This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, a tool for making slideshows. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on ºÝºÝߣShare. In just one sentence, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily create engaging slideshows.
El documento resume la historia del yacimiento de Atapuerca, uno de los sitios m¨¢s importantes para el estudio de la evoluci¨®n humana. Detalla los principales yacimientos encontrados como la Sima del Elefante, Galer¨ªa y Sima de los Huesos, y algunos de los descubrimientos realizados como restos humanos y de animales. Tambi¨¦n proporciona informaci¨®n sobre Juan Luis Arsuaga, un paleont¨®logo clave en los descubrimientos de Atapuerca. Finalmente, presenta una tabla comparativa de diferentes especies humanas con detalles
This document provides guidance on building a business using WordPress. It discusses various business models like affiliate marketing, lead generation, and e-commerce. It recommends starting with a hobby or passion and generating value locally. It also provides lists of plugins and tools to support different aspects of a WordPress business, as well as influencers to follow for inspiration and advice. The overall message is that WordPress offers a free and flexible platform to create many types of online businesses.
This document discusses arrays in C programming. It begins by introducing arrays as structures that store related data items of the same size. It describes how arrays are declared with a name, type, and number of elements. The document provides examples of initializing arrays, accessing array elements, passing arrays to functions, and sorting arrays. It explains that arrays are passed by reference while array elements are passed by value.
Este documento presenta an¨¢lisis t¨¦cnicos diarios de varios ¨ªndices burs¨¢tiles europeos como el EuroStoxx50, DAX, IBEX35 y CAC40, as¨ª como del bono alem¨¢n Bund. Para cada ¨ªndice o activo, se proporcionan los niveles de resistencia, soporte y entrada potenciales con objetivos de ganancia de corto plazo. El an¨¢lisis tiene como prop¨®sito informar a los inversores pero no constituye una recomendaci¨®n de inversi¨®n.
El documento habla sobre el D¨ªa Internacional de Internet, que se celebra el 17 de mayo. Explica que surgi¨® en Espa?a en 2004 y que ahora se celebra en todo el mundo. Tambi¨¦n describe algunos de los beneficios de Internet, como el acceso a informaci¨®n educativa y la comunicaci¨®n a trav¨¦s de redes sociales. Finalmente, ofrece consejos para un uso seguro y respetuoso de Internet, como proteger la privacidad, evitar conflictos y ser cuidadoso con la informaci¨®n personal que se comparte.
Mohamed Abdul Monem is an Egyptian mechanical engineer graduated from Portsaid University in 2013 with a Bachelor's degree in mechanical power engineering and a grade of 73.11%. He has work experience in maintenance and installation of heavy machinery as well as technical drawing. He is proficient in AutoCAD, CATIA, Microsoft Office, and Adobe Photoshop.
Este documento ofrece consejos sobre c¨®mo cultivar una relaci¨®n de pareja saludable y feliz. Enfatiza que la clave es trabajar en uno mismo para sanar heridas emocionales del pasado y mejorar la autoestima. Tambi¨¦n sugiere crear una lista de compatibilidades deseadas en una pareja y buscar en lugares donde haya afinidad. Si la relaci¨®n actual no funciona, lo mejor es dejarla en lugar de sufrir.
O documento descreve o edital de sele??o para o curso de especializa??o "Pol¨ªtica de Promo??o da Igualdade Racial na Escola" oferecido pela Universidade Federal do Esp¨ªrito Santo em parceria com o MEC. O curso ter¨¢ dura??o de 20 meses com in¨ªcio em novembro de 2014. Ser?o ofertadas 100 vagas, 70 para professores e 30 para demanda social.
Auto conductores paralizaci¨®n del planmiciudadreal
Auto conductores paralizaci¨®n del plan de recursos humanos de la JCCM
Prabir Santra has over 13 years of experience working in accounting roles for companies in various industries such as real estate, automobiles, earth moving equipment, and interior decorating. He has experience maintaining computerized accounts using Tally and other software, as well as filing statutory tax returns. Prabir holds a B.Com degree and is proficient in MS Office, Tally, and tax compliance. He is currently seeking a new accounting position and his expected salary is negotiable.
The story introduces Jacob Whitesides as the prince and Mahogany Lox as the princess. It is set in a distant village long ago where the princess meets with her friends.
This document summarizes interviews with 4 tourists visiting Barcelona. The interviews asked about where they are from, why they chose Barcelona, which monuments they liked, how long they plan to stay, how they traveled to Barcelona, what they enjoyed most so far, and whether they would return. The tourists were from Chicago, Germany, England, and France and enjoyed landmarks like Sagrada Familia, football matches, food, and the overall beauty of the city. Most were staying 3-4 days and all had arrived by plane.
This document discusses the different uses of the word "will" in the English language. It explains that will can be used to make a promise, prediction, or decision at the time of speaking. It also notes that will can state a fact about the future. The document also covers the uses of "going to", stating it is used for a future event that has been planned before speaking or to make a prediction based on plans or evidence.
The event took place on June 24th at a private local venue, with black and white decorations and music entertainment provided. Food and drinks were served.
The document discusses the first conditional, which uses the present simple tense in the if-clause and will + infinitive in the main clause to talk about possible future events. It provides examples of complete conditional sentences using this structure, including "If I study English, I will travel to London" and "If I don't finish the homework, I won't go to the party." It also notes that the order of the clauses can be reversed without changing the meaning.
This document outlines the author's family tree, including their mother's and father's families. It lists the author's parents, Jordi and N¨²ria, as well as their cousin Joan. It also includes the names of grandparents, aunts, uncles and other relatives on both the mother's and father's side of the family. The author thanks the reader for their attention at the end.
This document describes a typical Christmas Day with sections divided for the morning, afternoon, evening and at night. It begins with an unspecified morning activity and continues through the afternoon and evening, ending with nighttime activities before thanking the reader for their attention twice.
Este documento presenta an¨¢lisis t¨¦cnicos diarios de varios ¨ªndices burs¨¢tiles europeos como el EuroStoxx50, DAX, IBEX35 y CAC40, as¨ª como del bono alem¨¢n Bund. Para cada ¨ªndice o activo, se proporcionan los niveles de resistencia, soporte y entrada potenciales con objetivos de ganancia de corto plazo. El an¨¢lisis tiene como prop¨®sito informar a los inversores pero no constituye una recomendaci¨®n de inversi¨®n.
El documento habla sobre el D¨ªa Internacional de Internet, que se celebra el 17 de mayo. Explica que surgi¨® en Espa?a en 2004 y que ahora se celebra en todo el mundo. Tambi¨¦n describe algunos de los beneficios de Internet, como el acceso a informaci¨®n educativa y la comunicaci¨®n a trav¨¦s de redes sociales. Finalmente, ofrece consejos para un uso seguro y respetuoso de Internet, como proteger la privacidad, evitar conflictos y ser cuidadoso con la informaci¨®n personal que se comparte.
Mohamed Abdul Monem is an Egyptian mechanical engineer graduated from Portsaid University in 2013 with a Bachelor's degree in mechanical power engineering and a grade of 73.11%. He has work experience in maintenance and installation of heavy machinery as well as technical drawing. He is proficient in AutoCAD, CATIA, Microsoft Office, and Adobe Photoshop.
Este documento ofrece consejos sobre c¨®mo cultivar una relaci¨®n de pareja saludable y feliz. Enfatiza que la clave es trabajar en uno mismo para sanar heridas emocionales del pasado y mejorar la autoestima. Tambi¨¦n sugiere crear una lista de compatibilidades deseadas en una pareja y buscar en lugares donde haya afinidad. Si la relaci¨®n actual no funciona, lo mejor es dejarla en lugar de sufrir.
O documento descreve o edital de sele??o para o curso de especializa??o "Pol¨ªtica de Promo??o da Igualdade Racial na Escola" oferecido pela Universidade Federal do Esp¨ªrito Santo em parceria com o MEC. O curso ter¨¢ dura??o de 20 meses com in¨ªcio em novembro de 2014. Ser?o ofertadas 100 vagas, 70 para professores e 30 para demanda social.
Auto conductores paralizaci¨®n del planmiciudadreal
Auto conductores paralizaci¨®n del plan de recursos humanos de la JCCM
Prabir Santra has over 13 years of experience working in accounting roles for companies in various industries such as real estate, automobiles, earth moving equipment, and interior decorating. He has experience maintaining computerized accounts using Tally and other software, as well as filing statutory tax returns. Prabir holds a B.Com degree and is proficient in MS Office, Tally, and tax compliance. He is currently seeking a new accounting position and his expected salary is negotiable.
The story introduces Jacob Whitesides as the prince and Mahogany Lox as the princess. It is set in a distant village long ago where the princess meets with her friends.
This document summarizes interviews with 4 tourists visiting Barcelona. The interviews asked about where they are from, why they chose Barcelona, which monuments they liked, how long they plan to stay, how they traveled to Barcelona, what they enjoyed most so far, and whether they would return. The tourists were from Chicago, Germany, England, and France and enjoyed landmarks like Sagrada Familia, football matches, food, and the overall beauty of the city. Most were staying 3-4 days and all had arrived by plane.
This document discusses the different uses of the word "will" in the English language. It explains that will can be used to make a promise, prediction, or decision at the time of speaking. It also notes that will can state a fact about the future. The document also covers the uses of "going to", stating it is used for a future event that has been planned before speaking or to make a prediction based on plans or evidence.
The event took place on June 24th at a private local venue, with black and white decorations and music entertainment provided. Food and drinks were served.
The document discusses the first conditional, which uses the present simple tense in the if-clause and will + infinitive in the main clause to talk about possible future events. It provides examples of complete conditional sentences using this structure, including "If I study English, I will travel to London" and "If I don't finish the homework, I won't go to the party." It also notes that the order of the clauses can be reversed without changing the meaning.
This document outlines the author's family tree, including their mother's and father's families. It lists the author's parents, Jordi and N¨²ria, as well as their cousin Joan. It also includes the names of grandparents, aunts, uncles and other relatives on both the mother's and father's side of the family. The author thanks the reader for their attention at the end.
This document describes a typical Christmas Day with sections divided for the morning, afternoon, evening and at night. It begins with an unspecified morning activity and continues through the afternoon and evening, ending with nighttime activities before thanking the reader for their attention twice.
This document provides examples of using past simple tense in English with regular and irregular verbs. It gives the basic rules for forming the past simple by adding "-ed" to regular verbs. Examples are provided of using past simple verbs with subjects, including negative examples using "did not". Question forms are also exemplified using question words like "how, where, when, did". The end provides a brief exercise for students to practice forming past simple verbs.
El dia de la dona treballadora / ?????? ?? ????? ?? /????? ?????? ??????JosepRamonGregoriMuo
El 8 de mar? ¨¦s el Dia Internacional de la Dona Treballadora. Aquesta tradici¨® comen?a al segle XX ( vint). El 1908, un grup de dones treballadores de Nova York va fer una vaga per demanar millors condicions laborals i el dret a vot. El 1910, a una confer¨¨ncia a Copenhaguen (Dinamarca), dones de molts pa?sos van decidir celebrar un dia per reivindicar la igualtat. El 1917, dones de R¨²ssia van organitzar una manifestaci¨® per la pau i la just¨ªcia. Avui, el 8 de mar? hi ha manifestacions, debats i homenatges a tot el m¨®n per recordar la lluita de les dones per la just¨ªcia social.
pop-rock catal¨¤
1987- 1999
Vilanova de Sau- Osona
Carles Sabater
Aturada c¨¤rdio-respirat¨°ria a Vilafranca del Pened¨¨s
Primer disc: No puc deixar de fumar (1987)
?ltim disc: Amb la lluna a l'esquena (1998)
1995- Premi Literari de Girona: Cerver¨ª de Lletra de Can?¨® per Votaci¨®
Al teu costat
1992- dics d¡¯or amb 50.000 copias.
El m¨¦s gran dels pescadors
6. S¨¦ molt b¨¦ que des
d'aquest bar
jo no puc arribar on ets tu,
per¨° dins la meva copa
veig reflexada la teva
me la beur¨¦,
servil i acabat
boig per tu.