Digital innovation is creating antiquated business practices across a dramatic number of industries. It's not uncommon for competent business to fall behind in digital strategy. It's critical to work with a framework that's sound and one which provides, market intelligence, strategy and a platform for growth. This slideshare highlights Evolve Digital Labs approach.
La educaci坦n a distancia permite que los estudiantes anal鱈ticos y cr鱈ticos desarrollen su propia concepci坦n del proceso educativo una vez que hayan finalizado el curso.
The document discusses the design elements used in a rock music magazine to appeal to its target audience. These include using a masthead with the magazine's name to identify it as a rock publication. Images are prominently featured to attract both male and female readers. Section headings and page numbers are included to help readers easily find content on their favorite bands. Exclamation points, unique content descriptions, and a consistent color scheme are employed to make the magazine feel exciting and to stand out from other music magazines.
Las fiestas patronales en honor a Nuestra Se単ora del Rosario en Carri坦n de los C辿spedes se celebran del 炭ltimo fin de semana de septiembre al primero de octubre y culminan con la procesi坦n de la virgen por las calles. La Navidad tambi辿n se celebra simb坦licamente con misas diarias hasta su finalizaci坦n, y el D鱈a de Reyes la virgen recibe besamanos tras la misa. El primer domingo de octubre, la virgen desfila por las calles engalanadas y los hijos del pueblo trabajan todo el a
Leg merc 2clase_2da_semana (copia en conflicto de youly m. laines a. 2015-06-01)Karla Mena
Los t鱈tulos valores son documentos que representan derechos de forma literal y aut坦noma y garantizan su exigencia al tenedor. Existen diferentes tipos de t鱈tulos valores como letras de cambio, cheques, pagar辿s y acciones, los cuales se clasifican seg炭n su emisor, forma de emisi坦n, forma de pago y naturaleza de los derechos. Algunos t鱈tulos como las confesiones de parte, sentencias y copias aut辿nticas de escrituras p炭blicas tienen car叩cter ejecutivo, lo que permite demandar su
This document discusses creating games with the Scratch programming language as part of an eTwinning school project in 2015. Scratch allows students to program interactive stories, games, and animations by dragging and snapping together graphical blocks to build scripts. The project aimed to teach students programming concepts through designing and developing their own games using Scratch.
Pyrotechnic Systems is a software technology firm that specializes in providing IT solutions and services based on Open Systems. They have developed several digital signage products for different industries including Neo Xtreme for advertising companies, Neo Xcorporate for corporate environments, Neo Xhospitality for hotels, Neo Xretail for retail stores, Neo Xcall for call centers, and Neo Xkiosks for interactive kiosks. Their digital signage software allows for centralized monitoring and control of displays across multiple locations and includes features such as video on demand, personalized messaging, and live data integration.
Al Akhawayn University in Fez was founded in the 9th century and taught astronomy and other sciences. It produced many scholars in astronomy, mathematics, and other fields. Examples of historic Moroccan astrolabes from the 13th-18th centuries are described. Currently, astronomy is taught at several Moroccan universities and there are two small observatories. The Moroccan-HOU Astronomy Education Initiative aims to promote astronomy education in Moroccan high schools and universities.
El documento analiza el uso de los medios sociales en la estrategia de comunicaci坦n de las 10 ciudades espa単olas m叩s pobladas. La mayor鱈a de las ciudades han creado una marca ciudad y utilizan Facebook, Twitter y YouTube, aunque no aprovechan todo el potencial de la Web 2.0. Se sugiere que las ciudades deben esforzarse por generar m叩s interacci坦n y compromiso con sus p炭blicos a trav辿s de los medios sociales para promover de forma m叩s efectiva la ciudad.
Justin Bieber's target audience is primarily younger females aged 12-18 and young adults aged 19-30, as his songs often focus on love and relationships. However, his music is also aimed at a broader mass market from ages 12-50 since it is pop music intended to appeal widely. Younger females in his target audience are likely to be interested in fashion, social media, movies, and sports. Males ages 18 and up are also part of the target audience as they appreciate pop music, though older males over 30 may prefer other genres or artists.
La empresa J&M Asociados le env鱈a cuentas de cobro a 10 personas por concepto de servicios de mantenimiento prestados entre mayo 3 y 27 de 2016 en diferentes ciudades colombianas. Las sumas adeudadas van desde los $100.000 hasta los $500.000 pesos.
Internet es una red global que permite el acceso a una gran biblioteca de informaci坦n desde cualquier lugar del mundo. Se puede usar para comprar, vender e intercambiar productos, servicios e informaci坦n. Existen varias formas de conectarse a Internet, como conexiones xDSL, cable, sat辿lite, radio e Internet m坦vil. Los servicios m叩s populares de Internet incluyen correo electr坦nico, la World Wide Web, transferencia de archivos y chat.
El documento comunica a varios propietarios de ganado que un veterinario visitar叩 sus granjas en los pr坦ximos 4 d鱈as para realizar vacunas a sus vacas. Se les pide que permanezcan en sus domicilios de 9 a 10 de la ma単ana el d鱈a de la visita y que tengan disponible la documentaci坦n requerida sobre sus animales para facilitar el trabajo del veterinario.
Distribution of Silicon iin the Allumiinum Matriix for Rear Passiivated Solla...El鱈as Urrejola
Solar cell concepts with passivated, locally contacted rear side have gained much interest over the last years due to the development of advanced passivation techniques. However, there are still open questions regarding the understanding of the local Al-Si contact formation and its influence on the local back-surface-field formation for industrial screen-printed aluminum pastes. In this work we show that the geometry of the rear pattern (contact size
and contact spacing) strongly influences the Al-Si interaction in the local contact openings: Si diffuses in Al through narrow dielectric barrier openings and spreads laterally to a determined limit determined by the firing temperature. We found that the contact spacing can affect the tendency for formation of Kirkendall voids below the Al-Si contacts instead of an eutectic layer. When decreasing the contact spacing and therefore the overlap of Al on each side of the local opening, the melt saturates faster and the formation of a high-quality local back-surface-field is increased, minimizing the presence of voids. This physical observation can enhance the design of the rear pattern for rear passivated solar cells and gives further understanding of the Al-Si interaction during the firing process.
The document outlines the syllabus for the GATE-2017 Mechanical Engineering exam, covering topics in engineering mathematics, mechanics, materials, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, machine design, manufacturing, and production management. Key areas include linear algebra, calculus, differential equations, mechanics, strength of materials, theory of machines, vibrations, dynamics, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, manufacturing processes, metrology, computer integrated manufacturing, and operations research.
This document celebrates the birthday of Facebook and provides a link to a video on Facebook. It is signed by Dinesh Vora of Desi Times and Information, who wishes regards and a happy birthday to Facebook.
Our school is R辿ttarholtsskoli in Iceland where students in 8th grade Hrafnhildur, l旦f Hildur, Svand鱈s Lilja and Yen Nhi Nguyen attend. R辿ttarholtsskoli only teaches grades 8 through 10 after which students attend secondary school from ages 16 to 19 before going to university. The Icelandic school system differs from other countries in that primary school spans grades 1 through 10 rather than ending earlier.
This document is about an eTwinning project for the 2016-17 school year between R辿ttarholtssk坦li in Iceland and other European schools to discover the world of math. R辿ttarholtssk坦li, an Icelandic school, and its 8.JB class will be participating in the project online using the eTwinning platform.
This document appears to be about an eTwinning project conducted in autumn 2014 between the 9th grade of R辿ttarholtssk坦li in Iceland and another school. The project focused on the artist M.C. Escher and was called "Tilings Escher" or "Valh坦purinn".
The students made key chains using a laser cutter at the Fab Lab in Reykjav鱈k. They created personalized key chains as part of an eTwinning project about the lifestyles of teenagers in 2014. The document provides a brief overview of the crafting project the students undertook.
Celebrating the European day of languages 2th September 2014. We sent greetings cards to schools all over Europe
eTwinning project - European day of languages 2014 -
This document discusses tilings in Europe and eTwinning projects from 2014 involving students born in 2000. It lists the initials of 6 students who participated in eTwinning projects during the autumn semester of 2004.
This document is a 3-sentence summary of the provided text. The text appears to be about a 2013 math project for third grade students born in 1999. It involves eTwinning and has sta lafsd坦ttir listed as the teacher. The project aims to show students how math applies to everyday life.
Sigr炭n and 坦rhalla are both 14 years old. Sigr炭n is taller at 179 cm while 坦rhalla is 165 cm. They both enjoy various hobbies like football, handball and skating. They each have a favorite celebrity crush and enjoy watching the TV show Carrie diaries. Their favorite animals and best friends are also listed for each person.
This document contains profiles for four 14-year-old boys named Fannar, Hakon, li Bj旦rn, and Styrmir Steinn. Each profile lists their age, birthday, favorite color, TV show, celebrity crush, hobbies, and relationship status.
Al Akhawayn University in Fez was founded in the 9th century and taught astronomy and other sciences. It produced many scholars in astronomy, mathematics, and other fields. Examples of historic Moroccan astrolabes from the 13th-18th centuries are described. Currently, astronomy is taught at several Moroccan universities and there are two small observatories. The Moroccan-HOU Astronomy Education Initiative aims to promote astronomy education in Moroccan high schools and universities.
El documento analiza el uso de los medios sociales en la estrategia de comunicaci坦n de las 10 ciudades espa単olas m叩s pobladas. La mayor鱈a de las ciudades han creado una marca ciudad y utilizan Facebook, Twitter y YouTube, aunque no aprovechan todo el potencial de la Web 2.0. Se sugiere que las ciudades deben esforzarse por generar m叩s interacci坦n y compromiso con sus p炭blicos a trav辿s de los medios sociales para promover de forma m叩s efectiva la ciudad.
Justin Bieber's target audience is primarily younger females aged 12-18 and young adults aged 19-30, as his songs often focus on love and relationships. However, his music is also aimed at a broader mass market from ages 12-50 since it is pop music intended to appeal widely. Younger females in his target audience are likely to be interested in fashion, social media, movies, and sports. Males ages 18 and up are also part of the target audience as they appreciate pop music, though older males over 30 may prefer other genres or artists.
La empresa J&M Asociados le env鱈a cuentas de cobro a 10 personas por concepto de servicios de mantenimiento prestados entre mayo 3 y 27 de 2016 en diferentes ciudades colombianas. Las sumas adeudadas van desde los $100.000 hasta los $500.000 pesos.
Internet es una red global que permite el acceso a una gran biblioteca de informaci坦n desde cualquier lugar del mundo. Se puede usar para comprar, vender e intercambiar productos, servicios e informaci坦n. Existen varias formas de conectarse a Internet, como conexiones xDSL, cable, sat辿lite, radio e Internet m坦vil. Los servicios m叩s populares de Internet incluyen correo electr坦nico, la World Wide Web, transferencia de archivos y chat.
El documento comunica a varios propietarios de ganado que un veterinario visitar叩 sus granjas en los pr坦ximos 4 d鱈as para realizar vacunas a sus vacas. Se les pide que permanezcan en sus domicilios de 9 a 10 de la ma単ana el d鱈a de la visita y que tengan disponible la documentaci坦n requerida sobre sus animales para facilitar el trabajo del veterinario.
Distribution of Silicon iin the Allumiinum Matriix for Rear Passiivated Solla...El鱈as Urrejola
Solar cell concepts with passivated, locally contacted rear side have gained much interest over the last years due to the development of advanced passivation techniques. However, there are still open questions regarding the understanding of the local Al-Si contact formation and its influence on the local back-surface-field formation for industrial screen-printed aluminum pastes. In this work we show that the geometry of the rear pattern (contact size
and contact spacing) strongly influences the Al-Si interaction in the local contact openings: Si diffuses in Al through narrow dielectric barrier openings and spreads laterally to a determined limit determined by the firing temperature. We found that the contact spacing can affect the tendency for formation of Kirkendall voids below the Al-Si contacts instead of an eutectic layer. When decreasing the contact spacing and therefore the overlap of Al on each side of the local opening, the melt saturates faster and the formation of a high-quality local back-surface-field is increased, minimizing the presence of voids. This physical observation can enhance the design of the rear pattern for rear passivated solar cells and gives further understanding of the Al-Si interaction during the firing process.
The document outlines the syllabus for the GATE-2017 Mechanical Engineering exam, covering topics in engineering mathematics, mechanics, materials, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, machine design, manufacturing, and production management. Key areas include linear algebra, calculus, differential equations, mechanics, strength of materials, theory of machines, vibrations, dynamics, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, manufacturing processes, metrology, computer integrated manufacturing, and operations research.
This document celebrates the birthday of Facebook and provides a link to a video on Facebook. It is signed by Dinesh Vora of Desi Times and Information, who wishes regards and a happy birthday to Facebook.
Our school is R辿ttarholtsskoli in Iceland where students in 8th grade Hrafnhildur, l旦f Hildur, Svand鱈s Lilja and Yen Nhi Nguyen attend. R辿ttarholtsskoli only teaches grades 8 through 10 after which students attend secondary school from ages 16 to 19 before going to university. The Icelandic school system differs from other countries in that primary school spans grades 1 through 10 rather than ending earlier.
This document is about an eTwinning project for the 2016-17 school year between R辿ttarholtssk坦li in Iceland and other European schools to discover the world of math. R辿ttarholtssk坦li, an Icelandic school, and its 8.JB class will be participating in the project online using the eTwinning platform.
This document appears to be about an eTwinning project conducted in autumn 2014 between the 9th grade of R辿ttarholtssk坦li in Iceland and another school. The project focused on the artist M.C. Escher and was called "Tilings Escher" or "Valh坦purinn".
The students made key chains using a laser cutter at the Fab Lab in Reykjav鱈k. They created personalized key chains as part of an eTwinning project about the lifestyles of teenagers in 2014. The document provides a brief overview of the crafting project the students undertook.
Celebrating the European day of languages 2th September 2014. We sent greetings cards to schools all over Europe
eTwinning project - European day of languages 2014 -
This document discusses tilings in Europe and eTwinning projects from 2014 involving students born in 2000. It lists the initials of 6 students who participated in eTwinning projects during the autumn semester of 2004.
This document is a 3-sentence summary of the provided text. The text appears to be about a 2013 math project for third grade students born in 1999. It involves eTwinning and has sta lafsd坦ttir listed as the teacher. The project aims to show students how math applies to everyday life.
Sigr炭n and 坦rhalla are both 14 years old. Sigr炭n is taller at 179 cm while 坦rhalla is 165 cm. They both enjoy various hobbies like football, handball and skating. They each have a favorite celebrity crush and enjoy watching the TV show Carrie diaries. Their favorite animals and best friends are also listed for each person.
This document contains profiles for four 14-year-old boys named Fannar, Hakon, li Bj旦rn, and Styrmir Steinn. Each profile lists their age, birthday, favorite color, TV show, celebrity crush, hobbies, and relationship status.
Margr辿t and Svana are both 14 years old. Margr辿t enjoys football, fashion, friends and music and her best friend and favorite TV shows are Svana and The Carrie Diaries and Pretty Little Liars respectively. Svana's hobbies include football, fashion, friends, handball and music and her favorite band is MKTO; she and Margr辿t both enjoy The Carrie Diaries.
The document contains preferences of two individuals, Helga and Katrin. Helga's favorite food is taco, color is green, and hobby is skating. Katrin's favorite food is chicken, color is blue, and hobby is gymnastics. It also provides additional details about each person such as their eye color, hair color, height, zodiac sign, and whether they are right or left handed.
Eyv旦r is a 14-year-old girl who enjoys handball, soccer and fashion. Her favorite animals are dogs and giraffes, and her favorite candy is N坦a kropp. She has a celebrity crush on Steven R. McQueen and likes the TV show Carrie diaries. She also enjoys strawberries, apples and has a birthday on July 2nd. Gr辿ta is also 14 and likes gymnastics. Her birthday is June 16th and she likes kangaroos, bubblis candy, Pretty Little Liars and strawberries and mandarins.
This document contains profiles for two 14-year-old girls, Ingibj旦rg sigr. ingvarsd坦ttir and Andrea Alda bj旦rnsd坦ttir. It lists their birthdays, heights, favorite TV shows, celebrity crushes, favorite colors and foods, and hobbies, which include soccer, watching shows and movies for Ingibj旦rg, and football for Andrea.
This document discusses various types of transformations in mathematics including reflections, translations, rotations, and patterns formed from them. It defines transformations of the plane as one-to-one correspondences between points that map an original figure onto its image. Rigid motions are defined as transformations that preserve distances between points. Reflections flip figures across an axis, translations slide figures in a direction, and rotations turn figures around a center point. Patterns in nature often use these transformations and polygons and polyhedra can be found throughout the environment.
The document summarizes research conducted on relationships between body part measurements. It measured the ulna and foot length of 9 participants, finding their average difference was 0.5 cm, supporting the saying that ulna and foot length are almost the same. It also measured distance from nose to neck and foot length of the same participants, finding their average difference was 0.6 cm, also supporting that saying. Finally, it measured hand and forearm length and found the average ratio between them was 1.39, not matching the expected golden ratio of 1.618. It concluded the hand and forearm measurement method needed improvement to determine if their ratio supported the golden ratio saying.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide well discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
Database population in Odoo 18 - Odoo slidesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss the database population in Odoo 18. In Odoo, performance analysis of the source code is more important. Database population is one of the methods used to analyze the performance of our code.
How to Manage Putaway Rule in Odoo 17 InventoryCeline George
Inventory management is a critical aspect of any business involved in manufacturing or selling products.
Odoo 17 offers a robust inventory management system that can handle complex operations and optimize warehouse efficiency.
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup
If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
* And more
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
Computer Application in Business (commerce)Sudar Sudar
The main objectives
1. To introduce the concept of computer and its various parts. 2. To explain the concept of data base management system and Management information system.
3. To provide insight about networking and basics of internet
Recall various terms of computer and its part
Understand the meaning of software, operating system, programming language and its features
Comparing Data Vs Information and its management system Understanding about various concepts of management information system
Explain about networking and elements based on internet
1. Recall the various concepts relating to computer and its various parts
2 Understand the meaning of softwares, operating system etc
3 Understanding the meaning and utility of database management system
4 Evaluate the various aspects of management information system
5 Generating more ideas regarding the use of internet for business purpose
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
How to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18. In Odoo, Init Hooks are essential functions specified as strings in the __init__ file of a module.