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The Buddhas Words .......................................... 1
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by Du Wayne Engelhart ............7
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Ven. Khumtan,
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Seang Dhamma Vol.39, No.467 March 2014
Saeng Dhamma1
The Buddhas Words
Happily indeed do we live- We that call nothing our own.
Feeders on joy shall we be Even as the Abhassara gods.
Saeng Dhamma2
Saeng Dhamma3
Maha-kammavibhanga Sutta :
The Great Exposition of Kamma
Translated from the Pali by ?anamoli Thera
Alternate translation: Thanissaro Bhikkhu
Maha Kammavibhanga Sutta: The Great Expo-
sition of Kamma
Introduction by Bhikkhu Khantipalo
This celebrated sutta shows some of the com-
plexities of kamma and its results. Beginning with a
strange view expressed by a confused wanderer and
a confused answer given by a bhikkhu, the Buddha
then gives his Great Exposition of Kamma which is
based upon four types of people:
the evil-doer who goes to hell (or some other
low state of birth),
the evil-doer who goes to heaven,
the good man who goes to heaven, and
the good man who goes to hell (or other low
The Buddha then shows how wrong views can
arise from only partial understanding of truth. One
can see the stages of this: (1) a mystic sees in vi-
what he had heard about moral causality, (3) so he
says, evil-doers always go to hell, and (4) dog-
ma hardens and becomes rigid when he says (with
the dogmatists of all ages and places), Only this
is true; anything else is wrong. The stages of this
process are repeated for each of the four persons,
after which the Buddha proceeds to analyze these
views grounded in partial experience and points
trial and experience) and which are dogmatic super-
explains his Great Exposition of Kamma in which
he shows that notions of invariability like the evil-
doer goes to hell are much too simple. The minds
of people are complex and they make many differ-
ent kinds of kamma even in one lifetime, some of
is made before death, which in turn is the basis for
the next life.
1. Thus have I heard. On one occasion the
Blessed One was living at Rajagaha, in the Bam-
that occasion the venerable Samiddhi was living in
a forest hut.
wandering for exercise, came to the venerable
Samiddhi and exchanged greetings with him, and
he sat down at one side. When he had done so, he
said to the venerable Samiddhi:
2. I heard and learned this, friend Samiddhi,
from the monk Gotamas lips: Bodily kammas are
vain, verbal kammas are vain, only mental kammas
are true. But there is actually that attainment hav-
ing entered upon which nothing (of result of kam-
mas) is felt at all.
do not misrepresent the Blessed One; it is not good
to misrepresent the Blessed One; the Blessed One
would not say so: Bodily kammas are vain, verbal
kammas are vain, only mental kammas are true.
And there is actually that attainment having en-
tered upon which nothing (of result of kammas) is
felt at all.
How long is it since you went forth, friend
Saeng Dhamma4
There now, what shall we say to the elder
bhikkhus, when the young bhikkhu fancies the
Master is to be defended thus? After doing inten-
tional kamma, friend Samiddhi, by way of body,
speech or mind, what does one feel (of its result)?
taliputta, by way of body, speech or mind, one feels
suffering (as its result).
Then neither agreeing nor disagreeing with
the words of the venerable Samiddhi, the wanderer
gone, the venerable Samiddhi went to the venera-
ble Ananda and exchanged greetings with him, and
he sat down at one side. When he had done so, he
told the venerable Ananda all his conversation with
When this was said, the venerable Ananda told
told to the Blessed One. Come, let us go to the Bless-
ed One, and having done so, let us tell him about this.
As he answers, so we shall bear it in mind.
Even so, friend, the venerable Samiddhi re-
Then they went together to the Blessed One,
and after paying homage to him, they sat down at one
side. When they had done so, the venerable Ananda
told the Blessed One all the venerable Samiddhis
4. When this was said, the Blessed One told
the venerable Ananda:
I do not even know the wanderer by sight,
Ananda. How could there have been such a conver-
to have been answered after analyzing it, but this
misguided man Samiddhi answered it without qual-
When this was said, the venerable Udayin said
to the Blessed One: But, venerable sir, supposing
when the venerable Samiddhi spoke, he was referring
5. Then the Blessed One addressed the venerable
Ananda: See, Ananda, how this misguided man
Udayin interferes. I knew, Ananda, that this mis-
guided man Udayin would unreasonably interfere
now. To begin with it was the three kinds of feel-
putta. If, when this misguided man Samiddhi was
thus: After doing an intentional kamma by way of
body, speech and mind (whose result is) to be felt as
pleasure, he feels pleasure; after doing an intention-
al kamma by way of body, speech and mind (whose
result is) to be felt as pain, he feels pain; after doing
an intentional kamma by way of body, speech and
mind (whose result is) to be felt as neither-pain-nor-
pleasure, he feels neither-pain-nor-pleasure  by
answering him thus, Ananda, the misguided man
putta the right answer. Besides, Ananda, who are
the foolish thoughtless wanderers of other sects that
they will understand the Tathagatas Great Exposi-
tion of Kamma? (But) if you, Ananda, would listen
to the Tathagata expounding the Great Exposition
This is the time, Blessed One, this is the time,
Sublime One, for the Blessed One to expound the
Great Exposition of Kamma. Having heard it from
the Blessed One, the bhikkhus will bear it in mind.
Then listen, Ananda, and heed well what I
shall say.
Even so, venerable sir, the venerable Anan-
da replied. The Blessed One said this:
6. Ananda, there are four kinds of persons
existing in the world. What four?
(i) Here some person kills living beings, takes
what is not given, misconducts himself in sexual de-
sires, speaks falsehood, speaks maliciously, speaks
harshly, gossips, is covetous, is ill-willed, and has
death, he reappears in the states of deprivation, in an
unhappy destination, in perdition, in hell.
(ii) But here some person kills living beings...
and has wrong view. On the dissolution of the body,
after death, he reappears in a happy destination, in
the heavenly world.
(iii) Here some person abstains from killing
living beings, from taking what is not given, from
misconduct in sexual desires, from false speech,
from malicious speech, from harsh speech, from
gossip, he is not covetous, is not ill-willed, and has
Saeng Dhamma5
death, he reappears in a happy destination, in the
heavenly world.
(iv) But here some person abstains from kill-
ing living beings... and has right view. On the dis-
solution of the body, after death, he reappears in the
states of deprivation, in an unhappy destination, in
perdition, in hell.
7. (i) Here, Ananda, in consequence of ardor,
endeavor, devotion, diligence, and right attention,
some monk or brahman attains such concentration
of mind that, when his mind is concentrated, he sees
surpasses the human, that some person kills living
beings here, takes what is not given, misconducts
himself in sexual desires, speaks falsehood, speaks
maliciously, speaks harshly, gossips, is covetous, is
ill-willed, has wrong view. He sees that on the dis-
solution of the body, after death, he has reappeared
in the states of deprivation, in an unhappy destina-
tion, in perdition, in hell. He says: It seems that
there are evil kammas and that there is the result
of misconduct; for I have seen that a person killed
living beings here... had wrong view. I have seen
that on the dissolution of the body, after death, he
had reappeared in the states of deprivation, in an
unhappy destination, in perdition, in hell. He says:
It seems that one who kills living beings... has
wrong view, will always, on the dissolution of the
body, after death, reappear in the states of depri-
vation, in an unhappy destination, in perdition, in
hell. Those who know thus know rightly; those who
know otherwise are mistaken in their knowledge.
So he obstinately misapprehends what he himself
has known, seen and felt; insisting on that alone, he
says: Only this is true, anything else is wrong.
8. (ii) But here in consequence of ardor, en-
deavor, devotion, diligence and right attention, some
monk or brahman attains such concentration of mind
that, when his mind is concentrated, he sees with the
es the human, that some person kills living beings
here... has wrong view. He sees that on the dissolu-
tion of the body, after death, he has reappeared in a
happy destination, in the heavenly world. He says: It
seems there are no evil kammas, there is no result of
ing beings here... had wrong view. I have seen that on
the dissolution of the body, after death, he has reap-
peared in a happy destination, in the heavenly world.
He says: It seems that one who kills living beings...
has wrong view will always, on the dissolution of
the body, after death, reappear in a happy destination,
in the heavenly world. Those who know thus know
rightly; those who know otherwise are mistaken in
their knowledge. So he obstinately misapprehends
what he himself has known, seen and felt; insisting
on that alone, he says: Only this is true, anything
else is wrong.
To be Continued
Saeng Dhamma6
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Saeng Dhamma7
Thet Mahachat
By Du Wayne Engelhart
Thet Mahachat
by Du Wayne Engelhart
Introduction. After the Buddha has attained
Monastery during the winter. Then he returns to
his hometown, Kapilavatthu, where he stays in the
relatives do not pay their respect to him since they
are too proud, the Buddha performs a miracle to
remove this pride: he rises up into the air above the
heads of his relatives. Then the Buddhas father,
Suddhodana, the king, and all the other relatives
pay homage to him. The king recalls two previous
miracles the Buddha-to-be has performed, after
which the king showed him honor: on the day he
festival when the Buddha-to-be was sitting under
the shade of a rose-apple tree, the shade of the tree
did not move while he was there. After the Buddha
has come down out of the air and taken his seat,
he performs yet another miracle: he makes a ruby-
colored rain to fall over the gathering, but the rain
makes only those wet who want to get wet and does
not touch those who do not want to get wet. The
Buddha remarks that such ruby-colored rain has
fallen another time in the past, during the time of
followers the story of Vessantara.
1. The Blessings: the ten blessings which the
who becomes Vessantaras mother. In the Tavatimsa
heaven the god Sakkadevindra tells the beautiful
to earth. He says he will give her ten blessings
beautiful black eyes, beautiful black eyebrows,
greatly honored who is kind and generous to the
breasts, dark hair, unblemished skin, the authority
to set free those condemned to death, and to be the
queen of the king of the Sivis. The god grants all
of King Madda. At sixteen she is married to the king
of the Sivis, Sa?jaya, in the city of Jetuttara. She
gives birth to a son, Vessantara, who, upon being
born, miraculously speaks, asking what he can
give. This indicates that a bodhsatta, a Buddha-to-
be, has been born. Vessantara is totally devoted to
that appears to have the magical power of bringing
plentiful rain so that the kingdom is prosperous.
Because there is a great drought in the kingdom
priests to Sivi to ask for Vessantaras magical white
elephant. Vessantara, feeling pity for the people
Saeng Dhamma8
people of Jetuttara, however, strongly disagree with
what Vessantara has done and demand his exile in
the Himalayas. Vessantara prepares for his exile,
giving instructions to his wife about performing acts
of generosity and taking care of the children and his
she and the children go into exile with the prince.
Vessantara to give away seven hundred of many
different kinds of valuable things to those in need.
In the evening Vessantara and his wife and children
go to the king and queen to say goodbye. Despite
and refuses to leave her two children behind. The
last of what belongs to him, including his carriage
horses and his carriage, and he and his wife, holding
their children in their arms, walk off into exile.
make their journey: the clouds hide the hot sun, the
trees lower their branches to offer their fruit, and
lotus ponds appear to quench their thirst. They
travel through various districts and kingdoms,
passing mountains, rivers, and forests, until in the
evening they reach Mathura, the kingdom of the
princes uncle, Ceta. Vessantara refuses Cetas
offer to intercede with King Sa?jaya so the prince
can return home, and he also turns down his uncles
suggestion that he take the throne of the kingdom of
Mathura. The next day Vessantara and his family
make their way to Mount Vipula and rest at the
gives them food to eat. Traveling further, passing
reach Vamka Mountain, where two hermitages
have been prepared for them by the heavenly being
Vissakamma. Vessantara lives in one hermitage as
with her, lives in the other hermitage as an ascetic.
All four family members live on Vamka Mountain
for seven months. Because of Vessantaras
compassion, the wild animals in the area of the
hermitages have compassion for one another.
lives, who leaves his money with a family that
good care of him that the other Brahmins complain
to their wives about how they are being treated. So
His cry is heard by a forest hunter, who thinks the
Brahmin is up to no good and threatens to shoot him
he is a royal messenger from King Sa?jaya, who
wants Vessantara to come home. The forest hunter
believes the Brahmins story and gives him some
the forest hunter. In the morning the hunter gives the
Brahmin directions to the place where Vessantara
Mountain), through an area with many fruit trees
and other forms of vegetation, to the hermitage of
the ascetic Accata, who will give him directions to
sets off on his way.
travels, eventually arriving at the hermitage of
tells the ascetic he does not want anything from
Vessantara but just wants to see him and visit him.
So Accata provides him a place to sleep for the
night and the next morning gives him directions
to the place where Vessantara is staying. The
Saeng Dhamma9
describes the many types of animals and birds in
the hermitage of Vessantara if he follows Accatas
plans to wait until morning to ask Vessantara for
gone into the forest and will not interfere. During
man breaks into her hermitage, drags her outside,
and cuts out her eyes, cuts off her arms, and cuts
for her. He knows its true meaningthat today
someone will come to ask for his two children, and
he will have the opportunity to make his giving
perfect by giving them up. Because he knows,
children, he tells her that her dream is due to uneasy
the hermitage, and Vessantara asks the children to
but Vessantara suggests he wait until
children to see King Sa?jaya, who at the sight of his
grandchildren will give the Brahmin wealth.
hiding themselves in the lotus lake. Vessantara
goes to the lake to get them, telling them they are
Enlightenment. Because the children do not want
thinks about killing the Brahmin for being so cruel,
but he realizes that such conduct would not be
will go looking for the children and get herself into
trouble, has three devas, taking the forms of a lion,
a tiger, and a leopard, block the way. The three
devas do not let her pass until it gets dark. Arriving
however, fearing the affect the loss might have on
in the forest searching for her children. When she
returns to the hermitage in the morning, she passes
out and falls onto the ground, and Vessantara thinks
she has died. He brings her back to her senses
and then confesses that he has given the children
husband at having given away such a noble gift as
his children.
10. Sakkadevindra: the god Sakkadevindra
wife. Sakkadevindra realizes that if Vessantara has
given away his children, should someone also ask
too. So, disguised as a Brahmin, the god goes to
Vessantara to test him. He asks Vessantara for his
wife, and Vessantara understands that he must give
in turn, is resolved to comply with Vessantaras
to her husband, and the god rises up into the air to
reveal who he is. He tells Vessantara that he can ask
call him back to the city and restore him as king;
that he (Vessantara) allow no condemned person to
be put to death; that he help the young, the middle
wife, he not desire the wife of anyone else; that his
son live a long life and live righteously; that there
be heavenly food at the beginning of every day; that
he always have the means to give away something
and that he never stop giving; and that when he dies
he goes straight to heaven, never be reborn on earth.
the night while the Brahmin is asleep. The Brahmin
reaches a fork in the road; one way leads to the
Saeng Dhamma10
that he takes the road to Jetuttara. During the night
King Sa?jaya has a dream: a man comes with two
blossomsandhangsoneoneitherear. Inthemorning
the kings Brahmins interpret the dream as meaning
that some knights lost a long time will return. The
courtyard of the kings palace. Sa?jaya recognizes
he got the two children from Vessantara to serve as
his slaves. When the attendants in the court start
comes to his fathers defense. When the king calls
reality slaves of the Brahmin. So the king pays the
ransom prices for the two children. When the king
to Jetuttara, the son suggests that the king himself
go: Vessantara might not believe what his son says.
The king, in agreement, calls for the raising of an
army and the building of a road between Jetuttara
overeating, never having had time to enjoy his
riches, the army gathers and the new road is built,
and the royal family starts out on the journey to the
from Kalinga have returned because the animal was
12. The Six Khattiyas: the royal families are
hears the commotion and thinks that an enemy
has attacked the Sivi city, has assassinated King
Sa?jaya, and has now come to assassinate him,
from their own city, and Vessantara is reassured
remembering the one blessing conferred by
Sakkadevindra: that his father call him back to the
city and restore him as king. The two go back to the
her children again, she is completely overwhelmed,
and mother and children faint. Observing this scene,
Vessantara and his parents are overcome, too, and
the three faint also. The god Sakkadevindra causes
a ruby-colored rain shower to fall, and all six of the
Khattiyas are revived. (This is the ruby-colored
rain the Buddha referred to at the beginning of his
telling of the story about Vessantara.)
are welcomed back to their city. The glory of
Vessantara is great, indeed. Having given away
everything, he is now ready to return to Jetuttara
as king. He gives up his asceticism after his stay
garments. A coronation ceremony is performed
involving the drinking from three conch shells.
party sets forth to go back to the city of Jetuttara.
the throne again. He frees all captives, even captive
cats. King Vessantara rules his kingdom with the ten
kingly virtues: generosity, morality, renunciation,
wisdom, energy, patient endurance, truthfulness,
determination, loving-kindness, and equanimity.
At the age of one hundred twenty he passes away
and is reborn in the Tusita heaven.*
* Compare the retelling of the Vessantara-
The Council of Thai Bhikkhus in the U.S.A.
1973), pp. 246-305.
Wat Thai Washington, D.C.
Saeng Dhamma11
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Saeng Dhamma38
Students from Maret School came to learn the Thevavada Buddhism on February 24,2014
Students from the J.H. Blake High School came to learn Buddhism and Thai culture on February 26,2014
Some of the educators who attended the Greater Washington Mostessori Conference at Barrie
School on March1,2014 took part in a tour to visit the Thai temple .They also learned about Thai
Buddhism and had a short meditation.
Saeng Dhamma39
?????? ?2
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????????????? :
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????????????????????????? $ 1,120
Saeng Dhamma52
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Saeng Dhamma55
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Saeng Dhamma60
Saeng Dhamma61
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Our customers are our tesitmony
Saeng Dhamma62

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Seang Dhamma Vol.39, No.467 March 2014

  • 1. The Buddhas Words .......................................... 1 ................................ 2 ..................... 3 by Du Wayne Engelhart ............7 ..................11 ...........;............................ 16 ............................ 21 ................ 22 ...................... 23 ........................ 30 ...................................... 32 39 ......... 52 Ven. Khumtan, ??????????? ?????????? OBJECTIVES ?????? Contents
  • 3. Saeng Dhamma1 The Buddhas Words Happily indeed do we live- We that call nothing our own. Feeders on joy shall we be Even as the Abhassara gods.
  • 5. Saeng Dhamma3 Maha-kammavibhanga Sutta : The Great Exposition of Kamma Translated from the Pali by ?anamoli Thera Alternate translation: Thanissaro Bhikkhu http://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/mn/mn.136.nymo.html Maha Kammavibhanga Sutta: The Great Expo- sition of Kamma Introduction by Bhikkhu Khantipalo This celebrated sutta shows some of the com- plexities of kamma and its results. Beginning with a strange view expressed by a confused wanderer and a confused answer given by a bhikkhu, the Buddha then gives his Great Exposition of Kamma which is based upon four types of people: the evil-doer who goes to hell (or some other low state of birth), the evil-doer who goes to heaven, the good man who goes to heaven, and the good man who goes to hell (or other low birth). The Buddha then shows how wrong views can arise from only partial understanding of truth. One can see the stages of this: (1) a mystic sees in vi- what he had heard about moral causality, (3) so he says, evil-doers always go to hell, and (4) dog- ma hardens and becomes rigid when he says (with the dogmatists of all ages and places), Only this is true; anything else is wrong. The stages of this process are repeated for each of the four persons, after which the Buddha proceeds to analyze these views grounded in partial experience and points trial and experience) and which are dogmatic super- explains his Great Exposition of Kamma in which he shows that notions of invariability like the evil- doer goes to hell are much too simple. The minds of people are complex and they make many differ- ent kinds of kamma even in one lifetime, some of is made before death, which in turn is the basis for the next life. 1. Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was living at Rajagaha, in the Bam- that occasion the venerable Samiddhi was living in a forest hut. wandering for exercise, came to the venerable Samiddhi and exchanged greetings with him, and he sat down at one side. When he had done so, he said to the venerable Samiddhi: 2. I heard and learned this, friend Samiddhi, from the monk Gotamas lips: Bodily kammas are vain, verbal kammas are vain, only mental kammas are true. But there is actually that attainment hav- ing entered upon which nothing (of result of kam- mas) is felt at all. do not misrepresent the Blessed One; it is not good to misrepresent the Blessed One; the Blessed One would not say so: Bodily kammas are vain, verbal kammas are vain, only mental kammas are true. And there is actually that attainment having en- tered upon which nothing (of result of kammas) is felt at all. How long is it since you went forth, friend Samiddhi?
  • 6. Saeng Dhamma4 There now, what shall we say to the elder bhikkhus, when the young bhikkhu fancies the Master is to be defended thus? After doing inten- tional kamma, friend Samiddhi, by way of body, speech or mind, what does one feel (of its result)? - taliputta, by way of body, speech or mind, one feels suffering (as its result). Then neither agreeing nor disagreeing with the words of the venerable Samiddhi, the wanderer gone, the venerable Samiddhi went to the venera- ble Ananda and exchanged greetings with him, and he sat down at one side. When he had done so, he told the venerable Ananda all his conversation with When this was said, the venerable Ananda told told to the Blessed One. Come, let us go to the Bless- ed One, and having done so, let us tell him about this. As he answers, so we shall bear it in mind. Even so, friend, the venerable Samiddhi re- plied. Then they went together to the Blessed One, and after paying homage to him, they sat down at one side. When they had done so, the venerable Ananda told the Blessed One all the venerable Samiddhis 4. When this was said, the Blessed One told the venerable Ananda: I do not even know the wanderer by sight, Ananda. How could there have been such a conver- to have been answered after analyzing it, but this misguided man Samiddhi answered it without qual- When this was said, the venerable Udayin said to the Blessed One: But, venerable sir, supposing when the venerable Samiddhi spoke, he was referring 5. Then the Blessed One addressed the venerable Ananda: See, Ananda, how this misguided man Udayin interferes. I knew, Ananda, that this mis- guided man Udayin would unreasonably interfere now. To begin with it was the three kinds of feel- - putta. If, when this misguided man Samiddhi was thus: After doing an intentional kamma by way of body, speech and mind (whose result is) to be felt as pleasure, he feels pleasure; after doing an intention- al kamma by way of body, speech and mind (whose result is) to be felt as pain, he feels pain; after doing an intentional kamma by way of body, speech and mind (whose result is) to be felt as neither-pain-nor- pleasure, he feels neither-pain-nor-pleasure by answering him thus, Ananda, the misguided man - putta the right answer. Besides, Ananda, who are the foolish thoughtless wanderers of other sects that they will understand the Tathagatas Great Exposi- tion of Kamma? (But) if you, Ananda, would listen to the Tathagata expounding the Great Exposition This is the time, Blessed One, this is the time, Sublime One, for the Blessed One to expound the Great Exposition of Kamma. Having heard it from the Blessed One, the bhikkhus will bear it in mind. Then listen, Ananda, and heed well what I shall say. Even so, venerable sir, the venerable Anan- da replied. The Blessed One said this: 6. Ananda, there are four kinds of persons existing in the world. What four? (i) Here some person kills living beings, takes what is not given, misconducts himself in sexual de- sires, speaks falsehood, speaks maliciously, speaks harshly, gossips, is covetous, is ill-willed, and has death, he reappears in the states of deprivation, in an unhappy destination, in perdition, in hell. (ii) But here some person kills living beings... and has wrong view. On the dissolution of the body, after death, he reappears in a happy destination, in the heavenly world. (iii) Here some person abstains from killing living beings, from taking what is not given, from misconduct in sexual desires, from false speech, from malicious speech, from harsh speech, from gossip, he is not covetous, is not ill-willed, and has
  • 7. Saeng Dhamma5 death, he reappears in a happy destination, in the heavenly world. (iv) But here some person abstains from kill- ing living beings... and has right view. On the dis- solution of the body, after death, he reappears in the states of deprivation, in an unhappy destination, in perdition, in hell. 7. (i) Here, Ananda, in consequence of ardor, endeavor, devotion, diligence, and right attention, some monk or brahman attains such concentration of mind that, when his mind is concentrated, he sees surpasses the human, that some person kills living beings here, takes what is not given, misconducts himself in sexual desires, speaks falsehood, speaks maliciously, speaks harshly, gossips, is covetous, is ill-willed, has wrong view. He sees that on the dis- solution of the body, after death, he has reappeared in the states of deprivation, in an unhappy destina- tion, in perdition, in hell. He says: It seems that there are evil kammas and that there is the result of misconduct; for I have seen that a person killed living beings here... had wrong view. I have seen that on the dissolution of the body, after death, he had reappeared in the states of deprivation, in an unhappy destination, in perdition, in hell. He says: It seems that one who kills living beings... has wrong view, will always, on the dissolution of the body, after death, reappear in the states of depri- vation, in an unhappy destination, in perdition, in hell. Those who know thus know rightly; those who know otherwise are mistaken in their knowledge. So he obstinately misapprehends what he himself has known, seen and felt; insisting on that alone, he says: Only this is true, anything else is wrong. 8. (ii) But here in consequence of ardor, en- deavor, devotion, diligence and right attention, some monk or brahman attains such concentration of mind that, when his mind is concentrated, he sees with the - es the human, that some person kills living beings here... has wrong view. He sees that on the dissolu- tion of the body, after death, he has reappeared in a happy destination, in the heavenly world. He says: It seems there are no evil kammas, there is no result of - ing beings here... had wrong view. I have seen that on the dissolution of the body, after death, he has reap- peared in a happy destination, in the heavenly world. He says: It seems that one who kills living beings... has wrong view will always, on the dissolution of the body, after death, reappear in a happy destination, in the heavenly world. Those who know thus know rightly; those who know otherwise are mistaken in their knowledge. So he obstinately misapprehends what he himself has known, seen and felt; insisting on that alone, he says: Only this is true, anything else is wrong. To be Continued
  • 8. Saeng Dhamma6 , , . . - - MA NY / / 1 19 , , , , TIGA DAO 2 134 - , - , - 3 209 - , , , . MIKO - - - - - ( ) , - - - - - - - - - - - -wuiming- - - - ) - 4 57 09 , , , , , 5 79 ( ) New Jersey 6 35 , , , 7 80 , . - . , . - . 8 101 - , , - 9 90 10 43 ( ) , ( ) - - ( ) 11 69 - - - - - - 12 36 . / / 13 48 , ( )- *** 1000 *** 13 / *** ( ) ,
  • 9. Saeng Dhamma7 Thet Mahachat By Du Wayne Engelhart Thet Mahachat by Du Wayne Engelhart Introduction. After the Buddha has attained Monastery during the winter. Then he returns to his hometown, Kapilavatthu, where he stays in the relatives do not pay their respect to him since they are too proud, the Buddha performs a miracle to remove this pride: he rises up into the air above the heads of his relatives. Then the Buddhas father, Suddhodana, the king, and all the other relatives pay homage to him. The king recalls two previous miracles the Buddha-to-be has performed, after which the king showed him honor: on the day he festival when the Buddha-to-be was sitting under the shade of a rose-apple tree, the shade of the tree did not move while he was there. After the Buddha has come down out of the air and taken his seat, he performs yet another miracle: he makes a ruby- colored rain to fall over the gathering, but the rain makes only those wet who want to get wet and does not touch those who do not want to get wet. The Buddha remarks that such ruby-colored rain has fallen another time in the past, during the time of followers the story of Vessantara. 1. The Blessings: the ten blessings which the who becomes Vessantaras mother. In the Tavatimsa heaven the god Sakkadevindra tells the beautiful to earth. He says he will give her ten blessings beautiful black eyes, beautiful black eyebrows, greatly honored who is kind and generous to the breasts, dark hair, unblemished skin, the authority to set free those condemned to death, and to be the queen of the king of the Sivis. The god grants all of King Madda. At sixteen she is married to the king of the Sivis, Sa?jaya, in the city of Jetuttara. She gives birth to a son, Vessantara, who, upon being born, miraculously speaks, asking what he can give. This indicates that a bodhsatta, a Buddha-to- be, has been born. Vessantara is totally devoted to that appears to have the magical power of bringing plentiful rain so that the kingdom is prosperous. Because there is a great drought in the kingdom priests to Sivi to ask for Vessantaras magical white elephant. Vessantara, feeling pity for the people
  • 10. Saeng Dhamma8 people of Jetuttara, however, strongly disagree with what Vessantara has done and demand his exile in the Himalayas. Vessantara prepares for his exile, giving instructions to his wife about performing acts of generosity and taking care of the children and his she and the children go into exile with the prince. Vessantara to give away seven hundred of many different kinds of valuable things to those in need. In the evening Vessantara and his wife and children go to the king and queen to say goodbye. Despite and refuses to leave her two children behind. The last of what belongs to him, including his carriage horses and his carriage, and he and his wife, holding their children in their arms, walk off into exile. make their journey: the clouds hide the hot sun, the trees lower their branches to offer their fruit, and lotus ponds appear to quench their thirst. They travel through various districts and kingdoms, passing mountains, rivers, and forests, until in the evening they reach Mathura, the kingdom of the princes uncle, Ceta. Vessantara refuses Cetas offer to intercede with King Sa?jaya so the prince can return home, and he also turns down his uncles suggestion that he take the throne of the kingdom of Mathura. The next day Vessantara and his family make their way to Mount Vipula and rest at the gives them food to eat. Traveling further, passing reach Vamka Mountain, where two hermitages have been prepared for them by the heavenly being Vissakamma. Vessantara lives in one hermitage as with her, lives in the other hermitage as an ascetic. All four family members live on Vamka Mountain for seven months. Because of Vessantaras compassion, the wild animals in the area of the hermitages have compassion for one another. lives, who leaves his money with a family that good care of him that the other Brahmins complain to their wives about how they are being treated. So His cry is heard by a forest hunter, who thinks the Brahmin is up to no good and threatens to shoot him he is a royal messenger from King Sa?jaya, who wants Vessantara to come home. The forest hunter believes the Brahmins story and gives him some food. the forest hunter. In the morning the hunter gives the Brahmin directions to the place where Vessantara Mountain), through an area with many fruit trees and other forms of vegetation, to the hermitage of the ascetic Accata, who will give him directions to sets off on his way. travels, eventually arriving at the hermitage of tells the ascetic he does not want anything from Vessantara but just wants to see him and visit him. So Accata provides him a place to sleep for the night and the next morning gives him directions to the place where Vessantara is staying. The
  • 11. Saeng Dhamma9 describes the many types of animals and birds in the hermitage of Vessantara if he follows Accatas directions. plans to wait until morning to ask Vessantara for gone into the forest and will not interfere. During man breaks into her hermitage, drags her outside, and cuts out her eyes, cuts off her arms, and cuts for her. He knows its true meaningthat today someone will come to ask for his two children, and he will have the opportunity to make his giving perfect by giving them up. Because he knows, children, he tells her that her dream is due to uneasy the hermitage, and Vessantara asks the children to but Vessantara suggests he wait until children to see King Sa?jaya, who at the sight of his grandchildren will give the Brahmin wealth. hiding themselves in the lotus lake. Vessantara goes to the lake to get them, telling them they are Enlightenment. Because the children do not want thinks about killing the Brahmin for being so cruel, but he realizes that such conduct would not be righteous. will go looking for the children and get herself into trouble, has three devas, taking the forms of a lion, a tiger, and a leopard, block the way. The three devas do not let her pass until it gets dark. Arriving however, fearing the affect the loss might have on in the forest searching for her children. When she returns to the hermitage in the morning, she passes out and falls onto the ground, and Vessantara thinks she has died. He brings her back to her senses and then confesses that he has given the children husband at having given away such a noble gift as his children. 10. Sakkadevindra: the god Sakkadevindra wife. Sakkadevindra realizes that if Vessantara has given away his children, should someone also ask too. So, disguised as a Brahmin, the god goes to Vessantara to test him. He asks Vessantara for his wife, and Vessantara understands that he must give in turn, is resolved to comply with Vessantaras to her husband, and the god rises up into the air to reveal who he is. He tells Vessantara that he can ask call him back to the city and restore him as king; that he (Vessantara) allow no condemned person to be put to death; that he help the young, the middle wife, he not desire the wife of anyone else; that his son live a long life and live righteously; that there be heavenly food at the beginning of every day; that he always have the means to give away something and that he never stop giving; and that when he dies he goes straight to heaven, never be reborn on earth. the night while the Brahmin is asleep. The Brahmin reaches a fork in the road; one way leads to the
  • 12. Saeng Dhamma10 that he takes the road to Jetuttara. During the night King Sa?jaya has a dream: a man comes with two blossomsandhangsoneoneitherear. Inthemorning the kings Brahmins interpret the dream as meaning that some knights lost a long time will return. The courtyard of the kings palace. Sa?jaya recognizes he got the two children from Vessantara to serve as his slaves. When the attendants in the court start comes to his fathers defense. When the king calls reality slaves of the Brahmin. So the king pays the ransom prices for the two children. When the king to Jetuttara, the son suggests that the king himself go: Vessantara might not believe what his son says. The king, in agreement, calls for the raising of an army and the building of a road between Jetuttara overeating, never having had time to enjoy his riches, the army gathers and the new road is built, and the royal family starts out on the journey to the from Kalinga have returned because the animal was 12. The Six Khattiyas: the royal families are hears the commotion and thinks that an enemy has attacked the Sivi city, has assassinated King Sa?jaya, and has now come to assassinate him, from their own city, and Vessantara is reassured remembering the one blessing conferred by Sakkadevindra: that his father call him back to the city and restore him as king. The two go back to the her children again, she is completely overwhelmed, and mother and children faint. Observing this scene, Vessantara and his parents are overcome, too, and the three faint also. The god Sakkadevindra causes a ruby-colored rain shower to fall, and all six of the Khattiyas are revived. (This is the ruby-colored rain the Buddha referred to at the beginning of his telling of the story about Vessantara.) are welcomed back to their city. The glory of Vessantara is great, indeed. Having given away everything, he is now ready to return to Jetuttara as king. He gives up his asceticism after his stay garments. A coronation ceremony is performed involving the drinking from three conch shells. party sets forth to go back to the city of Jetuttara. the throne again. He frees all captives, even captive cats. King Vessantara rules his kingdom with the ten kingly virtues: generosity, morality, renunciation, wisdom, energy, patient endurance, truthfulness, determination, loving-kindness, and equanimity. At the age of one hundred twenty he passes away and is reborn in the Tusita heaven.* * Compare the retelling of the Vessantara- The Council of Thai Bhikkhus in the U.S.A. 1973), pp. 246-305. Wat Thai Washington, D.C.
  • 40. Saeng Dhamma38 Students from Maret School came to learn the Thevavada Buddhism on February 24,2014 Students from the J.H. Blake High School came to learn Buddhism and Thai culture on February 26,2014 Some of the educators who attended the Greater Washington Mostessori Conference at Barrie School on March1,2014 took part in a tour to visit the Thai temple .They also learned about Thai Buddhism and had a short meditation.
  • 57. Saeng Dhamma55 Traditional Thai Food Restaurant Bangkok Garden was voted The Best Asian Food in 2002 by The Readers of Columbia Magazine 4906 St. Elmo Ave. Bethesda, MD 20814 Tel. 301-951-0670-1 Flowering Plants, Hanging Baskets Annual, Perenials, Herbs, Cut Flowers, Vegetables & Produce Every Weekend At: Wat Thai Washington DC. 13440 Layhill Rd, Silver Spring, MD 20906 Benjawans Oud Thai Tv Satellite And Internet TV 410-574-7288 Tel. 410-708-1955
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