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Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations Info Session
The Ohio State University
Annie Gu
VP Human Resources
Honors Contract,
Business Advisory Intern at EY
Barret Bender
Honors Cohort,
Brand Management Intern at P&G
Your Speakers
What is Nonprofit Consulting?
3Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations | AU 16
Nonprofits are understaffed and
underfunded, even in the best of times.
Serving as an advisor and resource to
mission-driven organizations and
600+ nonprofits in Central Ohio.
Our Chapter
Founded at Ohio State in 2009.
Approximately 50 members.
Acceptance rate just under 20%.
Leaders of student organizations within
Fisher and at Ohio State.
Broad range of studies including business,
engineering, pre-med, actuarial science,
nonprofit management, and more.
4Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations | AU 16
Where our members and alumni have worked...
Winner of the Fisher College of Business
Best Application of Business Skills
5 consecutive years.
Winner of the 2016 Fisher College of
Business President of the Year Award.
Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations | AU 16
Who & How Weve Served
6Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations | AU 16
90+ nonprofit clients to date. Projects of nearly all disciplines.
Project Cycle
 We engage with 9-10 nonprofits each semester
 We operate on a 10-week project cycle
 Keynote presentations:
 Midpoint presentation
 Final internal presentation
 Final client presentation
7Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations | AU 16
Structure & Leadership Opportunities
Executive Board Members
Project Managers
Associate Consultants
Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations | AU 16
Case Competition & National Conference
 Case Competition
 Annual case competition open to all of Ohio
State students
 Average attendance: 50 entrants
 Top 3 teams are awarded cash prizes
 2015 Prize Pool: $1,000
 National Conference
 Our Chapter will be hosting the first National
Conference here at Ohio State
 Invitations were extended to chapters
from various universities
 Purpose is to bring together SCNO chapters
and professionally develop all members
9Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations | AU 16
Social Opportunities
 Trivia Nights
 Service Events
10Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations | AU 16
Stefan Spanu
VP Marketing
Consulting Industry Cluster,
The Columbus Council on World Affairs
E-Board Spotlight
What We Look For
 Interest/Passion for Nonprofit or Consulting
 Diverse skill sets and majors
 Willingness to learn and think critically
12Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations | AU 16
How to Apply
3 Easy Steps:
1. Attend an info session
2. Submit a resume to Annie Gu (gu.333@osu.edu)
3. Apply online on our website www.scnoosu.com
13Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations | AU 16
Mission Statement
We recognize that our recommendations to our clients have the power to greatly alter
the way they conduct business. Furthermore, our actions in the community set an
example for others to follow. Our associates understand this responsibility, and take due
responsibility for their contributions.
15Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations | AU 16

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SCNO Info.

  • 1. Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations Info Session The Ohio State University
  • 2. Annie Gu VP Human Resources Honors Contract, Business Advisory Intern at EY Barret Bender President Honors Cohort, Brand Management Intern at P&G Your Speakers
  • 3. What is Nonprofit Consulting? 3Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations | AU 16 Nonprofits are understaffed and underfunded, even in the best of times. Serving as an advisor and resource to mission-driven organizations and philanthropists. 600+ nonprofits in Central Ohio.
  • 4. Our Chapter Founded at Ohio State in 2009. Approximately 50 members. Acceptance rate just under 20%. Leaders of student organizations within Fisher and at Ohio State. Broad range of studies including business, engineering, pre-med, actuarial science, nonprofit management, and more. 4Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations | AU 16 Where our members and alumni have worked...
  • 5. Accomplishments 5 Winner of the Fisher College of Business Best Application of Business Skills 5 consecutive years. Winner of the 2016 Fisher College of Business President of the Year Award. Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations | AU 16
  • 6. Who & How Weve Served 6Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations | AU 16 90+ nonprofit clients to date. Projects of nearly all disciplines.
  • 7. Project Cycle We engage with 9-10 nonprofits each semester We operate on a 10-week project cycle Keynote presentations: Midpoint presentation Final internal presentation Final client presentation 7Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations | AU 16
  • 8. Structure & Leadership Opportunities 8 Executive Board Members Project Managers Associate Consultants Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations | AU 16
  • 9. Case Competition & National Conference Case Competition Annual case competition open to all of Ohio State students Average attendance: 50 entrants Top 3 teams are awarded cash prizes 2015 Prize Pool: $1,000 National Conference Our Chapter will be hosting the first National Conference here at Ohio State Invitations were extended to chapters from various universities Purpose is to bring together SCNO chapters and professionally develop all members 9Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations | AU 16
  • 10. Social Opportunities SCNOcials Dinners Trivia Nights Service Events Tailgates Retreats 10Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations | AU 16
  • 11. Stefan Spanu VP Marketing Consulting Industry Cluster, The Columbus Council on World Affairs Intern E-Board Spotlight
  • 12. What We Look For Interest/Passion for Nonprofit or Consulting Diverse skill sets and majors Willingness to learn and think critically 12Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations | AU 16
  • 13. How to Apply 3 Easy Steps: 1. Attend an info session 2. Submit a resume to Annie Gu (gu.333@osu.edu) 3. Apply online on our website www.scnoosu.com 13Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations | AU 16
  • 14. Mission Statement We recognize that our recommendations to our clients have the power to greatly alter the way they conduct business. Furthermore, our actions in the community set an example for others to follow. Our associates understand this responsibility, and take due responsibility for their contributions.
  • 15. Questions? 15Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations | AU 16