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Slóðin á leikinn aðeins gerðan hraðari og keppni um að ná fyrstur 30 stigum er þessi https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/87370477/
Nipun_Chawla_RHCENipun ChawlaNipun Chawla has been certified as a Red Hat Certified Engineer in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6. The certification was issued on January 25, 2014 and is valid for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 as verified by certificate number 140-015-637 on Red Hat's website.
Coca cola advertTop_BoyThe Coca-Cola Christmas advert aimed to sell its product by associating Coke with Christmas, so that people would think of Coke when thinking of the holiday season. The advert was successful in achieving this goal, as the author now thinks of Coke whenever considering Christmas. They view it as an inspirational advert because it connects the festive and fun family time of Christmas to Coke.
Pyrotechnic Systems Value PropositionnplasarDigital signage allows various types of media like videos, music, graphics and scrolling text to be displayed simultaneously on multiple screens. Traditional digital signage models have bottlenecks like no real-time content delivery, single screen output and no feedback. NEO x TREME addresses these issues with its player and content management software, allowing real-time customized content delivery across multiple screens with feedback for each screen. The software also allows scheduling and managing content for unlimited screens from a central location.
CarrióN Del RosarioM.CeliaLas fiestas patronales en honor a Nuestra Señora del Rosario en Carrión de los Céspedes se celebran del último fin de semana de septiembre al primer fin de semana de octubre y culminan con la procesión de la virgen por las calles. La Navidad también se celebra simbólicamente en su hermandad con misas diarias hasta su conclusión. El Día de Reyes la virgen recibe besamanos después de la misa poniendo fin a la Navidad. El primer domingo de octubre, la virgen desfila por las calles engalanadas
Ejercicio 8 de wordmeribelloIBM ha desarrollado el ordenador cuántico más avanzado del mundo, que puede realizar operaciones en segundos que llevarían cientos de años a una persona. El ordenador utiliza las propiedades cuánticas de los átomos como procesador y memoria en lugar de chips de silicio, y emplea cinco átomos para funcionar. Este hito marca el siguiente paso hacia una nueva clase de computadoras cuánticas con una velocidad hasta ahora impensable.
Diapositivas comunicacion pal desarrollo9yeyo20Este documento describe la cooperación de Suiza en América Central. Explica que la comunicación para el desarrollo es un proceso social basado en el diálogo que utiliza una variedad de herramientas para crear un cambio sostenible. También destaca algunas líneas de acción clave de la comunicación para el desarrollo como educar, concienciar y facilitar el intercambio de conocimientos.
Topic.07 World War IImr.meechinWorld War II began in Europe in September 1939 when Germany invaded Poland. While the United States initially pursued neutrality, President Roosevelt took steps to prepare for war such as expanding the military and passing the first peacetime draft. Germany formed alliances and annexed territories unopposed by Britain and France. In early 1940, Germany launched surprise attacks using new "blitzkrieg" tactics and quickly overran Poland and other countries, drawing Britain and France into the war.
Community managers la dirección de rrpp en la redbrianherreranEl documento describe el rol del Community Manager y cómo ha evolucionado con el aumento de las redes sociales y la comunicación online. Explica que un Community Manager es responsable de interactuar directamente con los públicos en plataformas digitales, recoger sus necesidades y presentarlas internamente. También debe promover la marca y eventos usando técnicas de marketing tradicionales y conversaciones en redes. Por lo general, los Community Managers pertenecen a departamentos de comunicación o marketing aunque a veces dependen de tecnología o innovación. Su habilidad para tomar decisiones
Our school -icelandastaolaOur school is Réttarholtsskoli in Iceland where students in 8th grade Hrafnhildur, Ólöf Hildur, Svandís Lilja and Yen Nhi Nguyen attend. Réttarholtsskoli only teaches grades 8 through 10 after which students attend secondary school from ages 16 to 19 before going to university. The Icelandic school system differs from other countries in that primary school spans grades 1 through 10 rather than ending earlier.
About us -IcelandastaolaThis document is about an eTwinning project for the 2016-17 school year between Réttarholtsskóli in Iceland and other European schools to discover the world of math. Réttarholtsskóli, an Icelandic school, and its 8.JB class will be participating in the project online using the eTwinning platform.
Characters and codings 1astaolaThis document discusses creating games with the Scratch programming language as part of an eTwinning school project in 2015. Scratch allows students to program interactive stories, games, and animations by dragging and snapping together graphical blocks to build scripts. The project aimed to teach students programming concepts through designing and developing their own games using Scratch.
Tilings escherastaolaThis document appears to be about an eTwinning project conducted in autumn 2014 between the 9th grade of Réttarholtsskóli in Iceland and another school. The project focused on the artist M.C. Escher and was called "Tilings Escher" or "Valhópurinn".
eTwinning- Life of teenagers 2014astaolaThe students made key chains using a laser cutter at the Fab Lab in Reykjavík. They created personalized key chains as part of an eTwinning project about the lifestyles of teenagers in 2014. The document provides a brief overview of the crafting project the students undertook.
Evrópski tungumáladagurinn 2014 skrifa kveðjur-kortinastaolaCelebrating the European day of languages 2th September 2014. We sent greetings cards to schools all over Europe
eTwinning project - European day of languages 2014 -
eTwinning project - Tilings in EuropeastaolaThis document discusses tilings in Europe and eTwinning projects from 2014 involving students born in 2000. It lists the initials of 6 students who participated in eTwinning projects during the autumn semester of 2004.
Verkefni nemenda stæ 3 árg. 1999astaolaThis document is a 3-sentence summary of the provided text. The text appears to be about a 2013 math project for third grade students born in 1999. It involves eTwinning and has Ásta Ólafsdóttir listed as the teacher. The project aims to show students how math applies to everyday life.
Tóta matt og siavala99astaolaSigrún and Þórhalla are both 14 years old. Sigrún is taller at 179 cm while Þórhalla is 165 cm. They both enjoy various hobbies like football, handball and skating. They each have a favorite celebrity crush and enjoy watching the TV show Carrie diaries. Their favorite animals and best friends are also listed for each person.
The mathmasterzastaolaThis document contains profiles for four 14-year-old boys named Fannar, Hakon, Óli Björn, and Styrmir Steinn. Each profile lists their age, birthday, favorite color, TV show, celebrity crush, hobbies, and relationship status.
Svana & maggaastaolaMargrét and Svana are both 14 years old. Margrét enjoys football, fashion, friends and music and her best friend and favorite TV shows are Svana and The Carrie Diaries and Pretty Little Liars respectively. Svana's hobbies include football, fashion, friends, handball and music and her favorite band is MKTO; she and Margrét both enjoy The Carrie Diaries.
Helga og katrínastaolaThe document contains preferences of two individuals, Helga and Katrin. Helga's favorite food is taco, color is green, and hobby is skating. Katrin's favorite food is chicken, color is blue, and hobby is gymnastics. It also provides additional details about each person such as their eye color, hair color, height, zodiac sign, and whether they are right or left handed.
Eyvör og grétaastaolaEyvör is a 14-year-old girl who enjoys handball, soccer and fashion. Her favorite animals are dogs and giraffes, and her favorite candy is Nóa kropp. She has a celebrity crush on Steven R. McQueen and likes the TV show Carrie diaries. She also enjoys strawberries, apples and has a birthday on July 2nd. Gréta is also 14 and likes gymnastics. Her birthday is June 16th and she likes kangaroos, bubblis candy, Pretty Little Liars and strawberries and mandarins.
Ingibjörg og andreaastaolaThis document contains profiles for two 14-year-old girls, Ingibjörg sigr. ingvarsdóttir and Andrea Alda björnsdóttir. It lists their birthdays, heights, favorite TV shows, celebrity crushes, favorite colors and foods, and hobbies, which include soccer, watching shows and movies for Ingibjörg, and football for Andrea.
stærðfræði og náttúraastaolaThis document discusses various types of transformations in mathematics including reflections, translations, rotations, and patterns formed from them. It defines transformations of the plane as one-to-one correspondences between points that map an original figure onto its image. Rigid motions are defined as transformations that preserve distances between points. Reflections flip figures across an axis, translations slide figures in a direction, and rotations turn figures around a center point. Patterns in nature often use these transformations and polygons and polyhedra can be found throughout the environment.
Our school -icelandastaolaOur school is Réttarholtsskoli in Iceland where students in 8th grade Hrafnhildur, Ólöf Hildur, Svandís Lilja and Yen Nhi Nguyen attend. Réttarholtsskoli only teaches grades 8 through 10 after which students attend secondary school from ages 16 to 19 before going to university. The Icelandic school system differs from other countries in that primary school spans grades 1 through 10 rather than ending earlier.
About us -IcelandastaolaThis document is about an eTwinning project for the 2016-17 school year between Réttarholtsskóli in Iceland and other European schools to discover the world of math. Réttarholtsskóli, an Icelandic school, and its 8.JB class will be participating in the project online using the eTwinning platform.
Characters and codings 1astaolaThis document discusses creating games with the Scratch programming language as part of an eTwinning school project in 2015. Scratch allows students to program interactive stories, games, and animations by dragging and snapping together graphical blocks to build scripts. The project aimed to teach students programming concepts through designing and developing their own games using Scratch.
Tilings escherastaolaThis document appears to be about an eTwinning project conducted in autumn 2014 between the 9th grade of Réttarholtsskóli in Iceland and another school. The project focused on the artist M.C. Escher and was called "Tilings Escher" or "Valhópurinn".
eTwinning- Life of teenagers 2014astaolaThe students made key chains using a laser cutter at the Fab Lab in Reykjavík. They created personalized key chains as part of an eTwinning project about the lifestyles of teenagers in 2014. The document provides a brief overview of the crafting project the students undertook.
Evrópski tungumáladagurinn 2014 skrifa kveðjur-kortinastaolaCelebrating the European day of languages 2th September 2014. We sent greetings cards to schools all over Europe
eTwinning project - European day of languages 2014 -
eTwinning project - Tilings in EuropeastaolaThis document discusses tilings in Europe and eTwinning projects from 2014 involving students born in 2000. It lists the initials of 6 students who participated in eTwinning projects during the autumn semester of 2004.
Verkefni nemenda stæ 3 árg. 1999astaolaThis document is a 3-sentence summary of the provided text. The text appears to be about a 2013 math project for third grade students born in 1999. It involves eTwinning and has Ásta Ólafsdóttir listed as the teacher. The project aims to show students how math applies to everyday life.
Tóta matt og siavala99astaolaSigrún and Þórhalla are both 14 years old. Sigrún is taller at 179 cm while Þórhalla is 165 cm. They both enjoy various hobbies like football, handball and skating. They each have a favorite celebrity crush and enjoy watching the TV show Carrie diaries. Their favorite animals and best friends are also listed for each person.
The mathmasterzastaolaThis document contains profiles for four 14-year-old boys named Fannar, Hakon, Óli Björn, and Styrmir Steinn. Each profile lists their age, birthday, favorite color, TV show, celebrity crush, hobbies, and relationship status.
Svana & maggaastaolaMargrét and Svana are both 14 years old. Margrét enjoys football, fashion, friends and music and her best friend and favorite TV shows are Svana and The Carrie Diaries and Pretty Little Liars respectively. Svana's hobbies include football, fashion, friends, handball and music and her favorite band is MKTO; she and Margrét both enjoy The Carrie Diaries.
Helga og katrínastaolaThe document contains preferences of two individuals, Helga and Katrin. Helga's favorite food is taco, color is green, and hobby is skating. Katrin's favorite food is chicken, color is blue, and hobby is gymnastics. It also provides additional details about each person such as their eye color, hair color, height, zodiac sign, and whether they are right or left handed.
Eyvör og grétaastaolaEyvör is a 14-year-old girl who enjoys handball, soccer and fashion. Her favorite animals are dogs and giraffes, and her favorite candy is Nóa kropp. She has a celebrity crush on Steven R. McQueen and likes the TV show Carrie diaries. She also enjoys strawberries, apples and has a birthday on July 2nd. Gréta is also 14 and likes gymnastics. Her birthday is June 16th and she likes kangaroos, bubblis candy, Pretty Little Liars and strawberries and mandarins.
Ingibjörg og andreaastaolaThis document contains profiles for two 14-year-old girls, Ingibjörg sigr. ingvarsdóttir and Andrea Alda björnsdóttir. It lists their birthdays, heights, favorite TV shows, celebrity crushes, favorite colors and foods, and hobbies, which include soccer, watching shows and movies for Ingibjörg, and football for Andrea.
stærðfræði og náttúraastaolaThis document discusses various types of transformations in mathematics including reflections, translations, rotations, and patterns formed from them. It defines transformations of the plane as one-to-one correspondences between points that map an original figure onto its image. Rigid motions are defined as transformations that preserve distances between points. Reflections flip figures across an axis, translations slide figures in a direction, and rotations turn figures around a center point. Patterns in nature often use these transformations and polygons and polyhedra can be found throughout the environment.