computers, Onward Technologies,
 Developing Business of Olivetti Printing Products through numbers of dealers and re-sellers in order to achieve the
set target, along with identifying and developing new and reliable dealers / distributors for increasing market
Additional Experience other than IT:
Apr94- Mar97 Sales Assistant with SM Structural Private Limited, Kolkata
A Small Scale Crane Manufacturing & Maintenance Company
 Efficiently handled the responsibilities of Sales, Account Receivable, Team Management, Commercial Management
and Inventory Management.
Professional Training / Certifications
 Awarded by Hewlett-Packard with Accredited Sales Professional Certificate for Enterprise Solutions in June,
 Successfully completed training for IBM P Series Products (RISC Based Servers) conducted by STG University of
IBM in the year 2006.
Personal Detail:
Academic : Bachelor of Science from University of Calcutta in the year 1987.
Date of Birth : 22nd
June 1967.
Residence : Ground Floor - 120, Sahid Sunil Sen Sarani, Dum Dum, Kolkata  700028, West Bengal.

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Santanu Banerjee_Profile

  • 1. SANTANU BANERJEE Mobile: 09830442453 E-Mail: sban20012001@gmail.com / sban20012001@yahoo.com Senior level assignments in Regional Management, Business Development, Relationship Management, Consultative & Solution Sales with a growth oriented organisation. Professional Synopsis An astute leader and a result driven professional with 18+ years of experience in IT Hardware/ Networking/Software & Services Sales. Presently designated as Regional Head with Exult IT Infrastructure & Services, Kolkata. Proven ability in efficiently managing key account relationships, large-scale projects and sales & marketing of complete range of products to create proximity, visibility and availability of products. Result focused & effectual leader with demonstrated skills in turnaround of underperforming businesses. Expertise in tapping prospects, analyzing their requirements, rendering technical guidance to the client and negotiating (commercially) for the orders. Adept in conceptualizing & executing strategies to dr ive business growth & achieve desired target as well as monitor competitor activities to retain market share. The Business Skills Direct Sales / Business Development Explores opportunities aggressively in new and existing accounts. Expansion of Business in a way that ensures profitability for the Organization. Utilizing client referrals & personal network to develop marketing intelligence for generating leads. Effectuating pre-planned sales strategies for accomplishment of performance milestones. Implementing competent business strategies to market a wide range of products & achieve pre -set sales and profit targets. Establishing Companys technical credibility with customers, educates account teams in area of specialization, and provides an interface between the Organization and its customer base. Utilizing Companys Resources, Tools, Marketing Strategy to strengthen the position of the Organization. Identifying prospective business, establishing strategic partnership & alliances, generating business from the existing accounts & achieving profitability & increased sales growth. Developing relationships with the customers in target markets for business development. Delivering presentations / seminars & product promotion schemes to the prospective end-users. Formulating MIS reports relating to sales, distribution management, stock control, etc. & transmitting them to senior management for facilitating the sales operations. Channel Sales Management Liaising with the dealer in order to achieve the set target, along with identifying and developing reliable dealers / distributors for increasing market visibility. Monitoring end-to-end process flows in order to ensure operational efficiency through dealers. Appointing new dealers & sub dealers in the region and training the dealer team. Developing & expanding the dealer channel network to enhance product reach & business targets. Ensuring effective merchandising of desired product mix at point of sales. Key Account Management Networking with prospective clients, generating business from the existing accounts and achieving profitability and increased sales growth. Identifying prospective clients from various sectors, creating new business opportunities, generating business from existing account, thereby achieving business targets. Interfacing with clients for understanding their requirements & suggesting the most viable solutions / products and cultivating relations with them for customer retention & securing repeat business. Handling post order co-ordination internally within the organisation & externally with client. Consulting with technical team to provide solutions according to the clients needs / enhancements and customization of the product. Team Management
  • 2. Supervise, coach and develop work & professional development of the team members & co-ordinators. Generating periodic reports for review, analysis and improvement of teams performance. Co-ordinate with knowledge management teams to lead roll-out of new capabilities, training & trouble shooting. Support development and co-ordination of various project schedules. Team related Operational Management viz. Budgeting, Resourcing, Cross-functional Management etc. Imparting continuous on job training to the workforce for enhancing their productivity & operational efficiencies through knowledge enhancement / skill building. Managing a team of associates and monitoring their performance to ensure efficiency in process operations & ensure meeting of individual / group targets. Professional Experience 15th November 2014 till date Exult IT Infrastructure & Services Regional Head Dealing with the Major Accounts / Channel Partners (ITS & IT Security Products) in Eastern part of the Country with additional responsibility for Delhi NCR, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh in Domains like Government (both State & Central), PSU, Education and few Named Corporates to provide end-to-end IT Solutions Managing BSNL & Railtel Corporation of India for System Integration & Managed Network Services. Leading a team of Sales & Account Managers. Concerned Operational Management with respect to the assigned responsibility. 2nd September11 8th October 2014 Trimax IT Infrastructure & Services Limited Deputy General Manager Dealing with the Major Accounts / Channel Partners (ITS, IT Security Products)in Eastern part of the Country in Government (both State & Central), PSU, Education segments and few Named Corporate to provide Enterprise IT Hardware Solutions like Data Centre Solutions, Physical Surveillance Systems, Stand Alone Enterprise IT Hardware Systems, Infrastructure Management, Managed Services Business etc. Handling BSNL Accounts for MNS Services, Handling Tender Businesses with BSNL. Leading a team of Sales & Account Managers. Concerned Operational Management of East Office with respect to the assigned responsibility. 28th June 10 1st September11 Allied Digital Services Limited Regional Sales Manager East Effectively dealt with the major accounts in Eastern part of the Country in Government (both State & Central), PSU, Education segments and few Named Corporate to provide Enterprise IT Hardware Solutions like Data Centre Solutions, Physical Surveillance Systems, Stand Alone Enterprise IT Hardware Systems, Infrastructure Management, Managed Services Business etc. Leading a team of Sales & Account Managers. Concerned Operational Management with respect to the assigned responsibility. Nov09 June10 Tulip Telecom Limited Regional Sales Manager Effectively dealt with the major accounts & channel partners (Telecom Products) in Eastern part of the Country in Government (both State & Central), PSU, Education, segments to provide Connectivity Solutions like MPLS VPN, Lease Line, Internet BW, Data Centre Solutions etc. Leading a team of Sales & Account Managers. Concerned Operational Management with respect to the assigned responsibility.
  • 3. Apr06 Oct09 CMS Computers Limited Growth Path: Apr06- Mar07 Area Sales Manager, Kolkata Apr07- Oct09 Senior Area Sales Manager, Kolkata Effectively dealt with the major accounts in Government, Corporate, Education, BFSI Domains to provide hardware solutions, including Servers, Personal Computer Systems, Laptops, Storage Systems, Networking Products & Peripherals. Attended after contract kick-off meeting to ensure smooth transfer of order to project management team. March97- Apr06 Spice Net Limited, Kolkata (Formerly known as Modi Olivetti Limited; a joint venture between Modicorp of India & Olivetti Inc. of Italy) Growth Path: Mar97- Apr00 Associative Executive Sales Apr00- Mar02 Executive Sales Apr02- Jul03 Senior Executive Sales Aug03 April06 Business Manager - Sales Closely worked with the major accounts in Domains like BFSI, Government & Education to provide solutions in Hardware, Printing & Retail and reported to the General Manager East (Regional Head). Developed new market and solution for specific applications as far as Olivetti brand Passbook Printer and oth er Olivetti specialized products. Managed Reseller Partnership and developed business especially for Olivetti brand Passbook Printers in the eastern part of the country (Spice has an exclusive strategic alliance with Olivetti, Italy to manufacture, sale and support their pass-book printers in SAARC Countries) through the Industry. Led SI Houses like CMC Limited, Wipro, HCL Infosystems, Zenith, PCS, CMS Computers, Onward Technologies, etc. Developing Business of Olivetti Printing Products through numbers of dealers and re-sellers in order to achieve the set target, along with identifying and developing new and reliable dealers / distributors for increasing market visibility. Additional Experience other than IT: Apr94- Mar97 Sales Assistant with SM Structural Private Limited, Kolkata A Small Scale Crane Manufacturing & Maintenance Company Efficiently handled the responsibilities of Sales, Account Receivable, Team Management, Commercial Management and Inventory Management. Professional Training / Certifications Awarded by Hewlett-Packard with Accredited Sales Professional Certificate for Enterprise Solutions in June, 2011. Successfully completed training for IBM P Series Products (RISC Based Servers) conducted by STG University of IBM in the year 2006. Personal Detail: Academic : Bachelor of Science from University of Calcutta in the year 1987. Date of Birth : 22nd June 1967. Residence : Ground Floor - 120, Sahid Sunil Sen Sarani, Dum Dum, Kolkata 700028, West Bengal.