
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
Gairloch View
3 Digg Staffin
Isle of Skye
IV51 9LA
Tel: 01470562718
Mobile: 07585707428
October 2015 - Present Loch Dunvegan Shellfish
General Duties on a trawler
September 2013  June 2015 Archer (UK) Limited Main Road Blackburn
ABERDEEN AB 21 0BP 01224767500
 Banksman and Slinging Duties
 Working with Cranes
 General Decklifts
 Working Supply Vessels
 Relieving Roughnecks on Drill Floor
Offshore Certificates
OPITO Approved Minimum IndustrySafety Training Expires - 24/06/2017
OPITO Approved BOSIET with HUET and EBS Expires - 27/06/2017
OPITO Approved Banksman & Slinger Training (Stage 3) Expires - 11/07/2016
Offshore Medical Certificate Expires  23/09/2015
Sentinel PRO ISSOW Level 1
Layher System Scaffolding
Working at HeightAwareness
July/August 2013 Temporary employmentas a refuse loader with
Highland Council through Global Highland INVERNESS
November 2012  July 2013 General labouring to local builder, putting up scaffolding
clearing site, clearing out houses on completion &
cleaning in preparation for hand over
Temporaryemploymentas a refuse loader for the
Sept 2012 to 30th
November 2012 Highland Council.
May 2011  2nd Sept 2011
James MaQueen Builder Apprentice Plant Operator:
Driving dumper truck,Working 360 Digger,
General labouring duties on site and labouring to bricklayers
May- 30th
June 2010 Construction College, Bircham Newton
CPCS Blue Card for:Operating a forward tipping Dumper
Operating an excavator 360 below and above 10
Drug and Alcohol Awareness
Safe use of Quick-hitch
Site Safety and responsibilities for PlantOperators
April 2009  Sept 2009
Columba 1400
Leadership Centre Staffin
Outdoor Assistant to Programme Staff:
Duties: Organising outdoor equipment,
Ceaning boots and waterproofing clothing
Setting up rooms and equipment
Cleaning vehicles
Maintenance of equipment
Educational Qualifications
Spreadsheets & WordProcessing
English Grade 3
German Grade 5
Business Management Grade 5
History Grade 5
Science Grade 3
Physical Education Grade 3
Mathematics Grade A
Physical Education Grade C
Gaelic Grade 3
Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Awards
Skye Sailing Club Basics ofSailing
RYA PowerboatCertificate Level 1&2
British Sub Aqua Club Basic Snorkel Diver
John Muir Award- awareness and responsibilityfor wild places
Hobbies Football
References: Andrew McGeehan John Stainthorp
Driller Senior Toolpusher
Beryl Bravo Production Platform Beryl Bravo
Mobile 07940255881 07976602528
Home 0169828364 01698283643
Scott CV 2016
Scott CV 2016
Scott CV 2016

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  • 1. Gairloch View 3 Digg Staffin Isle of Skye IV51 9LA Tel: 01470562718 Mobile: 07585707428 E-mail: scottymacd@hotmail.co.uk ScottMacDonald October 2015 - Present Loch Dunvegan Shellfish General Duties on a trawler September 2013 June 2015 Archer (UK) Limited Main Road Blackburn ABERDEEN AB 21 0BP 01224767500 Roustabout Banksman and Slinging Duties Working with Cranes General Decklifts Working Supply Vessels Relieving Roughnecks on Drill Floor Offshore Certificates OPITO Approved Minimum IndustrySafety Training Expires - 24/06/2017 OPITO Approved BOSIET with HUET and EBS Expires - 27/06/2017 OPITO Approved Banksman & Slinger Training (Stage 3) Expires - 11/07/2016 Offshore Medical Certificate Expires 23/09/2015 Sentinel PRO ISSOW Level 1 Layher System Scaffolding Working at HeightAwareness July/August 2013 Temporary employmentas a refuse loader with Highland Council through Global Highland INVERNESS November 2012 July 2013 General labouring to local builder, putting up scaffolding clearing site, clearing out houses on completion & cleaning in preparation for hand over Temporaryemploymentas a refuse loader for the 19th Sept 2012 to 30th November 2012 Highland Council. 2nd May 2011 2nd Sept 2011 James MaQueen Builder Apprentice Plant Operator:
  • 2. Driving dumper truck,Working 360 Digger, General labouring duties on site and labouring to bricklayers 22nd May- 30th June 2010 Construction College, Bircham Newton CPCS Blue Card for:Operating a forward tipping Dumper Operating an excavator 360 below and above 10 tonnes Drug and Alcohol Awareness Safe use of Quick-hitch Site Safety and responsibilities for PlantOperators April 2009 Sept 2009 Employment: Columba 1400 Leadership Centre Staffin Outdoor Assistant to Programme Staff: Duties: Organising outdoor equipment, Ceaning boots and waterproofing clothing Setting up rooms and equipment Cleaning vehicles Maintenance of equipment Educational Qualifications Spreadsheets & WordProcessing English Grade 3 German Grade 5 Business Management Grade 5 History Grade 5 Science Grade 3 Physical Education Grade 3 Mathematics Grade A Physical Education Grade C Gaelic Grade 3 Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Awards Skye Sailing Club Basics ofSailing RYA PowerboatCertificate Level 1&2 British Sub Aqua Club Basic Snorkel Diver John Muir Award- awareness and responsibilityfor wild places Hobbies Football Fishing Shinty References: Andrew McGeehan John Stainthorp Driller Senior Toolpusher Beryl Bravo Production Platform Beryl Bravo
  • 3. Mobile 07940255881 07976602528 Home 0169828364 01698283643