2. Avat ars
? What is an avatar?
? An avatar is referred to as a representation of
the user in cyberspace.
? It improves social presence in SL
? Avatars can be agents, static or 3D
? SL allows you to truly customize avatars
3. Agent s
? What is an agent?
? Earlier forms of modern avatars were referred
to as the ¡°PERSONAL AGENT¡± and the
¡°INTELLIGENT AGENT¡± (Johnson, 1997)
? ¡°Agent¡± stands for avatar.
4. Personal Agent s
? Personal agents : fetches data and returns the
value in the form of something users can
relate to.
Source: https://help.lycos.com/dog.gif
Source: http://www.honkernet.net/images/askjeeves.gif
5. I nt el l i gent Agent s
? Intelligent agents: are designed to monitor
your everyday progress and assist.
Source: http://secretgeek.net/image/Search_over_engineered.jpg
Source: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/124/419547045_de7c79e6b4_o.jpg
Source: http://www.biancolo.com/jim/search_dog.jpg
6. Ref erri ng t o agent s
? Johnson says this about avatars:
? Instead of space, those zeros and ones are
organized into something closer to an
individual, with temperament, and physical
appearance. (Johnson, 1997)
Source: http://www.hit.ro/downloads/2007_07/t_Yahoo_Messenger_.jpg
7. St at i c Avat ars
? Avatars can be static images:
? These types of images can be used in forums,
instant message, or blogs.
? They represent users personality and interest.
Source: http://www.avatarist.com
8. SL Avat ars
? SL Avatars are 3D and Advanced:
? SL allows users to create ¡°look alike¡± avatars
? These avatars are more controllable and
Source: http://www.2ndlook.org/
9. New Faces i n Cyberspace
? Real life to Second life
Source: http://www.secondlifemarketingtips.com
Source: http://www.boston.com/business/technology/articles/2006/07/21/virtual_marketing
10. Soci al Presence Theory
? Social Presence is: the process by which
someone comes to know and think about
other people¡¯s characteristics and qualities.
? As a result the presence leads to a better
person perception.
11. Soci al Presence i n act i on
wi t h SL
? SL provides the ability to communicate with a
sense of proximity and tangibility that is
accepted in the virtual world.
? SL can enhance the class room interaction
? SL can help college admissions offices relate
to prospective students
? SL can be used with employers for job
12. Sai nt Leo Uni versi t y i n
? Saint Leo University contains an
informational video on their virtual campus.
? The video discusses Online Learning for
13. Fi rst Li f e / Second
Li f e? Bringing the first life into Second Life and
vice versa.
? Avatars help us transform
Video clip key points: Loading Program / Residual Self Image / Mental Projection of
your digital self / What is real?
Load Video
Source: http://www.avatarist.com/avatars/Movies/The-Matrix/page2/
14. FromAvat ars t o
Hol ograms
? CNN broadcasted their first interviews using
hologram technology
? Will holograms transform the way we interact
with others?
? Maybe we will be able to participate in SL as
ourselves instead of using avatars¡
Load Video
Source: http://www.news.com.au/common/imagedata/0,,6338968,00.jpg
15. Looki ng Forward
? Second Life has truly redefined the way
avatars can be used in the virtual world
? A true sense of community can be achieved
? SL has a bright future with new technology