Seascape Ayr is a local Ayrshire charity. Its objectives are to tackle homelessness, poverty and isolation. It provides advice and support services as well as practical help with housing related crises
Jasons Search For The Mythical Miss Right EpilogueLauriEmpress
This document provides a summary of multiple weddings that took place in a neighborhood after a competition ended. It describes each wedding in 1-2 sentences and includes pictures of the couples, ceremonies, and children. The weddings include characters from the competition, such as Lucy marrying Rhys, Vickie marrying Pong, and the finale with Jason marrying Cayenne and them having a son named Beau. Over 25 weddings are summarized in the document.
Albert B. Cooke is introduced as the founder of a new legacy. He finds a job and career in education easily. He meets and falls in love with Kaylynn, who moves in after they marry. Kaylynn gets pregnant with their first child. Albert hopes the child will be intelligent and continue his legacy.
Eli confronts Deirdre about Orlando standing up Grace for their date. Deirdre says she hasn't seen Orlando since that night and that it's a situation for Orlando and Grace to work out themselves. Eli agrees Deirdre is right and thanks her for her help.
A Victorian Legacy - Chapter 17 The HoneymoonDi Meeeee
Edward and Marielle have just gotten married and are spending their honeymoon in a seaside cottage gifted to them by Edward's father. However, Marielle seems uninterested in many of the activities Edward suggests, preferring to watch entertainers on the beach instead of joining him. Their stroll along the promenade is cut short by rain. While Edward goes to watch a street performer in the rain, Marielle browses shops for hats, highlighting their differing interests during the honeymoon.
Chapter 3 of An Apocalypse of Ice. In which Eowyn chooses her aspiration, Sansa chooses Eowyn's husband, and Addison wishes he was in this chapter more.
(for disclaimer, see chapter 1)
This document provides an update on generation 5 of the author's Sims legacy family. It summarizes that there are 6 children left to marry off plus 1 spouse, requiring 1 more child to be born. Several of the children are now young adults attending university. Frita has become heir to the legacy by marrying Xavier and both she and her brother Frank have found careers after graduating. The document shares many short anecdotes and scenes from the ongoing story of this Sims family.
Ciara was a powerful witch who was shunned by her people and cursed an entire town. She had two daughters, Ida Jessica and the frail Charlotte who was disposed of. Ida grew up happily with Ciara but overheard disturbing conversations, including Ciara arranging Ida's marriage to a man she was told to kill. Fearing for her life, Ida ran away in the night, changing her name to Jessica Robinson and escaping to college. Ciara was left devastated by Ida/Jessica's departure. The document leaves the reader questioning whether Ciara is truly wicked or not.
Stanley Semet has been reporting from New Jersey in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. In his reports, he discusses delivering supplies to the National Guard, seeing significant storm damage throughout towns along the Jersey shore, and attempting to deliver aid to a single mother in a devastated area but being unable to safely navigate the destruction. He also provides updates on cleanup efforts and the gradual return of services like power and school reopenings.
Stanley Semet has been reporting from New Jersey in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. In his reports, he discusses delivering supplies to those in need, including the National Guard and a single mother who lost her home. The cleanup efforts are ongoing, with destroyed homes and infrastructure being addressed. Power has returned to most areas, though some places remain uninhabitable. Relief organizations continue to bring supplies and support recovery.
1) Ally reluctantly agrees to go trick-or-treating with her friends but wants to be home by 9:30 for her spelling test.
2) While at an abandoned house, an old man gives them dolls that look exactly like them, frightening the girls.
3) After Ally falls and her friends leave her, the man explains that he used to be a doll maker and had made the dolls for the girls years ago according to their request, fulfilling a promise.
This document provides an update on the Wrongway legacy series. It recaps events from the previous installment, including Maddie scaring her siblings with a story and starting to plan a pirate radio station. It then shows several interconnected scenes: Hex has another nightmare about not aging; Maddie's friends confront her about punching a boy at a party; Rose struggles with her writing and spends time with her family; Maddie tells Lee about losing her friends; and Lance befriends a girl named Gold at the playground. The document links these scenes together to continue multiple storylines within the Wrongway family.
Keika arrives in Silver Bend after being dropped off by a pirate friend of Pony's. She wakes up on the beach with no memory of how she got there. After exploring, she runs into Thai who explains that Pony brought her to Silver Bend to help build the city. Pony confirms this and tells Keika that as part of joining, she will participate in a Who's Your Daddy challenge, despite just completing one in her own kingdom.
The document provides an overview of events in the Wrongway Legacy series. It summarizes Alice's birthday party, Grace becoming worried that her younger sister Alice will replace her, Grace reassuring Elizabeth, the family adopting a dog named Edward, Grace turning into a teenager and having her own birthday party in the woods planned by Whitney, Grace feeling alone at the party until meeting Penelope and Carl, and Grace talking with Orlando and deciding they can be friends. It concludes with the Wrongway family traveling to Twikki Island for a holiday.
The document provides biographical information about author Alex Finn and summarizes her novel Beastly. It discusses that the novel is a modern retelling of Beauty and the Beast where the main character Kyle is cursed by a witch to take on the appearance of a beast. It undergoes his transformation and struggles to find love to break the curse. The document also includes character summaries and plot details about Kyle's curse and his interactions with characters like Lindy as he tries to find love within the two year time limit.
This document summarizes events in the lives of several families in Simfield over the course of a day. Key events include:
1) Anna and Lydia Ryman start their first day of school and make new friends, including twin girls Victoria and Meg.
2) Liv Jalowitz gives birth to triplets - two boys named Eddie and Trick and a girl named Abigail.
3) Mia Ryman learns that her older brother Calvin has passed away, upsetting her greatly.
4) Huey Ryman has a birthday party where he becomes a teenager and his brother Stern becomes a child.
Evangeline left her home after her friend's wedding and moved into an unfinished house. She contacted a gypsy to set her up with David, her teenage love, but had no success. She later discovered David worked with her. They rekindled their romance and realized they still had strong feelings for each other. David proposed and they married, having a son named Aidan together a few years later. However, Evangeline was still curious about David's past and his relationship with Don Lothario.
Opus Legacy, Chapter 2: Gilgamesh's Clutchhippiereecee
Here is the second chapter of the Opus Joint Legacy, Chapter 2: Gilgamesh's Clutch. This chapter is written by hippielayla86.
This chapter you will finally hear what Gil had to ask Yuki...
This summary provides context and key details from the document in 3 sentences:
The document discusses recent world events that have increased tensions in Europe, with Sterling expressing concern that Germany will continue expanding its territory now that the Soviet Union has signed a non-aggression pact. Alice has been keeping up with the news and understands Nick and Sterling's worries about Germany's actions. The summary concludes with Sterling pouring himself a drink after Alice leaves, reflecting on the troubled state of international affairs.
Maddie's car breaks down in the desert outside a tiny town. She meets Ripp and Tank Grunt when seeking help. Ripp is unable to fix the car himself and recommends she wait a few days for his friend Johnny to return. Tank is reluctant to let Maddie stay at their house due to their father's dislike of outsiders. Instead, Maddie stays with Kristen, Erin, and Chloe. That night, the girls take Maddie to the small town's club, but she finds it lacks the atmosphere she prefers.
Maddie has been named the heir to the Wrongway legacy after Ralph returned to her. However, Maddie does not want the responsibility and feels she will be terrible at it. She is worried she will ruin the family. Hex and Lavender try to assure her that with her lineage, she has good odds of success. Lee points out that all of Maddie's ancestors have had families of their own, so the current line is very successful. Maddie remains unsure about taking on the role of heir.
The document summarizes the final chapter of a legacy challenge that began in 2005. It describes the wedding of Heir Yuri and his love interest Chris, who is already pregnant. After their wedding, the guests party and Chris gives birth to their son Zayne, completing the 10th and final generation. The document then shows what the past heirs and their families would look like grown up and provides a brief recap of each generation from the founding sim Asher to the current Heir Yuri and his new family.
The diary entry describes receiving a turban from Wendell in exchange for a small red turnip the writer had just planted the day before. This brings the writer one step closer to obtaining a golden axe. It also mentions finishing their island by planting the last money tree and decorating it with gold roses and a path.
This document summarizes interviews with four centenarians from Lusk, Wyoming: Hester Smith (103), Bess Ruffing (102), Genevieve Swope (100), and Bob Vollmer (95). It discusses their early lives, families, careers/jobs, and memories. They grew up in difficult circumstances but had fulfilling lives, getting married and raising children. They credit hard work, family, and their Christian faith for their longevity. All remain active and independent in their old age.
The document provides background on the grandmother character in Flannery O'Connor's short story "A Good Man is Hard to Find." It describes her as manipulative and selfish, insisting the family visit an old house she remembers from her youth and leading them to an accident where they encounter a serial killer. The grandmother pleads for her life but is ultimately killed by the killer. The document examines themes of fate and God's grace in the story as portrayed through the grandmother's interactions with the killer.
The narrator describes their grandfather as a highly inspiring figure who taught them many valuable life lessons. As a young boy, the narrator was raised by their grandparents, and it was their grandfather who taught them how to be a man through his example. Their grandfather demonstrated the value of a strong work ethic, living truthfully, and striving to better oneself and one's community. The narrator draws life-long inspiration from the selfless and honorable man their grandfather was.
In Social Studies class, it's time to talk about "current events" from the newspaper. Three members of the Millionaire Kids Club - Isaiah, Sandy and Dennis - have agreed on a topic. They want to explain why so many homes in the community have "For Sale" signs. But their buddy, Stephanie, doesn't want to talk about this subject. After all, her family may have to sell their home too - and that has Stephanie terribly upset. Stephanie's dad has lost his job and can't pay for their home anymore. So will Stephanie's family be able to save their house? Or will they have to move out, and will Stephanie have to leave the neighborhood and her closest friends?
Washington Post Color of Money Selection
Winner 2009 EIFLE Award
Harold Gilson is the grandfather of the author, known for his phrase "tell me a story." The author records some of Gilson's best stories to preserve them for family. Gilson grew up poor and served in the Korean War. He met the author's grandmother Virginia at her cousin's wedding, where he was the best man. They went on their first date ice skating but she could barely stand, so he proposed a year later and they married in 1951.
Harold Gilson is the grandfather of the author, known for his phrase "tell me a story." The author records some of Gilson's childhood stories, including how he grew up poor without modern conveniences. Gilson also tells stories about meeting his wife Virginia when he was her cousin's best man, building a cottage in Rondeau Park over weekends with friends, and his experience serving in the Korean War stationed in Alaska, where he played on the hockey team.
This document provides background on the Langerak family and introduces the main characters. Kaylynn Langerak lives with her family in poverty in Portsmouth after her father's death. She works as a lady's maid for the wealthy Traveller family to help support her mother and siblings. After Tina Traveller gets married, Kaylynn loses her job and must find new work to continue providing for her ill mother and siblings. The story sets up Kaylynn's motivation to seek opportunities for a better life out west.
Celebrate Living History latest mini-magazine! Bev Wilkinson
William O'Brien moved from Liverpool, England to Manchester as a young man to help his uncle run a bakery. While working there, he met a woman named Lucy and the two eventually married. In the 1960s, they decided to move with their children to Sydney, Australia for new opportunities. William had a long career in construction and was a respected foreman before retiring at age 65. His advice is to be open to love and appreciate differences in others.
Stanley Semet has been reporting from New Jersey in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. In his reports, he discusses delivering supplies to those in need, including the National Guard and a single mother who lost her home. The cleanup efforts are ongoing, with destroyed homes and infrastructure being addressed. Power has returned to most areas, though some places remain uninhabitable. Relief organizations continue to bring supplies and support recovery.
1) Ally reluctantly agrees to go trick-or-treating with her friends but wants to be home by 9:30 for her spelling test.
2) While at an abandoned house, an old man gives them dolls that look exactly like them, frightening the girls.
3) After Ally falls and her friends leave her, the man explains that he used to be a doll maker and had made the dolls for the girls years ago according to their request, fulfilling a promise.
This document provides an update on the Wrongway legacy series. It recaps events from the previous installment, including Maddie scaring her siblings with a story and starting to plan a pirate radio station. It then shows several interconnected scenes: Hex has another nightmare about not aging; Maddie's friends confront her about punching a boy at a party; Rose struggles with her writing and spends time with her family; Maddie tells Lee about losing her friends; and Lance befriends a girl named Gold at the playground. The document links these scenes together to continue multiple storylines within the Wrongway family.
Keika arrives in Silver Bend after being dropped off by a pirate friend of Pony's. She wakes up on the beach with no memory of how she got there. After exploring, she runs into Thai who explains that Pony brought her to Silver Bend to help build the city. Pony confirms this and tells Keika that as part of joining, she will participate in a Who's Your Daddy challenge, despite just completing one in her own kingdom.
The document provides an overview of events in the Wrongway Legacy series. It summarizes Alice's birthday party, Grace becoming worried that her younger sister Alice will replace her, Grace reassuring Elizabeth, the family adopting a dog named Edward, Grace turning into a teenager and having her own birthday party in the woods planned by Whitney, Grace feeling alone at the party until meeting Penelope and Carl, and Grace talking with Orlando and deciding they can be friends. It concludes with the Wrongway family traveling to Twikki Island for a holiday.
The document provides biographical information about author Alex Finn and summarizes her novel Beastly. It discusses that the novel is a modern retelling of Beauty and the Beast where the main character Kyle is cursed by a witch to take on the appearance of a beast. It undergoes his transformation and struggles to find love to break the curse. The document also includes character summaries and plot details about Kyle's curse and his interactions with characters like Lindy as he tries to find love within the two year time limit.
This document summarizes events in the lives of several families in Simfield over the course of a day. Key events include:
1) Anna and Lydia Ryman start their first day of school and make new friends, including twin girls Victoria and Meg.
2) Liv Jalowitz gives birth to triplets - two boys named Eddie and Trick and a girl named Abigail.
3) Mia Ryman learns that her older brother Calvin has passed away, upsetting her greatly.
4) Huey Ryman has a birthday party where he becomes a teenager and his brother Stern becomes a child.
Evangeline left her home after her friend's wedding and moved into an unfinished house. She contacted a gypsy to set her up with David, her teenage love, but had no success. She later discovered David worked with her. They rekindled their romance and realized they still had strong feelings for each other. David proposed and they married, having a son named Aidan together a few years later. However, Evangeline was still curious about David's past and his relationship with Don Lothario.
Opus Legacy, Chapter 2: Gilgamesh's Clutchhippiereecee
Here is the second chapter of the Opus Joint Legacy, Chapter 2: Gilgamesh's Clutch. This chapter is written by hippielayla86.
This chapter you will finally hear what Gil had to ask Yuki...
This summary provides context and key details from the document in 3 sentences:
The document discusses recent world events that have increased tensions in Europe, with Sterling expressing concern that Germany will continue expanding its territory now that the Soviet Union has signed a non-aggression pact. Alice has been keeping up with the news and understands Nick and Sterling's worries about Germany's actions. The summary concludes with Sterling pouring himself a drink after Alice leaves, reflecting on the troubled state of international affairs.
Maddie's car breaks down in the desert outside a tiny town. She meets Ripp and Tank Grunt when seeking help. Ripp is unable to fix the car himself and recommends she wait a few days for his friend Johnny to return. Tank is reluctant to let Maddie stay at their house due to their father's dislike of outsiders. Instead, Maddie stays with Kristen, Erin, and Chloe. That night, the girls take Maddie to the small town's club, but she finds it lacks the atmosphere she prefers.
Maddie has been named the heir to the Wrongway legacy after Ralph returned to her. However, Maddie does not want the responsibility and feels she will be terrible at it. She is worried she will ruin the family. Hex and Lavender try to assure her that with her lineage, she has good odds of success. Lee points out that all of Maddie's ancestors have had families of their own, so the current line is very successful. Maddie remains unsure about taking on the role of heir.
The document summarizes the final chapter of a legacy challenge that began in 2005. It describes the wedding of Heir Yuri and his love interest Chris, who is already pregnant. After their wedding, the guests party and Chris gives birth to their son Zayne, completing the 10th and final generation. The document then shows what the past heirs and their families would look like grown up and provides a brief recap of each generation from the founding sim Asher to the current Heir Yuri and his new family.
The diary entry describes receiving a turban from Wendell in exchange for a small red turnip the writer had just planted the day before. This brings the writer one step closer to obtaining a golden axe. It also mentions finishing their island by planting the last money tree and decorating it with gold roses and a path.
This document summarizes interviews with four centenarians from Lusk, Wyoming: Hester Smith (103), Bess Ruffing (102), Genevieve Swope (100), and Bob Vollmer (95). It discusses their early lives, families, careers/jobs, and memories. They grew up in difficult circumstances but had fulfilling lives, getting married and raising children. They credit hard work, family, and their Christian faith for their longevity. All remain active and independent in their old age.
The document provides background on the grandmother character in Flannery O'Connor's short story "A Good Man is Hard to Find." It describes her as manipulative and selfish, insisting the family visit an old house she remembers from her youth and leading them to an accident where they encounter a serial killer. The grandmother pleads for her life but is ultimately killed by the killer. The document examines themes of fate and God's grace in the story as portrayed through the grandmother's interactions with the killer.
The narrator describes their grandfather as a highly inspiring figure who taught them many valuable life lessons. As a young boy, the narrator was raised by their grandparents, and it was their grandfather who taught them how to be a man through his example. Their grandfather demonstrated the value of a strong work ethic, living truthfully, and striving to better oneself and one's community. The narrator draws life-long inspiration from the selfless and honorable man their grandfather was.
In Social Studies class, it's time to talk about "current events" from the newspaper. Three members of the Millionaire Kids Club - Isaiah, Sandy and Dennis - have agreed on a topic. They want to explain why so many homes in the community have "For Sale" signs. But their buddy, Stephanie, doesn't want to talk about this subject. After all, her family may have to sell their home too - and that has Stephanie terribly upset. Stephanie's dad has lost his job and can't pay for their home anymore. So will Stephanie's family be able to save their house? Or will they have to move out, and will Stephanie have to leave the neighborhood and her closest friends?
Washington Post Color of Money Selection
Winner 2009 EIFLE Award
Harold Gilson is the grandfather of the author, known for his phrase "tell me a story." The author records some of Gilson's best stories to preserve them for family. Gilson grew up poor and served in the Korean War. He met the author's grandmother Virginia at her cousin's wedding, where he was the best man. They went on their first date ice skating but she could barely stand, so he proposed a year later and they married in 1951.
Harold Gilson is the grandfather of the author, known for his phrase "tell me a story." The author records some of Gilson's childhood stories, including how he grew up poor without modern conveniences. Gilson also tells stories about meeting his wife Virginia when he was her cousin's best man, building a cottage in Rondeau Park over weekends with friends, and his experience serving in the Korean War stationed in Alaska, where he played on the hockey team.
This document provides background on the Langerak family and introduces the main characters. Kaylynn Langerak lives with her family in poverty in Portsmouth after her father's death. She works as a lady's maid for the wealthy Traveller family to help support her mother and siblings. After Tina Traveller gets married, Kaylynn loses her job and must find new work to continue providing for her ill mother and siblings. The story sets up Kaylynn's motivation to seek opportunities for a better life out west.
Celebrate Living History latest mini-magazine! Bev Wilkinson
William O'Brien moved from Liverpool, England to Manchester as a young man to help his uncle run a bakery. While working there, he met a woman named Lucy and the two eventually married. In the 1960s, they decided to move with their children to Sydney, Australia for new opportunities. William had a long career in construction and was a respected foreman before retiring at age 65. His advice is to be open to love and appreciate differences in others.
The document outlines the constitution and bylaws of the Broadway-Flushing Homeowners' Association. It defines the area covered by the association and its objectives, which include maintaining single-family homes, uniting homeowners, and representing the community before government agencies. It describes membership requirements and voting procedures. It establishes officer positions like President and Treasurer and outlines their duties. It also discusses committees, dues, meetings, amendments, and dissolution procedures.
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10th International Government Relations Forumwhitezefir2018
Step into the premier gathering of professionals in Government Relations, lobbying, advocacy, political communications, and regulatory strategy. The 10th Annual International Government Relations Forum, organized by IGAPA (International Government Affairs Professional Association), brings together over 600 experts from 16 countries to define the future of the field.
For over a decade, IGAPA has been the leading platform for professionals in government relations, fostering collaboration, knowledge exchange, and the advancement of a transparent and effective global Government Relations agenda. This milestone event in Washington, D.C., will bring together experts, policymakers, and industry leaders to engage in critical discussions on the development of transparent dialogue between business, society, and the state. Attendees will gain actionable insights, explore emerging trends, and build strategic connections that drive meaningful change.
10th International Government Relations Forumwhitezefir2018
Seascape Ayr | Seascape stories 2018
1. Every journey into and out of
homelessness is different.
Every person is unique.
Here are just a few of their
2. Andy’s story…
Aged 62, Andy left home at 16 and served round the
world with the Royal Navy before working in skilled
jobs in industry back in Scotland
After two heart attacks Andy lost his work, money
became tight and also his marriage broke down.
Now out of work and with no partner he gave up his
home in Irvine with the intention of moving in with his
mother to look after her.
Unfortunately, his mother was suffering with dementia
and no longer recognised him or any of the family and
did not want this “stranger” in the house.
3. “It was heart breaking to see my mother
react to me like that, but what was I to do?
So I moved into the garden shed instead.
”It was only when Andy mentioned in passing to
someone in the pub that he was living in a shed that
they said “that makes you homeless mate”.
“I didn’t think of myself as homeless. I’ve
always looked after myself and I’ve always
coped. After twenty two years in the navy I
thought, I can cope with a shed”.
4. Andy went the next day to the council and
was formally assessed as homeless and
referred to Seascape for support.
Seascape was able to help Andy with benefits claims
and was offered help with a deposit guarantee to
move into a private rented flat.
But at 62, what bothered him was having the certainty
of a permanent home. In the end he was offered an
unfurnished council flat just before Christmas.
Just a wee sting in the tail. When he moved in, there
was nothing, no curtains, no carpet and nowhere to
sit down.
Here, Seascape was able to help with small grants to
provide curtains and carpets and the Pass it On
scheme provided donations of furniture and
5. Steve’s story…
Steve had been with his partner for 19 years and had a
young son with his partner when things began to fall
Having moved in with his brother, he was still taking
custody of his son over weekends and unknown to him,
his ex-partner had run up credit debts and arrears on
their old council property which he was being held liable
for. “Money was very tight already, I found I had debts of
5 or 6 thousand which my ex-partner had run up”.
He ended up living in his car. Steve was working
throughout as a janitor, “I thought I was keeping on top of
everything but people at work could see that I was
getting dishevelled and looking down”.
6. There comes a time when favours are exhausted, and
Steve had to leave his brother’s home. He ended up
living in his car after that. Steve was working throughout
as a janitor,
“I thought I was keeping on top of
everything but people at work could see
that I was getting dishevelled and
looking down”
In fact, Steve was having a “complete nervous
breakdown” in his words, his GP found he was severely
clinically depressed and was shocked enough at his
condition to refer him to a psychiatrist.
“At that time I didn’t look out of the window
and see the birds and the trees. I saw the drop.
I would have done it in a heartbeat”.
7. “I got through it no thanks to
anyone except Seascape..
..without them, nothing was happening, with
them all of a sudden the “homeless” machinery
started working. After Seascape’s intervention, I
was given a permanent flat. They helped sort
out my tax credits for my son, which it turned
out was going to my partner when it should have
been coming to me…this took seascape six
months to sort out…in the meantime we were
8. Fahim grew up with the war. In
Afghanistan his family was doing well, his
father a colonel in the Air Force and all his
siblings have all been to university. His
dream was to become a civil engineer.
When the UK and US became involved in
the Afghan conflicts all that changed.
Because of his English language, for two
years Fahim became a liaison officer for
UK troops, translating between English
and Pashto and Dari.
After the British withdrawal of troops in
2014, Fahim faced an uncertain and
unsafe future in Afghanistan because of
his work with the UK troops. Quite
literally, there was a price on his head.
Fahim’s story…
9. Fahim was eventually allowed to come to the UK as
a refugee. The day he arrived in Scotland from
Afghanistan Fahim described it as “Day Zero”.
“In Afghanistan my brother and I had to fetch water
for the family from miles away, running to dodge
bullets. In Scotland, there were no bullets, but when
I arrived here I faced other problems. I had nothing
and no idea of what I would do here, how I would
live, even where to shop”.
Seascape’s refugee resettlement project met
“They helped me with everything from opening a
bank account to shopping. They even travelled with
me to Glasgow to arrange my National Insurance
Number. There is nothing like it in Afghanistan. I
would never have found my way around the system
without Seascape’s help.”
10. For the first 18 months, the terms of Fahim’s
visa did not allow him to study or to work, so
after a while he had had “enough of being on
He began doing voluntary work for Seascape
using his translating skills in Seascape’s
refugee resettlement program.
Fahim is now a paid employee of Seascape
working as a Housing Support worker in our
Early Interventions team.
“The job entails a lot of listening to people
who have come for help, not to do things for
them but supporting them to help themselves
through problems they face. Although my
problems in Afghanistan were very different, I
have a lot of empathy with people who face
daily difficulties just getting by in life”.
11. Paul’s story…
“I have always been a gambler I would
say, I had my first bet aged 10 would you
believe? Over the years I must have
wasted a hundred, two hundred
thousand. If I had money in my hand, I
knew I would gamble. I can put my
homeless problem solely down to my
addiction, to my problems”
Paul, now fifty, is Govan born and bred. He
worked for the Council after leaving school and
since then he has worked on and off in the
hospitality industry.
After his father died his mother moved back to
County Antrim and Paul went over to Northern
Island in ’95 to be with her.
12. In Northern Ireland, he was supposed to be helping
his mother out but, still gambling -
“I dragged her down. She had put a roof over my
head but instead of me supporting her she was
supporting me.”
As his mum’s health ran down she moved into
supported accommodation back in Glasgow.
“I held onto the house for a while but lost it in 2015
because of debt and not paying the rent. It was the
family house we all grew up in, so that was that, all
the memories gone.”
Paul ended up at his sister’s house in Ayr “on his
knees” after a last gambling spree. Despite knowing
his history, she took him in and took him to Gamblers
13. That was when Seascape became involved with Paul. The
Council initially placed Paul in hostel accommodation –
“It was horrible, not fit for purpose in my opinion”.
Seascape helped him to get into a permanent
accommodation with South Ayrshire Council. “Seascape
were terrific, they helped with getting benefits sorted and
found a flat that was homely”.
Seascape also allocated a Support Worker to follow-up
with Paul. “I’m not sure what I would have done without
that. Family are great, but sometimes there is stuff you
don’t want to discuss with family. It was great to just have
someone to talk to.”
Paul now looks forward to a future. “I need to get back
working and earning. I don’t like just being on the sick
with depression. Then someone at Seascape mentioned
volunteering for ‘Touch Base’ (Seascape’s telephone
follow-up service), I thought that I could do that.”