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Sean Anderson
62 Shagbark Way
Fairport, NY, 14450
310-405-3509 (mobile)
Professions Objective:
To share my unique design sensibility and skill set with a firm, and help lead their future success. To further strengthen my Project Architect / Job Captain skills and
evolve into a Project Manager. To finish ARE exams and become a licensed architect. To further development my interest in the role digital process plays in the
design and construction of the built form.
Work Experience:
Frederick Fisher and Partners Architects, Los Angeles, CA: Designer, August 2013  April 2016
- Project Architect / Senior Designer on 18,000sf multiuse performing arts and classroom center for The Buckley School (Sherman Oaks, CA).
- Job Captain and lead on all drawings produced from SD through CD, including all CA bulletins.
- In charge of all BIM coordination between consultants.
- Coordinated all construction administration between with GC and all subs, including RFI & Submittal reviews and BIM clash detection.
- Lead weekly OAC meetings with client and/or contractors.
- Senior Designer on Disneys D23 office renovation. In charge of producing CD drawings to renovate the historic Glendale Central Air
Terminal. * 2015 City of Glendale Building of the Year
- Senior Designer on Armenian Community Center competition in Glendale, CA. Lead the development of the curvilinear rooftop garden
design, including all presentation materials and physical model.
- Office BIM manager  co-head of the technology committee, creating Revit standards and overseeing the start of all projects
implementation of BIM workflow.
- Office rapid prototyping manger  in charge of managing, training and overseeing all models produced with the laser cutter and 3D printer.
5+ Design, Hollywood, CA: Designer, February 2011  August 2013
- Senior Designer on Del Amo Mall (Torrance, CA) renovation & addition design team. Integral member of design team from concept through
100% Design Development. In charge all exterior design, and feature elements of Phase 2 new construction. Coordinated interior day lighting
redesign and designed new entry / caf辿 for Phase 1 renovation.
- Senior Designer for China World Trade Center parcel 3A/3B in Beijing, China,. * 2013 Global LRI Future Project Award Nominee
Developed early planning and phasing strategies for retail component, from conceptual design through 100% Schematic Design
- Designer for the winning competition entry for Vankes Shenzhen mixed use retail master plan (currently under construction). In charge of
designing Parcels 2 & 4  IMAX theater, Kidzania complex & Restaurant Village.
Large Architecture (formerly Grant Architects), Los Angeles, CA: Designer, March 2009  January 2010
- Senior Designer for the LeMay American Car Museum in Tacoma, WA. * 2012 AIA LA Design Citation Winner
- Developed a curvilinear roof design
Michael Maltzan Architecture, Los Angeles, CA: Junior Designer, September 2008  January 2009
- Intermediate designer for San Francisco State Mashouf Performing Arts Center.
- Programming and planning of a 3 phase, 250,000 sq. ft. performing arts center during the pre-schematic design period; including managing
the formal development and spatial layout while meeting ASF / GSF requirements.
- Assisted in person client presentations and workshops at San Francisco State. Managed all rapid prototyping and fabrication of
presentation models.
Randall Stout Architects, Los Angeles, CA: Designer January 2006  August 2007
- Designer for the Art Gallery of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada *2012 American Architecture Award Winner (Chicago Athenaeum)
- Worked on the refinement and production of all drawings from SD through 100% Construction Documents; coordinating BIM models with
separate geometric digital models and drawing sets, including progress and rapid prototyping models.
- Lead the refinement all aurora borealis curved surfaces, coordinating structural and contractors to economize panelization and fabrication
with Zahner and 3Form Construction.
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Sean Anderson
Work Experience (contd):
Morphosis Architects, Santa Monica, CA: Designer, June 2005  January 2006
- Contributed in the schematic design of the Morphosis 2006 Pompidou installation, including digital modeling, construction of a 1:1 scale
mock-up and creating specialized display layouts for each project in the show.
- Aided in creating schematic design proposals for Madrid Housing Development and Giant Group Pharmaceutical office building, including
drawings, diagrams and physical models.
- Produced presentation models for Javits Convention Center and Dubai Mixed-Use Tower competitions.
- Created DD drawings, and presentation models for the 41 Copper Union Square,
Work Experience (freelance work):
Global Design Workshop, Malibu, CA: Designer, November 2010  February 2011
Koning Eizenberg Architects, Santa Monica, CA: Designer, September-October 2010
Large Architecture, Los Angeles, CA: Designer, March-April 2010, July-August 2010
Skills Set:
3-D Modeling & Drafting Programs:
- REVIT, Sketchup, AutoCAD, Rhino, Grasshopper, Dynamo, Maya, Microstation
Physical Modeling:
- Construction using laser cutting, 3D printing, CNC Milling, and Vacuum Former methods
Graphic Programs:
- Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Indesign, BlueBeam Revu
Other Programs:
- HTML/JavaScript, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Microsoft Office
UCLA: Los Angeles, CA
Masters in Architecture II, June 2008, * Fellowship Recipient
Greg Lynn Research Studio
- Year long project to design a spaceport for Virgin Galactic in New Mexico.
Tech Seminars: David Erdman & Jason Payne:
- Application of digitally driven forms and understanding their translation into 1:1 physical objects through advanced fabrication
tools such as laser cutting, 3D printing, CNC milling and vacuum forming.
Advanced Topic Studios: Barton Myers, Kivi Sotamaa & Jason Payne
- Developed concepts of how I would further the contemporary architecture discourse through nontraditional, often generative
methods and processes using animation and 3D software tools and techniques.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute: Troy, NY
Bachelor of Architecture, May 2005
- Winner of the RPI/Roma-Sapienza International Design Competition, Fall 2003
- Deans List: Spring 02  05
- AIAS Member
- Teaching Assistant for Professional Practice Class, Fall 04 & Spring 05
- Student Mentoring Program, 2001-2005
- Undergraduate Admissions Committee member, 2002-2005
Travel: - Rome, Italy: Architecture Semester Abroad Program, Fall 2003.
- Spain: Site visit for design project with extensive travel, Spring 2003
professional work
sean anderson
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the buckley school center for the community and arts
frederick 鍖sher & partners architects:
professional work
sean anderson
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frederick 鍖sher & partners architects
disney d23 o鍖ces - glendal central air terminal
glendale armenian cultural center
professional work
sean anderson
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5+ design:
del amo mall
professional work
sean anderson
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5+ design:
china world trade center - beijing
professional work
sean anderson
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5+ design:
vanke retail development - shenzen
professional work
sean anderson
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global design workshop:
shenfu mixed use masterplan
professional work
sean anderson
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large architects (formerly grant architects):
lemay american car museum
professional work
sean anderson
8 of 10
randall stout architects:
art gallery of alberta
professional work
sean anderson
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michael maltzan architecture:
mashouf performing arts center - san francisco st. univ.
professional work
sean anderson
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morphosis architects
41 cooper square
con!nui!es of the incomplete
pompidou installa!on

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Sean Anderson_CV_Sample Portfolio

  • 1. Page 1 of 2 Sean Anderson 62 Shagbark Way Fairport, NY, 14450 310-405-3509 (mobile) seanmanderson41@gmail.com Professions Objective: To share my unique design sensibility and skill set with a firm, and help lead their future success. To further strengthen my Project Architect / Job Captain skills and evolve into a Project Manager. To finish ARE exams and become a licensed architect. To further development my interest in the role digital process plays in the design and construction of the built form. Work Experience: Frederick Fisher and Partners Architects, Los Angeles, CA: Designer, August 2013 April 2016 - Project Architect / Senior Designer on 18,000sf multiuse performing arts and classroom center for The Buckley School (Sherman Oaks, CA). - Job Captain and lead on all drawings produced from SD through CD, including all CA bulletins. - In charge of all BIM coordination between consultants. - Coordinated all construction administration between with GC and all subs, including RFI & Submittal reviews and BIM clash detection. - Lead weekly OAC meetings with client and/or contractors. - Senior Designer on Disneys D23 office renovation. In charge of producing CD drawings to renovate the historic Glendale Central Air Terminal. * 2015 City of Glendale Building of the Year - Senior Designer on Armenian Community Center competition in Glendale, CA. Lead the development of the curvilinear rooftop garden design, including all presentation materials and physical model. - Office BIM manager co-head of the technology committee, creating Revit standards and overseeing the start of all projects implementation of BIM workflow. - Office rapid prototyping manger in charge of managing, training and overseeing all models produced with the laser cutter and 3D printer. 5+ Design, Hollywood, CA: Designer, February 2011 August 2013 - Senior Designer on Del Amo Mall (Torrance, CA) renovation & addition design team. Integral member of design team from concept through 100% Design Development. In charge all exterior design, and feature elements of Phase 2 new construction. Coordinated interior day lighting redesign and designed new entry / caf辿 for Phase 1 renovation. - Senior Designer for China World Trade Center parcel 3A/3B in Beijing, China,. * 2013 Global LRI Future Project Award Nominee Developed early planning and phasing strategies for retail component, from conceptual design through 100% Schematic Design - Designer for the winning competition entry for Vankes Shenzhen mixed use retail master plan (currently under construction). In charge of designing Parcels 2 & 4 IMAX theater, Kidzania complex & Restaurant Village. Large Architecture (formerly Grant Architects), Los Angeles, CA: Designer, March 2009 January 2010 - Senior Designer for the LeMay American Car Museum in Tacoma, WA. * 2012 AIA LA Design Citation Winner - Developed a curvilinear roof design Michael Maltzan Architecture, Los Angeles, CA: Junior Designer, September 2008 January 2009 - Intermediate designer for San Francisco State Mashouf Performing Arts Center. - Programming and planning of a 3 phase, 250,000 sq. ft. performing arts center during the pre-schematic design period; including managing the formal development and spatial layout while meeting ASF / GSF requirements. - Assisted in person client presentations and workshops at San Francisco State. Managed all rapid prototyping and fabrication of presentation models. Randall Stout Architects, Los Angeles, CA: Designer January 2006 August 2007 - Designer for the Art Gallery of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada *2012 American Architecture Award Winner (Chicago Athenaeum) - Worked on the refinement and production of all drawings from SD through 100% Construction Documents; coordinating BIM models with separate geometric digital models and drawing sets, including progress and rapid prototyping models. - Lead the refinement all aurora borealis curved surfaces, coordinating structural and contractors to economize panelization and fabrication with Zahner and 3Form Construction.
  • 2. Page 2 of 2 Sean Anderson Work Experience (contd): Morphosis Architects, Santa Monica, CA: Designer, June 2005 January 2006 - Contributed in the schematic design of the Morphosis 2006 Pompidou installation, including digital modeling, construction of a 1:1 scale mock-up and creating specialized display layouts for each project in the show. - Aided in creating schematic design proposals for Madrid Housing Development and Giant Group Pharmaceutical office building, including drawings, diagrams and physical models. - Produced presentation models for Javits Convention Center and Dubai Mixed-Use Tower competitions. - Created DD drawings, and presentation models for the 41 Copper Union Square, Work Experience (freelance work): Global Design Workshop, Malibu, CA: Designer, November 2010 February 2011 Koning Eizenberg Architects, Santa Monica, CA: Designer, September-October 2010 Large Architecture, Los Angeles, CA: Designer, March-April 2010, July-August 2010 Skills Set: 3-D Modeling & Drafting Programs: - REVIT, Sketchup, AutoCAD, Rhino, Grasshopper, Dynamo, Maya, Microstation Physical Modeling: - Construction using laser cutting, 3D printing, CNC Milling, and Vacuum Former methods Graphic Programs: - Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Indesign, BlueBeam Revu Other Programs: - HTML/JavaScript, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Microsoft Office Education: UCLA: Los Angeles, CA Masters in Architecture II, June 2008, * Fellowship Recipient Greg Lynn Research Studio - Year long project to design a spaceport for Virgin Galactic in New Mexico. Tech Seminars: David Erdman & Jason Payne: - Application of digitally driven forms and understanding their translation into 1:1 physical objects through advanced fabrication tools such as laser cutting, 3D printing, CNC milling and vacuum forming. Advanced Topic Studios: Barton Myers, Kivi Sotamaa & Jason Payne - Developed concepts of how I would further the contemporary architecture discourse through nontraditional, often generative methods and processes using animation and 3D software tools and techniques. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute: Troy, NY Bachelor of Architecture, May 2005 Awards: - Winner of the RPI/Roma-Sapienza International Design Competition, Fall 2003 - Deans List: Spring 02 05 Activities: - AIAS Member - Teaching Assistant for Professional Practice Class, Fall 04 & Spring 05 - Student Mentoring Program, 2001-2005 - Undergraduate Admissions Committee member, 2002-2005 Travel: - Rome, Italy: Architecture Semester Abroad Program, Fall 2003. - Spain: Site visit for design project with extensive travel, Spring 2003
  • 3. professional work sean anderson 1 of 10 the buckley school center for the community and arts frederick 鍖sher & partners architects:
  • 4. professional work sean anderson 2 of 10 frederick 鍖sher & partners architects disney d23 o鍖ces - glendal central air terminal glendale armenian cultural center
  • 5. professional work sean anderson 3 of 10 5+ design: del amo mall
  • 6. professional work sean anderson 4 of 10 5+ design: china world trade center - beijing
  • 7. professional work sean anderson 5 of 10 5+ design: vanke retail development - shenzen
  • 8. professional work sean anderson 6 of 10 global design workshop: shenfu mixed use masterplan
  • 9. professional work sean anderson 7 of 10 large architects (formerly grant architects): lemay american car museum
  • 10. professional work sean anderson 8 of 10 randall stout architects: art gallery of alberta
  • 11. professional work sean anderson 9 of 10 michael maltzan architecture: mashouf performing arts center - san francisco st. univ.
  • 12. professional work sean anderson 10 of 10 morphosis architects 41 cooper square con!nui!es of the incomplete pompidou installa!on