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Saurabh Suman
iOS Application Developer (Swift & Objective C)
Phone No: 9066523486
Email ID: saurabh.msuman@gmail.com
Age: 26
Nationality: Indian
Current Location: Bangalore
 2 years of experience in iOS application development (Sep-13 to till date)
 Proficient with XCode, Objective-C, Cocoa Touch, iPhone SDK
 Strong technical skills, knowledge about latest standards, trends and happenings
 Engaged in developing 9 iPhone apps, of which 3 are in AppStore and 2 are in In House-
 Engaged in fixing and releasing update of an iPhone app.
 Implemented Continuous Integration using Jenkins and Fastlane tools.
2012 B.E in Computer & Science Engineering (2008-2012) from Shri Rawatpura Sarkar Institute
of Technology under CSVTU University, Bhilai [75.28% aggregate].
2008 Intermediate from SMD Collage, under BSEB Patna [58.8% aggregate].
2005 High School SMGK HIGH SCHOOL, under BSEB Patna [72.2% aggregate].
 Currently working in Vmoksha Technology from past 1 year and 6 months (Nov-18 to till date)
 Worked as an Intern in CodeFrux Technology for 3 months
2 years of experience in iOS Application Development with knowledge of a vast variety of technologies.
Languages & Software : Objective C, Swift, C, C++.
Frameworks : UIKit Framework, Foundation, MapKit, AVFoundation
Technologies : In App Purchase, Push Notification, Core Bluetooth, Location
Services, Remote Notifications(Silent PN), SOAP Web Services,
RESTful APIs, SQLite, Core Data, Apple Watch (WatchKit), Continuous
Integration (Jenkins and Fastlane)
Third Party Framework : AFNetworking, POP (Facebook),MBProgress,
SWRevealViewController, StreamingKit,
Third Party Services : Parse Cloud service, HDFC Payment Gateway, CocoaPods,
HockeyApp, Google Analytics, Flurry, AirWatch (Enterprise Mobility
Management), Urban Airship (Push Notification Service), Google Place
APIs, Social Media Integration, Git Repositories (Github, Gitlab),
Gimbal and Kontakt beacons(IOT with Beacons)
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Employer: Vmoksha Technologies Pvt. Ltd.(November 2014 to Till Date)
a. Project start date and End date: Apr 16 to Till Date
b. Client / Customer: Vmoksha Technologies Pvt. Ltd
c. Skill Details: AFNetworking, StreamingKit
d. Team Size: 3
e. Role: Developer
f. Responsibility: Basic setup, Navigation flow, Coding & Deployment, Creating Custom Components
g. Details of the Project: Prarthanai is a prayer app where you can seek solutions to several problems
in the form of mantras. It gives mantras in Tamil language. A newer version is planned with video
playback of chanting mantras.
h. App store Link: https://itunes.apple.com/in/app/prarthanai/id1120632042?mt=8
Prayer Partner
a. Project start date and End date: Feb 16 to Till Date
b. Client / Customer: Jeanette Eng
c. Skill Details: AFNetworking, StreamingKit
d. Team Size: 3
e. Role: Developer, Developer
f. Responsibility: Basic setup, Navigation flow, Coding & Deployment, Creating Custom Components
g. Details of the Project: This is an app thats been developed to help user pray. There are different
situations that we have defined based on which, user can listen to the prayer. Along with this, we are
providing the scriptures, so users can follow the audio. For ease of pray, we have two audios for
each prayer, one with pause for the user to repeat the verses and one that goes on till it ends. Users
easily switch between that. As audios are streamed directly, the app is not taking much space too.
This app is designed in such way that, an admin can add a prayer whenever he/she wants without a
release of new version of the app.
Dusters Home Pro
a. Project start date and End date: Sept 15 to Feb 16
b. Client / Customer: Dusters Total Solutions Services Pvt. Ltd
c. Skill Details: Payment Integration (HDFC), AFNetworking,
d. Team Size: 3
e. Role: Developer
f. Responsibility: As Project Lead, I assigned task for my team. I have implemented Payment
Integration and Service selection screen in Customer app, also major portion of Service Rep App.
g. Details of the Project: This project consists of 2 applications, one for Customer and one for
representative. Customer app was created for customers who needs house hold services to done
by professionals and Representative app was for professionals who does these jobs. Customer
books one or more services that they need to be done and Representatives can accept these jobs
and go to the mentioned address for completing the jobs. Once job is completed, users will pay the
cost of Job done through cash or through Online transaction. For this we have implemented, HDFC
payment gateway. Also, they can rate the Rep through their app.
a. Project start date and End date: Jul 15 to Mar 16
b. Client / Customer: DIEMlife LLC
c. Skill Details:
d. Team Size: 2
e. Role: Developer
f. Responsibility: Developer,Coding & Deployment,
g. Details of the Project: DIEMlife is a Social Media application. This consists of an iOS app and an
admin web console. Through admin console, administrator will post some Quests that fall in one of
the 4 categories (Do, I, Eat, Move). A user can Post answers for these Quests through text, Images
or Videos. Also, users can see others post for the Quests. They can give comments to the posts
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given by others. Also they can add Quests to favorite and also like them. For each Posts user gives,
they will acquire a point.
h. App store Link: https://itunes.apple.com/lc/app/diemlife/id1057823331?mt=8
a. Project start date and End date: Dec 14 to Till date
b. Client / Customer: UCB (Union Chimique Belge)
c. Skill Details: Apple Watch (Watchkit), iBeacon (Kontakt), Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 (EWS),
Remote Notifications (Silent PN), SOAP Web Services, RESTful APIs, AirWatch (Enterprise Mobility
Management), Urban Airship (Push Notification Service), Sync functionality, Sqlite, Themes.
d. Team Size: 2
e. Role: Developer, UI Designer
f. Responsibility: Analysis, Data Model design, Custom Components, Coding & Deployment,Code
maintenance, Bug free code. 
g. Details of the Project: MobilITy is an IT app that provides essential IT services on Client's
iPhones/iPads with a simple solution and be able to manage all the IT needs with 1 finger. It is
designed for employees of UCB. It has many features like raising a request, news (Remote
notification), Lync Speed checker and checking availability of meeting rooms (Microsoft Exchange
Server). It uses innate user info from app without separate requirement of Authentication
Quest For Bible Verses
a. Project start date and End date: Jan 16 to Feb 16
b. Client / Customer: Vmoksha Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
c. Skill Details: Objective-C, Xcode, User interface builder, Sqlite, XML parsing, Flurry
d. Team Size: 2
e. Role: Developer, UI Designer
f. Responsibility: I have worked in this project from beginning of this project. Designing was the first
task I have done and after that, development from the scratch.
g. Details of the Project: This app shows a list of relevant Bible Verses about whatever you ask. Bible
has solutions for all your problems. You just need to know where to look. This app helps y ou by
searching for you. It search through the Bible and show what you need.
h. App store Link: https://itunes.apple.com/in/app/quest-for-bible-verses/id796303032?mt=8
HP Smart City
a. Project start date and End date: Sep 15 to Nov 15
b. Client / Customer: UCB (Union Chimique Belge)
c. Skill Details: RESTful APIs, Sync functionality, Sqlite, Email
d. Team Size: 2
e. Role: Developer
f. Responsibility: From the start to end of the project as a developer  
g. Details of the Project: This application is a game designed for educating the employees in UCB on
the usage of Lync. It is a slot machine with 3 slots in which first slot represents  From where I am
doing the call, Second slot represents  What do I do and third one represents How do I connect.
The users have three options to respond to a given combination in the slot machine (Excellent,
Risky, Just Dont). And for correct response one score is awarded. Explanation is also given for
each response. Sync functionality is given for syncing the latest data from server.
Being Women
a. Project start date and End date: May 15 to Aug 14
b. Client / Customer:
c. Skill Details: Social Logins (Facebook and G+), Push Notification, Parse Cloud Services, Chat
Technology, SWReveal View Controller, Location services.
d. Team Size: 1
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e. Role: Developer
f. Responsibility: From the start to end of the project as a developer.  
g. Details of the Project: This app will allow users to ask questions and share information with the
world. Users will be able to ask questions, seek advice, get a review, or get insight on absolutely any
person, place, thing, idea, or concept. Users can do this through chatting with other users, in real
time, who have made themselves available to chat on a certain topic.
The Bio pilot sample tracking system(BOOST)
a. Project start date and End date: Jan 15 to May 15
b. Client / Customer: UCB (Union Chimique Belge)
c. Skill Details: SOAP Web Services, QRCode Reader,Multi level expandable table view
d. Team Size: 1
e. Role: Developer
f. Responsibility: From the start to end of the project as a developer.
g. Details of the Project: The Bio Pilot Sample Tracking system (BOOST) is designed to provide mobility
to current GLIMS (Global Laboratory Information Management) system and to extend the GLIMS to
mobile devices by adding features such as sample collect, receive, result consulting and location tracking,
sample tracking and move in, move out .The main purpose of this application to reduce the human error
and manual entry of sample number this application have ability to scan QR code and on button click it
will send sample information to server. With this application we can make entries of samples and Track
samples using QRCode reader in-build in app.

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  • 1. Page 1 of 4 Saurabh Suman iOS Application Developer (Swift & Objective C) PERSONAL INFORMATION Phone No: 9066523486 Email ID: saurabh.msuman@gmail.com Age: 26 Nationality: Indian Current Location: Bangalore SUMMARY PROFILE 2 years of experience in iOS application development (Sep-13 to till date) Proficient with XCode, Objective-C, Cocoa Touch, iPhone SDK Strong technical skills, knowledge about latest standards, trends and happenings Engaged in developing 9 iPhone apps, of which 3 are in AppStore and 2 are in In House- AppStore. Engaged in fixing and releasing update of an iPhone app. Implemented Continuous Integration using Jenkins and Fastlane tools. EDUCATION 2012 B.E in Computer & Science Engineering (2008-2012) from Shri Rawatpura Sarkar Institute of Technology under CSVTU University, Bhilai [75.28% aggregate]. 2008 Intermediate from SMD Collage, under BSEB Patna [58.8% aggregate]. 2005 High School SMGK HIGH SCHOOL, under BSEB Patna [72.2% aggregate]. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Currently working in Vmoksha Technology from past 1 year and 6 months (Nov-18 to till date) Worked as an Intern in CodeFrux Technology for 3 months EXPERIENCE AND TECHNICAL SKILLS 2 years of experience in iOS Application Development with knowledge of a vast variety of technologies. Languages & Software : Objective C, Swift, C, C++. Frameworks : UIKit Framework, Foundation, MapKit, AVFoundation Technologies : In App Purchase, Push Notification, Core Bluetooth, Location Services, Remote Notifications(Silent PN), SOAP Web Services, RESTful APIs, SQLite, Core Data, Apple Watch (WatchKit), Continuous Integration (Jenkins and Fastlane) Third Party Framework : AFNetworking, POP (Facebook),MBProgress, SWRevealViewController, StreamingKit, Third Party Services : Parse Cloud service, HDFC Payment Gateway, CocoaPods, HockeyApp, Google Analytics, Flurry, AirWatch (Enterprise Mobility Management), Urban Airship (Push Notification Service), Google Place APIs, Social Media Integration, Git Repositories (Github, Gitlab), Gimbal and Kontakt beacons(IOT with Beacons) PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS:
  • 2. Page 2 of 4 Employer: Vmoksha Technologies Pvt. Ltd.(November 2014 to Till Date) Prarthanai a. Project start date and End date: Apr 16 to Till Date b. Client / Customer: Vmoksha Technologies Pvt. Ltd c. Skill Details: AFNetworking, StreamingKit d. Team Size: 3 e. Role: Developer f. Responsibility: Basic setup, Navigation flow, Coding & Deployment, Creating Custom Components . g. Details of the Project: Prarthanai is a prayer app where you can seek solutions to several problems in the form of mantras. It gives mantras in Tamil language. A newer version is planned with video playback of chanting mantras. h. App store Link: https://itunes.apple.com/in/app/prarthanai/id1120632042?mt=8 Prayer Partner a. Project start date and End date: Feb 16 to Till Date b. Client / Customer: Jeanette Eng c. Skill Details: AFNetworking, StreamingKit d. Team Size: 3 e. Role: Developer, Developer f. Responsibility: Basic setup, Navigation flow, Coding & Deployment, Creating Custom Components g. Details of the Project: This is an app thats been developed to help user pray. There are different situations that we have defined based on which, user can listen to the prayer. Along with this, we are providing the scriptures, so users can follow the audio. For ease of pray, we have two audios for each prayer, one with pause for the user to repeat the verses and one that goes on till it ends. Users easily switch between that. As audios are streamed directly, the app is not taking much space too. This app is designed in such way that, an admin can add a prayer whenever he/she wants without a release of new version of the app. Dusters Home Pro a. Project start date and End date: Sept 15 to Feb 16 b. Client / Customer: Dusters Total Solutions Services Pvt. Ltd c. Skill Details: Payment Integration (HDFC), AFNetworking, d. Team Size: 3 e. Role: Developer f. Responsibility: As Project Lead, I assigned task for my team. I have implemented Payment Integration and Service selection screen in Customer app, also major portion of Service Rep App. g. Details of the Project: This project consists of 2 applications, one for Customer and one for representative. Customer app was created for customers who needs house hold services to done by professionals and Representative app was for professionals who does these jobs. Customer books one or more services that they need to be done and Representatives can accept these jobs and go to the mentioned address for completing the jobs. Once job is completed, users will pay the cost of Job done through cash or through Online transaction. For this we have implemented, HDFC payment gateway. Also, they can rate the Rep through their app. DIEMlife a. Project start date and End date: Jul 15 to Mar 16 b. Client / Customer: DIEMlife LLC c. Skill Details: d. Team Size: 2 e. Role: Developer f. Responsibility: Developer,Coding & Deployment, g. Details of the Project: DIEMlife is a Social Media application. This consists of an iOS app and an admin web console. Through admin console, administrator will post some Quests that fall in one of the 4 categories (Do, I, Eat, Move). A user can Post answers for these Quests through text, Images or Videos. Also, users can see others post for the Quests. They can give comments to the posts
  • 3. Page 3 of 4 given by others. Also they can add Quests to favorite and also like them. For each Posts user gives, they will acquire a point. h. App store Link: https://itunes.apple.com/lc/app/diemlife/id1057823331?mt=8 MobilITy a. Project start date and End date: Dec 14 to Till date b. Client / Customer: UCB (Union Chimique Belge) c. Skill Details: Apple Watch (Watchkit), iBeacon (Kontakt), Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 (EWS), Remote Notifications (Silent PN), SOAP Web Services, RESTful APIs, AirWatch (Enterprise Mobility Management), Urban Airship (Push Notification Service), Sync functionality, Sqlite, Themes. d. Team Size: 2 e. Role: Developer, UI Designer f. Responsibility: Analysis, Data Model design, Custom Components, Coding & Deployment,Code maintenance, Bug free code. g. Details of the Project: MobilITy is an IT app that provides essential IT services on Client's iPhones/iPads with a simple solution and be able to manage all the IT needs with 1 finger. It is designed for employees of UCB. It has many features like raising a request, news (Remote notification), Lync Speed checker and checking availability of meeting rooms (Microsoft Exchange Server). It uses innate user info from app without separate requirement of Authentication mechanisms. Quest For Bible Verses a. Project start date and End date: Jan 16 to Feb 16 b. Client / Customer: Vmoksha Technologies Pvt. Ltd. c. Skill Details: Objective-C, Xcode, User interface builder, Sqlite, XML parsing, Flurry d. Team Size: 2 e. Role: Developer, UI Designer f. Responsibility: I have worked in this project from beginning of this project. Designing was the first task I have done and after that, development from the scratch. g. Details of the Project: This app shows a list of relevant Bible Verses about whatever you ask. Bible has solutions for all your problems. You just need to know where to look. This app helps y ou by searching for you. It search through the Bible and show what you need. h. App store Link: https://itunes.apple.com/in/app/quest-for-bible-verses/id796303032?mt=8 HP Smart City a. Project start date and End date: Sep 15 to Nov 15 b. Client / Customer: UCB (Union Chimique Belge) c. Skill Details: RESTful APIs, Sync functionality, Sqlite, Email d. Team Size: 2 e. Role: Developer f. Responsibility: From the start to end of the project as a developer g. Details of the Project: This application is a game designed for educating the employees in UCB on the usage of Lync. It is a slot machine with 3 slots in which first slot represents From where I am doing the call, Second slot represents What do I do and third one represents How do I connect. The users have three options to respond to a given combination in the slot machine (Excellent, Risky, Just Dont). And for correct response one score is awarded. Explanation is also given for each response. Sync functionality is given for syncing the latest data from server. Being Women a. Project start date and End date: May 15 to Aug 14 b. Client / Customer: c. Skill Details: Social Logins (Facebook and G+), Push Notification, Parse Cloud Services, Chat Technology, SWReveal View Controller, Location services. d. Team Size: 1
  • 4. Page 4 of 4 e. Role: Developer f. Responsibility: From the start to end of the project as a developer. g. Details of the Project: This app will allow users to ask questions and share information with the world. Users will be able to ask questions, seek advice, get a review, or get insight on absolutely any person, place, thing, idea, or concept. Users can do this through chatting with other users, in real time, who have made themselves available to chat on a certain topic. The Bio pilot sample tracking system(BOOST) a. Project start date and End date: Jan 15 to May 15 b. Client / Customer: UCB (Union Chimique Belge) c. Skill Details: SOAP Web Services, QRCode Reader,Multi level expandable table view d. Team Size: 1 e. Role: Developer f. Responsibility: From the start to end of the project as a developer. g. Details of the Project: The Bio Pilot Sample Tracking system (BOOST) is designed to provide mobility to current GLIMS (Global Laboratory Information Management) system and to extend the GLIMS to mobile devices by adding features such as sample collect, receive, result consulting and location tracking, sample tracking and move in, move out .The main purpose of this application to reduce the human error and manual entry of sample number this application have ability to scan QR code and on button click it will send sample information to server. With this application we can make entries of samples and Track samples using QRCode reader in-build in app.